"Birds" presentation for younger preschoolers presentation for a lesson on the world around (younger group) on the topic. Presentation "Birds Birds presentation for children

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titmouse Yellow belly - sparrow's girlfriend.

sparrow This little bird Wears a gray shirt, Picks up crumbs quickly And escapes from a cat.

dove Look at the balcony: He's been cooing here since morning. This bird is a postman, It will fly any route.

woodpecker All the trees with interest The doctor of the forest studies. If a tree is eaten by a beetle, the Doctor immediately: KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!

magpie Chatty bird - no doubt, Will tell the news and the secret! Beautiful in appearance, white-sided Who? - Longtail...

Rooks Along with this black bird Spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping on the arable land?

bullfinch Every year I fly to you, I want to spend the winter with you. And even redder in winter My bright red tie.

swallow Like at home, on the ledge A bird stuck from below A nest, like a vase This bird - ...

the owl flies all night - it gets mice. And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep.

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Presentation "Birds" Compiled by: teacher Shapoval G.G. GBDOU No. 50 of the Vasileostrovsky district

1. I have a black cap on my head, the back, wings and tail are dark, and the chest is bright yellow, as if dressed in a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs, worms, and in the winter, when I am without food, I eat everything: various grains, and bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Guess who I am? Tit

We hurried to you guys. Spring is coming. A couple to get down to business: populate the houses prepared by you, build nests, hatch and raise chicks Starling

Owl What kind of tales about me do not tell! They even think that I am inviting trouble. In fact, I am very useful bird. I eat 7-8 mice per night. My family alone destroys 10,000 mice a year and thus saves 20 tons of grain.

Cuckoo Many do not like us, because we destroy other people's chicks. And yet we are very useful: we destroy many dangerous caterpillars, even those that other birds do not eat.

Rook Nose bridge with a white circle, It is important that I go behind the plow, The kitchen garden, the field - the doctor Glossy black ...

They call me "keeper of the forest." I live in a tree, in a hollow. All my life I have been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down the tree, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. Nuthatch

bird talk

quacking ducks

Crows croak

Goose cackle

Owls hoot

squeaking tits

Nightingales are whistling

Bird professions

The carpenter bird Woodpeckers chisel the bark of trees for hours, getting insects out of there, which is why they say: “He worked like a woodpecker”

Forest cat Oriole really knows how to scream like a cat in a moment of danger. And before a thunderstorm, the oriole usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery and makes sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.

Builder bird The swallow is considered the most skilled nest builder.

Acrobat bird Nuthatch climbs trees upside down.

Nocturnal Predator Owls come out to hunt at night and swallow mice whole.

Feathered soloist Nightingale. They say about him: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent and most resonant.

Rules of bird friends 1. Do not destroy bird nests. 2. Do not shoot birds with slingshots. 3. Make birdhouses and bird feeders. 4. Feed them in winter.

BEWARE THE BIRDS! Don't touch the swallow! She flies here from afar, We raise her chicks, Do not ruin her nests. Be a bird friend! Let the nightingale sing under the window in spring, And flocks of doves fly over the expanses of the Earth! Musa Dzhangaziyev

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Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about the life of birds in the spring.
  • Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about the life of birds in the spring.
  • clarify and expand ideas about birds, about their life in the spring; give information about the sound signals of birds.
  • develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, thinking, speech of children, enrich their vocabulary;
  • cultivate a kind caring attitude towards birds.
In the spring everything comes to life, the birds rejoice in the warmth and sunbeams, trills, songs, chirps, melodic whistles are heard everywhere. They are returning from warmer climes migratory birds- rook, lark, starling, chaffinch, swallow... They build nests in spring and lay eggs in them. Some birds have time to hatch chicks already at the end of spring.
  • In the spring, everything comes to life, the birds rejoice in the warmth and sunshine, trills, songs, chirps, melodic whistles are heard everywhere. Here migratory birds return from warm lands - rook, lark, starling, chaffinch, swallow ... They build nests in spring and lay eggs in them. Some birds have time to hatch chicks already at the end of spring.
Bird Day Riddles
  • All migratory birds are blacker, Cleans the arable land from worms. Jump back and forth across the arable land. And the bird is called...
  • In the summer he goes to the plowman, And in the winter he leaves with a cry.
  • (Rook)
  • "Rooks"
  • This week
  • The Rooks Have Arrived.
  • Though the road was hard
  • The elder rook shouted sternly:
  • “To work!
  • A lot to do!
  • Remember yourself
  • teach others,
  • Yes for real:
  • Our black rooks
  • Working birds!
  • A. Prokofiev
  • Bridge with white
  • around,
  • It's important I go
  • behind the plow
  • Garden, field -
  • Glossy
  • black …
  • Length 45-47 cm, body weight 310-490 g. The rook looks like a crow, but is slenderer, has a thinner and straighter beak. Feathers are black, with a purple tint.
  • Birds of the crow family.
  • Perfectly tamed, they can imitate human speech.
  • They leave our region in late autumn, disappearing in late October or early November.
We built a birdhouse
  • We built a birdhouse
  • For a cheerful starling,
  • We hung a birdhouse
  • Right next to the porch.
  • The whole family of four
  • Lives in Tom's house:
  • Mother, father and starlings -
  • Black feathers.
  • E. Tarakhovskaya
  • Riddles
  • On the pole is a cheerful house
  • With a round small window.
  • For the children to sleep
  • The house shakes the wind.
  • Father sings on the porch -
  • He is both a pilot and a singer.
  • On the sixth palace
  • Singer in the palace
  • And his name is...
  • (Starling)
We hurried to you guys. Spring is coming. A couple to get down to business: populate the houses prepared by you, build nests, hatch and raise chicks
  • Starling
  • Mystery
  • I am agile, light-winged,
  • The tail is forked like a pitchfork.
  • If I'm flying low
  • So it's about to rain.
  • (Martin)
  • Don't touch the swallow! She is
  • From afar flies here
  • We raise our chicks,
  • Don't destroy her nests.
  • Be a bird friend!
  • Let under the window
  • The nightingale sings in spring
  • And over the vastness of the Earth
  • Flocks of pigeons are flying!
  • Musa Dzhangaziyev
  • They mold their nests from clay, mud and silty sand, moistening the lumps with their unusually sticky saliva, and cover the inside of their molded nest with soft and warm bedding. Swallows lay 4-6 eggs and the female and male take turns incubating their clutch for 15 days, the hatched chicks are also fed by both parents for about 20-25 days, after which they are ready to go on an independent flight
1. I have a black cap on my head, the back, wings and tail are dark, and the chest is bright yellow, as if dressed in a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs, worms, and in the winter, when I'm starved, I eat everything: various grains, bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Guess who I am?
  • Tit
  • What kind of tales about me do not tell! They even think that I am inviting trouble. In fact, I am a very useful bird. I eat 7-8 mice per night. My family alone destroys 10,000 mice a year and thus saves 20 tons of grain.
  • Cuckoo
  • Many do not like us, because we destroy other people's chicks. And yet we are very useful: we destroy many dangerous caterpillars, even those that other birds do not eat.
They call me "keeper of the forest." I live in a tree, in a hollow. All my life I have been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down the tree, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another.
  • Nuthatch
bird talk quack croak
  • crows
Cackling Hooting Squeaking
  • tits
  • Nightingales
Bird Professions
  • Woodpeckers peck at the bark of trees for hours, getting insects out of there, which is why they say: “He worked like a woodpecker”
forest cat
  • Oriole really knows how to scream like a cat in a moment of danger. And before a thunderstorm, the oriole usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery and makes sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.
Builder Bird
  • The swallow is considered the most skilled nest builder.
acrobat bird
  • The nuthatch climbs trees upside down.
night predator
  • Owls come out to hunt at night and swallow mice whole.
Feathered soloist
  • Nightingale. They say about him: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent and most resonant.
Waterfowl Bird Friends Rules
  • 1. Do not destroy bird nests.
  • 2. Do not shoot birds with slingshots.
  • 3. Make birdhouses and bird feeders.
  • 4. Feed them in winter.
Take care of the birds!
  • Be a bird friend!
  • Let under the window
  • The nightingale sings in spring.
  • And over the vastness of the earth
  • Flocks of pigeons are flying!