Presentation for the lesson by V.M. Garshin "Traveling Frog" outline of a lesson in reading (Grade 3) on the topic. Presentation on literary reading "traveling frog" Greeting. Hello dear reader...

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Literary reading lesson. Grade 3 MKOU Velikodvorskaya secondary school Prepared by: Teacher primary school Chigorina S. S.

And now check, my friend, are you ready to start the lesson? Is everything in place, is everything okay? Is everyone sitting correctly? Is everyone looking carefully? Everyone wants to receive Only a mark of five.

They eat mosquitoes, and the swamp is their shelter. For herons, they are a very tasty catch. Croaking, hiding green bellies Behind the reeds are funny ... Frogs.

The frogs were asked: What are you singing about? After all, you, Excuse me, Sit in a swamp! The frogs said: We sing about that, How pure and transparent is the Native reservoir!

Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich

Travel - An event that disrupted and changed ordinary life. S. I. Ozhyogov.

A genre is a type of literary work characterized by certain plot and stylistic features. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language


Plopped off a bitch; flew upside down; quickly fell, jerking all four paws; flopped into a dirty pond; she was afraid to drop her frog dignity; dangled like this all day long; expression was the most radiant.



Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich

Finish the phrases I learned today in the lesson ... The most interesting thing in the lesson was ...

Thank you for the lesson!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A lesson in literary reading in the 3rd grade based on the fairy tale by V.M. Garshina + presentation for the lesson "Traveling Frog" (2 hours)

A lesson in literary reading in the 3rd grade based on the tale of V.M. Garshin "The Traveling Frog" (2 hours) The lesson is built on the technology of critical thinking ...

presentation for the lesson by V.M. Garshin "Traveling Frog"

The presentation for the lesson by V.M. Garshin "Traveling Frog" can be used both in the lesson of literary reading in grade 3, and in extracurricular reading lessons, in extracurricular activities ...

Presentation for the lesson of literary reading in grade 3 based on the work of V.M. Garshin "The Traveling Frog"

For a lesson in literary reading in the 3rd grade under the program "School of Russia", a presentation is proposed for studying the work of Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin "The Traveling Frog". In the presentation...

The presentation for the lesson by V.M. Garshin "Traveller Frog" can be used both in the lesson of literary reading in grade 3, and in extracurricular reading lessons, in extracurricular activities. The presentation is educational in nature, compiled using modern educational technologies.



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2013 The presentation was prepared by: primary school teacher Vlasova Svetlana Yurievna

V.M. Garshin "Frog Traveler"

folk tale literary tale 1. The author is the people 1. The author is a specific person 2. It exists orally. 2. Created in writing. 3. Each fairy tale exists in several versions. The creator can make changes. 3. Changes are not allowed. 4. Creation time cannot be determined. 4. The time of creation of the fairy tale is known. 5. Folk tale is limited by genre: - magical; - household; - about animals; 5. Not limited to a specific genre; includes features of everyday life, and magic, and fairy tales about animals, and even science fiction.

smart cheerful cheerful optimistic

Project participants: 1st grade students Primary school teacher, subject teachers Parents' community Physical education minute Two girlfriends in the swamp, Two green frogs, Washed early in the morning, Rubbed with a towel. They stamped their feet. Hands clapped. To the right, to the left they leaned And returned back. We see two funny frogs jumping along the edge, Jump-jump, jump-jump, Jump from heel to toe. Here is the secret of health. To all friends - physical education greetings!

brave pride cunning boastful


Australian tree frog Goliath frog Black-spotted toad



"Boasting punishes itself."


V.M. Garshin "Frog Traveler"

one . Full name (in full) Vlasova Svetlana Yurievna

2. Place of work GBOU OOSH pos. Shumovsky

3.Position Primary school teacher

4. Subject Literary reading

5.Class 3

6. Topic and lesson number in the topicThe image of the hero - an animal in the author's

Tale of V. M. Garshin

"Frog traveler".

7. Basic Tutorial"Native speech" part 2, grade 3 L.F. Klimanov,

V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova

8. Purpose of the lesson: form students' perceptions of

Features of the literary fairy tale genre

About animals

9. Tasks:

Educational learn to characterize the hero of a fairy tale,

Using the technique of verbal drawing-developing development of creative abilities, connected

Speech, memory;

Educational contribute to the education of moral qualities:

resourcefulness of quick wit, courage,


10. Type of lesson lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

11. Forms of student work:group, individual, couples

12.Necessary technical equipment:multimedia presentation, physical map of the world, individual test cards.

13. Structure and course of the lesson

1. Organizing time
- The long-awaited call is given, the lesson begins. "Guys! Ready for the lesson?!

Let's smile at each other, greet each other!
2. Checking homework
- Homework(draw a picture for a fairy tale)
(show in rows, show each other, evaluate)

3. Speech warm-up

- Let's read it with "buzz reading".

* * *

Along the river, along the water.
A string of boats floats.
The ship is ahead
He leads everyone. ( Duck with ducklings)

* * *
Sitting with bulging eyes
speaks french,
Jumping like a flea
Floats like a human.
(Frog. )
What is this text? (riddle)
1) Read the text to yourself
2) Read quietly with increasing
3) Read loudly with the transition to quiet reading
4) Interrogative
5) With joy, all together
- Why do you think I chose this particular riddle for this lesson?
(children's answers)
4. Knowledge update

Today we will go to the Bureau of Fabulous Finds

Slide 2.

(Illustrations Ax Porridge, Cinderella, The Tale of the Dead Princess, The Fox and the Crane, Masha and the Bear, The Traveling Frog.)

Students read the questions on the cards.

1. In what fairy tale is the hero related to the service prepared dinner from a metal tool for logging? "Porridge from an ax."

2. In which fairy tale is the shoe lost by the owner at the ball? "Cinderella" Ch. Perrault.

3. In what fairy tale was talking mirror? "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" A. S. Pushkin.

4. Which fairy tale ends with the words “How it came around, it responded” and since then friendship has been apart? "The Fox and the Crane".

5. In what fairy tale did the heroine sentence following words“I sit high, I look far away ...”? "Masha and the Bear".

6. The heroine of the fairy tale dreamed of warm countries, where there are a lot of midges. V. M. Garshin "Frog - Traveler".

Slide 3.


What two groups can the fairy tales you name be divided into? (Folk, author's or literary)

What are the features of a literary fairy tale?

How is it different from folk?

folk tale

literary tale

2. Exists orally.

2. Created in writing.

3. Each fairy tale exists in several versions. The creator can make changes.

3. Changes are not allowed.

4. Creation time cannot be determined.

4. The time of creation of the fairy tale is known.

5. Folk tale limited by genre:



About animals;

5. Not limited to a specific genre; includes features of everyday life, and magic, and fairy tales about animals, and even science fiction.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

slide 4.

Today, at the reading lesson, we will continue to work with V. M. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog is a Traveler”. We will learn to read expressively, characterize the main character of the fairy tale, develop attention and quick wits.

1. Drawing up the image of a hero - an animal by means of verbal drawing.

Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin wrote the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" when he was 32 years old. And for almost 120 years, children have been reading it. This tale is permeated with such light irony that it is a pleasure to read it. There are several editions of this work in the library. Main character this work has a variety of qualities of character.

Let's call them.

What frog?

Yes, only the smart will behave in such a way as not to drop their dignity. Let's take the floor clever for verbal drawing of the image of a frog. Prove it.

Now read what she thought during the warm rain.

Try to read it so that we, the listeners, can imagine how pleasant it was for the frog to sit in the rain. If our heroine enjoys life, then what other character trait does she have? Let's put your answers in our dictionary -cheerful, cheerful, optimistic.

Physical education minute

Two girlfriends in the swamp
Two green frogs
Washed early in the morning
Rubbed with a towel.
They stamped their feet.
Hands clapped.
Right, left leaning
And they returned back.
We see them jumping along the edge
Two funny frogs
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump from heel to toe.
Here is the secret of health.
To all friends - physical education greetings!

(Students perform movements according to the text.)

Despite the fact that the frog loved life so much, was smart, can it be called cautious? Prove it with text.

Do you remember where the frog thought? And what did she come up with? Read. Convey the frog's delight with your voice.

Now read the sentence that talks about the expression on her face when she informed the ducks of her decision. Convey the irony of the author with your voice.

Read how the frog traveled with ducks. Think, if the frog were cautious to the point of cowardice, would it go on such a dangerous journey? What character trait of a frog can be added? Let's add the word "brave". What did the frog not quite like during the flight? Read.

What did the frog enjoy during the flight? Who was she proud of? Prove it with text. What word will we add to the characterization of our heroine? - Write down in the dictionary "self-loving", "self-loving", "narcissistic". What character trait does the frog's behavior on vacation indicate? Why do you think so? Add one more word - "cunning". Sometimes these character traits, combined with each other, give rise to boastfulness.

Do you guys think this is a positive character trait? Can a frog be called boastful? Why?

Slide 5.




2. Let's read this episode by roles. Look for the paragraph "Next vacation"...

slide 6.

Read how the frog behaved in someone else's pond. This is how the journey of the main character of the fairy tale ended ingloriously.

Tell me what the frog was like.

Plan features:

1. The name of the hero, his place of residence.

2. Actions and deeds performed by the hero, their characteristics.

3. Appearance and character of the hero.

2. Mini-study "Frog - Traveler".

Slide 7 . - an image of a tree frog, a frog - a goliath, an Australian toad. and others. Siberian, Far Eastern, black-spotted.

Student 1.

From the tale of V. M. Garshin, I found out that its hero is a frog - a tree frog. A story about tree frogs. In nature, frogs do travel in search of water. It is a pity that in the fairy tale the frog did not see the places that the ducks told about. I invented a device that will help the duck achieve its goal, I called it a frog. A story about the operation of this device.

Student 2.

Using a new flying device, the frog will still go to warmer climes. The fairy tale does not indicate the location of the swamp. Let's take a trip with the frog. Let's suppose that she flew to Africa on a frog-plane.

(On the physical map of the world, move the magnetic frog to Africa).

Africa is a huge continent. It is washed by the waters of two oceans and seas. The world's longest river, the Nile, flows here, and there are many large lakes. Africa is the hottest continent. This is where the largest desert, the Sahara, is located. In Africa, there are two seasons - dry and rainy. Here our frog can get acquainted with the largest frog in the world - the goliath frog, which weighs 3 kg, its length is 25 cm. This is a very rare frog.

Student 3.

I will hypothesize that the frog might have gone to India.

India is a state located on the Eurasian continent, washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. In the valleys of the rivers Indus and Ganges fertile soils. Most of the population is employed in agriculture, grows rice. Water is essential, the harvest depends on the rains that fall from May to November. There is no cold. There are many insects in the forests. I think that such conditions - a lot of heat and midges, would like a frog.

Student 4.

I send the frog to our neighbors in China. (Moves magnetic frog)

China - washed by the seas and waters of the Pacific Ocean. The climate is humid and the soils are fertile. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers flow in the east of the country. People grow rice, which means there are many areas occupied by water. There are many insects that the frogs feed on. In eastern China, the climate is the same as in Primorsky Krai, which means cold winters. I would not advise the frog to fly to eastern China.

Student 5.

Australia is the smallest continent on Earth. Of the animals that inhabit Australia, many are found nowhere else. Lots of marsupials. In the Australian deserts there are several species of toads that have adapted to the lack of moisture. In a short period of rains, they give birth to offspring and hibernate until the next rains. It will not be easy for a frog in Australia - living conditions are difficult.

Tell us what interesting things you learned about frogs. I want to add a little to your posts. Within the territory of Far East There are three types of frogs: Siberian, Far Eastern and black-spotted frogs. In addition, tree frogs - tree frogs - live in our forests. These are chameleon frogs. Depending on the environment they can be green or brown. Tree frogs are an indicator of ecological cleanliness in the forest.

It can be concluded: needed where was born.

6. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. - Why did the Frog's journey not take place? Choose the correct answer.

a) frogs can't fly

b) the twig that the frog was holding on to turned out to be fragile;

c) because of the boasting, arrogance of the frog.

2. Conclusion.

After all, it was precisely this that prevented her from finishing a job well begun. The problem of boasting underlies the work of V.M. Garshin "The Frog - the Traveler".
- We analyzed with you the author's attitude towards our heroine at the beginning of the work, and how he treats her at the end, whether his attitude has changed. Let's see.
Reading from the words: "It's me! It's me! And with these screams ... " to the words: "... at the edge of the village."
FLYING UPside down

Look at the blackboard and read it again. What words did Garshin use at the beginning of the tale.
Now, what words did he use at the end.
- Tell me, has the author's attitude towards his heroine changed, judging by the way he describes the fall?

7. Checking reading comprehension


Take cards for testing. Choose the correct answer to the question

- Now exchange cards, take pencils, we will work as teachers.(Performing a frontal check)

8. Summarizing conversation
1) What did you like about the work?
2) Is it possible to correlate the saying “Boasting shows itself” with the read fairy tale? (Yes, you can. If the frog were not so boastful, then maybe it would have flown with ducks to the south)
3) Determine the genre of the work. (Story)
9. Group work
Choose the correct answer and prove why the frog is like that.
c) Beautiful
d) Kind

Drawing up a syncwine for the lesson.

slide 8.

Who is the hero of the story? FROG.

How she looks like? BUCK-EYED, THICK

What are her actions in the story? THOUGHT, TALKING, SHARING

What do you like about the frog character? INVENTS AN EXTRAORDINARY


10. Summary of the lesson
- Return to assumptions (guesses matched or not)
- What goals did you set?
- Thanks to what did you achieve these goals?

- Did you like our main character of the fairy tale and why?
What has this story taught you?(You can’t brag, because boasting prevents you from doing good deeds).

11. Homework
Select a vivid episode for yourself and prepare a retelling.

Presentation for the lesson V. Garshin "Traveling Frog"

The bell has already rung The lesson begins We will work now To learn new knowledge.

Speech warm-up During the day, the frog was very tired, The frog made his bed. The frog's bed is made of reeds, And the blanket is made of water lily leaves. Swamp bump - frog under the ear. From soft moss - a moss pillow. -Read slowly at first, then quickly.

What kind of strange little animal is jumping along the path? And not a soft toy, And not a round ball. She has only one word: Knows only “Kwa, kwa, kwa”…
Solve the riddle.

V.M. Garshin Tale of a brave hare»
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Moroz Ivanovich
F.M. Odoevsky Frog-traveler
Check it out, make it right

Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855-1888)
Vsevolod Mikhailovich wrote “The Traveling Frog” when he was 32 years old. The work was written last in his life. Illness prevented me from writing more. And for more than 120 years, children have been reading it. This tale is riddled with light irony that it is a pleasure to read it.

A traveler is someone who wants to see the world, feel the taste of another life, perhaps get acquainted with a new culture, or learn from the wise old days. Dusty books are not enough for him, but he wants to try everything with his own hands. And this desire becomes so strong that it lifts a person from his place and sends him on his way.

Dictionary work This amazing tale was written by V.M. Garshin in 1887, so the words of that time were reflected in it, let's read them Stacks (bread in stacks) - haystacks. Flail (knock of flails) - a hand tool for threshing. Versta - An old Russian measure equal to 1 km. 6 m. Pajats (paper clown) - the old name for a clown.

Screamed very loudly
Flew upside down
Phraseological turns:
Presence of mind
Flew upside down
Screamed at the top of her lungs

Physical education In the swamp, two frogs, two green girlfriends, Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel. They stomped their feet, they clapped their eyes. To the right, to the left they leaned And returned back. Here are our friends, what is our secret, To all the guys: “Fizkult-hello!

Reflection - What did the fairy tale teach us? What advice would you give to everyone? - Did you like today's lesson? - What do you remember the most? - Has your mood changed by the end of the lesson? - Evaluate your work in class.

Homework (optional) -Reread the story, divide it into parts and title each part. - Brief retelling of the tale - Come up with a different ending to the tale. - Make up a story about a frog and express your attitude towards it. - Draw an illustration for the story.

Frog- Frog- Portrait of the writer- http://www.donbass-info .com/images/stories/monument/artemovskiy_region/garshin_v_m_02.jpg Book cover - Frog Traveler - 6486.jpg
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