Observations for children in the second younger group. Observations on a walk for every day (2nd junior group). frog sightings


second junior group.

1 quarter (September, October, November)

1 "First acquaintance with birch".
Target: to form an idea in children that a birch is a tree. It grows in our area. The birch has one white trunk with black spots. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the birch, asks: is it a tree or grass? What color is the birch trunk? Thick barrel or thin cue? He reads a poem: “You will recognize her by a simple sign, There is no whiter tree in the world!” (A. Prokofiev)

2 Watching insects

Target : To introduce children to the most common insects, their lifestyle, living conditions.

Consider how beetles crawl, some of them fly. Pay attention to the whiskers of beetles - barbels. Consider how beetles open their wings when flying, fly away to look for food.

Zhu! Zhu! Zhu!

I'm sitting on a branch

I'm sitting on a branch

I keep repeating the letter "g".

Knowing this letter firmly,

I buzz in spring and summer (beetle)

3 Observation of the work of the janitor.

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a janitor, which is part of his duties, how you can help the janitor, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards kindergarten employees.

Progress of observation

The teacher gives the children a riddle.

Twisted, tied

Imposed on the count

And dancing around the house. (Broom.)

Our janitor with a broom and a shovel,
In frost, leaf fall and snowstorm.
She raked, sprinkled the paths with sand,
Children were taught to work.

4 Observation of how the teacher cares for indoor plants.
: show that plants need care. The teacher examines the plants and takes care of them: watering, rubbing the leaves, washing the pallets. At the same time, he satisfies the desire of the children to participate in caring for the plant: he gives them watering cans, explains and shows how to properly water (do not raise the spout of the watering can high, pour water carefully, at first you can even hold the child’s hand with a watering can).

5 Observation of older children "We are funny guys."

Target : watching older children play, cultivating friendly attitudes towards others

move the teacher invites the children to watch the children play in the neighboring area and play the same game.

We are funny guys
We love to run and play.
Well, try to catch up with us!
One, two, three - catch!
The teacher catches the children.

6 Observation of the work of an instructor in physical culture

Target: to give an idea of ​​what a physical education instructor teaches a variety of movements, dexterity, courage.

move observations . Observe with children the conduct of physical education classes in children senior group. Tell about the activities of a physical education instructor, his role in improving the health of children. Organize a joint game for children of the younger and older groups (sledding down the hill).

7 Examining the bush.

Purpose: to clarify the children's understanding of the main parts of the shrub (several trunks, branches, leaves). Give them a visual representation that bushes come in different heights. Cultivate respect for plants. Receptions: 1). The teacher's story about the bush (many trunks, branches, leaves). Recall that leaves grow on the branches, but when it gets cold, they fall off. 2). Invite the children to show the trunks, branches. Ask how many trunks a bush has, how many a tree has. 3). Game: "One, two, three, run to the bush!"

8 Watching a birch in windy weather for a walk.

Purpose: to teach to establish the simplest relationships: the wind blows, rejects the branches of a tree. Receptions: 1). Questions: Is there wind today? How did you guess? Are the birch trees the same in windy and calm weather?

The birch trunk seems to glow: it rejoices in the sun. The breeze stirs the birch branches.

9 "Monitoring the truck"

Target: introduce the names of the parts of the machine.

The course of the walk. Observe the truck bringing food to Kindergarten. Compare toy and real truck.

What a miracle this house

Windows glow all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.

Watch how the kindergarten workers unload the car. Tell about the main parts of freight transport

10 Target walk "Let's show Mishka, where do ants live

Target : To introduce children to the most common insects, their lifestyle, living conditions. Get to know the ants.

Progress of observation

Consider an anthill. What does it consist of? Twigs, bark, lumps of soil - all this was dragged by little workers - ants. Small holes are moves. Ants scurry about, each carrying something. Ants don't hurt anyone.

In appearance, of course, smallish,

But everything that is possible is dragged into the house.

Our guys are ants,

11 Examining the leaves for a walk. Target:

Progress of the walk

12 « Watching the rain »

Target: To fix the summer seasonal signs, the changes taking place in inanimate nature. Continue to acquaint with such a phenomenon as rain.

Progress of observation

Watch the autumn rain. Note that the raindrops are large and frequent. Listen to the drops dripping on the windows, see how the water flows down in streams. What are the puddles on the asphalt?

Rain, rain, drop

water saber

He cut the puddle - did not cut it.

(Russian folk amusement)

13 Grass Watch #1

Target: Describe herbaceous plants. Cultivate respect for herbaceous plants. Show that herbaceous plants are lower compared to trees.

Main content: The grass is low compared to the trees; it grows in the ground, you can touch it. Grass is low and high. The root keeps the grass in the ground. If you uproot the grass, it will die, so you need to be careful about herbaceous plants.

Ladybug on a long blade of grass

Like a traffic light on a green path.

14 Grass Watch #2

Target: Describe herbaceous plants. Cultivate respect for herbaceous plants. Show that in autumn the grass changes its color, it turns yellow, dries.

Main content: When it gets cold, the green grass begins to turn yellow and dry. Grass sometimes continues to grow under the snow. The leaves of the grass are wide, and small, narrow. Dry grass needs to be removed so that it is beautiful around the kindergarten.

15 Watching the wind


Main content:

Windy, windy, windy!

The whole earth is ventilated!

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world.

16 Observation of the sky (external features of the sky)

Target: Introduce children to external features autumn sky. Arouse children's interest in the external features of the sky.

Main content: The sky in early autumn is blue. The sun is not visible in the sky, it was covered by clouds. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. Dark clouds in the sky - it will rain or snow.

Everything went dark!

Rain big as peas!

Clouds running across the sky

And thunders: - Thunder, thunder, thunder!

17 Sand observation (sand properties)

Target: To give elementary ideas about the properties of sand. Develop children's creativity. To form cultural and hygienic skills.

Main content: dry sand crumbles. If you pour water on the sand, it becomes wet. From wet sand you can sculpt Easter cakes and pies. On wet sand, you can draw with a stick. Wash your hands after playing with sand.

18 Birdwatching

Goals : expand your understanding of birds; to form knowledge about which birds most often fly to the feeder, what they need to be fed; cultivate a good attitude towards birds.

Progress of observation

Draw the attention of children to the ruffled crows, jumping sparrows. Tell that birds fly closer to people, hoping that they will feed them.

Jumping, jumping sparrow,

Calls of small children:

"Throw the crumbs to the sparrow,

I'll sing you a song: Chik-chirik!

Explain to children that birds need to be taken care of, fed with bread crumbs, millet. Hang up a bird feeder with your children. Walk around the kindergarten and see where the children hung the feeders.

19 Monitoring freight transport

Target : learn to distinguish freight transport by appearance.

Progress of observation

Does not fly, does not buzz -

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights.

To acquaint children with the machine on which the products are brought. Name its main parts.(Cabin, body, steering wheel, wheel, windows, crane.) Watch how the products are unloaded from the car, explain that the products are cargo for her. Tell what important work performed by this machine.

20 Watching Carrots and Beets

Target - to give an idea about vegetables: carrots. To form the ability to find vegetables in the garden: carrots. Get to know external

characteristics of carrots. Learn to distinguish vegetables by type, shape.

And on cabbage soup? And on cabbage soup?

Are there any vegetables?

There is cabbage, there is carrot!

Just put it in the basket deftly.

What vegetables grew in the garden? (Beets, carrots.) What happened to the plants compared to spring? (The tops have grown on the ground, and in

soil - tubers.) What helped the plants grow? (Sun, moisture, human care.) What are the characteristics of carrots. (Carrot -

an oblong-shaped vegetable, orange in color, has green tops.) Name the characteristic features of beets. (Beetroot is a rounded vegetable

shape, red, has green tops.) What can be cooked

from these vegetables? (Salads, borscht.) Why are beets and carrots useful? (In them

many vitamins). Adults harvest in autumn from the garden. Carrots grow in the ground. Carrots - firm, orange, long. Pay attention to the leaves: carved, fluffy.

21 Examining the leaves for a walk. Target: draw the attention of children to the leaves (size, shape, multi-colored color).

Progress of the walk : The teacher picks up beautiful leaf, waving it over his head, begins to spin. Show the sheet to the children. "What is it? Yes, it's a leaf, a leaf. I give it to Maxim. Give children tasks: - spin around with leaves in their hands; - compare leaves by size (large - small), shape, color; - listen to the leaves rustle under your feet; - find out where the leaves come from (slightly shake the lower branches of trees and bushes); - arrange an autumn salute of leaves; - see how the leaf-boat floats in the water (puddle); - look for what or who is hiding under the leaves; - decorate with leaves a plot, a group, your locker, yourself; - carry and shift leaves from place to place; - carry a leaf by a rope through a puddle.

22 "Observation of the properties of water"

Target : Teach children to be careful with water. Clarify ideas about the properties of water: it pours, has a different temperature.

Progress of observation

Pay attention to the properties of water: liquid, pouring, can have different temperatures (heats up in the sun, cold runs out of the tap). The water is clear, you can see everything in it. On a hot day, the water heats up quickly in a basin.

At sunset, the pond slumbers.

Circles float on the water -

These are small fish.

23Watching the autumn tree while walking

Target: clarify children's ideas about the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves), exercise in distinguishing leaves by color, size, shape. To consolidate the knowledge that in autumn the leaves turn yellow, fall off.

Progress of observation

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard as in sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...


second junior group.

2 quarter (December, January, February)

1.Watching birds while feeding

Goals :

    to instill a desire to take care of birds;

    to form knowledge about the habits of birds;

    develop a love for nature.

Progress of observation

Before the walk, leave food for the birds on the site. Lead the children to the bird feeder. Observe which birds flew to the feeder first(fast, nimble, bold).

A little boy, in a gray Armenian coat, Walks around the yard, picking up crumbs.

The teacher asks the children questions, offers to guess the riddle.

    How do birds collect grains?(Beak, they have it sharp; birds
    peck and fly to a new place.)

    How do birds cry? How do they jump?

Chick-chirp to the grains - jump. Peck - do not be shy! Who is this?(Sparrow.)

2. Watching clouds

Goals :

-to acquaint with various natural phenomena;

- show the diversity of the state of water in the environment;

-form a creative attitude to work.

Progress of observation

Today I saw myself:

The elephant was walking in the sky! purple ink,

Not in the rainforests

And here, over our land, the Elephant loitered in the sky.

In the blue, he swam importantly Even blocked the sun.

Invite the children to watch the clouds, tell them that clouds are made up of water droplets. Invite each child to choose the cloud they like the most and track where it floats, moves quickly or slowly. Have each child give their cloud a name.

3. Observation of the carriageway


-to acquaint with the carriageway of the road - the highway;

-give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Progress of observation

Go to the carriageway and observe the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road. This is a highway.

Like a river, the avenue is wide, A stream of cars floats here.

Ask what cars are moving on the highway? Have the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that many cars and trucks are moving along the highway, and no one interferes with each other. This is because drivers follow the rules of the road.

4. Acquaintance with the footpath - sidewalk


-consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street;

-educate attention and skills of orientation in space.

Progress of observation

Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from now on they become pedestrians and must strictly observe the rules of the road: move only along the footpath (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, hold each other's hand tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

Be careful out there, kids!

Please remember these rules!

Always remember these rules

So that trouble doesn't happen to you.

5. Observation of freshly fallen snow


-form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter;

-evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk.

Progress of observation

On fences and porches

Everything is shiny and everything is white.

No free space

- There was snow everywhere.

Dressed up and mountain ash

In a white holiday dress

Only clusters at the top

They burn brighter than before.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What season is it now? (Winter.)

Why? (There is snow all around, it's cold.)

What color are snowflakes? (Colorless.)

Did it get warmer during the snowfall? (If the air temperature changed during a snowfall, then the shape of the snowflakes also changes.)

6. Birdwatching

(watching sparrows)

Target: Learn to recognize birds by their appearance. To acquaint with the external features of the sparrow; learn to find similar and distinctive features between a crow, a dove, a sparrow.

Main content: The sparrow is a lively little bird. Sparrow chirps: chirp-chirp. The sparrows are jumping. All birds fly, flapping their wings during flight.

small birds

Swimming in the stream

And at the bottom of the blade of grass

They dance, they twist.

7. Watching the wind

(the effect of wind on people's clothes)

Target: Show a natural phenomenon - the wind. Learn to determine windy weather by external manifestations (people dress warmly - cold wind, people dress lightly - warm wind)

Main content: A light breeze is blowing: caressing our cheeks. A gusty, cold wind is blowing - it's frosty on the cheeks. Depending on the wind, people dress in warm clothes or light clothes.

Windy, windy, windy!

The whole earth is ventilated!

Wind leaves from twigs

Dispersed around the world.

8. Watching titmouse

Target - introduce titmouse, learn to distinguish titmouse

in terms of size and appearance. Expand the conceptions

to acquaint with the habits of the feeding habits of these birds.

Cultivate sympathy, understanding of the problems of birds in the cold season.

Conversation You are certainly familiar with this fashionista.
The turntable does not sit in place.
Everything boasts of its blue frock coat.
And proud of the black hat. (tit).

Consideration of appearance. Look what she has

hat, yellow breast, what color is her scarf? How does he sing?

Titmouse benefits people, she eats harmful bugs,

caterpillars that destroy crops. In summer, spring, autumn

She has a lot of fodder in the field, forest. But in winter, when the whole earth is covered with snow, the titmouse becomes hungry and it flies

closer to human habitation. The man feeds her.

What do you think the titmouse likes the most?

9. Watching the snow fall

Target - to form an idea about the properties of snow; consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop a sense of beauty.


Not washed, but shiny

Not fried, but crunchy. (Snow.)

The quieter the frosty weather, the more beautiful the snowflakes falling to the ground. With a strong wind, their rays and edges break off, and white flowers and stars turn into snow dust. And when the frost is not strong, snowflakes roll into dense white balls, and then we say that cereals are falling from the sky. Falling to the ground, snowflakes cling to each other and, if there is no severe frost, form flakes. Layer after layer falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes. And the snow crunches because stars and rays break under the weight of our body. In what weather do snowflakes form snow dust, grits, flakes? Why does the snow crunch underfoot? Why is snow loose? Catch a flying snowflake Blank sheet paper, having examined, determine the properties of snow (snowflake, dust, groats, flakes).

10. Watching snow and ice

Target - consolidate knowledge about the various states of water; to form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature.


What is ice made of? What properties of ice (snow) do you know? How

do snowflakes form?

We are snowflakes!

We are the parachutes of winter.

We are circling over you

We are friends with the winds.

Ice is frozen solid water, it is worth warming an ice floe in the palm of your hand, and it

immediately drains from the fingers in a thin stream. Signs of ice: shine, smoothness, hardness, brittleness. Stroke the surface to determine smoothness. Strike to detect strength and brittleness. Water evaporates from the seas and oceans. Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it is always very cold. There, at a height, the steam freezes into tiny ice crystals. The crystals are combined into snowflake stars.

What snow in warm weather? (Sticky, heavy, wet, damp.)

What snow in frosty weather? (Dry, fluffy, light, crumbles.)

Dense, trampled snow melts more slowly than loose snow; dark dirty snow melts before clean and light snow.

11. Observation "How are passers-by dressed?"

Target : to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Progress of observation

Draw the children's attention to how passers-by are dressed. Remember how they were dressed in the summer.

The snow is white today

It is light all around.

I put on gloves

I'm warm in my winter coat.

Pay attention to the guys that people hide their noses in coat collars from the cold, quickly walk down the street so as not to freeze. Together with the children, listen to how the snow creaks.

12. Observation of birch and pine in the snow.


-expand children's understanding of trees;

-educate the desire to protect and protect nature.
Progress of observation

Inspect the site, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do trees have?(trunk, branches.) Note that the pine is green, and the birch is without leaves. Which tree has the most snow?(On the pine.)

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

13. "Watching the Sky"

Goals: continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Observation progress:

Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is. (Clean, blue.)

So the weather is clear and sunny. What if the sky is covered with clouds? Then it is gloomy, gray, not joyful. What's the weather like? (Cloudy.) And if the wind blows, what will happen to the clouds? (The wind will disperse them, the weather will change, and we will see the sun.)

The winds are blowing

The winds are violent.

The clouds are walking

The clouds are clear.

14. "Watching the icicles"

Target watch the icicles in frost and thaw. Children can answer the question why icicles melt and water appears. Offer to listen to how the drops ring (put a bucket under the dripping icicles).

Progress of the walk


Who is there from the roof above me,
Hanging in the cold?
Who has it with spring,
Is water dripping from your nose?

15. "Let's help the janitor to sprinkle the paths with sand"

Target: the formation of primary ideas about goodness, to expand knowledge about the work of adults; to cultivate respect for their work, a desire to help others.


There have been a lot of snow
And they all go, go...
The wipers are tired
Throwing, sweeping, sweeping.
They rattle with shovels
Under shaggy clouds,

Whispers rustle.
On the streets, on the streets
In yards and nooks and crannies,
Hurry to manage.
E. Blaginina

The janitor will rise at dawn,
The snow will clear in the yard.
Janitor picks up trash
And sand will sprinkle ice.


second junior group.

3 quarter (March, April, May)

Insect observation.

Target: To form a desire to observe insects. Give an idea about insects. To acquaint with the external features of insects There are more and more insects every day: mosquitoes, butterflies, beetles. Learn to distinguish between several types of butterflies (cabbage,). Butterflies have a very beautiful pattern on their wings - one of the most beautiful among those created by nature. But you can’t grab butterflies by the wings, as they are covered with delicate pollen, which is easy to wipe off, and after that the butterfly will not be able to fly after that. Explain to the children that butterflies lay eggs, caterpillars hatch from these eggs, which eat the leaves of plants. Later, the caterpillars entangle themselves with a thread released from the abdomen and turn into pupae, and butterflies reappear from the pupae.

Sentence: Butterfly-box,

Fly to the cloud

There are your children

On a birch branch.

Riddle: Sleeping flower

And suddenly woke up

I didn't want to sleep anymore

Moved, stirred

It flew up and flew away. (Butterfly )

Watching the earthworm. Find out which of the guys saw these inhabitants of the soil before. Where was it? Why are worms called earthworms? When is the easiest time to find them? Draw the attention of children to the fact that these underground inhabitants most often crawl out of their minks during rain. Water fills their burrows, and they lack air. Invite the children to collect all the earthworms that are on the footpath and transfer them to a safe place: to a flower bed, under a tree, to a vegetable garden. Discuss why this should be done. What would these animals say to children if they could speak?

Poem by O.G. Zykova “The Earthworm”:

He is very hardworking

Does not sit without work

The whole earth with an obedient body

He plows tirelessly.

We need it ourselves

We eat this land. -

Taking a break from work

Rain said the worm. -

I am not an enemy to my native land.

Riddle: You can't tell my tail from my head.

You will always find me in the earth. (Worm)

Sand experiments. One of the main properties of dry sand is flowability. It also does not have its own form: the form changes with each new vessel in which it is placed. What happens if the sand gets wet? Then it will stop being loose. From wet sand, you can sculpt Easter cakes, create different figures using sand molds.

Surveillance of passing vehicles


-fix the names of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel);

-note a wide variety of machines, their purpose;

-develop respect for work.

Progress of observation

When going for a walk, pay attention to the food machine standing near the kitchen, note its main parts and purpose - it brings food to the kindergarten. Next, watch the passing vehicles. What cars? Cars and trucks. Trucks, their purpose. What goods are transported by trucks? What cars do you know? Their purpose. Why do we need buses? (To transport passengers around the city.) And there are also special cars. Invite the children to name them. (“Ambulance”, fire, police, car for watering the streets.) Tell about their purpose. Ask whose dad works as a driver.

Watching buds swell on trees

Goals :

-to consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of objects and phenomena
in nature;

-evoke happy feelings.

Progress of observation

See how the buds swell on the trees. Smell them, gently touch them with your hands.

kidneys swell,

leaves break through,

Ants start

Fix your palaces.G. Ladonshchikov

birdwatching in spring

Goals :

    introduce the life of birds in spring;

    cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.

Progress of observation

With the approach of spring, titmouse no longer fly to the feeder, only sparrows and pigeons remain. Watch for the appearance of the rook. The rook is large, black, it has a light beak. It calls "gra-gra", hence its name. Compare with crow.

Drops fall from the roof, Everywhere smells of spring. The sky seems higher, The forest air is louder. In the field the snow is bluish Washing away the water. Rook - winged scout - Pulls wires.

Observation of thawed patches and green grass

Target : to consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of phenomena in nature.

Progress of observation

Observe the appearance of thawed patches and green grass (where the heating main passes).

Examine the sprouts, they are tender, light green. Consider the fluffy silver willow buds, cut off a few branches and put them in a corner of nature. Solve the riddle "White lambs are jumping on a candle."(Willow branch with flower buds.)

Willow is fluffy

Spread around.

Spring is fragrant again

She waved her wings.A. Fet

Observation of plants and shrubs

Goals :

-reinforce the idea that any tree and shrub is a living being;

-develop respect for nature.
Progress of observation

Check how the trees overwintered. The teacher asks the children questions.

    What is the condition of the trees on the site?

    What other changes have taken place?

    How are trees affected by air pollution?(Branches die
    along the edges of the crown.)

Irina Bortuleva
Observations on a walk at 2- junior group


1. Sun watching.

Target: - to form ideas about the change in nature with the advent of autumn (the sun appears less often in the sky, it warms less); - develop communication skills, attention, memory; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and maintain a joyful mood.


The cloud hides behind the forest,

The sun is watching from heaven

And so pure, kind, radiant.

If we got him

We would kiss him.

(myself. observation of children) .


What do you see?

What sun?

What does the sun look like?

What is the weather today?

Why is the weather getting colder?

Why does the sun rarely appear in the sky?

The game "Sun and Rain"

2. spruce watching.

Target: - to form in children an idea of ​​​​the external features of the spruce;

Develop speech, memory, attention;

Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

Reading a poem.

Let the leaves swirl in the sky, and the cold is near,

I will never lose green needles!

Just look at my forest outfit,

You just come to talk to me.

(Independent observation of children) .


What is the spruce trunk?

What are the branches of spruce called?

What is the length of the sprigs?

What do you eat instead of leaves?

What color are the needles of spruce?

Do they change their color?

How is spruce different from other trees on the site?

the game "Catchers"

2. Fall observation.

Target: - to form an idea of ​​a natural phenomenon - leaf fall; - develop speech, memory, attention, communication skills; - to bring up a positive-emotional attitude to nature, to cause joy from the occurring phenomenon in nature.

Reading a poem by I. Pivovarov

Yellow coins fall from a branch ....

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn is golden

Gives leaves, not counting

Gives golden leaves

You, and us, and everyone in a row.

What? Say random!

Well, of course…. leaf fall

(Independent observation of children) .

Questions for children:

Where do leaves fall from?

When does leaf fall occur?

How do leaves fly?

What color are fallen leaves?

What more?

What do fallen leaves form on the ground?

Is it pleasant to walk on a carpet of leaves?

The game "Leaf fall".

4. birch watching.

Target: - form ideas about characteristics tree in autumn, fix the names of the parts; - develop attention, memory, speech; - educate an emotional response to the beauty of nature.

Reading a poem.

Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,

The leaves on the birch burn with gold.

Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale,

Birds flew away to warmer climes.

(Independent observation of children) .

How can we recognize a birch among other trees?

What color is the birch trunk?

What color is the branch?

Why a tree root?

What color are birch leaves in autumn?

What color were they in summer?

Which leaves are big or small?

What to the touch?

The game "Find Your Color".


1. Sun watching.

Target: - to form ideas about the change in nature with the advent of winter (the sun shines and does not heat at all, it is hidden behind the clouds); - develop communication skills, attention, memory; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and maintain a joyful mood.

Reading a poem.

The sun is clear, dress up

The sun is red, show yourself

Put on a scarlet dress

Give us a red day!

Look at the sky, what do you see.

(independent observation of children) .


What do you see in the sky?

Does the sun hide behind clouds?

What sun?

What does the sun look like?

What is the weather today?

How warm is the sun?

Offer to make a snowball and give the sun.

The game "Sun and cloud"

2. Observation behind the freshly fallen snow.

Target: - to form ideas about winter;

Develop speech, attention, memory;

evoke an aesthetic experience

the beauty of winter nature, the joy of


Reading a poem by A. Anufriev "White snow fell"

A white snow fell

We will gather in a circle.

Snow, snow, white snow

He sleeps us all.

Look around, what changes have taken place in nature.

(Independent observation of children.)


What season is it now?

Why do you think so?

Much snow or little?

What snow?

Did it get warmer during the snowfall?

Offer to collect snow in a hill?

Did you get a slide?

The game "We are funny snowflakes"

3. Christmas tree watching in winter.

Target: - to form ideas about the features of the life of trees in winter, the ability of children to recognize spruce by characteristic features its structure, features that distinguish it from other trees; - develop speech, memory, attention; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

Squirrel toy brings a letter

What is this girl?

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round.

Look around and find this tree in our area, consider it.

(Independent observation of children.)

Questions for children:

How did you know it was a spruce?

What distinguishes spruce in winter from other trees?

What is the spruce trunk?

What are its branches?

What are the branches of spruce called?

Why is there a large, dark shadow under the paws of spruce on the snow?

Why is the snow not deep under the spruce?

The game "Round dance around the Christmas tree".

4. Observation"Where, whose trace"

Target: - continue to form ideas about wintering birds; - develop attention, speech, memory, arouse interest in the environment; - educate the desire to preserve and protect nature.

(using a magnifying glass and reading a poem to get the attention of children)

Who walked the path

And left his mark here?

This bird is small

Or is it someone's cat?

Offer to find footprints in the snow on the site

(Independent observation of children)


What birds winter in the city?

Same tracks or different?

What are the size marks?

Who do you think the footprints belong to?

Why do you think so?

Where do you think the tracks lead?

Why do you think they lead to the feeder?

What do you think is difficult for birds in winter? - Can we do something to help the birds?

Offer to draw traces of a small and large bird.

The game "Sparrows and the Car".


1. Sky watching.

Target: - to form ideas about the features of the spring sky; - develop speech, memory, attention; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, to awaken a sense of interest and belonging to everything that they see and notice.

Blue sheet

The whole world dresses. Above the forest, above the mountains

The carpet unfolds.

He is always, always scattered

Above you and above me

He's gray, he's blue

He is bright blue.

(Independent observation of children) .

Questions for children:

What is the sky now?

Are there clouds or clouds in the sky?

How do clouds move across the sky?

What do they look like?

What color are they?

The game "Cloud - the sun"

2. grass watching.

Target: - to form children's ideas about the simplest connections in nature, to acquaint them with spring grass; - develop speech, memory, attention; - educate a sense of respect for wildlife

MYSTERY from a toy - a cow -

high and green

She will be bevelled.

Sheep, goats and cows

Have her always ready.


(Independent observation of children) .

Questions for children:

Where did the grass grow?

What color is she?

What grass to the touch?

What is the length of the grass?

How does grass hold onto the ground?

Why does she need roots, just to hold on to the ground?

What else helps grass grow?

The game "Who grazes in the meadow"

3. Drop Watching.

Target: form skill observe and notice changes in nature; - develop speech, memory, attention; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, to awaken a sense of interest and belonging to everything that they see and notice.

Reading a poem:

Cap! Cap! I drop!

I drip quietly.

Cap! Cap! All day

Drops dance loudly.

Cap! Cap! hurry up

The drops ran

Because the sun

Drops seen.

(Independent observation of children) .

Questions for children:

What season is it?

What happens to the snow, to the icicles?

Why is this happening?

How warm is the sun?

And what is the sun?

The game "Streams by the Lake".

4. Observation of birch buds.

Goals: - continue acquaintance with the trees on the site; - to form ideas that a kidney is a house for a leaflet; develop speech, memory, thinking; - educate respect for nature.

These small barrels Will be unpacked by spring, In the meantime, leaves are sleeping in them And growing during sleep. (Kidneys.)

(Independent observation of children)

Where are the kidneys located?

What is the name of this tree?

What parts of birch do you know?

What happened to the kidneys?

What color are the kidneys?

Are they small or big?

How do they smell?

What are they?

What comes out of the kidneys?

What color are the leaves?

The game "Round dance around the birch"


1. Sun watching.

Target: to form ideas about characteristic changes in nature (sun warm, hot); develop communication skills, attention, memory; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and maintain a joyful mood.


Not high, not low

Not far, not close.

Floats in the sky Shar-

Hot like a fire.

Look at the sky, what do you see.

(independent observation of children) .

Questions for children:

What do you see?

What sun?

What does the sun look like?

What is the weather today?

Why is it hot outside?

What do you think is the benefit of the sun?

The game "Sun", drawing the sun

2. Dandelion watching.

Target: - to form ideas about the relationships in animate and inanimate nature, acquaintance with the first spring flower, its structure; - develop observation, speech, memory, broaden one's horizons; - educate an emotional response to the beauty of the plant.

N. Chuprova. Dandelions

On the lawn where the bushes

bright yellow flowers

Woke up with the sun

Stretched sweetly.

(Offer to independently consider a clearing with dandelions.)

Questions for children:

What grows in the meadow?

What color is the grass and what color are the flowers?

What does the dandelion that we are considering look like?

What is a dandelion on?

What is the stem of a dandelion?

What leaf is a dandelion?

Can you tell me what the flower looks like?

The game "Vesnyanka".

3. sparrow watching.

Target: - to form the ability to recognize birds by their appearance, to continue acquaintance with the external features of a sparrow; - develop speech, memory, attention; - cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

Mystery. small birds

They bathe in a stream, And at the bottom of a blade of grass

They dance, they twist.

(Independent observation of children)

Questions for children:

What is the appearance of a sparrow?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

Why do sparrows love being around people?

How should a person take care of birds?

The game "Little Birds"

4. Crow watching

Target: - to form the ability to recognize birds by their appearance, to continue acquaintance with the external features of the crow; - develop speech, memory, attention; - cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

Lame old crow

It has been living in my garden for a long time.

In the dense green branches of the maple

She built her own house.

look (Independent observation of children)

Questions for children:

What is the name of this bird?

What are the characteristics of her appearance?

What does a crow look like?

Where she lives?

Does she have enemies?

Observation is an integral part of the development and formation of the child's personality, it must be properly organized by the educator in order to achieve the best results. ultimate goal This event should be the formation of a clear idea in the preschooler of the characteristics of the objects of his environment, the causes of the occurrence of certain natural phenomena, the ability to explain the structure or structure of the simplest everyday processes. In the process of organized observation in a preschool educational institution, children develop communication and social skills, improve memory, concentration of attention, form a positive emotional attitude towards objects of the surrounding nature, respect for the work of people.

Theoretical aspects of the organization of observations in DOW

Observation in a preschool educational institution is a specially organized activity, a purposeful perception of objects of animate and inanimate nature, as well as those created by man under the guidance of an educator. In this case, various sense organs of preschoolers are used: sight, hearing, smell, tactile sensitivity. In the course of observation, the intellectual development of children takes place, ideas about the world around are formed, which is the main goal of organizing this process in kindergarten.

AT preschool age the child has a clearly expressed need to know everything, and observation is designed to satisfy it.

In the course of observation, children learn about the world around them in all its diversity.

The tasks of organizing observations in the younger groups of preschool educational institutions:

  • attracting the attention of children to the object, examining it;
  • selection of sensory features of an object (with the help of various analyzers);
  • imitation of movements and sounds emitted by the object of observation;
  • establishing signs of difference of one object from another;
  • the formation of a positive, caring attitude towards animals and plants.

Classification of observations

Observation can be organized in various forms:

  • Venue:
    • Location on;
    • in the group room;
    • in the forest, field, etc.
  • By number of children:
    • individual (1-4 people);
    • group (5–10 children);
    • collective (the whole group).
  • Due to the conduct:
    • random;
    • planned;
    • as an answer to a child's question.
  • By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process:
    • episodic;
    • systematic.
  • By duration:
    • short-term (from 5 to 15 minutes);
    • long (over 15 minutes).
  • By the nature of observation of the same object:
    • single;
    • multiple, or cyclic.
  • Place in the loop:
    • primary;
    • secondary;
    • final or concluding.
  • By the nature of the objects:
    • observation of inanimate objects (vehicles, sand, stones, wind, air, sun, sky, trees, plants);
    • observation of animated objects (people, animals, birds, fish, insects).

Age features of younger preschoolers

Thinking through the organization and management of children's observations, the educator should take into account the age, specifics of development and the level of cognitive activity of children 1.5–4 years old. The attention of babies is unstable, they are attracted to bright, moving objects. Therefore, it is better to organize the first observations with pupils of the younger group for animals, and not for plants.

Attention younger preschoolers attract moving objects

The teacher should remember that at the age of 3, children are not yet recommended to watch the sky, since they have not completely formed a sense of balance. It is also necessary to observe safety measures, because the child may inadvertently try to touch a poisonous plant or will be too "active" to watch the branches of trees.

In general, children 2–3 years old have their own characteristics in the organization of observation, because some at this age hardly speak or speak very little. In this case, you need to use lighter versions of the words: “top-top” - goes, “kach-kach” - swings on a swing, “am-am” - eats, “kup-kup” - bathes, “bang” - fell, etc. Also, when observing, you can use the technique of finishing words in familiar nursery rhymes and poems. For example, when watching birds, you can invite children to finish the last word in a poetic line:

Bird ... (bird),
Here's to you ... (water)!
Here's to you ... (crumbs)
On my ... (palm)!


Use speech imitation. After each tree name, vehicle, bird species, etc. motivate children to repeat words after you, so they will remember them faster. When conducting a quiz in the first junior group, the teacher himself answers his own questions, and the children repeat.

Organization of observations in the first junior group of kindergarten

Observations can be carried out with all the babies together, with separate subgroups or individually. In some, the educator develops attention, in others it stimulates interest in wildlife. It is useful for children to memorize the shape, properties of individual objects in their environment. To describe the objects of observation, use phrases consisting of words well known to the child.

Observation can be carried out with small subgroups of children so that each pupil has the opportunity to get to know the object in detail

Table: card file of observations in the first junior group

TopicGoalsProgress of observation
dog watching
  • Learn more about such a pet as a dog;
  • instill a desire to take care of dogs;
  • to form knowledge about the habits of dogs.
The dog is man's friend. She has a body, head, legs, tail. She is faithful to her master and always warns him from enemies. She can follow commands, eat bones, run after the ball.
Ask which of the children has such a pet, how they take care of it.
bird watching
  • Learn the habits of birds, observe their behavior;
  • develop a desire to feed birds in cold times.
Before starting the walk, take some bread crumbs. Try to feed the birds, follow the reaction of the birds to the movements of the child. If the baby jerks his hand sharply, the bird gets scared and flies away.
cat watching
  • Learn more about such an animal as a cat;
  • learn more about her habits, habits.
Pay attention to the appearance of the cat, how soft and fluffy it is. It is also worth noting that with sudden movements, she runs away, as she is afraid of a person, and with smooth movements, she approaches him.
bird watching
  • Compare birds such as dove and sparrow;
  • clearly identify their similarities and differences.
Pay attention to the fact that:
  • the sparrow is small and the dove is large,
  • the sparrow jumps and the dove runs,
  • the sparrow is brown and the dove is grey,
  • the sparrow is frightened of people, and the dove is used to them.
tit watching
  • Consolidate knowledge about appearance and habits of tits;
  • develop a desire to feed them in the cold season.
Before a walk, take seeds, lard. Explain to the children that these birds really need food, they love seeds, lard, they hang feeders for them in winter.
Supervision of the work of the janitorUnderstand the job of a janitor.Notice what exactly the janitor removes: garbage, foliage, dried branches. How does he do it: with a rake, a broom with a dustpan or a wastebasket.
Watching the windUnderstand the impact wind has on the environment.Notice that with a gust of wind, leaves move, tree branches sway, a spinner spins. From the ground, all light objects rise and fly away.
Water observationObserve the properties of water.Pour water from one vessel to another. Note that when drops get on clothes, a stain remains, which later dries. Water can be warm or cold.
Watching the leaves in autumnRemember all the colors in which the leaves can be painted.Go for a walk in autumn and collect green, yellow and red leaves. Explain how the color of the leaves changes during this season.
snow watchingUnderstand the properties of snow, observe its reaction to various external stimuli.Go for a walk in the winter season, try to catch a snowflake, notice that it immediately melts in a warm palm, try to examine it from a close distance, blow on it, try to catch it with a glove.

An example of an abstract "Observation of the snow"

The summary of observation allows us to formulate the main theses of the organization of observation.

  • Encourage children to enjoy watching the snow.
  • Clarify their ideas about snow, talk about its features, properties.
  • Activate children through verbal reaction.
  • To evoke a sense of inspiration in them, develop their imagination.
  • Cultivate a sense of beauty, enjoyment of the creation of nature.


  • snow,
  • rake,
  • mittens,
  • sled,
  • skis,
  • shoulder blades.

Children in a group sit in a circle. The teacher conducts a mini-quiz:

  • What falls from the sky is so white? (Snowflakes).
  • What will happen if many, many snowflakes gather in a big pile? (Snowdrift).
  • What can we do with snow? (Snowman, snowballs).
  • What happens if a snowflake falls on your palm? (She melts).
  • What does snow feel like? (Fluffy, soft, cold!)

V: Well done! Now let's go outside and see the snow for ourselves.

Children observe the change in the state of snow when exposed to it:

  • sculpt,
  • crumple,
  • trample,
  • blow,
  • digging with a shovel
  • caught with bare hands and a mitten.

Fizminutka "Snowstorm". Children spin around imitating the movement of snowflakes. If the teacher says "blizzard" - the children run, "silence" - freeze.

Time plan of observations

The time plan allows you to correctly distribute the activities of children. Direct observation in the younger group takes from 3 to 10 minutes.

Theme "Snow"

  1. Indoor snow quiz - 5 minutes. Discussion of the properties of snow (fluffy, soft, cold), its reaction to external stimuli.
    • The game "Snowstorm" (task: teach children to run and freeze on a signal).
    • The game "Snowballs" (task: make a snowball and hit the target with it).
  2. Individual work - 5 minutes. Continue to work outdoors by inviting each child to make their own snowman.
  3. Group activities - 4 minutes. Indoors, invite children to draw what they saw on the street: snowflakes, a snowman, a blizzard, snowdrifts, snowballs.

Theme "Autumn"

Autumn is a fun time of the year for kids.

Autumn is an unforgettable time of the year for children, so you need to focus their attention on changes in nature.

  1. Quiz about autumn indoors - 5 minutes. Discussion of the distinctive features of autumn (birds fly away, it gets colder, it often rains).
  2. Game activity - 4 minutes.
    • Game "Chestnuts" (task: collect as many chestnuts as possible on the ground).
    • The game "Leaves" (task: to teach children to move quickly, imitating the movement of falling leaves, and respond to the signal of educators). Children run around the playground, imitating the movement of falling sheets. If the teacher says "silence!", The children freeze, "leaf fall" - they spin.
  3. Individual work - 5 minutes. Continue to work outdoors, each child collects his own bouquet of fallen leaves.
  4. Group activities - 4 minutes. Indoors, invite children to draw what they saw on the street: colorful leaves, trees with almost fallen leaves, flying birds, a gloomy sky.

In the process joint activities kids make new friends

Video: water games in the first junior group

Organization of observations in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

Children aged 3 to 4 differ from the previous group primarily in that they show much more desire to communicate and learn about the world around them. They tend to communicate more with their peers, and not with the teacher. With children it is easier for them to play, draw, sculpt, they develop speech faster. During this period, differences between children in physical and intellectual development begin to be strongly manifested, therefore it is especially important to find an individual approach to each pupil.

Birdwatching instills in children a caring attitude towards birds

The educator should take into account that children who did not go to the first junior group often get sick and are more difficult to adapt to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Table: card file of observations in the second junior group

TopicGoalsProgress of observation
tree watchingTake a walk with the children in the park and show the differences between birch, oak, mountain ash, ash, maple, etc. Tell where the trunk, roots, crown, branches, leaves are, on which of these trees squirrels can live.
Ant watching
  • Find out why ants exist, what benefits they bring,
  • develop the ecological worldview of children.
Tell what an anthill is, how ants work, carry branches together, how difficult it is for them to build their anthill and therefore it cannot be destroyed. Compare the flow of ants with people on the street.
Cloud watching
  • Develop children's imagination, curiosity,
  • open the mind.
Watch the clouds as they move quickly in a harsh wind and stand still on a calm day. For each cloud, come up with associations of animals, fairy-tale characters.
Monitoring the unloading of the machine with products
  • Introduce children to the work of a loader,
  • expand their vocabulary.
Observe the shipment of products, tell in which boxes of eggs, in which milk, bread. To tell that the boxes are heavy, it is not easy for movers to carry them. But these products are fresh and are used to prepare food for children.
Roadway surveillanceTo consolidate knowledge about the roadway, about safety measures when being next to it.Being close to the road, note the wide variety of cars, the purpose of cars and trucks, tell how important a traffic light is, and also that it is difficult for a driver to drive a car when there is ice.
Watching early springNote the most important features of early spring.Notice that the sun has appeared, the birds are returning, the snow is melting, icicles are dripping, the first grass is visible, a strong wind is blowing.
Excursion to the forest
  • Explain that in the forest there are insects, animals, birds, plants and trees that need each other;
  • explain the importance of preserving the diversity of flora and fauna of the forest.
Walk through the forest, note the diversity of wildlife, tell that mushrooms and berries grow there, which you can pick. Try to convey the beauty and uniqueness of the forest. Listen to the birds singing.
Watching buds swell on treesConsolidate knowledge about wildlife.In early spring, approach the tree, gently touch the buds, explain that leaves will then appear from them. Tell that if there are no buds and the branch is dry, then it must be carefully broken off.
Shop tour
  • Tell about the work of the seller;
  • find out what departments the store is divided into.
Take the children to the nearest store, observe the work of the seller, take them around the store, show how it differs dairy department from vegetable, etc.
Sun watchingTo expand the horizons of children, to develop their ideas about the phenomena associated with the sun.Observe the rainbow, explain why it appears, show the sunbeams, explain where they come from, let the children try to catch them.

An example of an abstract "Observation of the roadway"

  • To form a clear idea in children about how busy the track is at rush hour.
  • Introduce students to a variety of cars.
  • To consolidate knowledge on how to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
  • Introduce flickers, how they work and why they are needed.
  • To give an idea of ​​how difficult it is for the driver to drive a car and why he does not need to be distracted.

The teacher conducts a quiz with pupils:

  • Children, what light can we cross the road? (To green).
  • And on which we should not do this in any case? (to red).
  • What is the big truck carrying? (Products, furniture, etc.).
  • What will help the driver see you at night? (Flickers).
  • What are the names of the cars in which a lot of people ride? (Bus, trolleybus, tram, minibus, etc.).
  • Why can't the driver be distracted from the road? (Because the car is moving at high speed).

It is important that after observing, children have the opportunity to draw what they see.

The teacher draws cars and tells where the steering wheel, pedals, seats, seat belts, engine are located, the children are watching.

Fizminutka. If the teacher says "red", the children are sitting, "yellow" - get up, "green" - go back and forth, depicting pedestrians.

Time plan of observations in the second junior group

In the second younger group, the time devoted to direct observation increases slightly.

Theme "Excursion to the forest"

  1. Indoor forest quiz - 10 minutes. Discussion of the forest as a habitat for flora and fauna (what animals, birds, insects live there, what plants and trees grow).
    • The game "Forest dwellers" (task: teach children to quickly respond to signals). When the teacher says "squirrels", the children begin to run fast, "bunnies" - jump, "birds" - imitate the flight of birds, "trees" - freeze in place.
    • The game "Leaves" (task: to teach children to distinguish between the leaves of various trees). The teacher collects needles, chestnuts, oak leaves, poplar fluff, etc., and the children must say which tree it belongs to.
  2. Individual work - 7 minutes. Children independently collect bouquets from a variety of tree leaves.
  3. Group activities - 6 minutes. Indoors, invite children to draw what they saw on the street: colorful leaves different types, trees, paths, benches, etc.

Theme "Observation of early spring"

  1. Indoor spring quiz - 10 minutes. Discussion of spring (which birds are the first to arrive, which animals wake up from hibernation, which plants are the first to appear from under the snow).
  2. Game activity - 10 minutes.
    • The game "Spring Miracles" (task: teach children to quickly respond to signals). When the teacher says "snowdrops", the children begin to quickly squat and stand up like snowdrops, "bears" - imitate the walk of a bear, "kidneys" - curl up into a ball and sit still.
    • The game "Icicles" (task: find the longest icicle on the territory of the kindergarten, while they have not yet melted).
  3. Individual work - 7 minutes. The children themselves remove the dirty snow with shovels.
  4. Group activities - 6 minutes. Indoors, invite the children to draw what they saw on the street: thawed patches, the first buds on the bushes, snowdrops, dripping icicles, the remaining caps of snow.

Video: snow observation in the second junior group

Long-term planning of observations in younger groups of kindergarten

Drawing up a long-term plan for the year will help preschool teachers to organize observations of objects of animate and inanimate nature, weather phenomena with small pupils. The plan should take into account the peculiarities of the climate and the area where the children live.

When drawing up a long-term plan, one should take into account the climatic features of the region

Table: perspective observation plan for the first junior group

MonthObject of observation
SeptemberObservation of sand, study of its properties:
  • loose,
  • dry,
  • becomes solid when water is added
  • easily carried by the wind.
OctoberWatching the fish in the aquarium of the group, feeding them.
NovemberObservation of water, the study of its properties:
  • warm,
  • cold
  • hot,
  • if it freezes, it turns into ice.
DecemberObservation of snow, study of its properties:
  • cold,
  • fluffy,
  • soft,
  • if frost - loose snow,
  • warmer - snow is molded.
JanuaryIce watch:
  • slippery,
  • you can ride gently
  • may crack
  • if it melts, it becomes water.
FebruaryBubble observation, teach kids how to blow bubbles by themselves.
MarchSpring observation:
  • snow is melting,
  • the birds are flying
  • the sun often shines
  • The wind's blowing.
AprilInsect Watching:
  • flies,
  • may beetles,
  • study of their structure.
MayWatching dandelions, turning from yellow to white.

Table: perspective observation plan for the second junior group

MonthObject of observation
SeptemberObservation of the sun and sky:
  • find the sides of the horizon,
  • observe that when the sun is shining, people put on their hats,
  • note the weather change in the presence or disappearance of clouds,
  • compare the blueness of the sky in summer and autumn.
OctoberWind and rain monitoring:
  • strong, gusty, light, cold wind;
  • note the types of rain: short, continuous, downpour, light rain, oblique and direct.
  • finding differences and similarities between a pigeon,
  • sparrow
  • crow,
  • how they react to people, how they move,
  • emitted sounds, dimensions, coloring.
DecemberSnow removal supervision:
  • the snowplow, how it rides, the driver drives it, the brushes sweep away the snow,
  • the janitor removes the snow, he cleans the snow along the edge of the sidewalk with a shovel, pours it to the curb,
  • offer to help the children.
  • Snow Watching:
    • snowflakes fall on fur, on hats, mittens,
    • children look at snowflakes, come up with associations);
  • for snowballs: poorly molded in frost, good in positive temperatures;
  • for the clothes of passers-by in the cold season: warm boots, down jackets, scarves.
FebruaryObservation of children of the older group in another area:
  • children gently slide down the hill,
  • don't push
  • keep in line.
MarchObserving changes in nature:
  • melt snow,
  • streams flow,
  • thawed patches,
  • the first grass appears,
  • the sky gets brighter,
  • increasing daylight hours
  • people don't dress warmly.
AprilTree observation:
  • find familiar trees in the area,
  • notice their differences, similarities,
  • do they bend strongly from the wind,
  • whether the crown is lush.
MayObservation of the transport that comes to the kindergarten: remember the ambulance, fire engine, police car, truck that brings food, who unloads it and how, what products they bring.

Watching environment- an important point in the development of children. Walking in the fresh air hardens the body, and the contemplation of various natural phenomena broadens one's horizons. The study of the properties of plants and animals instills in preschoolers a careful and caring attitude towards the world around them, observation of man-made objects - forms ideas about life in society. The main thing is to competently conduct observation, realizing the teaching, educational and developmental goals of methodical work with children.

Goals: to instill a desire to take care of birds; pay attention to the shape, size and parts of birds; learn to distinguish birds by size - large and small, name some birds, describe what and how they peck, who feeds the birds; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Progress of the walk

1. Observation. Before the walk, leave the bird food in the feeder. Consider and tell which birds flew to the feeder. (Fast, bright, bold.) What body parts have you noticed in birds? (Tail, beak, head, eyes, wings.) How do birds collect grains? (With a beak, they have a sharp one, the birds peck and fly to a new place.) How do birds cry? How do they jump?

2. Riddles about birds.

A little boy, in a gray Armenian coat,
He walks around the yard, picking up crumbs. ( Sparrow)

Chick-chirp jump to the grains,
Peck - do not be shy.
Who is this? ( Sparrow)

II. Physical development (mastering basic motor skills, performing movements according to a pattern), gaming activities.

1. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".

Option 1.

Purpose: to teach to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, to find your place.

Game progress: the teacher chooses one child - this is a cat; the rest of the children are sparrows. The cat - sleeps, sparrows - scatter all over the site in different directions and look for grains. The cat wakes up, he stretches, says meow-meow and runs to catch the sparrows that are hiding on the roof. The cat takes the caught sparrows to his house.

Option 2.

Objectives: to learn to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, to find your place; develop dexterity, skills of playing in a team of peers, the ability to navigate in space, act on a signal.

All players represent sparrows and are outside the circle. The driver - "cat" stands in the middle of the circle. "Sparrows" then jump into the circle, then jump out of it. They collect “grains” (chips are scattered inside the circle). The “cat” runs around and tries to catch them. The “sparrow”, touched by the “cat”, pours out all the collected “grains”, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile “sparrows” are noted.

A variation of the game “Traps”, but the “cat” acts as a “trap”.

On the playground two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 5-10 m (depending on the age of the children playing). Behind the first line is the “house of sparrows”. The teacher stands behind another line, choosing one of the playing children who plays the role of a “cat”. He sits next to the teacher and “sleeps”. The teacher says: “The cat is sleeping. Sparrows, fly! After these words of the educator, the “sparrows” leave their “house”, run around the playground between two lines, with their “wings” hands, depicting the flight of a bird, stop and run again.

The teacher says: "The cat is coming!". These words serve as a signal for the “cat” to catch the “sparrows”, and for the “sparrows” they mean that it is necessary to immediately escape and hide behind the line in your “house”.

The “cat” takes the caught “sparrow” to its “house”, and the game starts all over again, but without the participation of the caught one.

Variant of the game: instead of a drawn line, circles drawn on the playground, as well as benches, cubes or large hoops, can serve as “houses” for “sparrows”.

The educator spends the change of the “cat” after 3-5 “sparrows” caught by him.

1. Outdoor game "Get in the circle."

Purpose: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity.

Game progress: children stand in one line, at a distance of 2-3 steps from a lying hoop or basket. The children have a bag of sand or a ball in their hands, at the signal of the teacher they throw the bags or balls at the target, at the signal they come up, pick up the bags and return to their places.

Directions for use: bags should be thrown with the right and left hand.

IV. Labor activity.

Purpose: to encourage children to independently perform elementary tasks (feeding birds, cleaning toys before leaving a walk).

The radiant sun smiled cheerfully

Objectives: to give the concept of the sun as a heavenly body that illuminates everything around and warms plants, animals, earth, water; develop cognitive interests, observation, steady attention; to learn to enjoy a clear day, a warm ray of sunshine; pay attention to the evening sun, sunset (sunset) of the sun, bright sky; merging with the earth's surface, scattering sunlight.

Progress of the walk

I. Cognition (cognitive research and speech activity).

1. Observation. Pay attention to the sun every day. What's the weather like today? (Cloudy or clear.) Which areas are illuminated during the evening walk? name the objects that the sun illuminates during an evening walk: “Now the sun illuminates our flowers, sand, etc.”. how warm is the sun? (Warm.) How does the sun look like? (Round, bright, yellow, warm.)

2. Experiment. Can our hands feel the sun? What sends the sun to our palms? (Children behind the teacher stretch their hands to the sun, palms up, so that they feel the warmth of the sun.) What will happen to nature, plants, animals and people if it is night all the time? (Children's reasoning.) After that, the children play with the sunbeam.

3. Rhymes and folk songs.

Sunshine, sunshine
Look out the window!
Sunshine, dress up
Red, show yourself!
Children are waiting for you
Toddler kids.
Come up quickly
Light up, warm up
Calves and lambs
More little guys.

4. Sign.

The sun turned red in the evening - the day will be windy.

II. Physical development (mastery of basic motor skills), game activity.

Mobile game "Sun and rain".

Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the words and perform movements on them (you can walk in all directions and step over the ribbons, or, according to the teacher, spin around and sit down, while running in all directions, find a free leaf at a signal and stand on it).

Game progress: before starting the game, introduce the kids to the situation: “If the sun is shining, then everyone is having fun, the birds sing songs, butterflies and beetles fly, bees sit on flowers. But then the wind blew, a cloud covered the sun, and it began to rain, and the birds and butterflies hid somewhere.

Ask the children, where will they hide if it rains? Of course, under an umbrella! Tell the kids the name of the game, and at the verbal signal “The sun is shining,” the children begin to run around the playground.

If the game is held in autumn, you can prepare leaves, scatter them on the ground, the kids run between the leaves, they have fun.

The teacher reads a short poem:

Fast legs have chosen the path,
I'm running along the path
I can't stop.
Ah, what! Oh what!
Our kids are naughty!

Educator. The sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain.

The kids stop, raise their palm, tap on it with their finger and slowly say: “Ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap.”

“But now it’s raining hard, strong,” the teacher reports and opens the umbrella, the children run and hide under it.

Educator. What a heavy rain! How it drips! “Drip, drip, drip, drip!”

Toddlers repeat words quickly, quickly. Children stand under an umbrella, the teacher, imitating rain, knocks on the umbrella and says:

Rain, rain, more fun -
(Children sing a rain song.)
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
You knock on the umbrella
(Drip, drip, drip! drip, drip, drip)
Just don't get us wet!
(Drip, drip, drip! drip, drip, drip.)
Rain, rain
(The rain passes, the droplets fall
rarely: ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap, ka-a-ap),

What are you pouring
Will you let us take a walk?
(Children come out from under the umbrella, raise their hands, but the rain does not drip on their palms.)

Educator. The rain passed, the sun came out, and the children went for a walk.

Instructions for carrying out: children can circle around the leaves, run and walk in all directions. Each time you repeat the game, offer other interesting and accessible movements for children.

After a quick run, you should switch to walking, go quietly on your toes.

V. Labor activity.

Objectives: to teach to carry out joint elementary labor activities(wash toys, put them in the sun to dry, lead the children to the conclusion that objects dry out in the sun); collect toys before leaving the group.

VI. Reflection.

... I will tell you not melting -
You can't live without the sun! O. Chusovitina

... You go and hear after,
Like the sun says, "Baby, hello!" O. Chusovitina

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Children's Salt No. 1 "Sunshine" of the combined type of the city of o. Zvenigorod

Summary of the walk - observations in the 2nd junior group

"Flowering Plants"

Prepared by: Derkach T.I.

July 2015

Target: to develop in children elementary ideas about flowering plants; encourage children to recognize dandelions, daisies, marigolds and name them; develop a dictionary of adjectives (white, yellow, fluffy, golden, like the sun); cultivate a sense of sympathy, respect for plants.

Dandelion watching.

Girls and boys!

Don't pick dandelions!

Among houses, among cars -

Cheerful, meadow

Do not rush to grab in the palm of your hand -

A flower like you, alive!

On a walk, bring the children to a flower bed where daisies and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants, talk about them.

Marigolds are short and tall, golden and orange. The flowers are small and large, with a pungent odor. Grow quickly, bloom until frost.

Chamomile - tall plant with small white flowers. It blooms for a very long time, until autumn. Grows well in sunny areas.

Labor activity:

Loosening the earth around the marigolds and watering in order to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants.

Outdoor games:

"Bird in the nest": walking and running in all directions, without bumping into each other; act quickly on the signal of the teacher, help each other.

"Find your house": act on a signal, orientation in space.