Start-up Entrepreneur Assistance Program. State support of small business in Russia. Small business support bodies and organizations

Today, every third adult citizen of our country thinks about opening own business. A small business that you can do for your own pleasure and at the same time make a profit - this is the dream that lives in many of us. However, for the majority of Russians, this dream remains an unrealizable desire, and only because they do not know about programs to help small businesses in the country. How to open your own business with the help of the state. Small business support 2017 state program.

State programs in 2017 are diverse. Today, everyone can realize himself, even without having start-up capital. Of course, if you ask for help without specific plans and ideas, you won't get it. But if you are serious about doing business, and have a specific idea of ​​what you want to earn, the state is ready to assist you in starting your business.

So where to start? The first step before starting your own business is to master certain skills. For this, employment centers can offer a variety of training courses and seminars. And you can learn absolutely free. In the classes you will be taught how to run a business, you will master the basics of accounting and understand how to promote your business in order to make real profits. Available courses:

  • Accounting.
  • Mastery of a profession.
  • Personnel Management.
  • Financial management.
  • Market monitoring.
  • Business strategy development.

These skills are necessary to understand how to create a business and how to run it. The state is ready to provide assistance in this matter without restrictions, all you need is to come to the state employment center, register as unemployed and receive the necessary support.

Financial aid

Support for small businesses in 2017 also involves the provision of financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs. However, it is certainly more difficult to obtain it than advice or training.

In order to get subsidies or soft loans to start a business, you need to have a clear idea and a business plan.

You need to understand that financial assistance from the state is limited and only those who have interesting projects. Financial assistance from the state may be as follows:

  • Grant. This is financial assistance that is issued for the implementation of a business plan. However, under this program, the state is ready to pay only half of your expenses for starting a business. To receive a grant, you must submit a business plan.
  • Subsidies. This assistance is issued for business development. That is, if you already have an operating enterprise, you can take a subsidy for the purchase of equipment or the acquisition of assets. The subsidy can be up to 90% of the cost of the equipment.
  • Help for the unemployed. If you have lost your job, you can contact the employment center and receive compensation for the loss of your job. The grant is issued on the condition that you open your own business with this money. In 2017, the amount of compensation is 57-59 thousand rubles.
  • Assistance in paying off a loan. A private entrepreneur can receive assistance from the state in the form of paying part of the interest on the loan. Having taken a loan to open or develop a business, you will pay only the body of the loan, and the state will take over the payment of half of the interest.
  • Participation in the fair. Most often, such assistance can be obtained completely free of charge. The organizers themselves equip trading places and even ready to assist in the delivery of goods or equipment. Participation in the fair allows you to find new partners and buyers.
  • Help farmers. if you have farming, you can get preferential loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery, seeds and fertilizers. Also with this money you can buy livestock, expand the household. buildings or buy equipment.

Soft loans

Today, banks can also offer aspiring entrepreneurs their assistance. Many credit organizations issue loans for opening and developing a business on acceptable terms. These loans are collateral; the borrower's property or his business can become collateral.

Getting a bank loan is much easier than getting government assistance. This is due to the fact that banks require a minimum package of documents and applications are considered within a few hours.

How to get help from the state

It should be noted that financial assistance from the state is issued on a competitive basis. Grants and subsidies are received by the most interesting and promising projects. So if your small town already has a dozen dry cleaners, then you will not receive funds to open another one. But if you offer the commission an original design, your application may be approved. When receiving funds from the state, you will need to report on what and how much you spent. This is necessary for the money to be used for its intended purpose.

In addition to money, a novice entrepreneur can get other help. So you can get an office from the state for a nominal rent or buy equipment at a reduced price. It all depends on what kind of business you are going to run. It should be noted right away that preference is given to those entrepreneurs who want to produce goods or provide services. If you want to trade, you'd better go to the bank.

Government Opinion

According to A. Ulyukaev, state support for small and medium-sized businesses is a strategic necessity for Russia. Compared to other countries today in Russia, the percentage of people employed in small and medium-sized businesses is too small.

Also, the programs will allow to bring out from the shadow of entrepreneurs who conduct unregistered activities.

Today, the government is doing everything possible so that ordinary citizens can start their own business and be competitive in the country's market. To support entrepreneurs, the Federal Business Corporation was created, which provides material support to start-up entrepreneurs. According to A. Ulyukaev, entrepreneurship in our country is rapidly developing, and the government will provide it with all the necessary assistance.

Support for small businesses in 2017 state programs will provide jobs for the most vulnerable citizens of our country, so, for example, now women with children or people with disabilities can realize themselves and do what they love. To receive you need to detailed information about government programs, you can contact the employment center, where everyone will be provided with the necessary assistance in starting their own business.

Russia, like most democratic countries, seeks to develop small business. The trend gained popularity in the late 2000s, when the need to take measures to accelerate the growth of this segment of the state economy was discussed at the highest level.

Since then, support for small businesses in Russia has undergone significant changes. Nevertheless, the problem of the development of small enterprises in Russia is still quite acute. Many entrepreneurs do not know about the existence of certain programs, while others do not know how to use them.

In this regard, the study of the effectiveness of supporting small businesses in Russia is seen as relevant as never before. The results of the work can and should be used to find shortcomings in the current system of supporting small businesses.

Rating of the effectiveness of state support for small businesses 2017

Top 5 efficient regions

State support for small businesses is most effective in Moscow and the Samara Region. There on this moment there are 16 and 10 regional support programs respectively. The third region in terms of the effectiveness of state support is the Republic of Tatarstan - 10 active programs.

It is important to note that in recent years we have seen a reduction in support programs in “effective regions”. If from 2015 to 2016 their number decreased from 199 to 141 units, then in 2017 the drop occurred to 105 units.

Region% small business% employed
1 Moscow city44,09%
2 Samara Region61,12% 15,15% 10
3 Republic of Tatarstan58,16% 18,26% 10
4 Rostov region61,59% 14,60% 9
5 Nizhny Novgorod Region49,52% 20,76% 6

Top 5 average regions in terms of efficiency

Khanty-Mansiysk turned out to be the leader among the “middle regions” autonomous region. There are 15 small business support programs. The second place is taken by the Penza region (11 support programs). The same number of programs operate in the Tomsk region, which is in 3rd place. It should be noted that the region was the leader in the group according to the results of 2016.

Region% small business% employedNumber of active programs
1 58,93% 12,14%
2 Penza region60,59% 11,95% 11
3 Tomsk region46,41% 14,15% 11
4 Moscow region46,85% 14,12% 9
5 Perm region72,54% 14,39% 8

Top 5 inefficient regions

The leader among the inefficient regions was the Chechen Republic - in this subject of the Federation there are 7 programs to support small businesses. The second and third places went to the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (7 programs) and Trans-Baikal Territory(6 programs) respectively.

Region% small business% employedNumber of active programs
1 Chechen Republic48,57%
2 48,50% 5,93% 7
3 Zabaykalsky Krai48,79% 7,69% 6
4 Leningrad region46,71% 14,37% 5
5 The Republic of Mordovia45,61% 10,97% 4

Analysis of federal districts

Three federal districts were recognized as the most effective: Privolzhsky, Central and Ural. At the same time, only the North Caucasian Federal District was classified as inefficient.

The Southern Federal District has risen to the middle group compared to the 2016 rating. The group also included the Siberian, Northwestern and Far Eastern federal districts.

FD% small business% employedNumber of active programsGroup
1 Volga Federal District59,53% 15,51% 76 Effective
2 Central Federal District48,63% 16,78%
70 Effective
3 Ural federal district62,51% 15,99% 34 Effective
4 Siberian Federal District58,67% 13,93% 45 Average
5 Northwestern Federal District57,97% 18,61% 30 Average
6 Southern Federal District69,48% 12,74% 29 Average
7 Far Eastern Federal District59,35% 15,76%
12 Average
8 North Caucasian Federal District39,01% 6,70% 26 Ineffective

General rating of state support for small business 2017

RegionNumber of active programsGroup
1 Moscow city16 Effective
2 Republic of Tatarstan10 Effective
3 Samara Region10 Effective
4 Rostov region9 Effective
6 Novosibirsk region6 Effective
5 Nizhny Novgorod Region6 Effective
7 Voronezh region5 Effective
8 St. Petersburg5 Effective
9 Kaluga region5 Effective
10 Krasnodar region5 Effective
11 Lipetsk region5 Effective
12 Kirov region4 Effective
13 Tyumen region (excluding AO)4 Effective
14 Udmurt republic4 Effective
15 Sverdlovsk region3 Effective
16 Pskov region2 Effective
17 Smolensk region2 Effective
18 Sevastopol1 Effective
19 Primorsky Krai1 Effective
20 Khabarovsk region1 Effective
21 Chelyabinsk region1 Effective
22 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra15 Average
23 Penza region11 Average
24 Tomsk region11 Average
25 Moscow region9 Average
26 Perm region8 Average
27 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug8 Average
28 Orenburg region6 Average
29 Krasnoyarsk region4 Average
30 Tver region4 Average
31 Tambov Region4 Average
32 Irkutsk region4 Average
33 Republic of Bashkortostan4 Average
34 Astrakhan region4 Average
35 Novgorod region4 Average
36 Republic of Crimea3 Average
37 Ulyanovsk region3 Average
38 Kemerovo region3 Average
39 Tula region3 Average
40 Bryansk region3 Average
41 Volgograd region3 Average
42 The Republic of Buryatia3 Average
43 Republic of Adygea (Adygea)3 Average
44 Kaliningrad region3 Average
45 Vologodskaya Oblast3 Average
46 Kurgan region3 Average
47 Mari El Republic2 Average
48 Chuvash Republic2 Average
49 Altai region2 Average
50 Belgorod region2 Average
51 Ivanovo region2 Average
52 Saratov region2 Average
53 Ryazan Oblast2 Average
54 Arhangelsk region2 Average
55 Kostroma region2 Average
56 Republic of Karelia2 Average
57 Amur region1 Average
58 Yaroslavl region1 Average
59 Oryol Region1 Average
60 Omsk region1 Average
61 Vladimir region1 Average
62 Sakhalin region1 Average
63 Magadan Region1 Average
64 Chechen Republic7 Ineffective
65 Karachay-Cherkess Republic7 Ineffective
66 Zabaykalsky Krai6 Ineffective
67 Leningrad region5 Ineffective
68 The Republic of Mordovia4 Ineffective
69 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)4 Ineffective
70 The Republic of Dagestan4 Ineffective
71 Stavropol region3 Ineffective
72 Kursk region3 Ineffective
73 Kamchatka Krai2 Ineffective
74 Murmansk region2 Ineffective
75 Altai Republic2 Ineffective
76 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania2 Ineffective
77 Tyva Republic2 Ineffective
78 The Republic of Ingushetia2 Ineffective
79 Komi Republic1 Ineffective
80 The Republic of Khakassia1 Ineffective
81 Jewish Autonomous Region1 Ineffective
82 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic1 Ineffective
83 Nenets Autonomous Okrug1 Ineffective
84 Republic of Kalmykia1 Ineffective
85 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug0 Ineffective

How much money do you think the state allocates to support small businesses? Hundred million? Three hundred million? In fact, 11 billion rubles were allocated in 2019 - and this is only the official share of the budget. But there are also regional programs, non-state funds, intangible state. support entrepreneurial activity 2019. It is surprising that budding entrepreneurs are in no hurry to use this source of assistance, preferring to rely on their own strength - after all, even with a reduction in funding, strategically important areas remain untouched: innovative activity, agriculture, social business.

Of course, not every businessman will be able to take part in the 2019 small business support program. To do this, you need at least to achieve inclusion in the register of beneficiaries and pass a competitive selection, the organization of which is within the competence of the local administration or the entrepreneurship support fund.

During the selection, the commission assesses whether applicants have well-developed business plans, the number of employees, the usefulness of the enterprise for filling the budget, and social factors. In addition, a weighty argument in favor of providing assistance is the duration of the existence of the enterprise (from three months to two years) and the share of the entrepreneur's own investments in the business. This amount should be comparable to the requested state support for small businesses in 2019.

We should not forget about reporting: assistance usually comes in parts (tranches), as the development of which the state investor needs to provide detailed information about where, how and for what purpose the funds were spent.

How does the state help business?

A novice entrepreneur would prefer financial assistance to any other. But what is typical: much more money is spent on indirect measures than on direct ones. In general, small business representatives can apply for participation in such 2019 small business support programs as:
  1. Material and information assistance in innovation activities;
  2. Property and material assistance for participation in exhibitions;
  3. Multifaceted assistance to entrepreneurs employed in the agricultural sector;
  4. Tax incentives and tax holidays for newly created enterprises;
  5. Partial reimbursement of expenses for the renewal of fixed assets;
  6. Reimbursement of expenses for training employees of the enterprise;
  7. Information support (organization of seminars, training courses);
  8. Creation of a comfortable environment for entrepreneurship, business incubators, funds;
  9. Property support, provision of municipal premises and production facilities for rent at a discount of up to 60%;
  10. Support for regional investors, and partial compensation of expenses under leasing agreements;
  11. Partial reimbursement of expenses for the implementation of energy saving programs;
  12. Placement of government orders, admission to tenders for public procurement;
  13. Direct financial support.

If an entrepreneur is only interested in how to get financial support from the state to start a business (although other options deserve no less attention), you should pay attention to gratuitous assistance in the form of:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business in the amount of unemployment benefits for 12 months (plus the same amount for each employed worker who came by referral from the employment center);
  • Subsidies for the development of a business that has existed for no more than two years, in the amount of 300–500 thousand rubles, and the share of the entrepreneur’s own funds in the project cannot be less than 35–50% of the total investment;
  • Subsidies for the re-equipment and development of an enterprise operating in a strategically important area of ​​the economy in the amount of 3-10 million rubles.

Government support for innovation

Business representatives naturally build their activities in such a way as to get the greatest profit at the current time. However, very few people invest in research activities, and even their own promising developments at such enterprises are ignored. Meanwhile, in the field of innovation, it is quite possible to conduct business with state support, using direct or indirect financing mechanisms.

Modernization companies can count on concessional loans or government guarantees to third-party investors military equipment that produce non-commercial products or have significant scientific potential. Grants are distributed on a competitive basis for companies whose projects have passed the relevant scientific and technical expertise and have a payback period of no more than two years. At the same time, the share of the enterprise's own investments in the project cannot be less than 20%.

Indirect support for small businesses in 2019 manifests itself in the form of creating a favorable environment for attracting third-party investors to finance developments:

  • Simplification of the taxation system, reduction of the tax rate or complete exemption from them (if the share of income from innovation in the total profit of the enterprise is at least 30%);
  • Tax credit for up to five years at a rate not exceeding 75% of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • Guaranteeing by the state the return of loans or investments attracted for the implementation and promotion of the project on the market;
  • Legal protection of enterprises engaged in scientific and technical development;
  • Providing access to any information databases;
  • Developer Support marketing services, assistance in the certification and sale of products;
  • Specialized assistance in the repair and modernization of complex equipment.
State support for small businesses in 2019 is also provided from off-budget funds Ministry of Science, federal bodies power and voluntary contributions of private corporations. This allows the developer to complete projects in the face of a lack of own funds, obtain the necessary patents and promote the development in international markets.

Exhibition activity

Regional assistance includes state co-financing of the participation of entrepreneurs in exhibitions, fairs and other similar events. The subsidy is accrued "post factum" to compensate for the costs incurred by businessmen during the 12 months preceding the competition.

Such support for small businesses from the state in 2019 can only be accrued to those enterprises that do not have debts to the budget for taxes, insurance contributions and fines. Assistance is expressed in compensation of 50-65% of the costs of transportation, storage and placement of exhibits, registration fees, rental of exhibition equipment, travel and accommodation for company representatives - but not more than 100-300 thousand rubles (depending on the decision of regional authorities).

tax incentives

Start-up entrepreneurs working in social, scientific or industrial fields on a simplified or patent system, can take advantage of such support for small businesses in 2019 as a tax holiday for up to two years. In addition, in some regions, for such small businesses, the tax rate is reduced to 1% in the simplified system, and up to 7.5% in the case of working on UTII.

Beneficial activities include:

  • Manufacture of food, drinks;
  • Textile production;
  • Wood processing and furniture production;
  • Manufacture of sports equipment;
  • Scientific research;
  • Construction, recycling and more.

A preferential taxation system or tax holidays can only be applied if the specified type of activity is the main one, that is, its share in the total profit of the enterprise is more than 70%.

Other measures to simplify the activities of entrepreneurs - the ability to refuse to conduct tax accounting(it is enough to keep supporting documents) or receive a deferment in their payment for up to a year if:

  • The damage to the enterprise was caused by a natural disaster;
  • Business is clearly seasonal;
  • Immediate payment of tax leads to bankruptcy;
  • The impossibility of paying the tax is connected with the failure of the state to fulfill its budgetary obligations towards the entrepreneur.

Subsidy for the renewal of fixed assets

Regional administrations, as a state support for small businesses in 2019, are allocated funds for holding competitions among businessmen interested in compensating for the costs associated with the purchase of basic equipment for the operation of an enterprise (except for transport). To participate in the competition, you must submit data on such expenses for the previous three years, and the equipment at the time of the competition must be in operation for at least one year.

Additional conditions - the absence of any debts of the applicant to the state or his own workers. In this case, you can count on the reimbursement of the fourth part of the documented expenses associated with the renovation, but not more than half a million rubles.

Property support

Property located in municipal property- can also act as a means to support start-up entrepreneurs in 2019. Of course, small businesses engaged in socially useful activities or strategically can apply for the lease of these buildings and production facilities at a discount. important activity. In addition, when carrying out major repairs in the rented premises, you can receive additional benefits. In general, the state is interested in long-term cooperation, which is expressed in the amount of discounts:

  • A lease agreement for 5 years or more is accompanied by a rent reduction of up to 40% in the first year, up to 60% in the second, up to 80% in the third year and 100% for all subsequent years;
  • With a four-year contract, the payment for the first two is reduced to 40% and 80%, respectively;
  • With a contract for three years, the cost of renting the first year is 40% of the contract. The rent for subsequent years is paid in full.

Agricultural support

Aspiring entrepreneurial farmers who start their own business in the field of food production, tillage or animal husbandry often do not know how to get state support for small businesses in 2019 and whether it is possible to get it at all. Meanwhile, in the absence of debts to the state and its own workers, one can apply for assistance in such activities as:

  • crop production;
  • Fisheries;
  • Animal husbandry and poultry farming;
  • Acquisition and maintenance of agricultural machinery;
  • Replenishment of human resources of agricultural production.

You can apply for an amount that compensates up to 90% of the expenses for the development of a small enterprise indicated in the business plan, but not more than one and a half million rubles - provided that the farm exists for less than two years.

Additional state support for small businesses 2019 in the agro-industrial sector is a state lending program, according to which subjects can count on partial reimbursement of interest on loans or loans intended for the development of an enterprise. If the loan amount does not exceed five million rubles, the state, during the first five years, compensates the farmer for the full refinancing rate, paying two-thirds from the federal budget and a third from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Personnel training

To take advantage of this form of state support for small businesses in Russia in 2019, the enterprise must document the courses and seminars held for employees by third-party organizations or invited trainers. Checks, receipts, payment orders can be used as evidence. Of course, diplomas of employees will also be required - if any have been issued.

The size of the subsidy is not so large - the state compensates up to 50% of the costs, but not more than forty thousand rubles a year. This amount seems like a small bonus for large enterprise, which invests much more serious funds in staff training. However, small businesses will be happy to take advantage of the opportunity to save money: the prestige of a company that employs qualified, specially trained employees will definitely increase.

infrastructure support

Any business, to one degree or another, needs the support of lawyers, accountants and support staff. Moreover, if a long-standing enterprise can afford to have such employees on its staff, then a novice entrepreneur often does not even know where to turn. At the same time, other related costs - the purchase of office equipment, furniture, rent of premises - become unbearable for him.

In many regions, state programs to support small businesses for 2019 provide for the formation of a comfortable environment for the entrepreneur by providing preferential leases of space in business incubators on a competitive basis. Here you can get access to office equipment, meeting and conference rooms, services of secretaries, couriers, marketers and other consultants.

Of course, not everyone can get help on such terms. The state may refuse to provide assistance to such types of business, for which the main activity is:

  • Trade;
  • Lawyer and notary services;
  • Credit, insurance services, work with collateral;
  • Construction, repair work;
  • Operations with real estate, real estate services;
  • Public catering, fast food;
  • Production of goods subject to excise duty;
  • Gambling business;
  • Medical and veterinary services;
  • Service stations and car washes, cargo transportation;
  • Mining.

A business entity may remain in the incubator for up to three years. It is assumed that during this time the enterprise will either confirm its viability, get on its feet and become independent, or close for one reason or another.

Business Support Funds

Regional funds are called upon to provide financial support to businessmen on a par with government agencies. Of course, we are talking about newcomers whose enterprise has existed for less than a year and for whom all associated costs are justified in the business plan.

Video: Government support for small businesses

Under this program, the applicant can count on:

  • Providing guarantees for loans in the amount of not more than 24 million rubles. At the same time, 70% of the collateral property is taken over by the fund, and the rest is provided by the entrepreneur;
  • Issuance by the fund of concessional loans in the amount of one million rubles for up to a year, while using the loan will have to pay a minimum percentage equal to the refinancing rate.
  • In addition, the fund can compensate 70% of the costs associated with the start-up of the enterprise, in the amount of up to half a million rubles.

This may include the costs of:

  • For rent of premises and plots;
  • For employee training;
  • State registration;
  • Advertising and promotion of goods of own production;
  • Acquisition of fixed assets, software, office equipment and office equipment;
  • To pay interest on credit and leasing obligations;
  • To participate in exhibitions;
  • For the production of prototypes and the development of documentation.

Thus, the fund simultaneously implements most of state program to support business using alternative methods of financing - and even trade enterprises can count on assistance in the form of half of this amount.


It would seem that entrepreneurs are offered such a variety of interesting ways of doing business with the support of the state in 2019. So why is it that so few applications are submitted to the competitions and such a small share of the allocated funds is successfully used? Is it just the unwillingness of businessmen to deal with the state? Or do they not want to spend time studying the conditions of competitions, preparing documentation - actions, in their opinion, doomed to failure? Of course, it is much easier to do business according to your own mind, and not to adapt to the clumsy bureaucratic machine - but often we are talking about quite serious amounts and benefits that will not be superfluous at all in a difficult business case.
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Within the territory of Russian Federation state financial assistance is provided for the development and support of small businesses.

But what exactly are the programs? How will he receive a subsidy if he only plans to open a business?

The legislative framework

Subsidizing small businesses today is regulated by such legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 209, which regulates the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development, which provides an opportunity to receive a subsidy for the development of small businesses;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the provision of state assistance for the development of small businesses under certain conditions.

What needs can be funded?

It should not be forgotten that this subsidy is a gratuitous financial assistance for business entities, which can be provided for a specific intended use.

For small businesses, the subsidy can be provided for one of these purposes.:

  • purchase or lease of the necessary premises;
  • acquisition necessary equipment or goods for further sale;
  • acquisition of intangible assets.

Dedicated cash the state should without fail be directed solely to promote your small business.

After a certain time, local regulatory authorities may require the entrepreneur to provide confirmation that public funds were used for their intended purpose; in the absence of reporting, administrative or criminal liability may be imposed on the entrepreneur.

Types and amounts of subsidies

All federal subsidy programs are carried out with the help of the Small Business Assistance Fund.

Today there are subsidy programs:

Consider the amount of financial assistance provided separately for each type.

Program "Umnik"

Under this program, an entrepreneur between the ages of 18 and 30 is eligible to receive financial assistance in in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

This program is designed for young entrepreneurs who operate in the field of innovative technologies.


The main purpose of this subsidy program is to assist innovators who seek to develop and establish the production of a new product in any field based on the results of scientific and technological research.

It must be taken into account that this program works on the principle of public-private cooperation. This means that part of the funds is taken from the country's budget, and the second part is sponsored by investors.

Thus, the first year is financed by the state, and the second - by investors.

Under this program, every entrepreneur working in the field of small business has the right to claim the amount up to 5 million rubles in several stages (50% is paid by the state, the rest - by investors).


Under this program, it is possible to receive a grant in the sum up to 15 million rubles. These funds should be used to improve productivity, create new jobs, and modernize production equipment.


This program is primarily aimed at helping a young entrepreneur to establish international cooperation with foreign partners.

This support consists in the development of non-commodity export-oriented products. In this program, as such, there is no maximum threshold for financial assistance. Size calculated individually.


This financing program helps small businesses expand their capacities, and as a result, increase jobs.

Amount of financial assistance calculated on an individual basis.


This subsidy program allows you to receive financial support in the amount of up to 20 million rubles. These funds should be used to improve production capacities, develop and establish cooperation between small businesses and large industrial production our country.

How to receive

In itself, obtaining a subsidy for a start-up entrepreneur is a very lengthy process.

Initially, you need to register your status as unemployed.

For this you need to execute multiple conditions, namely:

  • do not have an official place of work;
  • lack of registration of the status of an entrepreneur.

After that, you should contact the employment center at your place of residence and become registered.

It is necessary to provide such list of documents:

  • original and copy of the passport;
  • TIN certificate;
  • certificate of education;
  • original certificate of insurance;
  • certificate of average income last place work.

When registering, it should be indicated that there is a desire to open a small business and that a person is applying for a subsidy for its development in the future.

Drawing up a business plan

A business plan is an essential part of a small business grant applicant.

This type of documentation must be contain such information:

After its preparation, it is necessary to present the document to the department for work with citizens.

Passing commission

After the business plan has been transferred to the appropriate structure, the applicant is informed of the date when he must appear on commission.

During the meeting, the commission sets the answers they need, and the applicant provides arguments why he should receive financial support.

Based on the results, a decision will be made to refuse or provide financial assistance.

The final stage

After receiving a positive response, you must register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and present a document on tax registration to the employment center.

Thereafter, required amount will be transferred to the account of the entrepreneur.

Types and amount of subsidies in Moscow

Small businesses in the capital of the Russian Federation are provided with many subsidies. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the fact that capital entrepreneurs have every right to count on financial assistance. up to 5 million rubles.

In this case, there is only one condition - it will be necessary to present a report on where the funds allocated by the state were spent.

But what are they - subsidies for small businesses in Moscow?

Let's consider each type separately.

Opening and supporting small businesses

This subsidy is provided in the amount 500 thousand rubles. The funds themselves are allocated directly from the city budget of the capital.

This financial aid can be directed:

  • for the purchase of necessary equipment;
  • purchase of the necessary software;
  • other components that are necessary for successful creation and small business development.

At the same time, do not forget about the conditions under which you can receive financial assistance. It's about about such conditions:

  • no more than 2 years must pass from the moment of registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • a firm that belongs to a small business should employ less than 250 people;
  • without fail, the company must be in tax accounting and at the same time it must not have various debts.

Subsidy for the return of interest on a loan

This type of subsidy is most in demand among start-up entrepreneurs. It allows small business owners to provide significant loan repayment support, which was issued for the opening of his business.

Under the terms of the subsidy, the local municipality repays the loan debt in part.

For this it is necessary meet certain conditions:

  • the presence of IP registration;
  • IP is tax registered;
  • the presence of a valid loan agreement which is no more than 2 years old.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the key condition - the IP should not be from the field of trade, and the loan itself is not aimed at buying current assets the company itself.

If we talk about the maximum amount of such a subsidy, then this figure is about 5 million rubles.

Reimbursement of lease payments

This type of financial assistance to Moscow entrepreneurs is very relevant, since under this program you can get up to 5 million rudders.

Financial resources are provided by local governments if the entrepreneur has a financial lease agreement, which was signed no later than 2013 (if it was signed in 2012 and below, it can no longer be used).

The financial support received under this subsidy must be confirmed by an appropriate report after a few months.

Features of obtaining subsidies for small businesses in Moscow

Moscow entrepreneurs have many advantages over their counterparts in other regions. After all, Muscovites can count on financial support in the amount of up to 5 million rubles.

In order to receive any subsidy, a novice entrepreneur must submit an application with all accompanying documents to the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow”.

The main condition for obtaining a subsidy is the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in the range from 6 months to 2 years - no more, no less.

In order to confirm financial activity, required with application provide:

  • financial statements of the enterprise;
  • existing rental agreements;
  • various cooperation agreements and so on.

The entire package of documents with accompanying documentation is reviewed by a specialized Industry Commission.

If to speak about priority areas in the capital, then these are:

  • sphere of innovative technologies;
  • the field of health care;
  • education;
  • social sphere;
  • hotel business or tourism.

After the decision of the commission, the entrepreneur receives the necessary financial support, and after the same commission, a few months later, a financial report is presented on the targeted use of the allocated funds.

About this type of state assistance for entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation, see the following video:

Small business refers to commercial companies whose income for reporting period(year) does not exceed 800 million rubles, and the number of employees - 100 people (inclusive). Very often, entrepreneurs invest in the concept of small business, including micro-enterprises. From the point of view of Law 209-FZ, microenterprises are commercial organizations, whose income for the reporting period does not exceed 120 million rubles, and the number of employees - 15 people.

Below we will consider what subsidies of regional and all-Russian significance are provided to small and micro enterprises.

Types of state support for small businesses

Conventionally, state support and subsidies can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Financial
  2. property
  3. Informational
  4. infrastructure
  5. Support for innovative technologies and developments
  6. Organizational assistance in exhibition activities
  7. Simplification of procedures for reporting and conducting business

Of particular interest to beginner businessmen is, of course, financial assistance from the state.

To financial support for small businesses, compensation, benefits and subsidies to enterprises.

The structure and amount of assistance differ significantly in different regions. Most of the implementation of specific laws lies on the shoulders of regional authorities and their budgets.

Support programs can be divided into regional (operating in specific regions) and federal (throughout the country).

Small business support bodies and organizations

  1. Ministry of Economic Development (finances projects from the state budget)
  2. SME Corporation (this is a system integrator of support measures)
  3. "SME Bank" (financial support for programs through partner banks)
  4. Ministry Agriculture(develops the village and the agro-complex)
  5. Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere

There are also non-governmental organizations that help small and micro enterprises.

Tax support for small businesses in 2017

First of all, the state encourages newcomers. Yes, within the framework federal law No. 477 - FZ individual entrepreneurs Those who register their business for the first time are provided with “tax holidays”. Implementation in different regions may differ significantly, but the meaning of “holidays” is reduced to a significant reduction (up to 50%) or complete exemption from taxes during 2 tax periods (by the way, this support measure does not remove the payment of contributions to the Pension Fund from the entrepreneur and FFOMS).

Subsidies for small businesses from the employment center in 2017

The employment center works mainly only with those categories of citizens who are not employed. To receive a grant from the center, the applicant must be unemployed and registered for unemployment for at least 1 month (there are other requirements - citizenship, no criminal record, age over 18, etc.), protect your own.

The grant amount reaches 60 thousand rubles. (this is the payment of unemployment benefits for one calendar year). Based on the results of the development of the subsidy, it will be necessary to report to in due course. Any unused funds must be returned.

In addition to grants, the Employment Center can partially compensate loans to an entrepreneur who has taken money for business development.

In addition, the Employment Service carries out and non-financial support: providing internships in real companies, Information Support, organization of fairs and exhibitions.

SME Support Corporation and SME Bank

As part of the federal program to support small businesses and medium-sized enterprises, the SME Corporation finances its partners and acts as a guarantor of providing the subjects of the SME system with funds.

Banks, receiving financing under the small business support program, provide profitable loans to businessmen.