Onions in winter for sale. Green onions for sale: a business project for everyone. The subtleties of the implementation of green onions

Green onions organically complement the taste of many dishes, giving it fresh spring notes and at the same time saturating food with various vitamins. This product is in demand all year round, however, you can find it on the shelves in abundance only in summer, when farmers and villagers harvest from open ground.

Considering the cultivation of onions as a business, you can see that this species activity is not only cost-effective, but also accessible to beginners: agricultural technology is a set of simple and understandable operations, and the culture itself does not require complex care and the creation of special microclimatic conditions. Therefore, even novice entrepreneurs who follow the recommendations can plant several beds and get a good harvest with minimal labor.

Business features

The technology of growing onions on a feather at home is known to every housewife: in the spring, on the windowsills of many houses and apartments, you can see jars and glasses filled with onions filled with water. However, such primitive hydroponic installations can hardly be called productive: the resulting crop is not enough even to meet personal needs. Therefore, in business we are talking about a slightly different scale: in summer, onions are massively cultivated in beds directly in open ground, and in winter, heated and unheated greenhouse complexes are used for these purposes.

If there is a land plot, the summer option seems to be the easiest, since only planting material, water and fertilizers are needed to grow onions for sale. However, in the warm season, the farmer competes with numerous summer residents and rural residents, who massively fill the markets with their goods. As a result, supply exceeds demand by many times, the price decreases, and the timely sale of perishable products is in jeopardy.

The situation looks somewhat different in the off-season and in winter: there are no green onions on the market in principle, and a few suppliers cannot cope with the demands of shops and supermarkets. As a result, the price of fresh feathers increases four to five times, which fully compensates for the huge costs of maintaining greenhouse complexes. Moreover, cultivation of feather onions in a greenhouse in winter under controlled conditions leads to a 30-50% increase in crop productivity and allows harvesting every 35-45 days.

Given the above, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the business idea of ​​growing onions. The first are the following factors:

  • Even in winter, the profitability of the enterprise exceeds 150%;
  • There are special varieties that can be cultivated all year round;
  • Greens are constantly in high demand among buyers;
  • A business can be started on a personal plot in a small greenhouse;
  • The technology of growing green onions in greenhouses is accessible and understandable for beginners;
  • A huge sales market allows you to quickly find buyers without significant marketing costs.

Listing the main disadvantages of the business, it should be noted that:

  • The cost of an industrial greenhouse complex exceeds the capabilities of many start-up entrepreneurs;
  • Market price fluctuations can be unpredictable;
  • Products are characterized by a short shelf life;
  • At the beginning of summer, the level of competition exceeds reasonable limits.

Varieties for cultivation

The construction and maintenance of winter greenhouses is expensive for the entrepreneur. Therefore, considering the cultivation of green onions as a business, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the selection of productive varieties that can grow and give a good harvest in artificial conditions. For example, in autumn and winter, it is pointless to plant onions indoors, since this species is characterized by a long dormant period: at this time, the rudiments of shoots are still absent in the bulbs - accordingly, even with the use of special technologies, they will not germinate.

Fortunately, there are other types of onions in which the dormant period does not exceed a few weeks - batun, multi-tiered, chives, slime or shallots:

  1. Bow-batun. The leaves are identical in appearance and taste to the feathers of an ordinary onion species, however, this variety does not form a real bulb, so farmers are more likely to grow onions for greens from seeds. At a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 80–85%, the yield of a batun reaches 3.5–4 kg/m²;
  2. Leek. Broad feathers, reminiscent of garlic, grow on a thick white stem, which is also edible. For its formation, shoots obtained from seeds are planted in grooves 8–10 cm deep, gradually pouring earth in the process of growth. The average crop yield is 2 kg/m²;
  3. Shallot. It also resembles onions, but differs from it in strong branching and the structure of the bulb, more like garlic: up to 10 lobes are formed in each nest, simultaneously releasing shoots. Feathers up to 30 cm long can be collected after a month; the yield in this case is 3–4 kg / m²;
  4. Chives. Not only long narrow leaves are eaten, but also false bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter. The yield reaches 3 kg / m², however, this variety needs a special lighting regime - otherwise the shoots grow thin and pale green. Propagate chives by dividing the rhizome;
  5. Slime onion. A feature of this species are wide feathers with a garlic smell, filled with slimy juice. The perennial slug does not have a dormant period and grows continuously, with the maximum yield being achieved in the third year - up to 4.5 kg / m². For reproduction with equal success, they practice growing onions from seeds and dividing the rhizome into shoots;
  6. Onions are multi-tiered. Also called Egyptian. It is characterized by the formation of small air bulbs at the ends of the shoots, from which young feathers subsequently grow. In 25-40 days, the leaves grow up to 45 cm, and the yield reaches 4 kg / m². The Egyptian onion is grown from both underground and air bulbs;
  7. Onion. The most common species, which expels feathers up to 30 cm long in a month. Southern varieties with a short dormant period are used to grow green onions at home. The crop yield when using intensive technologies reaches 13–15 kg/m².

Growing methods

To grow onions, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients and moisture to its roots. Suitable methods for this can be classified according to the method of planting plants and the type of soil:

  1. In the soil. As soil, light types of soils saturated with organic matter are used - for example, garden soil or a mixture of peat and sand. At the same time, agricultural technology is the same for all varieties, differences are observed only in the method of reproduction. In open ground, seeds are planted in early spring for a summer harvest, or at the end of summer for overwintering plants under the snow. In the greenhouse, seeds are sown at any time, and last year's planting material - at the end of the dormant period, the duration of which is determined by the type of onion;
  2. On sawdust. The main advantages of sawdust are its loose structure and the ability to retain water well. However, this material does not contain nutrients in a form available to plants, so the beds should be regularly watered with a solution of NPK-complex fertilizers, adding wood ash and saltpeter as necessary. On the other hand, the sawdust does not stick to the feathers at all and does not pollute the bulbs, which somewhat simplifies the harvesting process. In addition, this material does not need to be changed after each cycle - it is enough to pour a fresh layer of 2-3 cm on top and pour it abundantly;
  3. On hydroponics. Hydroponic technology for growing onions involves the use of special mats saturated with a nutrient solution. As a basis for them, coconut fiber is used, which has an optimal structure for the root system and good hygroscopicity. For the rapid development of the roots, the plants are kept in the dark for the first 10 days, and at the end of their germination, they switch to normal duration. daylight hours;
  4. On aeroponics. Aeroponic installations do not use any type of substrate at all, which eliminates contact with dirt and prevents the development of many types of diseases. The essence of the method is as follows: plants are placed in special containers so that the entire root system is in the air. Onions are fed by continuous irrigation of the roots with a solution of fertilizers in the form of an aerosol, which contributes to the maximum saturation of the shoots with oxygen and the achievement of the highest yield.

Cultivation technologies

For growing green onions at home, two main technologies are used - obtaining seedlings from seeds and forcing a feather from last year's small bulbs, also called sets:
  1. Seed use. The seeds purchased or obtained independently are heated, soaked in water, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in continuous lines with an interval between rows of 7–10 cm. When planning the cultivation of onions from seeds in one season, it must be taken into account that the growing season in this case takes two to three months, and the feather is thin and short, since all the forces of the plant are concentrated on the formation of the bulb.
  2. The use of sevka. The growing season does not exceed one month: even in open ground, four crops can be obtained per season. To grow green onions, varietal types of sets or a sample are bought - medium-sized bulbs with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which are planted in two ways:
  • Sostovym - the bed is completely covered with bulbs touching each other, and the planting density is 15–22 kg / m²;
  • Tape - the bulbs are planted in two lines with an interval of 3–4 cm and a line spacing of 10–20 cm.

Obviously, the bridge method allows you to get the maximum yield per square meter - up to 16 kilograms of green onions. The sequence of operations for planting material according to this method is as follows:

  • The top of each bulb is cut off at the shoulders, and then the planting material is kept in hot water for several hours;
  • Bulbs are planted closely, without gaps, on beds or in trays, deepening them into the ground by about half;
  • After planting, the plantation is watered abundantly.

It should be remembered that with such a planting density, the cost of purchasing also increases proportionally. planting material Therefore, the choice of one or another method requires preliminary calculations.


A large bulb contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for forcing beautiful green feathers. However, when planting seedlings, the plant’s own resources are not enough to get a good harvest, therefore, among other preparatory measures, time must be allocated for preparing a soil mixture enriched with organic matter.

Onions prefer light and breathable sandy loam or loam, but forming crusts. The pH value should be neutral, because high acidity has a negative effect on plant growth. The ideal option seems to be ordinary garden soil mixed with peat and sand. The main inorganic fertilizers should also be added to this mixture:

  • Nitrogen - 10 g/m²;
  • Phosphoric anhydride - 7–7.5 g / m²;
  • Potassium oxide - 18–20 g / m².

Planting material is purchased in the fall: the required amount of sets or samples can be bought from farmers or wholesalers. Bulbs suitable for forcing are characterized by the presence of at least two or three shoot buds: to make sure the quality of the batch, you need to take a few at random from each bag and cut them across.

In addition, the bulbs are often treated with a priming inhibiting compound that prevents them from sprouting during storage. Of course, such planting material is unsuitable for further use. That is why it is recommended to buy a sample immediately after harvesting: in this case, the likelihood of no chemical treatment is much higher.

Cultivation and care

The productivity of a crop is determined not only by the composition of the soil: the high yield of onions is equally determined by proper care and providing microclimatic conditions comfortable for the plant. According to the requirements of the technology for growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, during the forcing process, attention should be paid to the following issues:

Temperature regime

The culture grows better in relatively cool air, therefore, when planting seeds, the temperature is set at 23–24 ° C until the first shoots appear, and then gradually reduced to 18 ° C. At night, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 13–15°C with a humidity of 75–85%.


Given the reduction of daylight hours in the cold season, onions must be additionally illuminated so that the total duration of the light period is 13–15 hours per day. The recommended light level is 3000 lux: when there is a lack of light, the feathers grow pale yellow and tasteless. Lamps are placed strictly above the beds to avoid creases and lodging of young shoots.


Onions should be watered regularly, with exceptionally warm water, periodically dissolving in it medications and fertilizers. An example irrigation scheme is as follows:

  • The first time the soil is moistened immediately after planting, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The recommended rate is 7–10 l / m². If the farmer is confident in the cleanliness and sterility of the soil, the absence of pests, fungal spores and mold in it, then adding disinfectants to the water can be abandoned;
  • A week later, during the second watering, Fitosporin is dissolved in water, designed to combat various diseases. The approximate rate of fluid consumption is 3–5 l / m²;
  • In the future, the onions are watered every 4-5 days according to the norm of 5-6 l / m².

top dressing

When using fertile soils saturated with organic substances, onions should not be fed. On sawdust and depleted soils, 14 days after planting, it is necessary to perform a single top dressing with a 0.15% solution of nitrophoska or a 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate. You can also water the beds with a 0.2% solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Pest protection

Feathers that have grown to 15 cm should be treated with an aqueous solution of liquid soap and blue vitriol(one spoon per bucket of water) according to the norm of 0.5 l / m². Plants that show signs of fungus, bloom, or drying of the leaves should be destroyed to avoid infecting the entire plantation.


If the above requirements are met, onion feathers reach a commercial length of 30 cm in about three weeks. Starting harvesting, the leaves are slightly compressed into a bundle at a distance of 10–13 cm from the bulb, and then cut off at a height of 4–5 cm. Small shoots and arrows fall out.

The collected onions are placed in plastic bags and kept at a temperature of 12–15 ° C for two hours. Then the bags are sealed and laid out in boxes, placing the plants with roots in one direction. It is not recommended to fill the container to the top in order to avoid damage to the greens during storage and transportation. In anticipation of the sale, onions are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ° C for 20 days.

Important for successful implementation is appearance products. Therefore, you need to cut the feathers carefully so as not to damage them, not to stain them in the ground and not to wipe off the wax coating from the leaves that retains moisture inside. A high-quality product that attracts the attention of buyers and dealers has a length of 25–30 cm and a rich dark green color.

Sales organization

Aspiring entrepreneurs are usually confident that customers will sweep fresh onions off the shelves at any time of the year. However, in reality, the sales situation is not so optimistic: firstly, the high price of the product in the off-season scares off low-income customers, and secondly, few people buy more than two or three bunches at a time. Thus, it is almost impossible to quickly sell a ton of green feathers without significant effort, and therefore, in the business plan for growing onions, the following ways to sell goods should be considered separately:

  • Wholesale. In almost every region there are companies that buy agricultural products in bulk. In addition, you can use the Internet: on virtual trading floors both buyers and sellers place their ads. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive;
  • Sale to catering establishments. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to make some efforts and convince the owners of cafes, canteens and restaurants already working with some suppliers of the prospects for cooperation;
  • Working with grocery stores For buyers of this kind, price, volumes, delivery times, availability of returns and deferred payment are important. In addition, products for sale are accepted in packaged form, and therefore the farmer will have to include the cost of purchasing packaging material in the business plan;
  • Self sale. This method is associated with maximum costs: to sell green onions in kiosks and markets, it is necessary to hire sellers and equip retail outlets with refrigeration equipment.

It should also be noted that in order to grow onions all year round, a business will have to be registered: having the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm simplifies the procedure for issuing certificates of conformity for products and allows you to provide customers with various accompanying documents having legal force.

Greenhouse equipment

As a business, growing feather onions requires careful preparation. production base. First of all, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations in order to determine the necessary quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the equipment. Thus, the creation of a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​175 m² includes the purchase and installation of equipment according to the following specification:

  1. Hothouse frame. The basis is a serial model with a width of 7.5 m and a length of 23.4 m, made of a shaped metal pipe and installed on a strip concrete foundation;
  2. Coating. In cold climates, cellular polycarbonate 8–10 mm thick serves as a covering material. The polymer is characterized by high light transmission and low heat transfer coefficient, which allows minimizing energy consumption for creating optimal conditions for growing green onions;
  3. Shelving. To ensure quick heating of the soil in the beds and to facilitate access to plants, a multi-tiered shelving system should be installed in the greenhouse. At the same time, onions are planted in wooden or plastic trays placed on shelves;
  4. Lighting. The level of illumination required for growing green onions in winter under conditions of short daylight hours is created by fixing a sodium, halogen or LED lamp over each shelf, the latter option allowing you to create the required luminous flux when minimum flow electricity;
  5. Irrigation. To automate the irrigation process in greenhouse complexes, drip systems are used, which allow not only to control the amount of moisture entering the beds, but also to feed the plants by dissolving fertilizers in water. In the absence of such, the beds can be watered with an ordinary watering can;
  6. Ventilation. When growing onions for greens in environment stands out carbon dioxide, which is removed using ceiling exhaust fans with a capacity of 1600 m³ / h each. At the same time, fresh air enters through air intakes protected by filters from pests. Each air intake is additionally equipped with a water heat exchanger designed to heat the incoming air flow;
  7. Heating. The basis of the heating system is a hot water boiler connected with polypropylene pipes to radiators located along the walls. The calculation shows that the heat loss from the surface of the greenhouse at an outdoor temperature of –30°C is at least 48–50 kW. Thus, taking into account the margin, the required boiler power is assumed to be 70 kW.

Greenhouse equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Greenhouse arched length 23.4 m 290000 1 290000
Concrete greenhouse foundation 80000 1 80000
Bunk rack 1.2x0.6 m 2500 96 240000
Growing tray 40x60x7 cm 230 576 132480
Hot water boiler 80 kW 90000 1 90000
Propylene pipe 25 mm 75 200 m 15000
Radiator 6100 16 97600
Phytolamp LED 25 W 1350 192 259200
Electric cable 50 300 m 15000
Automatic switch 200 6 1200
Exhaust fan 3500 2 7000
Air filter 600 4 2400
air intake 1100 2 2200
Water heat exchanger 4000 2 8000
Irrigation tank 2 m³ 25000 1 25000
Water pump 3500 1 3500
drip irrigation system 1400 12 16800
Optional equipment
cooling chamber 45000 1 45000
garden tools 6000
Thermohygrometer 1200 2 2400
Plastic containers 25 100 2500
Total: 1341280


Growing onions in a greenhouse is a business that requires serious investment. industrial scale production. Entrepreneur who already has land plot the required sizes, first of all, it is necessary to purchase equipment and register your activities with the relevant authorities: the total costs for these items are 1,342,080 rubles.

The next group of expenses is associated with the purchase of raw materials necessary for growing green onions - planting material, soil, fertilizers. It should be noted that with a production cycle of 45 days, plants can be planted and harvested eight times a year (twice per season):

  • Planting material. With the bridge planting method, up to 150 bulbs with a diameter of 4 cm and a weight of 40 g each are placed in a tray of 40x60 cm. Thus, in terms of 576 trays, the weight of the planting material is 3460 kg. The cost of sowing at wholesale bases is 18 rubles per kilogram;
  • Priming. To fill the specified number of trays in each cycle, it is necessary to prepare or buy 9.7 m³ of substrate at a price of 800 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Firewood. Dry chopped firewood is purchased once a year: to heat the greenhouse during the cold period, it is enough to prepare 90–100 m³ of logs. The cost of birch firewood is 1300 rubles/m³, pine firewood is 900 rubles/m³;
  • Lighting. With a total lamp power of 4.8 kW, electricity consumption is 28.8 kW per day in winter, and 14.4 kW per day in autumn and spring, due to a change in the length of daylight hours. In summer, when growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, artificial lighting is not required.

Current expenses

Article Winter Spring Summer Autumn Amount, rub.
Sevok, 6920 kg 124416 124416 124416 124416 497664
Greenhouse soil, 19.4 m³ 15480 15480 15480 15480 61920
Fertilizers, 10 kg 8000 8000 8000 8000 32000
Firewood, 100 m³ 130000 130000
Lighting 3370 1685 1685 6740
Certification 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000
Connection 1000 1000 1000 1000 4000
Fare 2000 2000 2000 2000 8000
Total: 752324

Income and profitability

Experienced gardeners claim that the total mass of green leaves at the first cut reaches 50-70% of the initial weight of the bulb. The onion growing tray per feather holds 6 kg of planting material: the expected crop weight is 3.6 kg (7.2 kg per season). Given the price fluctuations depending on the time of year, it is possible to calculate the profitability of this type of agricultural activity:

Income from the sale of onions

Obviously, as a business, growing onions for feathers is characterized by a high level of profitability: the total profit of the farmer exceeds 2.07 million rubles a year. Other economic indicators businesses look like this:

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Economic indicators


Farmers without proper training should not start with a large-scale enterprise and invest millions in the construction of an industrial greenhouse complex. For those who do not have experience in agricultural activities, it is better to test your strength in a small greenhouse or plant bulbs in open ground. In two or three seasons, it is quite possible to master the intricacies of green cultivation technology, develop a client base, collect necessary information and define what constitutes growing onions as a business: video materials on this topic can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

This idea, in the presence of sales markets, has significant expansion potential: profit margins allow installing new greenhouses every year, planting different kinds greens (for example, dill and parsley), hire workers and increase production. Thus, with a well-thought-out strategy and a medium-sized greenhouse, you can turn your small business into a large supplier of agricultural products in five to six years.

As I already wrote in the review of the most attractive green business ideas. One of the most "favorite" areas for many beginners is the cultivation of onions on a feather. Such attachment and faith is not entirely clear to me personally, because in fact it is the onion that does not generate more income than the cultivation of parsley, radish or dill. However, it has a number of significant nuances. But first things first.

And so, if you decide to start growing onions for sale, we are talking specifically about onions for a feather, then you should definitely think about your own greenhouse. At the same time, when designing a greenhouse, for growing onions, it is worth considering a number of nuances:

  • The first is heating. Growing onions on a feather is quite troublesome and to get maximum profit the ripening period of at least two harvests must fall on winter period. How and with what to heat it is an individual matter, but you should immediately calculate how much such a pleasure will cost. Practice shows that the use of electricity and natural gas far from the best option. The cost of the first and second is constantly growing and a sharp jump in prices can bankrupt the whole idea. The best option in our country is the use of firewood, since there is a lot of wood, of course, in such a way that original solutions will be used that will not only provide cheap heat, but also make the process not so laborious.
  • The second is watering. This is not to say that growing onions for sale requires some special conditions watering, but the possibility of basal feeding is required. In practice, this means that watering is best done through a container.
  • The third - onion is a capricious culture, at least from the point of view of growing a green feather. Large fluctuations in temperature, high humidity or low humidity immediately find their reflection on the green pen. That is, the crop loses its presentation and all the work goes down the drain. So, it is imperative to provide for the possibility of airing and, of course, studying the basics of growing with mandatory application corresponding chemistry.

Now a number of highlights when growing onions for sale:

The first and perhaps most important. This is disease prevention, those who have not been involved in the cultivation of green onions have no idea how quickly a green feather loses its marketable appearance during an outbreak of major diseases, especially since we are talking about a greenhouse where the disease spreads at a tremendous speed. De facto, the entire greenhouse can "die" in just a few days.

Second - trade dress. The big mistake of many who are just starting to grow onions for sale is to plant the entire area at the same time. It is worth remembering that any onion has several growth phases and the plant reaches the marketable condition at the “junction” of two phases, between the full maturation of the “feather” and the release of the flower “arrow”. As we ourselves understand, it is a pity to harvest earlier, we do not get the maximum yield. But when the flower “arrow” is released, the bow loses its marketable condition (they no longer want to buy it). And if the entire greenhouse "reached" the condition at the same time, you simply physically do not have time to remove it in time. It is optimal to plant in beds at intervals of 6-7 days, then we get systematic maturation.

Third - pre-sale preparation. This moment is literally always forgotten, remember in what form do you buy green onions? Of course, clean, without bulbs and tied. Now imagine the cleaning process itself! Quite right, this is a laborious and rather tedious process, which is usually done either by employees (for a separate fee) or the whole family, and this expense item in this greenery business is very tangible, because payment is directly related to the amount of product cleaned and brought to mind.

Fourth - planting material. Green business on the bow has another serious pitfall associated with planting material. With traditional growing technology, bulbs are used as planting material and at first glance there are no problems, but if you have built a greenhouse and are going to harvest several crops, then the question arises of how and where to store the planting material. If stored incorrectly, the bulbs will germinate ahead of time and you will not get a conditioned green feather from them. And they will need to be stored for at least six months, or even more. So, when calculating a business plan for growing onions in a greenhouse, do not forget about arranging a place to store planting material.

We will talk about the technology itself with a description of temperatures, terms and, of course, the calculation of a business plan for growing green onions for sale in a separate article, do not forget to subscribe. Now I’ll add that with all the minuses, there is one huge plus of such a green business, which is the presence of huge demand at any time of the year, which is also not unimportant when organizing your business.

As a postscript, I’ll add that if you equip your own greenhouse on a personal plot, then you shouldn’t worry about paying taxes, you really don’t pay taxes in the country. If we are talking about more or less industrial scale, then you should think about it and start counting the options.

Interesting on this topic

Growing green onions for sale is a home business.

The business of growing green onions is relevant from October to April. In the spring and summer, when onions are grown in gardens, their value in markets and retail outlets drops significantly, so onions for sale should be grown no earlier than October.

The price of onion greens increases significantly in December closer to new year holidays and is 400 - 500 rubles. for 1 kg. During this period, you can make good money selling onions.

Growing onions for sale at home

Almost any room, even a garage, can be adapted for growing onion greens. The presence of windows in the room for distillation is optional, the bow is not very picky about sunlight and you can limit yourself to backlighting from fluorescent lamps.

The main condition is the temperature in the room, which must be maintained at about + 15 ° C. To reduce heat loss, the same garage can be insulated from the inside with any available insulation.

For forcing onions on a feather, you can use a basement, garage, a room in a house, a greenhouse, an insulated barn or a utility room.

Now the room needs to be arranged. It is more practical to grow onions for greens on racks. Shallow boxes or plywood sheets with 5 cm rail sides are placed on the racks, polyethylene is laid on the bottom.

Racks are placed one above the other at a distance of at least 70 cm between them.

Above each rack you need to install fluorescent lamps, you can also use ordinary household light bulbs.

Growing conditions for onions.

The key to successful onion feather forcing is in planting material, not every bulb is suitable for feather forcing. It's all about the number of cobs in the bulb, to check the number of cobs you need to take a few onions from the bag and cut them in half. If there is one cob in the bulbs, then it is better not to use such an onion for distillation, the yield of feather greens from such an onion will be small. For forcing onion greens, you need to use bulbs with at least 2-3 cobs, and preferably with 3 more cobs, the feather yield from such bulbs will be maximum.

The soil is covered on the racks with a layer of 3 - 5 cm.

After planting the bulbs, the soil must be moistened, the soil must be moist, the water must not stand, otherwise the bulbs may rot. In the future, as the onion grows, the soil is periodically watered.

With constant lighting and maintaining the temperature in the room + 15 - 17 ° C, onion greens will reach a height of 40 cm within 25 - 30 days. When the pen reaches 40 cm, you can start harvesting.

The onion feather is freed from the bulbs, collected in bunches, weighed on a scale. Usually the weight of onion bunches is 70 - 80 g. The bunches can be wrapped with cling film or tied with a rubber band. Finished bundles are placed in boxes and sent for sale.

Growing onions on a feather business.

Growing onion greens is only half the battle, it also needs to be implemented. There are several options here.

Get around coming grocery stores, retail outlets in the market, vegetable stalls and offer a supply of greens at a wholesale price, in this case you need to independently deliver onions to retail outlets 2-3 times a week. The rest of the onion that did not sell, you will have to take it back. If you deliver small batches to outlets, then the whole is usually sold.

As an option, you can independently sell onion greens in the market, for this you only need to pay for a place for trading. Register for onion trade entrepreneurial activity no need.

Growing onions video.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse, the video shows the process of planting onions.

Another original way of growing onions on a feather in plastic vegetable boxes. In this method, soil is not required, boxes with bulbs are slightly immersed in water.

Agriculture is one of the most promising directions for doing business. Demand fresh vegetables persists throughout the year, and production costs are easily regulated by the way of cultivation. Most farmers start their business by growing onions, as this is an unpretentious crop that can produce a rich harvest in any climatic conditions. To get started, you need not only to register as individual entrepreneur, but also to draw up a detailed business project that takes into account all the details of the process.

Features of a business plan for growing green onions

Onions are one of the most common crops for industrial and home cultivation. Harvest can be obtained even in the most severe climate, and if you follow the rules for planting care, proper prevention, you can minimize the risk of infection with pests and diseases. You can read more about processing onions before planting.

Growing onions on an industrial scale

Growing onions for sale is acceptable in open ground, a greenhouse or a specially prepared facility (for example, with a hydroponic method). According to statistics, when using equipped greenhouses, it is possible to achieve an increase in yield by 30-40%.

In recent years Agriculture received serious state support which greatly increased competition among farmers. Plus, green onions are produt, requiring certain conditions storage, which complicates the process of transportation and marketing. Growing onions for sale has a number of significant advantages:

  • varieties have been bred that allow growing a crop at any time of the year;
  • always available high demand on fresh greens;
  • on the early stages quite a small investment;
  • onion cultivation is suitable for beginner farmers;
  • There are several ways to market products.

Despite the large number of advantages, this type of farming has a number of important disadvantages that should be considered:

  • in order to achieve high yields, the costs of equipment for the greenhouse are necessary;
  • the price depends on the season, in summer the profit is significantly reduced;
  • for products short term storage and sale;
  • by mid-summer, competition reaches a high level.

Even at the stage of creating a business plan, you should analyze the state of the market, the relevance of products and think over the sales market. There are several ways to sell:

  • Wholesale trade. The most profitable way to sell finished products. In most localities there are wholesale companies that work directly with suppliers. In recent years, marketplaces for wholesale sales with a different functioning system (for example, auction).
  • Selling to establishments Catering . You will have to directly negotiate the supply of your goods. Most catering establishments already have regular suppliers, therefore, they need to offer favorable terms of the transaction to begin with. The demand for onion greens for cafes, restaurants or canteens does not depend on the season.
  • Grocery stores. When selling products retail stores it is important to remember that there is a risk of returning defective goods and replacing damaged products. We will have to put the packaging material in the expense items, since everything retail chains will definitely require packaging. At retail shop markup will be added to the products, so your bow will cost more, which may scare off potential buyers.
  • self sale. With small production volumes, it is most profitable to sell onions on your own in organized trading floors. This requires permission from the administrative authorities, as well as the necessary certificates of product quality conformity. In some situations, cash and refrigeration equipment may be required.

To sell onions in retail and wholesale networks, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm, as well as all the necessary certificates confirming the quality of your products.


The amount of expenses is determined by several factors - the onion variety, climate and soil features, and the method of cultivation. In each case, additional cost items are added, for example, for the transportation of goods or service cash register equipment, content outlet. Usually, the costs are reduced to the arrangement of the greenhouse, the purchase of planting material and fertilizers.

Necessary equipment

Equipment for growing onions for sale is purchased once, and then investments are required for the repair and replacement of devices.

An example of a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate

Allocate the following expenses:

  • Greenhouse. This is the largest item of expenditure, which can cover the income from the sale of onions in the first season. average price for a greenhouse measuring 3x8 meters is 20 thousand rubles. When it will take up to 500 thousand rubles for the construction of a polycarbonate structure.
  • Heating. Investments in greenhouse heating depend on the type of heating. To begin with, you can purchase an ordinary potbelly stove, but then you should prepare the fuel in advance. It will take up to 10,000 rubles to heat a greenhouse with birch firewood using a furnace method. It is better to immediately buy infrared heaters for high-quality space heating (average price - 2500 rubles, you need up to 7 devices).
  • Irrigation system. It is advisable to purchase an automatic irrigation system, but if you have access to a water source, you can limit yourself to a compressor and a hose system, which will cost 20-30 thousand rubles for a plot of 10 acres. At the first stages, you can purchase a large water container, as well as hand watering cans. It is important to follow the rules for watering onions both in the open field and in the greenhouse, otherwise you can lose the entire crop. How to water onions is described.
  • Lighting. Required only in winter for growing in greenhouse conditions. The figures for this article depend on the source of electricity and the tariff in your area. On average, it is necessary to lay down up to 7 thousand rubles for the use of electrical appliances in one season. Ordinary light bulbs are suitable as a light source, but it is better to purchase special light sources for agricultural purposes. It is not recommended to install incandescent lamps - they quickly fail and spend a large amount of electricity.
  • Ventilation. Airing the greenhouse is necessary for the harmonious growth and development of plants. The air circulation system depends on the size of the room and your finances. At the first stages, you can use the vents, but later it is desirable to install fans or air convectors.

You can save on the construction of a greenhouse with the help of its independent construction, as well as with the gradual introduction of structures into operation. If several greenhouses are used at once, huge labor and financial costs are required.

Cultivation and care

For the industrial cultivation of onions, certain investments are required, especially in the initial stages. In addition to all the costs of registration and registration of individual entrepreneurship and tax deduction, the following costs for cultivation and care per one the production cycle(from 45 to 120 days):

  • planting material. To accelerate the ripening of bulbs for planting, use only. For 10 acres, 200 kg of seed will be required. The average price for sevok is 20 rubles per 1 kg. Why onion sets are more profitable when planting in the fall can be found in this.
  • Priming. Needed for greenhouse or tray growing method. The amount of substrate depends on the volume of the greenhouse. The average price for fertile soil is 380 rubles per 1 m 3.
  • fertilizers. All three macronutrients, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, are essential for optimal plant growth. They can be added separately or as a complex fertilizer. The amount of top dressing depends on the composition of the soil, on average, up to 15 thousand rubles are needed for fertilizers.

Thus, the cost of cultivation and care can be from 35 to 55 thousand rubles for a plot of 10 acres.

You can improve the greenhouse as you receive income from the sale of products. Until you establish a distribution system and reach a decent volume of products, you should get by with improvised methods.


Choosing the type of onion to grow for sale plays an important role in the profitability of the business. Varieties differ in maturation speed, resistance, yield and cultivation requirements. The following types of onions are used:

  • . It has long and narrow feathers, which are distinguished by a pleasant taste, as well as a small bulb in diameter. The yield is only 3kg/1m2. The variety is demanding on lighting conditions, with a lack of light, the greens do not gain volume and turn yellow.
  • . The leaves taste like the feathers of an ordinary onion, but this type of plant does not form a full-fledged root crop, so it is grown only for greens. Undemanding to external conditions, the yield reaches 4 kg / 1m 2.
  • . It is considered one of the most profitable varieties, since cultivation in longline greenhouses is acceptable. It almost does not produce root crops, and feathers are formed in just 25-40 days and grow up to 45 cm. The yield is 4 kg / 1 m 2.
  • . In its features, it resembles onions, but differs in the structure and appearance of the bulb. Up to 10 lobes are formed in one nest, each of which gives its own escape. Feathers reach a length of 30 cm, which is a good indicator among varieties. Productivity - up to 4 kg / 1m 2.
  • . In the process of growth, it forms wide and tasty feathers that grow on an edible shoot. Usually this variety is planted from seeds, therefore it is used only for greenery. Productivity is one of the lowest among all species - up to 2 kg / 1 m2.
  • Onion. It is used for industrial and private cultivation. For sale, it is recommended to choose southern varieties, as they have the shortest ripening period. If you use intensive cultivation technologies, you can achieve a yield of up to 15 kg / 1 m2.
  • . In the first year of planting, it is used for growing greens, the next year it gives a good harvest of white bulbs.

Onion Elan is a very early variety. In addition to large bulbs, not whimsical to care for.

When choosing a variety or hybrid of onions for cultivation for sale, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of cultivation, as well as the method of planting. The greatest amount of greenery in a short time can be obtained only when planting a variety with a short dormant period in greenhouse conditions.
Cultivation technologies

Two techniques are used to grow onions for sale - getting seedlings from seeds and planting small last year's bulbs (sets). Both methods have features that should be considered:

  1. . You can purchase them or prepare them yourself by waiting for the feathers to ripen last season. Before planting, they must be checked and treated with a disinfectant. Usually the seeds are sown in rows with an interval of up to 10 cm. It should be remembered that the growing season during seed planting will increase to 4 months, and the greens will be thin and short, since all the nutrients go to the formation of the bulb.
  2. Sevok. This is the fastest way to grow onions. The growing season is from 45 to 60 days depending on the variety. Sets can be planted in a band (in a row) or in a more productive way (with the maximum planting density, the bulbs touch each other).

The algorithm for growing onions for sale is no different from the usual method. Regular watering, top dressing, as well as weeding beds with vegetables is necessary.

Growing methods at home and in industrial conditions

There are several methods of growing onions for sale, each with its own pros and cons. Its choice depends on the climatic conditions in your area, the variety, gardening skills and the required ripening speed.

Landing in open ground

The longest and most labor-intensive method of growing onions for sale, requiring a spacious developed area with fertile soil. The first planting should be carried out immediately after the end of frost, but with this method, both sets and seeds can be used. As a seed, it is recommended to choose Dutch or Japanese early ripening varieties. Depending on the region, up to 3 green crops can be obtained in one season with little financial cost.

Greenhouse: greens, onions on a feather in winter

The landing time of the first batch does not depend on weather conditions, as the greenhouse allows you to harvest all year round. By using early maturing varieties and tiers indoors, maximum profitability can be achieved even in a limited area. The main disadvantage of this method is the need for investment in greenhouse equipment.

In greenhouse conditions, you can use any variety of onion, but it is recommended to choose hybrids with a short dormant period so as not to slow down the growing process.

Hydroponics: profitable to grow for sale

Growing onions with hydroponics

The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of arranging a hydroponic installation, but if there is a sales market, all costs will pay off within 1-2 years.


With this method of cultivation, no substrate is used at all, which completely eliminates interaction with dirt and infection with diseases and pests. Plants are placed in special containers so that the root system is in the air. Plant nutrition is carried out with the help of constant irrigation of the roots of fertilizers in aerosol form, which contributes to the rapid saturation with oxygen and other necessary elements. Aeroponics allows you to achieve maximum yield in a limited space in a short time.

If you're serious about growing onions for sale, it's a good idea to invest in a hydroponic or aeroponics setup right away.



In recent years, the business of growing certain types of plants, in the garage, basement or on a large scale, has been gaining great popularity. Among them, turnips and onions are in particular demand, as they are a stable and unpretentious crop that can be easily grown in winter. Even before landing, you should develop detailed business plan think about ways to sell products. Profitability depends on the method of growing onions, the climate in the region and the characteristics of the market in your area.