How to justify a pay rise. How to ask for a pay rise: expert advice. Your colleagues in similar positions get paid more

Today we will talk about the most popular ways to raise your salary and find out how Russian workers achieve an increase?

According to a survey conducted by the portal in July this year, every second Russian (58%) was able to get a salary increase from his superiors. Agree, quite inspiring statistics. Far fewer employees (only 13%) ended their payroll conversations with layoffs. We dare to suggest that these unfortunate people started the wrong conversations and at the wrong time. Let's look at the most famous ways to increase your salary and evaluate their effectiveness.

Sober argumentation

More than half of Russians (52%) use the most adequate method of getting a raise - they clearly argue the need for a salary increase. In the business world, this is the most rational way, since it does not put the employee in the humiliating position of asking and does not force him to use not very beautiful methods like rumors and intrigues. Salary discussion in this case- These are business negotiations, where two full partners during the conversation give various arguments, and if the employee has managed to indicate a sufficient number of reasons for increasing wages, then he will achieve the desired result.

This situation usually occurs in a spherical office in a vacuum. In real life, the ideal conversation includes such unpleasant things as the boss's stubbornness, his bad mood, the state of affairs in the company, and even your own inadequacy as a persuasive speaker. Dozens of times rehearsed at home, a brilliant monologue on the carpet at the boss suddenly turns into a thin porridge, after which, not only to get a raise - no matter how fired!

It is not surprising that in this situation, employees are forced to apply other methods of raising their wages to their loved ones.


Before reading the article, we invite you to take the Salary Expectations Test "Salary Calculator" and get personal advice on how to increase wages. You will receive reliable information about average salary according to your position in your city and detailed advice for you personally on how to increase your salary.

The figure shows in descending order the average salary of the most popular positions - from the store manager to the cleaning lady. Salaries are valid for Moscow for the summer of 2015.

In many regions of the country, the income of workers in similar positions is only a third of the above figures. Therefore, the issue of increasing salaries for them is even more acute. How to get a wage increase legally? And what methods do Russians use to achieve this goal?

I'm tired, I'm leaving
Blackmailing management into moving to a new, better paid job is the most common way to express your dissatisfaction with your salary. This technique is preferred by about 43% of Russian workers.

I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles
About 21% of employees before an ultimatum to the authorities try to get a promotion in the current company. As a rule, for career growth followed by an increase in wages.

For myself and for that guy
15% of employees are ready to take on additional work to raise the topic of a salary increase. Horizontal growth, expansion functional duties makes such employees universal specialists in demand in the labor market. And the management benefits from efficient and proactive employees who are not afraid of overtime.

Slowly but surely
About 2% of employees rely on the conscientiousness and sensitivity of the employer. Say, the boss sees how long the employee has been working in one place, what benefits the company brings, and he himself will finally guess to raise the salary.

Both the Swiss and the reaper
More than 2% are ready to imitate vigorous activity for the sake of salary increase. It is these workers who love all kinds of meetings - they seem to be busy all the time, not a minute free, but there is no sense.

Stop, car!
Some employees (1.5%) are willing to go on strike to get a pay rise.

To evaluate the effectiveness of these methods, we asked Veronica Krasnopolskaya, independent HR consultant of the project:

The smartest way to increase your pay is a personal conversation with your boss. The conversation should not be reduced to listing your financial difficulties (mortgage, credit) and groundless requests to raise your salary. Stock up on arguments in favor of your highly qualified and effective work. For clarity, provide all the numbers. All this will help to convince the head that you bring significant dividends to the company.

Many companies form personnel reserve try to get into it. And when a vacancy opens up for a higher position, do not miss your chance. Take the initiative, prepare ideas for improving the work of the department and propose your candidacy.

With experience comes skill, so you can perform your duties faster and more efficiently. So tell your boss about it. Tell me what for the same working time you can do more work or functions of a related specialist for higher pay.

Blackmail is an unconstructive method, it should be resorted to only as a last resort, having a real offer from competitors in your hands. You may not scare your bosses with your transfer to another company, and in the end you will have to quit. The method works only if you are a truly unique specialist and all competitors are “hunting” for you.

Don't rely on your boss to decide on your own to give you a raise just because you've been in the office for decades. Equally unpromising will be attempts to raise the level of pay through strikes or the manifestation of false activity, which is visible to the naked eye.

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Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The mercantile issue of wage increases is always considered inconvenient and "delicious" in our society. However, a person who knows his worth well will be able to find ways to resolve this issue, and will have a direct conversation with his superiors. Today we will look at the advice of experienced people on how to worthily ask for a salary increase.

When to ask for a pay rise? Choosing the right moment

As you know, the management of any company is not too hasty with raising the wages of its employees until it is interested in their more vigorous activity, while increasing their efficiency. Wage increases are often leverage on employees, a means of stimulating their involvement in business rewards for good work with the prospect of a "better" job. Thus, a person who decides to ask the management of the company for a salary increase must “collect into an iron fist” all his emotions, and very thoroughly think over the argument .

How do you prepare for a pay raise? Decide on the arguments

  1. Before you start talking about a pay rise, you should accurately identify all your positive qualities, as well as your significant role in the work the whole team. Remember and first list for yourself all your merits, production achievements and victories. If you had any special rewards - diplomas, thanks, it is worth remembering them and then mentioning them in a conversation.
  2. In order to ask for a pay rise, you must know the amount you are claiming , it must be considered in advance. It often happens that the salary of an employee is raised by an amount not exceeding 10% of his previous salary. But there is a little trick here - to ask for an amount a little more than the salary, so that the boss, haggling a little and lowering your bar, still stops at those 10% that you were counting on at the beginning.
  3. In advance you must drop a pleading tone , any "pressure on pity" in the expectation that the boss's heart will tremble. Tune in for a serious conversation, because this, in fact, is a business negotiation necessary in normal work. Like any business negotiations, this process requires an accurate formulation of a business plan - it must be drawn up when you are going to go to the authorities.
  4. Before an important conversation, you need to determine for themselves the range of questions that can be asked to you, and also think over the exact and most reasoned answers on them. Insecure people can rehearse this conversation with any other understanding person, or even go to a psychologist for a consultation .

In the West, periodic reminders to management about the increase in wages are an element of work culture. In Russia, however, workers who initiate talks about salary increases are often perceived as upstarts. But what to do if the volume of work is growing, and the management is in no hurry to please the news of an increase in wages? The main thing is to cope with emotions and carefully consider the argument.

The research center of the recruiting portal site, together with the heads of domestic enterprises and organizations, found out what arguments would help to achieve a salary increase, and also analyzed the most common mistakes made by employees in such a situation.

Calmness and only calmness
Obviously, like any important conversation, the conversation about a salary increase should not be started “on emotions”. Phrases like: “I work like a slave without lunch and days off”, “I work alone in my department” or “If you don’t raise your salary, I’ll quit”, most likely, will not cause the desire of management to increase your salary. Moreover, they can lead to unfortunate consequences, such as delaying a long-awaited promotion or, which is also not very pleasant, ruin your business reputation.

Choosing the right time to talk is also important. This should be a time period that is convenient for your manager and successful for the company (seasonal increase in sales, etc.).

But the most important thing is a clear understanding of what arguments should be given to prove that not only your personal budget, but also the company will benefit from an increase in your salary.

Merit to the Fatherland
Almost every third manager (32%) is sure that only the employee who has made a personal contribution to the development and prosperity of his native company deserves a salary increase. At the same time, it is important that the employee's opinion about the significance of his own merits coincides with the point of view of his superiors. “A real increase should be based on a person’s real dedication to the cause he serves”; “If an employee documents his contribution to the development of the company, then he can apply for an increase in the amount of remuneration,” the managers explain their position.

I work like a bee
28% of managers consider new responsibilities, an increase in the volume of work and an expansion of the employee's area of ​​responsibility to be good ground for starting a conversation about increasing wages. “If they give me the facts of increasing the functionality, of course, the salary will be revised upwards”; “You have to pay for new duties in a new way,” they comment.

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes
Advanced training, mastering new computer programs acquired in the process professional activity knowledge and experience - the presence of such baggage allows you to declare yourself as a more qualified, and therefore more expensive specialist. 17% of managers are sure of this: “Time passes, and the employee becomes more experienced”; “Knowledge acquired during the work is a weighty argument.”

Pro with character
Such personal qualities as determination and perseverance, combined with professionalism, are a serious bid for success. It is not a sin for such a specialist to raise his salary, - 9% of managers believe. “Convince me, which means that it’s worth something in the work”; “I love people who adequately evaluate themselves,” they comment.

Homemade preparations
And finally, an important point: in order for the conversation with the management to increase the salary to be successful, all the arguments that you plan to present to the management during the conversation should be written out on a separate sheet of paper or in a notebook, emphasizing the most important ones - it will be easier to deal with excitement and competently build a dialogue. The "Cheat Sheet" should also contain your initial and extended functionality and the amount of the desired salary. If you strongly doubt your readiness for a conversation, rehearse a conversation with the boss at home in front of a mirror.

But don't expect a pay rise if you:

- did not give serious arguments - in other words, you yourself do not fully understand or are not able to formulate why you should increase your salary;

- they chose the wrong time - the conversation took place at the wrong time (seasonal decline in sales, high employment of the head, etc.);

- overestimated their importance - it is unlikely that the manager will be pleased with inflated salary expectations without existing grounds;

- do not have tangible achievements - unsatisfactory results of work, failure to fulfill the plan;

- not confident in their abilities - a pessimistic and compassionate tone is not at all what your manager wants to hear;

- use blackmail - the ultimatum nature of the request or the threat of dismissal will only set the boss against you;

- refer to colleagues - comparing your salary with the salaries of colleagues, as well as complaints about their allegedly dishonest work - is not an argument for increasing your salary;

- show excessive perseverance - the manager may get the impression that apart from the salary you are not interested in anything else in the company.

What do the numbers say
51% of employed Russians started a conversation with a manager about a salary increase at least once. Interestingly, among the “applicants” there are more men (57% versus 45% among women), but women ask for an increase more efficiently - 32% of the fairer sex achieve the desired increase in salary (against 29% among men).

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. Date: November 26, 2018. Reading time 8 min.

To get a raise in salary, prepare mentally, think over successful arguments, choose a convenient moment and place for negotiations. Show the leader your importance, but do not resort to banal blackmail. If you were refused, find out when you can return to the issue of salary revision, what needs to be done in order to receive an increase in the future. Go to the extreme step - dismissal - experts advise when all options have been tried, and income remains at the same level.

If the range of responsibilities is constantly expanding, the number of subordinates is increasing, and the tasks are becoming more complicated, it's time to ask for a salary increase. But what if the boss does not notice or pretends not to see your achievements? How do you decide to approach the boss? What are the arguments to give in order not to be rejected? There are many techniques for successful negotiations. But not all of them are effective for the boss to make a positive decision about the increase in the salary of a subordinate. Therefore, we will figure out how to ask for a salary increase from the management, what arguments will definitely make the boss think about revising motivation valuable employee.

Even if you think over the idea of ​​an increase in earnings for several days, weeks and even months, believe me, you are not ready for negotiations. Experts advise on preparatory stage consider a few important things.

The right time to negotiate

Experts advise starting a conversation about increasing earnings no earlier than six months after starting work in the company. It is this period that confirms that the employee intends to continue working, and not leave the company at the first problems.

Note! More than half of the directors rank employees as permanent not earlier than after a year of work.

You can talk about a new allowance after six months after the last increase.

Bad time for negotiation:

  • immediately after making a serious mistake at work - wait until the situation changes in your favor;
  • a period of decline in sales or failure of serious projects;
  • during problems at the firm. Inspections, litigation, accidents or accidents at work do not improve the mood of the boss.

The best time for negotiation is in the afternoon, when all urgent matters have been resolved and the boss is in good location after a hearty lunch.

Choose a place for negotiations

Talking on the go will not give the desired results. It will not be possible to conduct full-fledged negotiations between cases.

Not best idea the request is considered during corporate party. boss, despite good mood, is not located in such situations to solve work issues.

During a joint business trip, a business lunch, it also does not make sense to start a conversation. Even if the boss promises to consider your arguments, you will have to return to the conversation again later.

The ideal place is the office of the head. Here the boss is on his territory, so the negotiations will be most productive.

Determine your value to the company

The value of an employee consists of three main components:

  • real significance for the work of the company;
  • employee potential;
  • average cost specialists of a similar profile in the labor market.

Analyze all the components, answer the question why the manager should raise your salary, back up your arguments with numbers and documents.

Designate the boost level

Be extremely objective. Coaching experts advise focusing on a 10-15% increase. It is realistic to get a 30% bonus if the level of earnings in the market has grown significantly, or salaries in the company have not been reviewed for a long period.

Also decide what part of the salary will be discussed: salary or bonus part. Management is not always ready to revise the base part of the remuneration of employees, as they are afraid that other employees will have to increase salaries. But to increase the premium part go much more often.

Common Mistakes

If you do not know how to substantiate your request, to formulate why you should receive a salary increase, you should not even start a conversation. The leader will not go to extra expenses even if you overestimate your importance or express yourself in a pessimistic-compassionate tone.

But there are a number of arguments that experts do not advise resorting to in any case:

  1. "I work until 10 pm and on weekends, I haven't been on vacation for 2 years." If you do not have time to complete your amount of work in the time allotted for this, this is not a reason for a salary increase.
  2. “My colleagues received a pay raise last month.” Such an argument will only cause irritation. The authorities, apparently, had reason to revise the remuneration of other employees, which should not necessarily apply to the entire team.
  3. "If you don't raise your salary, I'll quit." The method of blackmail can only be resorted to if you are an irreplaceable employee or are really ready to leave the company and have already prepared a letter of resignation.

Remember that being too assertive can make your relationship with your boss worse. The boss will not tolerate regular reminders about the level of reward after each successful step.

Don't leave without a clear answer

Experienced leaders are great at avoiding a direct answer. Postponement of negotiations, a request to show their abilities, a reference to a superior boss - all these are manipulations.

Don't leave until you get a clear answer to your question. Even if on this moment the boss is not ready to answer “Yes”, specify what needs to be done so that the answer is yes. Or suggest what personal responsibilities you are willing to take on in order to get a raise.

illustrative example how you can take the initiative in your own hands, in the video:

Advice! If you are not confident in your negotiation skills or you know that the boss will definitely avoid answering, write an official letter to the manager, where you state your request and justify the requirement. The manager will be obliged to give a reasoned answer to such a request.

After negotiations

If the negotiations ended with the satisfaction of your request, congratulations! But this does not mean that you can calm down and continue to go with the flow. New salary implies more responsibility or more work. At any time, the decision to increase can be canceled, especially if the increase concerns the bonus part.

You will have to work hard if the manager promised an increase in certain conditions. Here everything is in your hands.

But even if you receive a negative answer, you should not give up. Perhaps the company is not in the best financial position now, and the budget does not allow for wage increases. Remember that salary negotiation is a game and you can always make a new move. Most importantly, the boss remembered that you adequately value your work and claim a higher remuneration. Often, when the situation changes, it is these employees who are the first to receive increases, even without additional reminder.

But if for a long time, despite inflation, wage growth at similar enterprises, personal professional growth and the absence of comments from management, your income remains at the same level, it's time to think about changing jobs.

Or choose a job where income depends on the abilities of the employee himself, his ambitions, for example, in.

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
November 26, 2018 .