Where to get money for business. Intangible support options for small businesses. Other help options

Before starting their own business, each entrepreneur goes through a planning stage, during which the main steps that need to be taken before the first profit is made are determined. An essential part of such a plan is start-up capital. It's good if the required amount of money has already been deposited in your bank account for a long time, but in most cases, the nascent business requires serious financial investments. What to do if you are absolutely sure of the viability of your business idea and expect a stable income from the future enterprise? Do not immediately abandon a brilliant idea - try to search external sources funding, because profitable ideas are of interest to everyone.

Not only banks are interested in a successful investment of funds, although obtaining a business loan is one of the most common ways to start a business. Often, your friends or relatives can provide help, and in some cases even the state. Of the most common ways, there are five options for where to get money to start a business:

Option 1: Business loan from a bank

Perhaps the simplest and most natural option. Almost any bank has several programs for lending to small and medium-sized businesses, and granting a loan to a large organization or enterprise is regarded as the success of the bank's management in finding customers (since it is very beneficial for the bank).

Business lending programs involve fairly high interest rates, especially for just starting a business, and for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs they amount to at least 20-26%. The overpayment is considerable, but you have a clearly executed agreement with the bank, are insured against revising its terms and do not have any additional obligations to the bank.

Despite the serious overpayment and the bank's interest in providing such a loan, it is not so easy to get it - after all, a business that is just starting to develop is far from being so stable and does not at all guarantee a 100% return. In addition, few businesses start generating income right away - most often it takes at least several months to organize all processes, recruit a client base, and so on. In any case, in order to obtain such a loan, a novice entrepreneur will have to provide collateral, which can be any property belonging to him (apartment, land, car, and so on).

Not everyone is ready to risk their own property, so potential businessmen often look for other options where they can get money to start a business.

Option 2: Consumer loan from a bank

Option 3: Borrow funds from loved ones

If your friends or relatives have the amount necessary to start a business, then you can simply borrow money from them. This is convenient, since you can always agree on mutually beneficial terms, you do not have to provide a deposit or overpay a significant amount for interest. An important factor- the speed of receiving funds - you do not need to spend time collecting documents and waiting for the application to be considered. True, in case of failure of your enterprise, relations with a relative or friend who helped you may be upset.

The option to borrow funds to open a business from relatives is not suitable for those who decide to immediately start with large volumes of activities, but for a small family business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - this is the most attractive and profitable way to get required amount.

Option 4: Seek help from the Union of Entrepreneurs

Acting entrepreneurs, who have experienced all the difficulties of business undertakings, create their own associations - after all, it is easier to cope with difficulties together. We are talking about unions of entrepreneurs, designed to regulate certain areas entrepreneurial activity support each other, develop joint ways to solve certain problems. There are both all-Russian and regional unions of entrepreneurs. The largest such association is federal fund small business support.

Businessmen starting their business can apply to such unions and ask for funds to start. If you like your idea, seem potentially profitable and promising in terms of long-term development, then the Union of Entrepreneurs can allocate from own funds the amount you need. The conditions for providing funds are negotiated in each specific case individually - it can be a regular interest-bearing loan, a partnership offer, temporary deductions from income received.

Option 5: Private investment

A promising business idea can be used as a means to attract investment to start your business. Make a detailed and thoughtful business plan and contact private loan sharks - they will provide you with money at a relatively low 7%, but it is best to pay such debts on time - after all, a delay will lead to an exponential increase in debt.

However, it is not at all necessary to apply specifically to usurious offices, you can independently look for an investor among friends or among wealthy businessmen in your city. If they are interested in the offer, then it will become much easier to get investments. True, most likely, money will be offered to you for participation in a future enterprise, which means that you will no longer be its sole owner and will depend on your partner. On the other hand, if both parties are aimed at obtaining a stable and high income and business development, then you should not worry - coinciding goals will provide the necessary unity in decision-making.

Thus, when starting your own business, determine its potential volumes and estimate the size of the initial investment - the available options for where to get money to start a business will depend on this. There are more opportunities for modest family businesses. It is much more difficult for large-scale ideas to obtain funds for implementation, but also potential income many times higher. In any case, the beginning of any business should be a viable business idea, which should become the basis for attracting investments.

We offer 6 options where to get money to start a business. Literally everyone can get money for entrepreneurial activity from them.

Usually, , ask themselves not those who are really ready for business.

And people who are looking for excuses, so as not to start working for themselves.

According to the established opinion, only the owners of large capitals can start their own business, and the rest of the way is ordered.

The fact that this is a myth can prove at least the existence of dozens.

But what if the above is not about you?

And do you actually have the most important thing in business – an idea?

Then really, all you need is to understand where to get the money to implement the invented business model.

In addition to the option to take a loan from a bank, there are at least six more sources of funds.

Literally anyone can get money for entrepreneurial activity from them.

However, judge for yourself.

1. Borrow money from family and friends to start a business

The classic option where to get money to start a business is to turn to relatives.

Previously, such options as microcredit, crowdfunding and others simply did not exist.

Future entrepreneurs collected the first capital "by the whole village".

This method captivates with maximum simplicity.

Yes, for some, asking for money from acquaintances is much more difficult than speaking to strict investors.

But relatives will not demand, analyze every little thing.

And in general, if they know you for a long time and well, they may not even delve into why the money is needed.

But don't let this ostentatious lightness confuse you!

People will give their hard-earned money for the opening, and the most valuable thing - they will trust you.

So do not pay less attention to miscalculations and planning. And if any risks are particularly serious, report them immediately.

2. Win money to start a business in a contest

Yes, this is not a joke.

In competitions, you can win not only a gift glass or a pillow with a logo.

Certain organizations arrange competitions with a large top prize.

As a rule, the competition is to find the most successful and original idea on a given topic.

For example, one major publishing house held a competition for young writers.

This cannot be called a business idea and capital for its discovery in the literal, familiar sense of these words.

But such an example emphasizes the essence of the method well.

It is worth noting a couple of bonuses.

In the process of participation, you will learn how to present your business in the most profitable way.

And even if you can’t get the money to open it, competition with others and a limited time frame can help you give the maximum result.

So you will benefit in any case.

3. Sell all things to finance the money to start a business

This phrase, of course, is exaggerated - it's not worth selling everything.

But getting rid of absolutely unnecessary things that have managed to accumulate in your home is an idea.

Remember that the need for huge capital to start your own business is a myth.

And it is quite possible to earn a small amount if you sell some property through the Internet or newspaper ads.

In addition, it will help cleanse your home energetically.

They say it helps to attract something new and bright into life.

This "something" may well be organized with the proceeds.

4. How to raise money to open your business "to the whole world"?

If you do not have relatives who are ready to give you money to start a business, do not be discouraged!

Just ask for start-up capital from strangers.

If you think this option sounds mythical, then you are not yet familiar with crowdfunding.

There are resources where anyone can post their business idea and data about the amount needed for implementation.

Anyone who finds the case interesting and has potential can transfer any amount for its implementation.

You should not focus only on more or less successful categories.

Better pay attention to common mistakes that prevent entrepreneurs from getting money to start a business:

    Some first try other sources where to get money, and then turn to crowdfunding.

    This is not the best solution.

    The idea needs to be laid out thoughtful, but “fresh”.

    Newcomers to the world of collective investing are wary of laying all their cards on the table for fear of rivals stealing information and ideas.

    Caution in business is commendable.

    But how will people understand what you are raising money for?

    On crowdfunding platforms, the ability to highlight specific competitive advantages is especially important.

    Why investors should highlight your project should be clear from the first sentences of its description.

    Be specific and back up your arguments with numbers.

    Golden Rule: If you think that your business has no competitors, then you have thought of something poorly.

    So do not throw such phrases, even if you are sure of the uniqueness of the product.

    It is better not to talk, but to immediately prove.

5. We take money to open a business thanks to the work "for an uncle"

It's one thing if you've just graduated from university and are on fire with your amazing business idea.

Another is when you have been working for hire for more than a month, dreaming of freedom from “office slavery”.

Do not chop off your shoulder, but rather “lay a straw for yourself” in advance.

As a rule, most options for employment at work involve the presence of at least some free time.

You can devote it to the systematic implementation of a business idea, and take the money from your salary.

When your predictions turn out to be correct and the business starts to generate income, you can safely quit.

6. State assistance with money to start a business

The state allocates grants not only for education or, for example, for agriculture.

But it is also realistic to get money from the budget of a city or region to open a small business.

To whom and how much to give, the regional authorities decide.

However, if we single out the category of the population that is easiest to get the desired capital, it will be young (under 30 years old) local residents who do not have other work.

Briefly, it looks like this:

  • the future entrepreneur becomes registered with the employment center;
  • It is necessary to “hold out” on it for at least 1 year, in anticipation of a vacancy that will correspond to the specialization;
  • the applicant fills out the application form and after waiting (30 days) can take the required amount from the state.

Plus is obvious: the money will be taken free of charge.

This means that the payback of the business will come faster and in general it can be considered a "gift from heaven."

On the other hand, you can count on a maximum of 59,000 rubles.

These and several other options for raising funds to start a business,

covered in the video:

What mistakes do those who receive money to start a business make?

If you think that the main thing is to get money to open a business, and then everything will turn out fine by itself, then you are deeply mistaken.

No one wants to part with money just like that, including investors.

Therefore, in addition to the convincing business plan that you present, you need to take into account some rules for interacting with your "benefactor".

    Many beginners go from one extreme to another.

    Or they do not inform the investor about some important decisions and changes. Or, on the contrary, they initiate into absolutely insignificant processes.

    Understanding how to interact with a person who gave money to start a business is not so difficult.

    Refer to the well-established rules of business ethics.

    Each specific case of cooperation is, of course, unique.

    But the rules of communication, like etiquette, are the same for everyone.

    And you can do it even easier - ask the investor directly what and how to do.

    An investor can not only take money for your business.

    He can also help with other resources: connections, contacts, even simple advice.

    It is enough to voice what the company needs.

    Don't talk about your fears.

    It is natural to be afraid and to doubt - this is understandable.

    But if the investor sees the experience, will he lose his desire to continue investing in the business?

    If you convinced him of success at the presentation of the plan, do not try to "backfire"!

It is always easier to manage other people's money - this is a well-known fact.

Therefore, it is important not only to find a solution, where to get money to start a business but also understanding how to manage them.

Carefully consider a business plan, and present it to your loved ones for verification.

If they do not agree with the relevance and practicality of the idea, how can you get investments from outsiders?

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One of the main barriers that prevents potential entrepreneurs from starting their own business is the lack of initial capital and not knowing where to get money for the business. However, this problem is quite easily solved, it is only necessary to show creative and negotiating skills, or rather, your entrepreneurial talent.

Get a good loan to start a business

To date, banks are not very active in lending to business projects from scratch. This is due to high risks, because neither the entrepreneur nor the company is sure that the business will work stably and will generate the necessary profit in order not only to service interest, but also to pay off the main debt. Therefore, it is most likely impossible to get a loan for a novice entrepreneur for an idea. At the same time, a future entrepreneur, as a rule, works somewhere. In this place he has wage or stable income. Banks are currently quite actively lending to the population for the needs of current consumption. The advantage of such a loan is also that it is usually provided for three to five years, during this period, even if the business does not start working, you can close it, get a job again and continue to pay off the loan. In addition, a consumer loan does not require confirmation of the intended purpose, in other words, it can be directed to a business organization and there will be no liability for this.

Take a secured loan

If a large amount is required to open a business, then you can mortgage the existing property, for example, an apartment or a car. This will give you several immediate benefits:
    The term of secured loans, as a rule, is longer than consumer loans, because the bank has property that, in case of failure, it will receive, sell and cover its losses; The rate on loans with collateral is also much lower (for the same reasons).
Some establishments even have special lending programs for start-up entrepreneurs if they have any collateral. Such loans may have a shorter term than consumer loans, but the bank will analyze in detail the idea and calculations set out in the feasibility study or business plan. This will allow the most novice businessman to see everything possible risks and provide for measures to neutralize them, as well as think over the project of organizing and launching a business in more detail, which is also useful and increases the likelihood of success. At the same time, when deciding to pledge your own property against a loan at the beginning of a business project, you must remember that this is a risk and there is a possibility of losing this property, therefore, from a risk point of view, it is more profitable to issue a consumer loan, and from an economic point of view - a loan secured by property (the rate on it is lower).

Money for a business project without a loan

You can start your own business without loans. There are also several possibilities for this. 1) Economy. First, you can save on certain expenses and save money to start a business. In particular, there Golden Rule- Set aside 10% of each income received. If you do this for a year, then you can accumulate a fairly significant amount in a year, which you can invest in starting a business. In addition, there is always the possibility to waive certain expenses. For example, from entertainment. Typically 15 to 20% of your monthly income people spend on entertainment. By adding this amount to the deferred 10% of each income, you can significantly increase the initial capital. Vacation expenses are also a reserve for savings. You can also take these savings to start a business. In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the possibility of changing the style of consumption to certain period. It consists of purchasing simpler food, less expensive clothing and accessories, increasing the life of things through repairs and more careful use. If all these measures are applied in combination, then the amount may turn out to be quite sufficient to open your own business.

2) Sale of real estate. In some cases, you can sell real estate and invest in a business. Of course, the only housing should be sold only in that situation, if there is one hundred percent certainty that the business will be successful and it is almost impossible to burn out. Then it makes sense to sell your apartment, live in a rented apartment for a certain period and earn money for a new one at the expense of business income.More real option is the sale of the parents' apartment or the second, which is not used and is intended for children. For the period of starting a business, parents can be transported to their place, and the money from the sale of their apartment can be used to start their own business. When deciding to sell real estate, three factors must be considered. First, it can bring passive income if you give it up. This amount can be directed to the accumulation of a startup. During the period of starting a business, it may be for some time the only stable income, which will allow not to take money out of the business and direct it to development. The second is that an apartment can be used as collateral for a loan to start a business. However, collaterals are valued extremely low by banks, so it may turn out to be more profitable to sell it. And the third factor - real estate prices are falling, and utility bills are rising. Therefore, if the property cannot be rented at the current moment, it is better to get rid of it, because at the stage of starting a business it will create an additional financial burden. 3) Borrow money for business from relatives and friends. A fairly affordable source of initial capital can be a loan from relatives or friends. It is much easier to convince your loved ones of the success of your business than a bank or an outside investor. Moreover, many parents are willing to help their child disinterestedly, so the cost of such start-up capital will be minimal. The same can be said about friends. They usually lend money without paying any interest. At the same time, when accepting a loan from relatives or friends, it should be remembered that in case of failure in business, it is advisable to give it back and serve it in good faith anyway. Otherwise, monetary relations can significantly spoil the relationship. BUT human relations in most cases much more important than business. Apart from equity, which can be formed and accumulated in various ways, it often makes sense to attract an investor and take money from him for a business. Apart from Money, this allows you to take advantage of the experience and advice of a more experienced entrepreneur for free, which means it increases the chances of a novice entrepreneur to succeed. Crowdfunding as effective method raise start-up capital This term comes from two English words - crowd, which means "crowd" and funding - "fundraising". Thus, crowdfunding is a way to attract funding from the maximum number of people. As a rule, Internet projects are financed in this way, since money is collected on special crowdfunding sites, project descriptions are posted on them and fundraising is opened. Anyone can take part in the financing of a project. Conditions are put forward very different. For some, this is an opportunity to earn at the expense of interest on loans (when a crowdfunding project is implemented, the initiator will return the money to everyone with interest higher than bank ones). Other initiators offer everyone a share in their project, which can later be sold. A number of projects are of a charitable or socially significant nature. Today, the most famous global fundraising platforms are:
    Kickstarter- Helps to attract funding for a variety of projects, ranging from the creation of comics, and ending with the production of films of alternative cinema. indiegogo. This service specializes in financing projects for the development and creation of various engineering innovations, as well as the restoration of historical sites, and so on. RocketHub– the direction of activity is in many ways similar to IndieGoGo.
To raise money for international venues of course knowledge is required foreign language. If there are problems with this, you can organize a fundraiser for your project on Russian platforms. The most popular of these are Boomstarter and Kroogi. With their help, money has already been raised for the implementation of a number of commercial and socially significant initiatives.

What is a grant and how to get itGrant- this is a gratuitous assistance to a novice entrepreneur, that is, they do not need to be returned in the future. But they will have to be strictly accounted for. Grants can only be used for the purposes specified in the agreement with the grantor or in the project for which the grant was awarded. Currently, there are two types of grants - for start-up entrepreneurs within the framework of state support and for projects. To receive a grant of the first type, take part in the competition held by the regional fund for entrepreneurship support. Those who win the competition can receive money and spend it on starting their own business. To participate in the competition, prepare a package of documents, which must include a business plan. At the same time, make this document in accordance with all the canons, there is no need, but he should give an idea to the competition committee how the business idea will be implemented and what is its uniqueness. Grants for the project are issued both for the implementation of socio-economic initiatives and for financing innovative projects. The first are provided, as a rule, by the authorities and are aimed at solving certain problems of the territory. To receive them, also prepare draft documents. The key is the description of the project, which should contain the following items:
    Objective of the project; Description of the problem; Project implementation schedule; Project's budget; Planned results of the project.
For grants to finance innovative projects, the main thing is the presence of scientific novelty and the possibility of commercial implementation. To receive a grant, you will need to speak to a competition committee, which consists of entrepreneurs and scientists, and convince them that the project is worthy of funding. How to attract third-party investors and where to look for them Most hard way get money to implement your business idea - attract a third-party investor. It is very difficult to do this. Firstly, there is no such clear community of business angels (those who finance business ideas) in our country. Secondly, the issue of funding is a matter of trust, so investments are most often given to those who are trusted. Of course, these can be acquaintances or friends, so there is often an opinion that investments go only to those who are at least somehow known. However, trust can be won. To do this, take a few steps 1) Determine the target group of investors. These may be local large entrepreneurs who have significant financial resources. Or companies that want to acquire the company at a certain stage (when it grows and becomes a competitor). It can also be executives and top managers large enterprises who want to invest money and then receive a constant income. 2) Describe your business idea. Do not make a classic business plan. An attractive presentation is enough to convincingly prove the attractiveness of the idea and the return on investment. 3) Start implementing the idea. The investor never invests 100% of the capital, he always shares the risks with the project initiator. In addition, when there are intermediate results of work, the business becomes more attractive. This is no longer just an idea, this is a working organization. At this stage, it is desirable to already form a reputation for a successful enterprise - to participate in various competitions, publish articles about success, and so on. Successful business attractive to the investor. 4) Search for investors. To do this, you can turn to professionals - various investment agencies, or you can negotiate with local business communities (unions of entrepreneurs, business public organizations, and so on). 5) Negotiate and close a deal. Thus, raising capital in a company is a fairly simple process, but it needs to be done, which means that you need to devote enough time and make efforts.

Despite all the difficulties and bureaucratic obstacles, more and more Russians are striving to become independent and open their own own enterprise. We have long been taught to perceive the state not as an assistant, but as an insurmountable barrier to profit. What are the chances that money for business from the state in 2018 will still be in your budget?

What help can you expect

The time when small businesses were left to their own devices is long gone. Today, the development of this sphere is a priority in the domestic policy of the state.
According to new legislative changes, individual entrepreneurs may be eligible for the following benefits:

  • cash subsidies;
  • covering the costs of training (often, however, only partial);
  • internships;
  • leasing on preferential terms;
  • free or preferential outsourcing service;
  • grants;
  • discounts for participation in exhibitions, fairs;
  • partial compensation of interest on loans;
  • provision of guarantees and guarantees by state funds, which simplifies access to borrowed resources.

It is also worth noting that not only government funds are involved in supporting small businesses. Those who provide assistance to newcomers include investment funds, public organizations, business schools, government agencies. They are the connecting link between the state and entrepreneurs.

Subsidies for start-up entrepreneurs

The business support decree applies to everyone who has a USRIP record sheet. These individuals may apply for cash grants.

The main condition is that the registered enterprise should not be more than two years old. It is such a business that is considered as a start-up and can enjoy the privileges of the entrepreneurship support program.

The amount of assistance is set depending on the region in which your company is registered. The maximum assistance that can be received in the capital is 500,000 rubles. In the regions, no more than 300 thousand are allocated. However, it is worth considering that due to the crisis in the country, money to support small businesses is transferred from state budget rather slowly, so not all funds accept applications for subsidies.

It should also be understood that the individual entrepreneur receives the allocated money for business development from the state on the terms of co-investment. It is impossible to organize your enterprise only with state money; you will also need to make personal savings.

In addition, the subsidy can only be used for strictly regulated purposes:

  • payment for the rent of the premises;
  • equipping the workplaces of employees;
  • purchase of materials and raw materials for production (only 1/5 of the assistance received can be used).

You will need to report on how much and where you spent the money fund. For verification, the regulatory authority will require receipts, certificates, contracts. In addition, you must first familiarize yourself with the financing conditions in your region in order not to violate the requirements of local laws.

Support for the unemployed

Support for business by the state can be implemented in another way - through the employment center. To receive assistance, you must first register with the local employment center as unemployed. Then it is reasonable to refuse all the proposed vacancies, draw up a business plan for future activities and submit it for consideration along with other necessary documents.

If everything is done correctly, you will be allocated funds to bring the project to life. The amount of assistance, of course, is not too large - 58,800 rubles. But if you have a viable idea and a strong desire to implement it, this should be enough to start.

An important condition for obtaining this type of assistance is constant (quarterly) reporting on the expenditure of funds to the employment center. If it turns out that the money for business from the state was directed not for the purposes provided for by the business plan, the entrepreneur will be obliged to return the subsidy. He will be blacklisted and will no longer receive government assistance in the future.

Other help options

There are a number of other options for state support.

Free education

The most common cause of business failure is lack of necessary knowledge about doing business. They, in turn, are difficult to acquire due to the high cost of the corresponding educational services. As a grant, the state provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the opportunity to attend various courses, seminars and lectures free of charge.

Rental discounts

State support can also be expressed in the form of discounts on rent for premises for office or production. True, such assistance is possible only if the rented building or premises is on the balance sheet. state fund. If you want to get it, be prepared to participate in the competition for the title of the most deserving tenant. If you win, you will be additionally allocated a subsidy for connecting all the necessary communications.

For the implementation of a project, for example, to create a business. You have appeared great idea, you feel that it is profitable, but, as is usually the case, you do not have the money to implement this idea.

Where can you get money to start your own business?

I will tell on own example where I was looking for money for business and what I was able to do in this regard.

In this article, I will provide 6 ways find money for your business. I am sure that each of you will be able to choose a convenient option for yourself.

1. Accumulate

This is the very first and fairly simple way to find the initial capital for your business.

All that is needed for this is a great desire to become an independent entrepreneur, an income of 15,000 rubles, a little financial self-discipline and skill.

I've never had much of a problem with this. I have always tried to live more modestly than I can afford, and therefore I have always been able to save some of the money I earn for the implementation of any tasks.

One of the powerful motives that has always driven me is the unwillingness to live in debt. I don't like being indebted to anyone, so I've always tried to avoid loans unless they're very affordable.

I managed to save money for my first business. In principle, it was not a large amount of money, comparable in size to the cost of a used Japanese car.

The only difference was where to spend the money. For the same car, or for creating an additional source of income that allowed me to buy two such cars a year later (which I did not do again, since I already had a car).

If you have enough willpower to save up money for a used Japanese car, then you can quite well save up money to create own business. As they say, there would be a desire.

If you do not have enough willpower, then pay attention to “”. It will help you develop your character and achieve any goals you set.

2. Find friends with money

Sometimes it happens that the accumulated money is not enough to create and develop your own business. And then you need to look for an additional amount of money somewhere. Friends or acquaintances can help you with this, who, like you, have a certain amount of money and want to profitably attach them.

Notice, I'm not talking now about how to come and ask for money from friends. So most likely no one will give you anything.

It is necessary to offer a share in a new business.

People are reluctant to part with money. Therefore, they need to be interested. You need to show the benefits that they will receive if they invest their hard-earned money in your idea.

This is exactly what happened to me when I sold my first business (tanning studio) and wanted to open a more serious project. I had about half a million rubles in my hands. And it was required new project about one million rubles.

I opened my phone book and began to go through the contacts of all my friends and acquaintances, looking for such people whom I could contact with a profitable offer.

A few hours later, having compiled a list of candidates, I began to prepare offer. Yes Yes! Our life is one continuous sale. We “sell” ourselves when we come for an interview. We “sell” ourselves when we meet beautiful girl. We “sell” ourselves and our ideas when we offer cooperation, even to our close friends and acquaintances.

I needed an amount of half a million rubles. This is not 500 rubles, which you can just give to someone and not worry about the return of this money. Therefore, it was necessary to carefully prepare for my proposal to be killer.

Having called a dozen people, only a couple of acquaintances agreed to discuss this topic with me. I immediately said on the phone that it was about money, and not small ones. As a result, with one of my acquaintances, we decided to open a joint business.

Looking ahead, I want to say that we did not finish the job. It was the end of 2008, the height of the crisis. My friend and I found a cool room, but it was quite expensive for the cost of the rent.

We were unable to get concessions from the landlord, plus the gathering clouds of the crisis influenced the fact that we decided to wait out.

But that's not the point!

The bottom line is that whoever seeks will always find. With this example, I wanted to show you that there are always options. You can find money for your business and business, no matter how difficult it may seem at first glance.

3. Find investors and partners

Another way where you can find money is to attract investors and partners. If in the previous example, we were talking about friends and acquaintances attracted as partners, then here we will talk about people we do not know who have the money we need to start.

Where to look for such people?

This can be done in newspapers and magazines devoted to business cooperation. For example, I managed to find such a person in a regular newspaper free ads. In our city, such a newspaper is “ Fair". In other cities there are analogues called “ From hand to hand" etc.

In such a newspaper, I found a section “ Business cooperation”, which contains advertisements for the sale and purchase of a business. I posted an ad there looking for a partner for a joint business.

I got calls from different people. I met with many. There were some really interesting proposals. There were a few people who had free land plots, on which it was possible to create some profitable business.

I will say this. There are quite a lot of rich and wealthy people in the world who have extra money and which they would gladly invest in something profitable.

Now I know for sure that it is easy to find a person who has several free million rubles.

4. Business angels

Business angels are individuals and legal entities investing their own funds in private companies at the initial stages of development, with significant growth potential, as a rule, without providing any collateral.

Typically, business angels unite in non-profit partnerships, which select applicants for their projects and others. organizational moments.

From business angels, Intel, Yahoo, Amazon, Google and many other leading technology brands began their journey to the top of the business.

Today, using the Internet, you can find representative offices of business angels, find out the requirements for projects and send your application.

5. Subsidy from the state

Today, the state actively supports small businesses and you can find special programs that subsidize start-up entrepreneurs.

Notice we are not talking about loans from the state, but about gratuitous financial support. There, of course, they don’t distribute money right and left, but the conditions for receiving it are quite acceptable.

For example, if you have been employed all your life and decided to open your own business, then you can receive a subsidy from the employment center for the development of your business in the amount of 90 000 rubles(this amount may be different for different regions of the Russian Federation). For example, in our city it looks like this.

Or you can get grant support for start-up entrepreneurs working no more than 1 year to create their own business in the amount of no more than 300 000 rubles. More about it

One of my acquaintances, whose name is Svetlana Borodina, received both of the above subsidies to open and develop her own business. She designs and builds nails at home.

Together with her, we created a training course “ ”, in which, by the way, she talks in detail about the procedure for processing documents for obtaining a grant, talks about all the pitfalls and gives advice on how to get these subsidies for sure!

6. Bank loan

In the end, you can get a loan from a bank to develop your business.

I put this item at the very last. I think that first of all it is worth trying options where you do not have to overpay for borrowed money.

Credit, for me personally, is the last thing. And you should follow him only if you have a really profitable idea.

You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. When you just open your own business, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first you will work “to zero” and even “to a minus”. Therefore, you need to give an account of what you will live on, eat, drink and pay off the loan.


So, as you can see, there are plenty of ways to find money to start your own business today. Your business opens up a lot of advantages, but it is also very risky business.

To create or not to create your own business is everyone's business. In any case, I recommend that you give it a try. Life is short and don't be afraid to fail.

After all, it is quite possible that by opening your own business, you will receive much more than if you worked all your life for hire.

Personally, I treat starting my own business as an adventure. Working for hire, there are few interesting and exciting moments in our lives.

And the entrepreneur has more than enough of such situations. This brings to life a lot of adrenaline, a special courage, creative development, which makes life very, very interesting.

P.S. By the way, if you have additional ideas about where to get money to create your own business, then write them in the comments ...

Video for dessert: Where to get money for business