Growing onions as a business. Growing green onions as a profitable business. Liked the video? Are you tired of complicated ways to earn money too? If yes, then follow the link to take the course.

Growing onions as a business is a fairly profitable business, as the need for this product is growing every day. You can grow any variety, it will be in demand in the market. Sales are especially profitable in the cold season, when the summer season is over.

Caring for this culture does not require special education. The main thing is to study in advance necessary information take advantage of some expert advice. You can start a business with a small volume, you can limit yourself to your country greenhouse. In order to receive a stable income, over time, you should expand production volumes, hire employees.

Pros and cons of growing onions for sale

Growing green onions as a business has its positive and negative sides. The benefits include the following:

  • small cash investments;
  • expenses pay off fairly quickly;
  • experts note a rather high percentage of profitability;
  • products are always in demand on the market, as more and more people prefer to switch to a healthy diet;
  • always high purchase price of products.

Despite the numerous advantages, growing greens has disadvantages, which include the following:

  1. Not all conditions are suitable for favorable cultivation. If it is planned in the northern region, then you need to be prepared for additional costs associated with heating and lighting.
  2. For excellent growth, fertilizers are required, and this is an additional cost.
  3. For regular care, it is better to hire a labor force, and this is also an expense.

In some cases, it is better to purchase a land plot in a warmer zone, go on business trips, but not maintain a greenhouse in the northern region. When planning a business, it is important to assess the demand for products in the region.

What documents are needed to open a business?

A business can be of various sizes. It is conditionally possible to divide this entrepreneurial activity into the following types:

  • Small greenhouse business. The scale of onion production for greens is reduced to the maintenance of 1-2 greenhouses. If activities are planned in such small volumes, then registration is not needed. To conduct such a business, it is necessary to prepare a certificate confirming the availability of a plot on which greenery is grown, and to resolve the issues of connecting communications - it is important to work out all the options here, to provide for the possibility of preferential tariffs. Small business will bring a small but stable income.
  • Medium greenhouse business. It is larger and implies the presence of a large number of greenhouses, but labor resources you don't need to use a lot. When operating on such a scale, it is necessary to register a business with the relevant authorities, to obtain special permits to conduct activities. You will have to monitor the maintenance of the accounting database, draw up and send relevant documents to regulatory authorities.
  • Large greenhouse business. Enterprises of this type have a large number of greenhouses and workforce. Mandatory registration of such activities as an LLC or CJSC is required, while a package of documents must be registered with all higher authorities. Such an enterprise must regularly transfer taxes and contributions to regulatory authorities. Income from the sale of onions for greens directly depends on production volumes. To receive stable and high income, it is necessary to expand the scale of production, look for additional wholesale buyers.

How to start an onion growing business?

Onion growing business can have different scales. You can run it in the following ways:

  • Growing green onions in the apartment. Such a business does not require large expenses, but it is better to have free space so that you can grow greens in the cold season. For these purposes, it is best to use boxes, bottles, boxes and other accessories that are convenient for plant growth.
  • Growing onions on a feather in a summer cottage- this is a great option for doing business in the summer. There is much more space on the site than in the apartment, but the business is relevant only in summer time. If you plan to grow onions year-round, then in the off-season, planting should be moved to a warm room. To grow greens in this way, you will need boxes, they can be arranged in several rows. Do not forget that green feathers are cheaper in summer than in winter, so you will have to increase production volumes.
  • Onion growing business in a greenhouse. This type of activity is considered the most successful. It is more profitable to keep greenhouses in the southern regions. If production is planned in the north, then do not forget that you will have to bear additional costs for electricity and heating. When maintaining a greenhouse, the entrepreneur will not depend on the season and the weather, the products grow all year round.

How much money do you need to start a onion growing business?

Growing green onions as a business is an activity that requires certain investments. The amount of expenses depends on the region in which this entrepreneurial activity is conducted. As shows personal experience a large number of entrepreneurs, cultivation in the southern and middle lane is much more profitable than in the north.

First of all, investments are needed in the land itself. Before buying, it is important to decide on what scale the activity is planned.

If a person wants to put production on stream, then it is important to acquire a fairly large plot of land on which it will be convenient to place everything necessary for the activity.

After acquiring a plot, it is best to formalize your business. In this case, all activities will be legal, you will not have to be afraid of inspections or any other problems.

For growing greens, you need to purchase equipment. For this purpose, it is best to buy greenhouses. They allow culture to grow in favorable conditions. Funds will be required to purchase specialized care equipment. No need to save on the cost of the material from which the greenhouse is made. The better and stronger it is, the better the conditions for growth.

After purchasing all the equipment, you need to think about buying planting material. In this case, the savings will not work, so it is wiser to contact trusted suppliers who are popular in the market. When the entrepreneur is sure that his products High Quality, the number of buyers will continue to grow. In the future, seedlings for planting can be grown independently.

How much can you earn growing onions?

Growing onions for greens is a highly profitable business activity. With the right approach, you can have up to 1 million rubles. income per month from several acres of land. In addition to onions, you can grow dill, parsley, basil. Such plants are loved by many citizens, greens are added during cooking to give a piquant taste to dishes.

If significant expenses have been spent on business activities cash, then you should not be afraid that they will pay off for a long time. The first net profit can be obtained approximately 6 months after the opening of the business. Such products are always in demand, so the payback will be fast.

The onion business will be initially successful if approached wisely. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail: how the plants will be grown, what care is required. Only in this case it is possible to achieve success in this type of entrepreneurial activity.

The use of what equipment will help increase the yield of onions?

In order to grow onions all year round, getting a good harvest, regardless of weather conditions, duration daylight hours and other factors, experts recommend using greenhouses. These structures can be built independently or bought collapsible structures. The first option is much cheaper, but if you have never held a hammer and a hacksaw in your hands, then it is better to purchase a ready-made greenhouse.

Inside the building, it is necessary to create ideal conditions for growing onions:

  1. Greenhouse heating. If they allow technical capabilities, can be connected to the heating system of your home. Another option is a potbelly stove, electric heaters or gas convectors.
  2. Irrigation system. Be sure to install a water tank, which should always be full.
  3. Lighting. In the cold season, when the daylight hours are very short, in order to ensure the normal growth and development of plants, it is necessary to take care of the lighting.
  4. Ventilation. Be sure to think about the possibility of ventilation in your greenhouse.

Growing onions outdoors is much easier. In this case, it is necessary to make a system for watering plants and take care of their protection from sudden changes in air temperature.

OKVED code and licensing of this business

Commercial activities related to the cultivation of onions, according to all-Russian classifier falls under the category with the OKVED code 01.12.1.

Important point! If you are engaged in paperwork for an onion growing company, consider the fact that for this line of business no special permits or licenses required.

Popular technologies for growing onions

Inhabitants countryside prefer to grow onions from sets. This method allows you to get finished products very quickly. But for this it is necessary to carefully sort out and process the planting material. by special means. The main condition for obtaining a good harvest using this technology is the presence of an open area that is well lit and blown by the winds.

In addition to the above technology, you can grow onions from seeds (the process takes a long time and there are often losses) or get greens from large bulbs. The choice of the optimal method for growing these useful plants depends on your desire and the availability of the necessary resources.

In the past few years, non-GMO products have been considered a real shortage. Thanks to the developed agriculture in our country, the domestic consumer seeks to acquire natural products grown without the use of chemicals. The demand for such products is determined by a number of the following factors: ecological cleanliness and harmlessness, the richness of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The only drawback is the minimum shelf life. Subject to the technology and compliance with the prescribed requirements for plant care this species entrepreneurial activity will bring significant profit at minimal cost.

Modern agronomists have developed 2 main approaches to growing crops:

  • growing in a greenhouse;
  • cultivation in the open field.

It is easy to guess that the first method will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal cost time. At the same time, this option involves the construction of a greenhouse, the equipment of an irrigation system, appropriate lighting, the delivery of nutrient soil, etc. An important point in this matter is the choice of an onion variety (hybrid) suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

Literally 5 years ago, there were two types of greenhouses - covered with polyethylene film and glass. Development modern technologies added one more item to this list - polycarbonate. If we consider the option of growing as a year-round business, it is worth stopping at the last option.

It should be understood that a polycarbonate greenhouse is not a cheap pleasure, but it has no equal in terms of practicality and efficiency.

As for heating, wood-burning stoves or solar panels are common.

How many greenhouses do you need to start a business? Experienced agronomists say - at least three. This will allow observing the production cycle: in the first one, sowing is carried out, in the second, greening shoots are controlled, and in the third, the crop is harvested.

The simplest and most affordable method of growing onions is open ground. To implement this project, it will not be necessary to build expensive greenhouses, equip a heating and irrigation system. All that is required is to rent a plot of land and start growing crops in accordance with the prescribed technology.

Despite the simplicity of the method, growing in the open field has several disadvantages:

  • business seasonality (May-June, September);
  • poor soil quality can significantly reduce yields;
  • unfavorable weather interfere with normal plant growth.

Variety selection

Planting onions is allowed in the form of seeds and bulbs. Greenhouses are characterized by growing greens (feathers) from bulbs. The use of seeds for similar purposes is a solution with low efficiency. Despite intensive care, the sprouts are weak and grow more slowly. As for the bulbs, they grow many times faster, the crop has a beautiful presentation, it has good taste.

Producers from the Netherlands managed to achieve a qualitative selective effect. Recommended varieties:

  • Red Baron;
  • Yellow Dutch;
  • Exhibition;
  • Spirinth F1;
  • Margnit F1.

They are not inferior in quality, but the Japanese varieties Nubucca Green and Nagaoka King are more affordable. Among the products of the German breeding farm, for obtaining early greens, it is worth choosing the Stuttgater Riesten variety.

To obtain a rich harvest and organize a highly profitable business, special attention should be paid to the process of selecting species and varieties of planting material, as well as methods of growing at certain times of the year.

Knowledge of the main biological characteristics of onion varieties and the requirements for their growth conditions guarantees maximum yield and, as a result, good profit.

For example, onions are not intended for growing indoors in autumn winter period. At this time, he is in deep peace. Any species is particularly demanding of light. For planting in the fall, perennial varieties are optimal, they do not need dormant periods (slizun, multi-tiered, chives). November is optimal for planting onions. Favorable for planting shallots in December.

Planting and care activities

The soil for planting onions must be prepared in advance. Character traits- looseness, fertility. The crop gives a higher yield on fertilized soil. It is recommended to add the following fertilizers to the soil mixture before planting (per 1 m 2):

  • potassium chloride - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • manure - 5 l.

If we consider the option of planting with bulbs, then from September to October, planting material should be placed in boxes at a distance of a centimeter from each other. If sowing is carried out in early March, the distance should be increased to 4-6 centimeters.

Onion care is not difficult, the plant is unpretentious. The owner of the greenhouse will need:

  • for the entire period of growth, make one top dressing (a solution of ammonium nitrate 30 grams per 5 liters of water is suitable);
  • onions love a lot of water, so it is necessary to ensure abundant watering;
  • strictly observe temperature regime(at night - not less than +12°С, in the daytime - not less than +20°С);
  • despite the need for abundant watering, control the level of soil moisture to prevent rotting of the bulb;
  • eliminate drafts in the greenhouse.

It is important to cut green onion. The optimal indicator is a leaf length of 28-30 cm.

Sales channels

It is important to remember that greens are a perishable product, the sale of which should be carried out immediately. Therefore, you should take care of the channel for the sale of goods even before they land. Green onions are in great demand among the population, so it is advisable to open a point on the market. In order to diversify the range, you can sell other greens.

The most profitable option for a large manufacturer is the sale of greenery in bulk.

To do this, it is recommended to conclude contracts for the supply of onions with large retail outlets, establishments Catering, shops, etc.

Some people, wanting to get fresh herbs directly from the garden, can purchase them directly from the manufacturer. For effective distribution of your offer, it is recommended to place an ad in the newspaper and create an advertisement on the Internet.

Costs and profitability

It would be optimal to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​​​100 squares (this is a relatively small room of 5x20 meters) with a two-tier rack system. The greenhouse must be equipped with a lighting, heating and irrigation system. The total cost of equipping the environment for growing products will be 150 thousand rubles.

The average cost of purchasing onion sets is 200 rubles per kilogram. It will take about 50 kg to fill the greenhouse. The total cost of sowing material is 10 thousand rubles.

For fast and high-quality growth of onions, fertilizers will be required. On average, for each square meter the cost of the fertilizer complex will be 30 rubles, which, in terms of the total area of ​​the sowing zone, will be 30 thousand rubles.

We summarize all costs. Based on the information provided above, you will need:

  • Greenhouse equipment - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Onion sets 50 kg - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Fertilizers - 30 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of water, electricity, etc. - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 200 thousand rubles

From the beginning of planting to the collection of onions ready for sale, an average of 2 months will pass. Productivity - 9 kg per m 2, which means that from 100 sq. m after 2 months, you can collect 900 kg. average price sales of onions - 40 rubles per 1 kg. It is easy to calculate that the proceeds from the sale of the harvest will bring 36 thousand rubles.

It's time to talk about an additional method of making a profit - the sale of green onion feathers. For 2 months from a square meter you can get 0.8 kg of greenery, in terms of the entire plot - 80 kg. At a price of 170 rubles per 1 kg, you can get 13,600 rubles from the entire green crop.

In total, for 2 months from a greenhouse of 100 sq. m income will be 49.6 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur will begin to make a profit after the fifth planting and sale of the bow. The payback period of the project is by the end of the first year.

Video about growing products

On the video - a detailed story about the construction and equipment of a greenhouse for growing greenery in winter and summer:

Natural products in cooking are always in high demand if they are grown in ecological zones without the use of various chemicals. And fresh herbs that consumers want to have at their table have such an advantage. Therefore, the onion business can be considered profitable. entrepreneurial activity with a quick payback.

The procedure for growing onions for sale guarantees its businessman a high percentage of return. This is due to the demand for products in any season, the rapid and unpretentious growth of culture, as well as minimal investment in the idea itself. By the way, step by step business read the plan for growing greens for sale.

There are several approaches to growing onions:

  • when using seeds;
  • from ready-made bulbs.

Growing conditions are endowed with not the last value, and among them it is worth highlighting:

  • in open ground;
  • on sawdust;
  • in the bottle;
  • in packages without the use of land.

Each method has its own technological process and features. And in order to avoid pitfalls, a well-thought-out business plan will become the basis for achieving your goals and objectives.

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To obtain quality products, fruitful varieties should be purchased. For growing onions on a feather and their rapid growth, varieties such as Broad-leaved, Belarusian, Leader, Green, Pearl are suitable. The vitamin composition of greens is especially high in the spring season, so it is in demand by consumers for making salads after winter beriberi.

Before planting bulbs in a greenhouse, all conditions must be prepared for their favorable growth, namely:

  • equipped area with a built-in heating system, lighting and drip irrigation;
  • fertile soil;
  • fertilizers;
  • phosphate and potassium additives.

In open ground, planting onions is more suitable for a mass option. The cost of the chosen method will only be for the purchase of seeds, provision of irrigation and the purchase of fertilizers for the soil. The technology of planting an onion on a feather is simple. To do this, you need to plant the seeds at the same distance from each other (about 5 cm) and water the seedlings in a timely manner. Weeds should be removed by weeding, while breaking through the bushes.

Please note: if you grow onions for greens in open ground, count on a certain percentage of crop loss. The risk is associated with diseases, pests and untimely watering, therefore it is about 20% of the total planted area.

Growing onions

  1. Purchase or lease of a land plot of about 20 acres - 100,000 rubles.
  2. Construction or purchase of a greenhouse - 600,000 rubles.
  3. Other expenses (communication, registration of documents, purchase of seeds and fertilizers) - 300,000 rubles.

To start a bow business, there is a method for obtaining investments:

  1. Bank loan at interest for the organization of agriculture.
  2. Support farming under the program of the Russian Federation, according to the specified amount of the applicant. As a rule, you can count on subsidies of up to 1.5 million rubles.
  3. Attracting a private investor to your business. The result of this idea is a drawn up business plan.

Income from the sale of products

As for the amount of profit from the sale of products, it is worth considering:

  • price for 1 kilogram of green onions - 100 rubles;
  • the sale of 10 tons of greenery will bring its businessman a revenue of about 1 million rubles;
  • fixed costs will pull 500,000 rubles.

Total: the income from the sale is equal to half the amount - 500,000 rubles.

Please note: green onions are in great demand in the spring season, and onions are in great demand all year round. Greenhouse products are also in high demand in late summer and early autumn.

This suggests that at home many are busy harvesting tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers, at a time when the conservation period begins. Experienced farmers are looking forward to this season, when the cost of greenery reaches 150 rubles per kilogram.

Business registration

You can become an entrepreneur with a full set of documents in the following categories:

  • KFH (farming);
  • IP (individual activity);
  • LLC (limited liability company).

Growing greens: profitable or not?

Being engaged in such a business at the initial stage, one should not invest huge amounts of money and expect instant returns. Each idea has its own payback period, so only a well-established mechanism will make it possible to get the expected profit in a season or a year.

Reading 11 min. Published on 11/16/2019

Growing green onions is a public activity and possible even with minimum investment. The profitability of a business directly depends on the volume of plants produced, and onions can be grown almost anywhere: on the windowsill in a residential building, in a greenhouse, in a garage, in a basement.

Green onion growing technology - what should be the room for growing green onions?

Growing onions, as well as, in closed equipped premises guarantees year-round income. At the same time, human participation in the process is reduced to the simplest actions: the primary processing of raw materials and the collection of greenery.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you should still follow the general recommendations for growing. This will reduce time costs and get a good harvest.

There are three characteristics that determine the ideal conditions for the growth of green onions:

  • Comfortable air temperature.
  • Sufficient room lighting.
  • High-quality irrigation of the soil.

The size of the premises for doing business is also important, which affects the volume of products produced.

The room must be dry, not infected with mold or fungi and, if possible, light.

Let's bring possible options premises for growing green onions:

  • Greenhouse

The simplest summer greenhouse is made of a wooden frame, which is covered with a thick plastic film on top. You can assemble such a structure yourself, using improvised materials and tools.

In the warm season, greenhouses and greenhouses do not require additional lighting or heating. Natural air temperature and sunlight will be sufficient for plant growth.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse is the most environmentally friendly way, since such conditions are as close to natural as possible.

  • Basement and garage

An alternative to a greenhouse can be a basement or garage. However, these spaces need additional training. First of all, they should be insulated. As materials, safe heat insulators are used, for example, based on polyethylene foam or foam.

The next step is to install shelving. They can be purchased at ready-made or make it yourself, for example, from wood. If necessary, such racks are disassembled and transported to a new location.

A solid construction for long-term use should be metal, for example, welded from a profile or pipes. Naturally, it will require more significant investments.

Growing green onions in a basement or garage involves creating the following favorable conditions:

  1. Heating . For maximum onion growth, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime in the range from +18 to +22 ° C. Any appliances can be used as heaters, but it is worth remembering that electrical devices will require serious electricity costs;
  2. Lighting . The brighter the light in the room, the richer the color of the onion feather. Therefore, if possible, the room should be equipped with fluorescent lamps;
  3. Ventilation . The air in the basement or garage must constantly circulate. It is advisable not only to install internal fans, but to organize the supply of fresh air from the street. This will give the plants a more comfortable environment and prevent the development of mold and mildew in the room.
  • Windowsill

The easiest way to grow onions is on a windowsill. For this, a loggia is well suited. In the summer, no additional tricks will be needed, and for the winter period, the loggia should be insulated and glazed. If the windows face north, artificial lighting can be arranged.

With good lighting and air temperature from +23 to +27, green onions will grow by 30 cm in about 2-2.5 weeks.

How to grow green onions for sale features of planting material for growing green onions

Almost anything can be used as planting material: soil, sand, sawdust. There are options in which the onion grows without soil and feeds exclusively on water. This method is called hydroponics.

  • earth and sand

This is the standard planting base for the plant. If you grow onions in a greenhouse on a land plot, it is recommended to fertilize and loosen the soil.

Flaw: In all other cases, you will need to purchase special mixtures. The soil should be versatile and have an acidity of 6 to 7 ph.

  • Sawdust

Sawdust is a cheap material. Their main property is friability and the ability to retain moisture. However, this ecological material does not contain nutrients, so additional mineral fertilizers will be needed.

Plants planted in sawdust will not require too frequent watering. When cut, ripe green onion feathers will remain clean (unlike those that grow on an earthen mixture).

Sawdust has one drawback - with prolonged use, they begin to rot, and mixed with the remains of onion roots turn into compost and require replacement.

Growing green onions in hydroponics assumes that the plant will not be fed from the soil, but from the circulating medium that comes to the roots. This medium can be based on water or a solid porous substance that retains moisture well and passes air well.

Coconut fiber is ideal as a substrate. It is absolutely natural, able to strongly swell and accumulate water, while passing air.

The onion planting system should contain channels filled with a solid substrate or blown with an air-nutrient mixture. Bulbs are placed in these channels. As necessary, an aqueous solution rich in minerals is launched through the ducts.

The order in which hydroponics layers are placed is as follows:

  1. Onion roots.
  2. organic substrate.
  3. Grid.
  4. nutrient solution.

Most important aspect this method of growing is high-quality aeration (air saturation) of the roots. Therefore, the mesh and nutrient solution should be about 5 cm apart.

The yield of onions growing in hydroponics will be higher, and the cost of purchasing planting materials will be lower.

Equipment and devices for growing green onions indoors

Growing onions for greens can be made as simple and convenient as possible using various devices. For example, as a source artificial light use professional phytolamps that stimulate plant growth.

Drip irrigation systems are great for irrigating onions in greenhouses. With their help, water consumption is noticeably reduced, and the liquid itself is evenly distributed throughout the planted area.

There are entire installations designed in the form of racks in which light sources and soil containers are built. Such equipment is already ready for use, it remains only to place onions in it and water it until harvest.

There are commercially available hydroponic systems that work as follows:

  1. On the water.
  2. On the substrate.
  3. Aeroponics (air).

This equipment can be used immediately, all that is needed is to purchase raw materials and prepare a nutrient mixture.

Planting and growing green onions on a feather - how to grow green onions in winter?

Green onions can be successfully produced at any time of the year. However, this will entail considerable additional investments - at least it will be necessary to organize heating and lighting. Even using a garage or basement for business, in which it is already necessary to install sources of artificial light, heating devices will be needed.

If there are relatively small volumes in the soil, onions can be pre-treated before planting. This will speed up the germination process several times.

The procedure is:

  • Bulbs are placed in a container and completely filled with cold water.
  • After one hour, all the water is drained.
  • Landing in the ground is carried out in a day.

To grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, you should pay attention to the quality factor of the design and organize favorable conditions inside her.

If you plan to do business for the long term, it is advisable to build a greenhouse thoroughly:

  • The frame is made of metal or a durable wooden profile.
  • Make the base of the greenhouse.
  • Cover all ceilings and structures with paint or primer.
  • Cover the greenhouse with a strong polycarbonate film.

The growth rate of green onions directly depends on the ambient or room temperature:

  • At 12C° onions ripen for about four weeks.
  • At 17C° - about 26 days.
  • At 20C° - about 22 days.
  • At 22C° - about 20 days.
  • At 25C° - about 2.5 weeks.

Growing green onions in the cold season is best done using winter and frost-resistant plant varieties. They adapt better to lower temperatures and will be able to produce higher yields under less favorable conditions.

Is it profitable to grow green onions in winter and summer - the real reasons for selling an onion growing business

This business is considered quite profitable, but there are always parameters that can greatly affect profitability. Naturally, due to the unequal number mandatory expenses, summer and winter onion cultivation has tangible differences.


  • in the greenhouse Plants develop only due to sunlight. Auxiliary sources of heat and light are not needed.
  • Basement and garage - heaters are either not required at all, or must operate at minimum power (for example, in a cold basement).
  • On the windowsill Green onions grow on their own using sunlight. The room temperature does not need to be adjusted.


  • in the greenhouse - the design itself should be made of more expensive and durable materials. Inside the greenhouse, you need to create a comfortable microclimate using additional sources of heat, and sometimes light.
  • Basement and garage - Higher quality thermal insulation materials may be required. Also, you can not do without heating devices.
  • On the windowsill - if you use a loggia for growing onions, it will need to be glazed, insulated and, possibly, heated.

In the cold season, the market value of green onions increases, which compensates for the forced costs. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of longer storage of already cut greens. Not every activity is bound to be successful.

There are a number of reasons that can hinder the development of the business and give the owner the idea of ​​selling the business:

  1. Lack of personal vehicles . If onions are grown in a greenhouse outside the city, and for sale they need to be transported, one car not enough. In this case, it is appropriate to use a small truck, since the crop volumes can be impressive, and the greens must retain their presentation and not wrinkle. If there is no opportunity to purchase a vehicle, doing business can be very difficult.
  2. Unprofitability . Growing onions in winter entails another expense item - lighting and heating. If the greenhouse, garage or basement is located in inconvenient locations or areas with high electricity rates, the cost of maintaining the right temperature can greatly affect the profit margin.
  3. Raising the price of raw materials . In a lean year, the price of onions increases greatly, which adversely affects the cost of green products.
  4. No market . Not every green onion producer has its own outlet for the sale of grown goods. Very often, finished products are sold in bulk at prices 1.5-2 times lower than retail prices. If supply exceeds demand, the purchase price may be reduced to an unacceptable minimum, making the business unprofitable.

Real business plan for growing green onions for sale

All initial potential costs can be divided into three categories:

  • Purchase or lease of premises / land.
  • Improvement of the premises (construction, insulation).
  • Technical equipment (racks, devices, installations, tanks).

To these costs are added regular expenses:

  • For the purchase of raw materials (bulbs, mineral fertilizers, water).
  • For transportation finished products.
  • To maintain the necessary microclimate (lighting, heating, ventilation).
  • On the wages workers.

Not all items are mandatory, since the onion growing facility may be owned and no additional labor will be required.

Business Pros:

  • Unpretentiousness to conditions and fast growth of a plant.
  • Minimum financial investment.
  • Fast payback with small volumes.

An example of a business plan for growing onions in a greenhouse:

Name Options
Land area 100 sq. m.
Effective area 75 sq.m.
Average growth time of green onions 3 weeks (21 days)
The volume of grown products for 1 month 350 - 550 kg of green feather
Wholesale cost of planting material 8 rubles / 1 kg
Cost of 1 kg of green feather from 10 to 60 rubles.
Potential green crop losses (due to climate, weather, etc.) 30%
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onion in summer 30 50 rub.
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onions in winter 200 rub.
The number of onions sold per day by large producers 1000 – 3000 kg
The number of onions sold per month by average producers 1500 kg
The size start-up capital needed to start a business 100 - 150 thousand rubles.
The amount of monthly profit at the very beginning of the business when using an area of ​​75 sq.m. 20 thousand rubles
The amount of monthly profit when growing 3000 kg of onions per month 150 thousand rubles

The profitability of the business of growing onions in a greenhouse is about 30% in winter and more than 50% in the warm season

This difference is explained by the cost of heating and renting a greenhouse. Depending on the scope of activities, a business can pay off in a period of several months to several years.

Even at the stage of business planning, you need to take care of the market for finished products. This point can be decisive in assessing the profitability of the whole business. Even with the most modest investment, the amount of profit depends on the ability to profitably sell grown green onions.

Green onions organically complement the taste of many dishes, giving it fresh spring notes and at the same time saturating food with various vitamins. This product is in demand all year round, but it is only possible to find it in abundance on the shelves in summer, when farmers and villagers harvest from open ground.

Considering the cultivation of onions as a business, you can see that this type of activity is not only profitable, but also accessible to beginners: agricultural technology is a set of simple and understandable operations, and the culture itself does not require complex care and the creation of special microclimatic conditions. Therefore, even novice entrepreneurs who follow the recommendations can plant several beds and get a good harvest with minimal labor.

Business features

The technology of growing onions on a feather at home is known to every housewife: in the spring, on the windowsills of many houses and apartments, you can see jars and glasses filled with onions filled with water. However, such primitive hydroponic installations can hardly be called productive: the resulting crop is not enough even to meet personal needs. Therefore, in business we are talking about a slightly different scale: in summer, onions are massively cultivated in beds directly in open ground, and in winter, heated and unheated greenhouse complexes are used for these purposes.

If there is a land plot, the summer option seems to be the easiest, since only planting material, water and fertilizers are needed to grow onions for sale. However, in the warm season, the farmer competes with numerous summer residents and rural residents, who massively fill the markets with their goods. As a result, supply exceeds demand by many times, the price decreases, and the timely sale of perishable products is in jeopardy.

The situation looks somewhat different in the off-season and in winter: there are no green onions on the market in principle, and a few suppliers cannot cope with the demands of shops and supermarkets. As a result, the price of fresh feathers increases four to five times, which fully compensates for the huge costs of maintaining greenhouse complexes. Moreover, cultivation of feather onions in a greenhouse in winter under controlled conditions leads to a 30-50% increase in crop productivity and allows harvesting every 35-45 days.

Given the above, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the business idea of ​​growing onions. The first are the following factors:

  • Even in winter, the profitability of the enterprise exceeds 150%;
  • There are special varieties that can be cultivated all year round;
  • Greens are constantly used in high demand among buyers;
  • A business can be started on a personal plot in a small greenhouse;
  • The technology of growing green onions in greenhouses is accessible and understandable for beginners;
  • A huge sales market allows you to quickly find buyers without significant marketing costs.

Listing the main disadvantages of the business, it should be noted that:

  • The cost of an industrial greenhouse complex exceeds the capabilities of many start-up entrepreneurs;
  • Market price fluctuations can be unpredictable;
  • Products are characterized short term storage;
  • At the beginning of summer, the level of competition exceeds reasonable limits.

Varieties for cultivation

The construction and maintenance of winter greenhouses is expensive for the entrepreneur. Therefore, considering the cultivation of green onions as a business, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of productive varieties that can grow and give a good harvest in artificial conditions. For example, in autumn and winter, it is pointless to plant onions indoors, since this species is characterized by a long dormant period: at this time, the rudiments of shoots are still absent in the bulbs - accordingly, even with the use of special technologies, they will not germinate.

Fortunately, there are other types of onions in which the dormant period does not exceed a few weeks - batun, multi-tiered, chives, slime or shallots:

  1. Bow-batun. The leaves are identical in appearance and taste to the feathers of an ordinary onion species, however, this variety does not form a real bulb, so farmers are more likely to grow onions for greens from seeds. At a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 80–85%, the yield of a batun reaches 3.5–4 kg/m²;
  2. Leek. Broad feathers, reminiscent of garlic, grow on a thick white stem, which is also edible. For its formation, shoots obtained from seeds are planted in grooves 8–10 cm deep, gradually pouring earth in the process of growth. The average crop yield is 2 kg/m²;
  3. Shallot. It also resembles onions, but differs from it in strong branching and the structure of the bulb, more like garlic: up to 10 lobes are formed in each nest, simultaneously releasing shoots. Feathers up to 30 cm long can be collected after a month; the yield in this case is 3–4 kg / m²;
  4. Chives. Not only long narrow leaves are eaten, but also false bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter. The yield reaches 3 kg / m², however, this variety needs a special lighting regime - otherwise the shoots grow thin and pale green. Propagate chives by dividing the rhizome;
  5. Slime onion. A feature of this species are wide feathers with a garlic smell, filled with slimy juice. The perennial slug does not have a dormant period and grows continuously, with the maximum yield being achieved in the third year - up to 4.5 kg / m². For reproduction with equal success, they practice growing onions from seeds and dividing the rhizome into shoots;
  6. Onions are multi-tiered. Also called Egyptian. It is characterized by the formation of small air bulbs at the ends of the shoots, from which young feathers subsequently grow. In 25-40 days, the leaves grow up to 45 cm, and the yield reaches 4 kg / m². The Egyptian onion is grown from both underground and air bulbs;
  7. Onion. The most common species, which expels feathers up to 30 cm long in a month. Southern varieties with a short dormant period are used to grow green onions at home. The crop yield when using intensive technologies reaches 13–15 kg/m².

Growing methods

To grow onions, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients and moisture to its roots. Suitable methods for this can be classified according to the method of planting plants and the type of soil:

  1. In the soil. As soil, light types of soils saturated with organic matter are used - for example, garden soil or a mixture of peat and sand. At the same time, agricultural technology is the same for all varieties, differences are observed only in the method of reproduction. In open ground, seeds are planted in early spring for a summer harvest, or at the end of summer for overwintering plants under the snow. In the greenhouse, seeds are sown at any time, and last year's planting material - at the end of the dormant period, the duration of which is determined by the type of onion;
  2. On sawdust. The main advantages of sawdust are its loose structure and the ability to retain water well. However, this material does not contain nutrients in a form available to plants, so the beds should be regularly watered with a solution of NPK-complex fertilizers, adding wood ash and saltpeter as necessary. On the other hand, the sawdust does not stick to the feathers at all and does not pollute the bulbs, which somewhat simplifies the harvesting process. In addition, this material does not need to be changed after each cycle - it is enough to pour a fresh layer of 2-3 cm on top and pour it abundantly;
  3. On hydroponics. Hydroponic technology for growing onions involves the use of special mats saturated with a nutrient solution. As a basis for them, coconut fiber is used, which has an optimal structure for the root system and good hygroscopicity. For the rapid development of the roots, the plants are kept in the dark for the first 10 days, and at the end of their germination, they switch to normal daylight hours;
  4. On aeroponics. Aeroponic installations do not use any type of substrate at all, which eliminates contact with dirt and prevents the development of many types of diseases. The essence of the method is as follows: plants are placed in special containers so that the entire root system is in the air. Onions are fed by continuous irrigation of the roots with a solution of fertilizers in the form of an aerosol, which contributes to the maximum saturation of the shoots with oxygen and the achievement of the highest yield.

Cultivation technologies

For growing green onions at home, two main technologies are used - obtaining seedlings from seeds and forcing a feather from last year's small bulbs, also called sets:
  1. Seed use. The seeds purchased or obtained independently are heated, soaked in water, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in continuous lines with an interval between rows of 7–10 cm. When planning the cultivation of onions from seeds in one season, it must be taken into account that the growing season in this case takes two to three months, and the feather is thin and short, since all the forces of the plant are concentrated on the formation of the bulb.
  2. The use of sevka. The growing season does not exceed one month: even in open ground, four crops can be obtained per season. To grow green onions, varietal types of sets or a sample are bought - medium-sized bulbs with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which are planted in two ways:
  • Sostovym - the bed is completely covered with bulbs touching each other, and the planting density is 15–22 kg / m²;
  • Tape - the bulbs are planted in two lines with an interval of 3–4 cm and a line spacing of 10–20 cm.

Obviously, the bridge method allows you to get the maximum yield per square meter - up to 16 kilograms of green onions. The sequence of operations for planting material according to this method is as follows:

  • The top of each bulb is cut off at the shoulders, and then the planting material is kept in hot water for several hours;
  • Bulbs are planted closely, without gaps, on beds or in trays, deepening them into the ground by about half;
  • After planting, the plantation is watered abundantly.

It should be remembered that with such a planting density, the cost of purchasing planting material also increases proportionally, so the choice of one method or another requires preliminary calculations.


A large bulb contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for forcing beautiful green feathers. However, when planting seedlings, the plant’s own resources are not enough to get a good harvest, therefore, among other preparatory measures, time must be allocated for preparing a soil mixture enriched with organic matter.

Onions prefer light and breathable sandy loam or loam, but forming crusts. The pH value should be neutral, because high acidity has a negative effect on plant growth. The ideal option seems to be ordinary garden soil mixed with peat and sand. The main inorganic fertilizers should also be added to this mixture:

  • Nitrogen - 10 g/m²;
  • Phosphoric anhydride - 7–7.5 g / m²;
  • Potassium oxide - 18–20 g / m².

Planting material is purchased in the fall: the required amount of sets or samples can be bought from farmers or wholesalers. Bulbs suitable for forcing are characterized by the presence of at least two or three shoot buds: to make sure the quality of the batch, you need to take a few at random from each bag and cut them across.

In addition, the bulbs are often treated with a priming inhibiting compound that prevents them from sprouting during storage. Of course, such planting material is unsuitable for further use. That is why it is recommended to buy a sample immediately after harvesting: in this case, the likelihood of no chemical treatment is much higher.

Cultivation and care

The productivity of a crop is determined not only by the composition of the soil: the high yield of onions is equally determined by proper care and providing microclimatic conditions comfortable for the plant. According to the requirements of the technology for growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, during the forcing process, attention should be paid to the following issues:

Temperature regime

The culture grows better in relatively cool air, therefore, when planting seeds, the temperature is set at 23–24 ° C until the first shoots appear, and then gradually reduced to 18 ° C. At night, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 13–15°C with a humidity of 75–85%.


Given the reduction of daylight hours in the cold season, onions must be additionally illuminated so that the total duration of the light period is 13–15 hours per day. The recommended light level is 3000 lux: when there is a lack of light, the feathers grow pale yellow and tasteless. Lamps are placed strictly above the beds to avoid creases and lodging of young shoots.


Onions should be watered regularly, with exceptionally warm water, periodically dissolving in it medications and fertilizers. An example irrigation scheme is as follows:

  • The first time the soil is moistened immediately after planting, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The recommended rate is 7–10 l / m². If the farmer is confident in the cleanliness and sterility of the soil, the absence of pests, fungal spores and mold in it, then adding disinfectants to the water can be abandoned;
  • A week later, during the second watering, Fitosporin is dissolved in water, designed to combat various diseases. The approximate rate of fluid consumption is 3–5 l / m²;
  • In the future, the onions are watered every 4-5 days according to the norm of 5-6 l / m².

top dressing

When using fertile soils saturated with organic substances, onions should not be fed. On sawdust and depleted soils, 14 days after planting, it is necessary to perform a single top dressing with a 0.15% solution of nitrophoska or a 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate. You can also water the beds with a 0.2% solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Pest protection

Feathers that have grown to 15 cm must be treated with an aqueous solution of liquid soap and copper sulfate (one spoon per bucket of water) according to the norm of 0.5 l / m². Plants that show signs of fungus, bloom, or drying of the leaves should be destroyed to avoid infecting the entire plantation.


If the above requirements are met, onion feathers reach a commercial length of 30 cm in about three weeks. Starting harvesting, the leaves are slightly compressed into a bundle at a distance of 10–13 cm from the bulb, and then cut off at a height of 4–5 cm. Small shoots and arrows fall out.

The collected onions are placed in plastic bags and kept at a temperature of 12–15 ° C for two hours. Then the bags are sealed and laid out in boxes, placing the plants with roots in one direction. It is not recommended to fill the container to the top in order to avoid damage to the greens during storage and transportation. In anticipation of the sale, onions are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ° C for 20 days.

Important for successful implementation is appearance products. Therefore, you need to cut the feathers carefully so as not to damage them, not to stain them in the ground and not to wipe off the wax coating from the leaves that retains moisture inside. A high-quality product that attracts the attention of buyers and dealers has a length of 25–30 cm and a rich dark green color.

Sales organization

Aspiring entrepreneurs are usually confident that customers will sweep fresh onions off the shelves at any time of the year. However, in reality, the sales situation is not so optimistic: firstly, the high price of the product in the off-season scares off low-income customers, and secondly, few people buy more than two or three bunches at a time. Thus, it is almost impossible to quickly sell a ton of green feathers without significant effort, and therefore, in the business plan for growing onions, the following ways to sell goods should be considered separately:

  • Wholesale. In almost every region there are companies that buy agricultural products in bulk. In addition, you can use the Internet: on virtual trading floors both buyers and sellers place their ads. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive;
  • Sale to catering establishments. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to make some efforts and convince the owners of cafes, canteens and restaurants already working with some suppliers of the prospects for cooperation;
  • Work with grocery stores. For buyers of this kind, price, volumes, delivery times, availability of returns and deferred payment are important. In addition, products for sale are accepted in packaged form, and therefore the farmer will have to include the cost of purchasing packaging material in the business plan;
  • Self sale. This method is associated with maximum costs: to sell green onions in kiosks and markets, it is necessary to hire sellers and equip outlets refrigeration equipment.

It should also be noted that in order to grow onions all year round, a business will have to be registered: having the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm simplifies the procedure for issuing certificates of conformity for products and allows you to provide customers with various accompanying documents having legal force.

Greenhouse equipment

As a business, growing feather onions requires careful preparation. production base. First of all, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations in order to determine the necessary quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the equipment. Thus, the creation of a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​175 m² includes the purchase and installation of equipment according to the following specification:

  1. Hothouse frame. The basis is a serial model with a width of 7.5 m and a length of 23.4 m, made of a shaped metal pipe and installed on a strip concrete foundation;
  2. Coating. In cold climates, cellular polycarbonate 8–10 mm thick serves as a covering material. The polymer is characterized by high light transmission and low heat transfer coefficient, which allows minimizing energy consumption for creating optimal conditions for growing green onions;
  3. Shelving. To ensure quick heating of the soil in the beds and to facilitate access to plants, a multi-tiered shelving system should be installed in the greenhouse. At the same time, onions are planted in wooden or plastic trays placed on shelves;
  4. Lighting. The level of illumination required for growing green onions in winter under conditions of short daylight hours is created by fixing a sodium, halogen or LED lamp over each shelf, the latter option allowing you to create the required luminous flux when minimum flow electricity;
  5. Irrigation. To automate the irrigation process in greenhouse complexes, drip systems are used, which allow not only to control the amount of moisture entering the beds, but also to feed the plants by dissolving fertilizers in water. In the absence of such, the beds can be watered with an ordinary watering can;
  6. Ventilation. When growing onions for greens in environment stands out carbon dioxide, which is removed using ceiling exhaust fans with a capacity of 1600 m³ / h each. At the same time, fresh air enters through air intakes protected by filters from pests. Each air intake is additionally equipped with a water heat exchanger designed to heat the incoming air flow;
  7. Heating. The basis of the heating system is a hot water boiler connected with polypropylene pipes to radiators located along the walls. The calculation shows that the heat loss from the surface of the greenhouse at an outdoor temperature of –30°C is at least 48–50 kW. Thus, taking into account the margin, the required boiler power is assumed to be 70 kW.

Greenhouse equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Greenhouse arched length 23.4 m 290000 1 290000
Concrete greenhouse foundation 80000 1 80000
Bunk rack 1.2x0.6 m 2500 96 240000
Growing tray 40x60x7 cm 230 576 132480
Hot water boiler 80 kW 90000 1 90000
Propylene pipe 25 mm 75 200 m 15000
Radiator 6100 16 97600
Phytolamp LED 25 W 1350 192 259200
Electric cable 50 300 m 15000
Automatic switch 200 6 1200
Exhaust fan 3500 2 7000
Air filter 600 4 2400
air intake 1100 2 2200
Water heat exchanger 4000 2 8000
Irrigation tank 2 m³ 25000 1 25000
Water pump 3500 1 3500
drip irrigation system 1400 12 16800
Optional equipment
cooling chamber 45000 1 45000
garden tools 6000
Thermohygrometer 1200 2 2400
Plastic containers 25 100 2500
Total: 1341280


Growing onions in a greenhouse is a business that requires serious investment. industrial scale production. Entrepreneur who already has land plot the required sizes, first of all, it is necessary to purchase equipment and register your activities with the relevant authorities: the total costs for these items are 1,342,080 rubles.

The next group of expenses is associated with the purchase of raw materials necessary for growing green onions - planting material, soil, fertilizers. It should be noted that for a duration production cycle in 45 days, plants can be planted and harvested eight times a year (twice per season):

  • Planting material. With the bridge planting method, up to 150 bulbs with a diameter of 4 cm and a weight of 40 g each are placed in a tray of 40x60 cm. Thus, in terms of 576 trays, the weight of the planting material is 3460 kg. The cost of sowing at wholesale bases is 18 rubles per kilogram;
  • Priming. To fill the specified number of trays in each cycle, it is necessary to prepare or buy 9.7 m³ of substrate at a price of 800 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Firewood. Dry chopped firewood is purchased once a year: to heat the greenhouse during the cold period, it is enough to prepare 90–100 m³ of logs. The cost of birch firewood is 1300 rubles/m³, pine firewood is 900 rubles/m³;
  • Lighting. With a total lamp power of 4.8 kW, electricity consumption is 28.8 kW per day in winter, and 14.4 kW per day in autumn and spring, due to a change in the length of daylight hours. In summer, when growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, artificial lighting is not required.

Current expenses

Article Winter Spring Summer Autumn Amount, rub.
Sevok, 6920 kg 124416 124416 124416 124416 497664
Greenhouse soil, 19.4 m³ 15480 15480 15480 15480 61920
Fertilizers, 10 kg 8000 8000 8000 8000 32000
Firewood, 100 m³ 130000 130000
Lighting 3370 1685 1685 6740
Certification 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000
Connection 1000 1000 1000 1000 4000
Fare 2000 2000 2000 2000 8000
Total: 752324

Income and profitability

Experienced gardeners claim that the total mass of green leaves at the first cut reaches 50-70% of the initial weight of the bulb. The onion growing tray per feather holds 6 kg of planting material: the expected crop weight is 3.6 kg (7.2 kg per season). Given the price fluctuations depending on the time of year, it is possible to calculate the profitability of this type of agricultural activity:

Income from the sale of onions

Obviously, as a business, growing onions for feathers is characterized by a high level of profitability: the total profit of the farmer exceeds 2.07 million rubles a year. Other economic indicators businesses look like this:

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Farmers without proper training should not start with a large-scale enterprise and invest millions in the construction of an industrial greenhouse complex. For those who do not have experience in agricultural activities, it is better to test your strength in a small greenhouse or plant bulbs in open ground. In two or three seasons, it is quite possible to master the intricacies of green cultivation technology, develop a customer base, collect the necessary information and determine what onion cultivation is as a business: video materials on this topic can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

This idea, in the presence of sales markets, has significant expansion potential: profit margins allow installing new greenhouses every year, planting different kinds greens (for example, dill and parsley), hire workers and increase production. Thus, with a well-thought-out strategy and a medium-sized greenhouse, you can turn your small business into a large supplier of agricultural products in five to six years.