What does a product price list look like? Instructions for creating a price list in Excel. Beautiful price list - sample

A well-designed and beautifully designed price list is no less powerful marketing tool than. The benefits of using price lists are underestimated by many entrepreneurs, resulting in loss of customers.

What is a price list?

Dictionaries of business terms define a price list as a list of prices for goods or services offered by an organization. This term is borrowed from of English language and comes from the words "price" (price) and "list" (list). The price list has replaced the previously common word “price list” from everyday life, although the meaning of both words is identical.

Price lists are used by both large suppliers and small entrepreneurs focused, for example, on. Price simplifies the management of the company's assortment, increases the transparency of the company's relationship with customers and increases its profitability.

Price list - how to write?

The correct spelling of the word "price list" is through a hyphen. This option is used, for example, in the academic spelling dictionary compiled by the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, as well as in the Great Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (2014 edition). As a synonym with a simpler spelling, you can find the word "price list". In addition, often the "price list" is reduced to "price", and the interlocutors understand that we are talking about a list of prices.

Price list structure

To make a price list, you need to understand in what order the information should be presented in it. The price is, in fact, the offer of the company, its purpose is to push the client to purchase. Therefore, the following price list structure is recommended:

  1. goods or services that are subject to discounts and promotions - promotional products, as they attract with the opportunity to benefit from the purchase;
  2. the main offer - we are talking about products that are mainly of interest to customers, about what there is the greatest demand for;
  3. additional assortment - this category includes elements that support the sales of the main assortment;
  4. related products or services - complement the main offer, forming a single complete set with it;
  5. spare parts, components, etc.

Such a procedure for presenting the assortment is considered the most convenient and helps to increase sales after the client has familiarized himself with the price list. Speaking about what can be included in the price list, in addition to the list of goods and prices, it should be noted:

  • Company name;
  • logo;
  • reference data about the company;
  • additional information about goods and services.

How to make a price list?

Creating a price list can be divided into several stages:

  1. Making a document in Microsoft Excel. Excel makes it easy to make adjustments to the document, and the tabular format is optimal for the price list.
  2. Creation of names of goods and services. Each company assigns its own product names. The clearer the names are and the better they allow you to group the goods, the more convenient it will be for the client to navigate the price list.
  3. Maximum disclosure of product information. It is recommended to provide the client with as much useful information about goods and services as possible, sorting it into separate columns. For example, if we are talking about goods, it is desirable to indicate not only the price, but also the color, length, width, weight, etc. - everything that matters when choosing.
  4. Adding pictures. Small images can be inserted into the cells of the column following or before the product names - this will simplify the search right products upon reviewing the price list.
  5. Separation of the price list into working and client. The working document specifies, among other things, the contact details of suppliers and the cost of purchased products. This price list will facilitate the work of employees so that they can find the phone number of the supplier for a particular product. From the price list for customers, information about suppliers and the cost of production is removed. At the same time, it is not necessary to maintain two documents separately - you can only fill out a working price list, and before sending the file to customers, simply delete the necessary columns and cells and save the document under a different name.
  6. Markup definition. If the company is engaged in commodity business and cooperates with both retail and wholesale customers, several prices should be indicated in the price list at once - for retail, for wholesale and large wholesale. When determining the margin, you need to rely on the prices of competitors in the niche and your desired earnings.
  7. Rejection of "round" prices. Is not mandatory requirement but advice worth heeding. According to psychologists' research, people trust round price values ​​(14000, 800, 1300) less, believing that these figures were taken at random. Customers react best to the numbers 5, 7 and 9, so it is recommended to specify a price, for example, not 5000, but 4970.
  8. Removal of identical products. You need to make sure that there are no identical items in the price list - this can mislead the client.
  9. Sorting. If you have a large assortment, you can divide it into several sheets. At the same time, it is desirable to highlight the sheets themselves in Excel with some catchy colors so that the client notices them when working with the price list. You can do this by right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting the Tab Color command.
  10. Point of contact with the client. It is important to remember that the price list is a marketing tool and helps. In order for the price list to fully fulfill this function, it needs to be beautifully laid out, checked for errors, and the company's contact details must be indicated. Also on the first sheet you can make a description of the company and a list of advantages over competitors.

An important role is played by the design of the price list. It should follow the following rules:

  • elements related to each other should be located side by side;
  • all parts of the text should be visually related to each other, this can be achieved using alignment;
  • if some elements are repeated, their design must match;
  • the information in the price list should be organized in such a way that it can be quickly read and found the right position, for this, different colors, outlines, lines, fonts, etc. are used.

How to create a price list online?

On the Internet, you can find many suggestions for creating price lists. Specialists in the field of design and sales offer their services in this area. If your budget allows you to use these services, then it makes sense to turn to professionals.

If you don't want to spend money, you can create a price list online for free and with pictures using Google Sheets. It is a spreadsheet editor similar in function to Excel. At the same time, Google Sheets makes it possible to make changes online and provide access to view or edit documents to an unlimited number of people. Access rights are determined by the creator of the document.

Beautiful price list - sample

It is best to understand how a price list can and should look like with a visual example:

This is an example of a working price list - it shows the purchase price of goods, the products are sorted in alphabetical order, and additional design elements that would help navigate the assortment are not used. But since this is a working price, in this form it is good for company employees.

Any client, getting into a beauty salon, first of all carefully studies the price list. It is this document that determines the amount of revenue at the checkout and affects the desire of the consumer to come here again. Thus, the question “how to draw up a price list” will surely appear in every head of a beauty salon.

Properly designed price list - a marketing kit for a beauty salon

Directly from the price list, the visitor's acquaintance with the beauty salon begins. One has only to draw up the price list correctly, paying attention to its appearance and content, and the chances of making a favorable impression on each client are significantly increased.

The price list is of great importance for any beauty establishment, but it is difficult to arrange it correctly, because. you should work out both the design of the document and pricing, as well as carefully consider the presentation of all information. In general, we can say that it is the price list that demonstrates the manager's own idea of ​​​​the salon. A price list can tell a lot about a company.

In essence, the price list has an informational and promotional character, reflecting the prices for goods and services of the salon, as well as basic information about them. In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a price list in accordance with the requirements that contribute to the growth of its effectiveness.

Opinion practitioner

Tatyana Agapova, magazine expert, director of Business Instruments

Each communication with the consumer is distinguished by its own nuances; due attention should be paid to such a factor as the competent presentation of the price list.

First of all, a significant proportion of customers are people who prefer to receive information online rather than communicate with the administrator. Perhaps behind this lies the client's unwillingness to fall under the influence of the administrator in the process of communication, or some introverted personality traits.

The negligent attitude of salon owners to the price list, who do not perceive it as an important component of communication, leads to the spread on the Internet of uninformative sites with nondescript and inactive price lists.

In addition, it should be noted that if the price list is correctly drawn up, it will provide invaluable assistance to the administrator when telling clients about the services provided by the salon. Think about whether you use all the available consulting tools in the course of employee training?

Often, the administrator does not delve into the essence of the procedures provided and, if necessary, constantly consults with the master, and despite the fact that he is also responsible for the volume of sales of beauty salon services.

The price list gives a description of the service until the moment of its provision. It used to be customary to describe services in the form of a simple table on an ordinary white sheet. Now there are certain standards for the design of the price list.

A simple description of the procedure, which does not reflect its features and expected effect, significantly reduces the sales volume of the service and is more of a formal attribute of a hairdressing salon than a beauty salon.

To arrange a price list in a single style, you can use automated systems salon management. As part of these programs, special forms are presented for creating a price list. Although some systems do not allow all salon employees to work with it. Therefore, many prefer online products. allows you to arrange a very convenient price list:

  • having detailed information about the service;
  • accessible to every specialist from any computer;
  • characterized by a beautiful design;
  • capable of forming automatic mode salon service receipts.

Another nuance of using the price list in communication with the client is the availability of information about services directly in the salon. If your salon does not have convenient booklets or interesting posters with detailed information, then you yourself deprive yourself of the opportunity to sell additional services to the consumer.

How to make a price list

Rule 1. Compliance with the law.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation in Art. 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and paragraphs 2 and 3 of Section II of the Rules consumer services Russian Federation determined how to arrange the price list correctly. The following items must be included in the price list:

  1. Name of company.
  2. Services list.
  3. Service cost.

The price list must be certified by the signature of the head of the salon and the seal. In addition, the price list must contain the date from which it comes into effect.

Rule 2 Appearance The price list must be impeccable.

The external design of the price list is of great importance. A high-quality price list indicates the level of the company. An economy class hairdressing salon can issue a price list in the form of a standard file folder, divided into separate sheets. It should be drawn up very carefully so that the price list makes a favorable impression, and you want to take it in your hands. A higher class of the salon will be evidenced by a single style of design of the salon itself and the price list. At the same time, it is desirable to draw up a price list using corporate colors, font and company logo. You can use a folder made in a printing house especially for your company. In its manufacture, leather or leatherette can be used, depending on the level of the cabin. The high-quality paper of the price list, pleasant font and other nuances create the impression of caring for customers, turning the initial acquaintance with the salon into something special.

Rule 3. The number of price lists should not be limited.

There are a large number of price list locations. First of all, the price list should be in the corner of the consumer. Its presence in this place can be checked by regulatory authorities. Of course, the main location of the price list is the reception. At the same time, the administrator must have 2 price lists at his workplace at once: one for clients, and the other for himself. The price list for the administrator may contain more detailed information about the services provided, their duration, features and results. This is especially useful for young professionals who have not yet been imbued with the features of the salon business. In addition, you can place the price list in the waiting area on the coffee table. It is also important to have a complete price list at every workplace in the salon. Initially, before using the service, the client can familiarize himself with it in detail in the price list. But if during the service process he will have the opportunity to additionally familiarize himself with the range of services, then the chances of selling them to the client will increase significantly.

Rule 4. Design the price list so that it arouses the interest of the client.

The price list refers to advertising and information documents. Since it was created to attract the attention of the client and should interest the visitor, it is important to place all the information logically and consistently in an understandable form. If the price list is drawn up correctly, then the client will understand everything in it, and it will be very convenient to use it. Typically, the price list contains several areas: "Hairdressing room", "Manicure", "Pedicure", etc. Each area has its own logic of the order in which the services provided are placed. For example, the direction "Hairdresser's room". It would be quite logical to draw up a list of services in order, starting with the most popular: haircut, styling, coloring, highlighting, perm, care, etc. The price list traditionally includes services depending on the length of the hair: from short to long. Of course, the introduction of prices depending on the length of the hair has its rational grain, because. material and time costs for such clients are different. In this case, it is important to set specific hair length parameters for the salon, without transferring this function directly to the master. In the direction of "Hairdressing salon" it is customary to use a grouping by the services themselves. For other areas (cosmetic, manicure, pedicure and other rooms), you can draw up a price list grouped by companies whose products are used by the salon.

If the described service is not clear to the client, then it is better to use a detailed transcript. It is customary to do this for cosmetic services and procedures that have a high cost. Of course, the client will quickly choose a service that is clear to him in terms of the procedure itself, efficiency and the intended result. Thus, it is better to issue a price list using a brief description of each service.

Rule 5. Be sure to take into account the gender and age differences of clients.

If you issue a separate price list for male visitors, you can significantly increase the range of services for this category of customers. The basis of this is the conservatism of men. It is common for them to choose a beauty salon once, to remain its adherent for many years, maintaining loyalty. Unlike the standard price list, the price list for men should be neutral or have a certain “male” focus. You can place in the price list all possible salon services, including manicure, pedicure and beautician services. One has only to arrange the names of services in a masculine way, supplement this with a logical and understandable price table, and the male population will come to these services with joy.

For visitors younger age you should draw up a separate children's price list, focusing, if not on them, but on their parents. Such a price list may look quite ordinary, but differ in the range of services provided by the salon for children. This may include services such as children's hygienic manicure, ear piercing, acne treatment programs, contour drawings for boys, preparation for special occasions, carnival styling (including makeup, hair, manicure, etc.).

Rule 6. It is important that prices match the level of the salon.

The prices given in the price list should be logically correlated with the class of the salon, the qualification of the master, the level of service, etc. It is necessary to indicate the appropriate price for each service.

How to draw up a price list for a beauty salon in stages

Stage 1. Definition target audience and positioning of the beauty salon in the market. To correctly draw up a price list, you need to focus primarily on the client. Initially, it is important to determine what kind of client he is (his gender, age, social status and financial situation).

Even before opening a salon, you should analyze the surrounding infrastructure: the presence of potential customers, the location of competitors' salons, what cosmetic lines they use, as well as the price level and range of services. People tend to choose a salon for themselves near their home or place of work. Such a marketing research will allow you to assess the situation as a whole, analyze your own client base and determine the list of services. As a result, you will be able to adequately represent your salon in the cosmetic market with up-to-date services and prices.

After opening marketing research should continue. It is important to monitor all new products on the market and timely introduce new services, technologies and preparations into your assortment, commensurating this with the conditions of the salon and the specifics of the clientele. This approach will allow you to become the master of the situation, not affected by drastic changes in the beauty industry market.

It is important to clearly define your target audience. For a middle-class salon, you should try to avoid a large number of newfangled trends in the price list. For example, by over-expanding the range of luxury services, you can lose a significant number of regular customers who will feel out of place in a salon where the number of spa services is beyond the norm.

Stage 2. Creation of a list of beauty salon services and prioritization. After determining the target audience, the content of the price list should be developed. To this end, initially determine the general list of services. Then distribute it into groups: care, pedicure, manicure, etc.

Next, it is important to arrange the services provided in a certain order. At the very beginning of the price list, new items should be presented. This will draw the attention of customers to these procedures. The use of catchy colors, large print, etc. will have a positive effect here.

Human perception tends to pay more attention to the top lines. Most often, visitors do not read the price list to the end. Thus, it is important to place the most cost-effective services, as well as salon novelties, closer to the top of the price list.

Stage 3. Development of a creative concept for the price list. Demandingness of visitors to beauty salons is steadily growing. It becomes impossible to manage with the usual price lists adopted in hairdressing salons. It is advisable to design the price list more creatively by creating a special concept: for example, a price list menu. The visitor, choosing such an institution, focuses not only on the atmosphere and quality of service, but also on the menu. Many clarify its content in advance through the available media. With a suitable assortment and price level, the client can opt for you. Therefore, the price list of a modern beauty salon should be distinguished by visibility, variety and convenience, including both standard and special branded services. With this approach, there is every chance to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding client.

Do not unnecessarily load the price list with a variety of fonts, colors, or a huge list of procedures. Try to observe the measure in everything.

Stage 4. Placement of logos of famous brands in the price list. The price list of a beauty salon reflects both the availability of the services provided and the level of the institution itself. Therefore, the prestige of the salon is growing when the logos of famous brands are indicated in it. Point this out to your visitors more often. this will help build your reputation in the beauty industry. In addition, this approach allows you to offer services related to different cosmetic lines and, accordingly, at different prices.

Stage 5. Determination of branded services of a beauty salon. Literally every day new beauty salons appear in Moscow. The level of competition is steadily growing, and today it is worth considering how exactly you can keep your customers. Firm services can be a good help in this matter. The presence of such services will allow your beauty center to stand out from other salons and show your individuality. Conversely, their absence or excess can have Negative influence on the sales volume of the entire salon.

The number of branded services should be limited. That is what draws attention to them. When the price list is overflowing with branded services, visitors will no longer perceive them properly. It is important to meet the expectations of your customers. With the low quality of products on which branded services are provided, there is a risk of losing customers. And what attitude will they have towards classic services if branded ones turn out to be of poor quality.

Stage 6. The ratio of popularity and profitability of beauty salon services. When including any service in the price list, carefully study its profitability. Often the profitability high demand do not match with each other. It is important to draw up a price list so that, first of all, the services that give the greatest income are highlighted. When designing them, you can use detailed illustrations, a detailed description, discounts and special promotions. This will really increase the profitability of your establishment.

The profitability and popularity of various services are inextricably linked with each other. Of course, bringing more cost-effective procedures to the forefront helps increase revenue. In turn, popular services help to significantly expand the customer base by attracting new customers. And these new visitors, under the influence of targeted advertising, can later become users of highly profitable procedures.

Stage 7. Competent determination of the price of a beauty salon service. The art of pricing has been taught to most salon managers for many years.

Stage 8. Determination of prices in accordance with the level of qualification of employees. Trying to find a way to increase the income of the salon, you should carefully analyze the qualifications of the working masters. In one salon, specialists of various professional levels can work, while the price for procedures is usually identical. It would be logical to introduce an additional markup on the services of a specialist who has more highly qualified or won on a significant professional competition. It can be done very beautifully. Use diplomas and awards by placing them in a stylish showcase or directly at the employee's workplace. Such a division according to the skill level of the masters will allow you to get additional profit.

In addition, activities in this direction significantly increase the "fighting spirit" of the staff. There is a healthy rivalry among employees and an incentive to improve their own skills.

Stage 9.Design. Thanks to modern technologies You can make a price list very beautifully, stylishly and with high quality. Attractive design reinforces the original image of the salon, and also contributes to the growth of its profits. If we turn to the statistics provided by psychologists, then 60% of people are pronounced visuals. Accordingly, they prefer to perceive information coming from outside visually. By spending a little money and time creating illustrations of procedures, you will have a great chance to increase sales of the salon. Everyone wants to know what he is buying, and looking at the bright pictures, the visitor will quickly decide on his desires.

Stage 10. Obtaining the result. Over time, it becomes more and more difficult to surprise a client. The high level of competition makes it impossible to increase the cost of services. Creative price listing is one of the things you can do to improve your salon's profitability. It is worth seizing every opportunity to promote your beauty business.

How to draw up a price list and calculate the prices for services

Most often, the management of beauty salons cannot decide how to draw up a price list for services correctly and calculate the full price list. In this regard, the majority sticks to the traditional recognition of profits based on the results of the salon for a month.

In a more advantageous position is the owner of a beauty salon, who understands and fully owns the economy of his own business.

Let's take as an example a beauty salon that has 3 areas of activity: a hairdressing salon (4 jobs), facial cosmetology and body aesthetics (2 jobs).

Step 1.We calculate the fixed monthly expenses of a beauty salon.

Let's summarize in table No. 1 the fixed monthly expenses of a beauty salon, which will be constant for more than 6 months (the figures are taken solely for example and do not represent "life-changing" indicators)

Cost item

amount, rub.

room rental

salary of non-production personnel:

Manager - 1

Administrator - 2

Cleaning lady - 1

Accountant - 1

purchase of household funds

utility bills (water, electricity, sewerage, heating)

minor maintenance costs

personnel training cost planning

Unexpected expenses

Total Fixed Monthly Costs

Step 2We determine the monthly working time salon.

Fill in table No. 2 "Determining the number of monthly working hours of the salon"

Step 3We determine the amount of monthly working time of the hairdressing salon and cosmetology.

Fill in table No. 3 "Determining the number of monthly working hours of a hairdressing salon and cosmetology"


working hours per day

working hours per month

The hairdresser

The hairdresser

The hairdresser




Total total running time:

As you understand, Table 3 shows the data for a fully loaded beauty salon. Few people manage to achieve such a maximum load, and for this it may take more than one year of painstaking work.

Let's start from the current daily situation. For example, how many clients in the first month of the salon can come to the specified masters? With a successful scenario, this is 3-4 people. How much is this as a percentage of the indicators in this table? Approximately 25%.

Cost of working time = fixed costs per month / amount of productive time

167,000: 540 = 309 rubles 30 kopecks

We found out that the cost of 1 hour of working time in a beauty salon is 309 rubles 30 kopecks.

Step 5We calculate the cost of services and procedures.

As a sample, we will take the calculation of the cost of an average price procedure.

The cost of cosmetic preparations for the procedure

cosmetic product


cost price

Cleansing milk

Tonic for dry skin

Scrub peeling


Massage Oil

Plasticized mask

The duration of the cosmetic procedure is 60 minutes.

The necessary indicators for calculating the total cost of the specified cosmetic procedure are given by us:

Thus, the following calculation is obtained. Full cost = cost of working time x service time + cost of materials 309.3 x 1 + 1307.3 = 1,616.60 rubles

Step 6We form the prices of the service.

It's great if you were able to do market research on your competitive environment. Using analytical data for similar cosmetic procedures, you can correctly build pricing policy its similar service.

For example, the average price of a rejuvenating cosmetic procedure (among three competing salons) was 4,000 rubles.

Step 7We calculate the profit received from the procedure.

With the following inputs,

we easily calculate our own profit from this cosmetic procedure: 4,000 - 1,200 - 1,616.60 \u003d 1183 rubles 40 kopecks

Higher overall salon costs increase the overall cost of the procedure and result in lower profits.

How to make a beautiful price list

Tip 1. Pay close attention to the design of the text and the background of the price list.

The price list should be drawn up with a certain moderation. No need to strive for excessive brightness and flashy colors.

Take into account the following subtleties:

  1. It is not necessary to use the default font, you should choose your own individual one that is pleasing to the eye and reading.
  2. The size of the letters should be easy to read.
  3. Color accents will help draw attention to the right place and distinguish between categories. You should choose carefully, from soft pastel shades, without using a bright and inconvenient palette for perception.
  4. 2-3 colors are enough to highlight.

Tip 2. Correctly fill in the header of the price list.

It is best to design a price list header using details. You can design an individual hat with your logo and details. This approach will distinguish your price list from competitors' offers. The width of the intermediate header rows can be larger than the standard, which allows you to better delimit and orient the sheet.

Tip 3: Enter additional columns.

Additional columns in the price list make it even more interesting for the visitor.

In the form of an additional column, you can arrange the following marketing moves:

  1. Prices with cumulative discounts for regular customers.
  2. Promotion offers.

Tip 4: Highlight new arrivals on your price list.

The traditional prefix or the “new” icon next to the name is clearly not enough.

The above technique using an additional column will allow you to place a concise text about the new product, including 2-3 key differences or unique characteristics.

Tip 5. It is important to arrange a large-scale promotion correctly in the price list.

If your company has a large-scale promotion, you may not be limited to a separate column. Place the required information at the very beginning of the price list, before the main table. You should just not get carried away and not stretch the promotional offer over several pages.

With this option, it is easier to place the main promotional information at the top of each page, indicating the page number, where customers can see the full list of offers for the promotion.

Tip 6: Play with the numbers.

If there are prices that are lower on average compared to the prices of competitors, it is possible to draw the attention of the client to this aspect. Enter 2 additional columns and indicate in one average price for a similar product, and in the other we show the difference that the client extracts when purchasing goods in your establishment.

As a result, the client's time is saved for calculations, and the benefit becomes clearly noticeable, which is difficult to resist.

As a result of the actions performed with the price list, the following appear: Benefits:

  1. The corporate style of registration is traced.
  2. Perception of differences does not cause tension, but only helps.
  3. Promotions are located in a worthy place, while the functionality of the price list itself is not lost.

Making a price list on the website of a beauty salon

Most users, when familiarizing themselves with the site, not only study the goods and services provided, but are also interested in the prices for them. In this regard, it is of great importance to carefully develop the design of prices posted on the site. There are several basic rules, using which you can correctly issue all prices on the salon website.

Rule 1. Availability of price.

First of all, you should understand that the presence of a price for a good site is mandatory. And let it be a certain range, if it is impossible to specify a certain amount, but such data should be posted.

There are unscrupulous studios that assure customers that if you do not list prices on the site, then this will intrigue users and they will definitely call. This statement is not true. Having spent so much time searching and calling the salon back, the user hopes to hear something interesting for himself, and if the average price is named, then the person is likely to be disappointed. Even worse, if the price is higher than expected. In this case, few people have the patience to listen to the salon manager to the end, and information about the benefits and bonuses will no longer be relevant.

If for some reason it is impossible to indicate the price or price range, then you can try to get by with other ways of presenting information.

Rule 2. Prices based on examples of work.

If the final price consists of a number of factors, you still should not deviate from rule No. 1. With this option, you can provide several real or abstract examples of calculating the service (for example, a service with parameters A, B and C will cost such - the price). These prices, accompanied by photographs and calculation formulas, will come in handy to draw up a portfolio of your work.

Rule 3. Calculator.

If it is difficult to determine the price and there are many criteria, you can place a special calculator on the site. Then potential consumer will independently calculate the approximate costs for the desired service and decide whether he has enough funds.

It is only worth noting that the price in the calculator may differ slightly from the final one, that this is only an initial guideline for the client when choosing a service. Any approximate calculator will make a more favorable impression than an unsubscribe that all prices can be found only with a specific order.

Rule 4. Download the price.

In a situation where there is a large range of prices, you can use the function of posting a price list on the site for download. AT this case it needs to be formatted accordingly. It is advisable to make a beautiful table instead of a table in Excel advertising booklet. This booklet can be designed in the style of the company, complemented by beautiful images and your contacts.

Rule 5. Separation of prices and services.

To improve the convenience of using the site, "Services" and "Prices" should be located in one place. Inexperienced specialists often divide this information into different sections, but this only leads to negative emotions for the site visitor. He is forced to move around the site and look for information in different places. It is much more convenient when the price tag and the product / service are nearby.

Rule 6. Font.

You should choose the optimal font size for indicating the price. Too large font on a subconscious level is perceived as "more expensive". It is advisable to arrange all prices in such a font size that they are noticeable, but not too conspicuous.

According to the same principle, it is desirable to issue currency signatures. The use of the ruble symbol is perceived much more favorably than the word “rubles”, which visually raises the entire price.

Rule 7. Old price.

During the promotion period, the old price of a product/service can be written in a less catchy font than the new one. This will allow the visitor to focus on the current offer, and not think about the price that is no longer valid.

Rule 8. Bit depth.

Great importance is attached to the separation of digits of numbers in the design of prices. The human eye perceives better the price, which is designed with a space separating thousands from each other. Such elementary trifles create additional convenience for customers, which will not be slow to affect the sales of the entire company.

In this post, we invite you to check out a selection of 64 effective, well-designed pricing pages. We hope that they will be a great source of ideas for you. Watch, get inspired and bookmark!

1. Flat

Flat offers visitors to purchase any number of licenses, at any time and for any period, using a simple price filter slider.


ViewFlux did a great job of distributing the white space on their pricing page. The clean layout allows visitors to focus on the features of each plan.


Readymag immediately let users know that by choosing annual plans, they will save up to 20% of the funds. When switching between the monthly and annual payment tabs, the animation perfectly highlights the difference in price.


Marvel also bet on the benefits of an annual subscription, but compared to the previous example, their page is easier to read due to well-distributed white space.


Dunked also offers customers savings of up to 30% when they sign up for an annual plan, indicated by a small toggle located under the plans.


Stripe emphasizes the simplicity and transparency of their tariff plans both in the title and in the descriptions. The main rate stands out against the background of other structural elements of the page.


Key Feature of this price list is that the user can cancel or change his tariff at any time.

8. Klets

The most optimal price list tariff from Klets is highlighted with a frame, in addition, the company offers a two-week free-trial subscription for it.

9 Base

Base use huge fonts to draw the attention of visitors to their pricing plans. At the bottom is a compelling call to action that encourages them to complete the lead form.

10 Symo

Symo highlights the benefits of the central plan by highlighting it with a blue border that reads " The best choice» (Best choice).


Semplice offer users to purchase any version of their product in one payment, without any subscription.


The Carto pricing model is simple and affordable. The individual plan is shaded gray and its price contrasts strongly with the other two offerings.


Prevue provides its customers with a free subscription to each of the presented tariffs.


Themes Kingdom not only points users to the most popular plan, but also guarantees them a refund in the first 14 days.


Webflow also guarantees subscribers a 30-day money back guarantee. The price list includes 4 tariff plans - from a free account for beginners to the most expensive tariff for large teams.


This page will serve as an excellent example of a price list design for online stores promoting perfumes or cosmetics.

17. Flow

Flow allows page visitors to adjust the parameters of the tariff plan using a convenient vertical slider. In the case of a subscription, the entire team gets 15 days of free use.


Shoplo offer a 15-day free trial subscription to all customers. A well-structured pricing plan page makes it easy to distinguish the main benefits of each offer.

19. Lingo

Lingo accompanies its price list with high-quality icons, and also informs page visitors about a 30-day free subscription for professional and team plans.


Mailchimp's flexible pricing plan system is designed for both First level email marketing, as well as bulk email campaigns for big business. The designers very well expressed the difference between the tariffs in symbolic images with animals.


The clean layout and large font draws Squarespace visitors' attention to the cost of their two main plans.

22. Asana

Asana offers users two basic plans: a free subscription for teams of less than 15 people that does not contrast with the general background of the page, and a premium plan that stands out in bright color.


Onfleet have a simple and transparent pricing policy and allow visitors to select the desired tariff using a horizontal slider.


On their pricing page, Do simply lists the single cost of a subscription and lists its benefits.

25. Vend

Vend provides its customers with several great pricing plans, highlighting the most popular one with color.


Marque combines very interesting colors in its price list and perfectly explains the purpose of each of the tariff plans to visitors.


The Moneybird pricing page is an exemplary example of a minimalist approach to design.

28. Coach

Absolutely all functions of the Coach service are free. You only pay when you use Coach to sell content.


The absence of any secondary design elements on this page speaks to its inherent minimalism. Thanks to the clean layout of Segment, it is easy to focus on the most popular tariff.


Clio uses one pricing plan and one CTA button in their price list. To subscribe, the user only needs to leave an email.

31. Wake

Wake encourages potential customers to take advantage of a 30-day free subscription by listing the names of well-known brands that have partnered with them on their pricing page.

32. Ionic

Ionic provides flexible plans for developers, startups, and enterprises. With an annual subscription, the user saves 10% on payments.


Webydo makes it very clear to visitors which plan is the most requested, and also highlights the 20% discount for the annual subscription.


Unlike previous services, Mention expressed the benefits of an annual subscription not in money, but in months. The increase in the cost of tariff plans here is expressed in the saturation of the blue color that is used in their design.


Avocode's basic plans are available for a two-week free trial. The whole emphasis here is on the annual subscription, and the monthly payment is relegated to the background.


The catchy inscription “100% happiness guarantee” intrigues visitors and helps dispel their doubts before choosing the right Weebly plan.


Timely offers customers a limited free plan and a paid but very affordable subscription with a 30-day trial period.


The most requested Dropbox Business plan is highlighted in blue. You can sign up for a monthly free-trial subscription to it or purchase it immediately.


Atomic perfectly emphasizes the uniqueness of each tariff due to the correctly chosen color. The most popular plan is labeled “Recommended”.


As social proof, Shopify shows visitors to its pricing page the number of startups that have signed up for a two-week free account.


All 4 Format tariff plans are available for free use for two weeks. The red CTA button contrasts favorably with other page elements.


Apiary has displayed its prices in a table with detailed descriptions, which makes it easy to see all the features of the tariffs.


Treehouse demonstrate the difference in their tariff plans in the size of the structural blocks that describe their benefits. Due to the contrast of colors, the emphasis is on a more expensive account.


Intercom successfully used cartoon characters to communicate their price offers.


Abacus start their price list with a leading question and then color and format the block with a more professional fare for big teams.


Azendoo takes a minimalist approach to the design of its pricing page. A cheaper, team, tariff can be used here for free.


Positionly invites visitors to take advantage of rate recommendations through a simple drop-down menu.


That Clean Life focuses customers on its standard rate, designed for individual use.


GoSquared allows subscribers to use its platform for free for 14 days. The average tariff plan stands out because it provides customers with the most favorable conditions.


Presumi explains to users the purpose of each tariff not only with the help of textual descriptions, but also through small drawings.


SendGrid distributes the two cheapest tariffs to additional plans so that each client can find suitable conditions for themselves.


The InVision price list includes five simple plans designed for any audience. For the most expensive tariff, you can get a free-trial subscription.


And again we see that the animation in the design of tariff plans changes their perception for the better. For a more detailed comparison of price offers, the visitor only needs to press one button.


Podio offers favorable rates for entrepreneurs of any level and sets off the most popular plan with a dark fill.

55. Quip

Quip displays its price per flat rate in a separate white block that contrasts with the background of the page and draws attention to itself.

RedPen immediately tell users that the only difference among all their plans is the number of projects that can be run at the same time.


Help Scout used different colors to highlight each of the fares, as well as highlighting common features all price offers.

60. Mode

With a simple inscription and blue fill, Mode very clearly separates the paid part of its price list from the free one.

Robin also uses a horizontal slider to filter their pricing plans. When you select the necessary price conditions, the red indicator switches between price offers.


Mapbox lists many features in their plan descriptions, but at the top of the page they list the perks that all of their plans have in common.


Litmus shows you how to correctly allocate empty space in a price list. With the help of this table, anyone can start using the service within 1 minute.

The price list is necessary for the buyer to study the range and make a purchase. Therefore, the design of the price list must be approached responsibly. There are norms and rules for compiling price lists, we will tell you more in our article.

Making a price list

When compiling a price list, an entrepreneur must make sure that the buyer is satisfied with the level and completeness of the information presented in it.

It should disclose the assortment of the store, should contain a brief description of goods and products, sufficient to make a purchasing decision, and, of course, the price.

How to make a price list if the store provides discounts? They also need to be specified in the price list. Products that participate in promotions, marketing events, or some kind of bonuses are provided for them, can be highlighted for ease of perception in color, in a different font, etc.

Making out the price list, we must not forget that it is for the buyer. Therefore, it should be convenient and pleasant to read. No need to write in too small a font.

The information should be detailed, but not redundant. If there are many positions in the list, and for each there will be detailed description, the document will be large, you simply won’t want to read it.

The originality of the names is a good thing in order to catch the attention of the buyer, but in this case you need to be careful with creativity: it is not always justified to name traditionally well-known and popular goods creative.

The price list must include contact information. No matter how detailed the goods and products are described, the buyer will definitely have additional questions. In this case, they usually leave the phone number or email address of one of the managers.

See an accurate picture of human needs and produce successful sales services will help the CRM-system from Business.Ru. Accumulate and systematize information about the client and increase his loyalty with personal offers.

Sorting goods

Goods and products can and should be divided into categories, if necessary, especially for department stores:

1. By type. Food, non-grocery goods, stationery, etc. Each type of product can also be divided into segments. For example, food products can be divided into: dairy products, meat and sausages, bakery, confectionery, etc.

Non-food products can be sorted into segments: clothing (can also be divided into men's, women's and children's), Appliances, household chemicals, personal care products, etc.

2. By types of prices. Usually prices are retail or wholesale (small wholesale, large wholesale): the first prices are higher, the second lower. That is, if a person buys not 1 unit, but a batch of small or large wholesale, the goods will cost him less.

This can be reflected in the price list, for example, it is indicated that when buying from 10 pieces, the price will be reduced by 10%.

Or, for example, you can make such a note in the price list that when buying a total amount (without division into types and categories of goods, just for the amount) so many rubles, a 10% discount will be applied to the purchase amount.

Psychological prices

The psychology of price is based on perception. This one is best shown with an example: 1000 rubles and 999 rubles.

In fact, this is the same price: the difference of 1 ruble is not significant and practically does not affect, ceteris paribus, on financial results entrepreneur's business.

However, this difference is significant for the buyer: the price tag with 999 rubles attracts him more than the price tag with 1000 rubles.

The difference of 1 ruble, which, in fact, is not a difference, for the buyer is a kind of boundary between completely different scales of the amounts of money that he has to pay from his own wallet:

  • 999 rubles - this amount is measured in hundreds.
  • 1000 rubles - this amount is already measured in thousands.

Psychologically, the price measurement scale in the second case is 10 times larger than the measurement scale in the first case: thousands are 10 times larger than hundreds.

Therefore, prices indicated in this form - 999 rubles, 1999 rubles, etc. - are more attractive for the buyer.

Marketing and retail experts say that in this case, the buyer is more willing to make a purchase, because it is easier for him to give 10 times less money.

In fact, of course, there is no difference, but it seems to a person that there is. Therefore, many experts and specialists recommend that prices be indicated in this form.

Of course, this should be done in such a way that both the prices separately and the entire price list look and feel harmonious. Therefore, the decision on the use of such non-round prices must be made based on the specific conditions of doing a particular business.

Types of price lists:

1. For the buyer. It indicates what a person needs to make a decision: to buy a product or not, if to buy, then how much. In the price list for the buyer, in addition to the price and name, there may be Additional Information that characterizes the goods, the product.

It depends on the need and on specific situations;

2. Internal price list. It is intended for official use. It may contain more advanced information, including information that is not intended for the buyer, but may be necessary for store employees, for example, sales managers, accountants, marketers and others.

An extended price list can have the following set of information (example):

  • Name of goods;
  • The selling price per unit for which the product is sold to the buyer;
  • Purchase price. There may be times when managers need this information for all products, so it can be included in the extended version;
  • Product cost. In addition to the purchase price, it may include other costs that are in the business;
  • Opportunities for discounts. In the extended price list, intended for managers, you can specify to what extent they can reduce the price. Naturally, this is the case if the conditions of the store provide for dynamic prices.

Selling price list. Video

Price list in the online service "Business.Ru"

Usually in stores there is a fairly large assortment of what is sold. Therefore, there is a need to automate the process of registration of price lists.

You can do this with the help of the well-known Excel program (free of charge). In this case, it will be a program for compiling price lists.

It provides many convenient tools for this: sorting, columns, rows and sheets, the ability to apply formulas and the relationship of document elements and various documents.

However, the use of Excel is, if not a manual, but not a fully automated process.

How to make a price list in Excel? Creating a price list in Microsoft Excel

What is a price list?
Price list - this name is familiar to any person. What does he represent?
Basically, the price list displays the names of goods and their prices.

However, they may contain more detailed information about the product or product.
What packaging, stock availability, product barcode, assortment, expiration date.

The presence of the need for a certain parameter of the goods required to be reflected in the price list depends on the needs of the seller.
Why do you need a price list in Excel?

Firstly, this is the most simple and convenient program for creating price list templates of any complexity. With Excel, you can upload price lists to websites. Print in any required A4 format; A2 etc. And also translate into any graphic Excel allows you to create price lists for internal and external use.

For internal use, the price list template, with the necessary formulas and macros, allows you to create various tables.

With the help of such tables, it is quite easy to work with any amount of data, to analyze all the policies of the enterprise. Make diagrams of any result or business project plan.

An external price list is a table of data that is offered to the client for viewing.
In Excel, it is very quick and easy to make a price list table to satisfy any whim of the client. And provide it to him in any form and format.

How to make a price list in Excel?
To start, let's run Microsoft program Excel.

A program window will open, as shown in the figure. Usually several sheets open.
Give the book a name. To do this, we use the "save as" function.

This function will allow you to simultaneously determine the location of the file (Excel book), for example, in the My Documents folder, and give it a name. AT this example the ekxel file/book will be named “price”.
Then we rename sheet2 to “price list form. We have a sheet for creating a price list template.

Preparation of the sheet "price list form".
The design of the price list depends on the desire of the head of the company.
In our example, we want the company logo, its physical address, and all communication methods.

1. Place for the company logo.
To do this, we merge two cells in two columns A, B.
Hover over cell 1 in column A, and hold the cursor with the right mouse button
Select row 2 in column A and B.

Then click on the icon as shown in the picture. And we get the union of cells.
We do this operation one more time. And we no longer use cell selection.

Keep in mind that merging cells often makes calculations difficult. Especially when it comes to large amounts of data.

In our price list template example, the cells required for merging are indicated by arrows in the figure.
Create a price list table.

Table layout.

We determine the required number of columns with the given parameters for the column width and row height. Basically, the row height is determined for the table header.

This is due to the long names of the parameters, which do not always fit into the usual size of the strings.
To begin with, we write the parameters in an ordinary line - Product code, name, quantity in the package, price 1 unit. including VAT, price per package including VAT.

Then we increase the line width. This can be done in two ways. The easiest way is to use the mouse to move the cursor to the border with the line and, holding the cursor by pressing the right mouse button, increase the height of the line.

The second way is to go to the "cell format" and make the necessary manipulations in the proposed list of functions. As shown in the picture below.

With the Format Cells function, you can also set font options for each table text, as well as set the text direction, text alignment, text wrapping, or set autowidth in the Alignment function.
We will use the "Border" function to mark the columns and cells of the table, which will make it look more attractive.

As you can see in the figure below this text, the table borders can be made with any line thickness and any direction. With a little practice, this markup will be fairly easy to do.

So, we already have an almost finished table. You can enter values ​​in its columns.
Do necessary calculations. Calculations .... They can be done using a calculator, or you can use formulas in an Excel spreadsheet. Which is much more efficient and more accurate.

How to do automatic data calculation.
In the column Price per package including VAT, enter the formula.
\u003d E14 * D14, thus, enter the formulas.

The equal sign is written at the beginning of the formula. Then enter the values ​​with which to carry out mathematical calculations. The figures below the text show where you can see the inscribed formulas.