Psychophysiological features of mental labor. Psychophysiology in the organization of labor Psychophysical features of labor

The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in mental labor activity. The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in physical labor activity. The results of comparing the indicators of mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity.

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INTRODUCTION .................................................. ................................................. .3


1.1. Psychophysiology of physical and mental labor………………5

1.2. Mental performance and its dynamics in the labor process ..... 7

CHAPTER 2. PURPOSE, OBJECTIVES, METHODS AND ORGANIZATION OF THE RESEARCH……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.1. The purpose of the study……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.2. Research objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.3. Research methods………………………………………………..10

2.4. Organization of the study…………………………………………..12


3.1. The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in mental labor activity………………………...13

3.2. The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in physical labor activity………………………...15

3.3. The results of comparing the indicators of mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activities ... ..18

3.3.1. The result of the comparison in terms of the accuracy of the task…………18

3.3.2. The result of the comparison in terms of mental productivity…………...19

3.3.3. The result of comparison by the amount of visual information………19

3.3.4. The result of comparison in terms of information processing speed ...... 20

3.3.5. The result of the comparison on the stability of attention………………...21





An important place in a person's life is occupied by labor activity, which is the basis of his existence, as well as his own development and self-realization.

Man appears in labor activity but labor activity is manifested in a person. This influence happens:

Physiological - education, enrichment and strengthening of conditioned reflex connections, dynamic stereotypes, functional systems, dominants in sensory, motor and intellectual systems, as well as their holistic, professionally oriented functioning;

Psychophysiological and psychological - the development of sensations, perceptions, attention, memory, thinking, abilities, attitudes, needs, motivation, interests, desires, aspirations, behavioral values, norms of behavior and others;

Pedagogical - enrichment of knowledge, skills and abilities, increasing the level of professional skills, education, life experience; education of diligence, responsibility, exactingness to oneself, culture human relations and communication, the development of professional attention, perception, memory, thinking, speech, abilities and others (Stolyarenko A.M., 2009).

The beginning of physiological and psychophysiological studies of labor in Russia was laid by I.M. Sechenov in the work “Essay on the working movements of a person”, published in 1906. A significant contribution to them was made by V.M. Bekhterev, A.A. Ukhtomsky, A.P. Nechaev, V.A. Obukh, A.K. Tastev, K.Kh. Kekcheev, M.I. Vinogradov, T.P. Conradi, V.S. Farfel, S.A. Kosilov, V.I. Medvedev, K..K Platonov, B.F. Lomov, V.I. Zinchenko, S.Ya. Batyshev and others.

Mental performance is the ability of a person to perform certain intellectual work (Seliverstova V.V., 2012).

The study of mental performance is necessary to assess the functioning of afferent systems, as well as to determine the impact of labor activity.

Mental performance is affected by:

1) Psychophysiological characteristics of the personality (memory, thinking, speech, degree of development of the intellect);

2) Physiological (functional state of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other body systems);

3) Development of special knowledge, skills and abilities.

To determine the level of mental performance, the following indicators are used:

The speed of the task;

Concentration, switchability;

Efficiency, productivity of activity;

Sustainability of attention (Seliverstova V.V., 2012).

Object of study: mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity.

Subject of study: the study of mental performance according to the method of Anfimov.

Research hypothesis: it is assumed that mental work activity has a positive effect on the preservation and development of mental performance.


1.1. Psychophysiology of physical and mental labor

All types of labor according to their main physiological indicators can be divided into two main ones: physical and mental. This division needs an explanation: in any physical labor there are mental elements, and in any mental labor there are physical ones. It has been aptly said: just as the head and hands belong to the same body, so in any work mental and physical labor are combined. It is possible to speak about specific labor as physical or mental only by the predominance of one of these components in it (Stolyarenko A.M., 2009).

Physical labor is associated with great somatic loads, which require special qualities and intensive functioning of various systems of the human body. It is based on purposeful motor activity. The mobilization of physiological mechanisms in this case occurs according to the laws of the functioning of the functional system. The results of labor are evaluated by the higher parts of the brain based on feedback. Systematic occupations with the same type of labor form predominantly labor dynamic stereotypes of skills and abilities in the nervous system and develop the skeletal-motor system, affect psychophysiological and other qualities. Movements also have a vegetative component, in particular, the provision of blood supply and oxygen to working muscle groups. Most of the labor processes are carried out economically, at the level of automatism, however, the cortical conscious control is never turned off (Izmerova N.F., 2010).

The predominance of the motor component during physical work is associated with high energy costs of the body. Such are the work of a digger, a lumberjack, a blacksmith, hand mowing, threshing, assembly work, work in foundries, in mines, while playing sports, and so on. They involve 2/3 of the muscles of the human body, oxygen consumption increases by 2 - 4 times, and the heart rate is up to 130 - 150 beats per minute. This requires an increase in metabolism, heat generation, heat transfer and measures to compensate for energy costs. A number of types of physical work harms the body due to the frequent occurrence of occupational diseases. Excessive physical labor without sufficient recovery of energy consumption depletes the body's bioenergetic potential and physiological regulatory mechanisms. Some types of physical labor are associated with a risk to life and require courage, courage, self-control from the worker. Many types of it are now mechanized. At the same time, physical activity is reduced (pulse up to 90 beats per minute). Some types of mechanized labor are monotonous (for example, stamping of the same parts), which reduces the activity of the central nervous system, increases fatigue and human performance is rapidly declining. Compliance with standard norms, modes and conditions of physical labor, safety measures reduces the risk of occupational diseases, injuries and death (Rybnikov O.N., 2010).

Mental labor is more complex in terms of physiological and psychological content, although it proceeds invisibly, often inaudibly, intangibly and outwardly seems easy.It includes professions related to the field material production(scientists, engineers, technicians, masters, operators and others) and those outside it (doctors, teachers, educators, writers, artists, artists and others). As a rule, mental work is accompanied by insignificant muscular activity and lower energy costs compared to physical ones. Deficiency of motor activity reduces the impulses of the cortex, a decrease in the amplitude and frequency of the main rhythms of the EEG (electroencephalogram), which temporarily worsens the conditions of mental activity (Smirnov V.M., 2003).

Many types of mental work are characterized by increased emotional stress. Mental activity usually does not stop on a call at the end of the working day. Trace processes continue in the cerebral cortex: the work is over, and thoughts about it often continue to be active and intense. Changes in the activity of the internal organs during mental work do not have specific features and differ from those during physical work only quantitatively. The sedentary or static standing nature of the posture is tiring. In a complex form, fatigue often manifests itself in facial expressions, redness of the skin, sweating, sipping, heaviness or pain in the head, neck, and back. Recovery processes require sufficient time for rest. Mental loads, their creative nature, systematic and many years of work naturally develop intellect, contributes to the preservation of intellectual functions up to old age (Danilova N.N., 2005).

1.2. Mental performance and its dynamics in the labor process.

Mental performance is defined as the ability of a person to perform a specific task. mental activity, within the given time limits and efficiency parameters (Musina S.V., 2008).

The basis of mental performance is:

Level of special knowledge, skills;

Psychophysiological qualities (memory, attention, perception);

Physiological functions (features of the cardiovascular, endocrine and muscular systems);

Psychological features (wit and others).

In addition, mental performance is determined by three groups of factors:

1) The first group - physiological factors (functional maturity of the organism, functional state, state of health);

2) The second group - psychological factors (well-being, emotional state, motivation);

3) The third group - environmental factors (conditions for organizing activities, time of day, year).

General laws of the dynamics of mental performance. It is divided into several periods:working in, steady state (optimal performance), prefatigue (unstable performance period, orcompensatory adjustment) and fatigue.

During the work-in periodthere is a gradual increase in mental performance. This is a period of searching for the most adequate and effective options for the functioning of all organs and systems, a period of significant stress, high energy costs, a period of organizing voluntary attention and functional organization of activity. During this period, the properties of nerve cells change - their excitability, functional mobility increase, connections between individual nerve centers of the brain are activated. Mental performance is still unstable, its effectiveness is low.

Steady period(optimum) - this is the time when the body works most efficiently in the optimal mode. High sustainable mental performance does not require excessive efforts and energy consumption from the body, stress is reduced and consistency in the activities of all systems is increased. However, the optimum period cannot continue indefinitely and is naturally replaced by the next period - the period of compensatory restructuring.

The period of compensatory adjustment is whena person can still work efficiently, but at the cost of considerable stress. It is this period that is characterized by a decrease in attention, an increase in the number of distractions, a decrease in the pace of activity, and an increase in motor activity.

The next period is fatigue.The first signs of fatigue are well known to the teacher: a violation of concentration, a decrease in the pace of work, motor restlessness, an increase in the number of errors, impaired coordination of movements (Rybnikov O.N., 2010).

Mental performance is changeable, dynamic, which is caused by physiological, psychological, and other reasons and affects the efficiency of human labor. The dynamics is caused by the expenditure of the body and psyche in the course of work, the loads during its implementation, the laws of psychophysiological dynamics of opportunities, changes in external conditions and situations, as well as the physiological, psychological and pedagogical properties of the worker (Stolyarenko A.M., 2009).


2.1. Purpose of the study

Investigate the mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity.

2.2. Research objectives

1. Analyze educational, methodological and scientific literature on the mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity.

2. Assess mental performance by the accuracy of the task; mental productivity; volume of visual information; stability of attention of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity.

3. Compare the results of the study of mental performance indicators of persons involved in mental and physical labor activity.

2.3. Research methods

To solve the tasks term paper, the following research methods were used:

1. Analysis and generalization of data from educational and scientific literature;

In the course of the study, materials of educational, methodological and scientific literature were studied. 20 sources of literature devoted to the study of the psychophysiology of mental and physical labor, issues of mental performance were analyzed.

2. Analysis of statements medical records;

For the selection of persons for mental and physical labor, an analysis of extracts from medical records was carried out. The medical records took into account: gender, age, place of work and position, bad habits.

3. Testing mental performance - Anfimov's test;

Testing was carried out to study the mental performance of persons with mental and physical labor.

The subjects were given a form with Anfimov's table (Appendix 1). The subjects crossed out the given letter for 4 minutes.

At the end of testing, the following was calculated: the number of characters viewed - S, letters crossed out - M, the total number of letters that needed to be crossed out in the table - N, and the number of errors made - n, the data were entered into the table (Appendix 2).

4. Mathematical data processing;

It meant taking into account, calculating and evaluating the data of a physiological study: calculating the accuracy coefficients for completing a task A=M/N and mental productivity P=A*S; calculation of stability of attention UVN=S/N; volume of visual information Q=0.5936*S; determination of the speed of information processing SPI=(Q- 2.807*n)/T (Appendix 3).

As well as calculating the average group value of the indicators and their Wilcoxon deviation indicator:

2.4. Organization of the study

Organization this study took place in three stages:

At the first stage, the topic of the study was chosen, the analysis and generalization of data from educational and scientific literature in the area under study was carried out. The physiological phenomena accompanying different kinds physical and mental labor.

At the second stage, an analysis of extracts from medical records was carried out, the analysis was carried out in the St. Petersburg City Hospital No. 26. The structure of mental labor included 10 people, including 5 men, 5 women, and the composition of manual labor included 10 people, of which 5 men, 5 women. All subjects are between 60 and 65 years of age, all work and were hospitalized during the study. Based on the data obtained, when studying medical records, tables were compiled: table "Characteristics of persons of mental labor" (Appendix 4), table "Characteristics of persons of physical labor" (Appendix 5).

At the III stage, testing was carried out in the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare City Hospital No. 26, testing was carried out on an individual basis.


3.1. The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in mental labor activity

The determination of the initial indicators of mental performance of persons of mental labor was carried out on weekends, activity and interest were observed in the behavior of the subjects.

After the study, data on the state of mental performance were obtained, which are included in Table 1.

Table 1



















Initial data of persons of mental labor

The calculation data of indicators on the physical condition of the subjects are included in Table 2.

table 2




Q=0.5936* S

SPI \u003d (Q -2.807 * n) / T

UVN= S / N





























































Wed gr.






Calculation of indicators of mental performance of persons of mental labor

To determine the probability of error and data scatter, we calculate the average deviation of the studied SPI indicators using the formula:


X maximum = 3.51 - the result of Logantsov, is the maximum value.

X minimum = 2.05 - the minimum value in the sample is the result of Ovacheva.

Κ = 3.08 (calculated from the table of coefficients for different numbers of results in the sample).

Thus, the group average SPI = 2.77 ± 0.15 bps.

3.2. The result of the study of mental performance of persons engaged in physical labor activity

The determination of the initial indicators of mental performance of persons of physical labor was carried out on weekends, as in the case of persons of mental labor. In the behavior of the subjects, activity and interest were observed, but less than in the subjects of mental labor.

After the study, data on the state of mental performance were obtained, which are included in Table 3.

Table 3


















Initial data of persons of physical labor

Where S is the number of characters viewed, M is the number of letters crossed out, N is the total number of letters that needed to be crossed out, n is the number of errors made.

The calculation data of indicators on the physical condition of the subjects are included in Table 4.

Table 4




Q \u003d 0.5936 * S

SPI \u003d (Q -2.807 * n) / T

UVN= S / N





























































Wed gr.






Calculation of indicators of mental performance of persons of physical labor

Where A is the coefficient of accuracy in completing the task, P is the coefficient of mental productivity, Q is the volume of visual information, SPI is the speed of information processing, LLH is the stability of attention.

Calculation of the average deviation of the SPI indicator using the formula:

Where X maximum X minimum- range of values, Κ - coefficient determined by the number of values ​​in the sample.

X maximum = 3.44 - the result of Tyasto.

X minimum = 1.61 - the result of Alexandrova.

Κ = 3.08 - has not changed.

The standard error of the mean is calculated by the formula:

Where n is the number of options in the sample.

Thus, the group average SPI = 2.45± 0.2 bps.

3.3. The results of comparing the indicators of mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity

3.3.1. The result of the comparison in terms of the accuracy of the task

According to the results of the research, the average group accuracy of the task is:

In persons of mental labor - 0.97;

For persons of physical labor 0.86.

On the basis of these data, a graph was constructed (Figure 1), reflecting the results of the studied indicator of task completion accuracy.

Fig.1. Comparison in the accuracy of the task

3.3.2. Comparison result for mental productivity

Average group mental productivity is:

In persons of mental labor - 1102.79;

For persons of physical labor - 916.39.

Based on these data, a graph was constructed (Figure 2), reflecting the results of the studied indicator of mental productivity.

Fig.2. Comparison by mental productivity

3.3.3. The result of comparison by the amount of visual information

The average group volume of visual information is:

In persons of mental labor - 676.82;

In persons of physical labor - 647.20.

Based on these data, a graph was constructed (Figure 3), reflecting the results of the studied indicator of the volume of visual information.

Fig.3. Comparison by the amount of visual information

3.3.4. Comparison result in terms of information processing speed

According to the results of the research, the average group speed of completing the task is:

In persons of mental labor 2.77 ± 0.15 bps;

In persons of physical labor 2.45 ± 0.2 bps.

Based on these data, a graph was constructed (Figure 4), reflecting the results of the studied indicator of the speed of information processing.

Fig.4. Comparison by the speed of information processing

3.3.5. The result of the comparison on the stability of attention

According to the research results, the average group attention span is:

In persons of mental labor - 8.20;

For persons of physical labor - 7.68.

Based on these data, a graph was constructed (Figure 5), reflecting the results of the studied indicator of attention stability.

Fig.5. Comparison in attention span


1) In the course of the analysis of educational, methodological and scientific literature, physiological differences in mental and physical labor activity were revealed. Mental labor activity covers a large number of nervous elements. Based on modern data of neurophysiology and neuropsychology, mental work is the result of the most complex combinations of nervous processes and histochemical changes in neurons of cortical-subcortical formations. The systematic work of the brain during mental labor activity is not only complex and highly qualified, but also more extensive and includes a greater number of systems and subsystems than during physical labor activity. Also a big load on the sensory system. Therefore, during mental labor activity, mental stress, systematic and long-term work naturally develop mental performance, including intelligence, and contribute to their preservation until old age.

2) In the course of assessing the mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor activity, it can be concluded that in terms of mental performance (accuracy of task completion, mental productivity, information processing speed, attention stability), high positive results were shown by subjects who do not have harmful habits, which proves negative impact them on the human body. Bad habits contribute to a decrease in mental performance, its effectiveness, and therefore, the productivity of labor activity decreases.

3) In the study of the mental performance of persons engaged in mental and physical labor, a comparison of indicators was carried out. The average group indicator of the speed of information processing was 2.77 ± 0.15 bit/s for people with mental labor, and 2.45 ± 0.2 bit/s for people with manual labor. There is a decrease in the indicator by 0.11 ± 0.2 bps, which indicates a decrease in the speed of people engaged in physical labor activity. As a result of comparing all indicators of mental performance, we can conclude that mental labor activity has a positive effect on the preservation and development of mental performance.


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Attachment 1

Form for the study of mental performance according to the method of Anfimov Full name ______________________________________________ Date __________ Day of the week _____________________ Time ______________ Letters __________ N S I E V A K V N X I V S I A B C A B C N A E K E A X V K E S B C N A I S A I S A I S I A B K N X I S X B X E K B X I V X E I S I E I N A I E I K X K I K X E K V K I S V X I X A K X N S K A I S V E K V X N A I S N X E K X I S N A K S K V X K V N A B C N S N A I K A E K K I C X A I V X E K V I C N A I K E K A E X S N A I X E I K A S N A E S B N I X K A E S N A X N K A E S N A K A E B E V K A I S N A S N A I V K A N A K A E X S N C X E B X E N A I S X K E K I K N A E S N K A K A E X K A E K A S E N A E X K A E N A I K E A I S N K A E K E B E V N K V N A I E I X E K N A K A X E E K B N A X E K N A E K V I K A K E K N A I E I K C N A B A E E A X N K A E N K V X E E S B X K A K B C B K E V K A A E C A V I E X E K N A E E N E V X K A E N A I S N A E S N K V K A E E X S K K V I A S N N A E S N K A B C X A B C N A I K A E E S K A E S E X E K V A I S N A E A B K A E J A I C X E X E K V I K V E N A I E N A I K A E I X N A I X K X E X E V I S N V K A E X E S N A I N K A E B I V N A E I X E V K A E V A E N A I X E I C N A E X E K A E B E K A K K A S S N A K A E S X E N A I E I C N A E A I S N K B E X E K X E K K A E S K A E A K A E C X E B C K X E I X N A I C N K B E B E C N A I K A E X E K N A I C N I C N E I C N V I E X K B X E I V N A K A E X E I S B X A E K A E X C I C N A I X E V K A E S N A K A E E N A I S X K I B X N I X E C N A I V E B N A K A E B C C N A I K V E X K V K A E V K A N X K A S N A K C X E X E X E A E S N A K A E K A E N A E X K A E K E I X E B X A K A E S N A I K A E C X E V I E K A E S V E N S N A I S A K V S N X K E C X A E S N A E N K A S X K A X V X E E K A E I E N A E C X E K N A I V K V K X E K I S N A I X K A X E N A E E N I K V K A E S N A E E X V K V I E K A I E X E K B C N E I S S V N E V I S N A E A X E X K A N A X S K A V I K V E X K V K A E V K A N X K A S N A K C X E X E X E A E S N A K A E K A E N A E X K A E K E I X E B X A K A E S N A I K A E C X E V I E K A E S V E N S N A I S A K V S N X K E C X A E S N A E N K A S X K A X V X E E K A E I E N A E C X E K N A I V K V K X E K I S N A I X K A X E N A E E N I K V K A E S N A E E X V K V I E K A I E X E K B C N E I S S V N E V I S N A E A X E X K A N A X S K A V K X A E S N A I N K A S X E A E X K V E X E A I S N A S K A E S E N E K A X E E K A S N K A S E K A E K A N A K X E X S E X E N A E S V N E I X E N A I K V N S I X A X E N A N A E S S V K A N K A E V I K A I K A K N A B C X E X X X E I S N A I E I N E V I S N A I V E V X E I S K A I E V X E K X S K A I E X K A E A K A B S

Appendix 2

Correction Test Results


Annex 3

Calculation of indicators of mental performance




Q=0.5936* S

SPI \u003d (Q -2.807 * n) / T

UVN= S / N

Individual indicator

Wed gr.

Appendix 4

Characteristics of persons of mental labor




job title

bad habits


60 years

Those. director



62 years old


Alcohol on holidays


65 years old

Head of the design sector

Alcohol on holidays


65 years old

Head of Department of the Housing Committee

Alcohol 1 - 2 times a month


61 years old



63 years old




62 years old

Fashion designer



65 years old

Ch. accountant

Alcohol on holidays


65 years old




60 years

Deputy directors

Alcohol on holidays

Annex 5

Characteristics of persons of physical labor




job title

bad habits


61 years old


Alcohol on holidays, smokes 20 cigarettes a day


63 years old

Underground driller

Smokes 10 cigarettes a day


65 years old

Master of finishing works

Smokes 20 cigarettes a day


65 years old

Email Installer

Smokes 10 cigarettes a day, alcohol on holidays


64 years old


Alcohol 1 - 2 times a month, smokes 20 cigarettes a day


60 years




62 years old

bakery barmaid

Smokes 20 cigarettes a day, alcohol on holidays


62 years old




62 years old


Smokes 10 cigarettes a day, alcohol 1-2 times a month


64 years old



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In addition, during adolescence, girls undergo a change in body proportions, which also in a certain way affects the maintenance of body balance. In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of our study was to study the features of stabilographic indicators in girls aged 11-14 years old involved in symmetrical sports, cheerleading and athletics. to assess the quality of the balance function, the average linear and angular speed in girls of the control group and girls involved in symmetrical sports; 2. identify the features of the situation ...
11438. The study of the features of stabilographic indicators in girls aged 11-14 years old involved in symmetrical sports (cheerleading, athletics) 437.57KB
In addition, during adolescence, girls undergo a change in body proportions, which also in a certain way affects the maintenance of body balance. In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of our study was to study the features of stabilographic indicators in girls aged 11-14 years old involved in symmetrical sports, cheerleading and athletics. to evaluate the quality of the balance function, the average linear and angular speed in girls of the control group and girls involved in symmetrical sports...
To analyze theoretical approaches to the consideration of the problem of happiness and subjective well-being in domestic and foreign psychology. To identify features in the feeling of happiness and the level of subjective well-being in adolescents with a mild degree of mental retardation. To identify the features of the idea of ​​happiness in adolescents with a mild degree of mental retardation
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Theoretical aspects psychological characteristics of children with mental retardation. Experience of psychological support for children with mental retardation in the Crimea. Pedagogical skills of accompanying children with mental retardation acquired on the basis of MBOU Saki secondary school No. 2 of the Republic of Crimea ...
1374. The development of an active vocabulary in children with mental retardation of senior preschool age based on familiarization with the surrounding nature and phenomena 76.29KB
Timely identify the level of readiness for learning in these children; to carry out purposeful work on the preparation of mentally retarded children, taking into account ontogenetic patterns and specific features of the development of children of the category under study.
8724. Labor contract 19.08KB
56 of the Labor Code, an agreement between the employer and the employee in accordance with which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work on a conditional basis. labor function ensure working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law collective agreement local agreements regulations and this agreement to timely and in full pay the employee wages and the employee undertakes to personally fulfill the labor determined by this agreement ...

Brainwork- this is a person's activity to transform the conceptual model of reality formed in his mind by creating new concepts, judgments, conclusions, and on their basis - hypotheses and theories.

The working brain consumes significantly more oxygen than other body tissues. Making up 2-3% of the total body weight, the brain tissue absorbs up to 20% of the oxygen consumed by the entire body at rest. Observations on a person working through a difficult book showed that when reading the first 8 pages, the release of carbon dioxide increased by 12% compared to the state of rest, after 16 pages - by 20%, and after 32 - by 35%.

During mental work, the blood vessels of the brain are filled with blood, the peripheral vessels of the extremities are narrowed and the vessels of the viscera are dilated, that is, vascular reactions are observed that are the opposite of those that occur during muscular work. Functions of the cardiovascular system change slightly. Another thing is when such work is accompanied by emotional experiences. Troubles and unrest, anger and impatience, tension in conditions of lack of time affect the circulatory apparatus. So, before starting work, a group of people had an average heart rate of 70.6 beats per minute; with relatively quiet work - 77.4 strokes. Mental labor of medium intensity increased the heart rate to 83.5 beats per minute, and with strong - up to 93.1 beats. Before entering the auditorium where the exam is taking place, students have a heart rate of up to 130-144 beats per minute. Blood pressure rises to 135/85 - 155/95 millimeters of mercury versus 115/70 millimeters during the period training sessions. A similar psycho-emotional mobilization is observed in the speaker before a public speech. During simultaneous translation, the interpreters' heart rate rises to 160 beats per minute.

Breathing during emotionally intense work becomes uneven, it can become more frequent, deepen and even stop, blood oxygen saturation decreases, its morphological composition changes. The thermoregulation of the body is disturbed, leading to increased sweating - more intense with negative emotions (fear, anxiety) than with positive ones.

The initial signs of fatigue, causing the development of an inhibitory state in the cerebral cortex, which is biologically necessary to prevent exhaustion of the body, are a signal to stop work and physiological recovery. However, this process can be inhibited by an effort of will, which is only

The specificity of intellectual labor lies in the fact that even after the termination of work, thoughts about it do not leave a person, the “working dominant” does not completely fade away. It is impossible to command yourself: "That's it, I'm done thinking!" And in his free time, the doctor is not left thinking about a difficult patient, the engineer is haunted by drawings, plans, and the researcher again and again mentally analyzes the results of a failed experiment, trying to find a mistake, the head of the production team continues to “scroll” in his head options for solving production problems.

It has been noticed that with the expiration of working time, the work does not end, especially of those workers whose workplace located in a room for several people. A specialist who does not know how to think, solve creative problems in public, compensates for the uselessly expended efforts already at home, trying to think with a stale head, looking for ideas during the rest period that he will bring to work tomorrow.

Fatigue increases with dissatisfaction with work, failures. The feeling of fatigue is removed or weakened by positive emotions, increased interest in work. In an excited state, you may not notice fatigue.

There are states of fatigue in which it is still possible to perform mental work, but creative principles are no longer found in it, and a person involuntarily follows ready-made, standard samples. Then there comes a period, accompanied by a feeling of tension, when a strong-willed effort is needed to complete the work. Further continuation of work leads to the appearance of a feeling of displeasure, often bearing a shade of irritation.

Functional fatigue is at first partial. So, tired of computing operations, you can successfully engage in reading. But there may also be such a state when, for example, neither doing mathematics, nor reading literature, nor even a simple conversation are beyond your strength - you just want to sleep uncontrollably.

People who have been under information overload for a long time develop the so-called information neurosis, due to the need to process a large flow of information and quickly make it based on a decision. So according to A. I. Kikolov (1980), directors and television assistants, railway transport and airport dispatchers civil aviation, engineers in production, the average number of perceived information and its switching from one type of activity to another reaches 2500 per shift. major city every minute he performs from 30 to 120 professional actions, every two minutes he gets into a critical situation, bordering on the risk of an accident.

Prolonged neuro-emotional stress without proper rest leads to the fact that a person loses sleep, appetite, he has a bad mood, there are outbursts of irritability, melancholy, a headache, etc.

According to N.N. Zavadenko, N.A. Manelis, T.E. Uspenskaya, I.N. Suvorinova, T.P. Borisova (1999) in special schools with a mathematical bias, where study load quite high, high blood pressure was detected in students in 16-23% of cases against 6.5% of the case among schoolchildren in ordinary schools.

Many types of mental work are associated with the need to contact other people, entire teams. In such conditions, neuro-emotional stress and fatigue associated with it are largely determined by the culture of interpersonal relationships, the psychological climate in the team, and often in the family. A properly organized working day, after-work rest, physical education, sports hobbies will significantly help in relieving fatigue and preventing neurotic and psychological diseases (neurogenic hypertension, coronary heart disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, etc.).

With prolonged professional mental work, functional changes may occur in the body, mainly due to low mobility. This is expressed in the deterioration of the heart, sclerotic changes in blood vessels, the appearance of hypotension (in young people) and hypertension (in the elderly), and the occurrence of neuroses. Lack of movement also leads to a weakening of breathing. In the lower parts of the lungs, in the abdominal cavity and legs, blood stagnates. Intestinal atony occurs, decay products accumulate in the body, headaches appear. A decrease in oxidative processes in the body entails anemia, as well as obesity.

It is known that emotional reactions lead to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood due to an increase in the level of secretion of a number of hormones, for example, in artists before going on stage, in pilots before a flight, etc. If we take into account that this chemical are credited with an important role in the development of sclerotic changes in blood vessels, then the special significance of the prevention of cardiovascular pathology will become clear. From a poorly functioning muscular system, a limited flow of information enters the brain, and this leads to a weakening of the excitatory process and inhibition in certain areas of the cerebral cortex. There are conditions for increased fatigue, a decrease in working capacity not only physical, but also mental, general well-being worsens, a decrease in muscle tone worsens posture.

All types of labor according to their main physiological indicators can be divided into two main ones: physical and mental. This division needs an explanation: in any physical labor there are mental elements, and in any mental labor there are physical ones. It has been aptly said: just as the head and hands belong to the same body, so in any work mental and physical labor are combined. It is possible to speak about specific labor as physical or mental only by the predominance of one of these components in it (Stolyarenko A.M., 2009).

Physical labor is associated with great somatic loads, which require special qualities and intensive functioning of various systems of the human body. It is based on purposeful motor activity. The mobilization of physiological mechanisms in this case occurs according to the laws of the functioning of the functional system. The results of labor are evaluated by the higher parts of the brain on the basis of feedback. Systematic occupations with the same type of labor form predominantly labor dynamic stereotypes of skills and abilities in the nervous system and develop the skeletal-motor system, affect psychophysiological and other qualities. Movements also have a vegetative component, in particular, the provision of blood supply and oxygen to working muscle groups. Most of the labor processes are carried out economically, at the level of automatism, however, the cortical conscious control is never turned off (Izmerova N.F., 2010).

The predominance of the motor component during physical work is associated with high energy costs of the body. Such are the work of a digger, a lumberjack, a blacksmith, hand mowing, threshing, assembly work, work in foundries, in mines, while playing sports, and so on. They involve 2/3 of the muscles of the human body, oxygen consumption increases by 2 - 4 times, and the heart rate is up to 130 - 150 beats per minute. This requires an increase in metabolism, heat generation, heat transfer and measures to compensate for energy costs. A number of types of physical work harms the body due to the frequent occurrence of occupational diseases. Excessive physical labor without sufficient recovery of energy consumption depletes the body's bioenergetic potential and physiological regulatory mechanisms. Some types of physical labor are associated with a risk to life and require courage, courage, self-control from the worker. Many types of it are now mechanized. At the same time, physical activity is reduced (pulse up to 90 beats per minute). Part of the types of mechanized labor is monotonous (for example, stamping the same parts), which reduces the activity of the central nervous system, increases fatigue and a person's performance is rapidly declining. Compliance with standard norms, modes and conditions of physical labor, safety measures reduces the risk of occupational diseases, injuries and death (Rybnikov O.N., 2010).

Mental labor is more complex in terms of physiological and psychological content, although it proceeds invisibly, often inaudibly, intangibly and outwardly seems easy. It includes professions related to the sphere of material production (scientists, engineers, technicians, craftsmen, operators, and others) and those outside it (doctors, teachers, educators, writers, artists, artists, and others). As a rule, mental work is accompanied by insignificant muscular activity and lower energy costs compared to physical ones. Deficiency of motor activity reduces the impulses of the cortex, a decrease in the amplitude and frequency of the main rhythms of the EEG (electroencephalogram), which temporarily worsens the conditions of mental activity (Smirnov V.M., 2003).

Many types of mental work are characterized by increased emotional stress. Mental activity usually does not stop on a call at the end of the working day. Trace processes continue in the cerebral cortex: the work is over, and thoughts about it often continue to be active and intense. Changes in the activity of the internal organs during mental work do not have specific features and differ from those during physical work only quantitatively. The sedentary or static standing nature of the posture is tiring. In a complex form, fatigue often manifests itself in facial expressions, redness of the skin, sweating, sipping, heaviness or pain in the head, neck, and back. Recovery processes require sufficient time for rest. Mental loads, their creative nature, systematic and long-term work naturally develop the intellect, contribute to the preservation of intellectual functions up to old age (Danilova N.N., 2005).

1. Introduction

The labor activity of a person is the basis of his existence. Therefore, physiologists, hygienists, psychologists, specialists in the field of labor ergonomics study in detail all aspects labor process.

Any work takes place in a specific real environment. Therefore, the concept of working conditions has become widespread. There are different definitions of this concept, but most often, working conditions are understood as all the factors on which a person’s performance and health depend. There are many of these factors. For convenience, they are divided into four main groups:

1. Sanitary and hygienic factors - microclimate (temperature, air humidity, air flow velocity), illumination of the workplace, noise level, intensity of air pollution with dust particles (dust content), chemical components (gas contamination), the presence of ultrasound, UHF, radiation sources, etc. in the work area Occupational health considers this group of factors in detail and develops standards for the maximum permissible levels of the relevant indicators, as well as develops a set of measures aimed at preventing and combating the existing adverse factor external environment.

2. Psychophysiological factors - this is a large group of factors, including the nature of the regime of work and rest, the severity and intensity of work, working postures, the amount of load on the skeletal muscles, on the central nervous system, on the higher parts of the brain, the intensity of loading the brain with incoming information, the nature of decision-making, the degree of risk, etc. .

3. Socio-economic factors- this is a group of factors, including the social security of the worker, his salary, purchasing power, provision with rest homes, kindergartens, schools, vacation time, etc.

4. Aesthetic factors- the interior of the working room, the shape, color of the product with which you have to work, the shape, color, style of work clothes, etc.

The effectiveness of any activity, any work is limited by fatigue. The problem of fatigue is dealt with by biologists, physiologists, hygienists and sociologists, since the issues of preventing fatigue and rehabilitation are directly related to labor productivity.

The term "fatigue" has up to 100 different definitions. Fatigue is one of the basic concepts of physiology and occupational health, but has not been fully agreed between representatives of these disciplines.

Fatigue manifests itself in significant change activities of various organs and systems - muscle strength and endurance decrease, heart rate changes (either increases or decreases significantly), the time of visual-motor reactions lengthens, i.e. the time required for analysis, processing and response to information. The body's energy consumption increases, as movements become uneconomical, a lot of unnecessary movements appear. The value of systolic and diastolic pressure increases. Technical and economic indicators change, for example, the duration of operations increases, the duration of micropauses decreases, the number of erroneous movements increases, and marriage increases.

Thus, it is necessary to investigate a number of indicators, including technical, economic, physiological and psychological ones, in order to draw a conclusion about the development of fatigue and its depth.

2. Classification of physical work

In each type of labor process there are elements of physical labor - labor in which a muscular load is performed, and elements of mental labor. For an objective assessment of the organization of production, an objective appointment of benefits and compensations, the order of recreational activities, for the regulation of work and rest regimes, and for many other purposes, it was proposed to distinguish between severity and tension in each type of labor activity. Accordingly, any labor is classified into categories or groups according to its severity and intensity.

severity labor is actually the physiological cost of work. The severity of work characterizes muscle efforts (load on skeletal muscles). Its value is determined by the energy costs of the body, the power of external work or the magnitude of the static force required in the performance of this work, the mass and distance of movement of the lifted or lowered load, the working posture and the nature of the working movements, as well as the degree of stress of physiological functions (judging by the heart rate data). , the percentage of decrease in endurance, the degree of fatigue), the density of the workload of the working day. In our country, the labor classification proposed by the Institute of Occupational Health of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences is used. It provides for the division of labor according to severity into 4 groups or categories.


Labor groups by severity

Very heavy

The power of external work or energy expenditure of the body. kcal / hour (kcal / min)

up to 150 (up to 2.5)

150-200 (2,5-4,1)

more than 360 (more than 6)

The maximum value of the transported cargo, kg

up to 5 6-15 16-40 over 40
working posture Stationary workplace, free posture Stationary workplace. Forced leaning up to 30° 50-100 times per shift, or leaning up to 30° 10-25% of the time

Stationary workplace. Forced bending up to 30° 100-300 times per shift, or being in


position up to 50% of the time

Stationary workplace. Forced bending up to 30° more than 300 times per shift, or being in a leaning position up to 30° more than 50% of the time
Working pulse, beats / min up to 80 80-100 100-120 120-140

There is a proposal to single out 2 more groups of labor according to severity - extremely heavy and superheavy labor, in which energy costs are respectively 10 - 11.6 kcal / min and more than 11.6 kcal / min.

Abroad, it is customary to distinguish three groups of severity of labor - light(up to 1.7 basal metabolic rate, or up to 2 kcal / min), average(up to 2.7 BOO, or up to 3 kcal / min) and heavy(up to 3.8 BOO, or up to 4 kcal / min).

tension(nervous tension) of labor reflects the load on the central nervous system, analyzers, higher nervous activity, mental activity. The intensity of labor is characterized by the volume of perceived information and is determined by the degree of tension of attention, the density of incoming signals, the state of the analyzer systems, and emotional stress. According to the tension, labor is divided into 4 groups, or categories: relaxed, low-stress, intense, very stressful.

Tension criteria Labor groups by tension
relaxed Little stressed Tense



a) the number of production-important objects of simultaneous observation

b) the duration of concentrated attention, in% of the working time

c) message density (signals per hour)

emotional stress work according to an individual plan work according to the established plan with possible adjustment in the process of activity work under time pressure with increased responsibility personal risk, responsibility for the safety of others
shift morning, 7-8 hours 2 shifts, no overnight 3 shifts, with night irregular shift with night work
Intellectual tension no need to make a decision solving simple alternative problems according to instructions solving complex problems by algorithm creative activity


a) the number of elements in the operation

b) the duration of the execution of repetitive operations, sec.

Using the criteria presented in the tables, you can evaluate any work in terms of severity and intensity.

There is also a classification of labor, taking into account the nature of the work: 1) labor requiring significant muscle activity; 2) mechanized types of labor; 3) automated and semi-automated types of labor; 4) group (conveyor) work; 5) work related to remote control (operator's work).

3. Fatigue and work schedule

3.1. Definition of fatigue, its types and stages

Usually, fatigue is understood as a decrease in efficiency caused by previous work, which is of a temporary nature. If it occurs during mental activity, then they talk about mental fatigue, and if during physical work, about physical fatigue. The state of fatigue is manifested in a change in physiological processes, in a decrease in labor productivity and technical and economic indicators, in a change in mental status.

Psychologists note that with the development of fatigue, a person develops a special state of mind, which is called fatigue - a subjective reflection of the processes that occur in the body, leading to fatigue. So, for example, there is a feeling of weakness. It appears long before the decline in labor productivity and lies in the fact that there is an experience of a special painful tension and uncertainty. The person feels that he is unable to carry on with his work properly. At the same time, attention disorder occurs - with the development of fatigue, a person is easily distracted, becomes lethargic, inactive, or, conversely, he develops chaotic mobility, instability. There are disorders in the sensory area - with fatigue, the work of receptors changes, for example, visual fatigue occurs - the ability to process information going through the visual analyzer decreases; with prolonged manual work, tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity decreases. There are disturbances in the motor sphere: there is a slowdown in movements, haste of movements, rhythm disturbances, weakening of the accuracy and coordination of movements, deautomatization of movements. Defects in memory and thinking are observed, will, determination, endurance, self-control are weakened. With severe fatigue, drowsiness appears.

The severity of the changes depends on the depth of fatigue. For example, with mild fatigue, there are almost no significant changes in the mental status, and with overwork, all these changes are extremely pronounced.

In connection with the change in the mental state, a number of psychophysiologists propose to distinguish 3 stages of fatigue. 1st stage: with it, the manifestation of a feeling of fatigue is insignificant, labor productivity is not reduced. 2nd stage- characterized by a significant decrease in labor productivity and pronounced mental changes. 3rd stage, which some researchers regard as acute overwork, is accompanied by a pronounced experience of fatigue.

Fatigue can be physical(muscular) or neuropsychic(central). Both forms of fatigue are combined in hard work, and they cannot be strictly separated from one another. Heavy physical work leads primarily to muscle fatigue, and increased mental or monotonous work causes fatigue of central origin. There should be a clear distinction between fatigue and fatigue caused by the need for sleep.

In addition, they define primary fatigue, which develops quite quickly, at the beginning of the work shift and is a sign of insufficient strengthening of labor skills; it can be overcome in the process of work, resulting in a "second wind" - a significant increase in efficiency. Secondary, or slowly developing fatigue - actually fatigue, which occurs approximately 2.5-3 hours after the start of the work shift, and rest is necessary to remove it.

Overwork, or chronic fatigue is another type of fatigue. It is due to the lack of proper rest between working days, is considered as a pathological condition. It is manifested by a general drop in labor productivity, an increase in morbidity, a slowdown in the growth of the cultural and technical level and the qualifications of the worker; a decrease in creative activity and mental performance, a change in the activity of the cardiovascular system.

According to K. K. Platonov, four degrees of overwork are distinguished - beginning, mild, pronounced and severe, each of which requires appropriate methods of struggle. So, to relieve the beginning of overwork, it is enough to regulate the mode of work and rest. With a mild degree of overwork, it is necessary to wait for a vacation and use it effectively. With severe overwork, an urgent rest is necessary, better organized. In severe fatigue, treatment is necessary.

3.2. Physiological causes of fatigue

physical fatigue

Physical fatigue develops as a result of changes in the skeletal muscles during prolonged work and is associated with the depletion of energy reserves and the accumulation of lactic acid ("fatigue substances"), leading to a decrease in performance. During the recovery phase following physical work, energy reserves are restored and lactic acid is removed.

Fatigue during dynamic work.

When working below the fatigue limit, the nature of the movements provides a sufficient period for muscle relaxation, during which the high-energy phosphorus compounds used in contraction can be regenerated and the end products of metabolism removed. The relaxation time corresponds to the required recovery time. Since in this case there are no residual signs of fatigue, such work is called non-fatiguing. With dynamic work above the fatigue limit, there is no possibility of continuous recovery, since the duration of the relaxation period is less than the time required for recovery. Restoration of energy reserves and removal of lactic acid are not complete, and there is an accumulation of residual fatigue. Energy-rich substrates are exhausted in the muscle and end products of metabolism accumulate, fatigue increases. The degree of muscle fatigue during dynamic work that lies above the fatigue limit can be determined based on physiological indicators (for example, recovery time, recovery pulse sum, etc.)

lame horse syndrome

This syndrome, consisting of muscle numbness and soreness, is not due, as is commonly believed, to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Muscle pain during pressure and movement occurs after the lactic acid accumulated during work is removed from the muscles. It is also not consistent with the lactate mechanism that the muscles in which such soreness occurs most often develop significant strength; this is true especially for those cases when there is a violation of intramuscular coordination, and during work carried out with inhibition (negative work). The development of significant efforts causes breaks in the area of ​​​​the Z-plates, and as they are restored, substances are released that cause muscle pain after a certain time.

Fatigue during static work

The work of retention that has to be done in everyday life usually exceeds the limit of fatigue. The fatigue it causes is associated with the depletion of energy reserves. Only during maintenance work, requiring an effort of less than 50% of the maximum and lasting more than 1 min, does blood flow become a factor limiting performance.

Neuropsychic fatigue

Neuropsychic (central) fatigue leads to a decrease in working capacity due to violations of the central nervous regulation. Among its typical symptoms, it should be noted the slow transmission of information, the deterioration of the functions of thinking and solving problems, the weakening of sensory perception and sensorimotor function. Such fatigue is accompanied by an aversion to work and a decrease in efficiency, and sometimes because of it there is a tendency to depression, unreasonable anxiety or decreased activity, as well as irritability and imbalance.

Neuropsychiatric fatigue is caused by:

long-term mental work requiring increased concentration, extreme attention or fine skill;

heavy physical labor;

monotonous work in a monotonous rhythm;

Noise, poor lighting and air temperature unfavorable for work;

Conflicts, preoccupations or lack of interest in work;

disease, pain and malnutrition.

Fatigue of central origin, in contrast to muscle fatigue, can disappear instantly under certain conditions, when, for example:

one tedious activity is replaced by another;

The situation is changing

the body goes into a state of alarm when fear or threatening danger;

interest in the work is renewed due to new information;

mood changes.

The possibility of a sudden disappearance of neuropsychic fatigue indicates that it is not associated either with the accumulation of "fatigue substances" or with the depletion of energy reserves. Rather, neuropsychic fatigue is associated with the reticular formation, the activity of which changes not only during intense mental work, but also under the influence of monotonous activity. The fatigue caused by the monotony of work can be reduced by changing the channel of perception of information, although this method cannot prevent fatigue with longer exposures. For example, when driving long distances on the highway, neuropsychic fatigue can be counteracted by listening to the radio.

During physical work, neuropsychic fatigue can occur due to afferent impulses from working muscles to the brain, which not only creates the feeling that the muscles are tired (or even hurt), but also suppresses the function of the cortex (thus causing neuropsychic fatigue). It is possible that these receptors are identical to the muscle receptors already mentioned.

3.3. Ways to deal with fatigue

Without fatigue, there is no training, there is no adaptation of the body to physical or mental activity. Fatigue stimulates the process of recovery, expands the reserve capacity of the body. Consequently, fatigue plays not only a protective role, but is also important in improving the working mechanisms of the body.

THEM. Sechenov argued that it is better to prevent fatigue than to deal with it. He believed that timely rest is one of the best means of preventing fatigue. At present, it is known that the improvement of working conditions, including through the rational organization of the work and rest regime, is the best means of preventing fatigue.

Measures to combat developing fatigue:

1. Timely appointment of rest- active or passive; with shallow, unexpressed fatigue, even a short rest, for example, 3-5 minutes on average, has a positive effect.

2. Increased micropauses- intervals between separate operations.

3. Regulation of physical and mental stress; with the development of fatigue, it is advisable to reduce the power of the work performed.

4. Use of functional music .

5. The use of factors that increase the flow of afferent impulses in the central nervous system- for example, performing industrial gymnastics, irritation of the skin during self-massage and mutual massage of the head, face, neck, torso.

6. Autogenic training, breathing exercises .

7. The use of pharmacological drugs that increase performance, for example, glucose, vitamin C, glutamic acid, eleutherococcus, ginseng, yellow sugar (adaptogens), stimulants of a mobilizing action (for example, adrenomimetics of indirect or mixed action such as phenamine), substances with a general stimulating effect on the central nervous system, for example; analeptics (strychnine, securinine, caffeine, including in the form of tea or coffee drinks), MAO inhibitors (nialamide), as well as "economy" type stimulants, for example, antihypoxants.

To increase mental performance, prevent mental fatigue and combat it, the following pharmacological preparations are offered:

1. Substances that increase the "tone" of the brain and the level of emotional response :

Adrenomimetics of indirect action - phenamine, centedrin, reactive;

phosphodiesterase inhibitors and adenosine antagonists - caffeine, theophylline and other xanthines;

CNS stimulants with a general tonic effect - strychnine, Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, eleutherococcus, yellow sugar;

Antidepressants with a predominance of the activating effect of the nialamide type.

2. Substances that enhance mediation processes in brain structures related to learning processes :

Anticholinesterase substances (galantamine, etc.);

memory oligopeptides - fragments of ACTH, corticotropin, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, lysyl-vasopressin.

3. Substances that activate the energy and plastic metabolism of the brain :

psychoenergizers, nootropic substances (piracetam, mefexamide);

Actoprotectors like pyruvate.

4. Substances that optimize the emotional status and level of brain excitability in stressful situations :

tranquilizers, antidepressants with a predominance of sedative (calming) action, beta-blockers such as obzidan, anaprilin.

3.4. Organization of the working day

Mode of work and rest is one of the most important factors determining the dynamics of human performance. When "designing" the appropriate mode of work and rest, one should take into account the total duration of the work shift, the intensity of the load in each half of the work shift, intra-shift regulated and unregulated rest breaks (micropauses, macropauses, lunch breaks) and their content, non-shift types of rest, shift work and work shift sequence.

The duration of a work shift or working day should not exceed 7-8 hours. Longer periods of work without adequate rest, such as 12-hour or 24-hour work, are associated with a higher incidence of morbidity than normal work activities. It is generally accepted that working in two shifts does not cause significant deviations in the state of health and performance. At the same time, night shifts are the most unacceptable work option, since the natural biorhythm of the body is disturbed. With three-shift work, the incidence of people after a night shift is always higher than after a morning or afternoon shift.

Each half shift has three phase: working in, high stable performance and reduced performance due to the development of fatigue. When planning the pace of work, the capacity of the work to be performed should be taken into account. So, on conveyor lines, for this purpose, conveyor speed variators (conveyor cycle) are used - at the beginning of the shift, the speed is set below average, then it gradually increases (as well as performance), reaching a maximum by the time of highest performance, and when the first signs of fatigue appear, it decreases again. A similar variation of the conveyor speed is used in the second half of the work shift. The use of variators gives a high protective and production effect.

There are three types of intra-shift rest: micro-pauses, macro-pauses and lunch breaks. Breaks provided for by the production regulations are called regulated. Their effectiveness as a restorative measure is higher than breaks that are made "without permission" - unregulated.


These are the intervals between separate operations or between separate elements of operations. Usually the duration of each micropause is 1-2 seconds. On average, for the entire working day, the sum of all micropauses should be 7-10% of the working time, for example, with an 8-hour shift - 48 minutes. The absence of micropauses in the conditions of conveyor production causes deep fatigue. Therefore, micropauses should be taken into account when calculating the production rate. During micropauses, conditions arise for a short rest, which prevents the development of deep fatigue.


These are breaks for rest lasting 5-10 minutes or more. The higher the power of the work performed (the higher the severity of the work), the more time is required for rest. For example, miners have to rest approximately 50% of their time underground: otherwise, if the rest period is reduced, their labor productivity will drop significantly. So, the total rest time (the sum of macropauses) is determined by the severity of the work. With a light in severity and intensity of the labor process, in each half of the work shift, 1-2 breaks for rest lasting 5-10 minutes are sufficient. Long (more than 10 minutes) or frequent breaks reduce performance and require additional time to work.

During macropauses (and during the lunch period) can be provided active and passive recreation. Active rest is a rest in which muscle groups that are not involved in the main work are temporarily turned on. For example, the movement of the legs while constantly working with the hands. The phenomenon of outdoor activities was identified by I. M. Sechenov. Active rest is more effective for recovery than passive rest. This position is confirmed by numerous observations, but in recent years it has been shown that the effectiveness of outdoor activities depends on the power of the work performed: with medium and high severity of labor (III, IV stages), its effectiveness is less than with light labor; in older people, the effectiveness of active rest is lower than passive. Therefore, the approach to the use of outdoor activities should be differentiated. Forms of active recreation - industrial gymnastics or arbitrary independent movements of a worker in the workshop or outside it.

Lunch break

Unlike micro- and macropauses, it is not included in the concept of " working time", because according to labor law, the time for the lunch break is at the expense of the personal time budget of the employee. Its duration should not be less than 30 minutes, because a shorter period of time does not give a full recovery effect. This break is intended not only for eating (by the way, a hearty lunch is not recommended during work), but also for rest - passive or active, which is determined by the nature of the work. With mental activity, as a rule, in all cases, active rest is recommended during macropauses and lunch breaks. During mental activity, macropauses are prescribed every 45 minutes, mostly for 5 minutes, and closer to the lunch break - for 10 minutes. The lunch break is scheduled in the middle of the work shift.

Elements of industrial gymnastics and functional music are also introduced into the working day.

Industrial gymnastics

Introductory gymnastics is used to increase the speed of working in; physical culture pause is carried out daily for 5-10 minutes from 1 to 4 times per shift in order to maintain high performance during the working day and is prescribed during the period of incipient fatigue, at the time of a decrease in the performance curve; physical education pauses are carried out in order to reduce fatigue: within 2-3 minutes, 2-3 exercises are performed, for example, the first exercise is "sipping", the second and third exercises are a warm-up of the muscles of the neck, arms, legs - that part of the body in which you feel the most fatigue.

functional music

Widely used in production. use counter music, it is broadcast before starting work in order to increase the development processes; functional music at the beginning of the shift - to increase the processes of working out and during the period of development of fatigue (in this case, in contrast to the music of working out, a smooth, melodic, melodious melody is used); broadcast at the end of the work shift pre-final music, and after the end of work - final. The specific content of the musical impact is determined by the psychological goal: calm music is required to relieve fatigue, and rhythmic and major music is required to increase the process of working out.

4. Conclusion

The study of the conditions for increasing the efficiency of human labor activity is one of the independent tasks of labor psychology. Among these conditions, the maintenance of optimal performance based on the creation of an optimal functional state is distinguished. At the same time, it is important to apply measures to prevent and correct unfavorable functional conditions (fatigue, monotony, stress, etc.). This implies, firstly, the elimination of the objective causes of their occurrence (drawing up an optimal regime of work and rest, alternating types labor actions and so on), and secondly, the formation of a person's skills to regulate and manage their functional state (use of a system of special training in order to prepare for adverse situations, methods of neuromuscular relaxation, auto-training).

If the mode of work and rest is rationally organized, then labor productivity, working capacity and health level in a given area of ​​production can be high. It should be borne in mind that the regime of work and rest is a very flexible tool that should be checked periodically - whether it gives the maximum beneficial effect or not. In the latter case, it must be modified.

The orientation of modern management to the concept of "human reserves" requires the manager to understand the psychology and physiology of labor activity, those mechanisms that underlie the interaction of people in the labor process, in combination and taking into account the individual characteristics of each to create the most favorable conditions for creative self-organization.

5. List of used literature

1. Lukashevich N.P., Singaevskaya I.V., Bondarchuk E.I. Psychology of work, 1997

2. Human Physiology: In 3 volumes, ed. R. Schmidt and G. Tews, 1996

3. Agadzhanyan N.A., Tel L.Z., Tsirkin V.I., Chesnokova S.V. Human Physiology, 1998

4. J. Scherrer Physiology of labor, 1973

1. Introduction

The labor activity of a person is the basis of his existence. Therefore, physiologists, hygienists, psychologists, specialists in the field of labor ergonomics study in detail all aspects of the labor process.

Any work takes place in a specific real environment. Therefore, the concept of working conditions has become widespread. There are different definitions of this concept, but most often, working conditions are understood as all the factors on which a person’s performance and health depend. There are many of these factors. For convenience, they are divided into four main groups:

1. Sanitary and hygienic factors - microclimate (temperature, air humidity, air flow velocity), illumination of the workplace, noise level, intensity of air pollution with dust particles (dust content), chemical components (gas contamination), the presence of ultrasound, UHF, radiation sources, etc. in the work area Occupational health examines this group of factors in detail and develops standards for the maximum permissible levels of the relevant indicators, as well as develops a set of measures aimed at preventing and combating the existing adverse environmental factor.

2. Psychophysiological factors - this is a large group of factors, including the nature of the regime of work and rest, the severity and intensity of work, working postures, the amount of load on the skeletal muscles, on the central nervous system, on the higher parts of the brain, the intensity of loading the brain with incoming information, the nature of decision-making, the degree of risk, etc. .

3. Socio-economic factors- this is a group of factors, including the social security of the worker, his salary, purchasing power, provision with rest homes, kindergartens, schools, vacation time, etc.

4. Aesthetic factors- the interior of the working room, the shape, color of the product with which you have to work, the shape, color, style of work clothes, etc.

The effectiveness of any activity, any work is limited by fatigue. The problem of fatigue is dealt with by biologists, physiologists, hygienists and sociologists, since the issues of preventing fatigue and rehabilitation are directly related to labor productivity.

The term "fatigue" has up to 100 different definitions. Fatigue is one of the basic concepts of physiology and occupational health, but has not been fully agreed between representatives of these disciplines.

Fatigue is manifested in a significant change in the activity of various organs and systems - muscle strength and endurance decrease, heart rate changes (either increases or decreases significantly), the time of visual-motor reactions lengthens, i.e. the time required for analysis, processing and response for information. The body's energy consumption increases, as movements become uneconomical, a lot of unnecessary movements appear. The value of systolic and diastolic pressure increases. Technical and economic indicators change, for example, the duration of operations increases, the duration of micropauses decreases, the number of erroneous movements increases, and marriage increases.

Thus, it is necessary to investigate a number of indicators, including technical, economic, physiological and psychological ones, in order to draw a conclusion about the development of fatigue and its depth.

2. Classification of physical work

In each type of labor process there are elements of physical labor - labor in which a muscular load is performed, and elements of mental labor. For an objective assessment of the organization of production, an objective appointment of benefits and compensations, the order of recreational activities, for the regulation of work and rest regimes, and for many other purposes, it was proposed to distinguish between severity and tension in each type of labor activity. Accordingly, any labor is classified into categories or groups according to its severity and intensity.

severity labor is actually the physiological cost of work. The severity of work characterizes muscle efforts (load on skeletal muscles). Its value is determined by the energy costs of the body, the power of external work or the magnitude of the static force required in the performance of this work, the mass and distance of movement of the lifted or lowered load, the working posture and the nature of the working movements, as well as the degree of stress of physiological functions (judging by the heart rate data). , the percentage of decrease in endurance, the degree of fatigue), the density of the workload of the working day. In our country, the labor classification proposed by the Institute of Occupational Health of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences is used. It provides for the division of labor according to severity into 4 groups or categories.


Labor groups by severity

Very heavy

The power of external work or energy expenditure of the body. kcal / hour (kcal / min)

up to 150 (up to 2.5)

150-200 (2,5-4,1)

more than 360 (more than 6)

The maximum value of the transported cargo, kg

up to 5 6-15 16-40 over 40
working posture Stationary workplace, free posture Stationary workplace. Forced leaning up to 30° 50-100 times per shift, or leaning up to 30° 10-25% of the time

Stationary workplace. Forced bending up to 30° 100-300 times per shift, or being in


position up to 50% of the time

Stationary workplace. Forced bending up to 30° more than 300 times per shift, or being in a leaning position up to 30° more than 50% of the time
Working pulse, beats / min up to 80 80-100 100-120 120-140

There is a proposal to single out 2 more groups of labor according to severity - extremely heavy and superheavy labor, in which energy costs are respectively 10 - 11.6 kcal / min and more than 11.6 kcal / min.

Abroad, it is customary to distinguish three groups of severity of labor - light(up to 1.7 basal metabolic rate, or up to 2 kcal / min), average(up to 2.7 BOO, or up to 3 kcal / min) and heavy(up to 3.8 BOO, or up to 4 kcal / min).

tension(nervous tension) of labor reflects the load on the central nervous system, analyzers, higher nervous activity, mental activity. The intensity of labor is characterized by the volume of perceived information and is determined by the degree of tension of attention, the density of incoming signals, the state of the analyzer systems, and emotional stress. According to the tension, labor is divided into 4 groups, or categories: relaxed, low-stress, intense, very stressful.

Tension criteria Labor groups by tension
relaxed Little stressed Tense


Attention: a) the number of production-important objects of simultaneous observation b) the duration of concentrated attention, in% of the working time c) the density of messages (signals per hour)
emotional stress work according to an individual plan work according to the established plan with possible adjustment in the process of activity work under time pressure with increased responsibility personal risk, responsibility for the safety of others
shift morning, 7-8 hours 2 shifts, no overnight 3 shifts, with night irregular shift with night work
Intellectual tension no need to make a decision solving simple alternative problems according to instructions solving complex problems by algorithm creative activity
Monotony: a) the number of elements in the operation; b) the duration of the execution of repetitive operations, sec.

Using the criteria presented in the tables, you can evaluate any work in terms of severity and intensity.

There is also a classification of labor, taking into account the nature of the work: 1) labor requiring significant muscle activity; 2) mechanized types of labor; 3) automated and semi-automated types of labor; 4) group (conveyor) work; 5) work related to remote control (operator's work).

3. Fatigue and work schedule

3.1. Definition of fatigue, its types and stages

Usually, fatigue is understood as a decrease in efficiency caused by previous work, which is of a temporary nature. If it occurs during mental activity, then they talk about mental fatigue, and if during physical work, about physical fatigue. The state of fatigue is manifested in a change in physiological processes, in a decrease in labor productivity and technical and economic indicators, in a change in mental status.