Speech therapy entertainment in the preparatory group “Favorite letter. Speech therapy leisure "Adventures in the glade of fairy tales" in the group of age preparatory to school of compensatory orientation Theatrical leisure in the preparatory speech therapy group

Orlova A.S., teacher speech therapist.

Purpose: To create a positive emotional mood in children.

Educational: learn to select antonyms for words, consolidate the skills of sound-syllabic analysis, improve grammatical categories, exercise in the use and explanation of phraseological units.

Developing: to develop the phonemic hearing of children, mental processes: attention, logical thinking, creative imagination and expressiveness of speech.

Educational: to cultivate interest in the native language and in speech therapy classes, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: Multimedia system; presentation "Heroes of fairy tales"; record player; poster: "Entertaining exam for preschoolers"; D / I “Find a house for a toy”; crossword; marker, D/I “Collect a flower”; diamonds; diplomas, chocolate medals.

Preliminary work: Repetition and memorization of verses.

Host: Hello, dear children! You all know that every year our older children take the Unified State Examination at school. In this exam, it turns out what knowledge they received while studying at school. So we decided to hold the exam only for preschoolers. Questions and tasks for this exam were prepared for you by the most famous fairy-tale characters in the world.

So, are you ready to take part in this difficult but worthy challenge?

1/ The first task for you was prepared by all the gnomes known in the fairy-tale world. (the image of the gnomes appears on the screen)

D / game “What house do the gnomes have?”

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf.

He built ... (a house) in the forest.

A smaller dwarf lived nearby.

Under the bush, he made ... (house).

The smallest gnome

Folded under the mushroom ... (house).

The wisest gnome

He built a big ... (house).

The dwarves want to know what kind of houses they will have if they build them from:

2/ - What's the cry? What's a roar?

Is there a herd of cows there?

No, there is not a cow,

This is Katya - a roar!

Crying, pouring

The dress is wiped off.

The second task was prepared for you by the Girl - Ryovushka. (there is an image of a crying girl on the screen)

You know that Ryovushka cries day and night. Guys, think of a way to make her laugh. ( children offer their options)

And I know another solution to this problem! Let's read a funny poem to her.

Maybe twenty thousand times

Drop the iron basin.

A porcelain vase

You can never drop.

After all, twenty thousand times

We need twenty thousand vases.

(A. Kondratiev)

3 / And who prepared the next task for you, you will find out if you guess the riddles, and we write the answers horizontally in this crossword puzzle, then you will read in the yellow cells and find out who prepared the next task for you.

Crossword riddles:

(an image of a magpie appears on the screen)

4/ Magpie prepared an examination task not only for children, but also for adults. She flies everywhere, hears a lot, but she cannot explain the meaning of some expressions. Please, our smartest children and respected adults, explain to the magpie what this means:

Word game “Explain the expression”

  • Cracks like a magpie.
  • Nodding.
  • For distant lands.
  • Soar in the clouds.
  • Turn up one's nose.

5/ Outdoor game “Merry tambourine”.

Hurry up, get in a circle, now let's have a little rest and play a game called "Merry Tambourine".

Standing in a circle, to the music, the children pass tambourines to each other in a chain, pronouncing the words:

“You roll a cheerful tambourine

Quick, quick hand

Who has a cheerful tambourine

He will now dance to us!

(at the end of the words, those children who have tambourines go out into a circle and dance.)

6/ Dunno prepared the next task for you. (on the screen - the image of Dunno)

Dunno offers you to put things in order and put toys in their houses.

D / game “Find a house for a toy”

If the name of the toy has 1 syllable, then it lives in a house with one window,

2 syllables - in a house with two windows,

3 syllables - in a house with three windows.

(children put toys in their places)

7/ And this task was prepared for you by Pinocchio. (on the screen - the image of Pinocchio)

He loves to argue

So I decided to play a game with you "Say the opposite."

Word game "Say the other way around."

The more friendly you answer, the higher your marks will be.

8/ The last task for you was prepared by Thumbelina.

(On the screen - Thumbelina)

She loves flowers very much and therefore, she asked you to lay down daisies for her. But daisies are not simple: In the middle of each daisy is a sound symbol and a letter. You need to pick up petals with pictures for each flower that start with a given sound.

D / game "Fold the flower."

9. - So our fun exam for preschoolers is coming to an end.

We made sure that you love and know your native language. After all, we cannot do without it.

Based on the results of the exam, we want to give you a certificate of knowledge quality. Based on the results of the exam, we want to give you a certificate of knowledge quality and medals.

(children are awarded with diplomas and chocolate medals)

Plekhanova Valentina Sergeevna

Goals: encouraging children to be emotionally responsive to the state of peers, heroes of fairy tales; activation and improvement of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech.

1. To form the ability to reveal the topic, to subordinate your fairy tale to the main idea. Contribute to the tradition of family reading.
2. Develop the ability to enter into a certain image, imagine it, perform imitative movements.
3. To instill in children a readiness to interact in the familiar environment of the group, offering fairy-tale situations, referring to the positive experience of the characters that they can use in life.

Entertainment progress.

Speech therapist. Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes).
- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, he lived and was ... And who lived there? (Answers of children).
- Where is this fabulous kingdom, where is this unprecedented state? Maybe you can find it in our kindergarten? Let's try to do it! And the way to the fairy-tale kingdom will be shown to us by magical traces. Here is the first track. Where he points, there is the kingdom-state. Well then, let's go! (Following the footsteps, the children reach music hall, see and guess whose footprints (human foot, iron footprint, birds, animal paws)).
- Oh, guys, we are already at the very gates of the magical kingdom-state. (Bird calls are heard, the door to the room of fairy tales opens.)

- Hello, forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Open everything, do not hide,
You see, we are ours.

Guys, look how many paths there are in the fairy forest! What do you think, which of the fairy-tale characters ran through them? (Answers)

(The voices of birds sound, the voice is a microphone)
- Good afternoon, red girls and good fellows. I am Vasilisa the Beautiful! I hasten to inform you that I have a magical chest, and in it are countless riches. Only I will give them to those who will be able to pass all the fabulous obstacles.

Speech therapist. - And where can we look for Vasilisa the Beautiful? And here are the magic balls. I think they will help us. Task: Who will rewind the ball forward and read the note.
"To see Vasilisa, you need to get into a faraway kingdom, a faraway state."
Speech therapist. - How? .. What about fantasy? Close your eyes and count to three. One, two, three... Here we are in the fairy-tale kingdom. (Apple tree)

Speech therapist. - Look, magic apples, something is written on them.

Apple tree. - There are proverbs and sayings on my apples. Beginning on one apple, end on the other. If you find a pair of apples for each and tell which fairy tale this saying is suitable for, then I will show you the way to Vasilisa. (Children make up sayings, read them.)
In crowded but not mad. ("Mitten")
Whose mansions, that and bread. ("Three Bears")
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. (Fox and hare)
An old friend is better than two new ones. ("Bubble, straw and bast shoes")

Baba Yaga appears:
- Well, guys, is everyone gathered? Did everyone recognize me? Well, who am I? That's right, Baba Yaga. Who were you waiting for? Vasilisa the Beautiful? Ha, but I'll take it and not let you go to her. If you do not answer my questions, then you will never know what Vasilisa has in her magic chest.
- What magical objects are there in Russian folk tales? (Wand, comb, axe, invisible hat, club, self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, etc.)
- How do fairy-tale characters move? (Swan geese, mortar, walking boots, flying carpet, etc.)
- What words do many Russians end with? folk tales? (There was a feast for the whole world there. I was at that feast, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.)
What fairy tale does Baba Yaga live in? (“Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Morozko”, “Geese Swans”, “Baba Yaga”, “Finist-Clear Falcon”, “Princess Frog”).
Why are you scaring my kids?
Because you don't know me at all.
I am very kind and I am beautiful
But only very, very unhappy!
How tired I am of being an evil old woman!

Speech therapist. - Are you tired of being an evil old woman? Tired of living in a hut? Baba Yaga, did you send a letter to the children?

Baba Yaga. - I sent it! Sent! I wonder if they fulfilled my request or not. I have a cherished dream: to become beautiful, well-mannered and educated.

Speech therapist. - So our guys will help you with this! (Children offer to put on Baba Yaga a new costume and tell a new tale about her life)
- And also, Baba Yaga, we drew you. (Show pictures).

Thank you guys for helping me be kind. I will treat you with pies for this ... Oh, the pie ran away. (Baba Yaga runs backstage, catching up with a pie. A pie runs out from behind the curtains.)

Pie. - Hello guys!

Speech therapist. - Hello. And who are you?

- I'm a funny pie,
I have a rosy side.
Kolobok I'm the younger brother,
You guys are very happy.
- I heard everything. Are you looking for the casket of Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Speech therapist. - Yes, but we don't know where to go next? Where to look for Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Pie. - Guess for a start my riddles, maybe I can help you.

Just jump over the threshold
And went for a walk without legs. (Kolobok)

She bought a samovar
Tarakanov invited.
"I celebrate birthdays,
Come have some tea." (Fly Tsokotukha)

Whom mothers scare children
If their children are stubborn?
Answer quickly
Who is this? (Barmaley)

He lives in a dense forest,
Dark, scary and prickly,
As a villain, quite successful
Harmful hairy ... (Goblin)

Never trust him
Though he says he's immortal,
It consists of relics
Disgusting ... (Koschey).

Well done.
Did you lose anything along the way? And then I ran along the path and this is what I found.

Speech therapist. - Someone dropped a handkerchief. What words are embroidered on it? (Children read "Vasilisa the Beautiful")

Pie. - So that's whose handkerchief it is. Was Vasilisa the Beautiful in trouble, since she had lost her headscarf? What could have happened? (Children make their guesses)

Speech therapist. - And I think it's Vasilisa the Beautiful showing us the way.

Pie. - And here is the magic box. Here is a note...
" Well done boys. You have completed all my assignments. Found a magic box. The casket will open if you answer the question "What are the fairy tales?"(The pie opens the casket and takes out treats for the children)

In order not to offend fairy tales,
Need them see more often,
Read and draw them
Love them and play them.

Fairy tales will wean everyone to be angry,
And learn to have fun!
Be humble and kind
Be patient and smarter!



Correctional and educational.



Potapova Yulia Igorevna

MBDOU "Child Development Center "Alyonushka" - Kindergarten No. 3"

Teacher speech therapist

Scenario of speech therapy entertainment "Journey to a fairy tale"

For children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Goals: Correctional and educational.Generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales and fairy tale characters. Learn to distinguish the first sound in the composition of the word and characterize it according to acoustic and articulatory features. Reinforce the concept of related words.

Correction-developing.Develop phonemic awareness in children. Exercise in reading syllables, making sentences; in the formation of relative adjectives. To consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.

Correctional and educational.To instill in children an interest in fairy tales, in reading. Learn to control the correct pronunciation of the set sounds in spontaneous speech. Create a positive emotional mood in children.

Equipment: Multimedia, laptop, presentation, tape recorder, flash drive, flowers with pictures, fish with syllables, apples with pictures, baskets.

Event progress:

Speech therapist

We have loved fairy tales since childhood.

The fairy tale sends its greetings to us.

Both girls and boys -

Everyone reads fairy tales in books.

Fairy tale teaches us good

Help always in trouble.

Heroes are waiting for us

They call it a good fairy tale.

They need our help

Are you ready, children?


Well, friends, it's time to go

Let's hurry to help!

Speech therapist

Guys, today I invite you to the land of fairy tales. And we will go there on a magical train.

Our magic steam locomotive is already letting off steam from under the wheels, you hear: ch-ch-ch

Get in the wagons. Our magical journey begins!

(children stand up as a "train" one after another and move around the room, pronouncing the words)

I puff, puff, puff.

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking.

I'm flying to the land of fairy tales.

Speech therapist

The train drove us to the land of fairy tales. Take a seat on the chairs.

On a sunny meadow

Worth a beautiful house

With true friends

Malvina lives in it.

What is this fairy tale?

(The fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Malvina says that Pinocchio does not want to study at all. Didn't do it again homework. And the task is:

1 task "Name the first sound in the word"

You need to name the picture on the magic flower, determine the first sound in this word and characterize this sound.

Speech therapist

Guys, let's help Pinocchio.

(children of the preparatory group take turns taking a flower, calling a picture, highlighting the first sound and characterizing this sound)


Martin. In this word, the first sound is [l]. Sound [l] consonant, sonorous, solid.

Woodpecker. In this word, the first sound is [d]. The sound [d] is consonant, sonorous, soft.

Duck. In this word, the first sound is [y]. The sound [y] is a vowel.

Speech therapist

Well done boys! Completed the task!

Pinocchio is very happy and invites us to a fun dance (all children repeat the movements).

Dance "Pinocchio" to the soundtrack from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

Speech therapist

Our journey through the land of fairy tales continues.

Let's get into a new fairy tale!

And here is a new hero meets us.

Guys, do you recognize him?

Children: Yes! It's Puss in Boots!

The task is to catch a fish.

The cat invites us to go fishing. The fish in the pond are not simple, syllables are written on them. Read the syllable, catch the fish, and put it in the bucket.

Performed by children of the older group).

(children “catch a fish” and read syllables, for example, AR, OR, UR, IR, YR, ER).

Speech therapist

Well done! And this task turned out to be within your power!

Speech therapist

While we were playing, trouble happened in fairyland. The swan geese carried off the brother.

Look, Baba Yaga is sitting in the hut, the brother is sitting on the bench, playing with golden apples. Did you recognize this tale?

Children. Yes!

Fairy tale "Geese-swans".

3 task "Enchanted offers"

Baba Yaga bewitched the sentences. And she gave the sister a task - to disenchant them. "If you break the spell - I'll give you my brother, if you don't break the spell - beware!"

Listen carefully and correct mistakes.

In front of the children

The painters paint the rat.


They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

Got hooked house.


Under the birches, where is the shade,

Hidden old day.


Who is there? Well, guess what!

With long ears T-shirt.


To her grandchildren Baba Sveta

Knits warm rockets.


Can't you find the answer

On Alyosha's slingshot.

Speech therapist

Well done boys! You saved your sister and brother! And the next story is waiting for us.

I see a little girl and she needs help too.

Remember the fairy tale about how one girl was left an orphan and an evil mistress took her to her place, who had three daughters: One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye. What was the name of the orphan girl?

Children: Tiny-Khavroshechka!

Speech therapist

Now we will help Tiny-Khavroshechka.

Task 4 "Pick up apples" (performed by children of the preparatory group).

The evil mistress ordered Tiny-Khavroshechka to collect apples in three baskets.

There are unusual apples on the apple tree, with pictures. Name the pictures, define the words - relatives and arrange the picture apples in baskets.

(children do the task)

Speech therapist

Well done! Help Tiny-Khavroshechka!

Speech therapist

Walking along the magic path

We are entering a new fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Aibolit"

Speech therapist

Guys, we are back in new fairy tale. Which one, you guess.

This doctor is famous

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear.

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor...

Children: Aibolit!

Speech therapist

Aibolit heals forest animals. The cold came, the animals got sick and they came to Dr. Aibolit.

Look at the picture and tell me who came to see Aibolit?

Task 5 "Count and name" (performed by children of the older group).

Slides are coming.


One squirrel, two squirrels... five squirrels;

One fox, two foxes... five foxes;

One wolf, two wolves... five wolves.

Speech therapist

Well done boys! And they did the job!

Guys, our journey through the land of fairy tales has ended. Fairy-tale heroes thank you for your help and give you a surprise. He is waiting for us in kindergarten. It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Our magic steam locomotive is already blowing steam from under the wheels: ch-ch-ch

Get in the wagons.

I puff, puff, puff.

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking.

I'm going to kindergarten.

Here we are in our Alyonushka! Children sit on chairs and get a surprise - a cartoon.

Speech therapy entertainment for children of the senior and preparatory groups on the topic: "An entertaining exam for preschoolers." Designed for children 5-7 years old with ONR. It can be used by speech therapists, educators of speech therapy groups.


  • Create a positive emotional state in children.



  • learn to choose antonyms for words,
  • to consolidate the skills of sound-syllabic analysis,
  • improve grammatical categories,
  • exercise in the use and explanation of phraseological units.


  • develop children's phonemic awareness,
  • mental processes: attention, logical thinking, creative imagination and expressiveness of speech.


  • to cultivate interest in the native language and in speech therapy classes,
  • friendly attitude towards each other.

Material : Multimedia system; presentation "Heroes of fairy tales"; record player; poster: "Entertaining exam for preschoolers"; didactic game "Find a house for a toy"; crossword; marker, didactic game "Collect a flower"; diamonds; diplomas, chocolate medals.

preliminary work: Repetition and memorization of verses.

The course of speech therapy entertainment:

Host: Hello, dear children! You all know that every year our older children take the Unified State Examination at school. In this exam, it turns out what knowledge they received while studying at school. So we decided to hold the exam only for preschoolers. Questions and tasks for this exam were prepared for you by the most famous fairy-tale characters in the world.

So, are you ready to take part in this difficult but worthy challenge?

1) The first task for you was prepared by the gnomes known to everyone in the fairy-tale world. (the image of the gnomes appears on the screen)

Didactic game "What house do the gnomes have?".

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf.
He built ... (a house) in the forest.

A smaller dwarf lived nearby.
Under the bush, he made ... (house).

The smallest gnome
Folded under the mushroom ... (house).

The wisest gnome
He built a big ... (house).

The dwarves want to know what kind of houses they will have if they build them from:

From wood (wooden)
From sand
From stones
From bricks
From glass
From iron
from straw
From paper
Out of the snow
From ice
From sweets
From chocolate
From gingerbread
From marmalade
From lollipops

2) What's the scream? What's a roar?
Is there a herd of cows there?
- No, there is not a cow,
This is Katya - a roar!
Crying, pouring
The dress is wiped off.

The second task for you was prepared by the Girl - Ryovushka. (there is an image of a crying girl on the screen)

You know that Ryovushka cries day and night. Guys, think of a way to make her laugh. (children offer their own options)

And I know another solution to this problem! Let's read a funny poem to her.


Maybe twenty thousand times
Drop the iron basin.
A porcelain vase
You can never drop.
After all, twenty thousand times
We need twenty thousand vases.
(A. Kondratiev)

3) And who prepared the next task for you, you will find out if you guess the riddles, and we write the answers horizontally in this crossword puzzle, then you will read in the yellow cells and find out who prepared the next task for you.

Crossword riddles:

1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.

3. Grayish, toothy,
Roams through the fields, meadows,
Looking for calves, lambs. (Wolf)

2. Pointed ears, pillows on the paws,
Mustache, like a bristle, arched back.
Sleeps during the day, lies in the sun,
He roams at night and goes hunting.

4. They talk about me
It's like I'm leaning back
Not back, but forward
Only back to front. (crayfish)

(an image of a magpie appears on the screen)

4) Magpie prepared an examination task not only for children, but also for adults. She flies everywhere, hears a lot, but she cannot explain the meaning of some expressions. Please, our smartest children and respected adults, explain to the magpie what this means:

Word game "Explain the expression."

  • Cracks like a magpie.
  • Nodding.
  • For distant lands.
  • Soar in the clouds.
  • Turn up one's nose.

5) The mobile game "Merry tambourine".

Rather, stand in a circle, now let's have a little rest and play a game called "Merry Tambourine".

Standing in a circle, to the music, the children pass tambourines to each other in a chain, pronouncing the words:

"You roll a cheerful tambourine
Quick, quick hand
Who has a cheerful tambourine
He will now dance to us!
(at the end of the words, those children who have tambourines go out into a circle and dance.)

6) Dunno prepared the next task for you. (on the screen - the image of Dunno)

Dunno offers you to put things in order and put toys in their houses.

Didactic game "Find a house for a toy."

If the name of the toy has 1 syllable, then it lives in a house with one window,
2 syllables - in a house with two windows,
3 syllables - in a house with three windows.

(children put toys in their places)

7) And Pinocchio prepared this task for you. (on the screen - the image of Pinocchio)

He loves to argue very much, so he decided to play the game “Say the other way around” with you.

Word game "Say the other way around."

The more friendly you answer, the higher your marks will be.

Big -

Cry -
Get up

Warm -

8) The last task for you was prepared by Thumbelina.

(On the screen - Thumbelina)

She loves flowers very much and therefore, she asked you to lay down daisies for her. But daisies are not simple: In the middle of each daisy is a sound symbol and a letter. You need to pick up petals with pictures for each flower that start with a given sound.

Didactic game "Fold the flower"

9. - So our fun exam for preschoolers is coming to an end. We made sure that you love and know your native language. After all, we cannot do without it.

Based on the results of the exam, we want to give you a certificate of knowledge quality. Based on the results of the exam, we want to give you a certificate of knowledge quality and medals.

(children are awarded with diplomas and chocolate medals)

Orlova Antonina Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
EAO, Birobidzhan,
OGOBU "Orphanage No. 1"

Scenario speech therapy entertainment "We will repeat the sounds, we will play chess!"

Tasks. Improve diction, the ability to clearly pronounce corrected sounds, polysyllabic words with a confluence of consonants. To learn to perceive chess positively through game exercises and poems. Expand the horizons, enrich the vocabulary of children. Develop logical and associative thinking, attention and memory. Continue to learn to navigate on the plane and on the chessboard. To cultivate the ability to organize their free time, to solve tasks together, acting in a team.
Preliminary work. Correction of disturbed hissing and sonorous sounds, automation of isolated sounds, in syllables, words, sentences, verses. Learning poems about chess. Familiarization with the game - chess, examining and memorizing the chessboard, pieces, placement rules. Leading - speech therapist or educator, teacher, any teacher. Invitation of parents and teachers of educational institution.
Materials and equipment. 2 tables according to the height of children (on the podium). 2 sets of chess. A wonderful bag.

Entertainment progress

Leading. All in squares - white, black
Wooden plank,
And the rows of chiseled figures -
Wooden troops.
People move them, while away the evenings,
Children play chess
Genius game!

Guys, you and I are already familiar with this amazing game, we examined chess pieces, memorized the rules for their placement and movement. And about this - the verses that we will now hear.
1 child. On the cap - a sharp peak,
My role is enviable:
I'm taller than everyone, I'm taller
Of course I am the king.

2 child.
Standing next to the king
But not to be confused with the elephant,
And you can't compare with a rook
Super strong queen.

3 child.
It's very hard to go wrong:
The hat is sharp on us
We stand side by side, do not sit down
And with the queen, and with the king - bishops.

4 child.
We are eared and maned,
Boldly jumping through the fire.
Well guess, don't brag
Yes, of course it's a horse.

5 child.
Look carefully here
The tower is round
And loopholes through the battlements.
Along the edges of the board - rooks -
We stand like towers.
Leading.- And what figure do we need to talk about?

6 child Who does not like to jump and jump, Who is used to walking without haste
And takes it obliquely?
Well, of course, these are ... pawns.

7 child.
The pawn is a little soldier
Brave and courageous
She is a two-cell move
Does once.
Leading. All the children tried their best and read the poems well. Now look at our chess pieces before they have taken their place on the chessboard. Please name the figures in order, and now the first and last figure; previous and next. The children are called.

Game with chess pieces "What has changed".

Leading. I suggest you remember exactly how the figures stand and turn away. (The game is played several times, options: swap the figures, remove, add, do not change anything.) Turning around, the children notice the changes and say it. Child: -I noticed that the rook and bishop have changed places.
presenter. Now the pawns will help us split into 2 teams. I invite everyone to come up to me and get a chess piece from our "wonderful bag". (There are only black and white pawns in the bag). And now all the guys with white pawns are going to the "White Pawn" team, the guys with black pawns are going to the "Black Pawns" team.

Competition game "Which team will arrange the pieces correctly"

presenter. I suggest that the teams come to the tables on which you have to arrange the pieces on the chessboards in accordance with the rules of this game.
To play and win
You need to know the board for "five"!
Place the board correctly
Always look at the corners
So that at the right corner
The cage was white!
- One, two, three - start! Which team can do it faster? With a large number of applicants, the game is played 2 times. Guests present help determine the winner.

The game "Recognize the chess piece by touch!"

presenter. I suggest everyone play the next game together, guests can also participate. We get up in a big round dance, while holding our hands behind our backs. Everyone receives one of the chess pieces in the palm of his hand, without seeing it, he examines it tactilely, trying to guess what exactly he got. In the same sequence in which they received the figures, the players make assumptions: - I think that in my hands - ... (name of the figure). Only after uttering, that is, pronouncing a complex sentence, the participants in the game check themselves visually - they look at their figure.
presenter. - Guys, did you like our entertainment? What was especially memorable? Children's answers. And I want to finish with the words - One, two, three, four!
Let's live in harmony and peace!
Let's have fun playing:
In checkers, chess, lotto -
No one will quarrel with us!

Averbakh I., Beilin M. "Journey to the chess kingdom" M., Terra-Sport, 2000. Vesela Inna, Veseli Jiri "Chess Primer" M., Krugozor, 1994. Grishin V., Ilyin E., "Chess ABC" M., "Children's Literature" 1980. Podgaets O. "Walking through the white and black fields" Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.