Diseases of domestic chickens: symptoms and treatment. Diseases of laying hens and their treatment: photos, causes, symptoms, treatment Preventive measures to prevent the disease

At all times, keeping and breeding chickens has been a very popular business. That is what it is now.

Like all living creatures, these birds are susceptible to various diseases, which is one of the main problems of chicken breeding. Ideally, prevention is better than cure, and for this, preventive measures should be taken. But sometimes even they are not effective. Therefore, in order to successfully combat chicken diseases, both an experienced and a novice farmer must have a sufficient understanding of them.

This material highlights the most common diseases, which can affect the chicken population: the clinical picture, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as effective preventive measures.

How to recognize that a chicken is sick?

In order to recognize the disease in time, you should regularly inspect the livestock of chickens and constantly monitor them.

Looking at the bird you need to pay attention to:

If you still find pets that can be assumed to have any disease - isolate them from others and keep watching. Ideally, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian.

The main groups of diseases that domestic chickens are susceptible to

Diseases that affect chickens are divided into two large groups: contagious (transmitted from bird to bird) and non-contagious (not transmitted).

Pullorosis or typhus- a disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It affects birds of all age groups. The gastrointestinal tract suffers: the animal has a lack of appetite, constant thirst. The bird is lethargic and lethargic. The comb sags and turns pale, tachypnea (rapid breathing) is observed.

The main condition for the treatment of this pathology is a quick diagnosis. Sick chickens with water are given antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group (neomycin, biomycin) or penicillins (ampicillin). Perhaps intramuscular injection of these drugs.

In order to prevent chicken coop hygiene should be observed. If an outbreak of pullorosis occurs, diseased birds should be isolated, and disinfection should be carried out in the chicken coop.

Pseudoplague (Newcastle disease)- a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Sources of infection sick animals, their food and water. The disease affects the nervous and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract. The bird has impaired coordination of movements (a shaky gait, constantly falls on its stomach), mucus accumulates in the mouth. The chicken is forced to breathe with its beak open, distant wheezing is heard when breathing. No appetite, profuse diarrhea.

This disease is not curable. Chickens with these symptoms should be immediately isolated, killed and burned.

If this is not done, then you can lose all the chickens. To prevent pseudo-plague, it is necessary to carry out timely disinfection of the chicken coop and vaccination of birds.

Viral pathology, which often affects domestic chickens. Its main symptom is the presence of sores on the skin (pockmarks). Infection occurs by contact. The source could be:

  • a sick laying hen or other pet,
  • feed,
  • water.

The target of the virus is the cornea and internal organs. The main condition is to start treatment at the initial stage of the disease. External lesions are treated with antiseptics: a solution of boric acid or furacilin. Tetracycline is added to food for 7-10 days. If the disease could not be recognized at the initial stage, then all infected birds must be disposed of.

salmonellosis- The causative agents of this infection are pathogenic strains of Salmonella. Rapidly progressing, the disease affects all chicken organs. The laying hen becomes infected through food and water. The main symptom of this disease is profuse, liquid and frothy stools. Sick animals are lethargic, there is no appetite, but there is thirst. The joints of the extremities are swollen.

If domestic chickens are sick with salmonellosis, it is strictly forbidden to eat raw eggs, because they are the main source of human infection with salmonellosis. These bacteria die only after prolonged heat treatment.

Treatment of this infectious pathology is carried out within 21 days. At this time, furazolidone is added to the drinking of chickens. Streptomycin can be given with food. To prevent the spread of infection, sick individuals should be isolated. It is necessary to treat the chicken coop with disinfectants. Birds must be vaccinated to avoid salmonellosis.

Tuberculosis- a bacterial infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Caused by human and avian strains of Mycobacterium. The disease occurs when birds are kept in unsanitary conditions. The sick laying hen is lethargic, drowsy, with a pale comb. An important sign is the absence of eggs. Animals actively lose weight.

It is not possible to cure this infection, so sick animals must be disposed of. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to constantly maintain cleanliness in the chicken coop.

Ornithosis (psittacosis)- a particularly dangerous disease that affects the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems of chickens. Poultry is infected by airborne or fecal-oral route. They lose their appetite and become emaciated, defecate in liquid droppings. The main symptom is heavy hoarse breathing and sticking of feathers. Also, the following symptom may indicate a disease with ornithosis: mucus is released from the bird's nose.

Treatment consists in desoldering the birds with potassium permanganate water and antibiotic therapy with tetracycline or drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. Contact but seemingly healthy chickens should also be given antibiotics for two days as a preventive measure. The chicken coop and all equipment must be disinfected.

Coliinfection (colisepticemia) - a disease caused by a bacterium of the Escherichia coli group. The disease occurs due to non-compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the place where chickens are kept. A laying hen can also become infected through food of dubious quality. An alarming symptom is lethargy and loss of appetite against the background of growing thirst. Breathing is hoarse, heavy. A characteristic sign of coliinfection is a significant increase in body temperature.

Treatment consists in timely diagnosis and prompt antibiotic therapy. For these purposes, furazolidone and ampicillin are used.

chicken flu- a viral disease that affects the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The main symptom is difficult to identify. A sick laying hen becomes lethargic, she loses her appetite, her earrings and comb turn blue. Along with this, there is labored noisy breathing and a significant loosening of the stool. Treatment of this infection is not possible! Sick birds are destroyed.

coccidiosis- a disease caused by protozoan coccidia, sparing neither adults nor young individuals. Chickens can not only get sick, but also be asymptomatic carriers of the infection. The disease affects the gastrointestinal tract and its main symptom is loose bloody stools. In addition, there is a loss of appetite and general asthenia of animals. Birds become infected through poor-quality feed. When the first symptoms appear, the disease spreads with lightning speed. If you do not take action, the entire livestock may die. Therefore, animals with manifestations of coccidiosis should be isolated as soon as possible.

To prevent coccidiosis in the chicken coop, it is necessary to observe a sanitary and hygienic regime and prevent dampness. Pet food must meet the required quality standards.


A group of diseases that are caused by helminths (worms). They are contagious diseases.

At an early stage, the disease responds well to treatment with phenothiazine. In advanced stages, treatment does not make sense.

cestodose- a disease caused by a tapeworm. Its symptoms are seizures and weight loss. Infection occurs through poor-quality feed. For treatment, the drug filiksan is used.

They are contagious, but they are less dangerous than infectious ones. Their treatment almost always ends in recovery, but if ignored, a sick animal may die. Infection occurs when chickens come into contact with sick brethren.

Ringworm- affects the feather cover and skin of birds. Pale yellow lesions appear on the scallop and wattles. Later, feathers begin to crumble and stool disorder occurs, then body weight rapidly drops. Unfortunately, there is no point in treating this disease. A preventive measure is keeping the bird house clean.

Aspergillosis- a disease caused by a fungus that affects the respiratory tract.

  • Chickens cough and sneeze, breathing is noisy.
  • There are discharge from the nose, excrement with blood.

This pathology can be cured with the help of copper sulfate, which must be added to the water and food of birds for several days.

Effective and quite old is method of processing the dwelling of chickens with dust. But this is a dubious way, because due to its toxicity, dust can cause the death of animals.

You can get a more visual and complete picture of chicken diseases, their prevention and treatment by watching this video.

the gene for early ripeness of wheat dominates the gene for late ripeness as a result of crossing two plants, a splitting of 1: 1 was obtained

1. Name the genotypes of the parents
2. Name the genotypes of the parents if the splitting is 3:1
3. Phenotypes of parents if the offspring are the same.

In chickens, the black color of plumage (B) dominates over red (c), the presence of a crest (H) - over its absence (n). Dominant genes are linked in pairs. Red

a rooster without a comb was crossed with a black hen with a comb. Half of the offspring have a crest, half with black plumage, half with red. Determine the genotypes of parents and chickens, was there a crossing over?

1. In figured pumpkins, the white color of the fruit (A) dominates over the yellow (a), and the disc-shaped (B) - over the spherical (b) how will F1 and F2 look from

crossing a homozygous white spherical pumpkin with a homozygous yellow disc squash.
2. In mice, long ears are inherited as a dominant trait, and short ears are inherited as a recessive one. A male with long ears was crossed with a female with short ears. In F1, all the offspring turned out with long ears. Determine the male genotype
3. In humans, the allele of polydactyly (6 fingers) dominates over a normal five-fingered hand. In a family where one parent has a six-fingered hand, and the second has a normal hand structure, a child was born with a normal hand. Determine the probability of the birth of a second child without anomaly. Please, I really need to decide.

1) The gene for the black color of cattle dominates the gene for the red color, and the white-headed gene over the gene for the solid color of the head. what offspring

can be obtained from crossing a heterozygous black bull with a solid head color with a red white-headed cow if the latter is heterozygous for white-headed. The genes for both traits are on different chromosomes.

2) the gene of oat resistance to smut dominates the gene of susceptibility to this disease. what offspring will be obtained from crossing homozygous immune individuals with plants affected by smut.

3) the gene of the giant oat race is recessive, the gene of normal growth is dominant. what plants should be crossed to get offspring of uniform growth.

4) in dogs, the black coat color gene dominates the brown gene. the black female crossed several times with the brown male. total received 15 black and 13 brown puppies. determine the genotypes of the parents and offspring.

5) in wheat, the dwarfism gene dominates over the normal growth gene. what are the genotypes of the original forms if 3/4 of the plants in the offspring turned out to be dwarf.

Please help me decide.

What deviations in normal behavior and external state indicate the disease? Many diseases are characterized by a rapid course, which leads to the loss of livestock, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to inspect the herd daily for alarming symptoms. So, diseases of laying hens and their treatment, photos and descriptions of ailments - this is worth talking about in order to know what actions to take in a particular situation.

What should you pay attention to?

Diseases of laying hens at home can be cured if the symptoms are identified in time. First of all, the following general symptoms appear:

  • the bird becomes lethargic;
  • spends most of the time on the perch;
  • does not want to move and sits with his eyes closed;
  • apathetic state is replaced by excitement and anxiety;
  • difficulty breathing, the bird may make sounds atypical for it.

If the following symptoms are found, treatment should be started immediately:

  • the appearance of mucous secretions;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes near the visual organs or the respiratory system;
  • the condition of the feather cover worsens, feathers may fall out, look sloppy and dirty;
  • digestive system disorder - birds begin to have diarrhea.

Characteristics of diseases

Everything is not so simple here, and not every disease can be treated. With some infections, you can lose all the livestock. It is because of this that such ailments must be taken with all seriousness.


The disease has another name - typhus. Both adult birds and young birds are susceptible, the first sign is a digestive disorder. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from sick individuals to healthy ones. Sick laying hens transmit the virus to their eggs, and as a result, infected young stock are born. The disease is characterized by an acute course (at first), then a chronic form begins, which chickens get sick throughout their lives.


  • chickens become lethargic and move little;
  • refuse food, diarrhea begins, the bird is very thirsty;
  • the color of the feces becomes yellowish, frothy;
  • rapid breathing;
  • the young are weak, the chickens fall on their backs or sit on their paws;
  • in adult livestock, there are changes in the color of the crest, they become pale in earrings;
  • there is complete exhaustion of the body.

Treatment Methods

An accurate diagnosis can only be made with the help of a biological preparation containing a pullorose antigen. If the disease is detected, treatment should be started immediately.

As soon as the first signs appear, sick birds must be transferred to a separate room and given an antibiotic. Most often, treatment is carried out with biomycin or neomycin. These medications are sold exclusively in veterinary pharmacies, where you can also consult about the use. It would be useful to use furazolidone for both sick and healthy individuals, it is added to the feed.

Preventive measures

A daily inspection of the livestock is necessary in order to timely cull sick young or adult birds. In the poultry house, sanitary and hygienic conditions must be observed. Regularly ventilate the house.

It's important to know! Typhus is transmitted to humans.


Avian cholera (second name) affects both domestic and wild birds. It has two forms: acute and chronic. Spread by a microorganism - Pasteurella, which is very well adapted to environmental conditions. Pasteurella retains the ability to survive in excrement, aquatic environment, feed, corpses. Carriers can be birds that have recently had a disease or are currently ill. Also, avian cholera spreads among rodents.


  • depression of the state, inactivity;
  • birds have a fever;
  • refusal to feed and with it a strong thirst;
  • a malfunction of the digestive system is characterized by diarrhea;
  • liquid feces can be green and bloody;
  • mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • breathing problems, wheezing is heard;
  • the joints of the extremities swell, bend.

Treatment Methods

Treatment is carried out with sulfa drugs. Sulfamethazine is mixed with water or feed at the rate of 0.1% of the total volume of water, and 0.5% of the feed. Both healthy and sick birds should be given green grass and vitamin complexes in large quantities. To carry out the disinfection of the premises for birds and all inventory.

Preventive measures

The owner must take measures to exterminate rodents, close all available ways of their penetration to bird food. Before laying eggs in the incubator, they must be disinfected.

A sick bird must be destroyed. To maintain a healthy livestock, timely vaccination against cholera is done.

It's important to know! The disease is transmitted to people, usually in an acute form.


In another way, the disease is called paratyphoid. There are two types of flow: acute and chronic. Chickens are most commonly affected. The causative agent of the disease is salmonella. Method of transmission: from diseased individuals to healthy ones, incubation material may also be affected. Salmonella can easily penetrate the shell, and they can also be in feed, litter, or transmitted by air. As soon as symptoms are detected, diseased animals should be isolated and treated. Paratyphoid is contagious and extremely dangerous.


  • birds become lethargic and weak;
  • having difficulty breathing;
  • there are tumors on the eyelids, the eyes are watery;
  • indigestion in the form of foamy diarrhea;
  • the joints of the limbs swell, with paratyphoid the bird tips over on its back, convulsive movements begin with its paws;
  • the area near the cloaca is inflamed, as well as the onset of inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

Treatment Methods

Paratyphoid is treated with furazolidone, it is necessary to conduct a course for 20 days. The tablet is dissolved in 3 liters of water and poured into a drinking bowl. A course of streptomycin 100 thousand units per kg of feed is prescribed together, twice a day. Treatment should not last less than 10 days. Then stop giving the medicine for one week, and repeat the course.

Preventive measures

To maintain health, immune serum is used for vaccination. As soon as the treatment is completed, disinfection measures are taken in the premises for birds, and all inventory is also processed.

Ill birds become carriers of paratyphoid and can pass it on to healthy livestock, it is best to destroy such birds. If salmonellosis is detected in at least one chicken, synthomycin is drunk for everyone else at the rate of 15 ml per head or chloramphenicol is used. The dose is divided into several servings. Dacha occurs three times a day - 7 days.

It's important to know! The disease is transmitted to people and has an acute form.

It is a very common disease. Neurolyphotosis or infectious paralysis (Marek's name) is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system, the organs of vision. Tumors are formed on the skin, bones of the skeleton, internal organs. When infected with Marek, the work of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.


  • refusal to feed, signs of general exhaustion;
  • the iris of the eye changes color;
  • there is a narrowing of the pupil, often leading to blindness;
  • pallor of the comb, earrings, mucous membranes is observed;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
  • paralyzes goiter;
  • the bird is practically unable to move, obvious lameness is visible.

Treatment Methods

To establish a diagnosis, you need to contact a veterinarian. There is no cure and the livestock must be destroyed. Viru is dangerous because it has survivability and can exist in feather follicles for a long time.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to vaccinate daily young, this is the only thing that will help prevent infection. It is pointless to vaccinate an adult livestock, there will be no positive result. Before buying young animals, you must familiarize yourself with the veterinary certificate of vaccination.

It's important to know! It does not pose a threat to people, not a single case has been identified.

Bronchitis of an infectious nature

First of all, the respiratory system in young animals is affected, and in the adult livestock, the reproductive organs are affected. Egg production is on the decline and in some cases stops forever.

The virion virus is the causative agent. It can continue to live in chicken eggs and internal tissues. The virion is easy to deal with with ultraviolet irradiation and a number of disinfectants. The method of transmission is airborne, as well as with the help of bedding and tools for work. As soon as infectious bronchitis is detected, quarantine measures on the farm will have to be introduced for a year. The disease is extremely dangerous for nearby poultry farms. Herd mortality - 70%.


  • chickens begin to cough, breathe with difficulty;
  • mucous discharge from the nasal cavity, rhinitis;
  • in some cases, birds have conjunctivitis;
  • young animals refuse to eat, cuddle up to heat sources;
  • the kidneys and ureters are affected - along with this, diarrhea begins, and the bird itself looks oppressed.

Treatment Methods

As soon as the diagnosis of "infectious bronchitis" is made, quarantine is introduced due to the incurability of the disease. A ban is introduced on the movement of products obtained from birds and for sale. Regular disinfection treatments are carried out in all rooms where chickens were kept. Spraying aerosols containing chlorturpentine, Lugol's solution, aluminum iodide, etc.

Preventive measures

Incubation material must be obtained from healthy stock. If chickens were purchased at a poultry farm or from a private breeder, they need to be quarantined for 10 days (time for the development of a latent form of the disease). Vaccination helps prevent the development of the disease. Breeding birds must be vaccinated before laying begins.


Coliinfection occurs not only in laying hens, but also in other birds that are kept on the farm. The disease occurs due to pathogenic Escherichia coli. At the very beginning, the internal organs are affected. With a poor unbalanced diet, unsanitary conditions in the premises for birds, as well as in walking areas, leads to the development of kaolibacteriosis. The acute course is typical for young animals, the chronic form in adult livestock.


  • refusal to eat, strong desire to drink;
  • the bird is lethargic, indifferent to what is happening;
  • the temperature rises;
  • breathing difficulties, wheezing is heard;
  • the peritoneum becomes inflamed, there may be diarrhea.

Treatment Methods

An accurate diagnosis is required. Treatment is carried out with the use of antibiotics: terramycin, biomycin, which are mixed with food. Spraying of sulfadimezin is used, an additive to the diet of multivitamins.

Preventive measures

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic procedures, freshness and balancing of the diet.

It's important to know! The disease is transmitted to people, most often in an acute form.


It is a chronic respiratory ailment, maybe both in chickens and in adult livestock. Mycoplasma excites diseases and is a special form of life, located between the kingdom of viruses and bacteria.


  • breathing difficulties, wheezing, the bird sneezes and coughs;
  • mucus and liquid discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • the membrane of the organs of vision becomes inflamed, redness is visible;
  • some birds develop indigestion.

Treatment Methods

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease. Unhealthy livestock must be destroyed. With mild depletion or conditional health of the individual, antibiotics are used. It is necessary to introduce oxytetracycline or chlortetracycline into the diet at the rate of 0.4 g per 1 kg of food for 7 days. Then a pass is made for three days and the treatment is repeated. It is acceptable to take other medicines.

Preventive measures

On the 3rd day after birth, chickens need to drink a solution of tilan (0.5 g / l, drink for 3 days). It is recommended to repeat prophylaxis every 56 days. The birdhouse is equipped with good natural ventilation or additional equipment is installed.

It's important to know! The disease does not harm a person. In humans, mycoplasmosis is of a different kind. The chicken form is distributed exclusively between birds.



  • identification of general weakness and signs of exhaustion;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • the air from the lungs of a bird has an unpleasant odor;
  • the presence of red spots on the skin, they then combine and become yellow-gray;
  • the appearance of scabs on the skin.

Treatment Methods

The success of treatment can only be if it is carried out at the onset of the disease. Skin with lesions is wiped with furatsilin in the form of a solution (3-5%) or boric acid (2%), the use of galazolin is recommended. For internal use, biomycin, terramycin, tetracycline are used for 7 days. The diseased herd must be destroyed so that the disease does not spread.

Preventive measures

Strictly comply with hygienic and sanitary requirements. Carry out regular cleaning and disinfection activities in the premises for birds, you also need to process inventory.

It's important to know! For humans, the disease is not dangerous.

Newcastle disease

It is characterized by damage to the central nervous system, respiratory system, and the digestive system. In another way, Newcastle disease is called pseudoplague or atypical plague. You can get infected through sick or recently recovered individuals, food, water, droppings. Transmitted by air. Most often, the disease occurs in young chickens; adult flocks with pseudoplague do not show symptoms.


  • temperature rise;
  • sleepy bird;
  • mucus accumulates in the oral and nasal cavities;
  • chickens begin to spin, trembling of the head is noticed;
  • the bird falls on its side, its head throws back;
  • the work of the motor apparatus is disrupted;
  • there is no swallowing reflex;
  • blue comb.

Treatment Methods

There is no cure. The death of the livestock occurs after three days, in some cases, it is 100%. If a diagnosis of Newcastle disease is made, it is better to destroy the herd.

Preventive measures

Sanitary standards must be strictly observed. In some cases, vaccination can be saved. There are three types of vaccine containing live, laboratory attenuated, live attenuated in nature, and inactivated pathogens.

Destroyed birds or dead from pseudo-plague must be burned or buried in special places, throwing corpses with quicklime.

It's important to know! The disease is dangerous for people, has an acute form of the course.

This disease is viral, primarily affects the stomach and respiratory system. It has a severe form of flow, and leads to mass death of livestock. Special immunity in chickens up to 20 days of life.


  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • earrings and comb have a bluish color;
  • the bird is lethargic, sleepy;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing.

Treatment Methods

There is no cure, as soon as signs of the disease appear, the herd must be slaughtered. The corpses are burned or buried in cattle burial grounds at great depths and covered with quicklime.

Preventive measures

Strict observance of sanitary standards, as well as regular disinfection of bird rooms and inventory tools. As soon as bird flu is detected, the bird is rejected and slaughtered.

It's important to know! Represents a great danger to people because of the ability to mutate. Can develop in the human body.

Gumboro disease

It is a dangerous viral infection that most often affects chickens up to the age of 20 weeks. The bag of Fabricius, the lymphatic system become inflamed, hemorrhages occur in the muscles and stomach. In addition, the immune system suffers, which is why there is a high mortality rate.


  • the disease has no pronounced characteristic signs;
  • diarrhea, the cloaca may be pecked;
  • the temperature in the aisles of the norm in some cases decreases.

Treatment Methods

The disease is incurable, the death of the livestock on the 4th day. As a rule, the diagnosis occurs post-mortem. The destroyed livestock is buried in a specially designated place, covered with quicklime, or burned.

Preventive measures

Sanitation must be strictly observed. Acquired livestock must be quarantined.

It's important to know! Does not pose a danger to people.


It is an acute infectious disease. It happens not only in laying hens, but also in the rest of poultry. The larynx, trachea become inflamed, in some cases there may be conjunctivitis. The method of transmission is airborne. In sick and recovered birds, immunity develops for a long time, but laying hens continue to be carriers for several more years.


  • breathing difficulties;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • decrease in egg productivity;
  • conjunctivitis.

Treatment Methods

When the form is started, the methods of treatment do not give a result. With the help of tromexin, the condition of sick birds can be alleviated. The drug dissolves with water 2g/l on the first day, 1g/l thereafter. The course lasts until recovery occurs, but should not be less than five days.

Prevention measures

Compliance with sanitary conditions. Carrying out vaccinations. Planting in the quarantine room of the acquired livestock.

It's important to know! It poses no danger to people.

Invasive diseases

  • heterokidosis;
  • defeat by downy eaters;
  • ascariasis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • knemycodosis.



The symptoms of coccidiosis are similar to intestinal infections. The bird begins to refuse feed, diarrhea may occur. Feces are green and may have blood clots. Individuals quickly lose weight, observe anemia, egg productivity disappears. After some time, positive changes in the health of birds begin, but then the signs return.

Treatment Methods

Anti-microbial drugs are used for treatment. The most commonly prescribed nitrofuran series or sulfonamides. This is done by a veterinarian.



There are no clear signs.

Treatment Methods


Also caused by nematodes.


Leads to weight loss and emaciation. Decreased egg productivity. In some cases, there is bloody discharge from the mouth and diarrhea.

Treatment Methods

The use of antihelminthic agents, and the deworming of livestock.

Downy eaters


When infected, there is a decrease in appetite, weight loss, lack of egg production.

Prevention measures

The device of dry baths, in which they put a mixture of dust, sand and ash. Also, this mixture can be poured into the chicken coop.

It is important to carry out disinfection measures, process equipment and premises for birds.


The disease is caused by feather mites.


Most often they live among the feather cover on the limbs. Chickens actively peck at these places, after which swelling occurs on the legs. In addition, damage is formed at the site of pecking, on which crusts grow over time.


It is necessary to treat livestock, and the sooner the better. First of all, it is treated with stomazan, neocidon. Processing only external.

If signs of a secondary infection appear in the pecked place, then it is necessary to start treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Other diseases

This list of diseases is far from complete. There are diseases that are directly related to the wrong approach to feeding. These include:

  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes in the goiter;
  • uric acid diathesis

The goiter can become inflamed because foreign objects, spoiled food get there. It also occurs with a lack of vitamin A. To begin treatment, it is necessary to identify the source.

If a foreign object is found, surgical intervention will be required. If the reason is different, then a therapeutic diet is prescribed for the bird, milk or flaxseed broth is drunk, potassium permanganate is used to wash the goiter, soda is added to the shelves in the form of a five percent solution. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery occurs.

When uric acid diathesis (gout) occurs, a diet that lacks proteins is necessary. By the way, mainly adult birds are susceptible to the disease.

The feed should contain a lot of green feed, carotene and vitamin A. Their deficiency is very easy to recognize. It manifests itself in paralysis of the limbs, refusal to feed, motionless sitting in one place, goiter or intestines can become inflamed.

Gastritis is diagnosed by signs such as the presence of ruffled feathers, diarrhea and a weakened state of the bird. For treatment, a diet, a tincture of hemp seed, and a weak solution of manganese are used. As a preventive measure, fresh green fodder and vegetables are used.

Another common disease that occurs when improper feeding, or lack of vitamins, is salpingitis (inflammatory processes in the oviduct).

The most important symptom is egg production that has an irregular shape, lack of shell, and then the ability to carry eggs disappears.

Treatment consists in normalizing the diet, supplementing with vitamins, and monitoring the laying hens so that the matter does not end with a prolapse of the oviduct. If this happens, then you need to call a veterinarian who will set it in place.

Proper feeding with quality food helps to avoid alopecia (severe feather loss, which is not associated with feather mites).

Video. Diseases of chickens

where a and With is the number of recombinants of each species,
n is the total number of offspring
x is the distance between genes in morganids.

Task 6-18

In chickens, the trait of early plumage (E) dominates over the trait of late plumage (e), and the pockmarked plumage (B) dominates over black (b). Genes B and E are linked and show 20% crossing over. A homozygous early-fledged black hen is crossed with a heterozygous rooster. What offspring will result from crossing?

Task 6-19

If we assume that genes A and B are linked and the cross between them is 20%, then what gametes and in what quantitative ratio will a diheterozygote form?

Task 6-20

The distance between genes C and D is 4.6 morganides. Determine the percentage of gametes of each type: CD, cd, Cd and cD produced by a diheterozygous organism.

Task 6-21

In corn, smooth seeds (S) dominate over wrinkled ones (s), and colored seeds (C) dominate over colorless ones (c). The S and C genes are located on the same autosome at a distance of 3.6 morganids. Establish what types of gametes and in what ratio will be formed in plants that are diheterozygous for these traits.

Task 6-22

If we assume that genes A and B are linked and the distance between them is 8 morganides, and gene C is in a different linkage group, then which gametes and in what quantity will the triheterozygote and.

Chromosome mapping

For compiling chromosome maps calculate the mutual distance between individual pairs of genes and then determine the location of these genes relative to each other.

So, for example, if the three genes are in the following order: A B C, then the distance between genes A and C (percentage of recombinations) will be equal to the sum of the distances (percentage of recombinations) between pairs of genes AB and BC.

If the genes are in order: A C B, then the distance between the genes A and C will be equal to the difference in the distances between the pairs of genes AB and CB.

Task 6-23

Genes A, B and C are in the same linkage group. Between genes A and B, crossing over occurs with a frequency of 7.4%, and between genes B and C, with a frequency of 2.9%. Determine the relative position of genes A, B and C if the distance between genes A and C is 10.3% of crossing over units. How will the mutual arrangement of these genes change if the frequency of crossing over between genes A and C is 4.5%?

  1. According to the condition of the problem, the distance from gene A to gene C (10.3 M) is equal to the sum of the distances between genes A and B (2.9 M) and genes B and C (7.4 M), therefore, gene B is located between genes A and C and the location of the genes are as follows: A B C.
  2. If the distance from gene A to gene C was equal to the difference in the distances between the pairs of genes AB and BC (4.5 = 7.4 - 2.9), then the genes would be located in the following sequence: A C B. And in this case, the distance between extreme genes would be equal to the sum of the distances between the intermediate ones: AB = AC + CB.

Task 6-24

When analyzing crosses of AaBbCs triheterozygotes, organisms were obtained corresponding to the following types of gametes:

ABC - 47.5% abc - 47.5% Abc - 1.7% aBC - 1.7% ABc - 0.8% abC - 0.8% Construct a map of this region of the chromosome.
  1. An analysis crossover split close to 1:1 indicates that all three pairs of genes are on the same chromosome.
  2. The distance between genes A and B is: 1.7 + 1.7 = 3.4 M.
  3. The distance between genes B and C is: 0.8 + 0.8 = 1.6 M.
  4. Gene B is located between genes A and C. The distance between genes A and C is: 1.7 + 1.7 + 0.8 + 0.8 = 5.0 M.
  5. Chromosome site map:

Answers and Solutions to the Problems of Chapter VI

6-1. a) AB CD EF, ab cd ef, AB cd ef, ab CD EF, ab CD ef, AB cd EF, AB CD ef, ab cd EF;
b) ABC D EF, abc D ef, ABC D ef, abc D EF;
c) ABCDEF and abcdef.

6-2. a) Gametes AB and ab will be formed;

b) gametes Ab and aB will be formed.

6-3. Since genes can be located in the chromosomes in the cis- or trans-position, this problem has 4 solutions, each of which forms 4 types of gametes.

6-4. 50% of children will be polydactyl, 50% will inherit cataracts.

6-5. The male genotype can be or , so the problem has two solutions. In the first case, 50% of children will have both anomalies, 50% will be healthy. In the second - half of the children will suffer from elliptocytosis, half - cataracts.

6-6. 25% of children will suffer from cataracts, elliptocytosis and polydactylism, 25% will be healthy, 25% each will have cataracts and elliptocytosis or polydactylism.

6-7. All F1 hybrids will have lobed eyes and a shortened body. The F2 offspring will show phenotypes: lobed eyes, short body; lobed eyes, normal body; round eyes, normal body in the ratio 1:2:1.

6-8. Explanation in the text.

6-9. Explanation in the text.

6-10. Along with the gametes AB and ab, which will form the majority, a certain number of gametes will be obtained.
Ab and aB.

6-11. This organism will form gametes:

(not crossover)