What delivery methods are available in the online store? Which shipping methods are suitable for an online store We can offer delivery at an acceptable

Pickup. Convenient for stores with a warehouse in major cities. In this case, all responsibilities for the export of the order fall on the shoulders of the buyer. More aboutself-delivery of goods in the online store we have already discussed in previous articles.

Forwarding company. In this case, delivery can be made both within the country and abroad. Transport companies insure the cargo and draw up documentation for the transportation of goods over a long distance.

Courier service.Affordable within the city. As a rule, couriers deliver small loads and documents. The maximum weight cannot exceed 35 kilograms. This delivery method has many advantages: fast, the client receives the order at a convenient time, reliably (the goods will not be lost or damaged during transportation).

Mail delivery.An equally common type of delivery, since post offices work even in the most geographically remote settlements. The speed of arrival of the parcel depends on the geographical distance of the buyer from the immediate place of departure.

Having dealt with the packaging, it is necessary to transfer the parcel to the Russian Post. After that, the goods will be sent to the post office, at the address you specified. When the parcel reaches its point, the client will come to the post office (a notification will be sent to him) to pick it up and pay for it.

The money will be transferred to you accordingly. This algorithm of work is written for those who are going to send parcels by cash on delivery. And as we know, this method is the most reliable.

Important! Along with the parcel, an invoice (or acceptance certificate) and a document containing information about the product itself and the procedure for its return must be transferred.


For the buyer, this option will be convenient only if there are several pickup points. Because Not everyone wants to travel far. Self-pickup is usually always an additional option for transferring the package to the client. In addition, if the pickup point(s) is limited to one city, and you send goods throughout Russia, then you need to indicate in the store that this option is only possible for a certain city.

Self delivery

If you start doing business in your city, then there is such an option: to take the parcels yourself. Of course, not as prestigious as we would like, but still, also a way.

Own couriers

The most prestigious, reliable, and effective method- develop your courier network. The only, and very significant drawback - it will take enough money. On the contrary, there are many advantages:
You can fully control the work of couriers.
The couriers themselves are interested in working "in good faith", because. it depends on them wage.
Coordinated work of couriers, delivery on time.

Outsourcing companies (couriers)

Although the previous option is the best solution, but due to high costs, not all online stores can afford it, especially on early stages. In such situations, there is an alternative for those who do not want to hire couriers and use mail services, but somehow need to deliver the goods. Outsourcing firms provide courier delivery services. In order not to beat around the bush, I will bring illustrative examples such companies:

Attention! I do not urge to work with the companies mentioned below. This information provided for information. The final decision is yours.


The company provides the most versatile services that will be useful to online stores. An important point: the company can provide courier services only for Moscow and St. Petersburg. For other cities, a parcel delivery service has been implemented to pick-up points, where the client can pick up his order.


The company positions itself as a service for online stores, including courier delivery services. "Hello? I'm running!" has been operating for quite a decent amount of time: more than 6 years. As in the above company, delivery by Russian Post is possible, to self-delivery points, and to parcel terminals.

Important! When deciding on the choice of an outsourcing company, find out all the details of the work before concluding a contract. It is extremely important to compare the internal processes of your store with the capabilities of outsourcing companies: it is necessary that the methods and terms of delivery coincide with the type and dimensions of your product, i.e. there were no discrepancies, otherwise it will affect the quality and delivery time of the parcel.


Postamat (or post office) is a terminal for issuing parcels. This type service appeared relatively recently, but has established itself as inexpensive way delivery. True, in addition to the fact that the client will have to pick up his parcel on his own, its dimensions are also limited by the size of the cell. The method is suitable for sending small goods.
What is it, we figured it out, the main question remained open: how to send a parcel to the post office? To use this service, the most priority services for sending goods through parcel lockers are "InPost" and "PickPoint".


Well, the main methods of sending, in general, are sorted out. I remind you that in order to conduct legal activities, despite the fact that this is an online store, or, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. That's all, do not forget about the likes and reposts of this article through the social. networks. This will help the development of the project.

Friends, welcome. Wildly I apologize for the fact that in the past two months I have only two articles. It's just that at the end of September my son was born and I'm only now slowly getting used to the new rhythm of life.

Today's article on Take it and implement quickly!”. And, it would seem, what does the sheet in the picture on the left have to do with it? You will find out soon

And today I want to touch on a topic related to the text and graphic design of pages with information about delivery. After all, this is one of the few pages that forms the final decision of the visitor to purchase in your online store, and many simply underestimate its importance.

How many options for presenting this information I have seen, I am becoming more and more convinced that fantasy is not limited by anything.

What we'll talk about:

  1. Formulation of the problem;
  2. How NOT to do it
  3. Simple submission of information (choose your implementation option);
  4. Good role models;
  5. Conclusion.

And why is it so important anyway?

I focus your attention on the “Delivery” page for a reason, because by reading these pages, the visitor often makes the final decision to buy from your online store or not. And our task is to make this reading easy for him and not cause difficulties. Don't underestimate content marketing (which is a big deal in mine) even on the shipping page.

When the question arises of submitting this or that information, we immediately begin to think about how best to do it.

For example, on this blog, in every article, I can hardly restrain myself from oversaturating my readers with information. After writing, I edit almost any article several times and reduce the amount of information given out for better assimilation and minimization of “porridge”. Yes, it takes about 10 hours to write each article in total, but I'm sure it's better than issuing a semi-finished article every day.

Therefore, every time you are going to post some information page on the site (speech does not go about articles on the blog of the online store), then try to put maximum information in a minimum of words or even better graphics.

And today we will try to put this information in such a way that only at one glance the visitor will understand that you are successfully delivering goods to his city or village.

Bad example

Not the most best example to emulate.

To the left of this text, you see a screenshot of the “Shipping and payment” page from the ProSkater.ru website, reduced several times.

Most likely, this page was updated as information became available and new delivery directions were discovered, but when the page is more than 13,000 pixels high (more than 10 screens long!), it no longer seems funny.

AT this case this online store can afford this, as it already has a huge army of buyers and followers who already remember by heart all the conditions and rules for delivery with payment.

The first example clearly shows the most common mistake when compiling this type of page: to fit as much information as possible and end up with unreadable sheet of text.

Summary: do not lump everything together, structure the information!

But these are all general tips that mean nothing until we get down to business. In the next chapter, we will begin to build the backbone of this page and find some really worthwhile decisions.

Simple submission of information

Each online store has its own types of delivery and there is simply no single solution that will cover all options.

Consider the most common options:

Uniform rules for all

First impression.
At the first glance at the “Delivery” page, the visitor should immediately understand whether you are in his city or not.

If you have a fixed or no free shipping throughout Russia, then a similar elegant solution will suit you (live example at the end of the article):

It is easy to guess that just one glance at this page will make it clear that the online store provides delivery throughout the country and absolutely free. Yes, you can write about it in text, but an image is much more effective, and visual users will also appreciate you.

Call to action!
At the end of the page, be sure to place a link or button calling for further action. This is usually a simple link with the text “Go to shopping” that leads to the main page.

Option number 1. Only courier.

If you only have courier delivery to your own and additional cities, then it is often enough to simply list these cities in the description text.

The user, getting to this page, immediately sees a map with cities plotted on it. And if he sees his city, then his gaze falls below, where there are already links to detailed conditions for each city, which are located on the same page a little lower.

If you decide to use interactive Google Maps, then it makes sense to use Info Windows for Google Maps. Example:

In each city where there is a courier delivery, place a similar marker and in the pop-up window you can place any information: delivery speed, delivery time and other conditions. You can read more about the Google Maps API.

Fortunately, few online stores work only with courier delivery, and usually there are much more types of delivery. In the following example, we will add .

Option number 2. Courier and pickup.

If you work with both courier delivery and self-delivery throughout the country, then I suggest slightly modifying the first option.

In this case, you can probably get away with text page with an interactive map at the very beginning.

Again, after landing on the page, visitors will see an interactive map on which cities are marked. By clicking on your city, the visitor can immediately see what options are available for him: courier, pickup, or both.

Option number 3. Courier, pickup and mail.

You yourself understand that there is no point in placing all post offices on the map, and some other solution is already needed here.


  1. When getting to the delivery page, the user should immediately understand that delivery is carried out throughout Russia;
  2. Let's separate right now postal delivery from other ways. And for this we will divide the information into tabs.

The first tab “Courier delivery and pickup” is completely taken from option No. 2. But the second tab is fully prepared for the Russian Post:

Those who live in remote regions know that only the Russian Post delivers to them. And that is why we immediately offer to see:

  1. Cost of delivery;
  2. delivery terms;
  3. As well as control delivery times on the diagram.

That is, when you get to this page, we will answer the user's questions on the first screen of the monitor. It's wonderful!

Other delivery schemes.

This article covers the general case, but anyway, each online store has its own delivery methods to the buyer and you can’t stock up on everyone at once

Therefore, here are some tips to help optimize the flow of information:

  1. Top recommendation: use tabs to separate information. If you want to add a description of delivery by transport companies, then it is better to place this information on a separate tab;
  2. From experience, the simpler the overall delivery scheme, the easier it is to work. Some are implementing delivery calculators by the Russian Post and stubbornly hammering in the weight of the goods in order to do this, and some simply set a fixed cost for delivery by the Russian Post. The average cost of delivery for both is approximately the same;
  3. Try to make it so that at the first glance at the delivery page, the user immediately has an answer to his question: “Will you deliver to my city?”;
  4. At the end of the page, place the link “Go to shopping”.

A few good examples

I think it would be nice to put some great examples of the implementation of the "About delivery" pages at the end:


As you can see, for most users, a graphical display of delivery conditions is enough, and not everyone reaches the detailed delivery conditions. Moreover, in this online store they are very simple.


I strongly advise you not to neglect the “Delivery” page and complete it fully. This page is studied by almost everyone who wants to place an order in your online store.

Therefore, audit it and immediately use the recommendations from the article you just read. Do a good deed for your visitors

From the author: delivery of goods is one of the most important links in the work of any online store. According to a study by PwC, 65% of online shoppers see home delivery as a huge benefit. The remaining 35% complain about the long delivery, which completely discourages shopping online. Let's figure out how to arrange delivery in an online store.

The main rule is the delivery of the order in guaranteed terms.

If you, then you must remember how two and two: the delivery of goods to the buyer must be carried out within a strictly specified time frame. If a person ordered, for example, a gift for a very important celebration that did not arrive on time, guess if it will become yours regular customer?

If you are still far from the level of such a “monster” of online trading as Ozon.ru and the like, which have an established logistics system with their own distribution centers, then you will have to organize the delivery of goods from the online store yourself, or use postal and courier services.

Delivery types

Consider the main types of transportation, from which you can choose one or more, depending on the specifics of your business and the goods delivered, as well as the geography of coverage.

"Post office".

It has the largest area coverage. If you plan to deliver goods from an online store throughout the Russian Federation, and not just in megacities, then you cannot do without the good old Post Office. After all, not every courier service can cover every village with a population of 1000 people.

Minus "Mail of Russia": unpredictable delivery times. There are no additional services - the recipient will not be able to pre-examine the goods and, in which case, refuse. But it’s easy not to come to the post office and generally “freeze yourself” from receiving an order.

How to build work with Russian Post: conclude an agreement with it or send parcels on behalf of individual. There are also special companies that pack and send goods through the mail, of course, for additional fee.

Courier service.

This method ensures prompt delivery right to the customer's door. You can agree on additional services with the courier service - the recipient will be able to try on and partially redeem the order. The rejection rate is significantly lower than in the case of Russian Post. For the most demanding customers, you can arrange urgent courier delivery.

How to choose the right courier service for your online store? Make a preference matrix for yourself - what do you prioritize: customer needs, transportation costs, or some of your personal requirements? If you decide on the cheapest service, be prepared for all sorts of surprises in the form of disrupted delivery times.

Cons: often the client associates the courier company with the transport service of the online store itself. Therefore, if the courier is delayed or rude to the recipient, you will be to blame.

Outsourced couriers.

The organization of delivery from your online store can be completely entrusted to an outsourcing company. The couriers of this company will break the check from the buyer themselves, after which the money for the goods will go to the account of the logistics company, and then to you, minus a commission of 1.5-3% of the cost of the delivered goods.

The advantages of this method are obvious: no need to mess with regular staff and think about how to conduct all this in accounting. You will be able to directly engage in business.

But the disadvantages are not so obvious: at times of heavy load, for example, on new year holidays, the outsourcing service may not be able to cope with its obligations, which, again, can damage your reputation.

Own transport service.

You can deliver from an online store using your own couriers, especially if you sell delicate (for example, food), expensive ( jewelry) or fragile (crystal or glass products) goods, for the safety of which you are worried.

Here you already have a place to roam. You can personally monitor how your couriers work and handle products, which cannot be done in an outsourced courier service. After the execution of the order, it is desirable to contact the client and get feedback: whether the product was delivered on time, whether he liked everything about the service, the quality of the product, etc.

Cons: high staff turnover. You have no idea how difficult it is to find honest, decent people for the role of a courier. Normal people are usually scared away by the working conditions associated with the prospect of wandering around the city in frost, rain and heat, on public transport or on foot. Therefore, if you decide to organize your own delivery service in your online store, take care of normal working conditions for your employees.

Features of the organization of delivery

This process depends on two criteria, they have already been mentioned above:

the type of item being sold. If you sell perishable goods (flowers, food, etc.), then it is better to hire your own couriers (if your store operates in a small area) or work with a courier service. Such products must be delivered within a few hours after order confirmation, or self-pickup.

Clothes can be sent by regular parcels or by courier so that the buyer can try them on and, if anything, refuse. Most buyers try to order goods from places where they do not need to pay an advance payment, and will gladly give cash to the courier after they are satisfied with the quality.

If you specialize in the sale of large items, then you should connect some kind of transport company, which transports goods by rail or road;

region of the online store. If your coverage area is one city, then the “courier + self-delivery” scheme will be the best solution. If you plan to work in different regions, then involve a delivery service. If you are thinking about entering the international market, consider whether you can compete with local sellers, especially considering how much international shipping will cost (it may even exceed the cost of goods). Therefore, the expediency of such transportation depends on what you are selling.

So, we have discussed with you various ways to organize the delivery of goods from an online store. If you are just thinking about creating your own web resource, I can advise, which clearly and understandably tells how to do it quickly and inexpensively.

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