Requirements for personnel conducting professional fitness diagnostics. Thesis: Diagnostics of the professional suitability of specialists. The role of professional suitability in the structure of vocational education

In professional diagnostics, a large number of different methods are used. Let's take a look at some of them.

Observation behind the real process of labor is a common method of professional diagnostics, especially in a situation of professional certification. Such observation is based on fixing all operations and labor actions using a pre-prepared detailed protocol. Observation accompanied by video recording or timing significantly increases the possibility of evaluating and interpreting the results.

labor method- a person (for example, a psychologist) who studies a profession tries to master it himself. In one person, a specialist who knows professional activity and a psychologist who knows how to describe it are combined. In the course of mastering a new profession, a person records the course of the working day, difficulties, exercises, features of fatigue, considerations for the organization of work, and keeps track of the working day.

Method of Rationalization and Reconstruction of Existing Professions. Specialists can carry out: rationalization labor process- clarification of the necessary composition of labor activities, elimination of unnecessary methods and operations, increased emphasis on those labor operations that ensure the greatest completeness of the manifestation of the abilities of specialists, preserve the psychological resources of the individual, etc.

In order for a person to realize his profession and his place in the profession, in addition to the above methods, you can use such a technique as construction of a professiogram his profession. A person is invited to reveal the professiogram of his profession, answering the questions: what is the purpose of this profession, its main tasks in society, what is the result of work in this profession, what is the subject of its work, etc.

A person's understanding of the objective composition of labor in the profession is revealed comparison of related professions and during application projective assignments with the image of unclear situations and questions like “What does the specialist do in this situation? What caused this situation? What is its outcome?

Reception is actively used ranking professionally- important qualities professions according to the degree of their importance for the subject.

To study a person's self-awareness of the presence of the necessary psychological qualities, one can recommend the reception of free self-descriptions yourself as a professional (including self-description “through the eyes of colleagues”).

Method of expert assessments– technique used to assess the state labor activity person. One of the difficulties in using expert assessments is the selection of qualified experts and the development of criteria for evaluating the work of a specialist. The content of the reception is that the process and the result of a person's work are evaluated by experts according to the relevant criteria.

When analyzing labor motivation, a reliable method can be to put a person in experimental situation of professional choice. The choice situation always reveals the presence and subordination of motives - which is more important, for example, for a person. Data for identifying internal guidelines, goals, motives of a specialist gives biographical method(studying the biography of a person) and questions like: remember the events of your professional life that are significant for you; what choices you had to make and why they were made; what impact these choices have had or may have on your future life; what goals did you set in your professional activities and what were achieved, what goals and opportunities were missed, etc.

To identify the comparative significance of human conscious motives, it is widely used ranging motives and goals of professional activity according to their importance.

The level of claims in professional activity is revealed test tasks and tasks of varying difficulty, where you can determine how a person evaluates the objective difficulty of the task, his professional abilities in general, the subjective probability of success (accessibility of the solution), the intensity of personal efforts that need to be made.

To diagnose emotional states in professional activities, you can apply the technique colorograms. At different stages of professional activity, a person fixes his emotional states with a pencil of different colors: red - an enthusiastic mood, orange - joyful; green - calm, balanced; purple - anxious, tense, black - despondency, disappointment, loss of strength.

When studying the state of the operational sphere of professional activity, one can use conversations, questionnaires, revealing a person's awareness in the relevant sciences and fields of knowledge, as well as direct observation, fixation of the labor process, "photo" of the working day.

To study professional self-awareness, a methodological technique is used - "professional self-portrait". The specialist is invited to draw up a portrait of himself as a specialist in his profession, then correlate it with a professiogram or with an ideal portrait of a specialist.

When characterizing the operational sphere, special attention is paid to the method analysis of employee's labor products. The result obtained is compared with professional standards (guests, instructions, qualification requirements, etc.). A variant of the method can be analysis of defective products, which allows you to identify what psychological qualities the employee who has released this product lacks, for example, the accuracy of the eye or the coordination of movements of the worker.

The PP of a person is defined as "a set of psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics that are necessary and sufficient for him to achieve, in the presence of special knowledge, skills and abilities, socially acceptable labor efficiency."

The development of professional diagnostic methods began only in the 20th century, and by the 60s. this direction has reached its heyday (tests).

Diagnostics regardless of the content of a particular activity.

Diagnostics focused on the specific specifics of work.

Comprehensive study of successful representatives of the profession.

Traditionally, companies use two types of psychodiagnostic tools - personality questionnaires and intellectual tests (COT, Amthauer, Raven, Wexler tests). The second block of psychological tests are methods for studying the level of intelligence. Attempts to develop an "intelligence test for mathematicians" and an "intelligence test for the humanities" have not yet yielded significant results either. Therefore, most companies refuse to test applicants for the level of mental abilities, preferring to judge intelligence by the presence of higher education, the level of completed university and the adequacy of answers during the interview.

It is necessary to measure professional qualities that are important to the applicant not as a person, but as an employee of an organization: motivation for a specific job, the ability to resolve conflicts, the desire to take a leadership position, etc.

There are two purposes of evaluation in the selection of personnel - to assess whether the candidate under consideration is suitable for this position, and also to predict how effectively he will be able to work in the future. And here they may be interested not so much in the personal qualities of the candidate as in his psychological portrait as an employee.

Diagnostics of PP is carried out: - during the selection of personnel in the process of hiring; - for working employees during their certification and selection to the reserve for promotion. It is carried out using a specially selected set of methods aimed at assessing and analyzing the compliance of a person's PVK with the requirements of professional activity. Allows you to highlight: 1. Business qualities: discipline, responsibility; honesty, conscientiousness; competence; initiative; purposefulness, perseverance; autonomy, determination.

2. Individual psychological and personal qualities: motivational orientation; level of intellectual development; emotional and neuropsychic stability; attention, memory, thinking (features of mental activity, learning ability); flexibility in communication, style of interpersonal behavior; tendency to abuse alcohol (drugs).

3. Psychophysiological qualities: endurance, working capacity; sensorimotor reaction (speed, accuracy). The result of the work is the final conclusion, which allows to assess the professional suitability of a person for work, taking into account individual characteristics. Information is provided on those maladaptive disorders that were identified during the survey.

More on the topic 13. Methods for determining professional suitability:

  1. Research Procedures in the Injection Drug Users Group
  2. 6.3. Tasks and organizational structure of the sanitary-epidemiological detachment and its subdivisions.
  3. 9. Possibilities and limitations of methods of survey, observation, analysis of products of activity in labor psychology.
  4. Requirements for methods of diagnostics and prognosis of professional effectiveness.
  5. psychological structure of the lawyer's activity. Professiogram of a lawyer. The concept of professional skill of a lawyer (...)

The purpose of diagnosing professional suitability in the personnel management system is to form managers' concepts of methods for assessing the personal and business qualities of individuals. This information and skills are essential for the selection of personnel when hiring, as well as for organizing personnel within the organization and for establishing optimal systems for motivating their work 4 .

A manager who has such knowledge and skills is sufficiently stable can achieve higher performance indicators for the development and activities of his organization. This will happen by improving the quality of work performed by its personnel and increasing the level of its loyalty. The main objectives of studying the diagnostics of professional suitability are:

    analysis of the main situational target characteristics of personnel and the development of practical skills in compiling professiograms;

    studying the main methods of psychodiagnostics of professionally significant personality traits and mastering the professional skills of their practical application;

    studying the principles and methods of diagnosing the labor skills of employees and mastering the method of analyzing their compliance with the content of the corporate culture used in the organization and the technological processes used in the organization;

    mastering practical skills for assessing the motivational compatibility of personnel with characteristics corporate culture organizations;

    studying the real possibilities of practical application of non-traditional methods for assessing the professional suitability of individuals;

    evaluation of the effectiveness of individual options for personnel certification, rules for conducting assessment interviews and resume analysis;

    study of the forms of development and training of personnel, as well as the principles and methods of carrying out the procedure for diagnosing its professional suitability.

The main goal of diagnosing the professional suitability of personnel is the management process, which is associated with the selection and structuring of personnel in modern Russian organizations. Diagnosis needed... and finish!

1.3 The main stages and criteria for diagnosing professional suitability in the organization of work with personnel

The professional selection procedure is carried out in several stages. (FOOTNOTE!)

The first stage is a preliminary interview. It can be either superficial or deep. In the first case, they usually confine themselves to clarifying individual, significant for the decision, data. Such an interview is conducted in cases of mass selection. During an in-depth interview, a wider range of issues is clarified, including the candidate's motivation for moving to work in this particular company, his professional orientation, as well as some personal characteristics.

The second stage is the initial assessment of personal qualities candidate. During this stage, based on the analysis of documents submitted by candidates: job applications, personnel records, CVs, letters of recommendation, etc., and the results of a preliminary interview, it becomes possible to refuse those who, on formal grounds, clearly do not meet the requirements to future employees of the company.

The third stage is psychological testing. Before proceeding to the description of this stage, it is necessary to make a small digression and talk about the testing method itself. This method has recently gained great popularity not only among professional psychologists, but also among all those who work with people. Each method has its own limits of application, the violation of which can distort the results obtained.

The fourth stage is the processing and interpretation of test results. This stage is perhaps the most responsible, the success of the whole work largely depends on it. It is important to clarify that it is better to entrust the work on the primary analysis and interpretation of test results to the machine, then you will significantly speed up the process and be able to avoid many errors and inaccuracies. Automated processing of materials is suitable both in the case of testing using packages of methods and protocols that are entered into the machine after interrogation, and in testing using a computer.

After the test materials are reviewed and evaluated, you can proceed to the final interview.

Fifth stage - final interview . Tests, even the most reliable and universal, still cannot give absolutely accurate personality characteristics, so the last word should remain with the person making the final decision.


Direction of training / specialty ADMISSION TO DEFENSE:

Psychology SGA Order No. _______

dated "_____" ______2006

Undergraduate work

Topic: "Diagnostics of professional suitability of specialists".

Student: Bagina E.V. / __________________ /

FULL NAME. signature

contract number 20000010701004 Group ZP-109-52

Supervisor: Shestakova Yu.V. / ___________________ /

Moscow 2006



1.1 The concept of psychological and professional suitability

1.2 The main stages and criteria for professional suitability in the selection


2.1 Principles of evaluation and features of the effectiveness of diagnostic methods

2.2 The main methods for diagnosing the professional suitability of specialists


3.1 The relationship of concepts - "motivation", "initiative", "responsibility" - with the concept of "will" in the study

3.2 Main objectives, methods, stages and results of the study






How often do we not know who we want to be, not only when we are young, but even after a few years? Often, even in adulthood, we doubt whether we are going in the right direction, are we working in our place?

Experience shows that persons who do not have sufficient abilities for this activity, who do not have a “destination” for this profession (are not suitable), not only master this activity much longer than others and with great difficulty, but also work worse than others: they make mistakes more often and miscalculations are the culprits of accidents and, in general, have less reliability in operation.

A legitimate question arises: is it advisable to select people for work, regardless of their individual psychological characteristics, is it advisable to spend time and money on training people whose return will subsequently be minimal? The next question immediately arises - how to avoid this? What caused this problem?

To solve these issues, you need to understand the causes of this problem, it is their identification that will help us find ways out of the current situations, because by identifying the causes, we can try to influence them.

One of the main reasons is that in most cases the professional development and self-determination of a young person is missed. Most high school graduates have no idea what they want to be. This suggests that schoolchildren have a weak concept not only about professions, but also about their abilities. This leads to the fact that a young man, by chance, goes to any educational institution, without thinking about what this may lead to later.

The problem of personal and professional self-determination has always been relevant, without its solution it is impossible to form a new type of personality - competitive in the real market conditions of our time.

The formation of a young man cannot be missed. The period of personal and professional self-determination chronologically coincides with the crisis of youth. This period of life is characterized by the formation of a new level of development of self-consciousness, the development of one's own worldview, the search for the meaning of life - all this activates the processes of self-determination and self-knowledge, designing oneself in the profession.

During this period, the school should pay attention not only to the learning process, but also to the development of students - first of all, of themselves, the student must master his world, form his life position.

In the process of socialization, the student should be formed: an understanding of his abilities, the ability to self-determine in personal and professional terms, further actions in his development as a professional, capable of building his activity, changing and developing it. The main thing is that the chosen profession coincides with the interests, vocation, desire to master this profession of the individual, and was not chosen by coincidence or advice from close people.

Professional suitability is not given to a person initially, it is formed in the process of learning and professional, subsequent activities in the presence of positive motivation. Strong motivation helps to limit the negative manifestations of properties nervous system and temperament, helps to most fully use the typologically conditioned capabilities of a person, provides compensation for insufficiently expressed abilities, and allows you to successfully master labor techniques.

High motivation to achieve is directly related to the creative potential of a person in work, the disclosure of his abilities and the achievement of the highest level of spiritual development. It determines the prospect of professional development of the individual and activity: some components of professional suitability or PVK, which are absent in a person, can be developed under the influence of strong motivation. And, conversely, if a person is “created” for a certain profession, but his motivation is weak, he cannot become a master of his craft. By studying motivation, one can understand the motivating forces of people's labor activity, personal factors regulating behavior and actions in labor.

In everyday, ordinary activities, we note that if a person is interested in some business, if it deeply affects him, then he shows a special attitude towards it. An interested person strives to get a high result in this activity, he devotes more effort and attention to it, while experiencing a sense of satisfaction. It is also important that in such activities he intensively develops professional experience and skills. Thus, what a person shows a steady interest in becomes, as a rule, the object of his initiative and responsible attitude. In other words, motivation based on interest is the essence of a responsible and proactive attitude to activity.

At the same time, if a person has a high indicator of motivation in behavior and actions, if she has a developed need for achievement, if she has stable volitional qualities, then she achieves more at work than people with the same abilities (for this profession), but with less a pronounced desire to achieve (with a low indicator of motivation and initiative).

Based on the above reasoning, we can assume and put forward a hypothesis that: “The most suitable specialists will be those who have a more pronounced “motive for achievement and an initiative, responsible attitude to activity.”

The purpose of the study is to identify in practice, using diagnostic methods, the most suitable specialists, then conduct a study of their motivational sphere and proactive attitude to activity (to identify their socio-psychological attitudes of the motivational-need sphere, willpower, motivation for success). Using the results obtained, analyze and compare the indicators of suitability for a given profession and indicators of aspiration in this activity. This analysis will allow us to conclude whether it is significant, and one of the main indicators of professional suitability, is a high indicator of motivation to achieve and an initiative, responsible attitude to activity.

After we have determined the purpose of the study, it is necessary to find out the object and subject of the study: the object of the study is specialists working in the field of trade; the subject of the study is the professional suitability of specialists and its main criteria, the level of motivation to achieve, volitional qualities - initiative, responsibility.

To achieve the goal and test the hypothesis put forward, it is necessary to solve such problems as: understand the basic concepts, make a choice of methods; identify the most suitable specialists; conduct an additional study of the motivational sphere; compare the results obtained, process and analyze the data obtained, etc.

1 . The role of professional suitability in the structure of vocational education

1.1 The concept of psychological and professional suitabilityand

Psychological suitability for a profession is a property of a person, which can be judged by two criteria: the successful mastery of a profession and the degree of satisfaction of a person with his work. Both of these criteria are relative, and sometimes subjective. However, only these criteria allow us to approach psychological characteristics professional suitability.

Since aptitude is a property of the individual, since it, like other personal properties, is formed in the process of educational, professional and labor activity. Obviously, professional suitability is formed in the work itself, but one can hardly deny the need to study the natural prerequisites for professional suitability, to study all its physiological, psychological, social factors, which allows in each case to outline a forecast and ways to achieve the optimal result.

Each person can master almost any profession, but the point is how much effort it will take and what will be the success and professional growth in the future. The period of labor activity in a person's life is limited, and unproductive, joyless activity is not only a personal misfortune, but it is ultimately reflected in the whole society. Therefore, the forecasting of professional suitability and ways of its formation does not lose its actual significance at the present time.

Numerous facts are known when a person who sincerely wants to work in a certain field and has received the necessary training, nevertheless fails, does not achieve the slightest success. How can this be explained? It is easiest to assume that every person has some kind of professional purpose. Isn't the reason for the failure that the person went "not his own way in life"?

However, professional purpose is an unproductive and unscientific idea. Professions and their requirements for the psychophysiological organization of a person are extremely changeable, while this organization itself, in its natural basis, with its inherent individual options and characteristics, has remained virtually unchanged throughout human history.

On the basis of the same natural data or inclinations, there has been and is a successful mastery of the most diverse types of activity. People are not born as potential doctors, managers, lawyers, it does not always depend on them what professions they have to choose.

The natural features of man have enormous, although not unlimited, plasticity. A person can actively adapt to very many professions and, moreover, with complete satisfaction. But there are also such professions that are difficult for a person to master, which impose increased requirements on the psychological organization of the individual (artist, driver of high-speed transport, etc.)

The requirements imposed by a profession on a person are objective requirements; on their basis, professions can be divided into two types.

Professions of the first type make such demands that people with special individual traits can satisfy.

The requirements of professions of the second type to a person are such that everyone can cope with them. The difference between the two types of professions can be reduced to a single feature and called "learnability". Any person actively adapts to some professions, only some individuals adapt to others.

All people differ from one another in their personal qualities. And among these qualities there are those that are called professionally valuable. But it should also be noted that any quality in one case will be professionally valuable, and in another it will oppose successful work. So, a sociable, friendly person experiences extreme dissatisfaction with work that requires concentration "alone", and in the end, changes the newly received specialty. This is the fact that the personal qualities of a person do not correspond to the requirements of the profession, the fact of professional unsuitability. Having embarked on the right path, he “finds himself”, works not only with success, but also with satisfaction.

In matters of professional suitability, it is necessary to understand specifically, individually, also because different people achieve success in the same job due to different combinations of their personal qualities. The idea of ​​standardization is good for technical objects, but for a person the principle of an individual approach is necessary.

Thus, even in relation to one job, one cannot speak of a single and indisputable list of professionally valuable qualities. Each good worker makes the most of his strengths and overcomes, compensates for his weaknesses by various means. As a result, a unique style, individual handwriting in work is born.

Does the above mean that in the field of professionally valuable qualities and professional suitability there is an insurmountable uncertainty? In a specific analysis of aptitude this person and with appropriate education, self-education, it is useful to remember that professionally valuable qualities in each case are not located side by side, but form something whole, a system. In this system, it is important not to miss five main components:

1. Civic qualities - ideological, moral image of a person as a member of a team, society. There are professions, specialties for which a person turns out to be unsuitable if the named group of qualities is not developed in him in the right way.

2. Attitude to work, profession, interests and inclinations in this field of activity . If, for example, the profession is such that responsible work is required alone, without frequent external control, for the performer (inspectors, controllers), then such a character trait as conscientiousness (attitude towards work) begins to act as an important link in professional suitability. Unscrupulous - unsuitable. There is no interest in biology, animal physiology - you will not be able to successfully work as an operator of a livestock complex.

3. Legal capacity (general, not only physical, but also mental). It is formed by qualities that are important in very many and different types activities. For example, such qualities as the breadth of the mind, its depth, flexibility, do not hurt, apparently, in any profession. Self-discipline, developed self-control, initiative, activity are also important and desirable in many labor positions. Capacity is also provided by the state of health, physical endurance, strength.

4. Single, private, special abilities. These are such personal qualities that are important for a given job, profession, or for a relatively narrow circle of them. For example, a well-developed pitch and timbre hearing is important for a piano and grand piano tuner, a product receiver at a musical instrument factory.

5. Skills, training, knowledge, experience .

The above structure is very easy to remember by combining the initial letters of the main words: GOODEN

G - civil qualities;

O - attitude to work;

D - general capacity;

E - single, private, special abilities;

H - skills.

From what has been said, it is clear that a person cannot have a fully prepared professional suitability before he has practically become involved in vocational training and the corresponding labor activity. At the same time, some of the necessary components of suitability for the profession can be formed in advance (such as civic qualities, ratio to work and general legal capacity).

It is useful to distinguish some degrees of aptitude, at least approximately. We single out four such degrees here.

a) unsuitable (to this profession). It can be temporary or almost irresistible. We can talk about unsuitability in cases where there are deviations in the state of health that are incompatible, from the point of view of doctors, with work in a particular area. At the same time, the situation is not necessarily such that a person cannot work, but such that work in this profession can aggravate, intensify the existing (for the time being, perhaps small) deviations in the state of health.

b) suitability (to one or another profession or group of them). This degree of professional suitability is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications in relation to a particular area of ​​work, but there are no indications either. In other words, neither for nor against. In this case, the situation is not so that nothing is known about contraindications, but so: it is known that they do not exist.

in) conformity (of a given person in a given field of activity). There are no contraindications (it is known that there are none), and at the same time, at least some personal qualities can be distinguished that clearly indicate the possibility of choosing a particular profession or group of professions.

d) vocation (a given person for a given profession, field of activity) is the highest level of professional suitability at this stage of a person’s development as a worker. This degree of aptitude is characterized by the fact that in all the main elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person's compliance with the requirements of activity. We are talking about the signs by which a person stands out among peers who are approximately equal conditions learning and development .

1.2 The main stages and criteria for professional suitability inprofselection

Occupational selection is a scientifically based admission of people to any particular species vocational training and activities. Vocational selection largely depends on the time allotted for training and adaptation to activities, on the availability of applicants for the profession in question, on the level of requirements for job reliability, etc. There are several interrelated stages in the selection process:

1. Psychological study of the profession in order to identify requirements for a person. At the same time, the internal structure of activity should be disclosed and not just a list of mental and psychomotor processes that are under the greatest load, but a holistic picture of their relationship and implementation in professional effectiveness should be given.

Such a study (professiography) ends with a detailed description of the profession - a professiogram and a psychogram.

2. The choice of psychodiagnostic research methods, including tests, to the greatest extent characterize those mental processes and professional actions in relation to which professional suitability should be assessed.

3. Psychodiagnostics - a psychological study of applicants for mastering a profession, assessing their general development, focus on mastering a given profession, the degree of development of their qualities that are most important for success in mastering a profession, and assessing their ability to perform elements of a holistic activity in various conditions.

4. Psychological prediction of the success of training and subsequent activities based on a comparison of information about the requirements of the profession for a person and the obtained psychodiagnostic data, with an emphasis on assessing personal characteristics; about the possibility of purposeful improvement and compensation of professionally significant qualities; probability of adaptation to the profession; potential for extreme impacts.

At the heart of making an expert decision in professional selection is an assessment of professional suitability. Vocational suitability in selection is a probable characteristic that reflects a person's ability to master any professional activity. In professional selection, professional suitability can be assessed according to several criteria: according to medical indicators, including indicators of physical fitness; submitted educational qualifications or competitive examinations; with the help of a psychological examination; taking into account some indicators reflecting the social face of the applicant; taking into account the achieved level of professional adaptation, etc.

Among the medical criteria for professional suitability, special attention is drawn to a number of contraindications that can predetermine a decrease in reliability in work and contribute to the development of diseases associated with professional activity.

These include contraindications for:

mental health;

Conditions of the nervous system;

According to the main analyzer systems (hearing, vision);

Cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

According to the state of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

Certain professions may have special requirements for tactile sensitivity, visual acuity and color perception, and many other medical indicators.

Selection according to the educational qualification is carried out in a number of types of professional work. In this case, the assessment of professional suitability is determined by the characteristics of the educational or labor activity in respect of which the selection is carried out, as well as the presence of an appropriate competition of applicants.

Social selection involves the study of an autobiography, characteristics from a place of work or study, etc. Appropriate attention can be paid to a conversation according to a specific program, conducting a special essay on a topic, during the discussion of which the applicant is able to show his social maturity and relevant knowledge. If a strict selection is necessary, it is also possible to study the applicant in the process of fulfilling special labor and public assignments.

Criteria for psychological selection are determined in connection with the specific characteristics of those professions in respect of which the selection is carried out. The starting point for the study of professional suitability is the professiogram, and in particular its psychological part - the psychogram.

In the course of professiography, the features of the professional activity of a specialist are revealed, the requirements for his professionally important psychological qualities are substantiated and, on the basis of this, a psychogram of the profession is compiled (see Appendix 1). The list of such requirements forms the basis of a psychological examination during selection.

Also, it should be noted that the selection should combine the forecast of the success of training with a longer forecast of subsequent labor activity. In this regard, a personal approach and assessment public face applicant for any professional activity is an equally important component of psychological selection. The fact that the level of available training is assessed when determining professional suitability does not in some cases reduce the possibility of a probabilistic forecast of success in training and activity. A particularly effective forecast can be made in professional selection for professions, training for which is carried out in a limited time and at very high material costs. The fact is that, starting from a higher level of development of certain mental, psychomotor or physical qualities and the availability of relevant knowledge and skills, the applicant has important advantages in mastering skills and knowledge that are similar to cash.

The criteria for professional suitability in psychological selection can cover such personality traits as honesty, justice, adherence to principles, a sense of teamwork, courage, determination, perseverance, readiness to take responsibility at a difficult moment, etc. Organizational skills and the ability to plan work are of particular importance in a number of professions. , lead, require. In all cases, the degree of awareness and strength of motivation for the chosen profession is of particular importance. In a large number of operator profile professions, emotional stability and some mental and psychomotor qualities also play a special role.

In psychological selection, a sufficient amount of applied methods is also of great importance, allowing to evaluate the studied qualities from different angles and at different levels, this is necessary, since the individual dynamics of the formation of motor skills can mislead the expert if the number of measurements is insufficient. In determining professional suitability, valuable information can be extracted from other sources of information (Appendix 2), the so-called "non-test parameters", among which the most important information is about past professional experience, about the age of the subjects.

Identification of individuals with indicators "below the average" level allows you to probabilistically predict their failures in learning and activities and recommend them a special psycho-physiological training or the choice of another profession.

When implementing the “minimum approach”, the minimum acceptable test scores are usually determined by the size of the competition, but in some cases they can only be clearly defined by the requirements of the profession.

The use of tests to predict professional suitability can only be carried out on the basis of analytical, synthetic and integrated approaches.

The analytical approach provides for the study and evaluation of individual psychological indicators that are important for the success of training and activities in the chosen profession.

The synthetic approach provides for the study of a holistic activity or its important elements, and therefore, within the framework of this method, various apparatuses are used to model such elements and entire professional operations.

An integrated approach consists in combining analytical and synthetic methods and in the study of some mental and psychomotor processes, both in their separate manifestation, and in conditions of integral activity, where they can act with other qualitative and quantitative indicators.

In order to select the most adequate and exclude uninformative methods, various methods of one-dimensional and multivariate statistics are used. After that, an algorithm (decisive rule) for assessing professional suitability is developed. Most often, for these purposes, multiple regression analysis is used, based on the relationship of psychophysiological properties with "external criteria", which refers to the quality (success) of training or activity.

The result of this work is the substantiation of the necessary and sufficient set of psychodiagnostic methods that allow predicting the candidate's professional suitability with sufficient probability. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the developed algorithm and criteria for assessing professional suitability is evaluated, and recommendations are developed for their practical use.

In the practice of professional selection, various methods for assessing professional suitability are used, among them - observation, interview, conversation and expert assessment.

These methods provide an opportunity for a deep, but mostly qualitative, descriptive assessment of the personality's PVK. In addition, some of them require a long examination, others require comprehensive knowledge about the candidate, about his behavior in real, including extreme conditions.

Based on the results of the professional selection, one of the following conclusions is made:

4) not recommended - the fourth category of professional suitability (does not meet the requirements). Persons with the fourth category of professional suitability are not allowed to study or work, those with the third category are allowed in the absence of the required number of candidates.

After clarifying the main criteria for psychological and professional suitability, let's move on to considering the main stages of professional suitability in selection, using the evidence-based PONAP system as an example.

The PONAP system is characterized by a comprehensive approach to the tasks to be solved and the maximum use of all forms and methods of working with personnel available in world practice.

The PONAP system includes the following relatively independent blocks: personnel search, personnel selection, personnel recruitment, personnel adaptation. Each block includes a general scheme of action, tools, methods and techniques of work. Final goal implementation of the system - the maximum coincidence of the expectations of the candidate and the enterprise.

The PONAP system is an integral part of the entire personnel management system (Appendix 3), it provides for several stages, the implementation of each of which gives a new qualitative state for the implementation of the entire personnel management system and requires certain actions in a strictly specified sequence. Let's take a closer look at these blocks.

The first one is recruitment. . Successful recruitment is largely determined by the image of the company. Sources of personnel search can be external and internal.

External sources - candidates not previously associated labor relations with this enterprise, internal - employees of this enterprise.

The procedure for processing appeals (applications) of applicants by personnel services at the stage of searching for candidates is as follows:

1) receiving an application (application, resume, personal sheet, etc.);

2) accounting (registration);

3) analysis of the submitted documents and, if necessary, requesting additional information about the applicant;

5) consideration in the department;

6) return to the personnel department;

7) development of an agreed opinion of the personnel department and the department to which the document was sent;

8) refusal or invitation to an interview.

The next block is the selection of personnel. After studying the personal data submitted by the candidates and making a decision to invite the candidate for an interview, the most crucial period for personnel services begins - the period of personnel selection.

The selection of personnel includes several successive stages:

1) registration in in due course personal and autobiographical data;

3) interview;

4) examination of professional suitability, including business and personal qualities;

5) medical control and instrumental research;

6) analysis of test results and making a conclusion on professional suitability;

7) making a decision on hiring.

At each of the selection stages, a part of the applicants is eliminated due to non-compliance with certain requirements, or they themselves refuse the procedure, making other decisions. The use of all stages ensures a minimum of errors in the selection of personnel. The higher the job level of the candidate for the position, the greater the need to use all stages.

Consider and analyze the selection stages in more detail.

The first stage includes - registration in the prescribed manner of personal and autobiographical data. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection draw up in the prescribed manner a personal sheet for personnel records (CV), autobiography and fill out a questionnaire (Appendix 4).

The third stage is an interview. Based on the results of the interview, persons are selected who meet certain qualification requirements in terms of formal indicators.

There are several approaches to organizing an interview.

This may be an interview: a) according to a pre-arranged scheme;

b) poorly formalized; c) performed without special training.

When conducting an interview, one should adhere to the following basic socio-psychological requirements:

1) have a pre-prepared conversation plan;

2) at the very beginning of the interview, try to relieve the candidate's possible stress, the style of the interview should be friendly, encouraging;

3) give the candidate the opportunity to speak, try not to allow the conversation to deviate from the main direction;

4) be objective, try not to take into account the first impression of the candidate (it may be erroneous), make a conclusion only after the end of the interview. An experienced interviewer can rely on intuition, but be sure to take into account their possible biases.

During the interview, you should pay attention to the appearance of the candidate (style of clothing, demeanor, posture), culture of behavior (gestures, facial expressions, manners), culture of speech (the ability to form and formulate thoughts), the ability to listen, the general strategy of behavior during the interview (activity and interest; dependence on the interlocutor and self-doubt; independence and dominance).

The conclusion based on the results of the interview is written in any form, its main conclusions are briefly presented in the approval sheet of the candidate's questionnaire (Appendix 5).

The fourth stage is one of the most important - examination of professional suitability. It is carried out during the selection of personnel in the recruitment process, and can also be carried out periodically for working employees during their certification and selection for the reserve for promotion.

The fifth stage is - medical control and hardware research. For many industries, special medical control of its employees is required. Therefore, all applicants for employment are subject to medical control according to the parameters established for workers of certain professions and positions.

At the sixth stage, the test results are analyzed and a conclusion is made on professional suitability.

At this stage, a special commission for the selection of personnel, which is created at the enterprise from personnel officers, experienced production workers and psychologists, carefully analyzes the results of assessments of the previous stages and prepares conclusions on the suitability of candidates for all qualities, including personal ones.

At the seventh stage, a decision is made on hiring. At this stage of selection, the personnel management service, together with the management of the unit and department where the employee should be admitted, analyzes and compares the results of the selection of all applicants for this position who have passed the required stages of selection. Based on the analysis, the most suitable candidate for the vacant position is selected, the final decision is made on his hiring, and all necessary documents are drawn up.

Recruitment is the final block of personnel search and selection. In the process of hiring, the final clarification of the upcoming relationship between the employer and the employee takes place.

2 . Methods for diagnosing professional suitability

2.1 Principles of evaluation and features of the effectiveness of diagnostic methods

Professional psychological selection (PPS) consists in carrying out complex measures that make it possible to identify individuals who are most suitable in terms of their psychological qualities for training on time and for successful professional activity in a particular specialty.

The main task of the PPO is to assess the professional suitability of the candidate in terms of psychological indicators and, on this basis, to make a long-term forecast of the effectiveness of his professional follow-up. A number of principles are used to achieve the objectives. Let's consider them in more detail:

The principle of comprehensive assessment of aptitude requires a comprehensive analysis and comparison of all data about a person, manifested in various types activity and characterizing it both at the level of private psychological properties and individual mental, and at the level of integral personal formations. However, in a comprehensive assessment of personality, it is necessary to take into account the fact that its important feature is the mutual compensability of individual personality traits, their interrelation and plasticity.

The personal-activity-justice principle, which is one of the main methodological principles of professional selection, requires the development of criteria for assessing professional suitability based on the results of a professional study of activity, taking into account specific specialties. This important principle professional psychodiagnostics has its own scientific and theoretical foundations and specific research methods.

The principle of objectivity in assessing professional suitability requires not only the standardization of the procedure and certain conditions for conducting the survey, but also taking into account all the necessary information about the specialist and carefully rechecking (clarifying) them.

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The domestic experience of professional psychological selection has shown that in Russia cultural traditions in the field of personnel selection are currently only being formed. Domestic and foreign experts believe that most of the costs in the social, political and economic spheres in the country are associated with the absence or infancy of a science-based recruitment system. Until now, when solving personnel issues, many heads of enterprises and organizations rely mainly on their experience and intuition. Another socio-historical factor that influenced the lack of respect for the human person in Russia was that people for the state have always been “labor resources”, “labor reserves”, “human factor”, “population”, “contingent”, “electorate ". An individual person even now feels himself not as a person, valuable in itself, but as a “cog”, which has often served its time. Such an approach of the state to a person was a brake on the development of scientific and practical areas that study a person and the possibility of the most complete realization of his desires and abilities in achieving life goals.


professional fitness specialist

1.1 Essence of aptitude diagnostics

Diagnostics of professional suitability is a multi-level system for studying the professional activity continuum, which includes: a methodological set of tools for analyzing professional activity and modeling psychological requirements for a person; assessment of the level of personal and professional suitability of people for activities and the placement of specialists in accordance with their level and the specifics of the possibilities for optimal self-realization in a given organization; systematic monitoring of the dynamics of personnel professionalization, identification of functional, social and organizational factors that affect professionalization, the dynamics of the personal and somatic status of a particular employee; analysis of the effectiveness of the professional activity of personnel, their self-improvement, self-actualization and self-realization.

Diagnostics of professional suitability includes in its scope an assessment of the dynamics and characteristics of the development of professional activity, diagnostics of the personal characteristics of specialists, their compliance with the requirements of the activity, as well as an assessment of the conditions for optimizing professionalization.

The purpose of diagnosing the professional suitability of specialists is to determine the degree of compliance of the personal and professional status of a person with the standard, the ideal model of the highest flowering (acme) of a person as a professional, as an individual and as a person in a moral and environmental perspective. The achievement of this standard depends on the internal resources of a person and on the system of his professionalization, which are subjected to a prolonged, objective, comprehensive and reliable assessment, modeling and control in the process of diagnosis.

Diagnostics of professional suitability as a system of reliable research allows to identify trends, patterns, mechanisms, conditions, factors and features of personnel professionalization, formation and dynamics of personal and social status of personnel at all stages of professional life and acmetic development of the individual.

At the stage of becoming a specialist, the degree, forms and features of his formation are assessed. During this period, a special role is played by the system of both the internal orientation of a person to specific working conditions, and external system professional-psychological selection, in which the qualities of the individual (psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological) are compared with the requirements of the profession.

In order to improve a professional, diagnostics of “deviations” from his reference points (markers) is carried out. The assessment is carried out in order to identify signs and find ways not only of external correction of the personality, but also of internal or self-correction, the formation of a person’s desire for self-improvement and self-actualization in the profession and the workforce, in order to determine the features, specifics, scope and pace of completion of a person’s professional path .

Diagnostics is carried out in the form of an assessment of the comparability of health and the degree of optimality of a person's professional functioning and the level of modern requirements on the part of the profession.

The dynamics of professional activity requires constant improvement and transformation of the personnel diagnostics system, taking into account the peculiarities of the process of their professionalization, the dynamics of their personal and social status, as well as changes in the external conditions of existence, the dynamics and development of police bodies. The professional suitability diagnostic system as an integral part of ensuring a professional organization is not a frozen element of it, but requires constant improvement, development and control of theoretical, experimental, organizational, procedural and methodological components.

The personnel policy in the market conditions takes away the human personality, its abilities, individual uniqueness and professional excellence main place. Only a systematic, scientifically and methodically developed approach allows you to quickly and efficiently solve the problem of recruitment.

Implementation of a scientific system for diagnosing professional suitability in practice personnel work expands its capabilities in the implementation of the tasks of improving the quality of attracting, selecting, selecting and psychological support of specialists, taking into account not only methodological developments, but also conceptual, moral, ethical, environmental, legal principles and patterns of professional psychological support for police bodies.

When evaluating specialists who have sufficient practical experience, who are aware of their abilities and capabilities, it would be wrong to underestimate their self-esteem. Therefore, the selection methodology may also include a questionnaire on a formalized assessment of one's personal characteristics, professional skills, abilities, and knowledge. As experience has shown, this information can be useful, interesting, allowing a deeper understanding of the personality of the subject.

The results of psychodiagnostics are used not by themselves, but in combination with the results of the interview, in the context of all the information that is available about the individual.

1.2 The psychological content of the problem of professional suitability

Let's consider one more important feature of the "suitability" property, which may apply not only to a person, but also to a material tool. For example, a round file is not suitable for sharpening a conventional saw. For this you need a trihedral. However, it does not follow from this that the property of unsuitability is inherent in a round file. Here it is not suitable, but in another we cannot replace it. The property "suitability" differs in that it can only be attributed to a specific situation, which necessarily includes two components: a given person and a given specialty. And this property means nothing more than mutual correspondence. There is no one of the components of the system - the question of suitability loses its meaning. A seemingly strange conclusion follows from this: the property "professional suitability", no matter how we understand it in essence, is not inherent in a person as such. He is not in itself a carrier of this property. True, expressions such as “a person's professional suitability”, “determine professional suitability”, etc. are often found in our speech, but this is nothing more than a convention.

So, from what has been said, it is clear that, although in our speech there is an expression "suitability of a person", in fact it should be understood as follows: "the mutual correspondence of a given person in a given area of ​​application of his forces at a given time."

In principle, a profession as a field of application of a person's strengths can be "not adapted" and, in this sense, not suitable for him. Moreover, the mutual inadequacy of the profession and the person can be not only due to the technical, subject, but also due to the social and organizational side of labor. Since a person cannot work "in general", he always finds himself in some kind of environment, both objective and micro-social.

From what has been said, it is clear that the issue of professional suitability must be considered individually and specifically.

In fact, greater or lesser professional unsuitability is sometimes created by people themselves, although, of course, one cannot ignore the role of natural prerequisites, such as health, properties of the nervous system, etc.

All people differ from one another in their personal qualities. And among these qualities there are those that are called professionally valuable. So, for example, a high culture of movements is important for a surgeon, an electric and gas welder, a violinist, a livestock breeder must be caring and far-sighted, a draftsman must be scrupulously accurate, etc. If there is a concept of “professionally valuable qualities of a person, then you can make a list where valuable and non-valuable qualities will be indicated separately. Any quality in one case is professionally valuable, and in another it will oppose successful work. So, a sociable person experiences dissatisfaction with the work of concentration "alone" and vice versa if his work is connected with communication.

It must be emphasized once again that when diagnosing professional suitability, the psychophysiological qualities of a person are in many ways the limiting link in professional activity that must be taken into account (especially in activities taking place in sub-extreme or extreme conditions).

The assessment of the psychophysiological qualities of a person is carried out in the process of psychophysiological selection, aimed at identifying persons who, in terms of their psychophysiological qualities and professional abilities, are most consistent with the requirements of any activity.

The requirements of the activity for the psychophysiological qualities of a person are evaluated on the basis of its psychophysiological analysis, the preparation of the psychophysiogram of this activity. After that, an appropriate methodological apparatus is selected, which makes it possible to evaluate the analyzed psychophysiological qualities. At the same time, it should be noted that psychophysiological selection must be complex, active, meet the principle of differentiation, dynamic, scientifically justified, and the methods must meet the requirements of reliability, predictability, differentiability; they must be objective and practical. Only if all these requirements are met, a sufficiently exhaustive assessment of the psychophysiological qualities of a person of interest is possible.

In matters of aptitude, it is necessary to understand specifically, individually, also because in the same job different people achieve success due to different combinations of their personal qualities. Every good worker makes the most of his strengths and overcomes and compensates for his weaknesses by various means. Folk wisdom says: - "every master in his own way."

When analyzing the professional suitability of a single person for a particular profession, one must remember that professionally valuable qualities are not juxtaposed, but form something valuable, a system.

E.A. Klimov identifies five main components of this system.

1. Civic qualities - the moral character of a person as a member of society

2. Attitude to work, profession, interests and inclinations

3. General capacity not only physical, but also mental. Including intellectual abilities, mental flexibility, self-control, initiative. As well as physical - the state of health, strength, endurance, etc.

4. Single, private, special abilities. These are personal qualities that are important for this job, profession.

5. Skills, habits, knowledge, experience

From what has been said, it is clear that a person cannot have a fully prepared professional suitability before he is involved in vocational training and related labor activity.

According to the same E.A. Klimov, there are different degrees of professional suitability. He distinguishes four such degrees:

1. Unsuitability (for the profession) It may be temporary or practically irresistible. It is worth talking about unsuitability when the deviation in health is not compatible with this profession. And also contraindications can be pedagogical.

2. Fitness (for a particular profession or group of those) This degree is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications. That is, there is a real chance that a person will be a good specialist in this field.

3. Compliance (of a given person with a given field of activity). It is characterized not only by the absence of contraindications, but also by the presence of personal qualities that are suitable for choosing a given profession or group of professions.

4. Vocation (of a given person in a given field of activity). This degree of professional suitability is characterized by the fact that in all the main elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person's compliance with the requirements of activity. We are talking about the signs by which a person stands out among his peers in training and development.

Summing up, I would like to say that there can be no absolute professional suitability because all people are different, and it seems that the same qualities have different shades, being characteristic of different people, and there are also many professions. That is, in principle, everything is in the hands of a person, since with desire and diligence, he can achieve everything. The task of vocational guidance is to help him at least by naming the qualities that a person will need for this profession, what qualities he already has, and which he will have to develop.

1.3 The challenge of diagnosing professional suitability

An analysis of the main theoretical concepts of professional psychodiagnostics, the subject of human professionalization related to the subject-substantive part of acmeological assessment, as well as professional theories and technologies, made it possible to determine the acmeological approach as the theoretical foundation of the dissertation research.

Important for acmeodiagnostics are eight main provisions.

First, from the point of view of the acmeological analysis of the subject of diagnostics, the professional-personal continuum should be considered as an integral developing and transforming dynamic system of human-activity connections, interactions and relationships. That is, acmeodiagnostics is aimed at “studying two equivalent and interrelated objects (activity and a person)” by identifying and evaluating the dependencies that connect them. Only under the condition of mutual adaptation of a person and a profession can professional activity become a means of revealing his individuality, contribute to the realization of potential opportunities and, consequently, a means of reaching the pinnacle of the development of personal and professional qualities, his acme. An important feature of acmeodiagnostics is the interpretive representation of the subject in the form of a psychological manifestation of the dynamic process of further transformation and the interconnected development of a person and profession. External conditions, internal relations and transformations of the functional connections of the "man-profession" system develop and transform in a single spatio-temporal continuum of the professionalization of the subject to the degree of Master (A.A. Bodalev's term). Therefore, diagnostics, based on the requirements of the activity for a specialist, is an ascending "spiral" of development, in which both a person and a profession are evaluated in the same context.

That is, practical acmeological research is characterized by: “lack of seriality”; the dominance of a holistic paradigm that combines nomothetic and ideographic principles; complementarity (complementarity); identification and evaluation of contradictions in development (L.G. Laptev, V.G. Mikhailovsky, V.A. Ponomarenko, N.T. Selezneva, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.); algorithmization of activity (P.Ya.Galperin, S.V.Nevzorov, R.S.Safin, M.Ya.Vilensky and others), which acquires not a normative-logical, but a constructive character, and optimization of the mode of action (V.A. .Ponomarenko and others).

Secondly, in the works of the founders of acmeology, an increasing need for the construction of the so-called. acmeological epistemology, a theory of knowledge based on a new approach to the development of specifically acmeological methods of research and development of a chronologically, professionally and personally mature person.

Thirdly, in the structure of acmeological research, one can single out primary (research of a particular case) and secondary evaluation (of dispositions, personality traits, group characteristics, etc.). At the first stage, the individual is deindividualized, and single phenomena are transferred to the category of special or general, and at the second, an explanation of these phenomena is given, where they “ascend” to a trend, law or theory.

Fourthly, the definition of psychodiagnostics contains a provision on reliable psychological recognition. At one time, V.M. Bekhterev stated that the psychological dimension (experiment, diagnosis, evaluation) did not have a specific psychological subject, pointing only to the epistemological subject - a method or method of scientific research. However, in this case we can talk about a psychological dimension, which is not limited to the fixation of a sign, but involves the construction of a specific psychological system and the conditions for this fixation. Therefore, psychodiagnostics can be represented as a system consisting of: subject area, areas of development of methods, areas of specifically psychological measurement and areas of creation of conditions for this measurement - practice. That is, in the structure of psychodiagnostics, subject-content, instrumental-methodical and organizational-procedural aspects are found.

Fifth, the key to acme diagnostics related to the definition of the norm and identity in relation to a specialist is the concept of “internal identification requirements of the profession”. At each stage of the professionalization of the subject, the principle of the cyclical nature of professional development is reproduced as a general pattern of all its aspects, the driving factor of which is transformative activity, and the regulator is professional identity (E.P. Ermolaeva). Diagnostic cycles for assessing the professionalization of personnel are built in accordance with scientifically based stages of age-related personality crises, and diagnostic measures are built into certain stages due to objective events in the life of a person, society and profession.

Sixth, the periodization of a person's professional life contributes to the systematization of acmeological studies of each stage of development, the identification and evaluation of the features of the professionalization of specialists at a particular stage of their work. At the stage of personality formation, a psychological assessment of the subject is carried out within the framework of career guidance and staff recruitment. During the learning phase and vocational training diagnostics of learning ability and motivation for the chosen specialty is carried out. At the stage of employment, a systemic, comprehensive, diagnostics of a person's professional suitability for the chosen specialty is included within the boundaries of the selection and distribution of personnel. At the stage of adaptation to work, the features of the formation of a person as a professional and a communicator are studied. It also assesses social relations in labor collectives, the degree of adaptation of people to external factors of the profession, their personal characteristics, the development and improvement of professionally important qualities for the purpose of optimal professional functioning. At the stage of pre-retirement age, psychodiagnostics is transformed into an assessment of opportunities, acmeological mechanisms and means of maintaining an appropriate level of people's professionalism. At the stage of retirement age, at the stage of exit from the professional system, diagnostics is transformed into research and assistance to people in the optimal completion of their labor activity.

It should be emphasized that the diagnostic process takes into account the optimal sequence of personnel assessment regarding certain periods of the regular trajectory of professional functioning and development, which include pre-acmetic (choice of a profession), acmetic (professionalization) and post-acmetic (completion of active professional activity) periods-phases.

Seventh, the central idea of ​​acmeodiagnostics as acmeological epistemology, the foundations of which were laid by V.M. Bekhterev, B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina and others, is the development and optimization of research methods used in the course of psychological assessment of a person in the process of his professionalization.

Eighth, in the acmeological analysis and diagnostics of professionalization, an important aspect is the assessment of feedback, that is, on the one hand, an objective indicator of acme - productivity, creative coloring of the results of labor, and on the other hand, the level of reflection of difficulties or success, the level of reflective self-regulation, professional self-identification, self-actualization and, on their basis, the growth and spread of a sense of satisfaction with the process and results of professional activity.

Thus, the subject-object continuum of research is an integral developing acmeodiagnostic system, which consists of: 1) assessment of professional activity (signs, requirements, criteria, indicators) and personnel (attraction, selection, placement, adaptation, training); 2) adjusting the psychological parameters of employees, managers and teams (psychological support); 3) monitoring the effectiveness of personnel activities through a) assessing the effectiveness of performing professional tasks and b) assessing the development (certification) of personnel for certain period work, as well as 4) improving the quality, efficiency and reliability of methodological diagnostic tools.

The task of a psychologist in an enterprise who evaluates candidates for employment is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, assessment upon admission is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the organization's human resources.

Although there are a large number of different approaches to evaluation, they all suffer from a common drawback - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who it uses as an expert.

The problem of the objectivity of the assessment could be formulated as follows, in the form of separate requirements for the assessment technology. It should be built in such a way that the staff is evaluated:

objectively - regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;

reliable - relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly random);

reliable in relation to activity - the real level of skills should be assessed - how well a person copes with his work;

with the possibility of forecasting - the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;

comprehensively - not only each of the members of the organization is evaluated, but also the connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;

the evaluation process and evaluation criteria should not be accessible to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to both appraisers, observers, and the assessed themselves (that is, they should have the property of internal evidence);

carrying out evaluation activities should not disrupt the work of the team, but be integrated into the overall system of personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

An analysis of the literature showed that "there was a big gap in the world and domestic human knowledge - there was no comprehensive study of an adult." The complexity of the acmeological diagnostics of the personnel of the municipal service is the basic position and constructive category of our study.

1.4 Principles and methodological foundations for studying and evaluating the psychophysiological qualities of a person

The implementation of the principles of diagnostics of professional suitability in psychodiagnostics encounters at least two major theoretical problems. Firstly, in the bulk of theories and practical recommendations on psychological technologies, the stated principles of development and consistency, as a rule, concern and relate only to the person, the subject of labor. Abilities develop steadily and constantly, the character of a specialist changes, his intellect is transformed, the corresponding emotional and volitional qualities are formed, and, of course, there is a dynamics of motivational components. Based on these personal transformations, professionalism is formed as a property, process or state, with all its inherent attributes. Secondly, in addition to the personality, the professional system includes, and is actively included, the profession itself as a directed functioning of a specialist, as an organization of labor, as a social status (prestige), as an incentive for activity and as a spatio-temporal continuum. It not only accepts a person into its labor and social sphere, but also, transforming it, transforms itself. It is in this metamorphosed space-time that the specialist operates. Therefore, the personality of a professional is studied in theoretical and applied terms by assessing the nature of the relationships in the process of its development as a complex natural being (individual), as a product of social relations (personality) and as a subject of activity (professional).

Based on the principles of diagnosing professional suitability, the structure of the process of evaluating the optimization of personal and professional functioning has been formed, which is understood as: a) the diagnostic aspect of the development and transformation of professional psychological requirements for the individual, b) the diagnostic aspect of the development of the personality of a professional and c) the organizational and methodological aspect of the assessment personal and professional functioning.

Professional activity expresses the conditions for the optimal professional functioning of specialists. These conditions include a subsystem of operational functioning, which includes various aspects and the level of professional competence of a person.

The subsystem of social functioning is the ability and ability of a person to build an optimal communication and personal environment for the given conditions of activity, the nature of professional tasks, the characteristics of collectivist relations, and the specifics of managerial interactions.

The subsystem of psychological functioning is interpreted by us as a structure of the available professionally significant qualities of a person, as well as external and internal resources that ensure their correction, development and compensation. The axiological and motivational components of professional functioning in terms of content can be concretized and objectified in the process of service in the form of a certain need, needs, desires, interests, attitudes, motives, goals, values ​​and meanings. Physiological functioning is also an important subsystem of the professional functioning of specialists, which includes: the level of functioning of the body (health), the physical and somatic state of a person, his well-being, performance, etc. And, finally, an important subsystem of professional functioning fully includes an external managerial resource a professional organization in the form of capable organizers and leaders, an efficient administrative apparatus, high-quality interaction between the management, other public, private structures and public organizations, a clear organization of the process of managing public service bodies.

The issue of diagnostics comes from the systematic assessment and measurement of objective, subjective aspects of professional functioning, as well as the issue of developing reliable tools and methods for this measurement.

The diagnostic signs (indicators) of a person's professionalization are: the rate of individual, personal and subject-activity change, characterized by the dynamics of the quantitative and qualitative results of the subject's activity at each stage of this path; "time points" of achieving acme at the stage of maturity; the structure and determining relationship of various characteristics and characteristics of specialists, when some features are a catalyst for the development of other personality traits; the degree and nature of the impact of previous stages of human development on the features and level of professionalization; features of "not equally successful periods of entry" of a person into the akmetic period; features of the crisis stages of the development of the subject; the nature and characteristics of a person’s practical activity, which is an objective indicator or criterion for the acmeological assessment of the subject, etc. A generalized indicator of the achieved level of acme is a moral and environmental criterion for the degree of compliance of the product of human activity with the social, ecological, cultural, spiritual and epistemological progress of nature and society (A.A. .Bodalev).

Criteria and indicators of professionalization and personality development are directly related and determined by the system of identifying the common, special and singular in a single space of human activity characteristics. The theoretical analysis of this problem involves consideration of the established concepts of the general, which go back to the Aristotelian, Platonic and Hegelian epistemological theories, defining it through the relation of similarity, identity and the concept of connection.

The general, particular and singular are considered within the framework of acmeodiagnostic research from the point of view of subject-content, instrumental-methodical and organizational-procedural evaluation plans.

From the point of view of the subject-content continuum, the general is stable and constantly manifested in the object and subject of diagnostics of constitutive structural-functional and meaningful aspects. The general can also be represented in the form of regularities in the flow and measurement of the psychological aspects of professional activity, important and recurring features of the acmeological dimension, expressed in signs, criteria and indicators, as well as the features of those individual, personal and subject-activity phenomena that are studied in the framework of diagnostics. This is, first of all, a reliable assessment of abilities, temperament, character, motivational variables, axiological and moral attitudes, physiological reserves of the body, chronological characteristics and features of the phases of development of a professional personality, dynamics of interrelated levels of chronological and professional age of people in the process of adaptation, formation, development, improvement and maintaining professionalism.

Common features in the police are manifested, firstly, in an age-related decrease in intellectual activity with a simultaneous increase in combinatorial, practice-oriented mental functions, emanating from a situation of saturation and a steady increase in the overall threshold mental capacity. Secondly, in the instability of intellectual and emotional activity during periods of age crises. Thirdly, there is a connection between intellect and accentuated characterological personality traits. Fourthly, in the ratio of the specialization of professional activity, its effectiveness with the personal characteristics of employees. Fifth, in the dynamics of the motivational components of activity in relation to the age, organic, individual and personal changes of the subject. Sixth, in the dynamics of motivational components in relation to the effectiveness and specifics of professional activity. Seventh, in connection with job satisfaction and performance. Eighth, depending on the level and price of social and professional adaptation on the age status of a person. And, finally, ninth, in the differences between the mental planning of one's behavior and the real behavior of a person.

From the point of view of the instrumental-methodological continuum, the general manifests itself in the plane of developing and testing the objectivity of professional diagnostic methods in order to obtain adequate and reliable results: in the problems of qualitative and quantitative assessment; in the use of reliable and standardized diagnostic tools; in the development of adequate methods for mathematical analysis of data; in the construction and planning of a psychological experiment; in the representativeness of the experimental sample; in the elimination and control of artifacts and external variables; in the control of factors affecting the validity of the experiment.

From the point of view of the organizational and procedural continuum, the general implies an economical, algorithmic and efficient work a psychologist in organizing the diagnostic process itself, as well as processing, interpreting, processing and saving the results. In this aspect, the general is manifested in the unity of acmeodiagnostics and the development of professional activity, and the development of a person as an individual, as a personality and as a subject of activity. In this regard, it is not unimportant to identify and evaluate the structural and qualitative characteristics inherent in human factor in sociotechnical systems, regardless of their specifics.

In the context of the organizational and methodological continuum, the general is manifested in the creation of a favorable environment for reliable analysis, evaluation and development of the subjects. From here, as a regularity, client-centered acme diagnostics follows, taking into account the state, mood of the subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, ergonomic, technological and chronometric factors.

The special manifests itself in phenomena that are at a relatively low level of generalization. The empirical data obtained in the course of our study identified a number of special features of the development of the professionalism of civil servants within the framework of the law enforcement system. These include: the presence of a stable connection between the intellectual characteristics of employees and the effectiveness of their performance; connection of intellectual activity and characterology of people with organizational, professional and regional specifics; the dominance of impulsive-optimistic traits in the characterology of law enforcement officers; reconversion of the characterological traits of femininity and masculinity in the context of increasing professional and social specialization; manifestation of passive-expectant behavioral reaction of employees in extreme, non-standard, frustrating situations; the dynamics of the dominant types of temperament and the prevailing extraversive orientation of the personality, depending on age characteristics; the influence of gender differences, age and marital status on the psychological components of performance.

In diagnostic practice, the individual in the subject-content aspect is manifested as a refraction and concretization of the general and particular in a real subject, as well as the form, the degree of deviation of the results of personality diagnostics. According to our data, against the background of a pronounced general trend towards an age-related decrease in intellectual activity associated with the dominance of crystallized intellect in the framework of the algorithmization of mental activity, in the course of the professionalization of employees in information technology support units, a drop in the cognitive activity of employees is observed only up to the age of 40, and then rise is observed. A single trend in people of mature age may be a tendency to reduce the values ​​of the traits of "optimism" with an increase in control of one's health, flexibility of behavior, a tendency to introspection, and pessimism.

Our research has reliably proven a pronounced service-professional and regional specification, as well as a manifestation of the psychological differentiation of civil servants within each specialty, which can also be interpreted as a manifestation of the individual.

The singular in the organizational-procedural and instrumental-methodological plans is manifested: in the features of the development, organization and application of standardized psychological methods; in the features of the “masking” of the experiment, taking into account the regional, professional and age specifics of the surveyed contingent, in the forms of individualization of the process (the time of presentation of methods, the sequence of presentation, the duration of the examination) and diagnostic tools, based on the personal characteristics of specific people; in features of mood, psychological and somatic state, motivation for examination, social and official status; in the characteristics of the biographies of the subjects, their professional and social path, the characteristics of socialization, age characteristics and level of professionalism, gender differences, as well as ergonomic, environmental, chronometric conditions.

Thus, the general, particular and singular in acmeological diagnostics is determined, firstly, by the level of abstraction of the subject of psychological measurement, secondly, by taking into account the specifics of the use of diagnostic tools, and, thirdly, by observing the norms of reliable assessment of the subject and his qualities in comparison with professional - activity realities (requirements).

In the space of studies of the individual-personal professionalization of the subject, it is important that his characteristics and features correspond to the five main criteria. Firstly, the “normative-procedural standard”, which can be a social standard-standard or a functional-technological criterion ( normative way professional actions or deeds). Secondly, the progression of personal and professional development. Thirdly, the productivity of professional actions and actions of the individual. Fourthly, the degree of approximation of the level of actual personal professionalization to the subjective acme of a particular person-specialist (the degree of realization of personal and professional potential). And, finally, fifthly, the level of orientation and social and personal characteristics of the “innovative aspiration” of a person, which leads to creative self-expression that does not fit within the usual framework.

To train any physically and mentally healthy person to perform the duties of any profession. However, the practice of training specialists, taking into account the time factor and economic feasibility, shows that the most efficient training can be achieved in people who have the necessary set of psychophysiological qualities, the identification of which can be carried out by conducting a diagnosis of professional suitability. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct an individual assessment of these qualities before the start of training in order to determine the persons most capable of learning and mastering a particular specialty. This allows you to significantly reduce training time and reduce dropouts in the learning process.

The assessment of the psychophysiological qualities of a person is a rather urgent task, which is especially acute now, when a person is included in complex technical systems "man-machine", a high "price" of erroneous actions, the consequence of which is not only a decrease in the quality of professional activity, but also the occurrence of accidents and even disasters.

It is customary to distinguish between two main experimental approaches to the study of professional abilities - analytical, which includes methodological techniques for studying individual psychophysiological functions, processes, personality traits, and synthetic, which includes methodological techniques based on imitation or modeling of individual labor actions, their combinations or all activities in general.

When applying the first approach, it is assumed that any work process can be considered as a sequence of certain actions, the level of performance of which depends on a number of psychophysiological qualities of a person, which for each action, as well as for the same action, but in different types of activity, have different significance and weight. Having determined a person's capabilities in relation to these qualities, it is possible to establish his suitability not only for this particular specialty, but also for all specialties, activities in which require the same combination of these qualities.

It should also be noted that the use of synthetic methods for predicting a person's ability to act in a certain working situation hardly gives grounds for predicting the level of his functioning if the structure of the system is partially or completely different from the structure of the technical means used for selection.

a) Validity (English valid - valid, suitable, valid) - a complex characteristic of the methodology (test), including information about the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe phenomena under study and the representativeness of the diagnostic procedure in relation to them. In its simplest and most general formulation, the validity of a test is "... a concept that tells us what the test measures and how well it does it." In the standard requirements for pedagogical and psychological tests, validity is defined as a set of information about which groups of psychological personality traits conclusions can be drawn, as well as the degree of their validity based on specific test scores or other forms of assessment;

b) The reliability of the methodology is a measure of the stability (constancy, stability) of the results obtained using a specific methodology in repeated studies of the same subject;

c) Differentiation of methods. This requirement means that each technique should be aimed at assessing a specific function or set of functions. It is necessary that the correlation between the results of the chosen methodology and other methods aimed at assessing obviously different functions be the smallest.

To ensure a sufficiently high predictive value and reliability of methods in their development and selection, as well as in their practical use in the selection procedure, it is necessary to be guided by a number of fundamental provisions, the main of which are the following.

The principle of scientific validity. Methods should allow to investigate and evaluate precisely those personality traits that are professionally important for a particular type of activity and identified as a result of its psychophysiological analysis. It should be clear what quality is being studied and why it should be evaluated.

In addition, the scientific validity of professional selection procedures is expressed by a number of characteristics, the most important of which are:

standardization (the decision-making algorithm should be the same for all candidates);

specialization (decision-making should be based only on criteria related to the effective performance of activities);

completeness (the solution must take into account all significant parameters);

integration (the decision should generalize the estimates for individual criteria, taking into account the possibility of mutual compensation);

accuracy (the decision should be based on highly reliable data);

predictability (the decision made as a result of the selection should take into account the long-term prospects for the candidate to meet the requirements of future activities).

The principle of objectivity. The implementation of this principle provides for the need to create and maintain standardization during the survey period: the environment and survey methods, instructions, organizational forms of the experiment, forms of registration, analysis and interpretation of the results of the study. Insufficient standardization of research conditions leads to a decrease in the reliability of the methods, and, consequently, their value.

The principle of practicality. Methods should be such that their use does not require any special, long-term training of the subjects. It is desirable that they be economical in terms of the cost of equipment, the study and processing of its results, as well as economical in terms of the time allotted for the study. Methods should be simple and, if possible, should allow for mass screening with a limited number of attendants.

The principle of complexity. A comprehensive study and assessment of the candidate's personality, his professionally significant properties and opportunities for the most correct solution of the issue of his suitability for training and subsequent professional activity in the chosen specialty (study of biographical data, professional career, level of professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, state of health, opinions of colleagues about him). In a comprehensive assessment of a person's personality, it is necessary to take into account the fact that its important features are the ability to interchange and compensate for individual professionally important qualities and properties, their relationship, plasticity and dynamism. The ability of personality elements to mutual compensation determines certain possibilities of individual adaptation to the profession, during which an individual style of activity is developed.

The principle of continuity. It reflects the constancy of work on the recruitment and selection of the best specialists, the formation of a personnel reserve for managerial positions.

The principle of science. It consists in using the latest scientific achievements and the latest technologies in the process of preparing and conducting the selection.

The principle of dynamism (stages). When speaking about this principle, the concepts of prolonged or longitudinal selection are sometimes used. The use of this methodological principle provides for a rational sequence and repetition of the examination of candidates, which ensures the increasing accumulation of information or the receipt of new information about the properties, abilities and capabilities of a person. The expediency of a staged professional selection of candidates for various specialties is due to the fact that as a result of a one-time examination, the possibilities of which and the volume are usually limited by a limited time, it is often not possible to obtain complete information about the properties and abilities of candidates. In this regard, the probability of reliable prediction of professional suitability may be insufficient. In addition, a one-time survey makes it difficult to assess the opportunities for developing the qualities necessary for a particular position or specialty.

The principle of grouping specialties (differentiated forecasting). It consists in the development of complexes of methods for conducting professional selection not for each of the existing specialties, but for certain groups of them. Such groups of specialties should be sufficiently homogeneous in all the requirements for specific specialties. This principle makes it possible to make professional selection economically justified, since the development of a methodology for predicting professional suitability for each specialty would require significant material and time costs. At the same time, for individual specialties that impose strictly specific requirements on a person, it is necessary to develop special methods of professional selection.

The effectiveness of the applied methods of professional selection and the reliability of the results obtained largely depend on the organization of the psychophysiological examination.

The main requirements for its implementation are:

Professional readiness and competence of the survey manager;

Availability of a room specially prepared for psychophysiological examination;

Positive installation of the surveyed on the qualitative performance of tasks;

Compliance with the standard conditions for conducting the survey (standardization of instructions, the sequence of stages of the examination and the form of its conduct, the time for completing tasks, the standardity of interference).


Psychological diagnostics of the professional suitability of specialists (municipal employees) is one of the main areas of work on the psychological support of activities and is focused on the professional assessment of people whose individual psychophysiological qualities are most comparable to the requirements of professional activity.

The process of psychological diagnostics of professional suitability was implemented in the following stages:

1. Study of sectors in the administration of the urban settlement "Working settlement Zavety Ilyich" (hereinafter referred to as the administration), the choice of indicators that determine professionally significant qualities, and the corresponding tests with a preliminary assessment of their adequacy and reliability.

2. Formation of a representative sample.

3. Research and choice of "external" criterion.

4. Processing of diagnostic results, assessment of the type of statistical distribution of the obtained indicators and their scaling.

The results of the diagnostics of professional suitability were analyzed taking into account the specifics of the work of the administration, which gives reason to state that, firstly, the experimental samples as a whole can be considered equivalent in terms of age, municipal service experience and gender. Secondly, it is necessary to adapt professional diagnostic methods. Thirdly, the basis of the diagnostic system can be an assessment of indicators of individual cognitive style and characterological features. Fourthly, the forecast of the degree of professional suitability can be represented as a regression equation.

In organizational and methodological terms, the procedure for in-depth psychological study of specialists consists of work in the following areas: study of documents; psychological testing; purposeful observation during the work with the candidate; final interview; preparation of a conclusion on the professional suitability of specialists.

According to the results of psychodiagnostics, the decision on the compliance of candidates with the requirements of official activity is made according to the scheme: “average value of the attribute + standard deviation”.

In practice, three or four categories of aptitude are defined. The most optimal is the definition of three categories of professional suitability according to the scheme of distribution of empirical variables "16.5% - 67% - 16.5%" and identifying suitability categories "A", "B" and "C", respectively.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, protocols are drawn up, which indicate: a) the category of professional suitability, b) the level of development of professionally significant qualities of candidates, and c) a list of characterological, activity and behavioral features.


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