How can you earn money while on maternity leave. The idea of ​​making money on art, photography. How to make money for mom on maternity leave: we get money for everyday activities

You are a very happy mother maternity leave. The first difficult months with getting used to and shaking the schedule are behind you, and you have free time that you would like to devote to earning money or gaining or accumulating experience.

There are plenty of options for remote work to earn money today. You just have to listen to your abilities and desires and become more familiar with the list of activities that will bring you satisfaction and money. So, what should you pay attention to when looking for earnings while on maternity leave?

Ideas on how to make money on maternity leave

Perhaps you are ready to write term papers, abstracts. This is also a good source of income that does not require your presence, and therefore is quite acceptable as work on maternity leave. The presence of the Internet is mandatory to work on forums where you do not immediately, but can climb career ladder. Having gained status and reputation, you can try yourself as a moderator of your favorite site. Employers are willing to pay money for quality work as a moderator. (Read also how to make money on your website or blog).

How to make money on maternity leave without internet

Well, and finally, if you do not have the Internet at hand, this is not a reason to refuse to earn money on maternity leave. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Are you great at sewing or knitting? Do it for sale (to familiar mothers, for example).
  2. Ready to painstakingly engage in manicure - put it on stream.
  3. The same writing of graduation, term papers, essays (unless you have to search for customers through friends).
  4. It is possible to work on the phone (as a dispatcher or an advertising agent).

And this is not a complete list of all the benefits of your forced parental leave. If there is a desire to earn money on maternity leave, then a way to implement it will certainly be found. And you will successfully cope with the care of your child and will not lose the incentive to self-improvement. And the money earned on maternity leave will be a good help to mom.

Looking for information on how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave? We propose to study the list and analysis of the most worthy vacancies to date.

Many mothers feel uncomfortable about the lack of enough money in the family. There is no one to leave the baby to go to the main job. The idea of ​​working from home comes up. How to do it? What can really bring additional income on maternity leave?

Reasons for looking for earnings on maternity leave

  • If you need a job in order not to be just a housewife and a mother, but to feel your importance in general, then you can realize yourself in simple projects. This category may include professions or activities that bring emotional pleasure. Often, young mothers, wanting to develop with their baby, open a children's studio for various interests or sell hand-made goods. This allows you to combine caring for the baby and work.
  • Things are quite different when the mother's income is a vital necessity. Every family's circumstances are different. Sometimes a spouse is not able to provide the house with everything necessary, not to mention entertainment and additional expenses. Then the mother decides to find a job that brings at least some income.

The scope of career choice for young mothers is constantly expanding. But the result depends on the applicant's abilities or the desire to explore new horizons.

Consider each situation separately, making a list suitable ways earnings for a mother on maternity leave.

Work for pleasure

If the baby does not take much time, then you can earn on what you know how to do without additional training:

Hobbies are at the top of the list of additional income. Every mother has a favorite pastime: knitting, embroidery, sewing, decoupage, drawing, weaving with beads, etc.

It all depends on the skills, speed of execution and the ability to find customers to implement their services.

Work from home in the previous organization where you worked before the decree: accountant, translator or teacher foreign languages, a designer of various directions (furniture, interior, landscape, web, leaflets, booklets), a lawyer (drawing up contracts, consultations), a psychologist, masseur, proofreader, tutor.

Realize your dreams and earn income

On maternity leave, many mothers learn new professions that they thought about before, but did not have enough time to learn:

  • visagiste;
  • beautician;
  • the hairdresser;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • culinary specialist (custom-made cakes are especially in demand);
  • florist.

Organizer of children's leisure

The specialty has a wide range of opportunities: from group classes with children on their development to organizing holidays with theatrical performances or shows. Find like-minded people and come up with a business that will be interesting for mothers and their babies.

A creative, sociable person without complexes has a large field for self-realization.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The list of vacancies that can bring pleasure and benefit can be long. Next, we will look at areas of activity that can bring, perhaps, more income, but not always personal satisfaction.

If you don't have organizational skills, do not have a hobby that will bring income, do not have the opportunity to fulfill part of the obligations of the previous job, we recommend that you consider the following positions:


The Internet is a great platform for finding earnings for mom with a baby. Many doubt the real opportunity to get a good income through virtual world. Having heard about various deceptions, a young mother does not risk wasting time, and sometimes money, in vain. But you can make money if you know what:

  • Copywriting or rewriting - this is a common activity if you have a literary mindset and literacy. There are special platforms (exchanges) where you can choose the appropriate direction and write texts to order. At first, the money can be small - experience, rating, and the ability to quickly type text are required. More about
  • Website or blog development. This type of activity is suitable for those who can offer interesting information to the visitor. Topics are selected individually. But you can't expect a quick return. The development of any business requires time and the trust of users. Here is information on how to create a blog
  • Online store can become one of the types of earnings, if you have something to offer.
  • Moderator of thematic forums or social groups. Work is done from home, sitting at the computer. It is necessary to monitor the work of the site / forum / group and remove information that violates the terms of use. You can choose certain hours when there will be free time and take several directions under your care.
  • Text proofreader - elimination of errors, typos, incorrect phrases, information from the finished text. The work is painstaking, requiring good knowledge Russian language and text formatting standards.

READ MORE: Ways to earn money through the Internet for moms on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and MLM)

Advice! Do not try to make money on the Internet on empty promises or tempting offers that require investment. We want to earn, not spend. Money can only be invested in training that is required for retraining. Take the time to read people's reviews of online jobs that interest you.

Other earning opportunities

If the computer and The World Wide Web- this is not about you, you can find work outside the home. But then you have to look for a nanny for the child during your absence. ()

  • Social work

Take patronage over people in need of social assistance (buying food, medicine, walking pets, or just a heart-to-heart conversation). You can allocate a couple of hours a day for this and take control of the people living nearby.

Broad or narrow profile agent. There is different areas when you can be an insurance representative, trading company, engage in a survey, any kind of campaigning or census. Income can be inconsistent, as agents receive a percentage of the final result.

  • Marketing

Distributor of goods for various purposes. Suitable only for those who can convince people well of the need to purchase the proposed product or service. Endurance, resistance to stress - this is also not the last requirement.

  • Educational sphere

Often the organizers of children's clubs, circles, schools are the same young mothers who were looking for additional income on maternity leave. It became their main job, bringing pleasure and income.

You can start small:

  1. Recruit a few children who need care for a short time. Become a nanny for an hour (). You can take care of your baby and get money for babysitting services.
  2. If the house allows you to organize a home Kindergarten then keep going in that direction. The state can support such undertakings.
  3. If you have the talent of an artist, musician or something else, open a children's hobby group.

The birth of a child is a joyful event that radically changes a woman's life and makes her look at things in a new way. Some people think of maternity leave as endless weekends that bring only pleasure.

But how things really are, only my mother knows. Sleepless nights, lack of free time and the ability to freely leave the house - all this affects the morale of a woman. But the most striking depressing factor is the lack of earnings.

Yes, of course, the state provided its wards with a small monthly allowance, but it is not enough for anything, and the costs are growing every month. A young mother wants not only to provide for her child, but also to have her own personal budget and not depend on anyone.

Every woman wondered what to do on maternity leave in order to earn money while sitting at home. Here a kaleidoscope of opportunities and chances opens up, the main thing is to pay attention to them in time. So, if you are a mom who is tired of being dependent on circumstances, then the following article is for you. A short guide on how to get started and the main ways to make money on maternity leave.

The state takes care of women on maternity leave

The first instance where you should apply is the employment center. Absolutely in all cities there are government programs, according to which a woman on maternity leave can take training courses in various areas absolutely free of charge.

hairdressing art

Hairdressing courses last 3 months, the training includes basic knowledge and basics. Qualified masters teach haircuts, styling, hair coloring and hairstyles.

Training involves practice, and examinations are often attended by decoy ducks - people who choose employees for their beauty salons. The exchange also helps in further employment.


A popular activity, but there is usually a long queue for it and it is almost impossible to get there. If you decide that you want to do only this and nothing else, take care of your place in advance: get in line for courses well in advance.

Extension and design of nails

One of the most popular ways to make money from home is a nail service. But few people know that you can learn this skill absolutely free. On average, such a course lasts about a month.

It would be great to work as a universal master, such professionals have many orders, including wedding ones. Indeed, on the wedding day, it is easier for the bride to agree with the master, who will immediately do the hair, makeup and manicure.

pastry art

If you like to cook, bake well and arrange dishes, then you have the opportunity to get a “crust” and start legally doing what you love. Such lessons will not be in vain, even if you do not want to work in this area, you can always set a good table for your guests.

For confectioners there is one caveat - the obligatory presence of a medical book.

These were the main courses, after passing which you will be able to earn extra money without leaving your home. All three directions have one drawback - at the beginning of the journey you will have to spend money on materials and tools for work. It is not a fact that it will pay off in the future, but in any case, free education is a rarity and this opportunity should not be missed.

If maternity leave is unofficial

Education for maternity leave has one nuance: only those women who are officially on parental leave and have a work book can go to study.

But do not despair! As soon as the child is one and a half years old, you can join the stock exchange as an unemployed citizen and undergo training in the same areas absolutely free of charge. There is an advantage here - during the training, the exchange will be until it employs you.

Turn your favorite hobby into a source of stable income

When you are at home with a child, there is a little time and inspiration for the implementation of long-standing plans and ideas. Why not take advantage of this and turn your favorite hobby into a source of income?

Mom's "Wishlist" to help you

Now the main circle of your communication is the same young mothers who want to surprise their child with original toys, accessories and clothes.

Do-it-yourself tactile felt books for kids are very popular. Try first to make such a book for your child, maybe you will succeed well and you will succeed in this matter.

A stylish accessory for any child is a personalized pacifier holder! It is done very simply and quickly, and there is always a demand for such things.

Crib bumpers and handmade bedding are highly prized among modern moms who want to highlight their baby's nest. Add to this the production of pillow letters and such a versatile master will be torn off with his hands.

Have you often seen treasured boxes called "mother's treasures" in stores? But these gizmos are not produced in factories, they are made by hand, this is the reason for their high cost. A little skill and you are already a scrapbooking master! What it is, you can see on YouTube channels with training videos.

Mothers of charming daughters are constantly looking for beautiful hairpins, headbands and bows! The main condition is convenience and originality! Try different techniques and materials. Hairpins with flowers made of foamiran, felt, leather are in fashion. If you add to this craft the production of tulle skirts, which are made in 5 minutes, then you can cook "looks" for the most stylish babies in your city and their mothers.

Baby Metrics! Another trend of the last two years. Metrics are made of wood, in the form of cake toppers, on soft toys and embroideries.

If you decide that this topic is close to you, then to start you will have to spend a little on fittings and materials. The easiest way is to order everything you need on aliexpress, ebay, taobao, it is much cheaper and there is a large selection.

In addition, once you get comfortable with these sites, you can sell furniture and other decorative items for additional side income.

How to promote your products

If you decide to do needlework and start selling your work, then the question arises on the agenda: “to whom, how and where to sell it?”

To get started, try doing a few demo options. For example, you decide to make personalized nipple holders to order. Do it first for your child, the children of your girlfriends for a nominal fee and take pictures of your work.

First, if you give a few pieces to your friends in exchange for good feedback, then the “word of mouth” scheme will work, they will find out about you!

Secondly, high-quality photos posted on the page on the social network will attract the attention of users and many will want to purchase the product. Most importantly, ask your friends to repost, join all groups related to this topic, offer your work on the forums.

Once a month in some shopping malls fairs are held where needlewomen exhibit their work. Participation in such a fair may be paid, but this is a great chance to express yourself. You may be offered to make things for the store, and you will put your production on stream.

Shop on the couch online

Another one interesting idea– opening an online showroom or organizing joint purchases. It's a little more complicated here. If you are savvy in this topic, then you can easily find suppliers who will offer low prices for clothes and shoes. You will be able to sell things with a small margin and at the same time have a constant income.

If you are not ready to immediately purchase a certain amount of clothing, then you can organize fees for size ranges. You offer a thing to people, everyone books their size, take an advance payment and, after that, redeem the goods.

How to earn money for mom without costs and investments

Of course, all of the above ways of earning include spending and rather big ones. And the question is brewing, is there a job for moms without investment. The answer is positive! Yes, such work exists!

Exchanges of freelancers and copywriters are gaining momentum and come out on top in terms of earnings on the Internet. If you feel like a writer in yourself, then this option is for you. There are several profitable exchanges:

  • Etxt is an exchange where copywriters, rewriters and translators gather. This platform is good for beginners in this business, because there are easy orders for a low fee. There you can try yourself as a real copywriter and see if you can do it further. There is a tender system on the exchange, therefore, in order for the customer to choose you, you will have to try hard: earn a rating, positive reviews and describe all your advantages in the application (just do not lie in any case).
  • turbotext. This exchange is distinguished by the absence of a tender system, that is, you take the order you like to work and complete it, you don’t have to fight to get the job. But! To get the opportunity to work in this network, you need to go through several stages: pass a test in Russian and write a mini-essay on the proposed topic.
  • Content Monster - If you have been to the previous two exchanges and want something more, then this option is for you. The exchange is closed, in order to be approved, you need to pass a time test and write an article with a high level of uniqueness and literacy. This exchange does not have such cheap prices as the previous two, because customers know that if a person is registered here, it means that he has experience in this area.

If you have tried your hand at copywriting, seo or rewriting and realized that this occupation is not for you, then there are still sites where you can earn money at home without skills and any experience:

  • - an exchange where you will be paid for small tasks (like, join a group, write a comment and review), for which you do not need to have a high level of knowledge. The exchange attracts with a system of ranks, that is, you can advance by gaining points, and the payment for tasks will be higher.
  • Recommended, . Do you often write reviews about your purchases on various sites? Surely, you did not know that they pay for it! Register on these sites and write everything you think about your purchases. Money will drip into your account depending on how your content is viewed.
  • - Q&A service. Simple but at the same time interesting job. You can't even call it work. A pleasant pastime for which money is paid. Ask questions on absolutely any topic or write an answer to existing ones, of your choice. For this you will receive a reward.

Of course, you won’t earn a large amount on reviews, but you will have 100-200 rubles a day stably and without investments.

alternative the above ways earning without investment, maybe. For each survey that takes from 10 to 30 minutes, a reward will be awarded. On average, from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on the duration. There are polls for 200, 300 and even 500 rubles. But as a rule, they are quite rare.

This type of income is unstable. For a month, you can receive as many as 10 invitations, or only 1-2 for passing surveys. To increase income, it is better to choose several of these services at once. There will be more invitations, and you can always refuse by simply ignoring the survey.

income for creative people

“Who owns the information, owns the world,” have you heard such an expression? When it comes to the fact that social networks have become profitable business, then why not promote your account?

If you have talents, hobbies, or you just have something to tell people, then you can try to blog, livejournal, youtube channel.

The most important thing is to decide on the type of activity and target audience. What can a young mother say? Here are some examples of interesting topics:

Reviews on a variety of topics will be in demand. Your goal is to find your listener or reader.

Even if the first attempt didn't work out, don't despair! Analyze your mistakes, learn, strive for more. Anyone who goes to his goal will definitely achieve it.

Many mothers on maternity leave believe that working and caring for a child are incompatible. But this belief is erroneous, and if you have certain knowledge and skills, you can choose an occupation that will bring a stable income.

How can you earn on maternity leave? The amount of earnings directly depends on the time that the mother will devote to her work, and the desire to master new profession. Exists several proven methods how to make money on maternity leave, allowing you to receive money, but at the same time remain a housewife and a caring mother.

Hobbies and Home Business: DIY Souvenirs for Sale

Making souvenirs, knitwear, toys or jewelry can become not only your hobby, but also bring additional income. If you don’t know how to make money while on maternity leave or doubt your abilities, it’s never too late to learn.

Video tutorials on the Internet and discussion forums of interest will help you find a special and unique line of work.

There are many options for a similar business idea for mothers on maternity leave: knitting beautiful napkins, sewing decorative pillows with original drawings and inscriptions, and candles, decorating spices in copyright trays, gluing organizers, and so on.

To sell products, you can create your own group in in social networks or register on sales sites for masters. If you try, you can find clients outside the Internet. They can be organizations interested in purchasing originally designed office products for some special occasions, souvenir shops or small shops toys and gifts.

Copywriting as a good business from scratch

If you knew how and loved to write essays in school, then why not use these skills now? There is a way to make money online, based on how to make money on maternity leave by writing texts to order, and it's called "copywriting".

The best way to start working is famous exchanges copywriting:

In addition to the services considered, there are several dozen more exchanges where you can earn good money, subject to perseverance and diligence.

Working as a copywriter as a business for moms on maternity leave from scratch involves constant learning and improvement, so don't wait high income straightaway. At first, you will be able to perform inexpensive tasks - about 15-20 rubles for one thousand characters, but with the experience gained, the cost of your work will also increase.

An experienced copywriter can earn an average from 200 to 700 rubles for a small quality article.

How to organize a home kindergarten?

A great way to make money for mom on maternity leave will be. Such a source of income is ideal, because with its help you will not only receive income, but also solve the problem of finding a public kindergarten.

This type of business for mothers on maternity leave will not bring a lot of money due to its low profitability - a lot of money will be required to purchase furniture, toys and other materials, equipment.

But main plus kindergarten is that your child will be supervised and at the same time develop and communicate with peers.

Cultivation and marketing of flower crops, the advantages of home flower business, ways to sell products.

How to open a home kindergarten: what is needed for this?

It is necessary to have a 3- or 4-room apartment or a separate room, since the kindergarten includes rooms for games, meals, recreation and sports activities.

If you decide to work legally, you will need to register with the tax authorities, submit an application to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and follow the rules established by the SES authorities.

If you are going to work on a patent as individual entrepreneur, can choose . In this case, the income tax will be 6%.

SanPin also painted his preschool requirements in normative act of 07/30/2013:

  • for each child should be allocated from 6 square meters. m.;
  • the garden should have a separate dining room, a room for games, a room for sleeping;
  • in order to carry out physical training of children, a sports hall should be equipped in the garden;
  • in the staff of the kindergarten should be medical worker and medical office.

In order for the kindergarten to make a profit, the price per month of visiting should be about 15 thousand rubles. For this money, you must offer quality services to small clients (a variety of meals, organization of classes and preparation for school), and attract experienced educators to work.

How to become a manicurist?

This type of income will require investments that will be spent on learning the intricacies of manicure and buying special tools.

Manicure courses exist in almost every city, the duration of training varies from 2 to 4 weeks, and average cost is 6-10 thousand rubles.

Starter Professional Kit manicure master will cost you about 5-8 thousand rubles and will include:

  • lamp for drying nails;
  • a set of files;
  • a palette of varnishes;
  • base and fixer;
  • degreaser;
  • means for removing and softening the cuticle (chemicals, sticks, oil);
  • care cream;
  • manicure tweezers, scissors, tweezers and trimmer.

Relatives and girlfriends are best suited for honing skills after completing the courses. Having "stuffed" your hand, you can start advertising your services. For these purposes, you can use social networks, free message boards, and, of course, an Instagram page with examples of your work.

Tutoring as a business

One more no less effective method how to make money while on maternity leave - private tutoring. If you have a profession in the field of education, necessary knowledge and experience, then given earnings- just for you.

To teach at home, you need to compose step by step plan and act in accordance with its clauses, for example:

  • determine the amount you plan to receive monthly or weekly;
  • based on the first point, allocate the time required for daily classes and the number of children you are ready to teach;
  • calculate the cost of an hour;
  • choose the age of students that is most convenient for you and draw up a lesson methodology. This technique will help you prove to the client why he should choose you for the role of a tutor, because he needs to understand what he will pay money for;
  • decide on the location of the training. If you plan to tutor with a client, then the cost of travel to and from the place will need to be added to the price of the service;
  • advertise your activities. For this, local newspapers and radio, pages on social networks and bulletin boards, both virtual and real, are suitable.

In addition to these basic steps, it is necessary to additionally consider average level income in your area so that the price of your services matches local salaries. Please note that the cost of services may be flexible, and you can change it depending on the circumstances and the amount of work or negotiate it in person.

It turns out that working on maternity leave is not so difficult. You just need to decide which occupation is closest to you and start acting. If you are an active and sociable person, then succeed in new activity it will be much easier.

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Below are the top 25 real ways(+ a list of verified sites) with which you can earn decent money on maternity leave at home, and tips on how and where to find a well-paid job.

The easiest way to earn income while sitting at home. The source material can be in the form of a manuscript, scanned pages, on a disk, in the form of an audio recording. Typing is the reprinting of books and manuals, documentation, transcription of conversations, radio and television programs.

In this area, very widespread fraud. Usually there are small amounts that do not cause much suspicion.

An offer should be rejected if:

  • They ask you for money (“for sending the disk or “unlocking the order”, “the work of a tester who determines your abilities”);
  • They ask you to confirm the order by sms. In this case, a considerable amount is withdrawn from your account.

Such offers are usually placed on large classifieds sites. Often they appear on such portals:


Writing and translating texts

This work involves writing own works(rewrite and copyright). Rewrite- writing a text based on existing materials. Copyright– writing unique, as well as commercial (selling) texts. The best paid labor associated with the translation of the text. Professionals in a certain industry who write materials on highly specialized topics are highly valued: medicine, cars, law, etc.

Another option: write materials on any topic and upload articles to exchanges. But it’s not a fact that your text will be quickly bought, it is important to be able to navigate current topics and interest the customer. A huge plus of copyright is the ability to get paid every day, every week or for each text / project.

When looking for a job, you should visit such sites and forums, this is a list of the best in this area:

  • ;
  • ;

Website administration, content management

A very attractive job on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave. Large store websites constantly need to update information, updating the price list, services, adding news, goods, promotions and the like. Information portals usually they are looking for a content manager who will be engaged in the selection and / or writing of articles, reviews, announcements. An important requirement for an employee is the ability to be at a computer (and on the Internet) full time. And for mums on maternity leave, this is perfect.

You can find an employer on the freelance sites listed above, and in thematic communities in the social. media (VKontakte, Facebook). Such work is paid monthly - on average, from 250 to 600 dollars.

Internet surveys, video views, clicks

Options for people without experience, only at home. Register in a special service and perform a variety of tasks: from passing numerous surveys and filling out questionnaires to watching commercials and clicking on the specified links.

Recently, a new direction has appeared - likes, reposts, comments on social networks. The case is simple and low-paying. A good way, without straining, to earn 3-7 dollars a day, but no more.

Main plus - fast payouts and the ability to choose any convenient tasks. Known job exchanges:


Beauty salon (good way to make money)

A real "hit" among all the ways how mothers earn on maternity leave.

Almost any service related to the beauty industry can be provided at home. The main thing is enough space necessary equipment and tools. List of popular services:

  • Manicure and pedicure;
  • Hairstyles, haircuts, hair coloring;
  • Eyelash extension and curling;
  • Makeup;
  • Sugaring;
  • Massage and spa facials.

In demanded masters, the day is scheduled by hours and minutes. Net profit starts at $300-400. You can advertise your services on social media (VKontakte, Instagram), communicating directly with customers, and on ad sites. To gain fame and clientele, it is worth participating in various projects, exhibitions, photo shoots on TFP terms (free for the portfolio). For example, hairdressers and make-up artists are in demand for model shows and photo shoots. In the future, this way you can find regular customers.


A small child is not a hindrance to your hobby. Favorite knitting or souvenirs from polymer clay can easily turn into an interesting side job. The main thing is to advertise your products beautifully. Actual to manufacture natural soap, scented candles, exclusive decorations self made, original toys, handbags and leather accessories, decoupage and scrapbooking.

Products can be offered to small souvenir shops or open your own website and turn needlework into a business.

Tutoring is a profitable way to earn money

Sitting at home on maternity leave, thanks to my knowledge. This is ideal for teachers, philologists or people who are constantly studying mental labor. Popular subjects are mathematics, physics, languages, history, chemistry, biology, programming. Preparation for passing the exam and entering the university is in demand. Working 3-5 hours a day, you can get from 500-600 dollars a month without investment. Little by little spreading distance learning e.g. via skype.

To find clients, you need to place your resume on major city portals, if possible - a questionnaire and portfolio on the portals of local universities. AT major cities there are specialized sites dedicated to finding tutors or having the following section:


Illustrator, artist, retoucher

Quite a few contemporary artists earn from their talent. And if you know how to work with graphic programs or with a canvas, the hobby turns into work.


Try retouching and color correcting photos to order. Such workers are in demand in magazines, photo studios, and among major photographers who do not have time to take photographs on their own. It is worth looking for vacancies in magazines, photo book printing agencies, offer your services to photographers directly. Similar tasks often appear on freelance exchanges (,, etc.) You should also take a look at these resources:



This is a maternity job who can draw, preferably with the help of graphic programs. Most often, artists are required to design books and magazines, calendars, blogs. But there are also more unusual vacancies - the development of sketches of tattoos, cartoon characters, prints for T-shirts, locations and characters for computer games.

You can find a similar position at conventional job portals (,,,, as well as specialized thematic areas, like

Photostocks and photobanks

All kinds of icons and other vector graphics, decorative elements, abstract and thematic drawings, just interesting photos can be sold through photo banks and photo stocks. You don't have to leave your house to take a photo. For example, you can take photos in the genre of food photography. The most visited stocks where you can post your illustrations:

  3. ;

Usually the cost of one image is low (0.3-0.5 $), but it can be sold under the "royalty-free" system, that is, an unlimited number of times. Good photo can bring in 15-20 dollars a month.

Earnings directly depend on the number of images in the portfolio. To reach a monthly profit of $ 100 or more, you need to have at least 400-500 photos.


Those who are "not friends" with computers need not despair. You can set up your business with the usual paper pictures. Need to do beautiful photo paintings and sell it on online auctions and special resources:


On average, the price of paintings on such sites starts at $60-80 and can reach $3,000-4,000.

Coursework and theses for university students

Ideal distant work for those who are versed in a particular field of knowledge. You can write control, abstracts, term papers and theses to order, prepare reports and presentations, make drawings in programs - Autocad, Compass etc. The bulk of the customers are students. And the greatest influx of orders falls on the periods of the session and certification. In addition to posting ads on job portals, you should look for such work on special Internet sites offering such services.

  4. .

home cooking

On maternity leave, he is involved in the preparation of various dishes at home: from baking cakes to making semi-finished products. You can advertise your services online.

You can participate in city fairs, collaborate with the nearest offices (hot lunches) and shops (pickles, semi-finished products), and even keep culinary blogs. Thus, you can reach a monthly salary of $ 250 or more.

Mediation and resale

It is possible to organize additional earnings on the resale of goods and joint purchases.


Such a part-time job on Avito ( is popular. You are looking for various goods at low prices and resell them at a higher price. The ability to beautifully and correctly present products is important. You can find several manufacturers listed on this site and start reselling their products. It is worth paying attention to other similar resources, such as

Joint Procurement

Organize the wholesale purchase of goods in large online markets, including foreign ones (purchases in China are very popular). The share of the organizer of joint purchases can reach 20%!

Your responsibilities are the formation and processing of orders and delivery of purchases. Major collaborative shopping portals:

  • ;

Purchases can be made on the following websites:

  6. ;
  8. .

Online store

When purchasing products in large volumes, it makes sense to resell goods already at a retail price. Income in the field of trade starts at $ 300 per month and depends only on your diligence.

Building a website or blogging

Having free time and a creative streak, it is worth trying to make money on your own thematic site or blog. You just write about what is interesting to you and your readers, promote the resource (SEO optimization, promotion in social networks) and earn money from advertising.

Popular blogs with various master classes (hairstyles, cooking, needlework, etc.) and educational materials (for example, graphic courses, cutting and sewing, drawing).

It is important to set up the distribution of information on social networks in order to gain a large audience. This is the creation of pages and communities on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram.

Don't count on quick profits, promotion takes six months or a year, or even more. But there is a real chance to turn your business into passive income and at the same time continue to do what you are interested in.

SMO and SMM Specialist

Promising work through the Internet for young mothers related to the promotion of goods and services in social networks. Your task is to create and regularly update accounts and communities of the customer company in social networks. networks.

Need to talk about new products, write useful and interesting posts, select photo and video materials, look for new subscribers. Popular networks for promotion are Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram.


Selling your book is not easy. But to sell electronic books on the Internet is quite a promising occupation. It is important to consider some nuances. The most popular format is novels, short stories and short stories are less interesting to the modern reader.

You need to scrupulously edit the book, if possible, hire a proofreader. It is necessary to develop the concept of the work, a brief description and an attractive cover image.

You can download the book here:


It is worthwhile to advertise your works. Create a web page, start a blog and social media communities, publish excerpts from your works, illustrations there. Also, excerpts can be published on in order to interest as many readers as possible.

Babysitting services

A woman with a child the best babysitter. An experienced girl is not afraid to entrust her beloved child. You can organize a mini-garden at home. This is very important given the shortage of kindergartens.

Organization of leisure, meals and, possibly, education of a small group of children (2-5 people) can bring a good income - from 500 dollars a month.

For starters, you should offer your services to busy friends and acquaintances with children. You can find clients on local classifieds resources and social networks.

Earning on youtube

You need to create your own channel on youtube and regularly post interesting content, author's or someone else's. Other people's materials need to be changed to avoid a ban. You can re-sound or translate foreign videos, cut them, change the frame itself (width, height, add a watermark) and musical accompaniment.

A good option is to post movie trailers. For example, you can enter into an agreement with I-Kino and receive payment for viewers' transitions to the partner's web page.

Monthly starts from $50-60 and can reach tens of thousands of dollars for channels with 500,000 or more subscribers.


You can work in your specialty remotely while on maternity leave. The most demanded outsourcers are accountants, programmers, lawyers, analysts, engineers, game and website developers. You can find job offers on freelance exchanges, regular ad portals and specialized sites:



Being well versed in a particular field of activity, you can give useful advice at home or via the Internet. Experts in legal, economic, financial spheres are in demand.

So far, private consultations of doctors and psychologists are less common, but very promising. You can organize consultations on any topic, there are even examples of expert moms helping new moms take care of their first baby!

Mystery shopper

A suitable option if you have the opportunity to leave home for a short time. The position does not require qualifications and consists in the fact that you check the quality of the work of shops, banks, cafes, clubs. This is done to improve sales. The customer issues a list of questions and evaluation criteria, and also pays the costs associated with the task (travel, ordering a dish in a cafe, etc.)

Depending on the region and field of activity (for example, checking a hotel or car service is more expensive), the cost of one "raid" is 3-30 dollars, if you do not take into account luxury checks (for $ 70-100 or in exchange for the services of the establishment). On the day you can have time to drop into 2-3 places.

Participation in marketing research

Such events are most often held in large cities. The essence of the work is participation in focus groups, which are recruited to test a certain product, advertisement, catalog, etc. Your task is to evaluate and express your impressions of what you see. A novelty in this area is the assessment of the usability of a web page. You can participate in such testing without leaving your home.

Some of them invite the respondent to submit an application and will contact you when a suitable study becomes available. For example, these are and agencies.

Telemarketing, call center operator, online store consultant

Simple and relevant vacancies for mothers on maternity leave. The most common duties are: consulting customers by phone, on the Internet on the store’s website, as well as calling potential clients and employer-based partners (“cold” and “warm” calls). Wage such an employee varies from 250 to 900 dollars per month, depending on the tasks. You can find a job on popular job resources, such as, as well as freelance exchanges (, etc.)

Sphere of advertising

Having a creative mind and having at least a little experience in advertising, you can do interesting things at home. There are many projects on freelance sites related to naming (development of slogans and names for commercial firms) and creating a corporate identity.


A modern journalist can easily work from home. Common options for girls:

  • remote collaboration with women's magazines(life stories, tips, maintaining beauty pages);
  • cooperation with online media. Writing articles on a given topic, conducting surveys, analytical materials and journalism (on economic, political, social topics), reviews;
  • reportage journalism, freelance correspondent. Many regional publications are looking for freelance journalists who can cover events taking place in their city;
  • non-fiction. Documentary materials. In the format mass publications they turn into articles like "The 100 Best Movies of the Year" and "Fashion Trends for the Fall Season."

In addition to job portals and job ad sites, when looking for vacancies, you should pay attention to social media (search by hashtags #job, #freelance etc.) and a few more sites:



The profession provides a wide choice of application of one's staging and directing talent. You can write scripts for commercials, TV shows and shows, computer games, movies (series).

The cost of a simple script for a short film starts at $50, while scriptwriters of larger projects can expect to pay dozens of times more. You can look for a job on popular job sites and in thematic groups in social networks. networks (on the topics "Script writers", "Show business", etc.)

Design for websites, blogs and companies

In addition to the design of printing (business cards, booklets, magazines) and websites, at home you can do interior design, landscape design and architectural projects. The main thing is the availability of relevant knowledge and skills in working with special programs (Photoshop, 3D Max, etc.). Projects for designers are often posted again on freelance sites and job portals. Interior designers can look at a couple of specialized sites:


Monthly income for designers permanent employment at home on average is 600-800 dollars.

The best ways to pay for earnings via the Internet

The most comfortable and famous electronic systems payments are Yandex.Money (YD), Webmoney, PayPal, RBK Money (RUpay), QIWI. Different customers can work with various systems, so it’s worth registering “wallets” at once in several of the most popular and reliable ones - Webmoney and Poison:

  1. ;

Funds from WebMoney can be withdrawn to bank card and withdraw from any ATM. Yandex offers to make your own card, to which funds from the electronic wallet will be transferred. You can pay with this card in stores and withdraw money from it.

So enough painful thoughts about how to make money on maternity leave at home! It's easier than it looks, even if you don't have an in-demand profession or special skills.

Notice all the news and interesting offers, do not be afraid of the new, in parallel with the care of the child!