Job description of the head of the labor protection service. Head of labor protection department Looking for a job Head of labor protection department

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Applicant requirements:

Higher education ("Technospheric security" or relevant training in this direction to ensure security production activities); Experience in construction organization or in industrial production; Experience in operation or construction of nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, thermal power plants is welcome. PC-confident user.

Wage: from 42000 rub. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher specialized education; - Confident PC user; - Experience working with regulatory authorities.

Salary: from 60,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Availability of a special higher education in the field of labor protection or the presence of professional retraining - Work experience from 3 years

Salary: from 120,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Work experience and participation in the implementation of oil and gas projects Must know: - Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on labor protection - Main technological processes production of the enterprise - Methods for studying working conditions in the workplace - Organization of work on labor protection - The system of labor safety standards - Psychophysiological requirements for employees, based on the category of severity of work, restrictions on the use of labor of women, adolescents and other workers transferred to light work - Features operation of equipment used at the enterprise - Rules and means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of equipment with the requirements for safe work - Rules and norms of labor protection

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education or specialized secondary education. Experience on similar position from 3 years old. PC is a confident user. Responsibility, high performance.

Salary: up to 91955 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher technical education and / or additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection in the direction "Technospheric safety. Ensuring the safety of production activities"; 3 years experience in a similar position; knowledge of the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, guidelines and normative documents regulating issues of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, electrical safety; experience in accident investigations; experience of passing inspections by authorities executive power: Rostekhnadzor, Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire supervision), State Labor Inspectorate; knowledge of the procedure and deadlines for compiling reports on the implementation of labor protection measures and industrial safety; availability of attestation for labor protection, industrial and fire safety, electrical safety; Confident PC user (MS Office: Word, Excel).

Salary: from 180,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education and additional specialized in health, safety and security, - Work experience in manufacturing enterprises(with the presence of hazardous / harmful factors) is required, - Experience in successful interaction with inspection bodies, - Work in a large manufacturing company with more than 5,000 people, - Experience in managing a team of 10 people or more.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education in labor protection; Successful work experience in labor protection in outsourcing companies from 3 years, Experience in organizing an OT system from scratch; Confident knowledge of regulatory documentation (GOSTs, SNIPs, etc.); Experience in developing, implementing and monitoring the implementation of standards and measures to comply with the requirements in terms of industrial safety, labor protection and fire safety, Communication skills; Leadership skills.

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 70,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education. 3 years experience in a relevant position. Knowledge is desirable of English language. Knowledge of MS Office, 1C. Knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection, fire and industrial safety. Experience of working with state administrative and supervisory authorities. Responsibility, care. Availability of a valid certification of Rostekhnadzor for industrial safety A1, B9.31 (lifting structures), B8.23 (equipment operating under pressure).

Applicant requirements:

Education: higher technical; At least 5 years of experience in a managerial position; Confident PC user; Confident knowledge of regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety and labor protection; Confident knowledge of 116-FZ; Certification in the field of industrial safety; Personal qualities: sociability, responsibility.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in monolithic high-rise residential construction is MANDATORY; Knowledge of the specifics of conducting construction activities in Moscow; Knowledge of the rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation safety and fire protection; Knowledge of the rules, regulations and instructions for electrical safety and fire safety to the extent appropriate to job duties.

Salary: from 70,000 to 110,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety"; Experience in independent leadership in the field of labor protection; Ability to independently organize and manage projects, including with the participation of related departments; Ability to work independently and with a large amount of information, the ability to withstand tight deadlines when performing work; Responsibility, attentiveness, punctuality, stress tolerance. Knowledge and practical skills in organizing and coordinating construction and installation finishing works. Skills in organizing and maintaining workflow for the coordination of construction. Knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts in the field of health, safety, fire safety, civil defense and emergency situations, ecology.

Salary: from 60,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of laws and regulations, methodological materials on labor protection

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education; 3 years experience in a similar position; experienced PC user; responsibility, sociability, accuracy, initiative, purposefulness.

Salary: from 52,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education Similar work experience from 3 years Work experience in the field of occupational health and safety. Knowledge of labor protection legislation. Knowledge of labor protection rules and regulations, labor safety system standards and other regulatory and methodological documents.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher technical education. Knowledge of the computer at the level of a confident user of MS Office, AutoCad, SolidWorks (welcome). At least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical positions.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience in this position in production (STRICTLY!) from 3 years is required; Higher technical education; Additional education (or advanced training) in the field of labor protection; diligence, responsibility, attentiveness; PC - confident user

Salary: up to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher education work experience in health and safety in construction from 5 years, incl. more than 3 years as the head of the department positive experience in the prevention of accidents at work

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience in this position in production (STRICTLY!) from 3 years is required; Higher technical education; Additional education (or advanced training) in the field of labor protection; diligence, responsibility, attentiveness; PC - confident user (Word, Excel, 1C)

Salary: up to 80,000 rubles per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Education, work experience: - Higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" or the corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection; - At least 5 years of work experience in the field of labor protection. Knowledge regulatory framework: - regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection; - state regulatory requirements for labor protection; - system of labor safety standards; - methodological materials on labor protection issues; - norms on the organization of work on labor protection; - methods for studying working conditions in the workplace; - basic technological processes and modes of production; - rules and means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the equipment with the requirements for safe work; - the procedure for conducting accident investigations; !!! Experience of interaction with state bodies on supervision in the field of labor protection

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Education: higher technical profile. Experience in occupational safety, fire safety environment in production for 5 years. Knowledge of MS Office at the level of a confident user. Knowledge of labor legislation, legislative, regulatory, legal acts on labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection, experience in issuing orders, investigating accidents, conducting attestation of workplaces.

Salary: from 54,000 to 62,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

More than 10 years of work experience in the energy sector, more than 5 years in a managerial position and in labor protection, higher education (construction or energy).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher education. At least 5 years of experience in similar work in a general contractor (construction of energy facilities).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Preferably higher education, work experience in a similar field.

Salary: up to 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

1 year experience in a similar position. Ability to work in a team. Knowledge of new trends in safety and labor protection

Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher technical education; At least 3 years of work experience in the field of labor protection; Experience in organizations with more than 1000 employees is desirable; MANDATORY practical experience in preparing and conducting certification of workplaces; Confident PC user - MS Office, Internet; The skill of searching, selecting and analyzing information; Excellent knowledge of the OT regulatory framework, maintaining OT documentation; Ability to work with people.

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the position of head of the labor protection department for at least 3 years. - Knowledge of legislative and legal acts, methodological materials on labor protection issues. - Experience in developing instructions and regulatory documents on labor protection and safety.

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For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as to have necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

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Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

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When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

According to the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is - 84,818. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
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Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

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Job description
head of labor protection department[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other normative acts regulating labor relations In Russian federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. The head of the labor protection department belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in labor protection in engineering and technical and managerial positions for at least [value] years is appointed to the position of head of the labor protection department.

1.3. Appointment to the position of the head of the labor protection department and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4. The Head of the Occupational Safety and Health Department reports directly to [insert as appropriate].

1.5. During the absence of the head of the labor protection department (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (and in the absence of a deputy, by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise), who is fully responsible for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation.

1.6. In his activities, the head of the labor protection department is guided by:

Legislative and regulations on labor protection issues;

Methodological materials on labor protection;

the Charter of the enterprise;

Rules work schedule enterprises, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise;

This job description.

1.7. The head of the labor protection department should know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on labor protection issues;

production and organizational structure enterprises;

Enterprise equipment and principles of its work;

Basic technological processes;

Methods for studying working conditions in the workplace;

Organization of work on labor protection;

Psychophysiological requirements for employees, taking into account the category of severity of work, restrictions on the use of labor by women, adolescents, workers transferred to light work;

Rules and means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of equipment with the requirements for safe work;

Procedure for investigating accidents at the enterprise;

Advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of labor protection;

Methods and forms of propaganda and information materials on labor protection;

The procedure and terms for reporting on the implementation of labor protection measures;

Labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Internal labor regulations.

II. Functions

The following functions are assigned to the head of the labor protection department:

2.1. Organization and coordination of work on labor protection at the enterprise.

2.2. Interaction with third parties in the course of implementation of their official duties.

2.3. Monitoring compliance in the structural divisions of the enterprise with legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

2.4. Participation in the coordination of the developed at the enterprise project documentation in order to comply with labor protection requirements.

2.5. Methodological assistance to the heads of departments of the enterprise on labor protection issues.

2.6. Providing training on labor protection for employees of the enterprise.

2.7. Organization of propaganda of knowledge on labor protection issues at the enterprise.

III. Job Responsibilities

Head of labor protection department:

3.1. Organizes and coordinates work on labor protection at the enterprise, monitors compliance with the structural subdivisions of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection, preventive work on the prevention of industrial injuries, occupational and production-related diseases, measures to create healthy and safe conditions labor at the enterprise, for providing employees with established benefits and compensations for working conditions.

3.2. Organizes the study of working conditions at workplaces, work on measuring the parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, attestation and certification of workplaces and production equipment for compliance with labor protection requirements, controls the timeliness of the planned activities.

3.3. Participates in the investigation of accidents at the enterprise and the development of measures to prevent them.

In the event of an accident at work, takes urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons.

3.4. Informs employees on behalf of the employer about the state of working conditions at the workplace, as well as about the measures taken to protect against dangerous and harmful production factors, ensures the preparation of documents for the payment of compensation for harm caused to the health of employees as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease.

3.5. Organizes inspections, inspections of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms for compliance with their requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, inspections of the efficiency of ventilation systems, the condition of sanitary facilities, collective and personal protection workers. Controls the timeliness of these checks.

3.6. Ensures the participation of department employees in the preparation and submission of proposals for the development and implementation of more advanced designs of fencing equipment, safety and blocking devices, other means of protection against the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors, the development and implementation of measures to create safe and healthy working conditions, rational working modes and rest.

3.7. Participates in the preparation of the section "Labor protection" collective agreement, exercises control over its implementation, as well as over the implementation of instructions from state supervision and control bodies, and other measures to improve working conditions.

3.8. Participates in the coordination of project documentation developed at the enterprise, in the work of commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction or reconstructed industrial facilities, for the acceptance of installations, units and other equipment from repair in terms of compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

3.9. Provides methodological assistance to the heads of departments of the enterprise in compiling lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of current legislation, employees are provided with compensation and benefits for hard, harmful or dangerous working conditions, in the development and revision of labor protection instructions, enterprise standards for labor safety.

3.10. Ensures the introduction and repeated briefings, training and testing of knowledge on labor protection of employees of the enterprise.

3.11. Controls the correctness of spending funds for the implementation of labor protection measures in the divisions of the enterprise, analyzes and summarizes proposals for their spending and prepares justifications for allocating funds to the enterprise from the territorial labor protection fund for measures to improve working conditions and labor protection.

3.12. Organizes the work of the office on labor protection, propaganda and information on labor protection issues at the enterprise using for these purposes an internal radio network, television, wall newspapers, shop windows, providing enterprise units with rules, norms, instructions, posters and other visual aids on labor protection, and also providing them with methodological assistance in equipping the relevant information stands.

3.13. Brings to the attention of the employees of the enterprise the new legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection that are being put into effect, organizes the storage of documentation on labor protection, the preparation of reports in accordance with established forms and in accordance with the deadlines established by regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

3.14. Participates in the consideration of letters, applications and complaints from employees on labor protection issues and the preparation of proposals on them to the employer to eliminate existing and identified shortcomings and omissions during investigations, as well as preparing responses to applicants.

3.15. Communicates with medical institutions, research and other organizations on labor protection issues and takes measures to implement their recommendations.

3.16. Manages department employees.

3.17. [Enter as required].

IV. Rights

The head of the labor protection department has the right to:

4.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management regarding the activities of the labor protection department.

4.2. Communicate with the leaders of all (individual) structural divisions enterprises.

4.3. Give the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists binding instructions on labor protection issues.

4.4. Involve specialists and employees of structural divisions of the enterprise and other organizations to participate in meetings on labor protection issues.

4.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

4.6. Contribute to in due course proposals to encourage distinguished employees, to impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

4.7. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of official duties.

4.8. [Enter as required].

V. Responsibility

The head of the labor protection department is responsible for:

5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. [Enter as required].

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

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Head of labor protection service

Job responsibilities. Organizes and coordinates work on labor protection in the organization. Organizes, participates in the development and controls the functioning of the labor protection management system in the organization in accordance with the state regulatory requirements for labor protection, with the goals and objectives of the organization, recommendations of interstate and national standards in the field of labor safety and protection. Determines and systematically adjusts the directions for the development of the professional risk management system in the organization based on monitoring changes in legislation and best practices in the field of labor protection, as well as based on the modernization of technical equipment, goals and objectives of the organization. Organizes control over compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection in the structural divisions of the organization, carrying out preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, the implementation of measures aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions in the organization, providing employees with established compensations for working conditions. Organizes informing employees about the state of conditions and labor protection at the workplace, existing professional risks, about compensations due to employees for hard work, work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor and other special conditions labor and personal protective equipment, as well as measures to protect workers from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors. Organizes control over the timeliness and completeness of providing employees of the organization special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk and other equivalent products nutrition. Organizes control over the condition and serviceability of personal and collective protective equipment. Identifies the need for training employees in the field of labor protection based on state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as labor protection requirements established by the rules and instructions for labor protection, controls the conduct of briefings (introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted) of employees on labor protection issues . Monitors the implementation of the budget of the organization in the field of labor protection and evaluates the effectiveness of the use of financial resources in terms of achieving the goals and objectives. Develops proposals to improve the effectiveness of measures to improve conditions and labor protection. Controls the targeted use of funds for the implementation of measures to improve conditions and labor protection. Takes part in the work of the commission for attestation of workplaces for working conditions, organizes the interaction of members of the attestation commission for attestation of workplaces for working conditions, established in the organization in the prescribed manner. Participates in the development of sections of the collective agreement in terms of preparing measures to improve working conditions and labor protection in the organization, as well as the rights and obligations of employees and management of the organization in the field of compliance with labor protection requirements, supervises the work on preparing proposals from structural divisions of the organization for inclusion in the improvement action plan conditions and labor protection. Organizes and participates in the work to determine the contingent of employees subject to mandatory preliminary upon employment and periodic medical examinations, pre-trip (post-trip) and pre-shift (post-shift) examinations. Provides methodological assistance to the heads of structural divisions of the organization in the development of new and revision of existing instructions on labor protection, as well as in the preparation of programs for training employees in safe methods and methods of work. Organizes work on the preparation of technical specifications for the provision of services in the field of labor protection, the supply of personal and collective protective equipment, as well as the evaluation of proposals received from suppliers of personal and collective protective equipment for their supply. Organizes and participates in the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases, analysis of the causes of occupational injuries, occupational diseases, in the development of measures to prevent them. Carries out the development of measures to increase the level of interest of employees in improving conditions and labor protection. Organizes and participates, together with other structural divisions of the organization, in the development of plans and programs to improve working conditions and labor protection, eliminate or minimize occupational risks. Organizes control over compliance with the requirements of labor protection, safe practices and methods of work during the practice of students of institutions of secondary and higher vocational education and labor training of schoolchildren. Organizes and controls the timely preparation and submission of reports in the prescribed form. Supervises employees of the labor protection service.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection; state regulatory requirements for labor protection; international treaties in the field of labor protection ratified by the Russian Federation; national and interstate standards in the field of safety and labor protection; labor protection requirements established by labor protection rules and instructions; office work and methodological documents on labor protection issues; the procedure for assessing the level of professional risk; the basics of planning measures to improve working conditions and evaluate their effectiveness; the production and organizational structure of the organization, the main technological processes and production modes: types of equipment used and rules for its operation; methods for studying working conditions in the workplace; the main methods of reducing the impact of harmful production factors on the human body; psychophysiological requirements for employees; rules and means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the equipment with the requirements for safe work; the procedure for conducting accident investigations; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of labor protection; the procedure and terms for compiling reports on the implementation of labor protection measures; fundamentals of economics and budgeting, organization of production, labor and management.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the direction of training "Technospheric safety" or corresponding areas of training (specialties) in ensuring the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience in the field of labor protection for at least 5 years .