Synopsis of the nodes of the profession for the senior group. There are a lot of Professions summary in the world. School prep group. NOD "Journey through the professions of the past"

Program content:

To expand children's knowledge and ideas about professions (female and male professions)

Arouse interest in the world around us, form realistic ideas about the work of adults.

Enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech.

Teach children to give complete answers to questions.

Activate the attention, thinking and memory of children, develop logical thinking, fine motor skills.

Cultivate respect for people different professions.

Integration of educational areas: Socialization, Communication, Reading fiction, Labor, Security.

Vocabulary work: profession, tailor, drill, fire extinguisher.

Material and equipment for the lesson:

- plan scheme, signs denoting the name of the city,

4 easels, pictures depicting professions (educator, firefighter, builders, hairdresser),

Special clothes for the seller, doctor, cook, hairdresser), toys for each of these professions,

4 baskets (hoops), ball.

Split pictures of a hairdresser, firefighter, builder, educator (teacher).

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations;

Conversations - about professions, about the importance of labor for society;

Excursions - in medical office, to the kitchen, to the cabinetmaid's office;

Reading a poem by Gianni Rodari “What do crafts smell like”, “What color is a craft”;

Games "Who needs what", "Professions"

Riddles about professions, proverbs sayings about work.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle.

Educator: Today we will go on a journey through the country of professions.

1. Educator: And now I want to test how carefully you know how to listen. We'll play a game Who owns the phrase? You will answer, the person of what profession could say this phrase.
- How to cut your hair? And shorter bangs? (The hairdresser.)
Hello children, open your textbooks to page 33. (Teacher.)
Bring bricks, cement. (Builder.)
Today I will draw a landscape. (Painter.)
Open your mouth and say "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah." (Doctor.)
What buttons to sew on this blouse: white or black? (Tailor.)
- How many kilograms of potatoes do you weigh? 25 rubles from you. (Salesman.)
Well done, you correctly guessed all the professions. (children sit down)

Educator: What is a profession? (this is the work to which a person devotes his whole life).

Educator: Is every job a profession? (only the one that a person does for many other people, and not just for loved ones)

Educator: Professions need to be specially trained, each business has its own rules.

Your parents also studied and acquired professions. I want to offer you to go on a journey through the country of professions.

2. Educator: And to get to the city of the first city, we must solve the riddle:

We work as a team

We are being transported concrete, sand

We need to work together

To build new house. (Builders)

Educator: Right in front of us is a city of builders. (Opens an easel on which there are pictures of the construction site).

Why is this one of the most important professions?

Workers, what professions are involved in building a house? Name them all, please. (mason, roofer, painter, tiler, carpenter, glazier, electrician, locksmith, electric welder, truck driver, crane driver).

Educator: Guys, tell me, what qualities are needed for builders of different specialties?

(physical hardening, not a small physical strength, diligence, excellent mastery of the profession, skillful hands).

Well, here we are introduced to some profession of city builders.

3. Educator: It's time for us to go to the next city, and which city you will recognize from the riddle:

I deal with kids.

I spend all my days with them.

I never get angry

For the tricks of the kids. (tutor)

Do any of you want to be a teacher?

Who can tell what a kindergarten teacher should know and be able to do?

What do you think is the most important quality of a teacher?

Who chooses this profession more men or women?

Fizminutka: Playing with the ball on the carpet.

Educator: Come out to me, we'll play a ball game. I will name the tools, and you will answer what they do with this tool, what actions they perform.

Knife…. Cut.

Broom…. Metut.

Saw…. Saw.

From a watering can…. Watered.

With an ax…. They are chopping.

Ladle…. Pour.

Shovel .... They're digging.

Needle…. Sew.

Scissors…. Sheared.

Comb…. Combing.

On the scales.... Weigh.

In a pot.... They brew.

In a frying pan.... Roast.

Thermometer .... Measure.

With a brush.... Draw.

4. Educator: And who lives in the next city you will learn from a poem by S.A. Vasiliev:

Alarm number "zero one"

You won't be alone

Serenas are humming piercingly -

Start of the day of the fire shift;

They need to hurry

Extinguish a dangerous fire.

Educator: Guess who lives in this city? (That's right, firefighters).

Why is the job of a firefighter considered dangerous?

What qualities should a firefighter have?

And who chooses this profession more than a man or a woman?

Well, it's time to go to the next city.

5. Educator: Listen to the riddle:

Hairdryer, brush and comb,

Will he do his hair? (The hairdresser).

Have any of you been to the barbershop?

How many rooms are there in the barbershop? (3 halls)

Name them? (male, female, children).

Which of you will say what is the work of a hairdresser?

What qualities should a hairdresser have?

6. Educator: Guys, we have visited some cities of the country of professions.

Tell me which of these professions are male and which are female?

Why did you attribute the profession of a firefighter and a builder to a male profession, and the profession of an educator and a hairdresser to a female one?

Educator: And now I want to invite you to play.
The game is called: "Do what I say". Now I will give you one picture with the image of the tools and ask those who have such tools to stand up and come to me: sharp; glass; metal; needed, needed.
The children are doing the task.
Well done, you've done the job!
Our next game is called "Who needs what?" Please come to the table.
The teacher chooses four drivers, gives them special clothing for a hairdresser, doctor, cook, seller. The leaders take four hoops, and the rest of the children take objects and run around the leaders to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children, having determined who needs this item, approach the child “imagining” this profession. The team that gathers at their profession the fastest wins.
Well done, you did great! Take your seats.

Educator: Guys, do you like to collect puzzles?

The next game is called: "Collect the picture." You need to be divided into four teams and each team will have to assemble their picture according to the model.

Educator: So our short journey through the country of professions has ended.

- Guys, tell me, what interesting thing did you learn in the lesson today?

Integration of educational areas: "knowledge", "communication", "reading fiction", "health".
Activities: game, communicative, motor, perception of fiction.
Material and equipment: subject and plot pictures, envelopes with split pictures depicting people with different professions, a magnetic board, cards with images of different tools for different professions of people.
Program tasks:
- to clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
- practice writing descriptive stories.
- to consolidate the knowledge of children that different things help people in their work - tools.
- continue to orient children in the areas of human activity (science, art, production and services, agriculture), their significance for the life of the child, his family, kindergarten and society as a whole.
- to cultivate interest in classes, to form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.
- to educate children's interest and respect for people of different professions.

Activity progress

Educator: Guys! Today we have a guest. And to find out who it is, you need to guess the riddle. And then you know who it is?

He is, of course, the most important
Mischievous - funny naughty,
He walks in a huge hat,
Clumsy and sloppy. (Dunno)

Children: Dunno.
Educator: right. This is a stranger.

Dunno enters and carries a bright box in his hands.

Dunno: Good afternoon! I found a beautiful box here on the moon, but I don’t know what is in it. I think I'll take the guys to Kindergarten Let's see what's in it together. Let's see!

Educator: Well, let's take a look with the guys.

The teacher opens the box, and there are multi-colored envelopes.

Educator: Guys, here are colored envelopes and it seems to me that there are tasks for us. Let's open in order (gets first envelope).

Educator: reads envelopes with riddles:

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
Instantly he starts the engine,
The car rushes… (chauffeur)

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet. Like a glorious warrior
Rushing to the fire... (fireman)

He puts bricks in a row,
Building a garden for children
Not a miner and not a driver,
The house will be built for us... (builder)

Who in the days of sickness,
more useful than all
And heals us of all
Diseases?… (doctor)

He teaches children at school.
Strict, but forgiving.
Helps you get smarter
He explains everything... (teacher)

He works at the stove
As he soars on wings.
Everything rages around him
The kitchen is his forge… (cook)

What I'm asking now
It's not hard to guess.
Who in one person we have
Sculptor and painter?
People hats in front of whom
Happy to shoot?
Who in one hand
Two knives sparkle -
Over someone else's head
Curl like birds?
Do you all know him? It… (the hairdresser)

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,
Keeps our peace.
A person who is faithful to the oath
It's called... (military)

Dunno: Well done boys!

Educator: YES, our guys are great, but guess what we will talk about today?

Children: Yes. About professions.

Educator: right, we're talking about professions.
A profession is a work to which a person devotes his life. There are many professions. The profession should bring joy both to the person himself and to the people around him.

And now our guys will talk about the professions of their mothers according to the plan:
-how is your mother's name?
Where and who does she work for?
What does she do at work?
How does your mother feel about her work?
-What do you want to be when you grow up?

Children's stories...

Educator: Now let's see what's in another envelope . Here is the game “Who needs this item? Let's play.

Pictures depicting professions are laid out on the carpet, the children stand in a circle, and in the center there is a whirligig with an arrow. The teacher spins the spinning wheel, and on which picture it stops, the children tell who the objects belong to and name the profession.

Educator: Well done boys! You know who needs these items. Did you know that professions have a smell. For example, the Italian writer D. Rodari wrote about this in his poems “What do crafts smell like?” And now Dunno our guys will read for you.

The children take turns reading the verses:

1. Each case has a special smell.
The bakery smells of dough and pastries.

2. You go past the carpentry workshop -
It smells like shavings, and a fresh board.

3. The painter smells of turpentine and paint.
The glazier smells like window putty.

4. The driver's jacket smells like gasoline.
Worker's blouse - machine oil.

5. The confectioner smells like nutmeg.
A doctor in a dressing gown is a pleasant medicine.

6. Only the idler does not smell in any way.

Physical education:
We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
Right and left,
Let's see with you.
Let's smile at each other
Let's go to the tables.

Educator: Guys, you have pictures on your tables depicting people of different professions. Rule of the game: I read the sentence, and you pick up and show the picture that matches. it task from the third envelope:
1. cut hair…
2. puts out the fire...
3. building a house…
4.drives a car…
5. cuts a dress ...
6. draws pictures...
7. standing behind the counter...
8. cooks food...
9. treats children ...
10. teaches children…
11. taking care of the garden…
12. Gets vaccinated…
13. Guards the border...
14. catches criminals...

Educator: Finger gymnastics "Builders".
We are builders, we are building
We will build many houses.
Lots of roofs and ceilings
Lots of windows, walls, floors,
Many rooms and doors
Elevators, stairs, floors.
Residents will have fun -
Housewarming in the new house!

Educator: Guys! And here is another envelope. Now we need to leave the tables and go back to the carpet. 'Cause there's a game of "pick the picture"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher divides them into teams and distributes split pictures, at a signal the children collect them.

Educator: And now, guys, let's stand in a circle again and play the game "Name the proverb about work."

Children stand in a circle, and the teacher throws the ball to the child, the child who catches the ball calls the proverb:

- Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
- Who loves to work, he does not sit still.
Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
- Patience and work will grind everything.
Skillful hands do not know boredom.
- Work time, and fun hour.
“Judge not by words, but by deeds.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.
“The work of the master is afraid.
- If there is patience, there will be skill.

Educator: Guys! Now tell us what professions do you know in our kindergarten? Who is working with you?

Children: Head, educators, speech therapist, physical education instructor, music director. cooks, nurse, caretaker, laundress, watchman.

Educator: Well done! What are you going to tell at home about our occupation today? What did we do in class today? What did you like about the lesson?
(children's answers)

Educator: And at the end of our lesson, I want to read a wish poem to you all:
Your calling.
The builder will build us a house,
And we live together in it.
Dressy suit, day off
The tailor will skillfully sew for us.
The librarian will give us books,
The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.
The teacher will teach everything
Teach reading and writing.
The postman delivers the letter
And the cook will cook the broth for us.
I think you will grow up
And you will find something to your liking!

GCD All professions are needed

All professions are important."

cognitive development


in preparatory group

Program content:

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about various professions: carpenter, musician, artist, etc.; show the significance of each of them;

Develop expressiveness in poetry.

Continue to teach children to make riddles according to a given pattern;

Cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions;

To cultivate friendly relationships between children, the ability to work together to complete the task.

Educational areas:

cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Preliminary work:

Drawing up riddles about professions on the model of an educator; memorizing poems about professions; introducing children to proverbs about work.


Cards with letters for dividing into companies, illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Lesson progress:

1. Children stand in a circle.

Guys, listen to the poem.

It's great to be able to!

Sow bread and sing a song.

Throw a stack, chop wood,

Weed the bed clean.

It's great: plan! -

Make a table or a bed.

Tin a tank, drive a tram,

Build a house at dawn,

Forging steel, sharpening the detail,

Teaching skills to others.

Cherish the garden, bake bread,

Protect mothers from harm.

Be kind, have friends.

It's great to be able to!

Guys, you probably guessed what we're going to talk about today? (The poem says that people can do a lot. One can sing a song, another can bake bread, a third can build a house, etc. And each of them learned to do all this, learned his profession).

Today we will learn about what a profession is, about their role in our life.

Guys, what do you think, how many professions are there on earth? (Answers).

Who knows what a profession is? (Answers).

This is a job, a job that a person is engaged in.

What occupations do people need to work in? (We all need to work.)

2. The game "Connoisseurs"

- Guys, let's play the game "Experts" and name what professions we know. Close your eyes, think about what profession you will name. And now, in a calm voice, looking into each other's eyes, we will pass this item and name the profession. (Dasha, I know the profession of a lawyer, etc.)

Well, you know a lot of professions, today we will talk about this again, and now we will divide into companies (I distribute the letters “U”, “P”, “V”)

Choose your captains and name your company with a profession that starts with the letter you have on your desk.

3. - Guys, let's remember and name proverbs about work. I will call each company in turn the beginning of the proverbs, and you continue.

Who loves to work,………………… that one cannot sit still

Patience and a little effort

Skilful hands…………………………… do not know boredom.

Boring day until evening,………………. when there is nothing to do.

They judge not by words,……………… but by deeds.

To live idle - …………… only smoke the sky

Without labor …………………… you can’t even take a fish out of the pond.

What I do in a hurry,…………… then I did it for laughs.

What is the worker,…………,…………..such is the work.

(For all!)

Business before pleasure. (together)

4. - Guys, people of all professions need tools:

Let's play Miracle Bag.

I have a miracle - a bag that stores the tools necessary for people of different professions. Try to guess who they belong to.

First, the captains take turns taking out tools from the bag and name the profession of people.

Say a sentence, people of what profession need a tool.

The bag contains objects and tools: chalk, a book, a whistle, nails, flour, potatoes, threads, buttons, paints, plasticine, seeds, a spoon, scissors, a letter, money, etc.

5. Actors

Well, now let's have a little rest, let's play the game "Actors". I will whisper to each company what profession you need to show, you will agree and show it. The rest must guess what kind of profession it is.

1 computer - orchestra professions (balalaika, drums, violin, pipe)

2 comp artists

3 sets - carpenters or builders (saw, hammer)

6. - And now, guys, I will tell you riddles, and you, looking at the pictures, guess what kind of profession it is.


Who is more likely to work in this profession, men or women.

What exactly are they doing.

What tools are used.

So here's the first riddle:

  • This profession is more often performed by women. They distribute books to children and adults, write down each book in the subscription. They need subscriptions and a lot of books to work! (librarian)
  • Both men and women are more often employed in this profession. They dress up in different beautiful costumes, go on stage and play a role. They need theatrical costumes, makeup, wigs, microphones to work. (Artists)
  • This profession is mostly occupied by men. They save people who are in trouble. They need special suits and a lot of tools to work.

And now you consult and come up with riddles for each other, and I have already shown you a sample.

Physical education:

“If you want it, then do it! »

1. If you want to become a guitarist, do this…

If you want to become a pianist, do this...

2. If you want to become a painter, then do this ...

If you want to be a chef, then do so ...

If you like it, then you teach others,

If you like it then do it...

3. If you want to be an athlete, do this.

If you want to be an artist, do this...

If you like it, then show others

If you like it then do it...

7. - Guys, what do you think is the most important profession? (everyone is important)

The game "What happens if ..."

(Goal: understanding the importance of professions in people's lives; reasoning about the consequences of the termination of activities of people of different professions)

Will chefs stop cooking food?

Doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching kids?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to drive?

Will the road service stop monitoring the condition of the roads?

Now the guys will read the poem, and you listen carefully to what it really is.

Think what would be

When the tailor would say:

I don't want to sew a dress.

I'll take a day off!

And all the tailors in town

They would follow him home.

People would go naked

On the street in winter.

Think what would be

When the doctor would say:

I don't want to tear my teeth

I won't even if you cry!

Sick medical care

There would be none.

And you would sit and suffer

With a bandaged cheek.

Think what would be

When the driver said:

I do not want to carry! -

And turned off the engine.

Trolleybuses, buses

covered with snow,

Factory workers

We would walk.

The teacher at school would say:

me this year

I do not want to teach children

I won't come to school!

Notebooks and textbooks

Would roll in the dust

And you would be unlearned

Growing up to old age.

Think what would

There was a sudden disaster!

But just won't do it

Nobody ever

And the people won't refuse

From the required labor:

The teacher is required

Come to class in the morning

And the bakers diligently

Bread will be baked for you.

Any job will be done.

Whatever you entrust them with

Tailors and shoemakers

Drivers and doctors.

We are all a friendly family

We live in the same country

And everyone honestly works

On the spot.

L. Kuklin

All professions are needed and every work is important and necessary.

Today we talked about many professions that these people do. Now close your eyes and imagine who you would like to become, what profession do you like best?

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up - And you will find something to your liking!

Thanks everyone.

Synopsis of GCD

for kids

senior preschool age with ONR

on the topic:

"Profession educator"


Kuznetsova T.V.


1. Expand children's knowledge about the diversity of professions based on a generalization of characteristic labor processes and labor results.

2. Develop the ability to correlate tools, performance labor process with the name of the profession.

3. Develop imagination, logical thinking.

4. To form in children a clear idea of ​​the role of adult labor in the life of society and each person.

5. To form communication skills, speech and behavioral etiquette.

6. To cultivate a positive, valuable attitude towards human labor and its results.

Lesson progress

Good afternoon boys and girls! I am glad to invite you to the TV studio, to the children's program "Clever and Clever". The topic of our program is "Introduction to the profession of educator." You agree to be participants in the program (Yes). And who will I be? (TV presenter). And you will be the participants of the TV show.

Participants of the program, please take your seats! Ready? Started!

Good morning, dear viewers! Today we will talk about different professions, about what real professionals should know and be able to do. Guys, what is a profession? (This is the work to which a person devotes his life). Guys, tell me, what professions do you know? (Teacher, educator, cook, doctor, builder, driver, etc.). Every morning your moms and dads go to work. Where do your parents work? (Answers of children).

So we learned a little more about you, and now let's invite the participants of our TV show to the tracks with tasks. (Artyom, Kirill R., Timofey come out, stand on the yellow, green and red tracks)

Educator: So, dear participants, let's get down to our tasks!

Guys, we received a video message for transmission, in which Dunno recorded an appeal for you. Let's listen?


Text: Hello guys! I found out that such a wonderful game is taking place in your kindergarten today! And I decided to do tasks for you, but the tasks are tricky! I gave your teacher two magic suitcases: tasks are hidden in one, and various interesting objects are hidden in the other, the purpose of which you must guess and tell! Hope you all complete them!

Educator: Guys, let's quickly see what Dunno has come up with for us!

The teacher takes out a box, and in it are multi-colored sheets with riddles.

Makes riddles in turn to the participants, if the participant guessed correctly, he goes to the next level

We get up very early

Because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning


The answering child takes the items needed by the driver from another suitcase and briefly talks about the profession of a driver. (steering wheel, truck)

Educator: Well done! Okay, next puzzle!

At school, I'm the most scientist-

I was very lucky with my mother.

Children learn from her

In the classroom everything is in the world,

Get better and smarter

Fairer and kinder


The answering child takes the items needed by the teacher from another suitcase and briefly talks about the profession of a teacher (globe, pointer)

Educator: Wow! We solved the riddle again! And now the last riddle awaits us!

Who knows how to make a TV out of the box,

Who has an immediate answer to all questions?

Who is on the Christmas tree

The kids amuse

And just anyone

Is he pretending to be?


The answering child takes the items needed by the educator from another suitcase and briefly talks about the educator's profession (plasticine, doll)

Teacher: Well done guys! Completed the tasks! You all move on to the next round! And now let's find out if our viewers are smart?

(Questions to the audience. For a complete answer, an order (yellow, for an incomplete answer, a medal (green).)

Blitz survey: guys, you are now in the preparatory group and the teacher is here with you, and where will you be in a year (at school) And who will work with you? (teacher) Guys, what is the difference between a teacher and an educator? (the teacher teaches, the teacher educates) There are tables in the kindergarten, but at school? (desks) There is a break in the kindergarten, but at school? (Change) Do you wear toys to kindergarten, but to school? (textbooks) Mom wears things to you in kindergarten, and what will you wear textbooks to school in? (in the briefcase)

Educator: Guys, we are so great! Let's see what task Dunno has come up with for us this time!

The teacher takes out a piece of paper from the suitcase: "I see, I see, the guys did it! And now a new task! In a secret color, visible only to the teacher, I wrote many different professions on a piece of paper, and you guys have to name who does what!"

Teacher: Okay, let's get started! Whoever gives the most answers will move on to the next round (3 professions each)

Doctor - what does he do? What is the builder doing? What does the seamstress do?

What is the artist doing? What is the chef doing? What is the painter doing?

What is the carpenter doing? What is the janitor doing? What is the seller doing?

Teacher: Hurrah! you did it again! And we all move on to the second round!

And now, guys, a musical break!

All the guys go out in a circle, the music "Box with pencils" sounds. Perform physical exercises.

Educator: And now, with renewed vigor, let's start our TV game! Game with the audience: "What if it hadn't happened." (Questions are asked with the help of the ball: throw the ball-question)

If there were no vendors...

If there were no drivers...

If there were no doctors...

If there were no janitors, then

If there were no chefs, then.

If there were no hairdressers, then.

If there were no composers, then.

If there were no educators, then.

If there were no teachers, then.

Educator: Well done, our audience! Well told!

Soooo, we still have tasks from Dunno!

The participant who best of all will tell about the profession familiar to you from early childhood will move on to the next stage!

In the morning, saying goodbye to my mother,

We boldly go to kindergarten.

And mothers calmly, without drama,

They leave their treasure in the garden.

Here is someone you can trust

Creation of love and warmth,

You can even check-

There is a spark in our eyes of happiness.

And it's just a smile

What gives the soul is not crooked.


Educator: guys, who did you tell such a wonderful poem about?

Children from the audience: about the teacher!

Educator: Guys, how nice! Such kind words!

Educator: Let's listen to the next participant

We were greeted with kindness in the garden,

Kindness and warmth

In the evening we read fairy tales.

Kindergarten is our good home!

Taught us to order

beauty and purity,

Early morning exercise

We all got up together!


Third member:

And we love very dearly

their educators,

We will remember for a long time

Their faces are sweet!

We will never forget

Kindergarten is our own,

We will come to visit you

We are both summer and winter!

(Kirill R.)

Educator: Guys, what tender and touching poems! Of course, of course, you all go to the next round!

Educator: Guys, and now the most important task, what do you think, what qualities should a teacher have?

Participating children: The teacher must have such qualities as wisdom, patience, kindness, responsiveness, the teacher must love children, respect (children from the tracks come up with)

Educator: You said everything correctly, and now the question is tricky! we have already talked about next year the teacher will meet you! Do you know what things you need to take with you to school? I offer you the following task! we need to determine what things we can take with us to kindergarten, and which ones to school!

(two children from the audience)

in front of them: a notebook, a ruler, a textbook, plasticine, a doll, a coloring book, a pen, a briefcase

Educator: Hurrah! you did it!

Educator: I arranged a game for you today, because I love you all very much! And I'm sad when you fight when you can't find mutual language with each other, today we all had one common creative task: to learn to communicate with each other, to understand, to cope with tasks together and never, ever quarrel! I am glad to come to kindergarten every morning, I am glad to bring up such wonderful, mischievous children! I am a little sad that in a year you will leave kindergarten, but I am glad that you will become excellent students and learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Educator: And now let's see which of our participants won today! Oh wow, you all answered the questions correctly and you all won together! Urrrraaa! You are declared Clever and Clever!

Guys, you drew pictures of "What would you like to be when you grow up?" Let's talk about your dreams.

Children approach the drawings and 3-4 people talk about their dreams

Educator: I think that when you grow up, you will become real professionals and choose a profession to your liking.

Video with Dunno

Guys, today you learned a lot of new and interesting things, but, unfortunately, I could not come to you! Guys, tell me, please, did you like our program? And what did you like the most? What interesting things did you learn on the show?

Children tell

At the end of the lesson, the teacher thanks the children, counts the medals and orders.

Synopsis of GCD for children of the senior group "Professions"

Natalya Flyagina

Synopsis of the GCD "Professions"

Abstract directly educational activities in the field of "Knowledge"

in senior group Flyagina Natalya Nikolaevna

structural subdivision of the Yazykovsky branch of the GBOU secondary school, village of Petrovka, 2016

Subject: professions.

Target: To form holistic ideas of preschoolers about professions.

- arouse interest in the world around;
- to expand children's ideas about professions;
- enrich vocabulary;

Preliminary work:
- talking with children about professions

Examining the illustrations

Reading fiction

Learning the song-game "City of Masters"

Equipment: Pictures depicting different professions, didactic game “Who needs what for work? ".

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, let's now remember the counting rhyme familiar to us: “The king, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor were sitting on the golden porch ...”. In the old days, there were few professions, and all of them could easily fit on the same porch, along with the king. The first tsar appeared in Russia 600 years ago, his name was Ivan. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, silversmith, falconer, fisherman, miller, merchant, bricklayer. In the old days, people were proud of craftsmanship. In the old days, they did not go to work to the other end of the city, but lived in the same place where they worked. According to the occupations of the masters, the names of the streets were given. In the ancient cities there were Armory streets, Myasnitsky, Kuznetsky, sometimes entire cities were called by the profession of the inhabitants.

Guys, can all professions fit on one porch now? (children's answers).

That's right, now all the professions on one porch will not fit. There are already many thousands of them, and new ones appear all the time. Many professions are now taught in special institutes. (But first you still need to finish school!) A profession is a business that is done every day and which is useful to other people. Professions need special training.

Educator:- Now we will play the game "Guess what profession a person has?" (the teacher calls the words related to any profession, the children must guess this profession).
Scales, counter, goods - (Seller).
Helmet, hose, water - (Fireman).
Scene, role, makeup - (Artist).
Reading room, books, readers - (Librarian).
scissors, cloth, sewing machine- (Tailor).
Stove, saucepan, delicious dish - (Cook).
Board, chalk, textbook - (Teacher).
Steering wheel, wheels, road - (Driver).
Children, games, walks - (Educator).
Ax, saw, nails - (Carpenter).
Bricks, cement, new house - (Builder).
Paint, brushes, whitewash - (Painter).
Scissors, hair dryer, hairstyle - (Hairdresser).
Ship, vest, sea - (Sailor).
Sky, plane, airfield - (Pilot)
earthquake, collapse, emergency- (Rescuer).

Well done guys, you did a great job!

Educator: Guys, how do you choose a profession? (children's statements)

It is very important that you enjoy your work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

Physical education minute "The driver started the engine"
The driver started the engine: drr, drr, drr, drr.
He pressed the starter: whack, whack, whack, whack.
He pumped up the tires quickly: shhh, shhhh, shhhh, shhhh.
Then he sat down in the interior of the car,
He quickly took the steering wheel in his hands,
And I went faster.

Educator: And now guys, I want to ask you riddles about professions:

He is a very good master

He made a closet for us in the hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture makes ... (carpenter)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

Instantly he starts the engine,

It rushes by car ... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

In a hurry to the fire ... (fireman)

He puts bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a driver,

They will build a house for us ... (builder)

Who sails on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is funny and kind.

What is his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies in the air.

Flying an airplane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

He gives advice to everyone ... (lawyer)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

Nails, axes, saw,

There is a whole mountain of shavings.

This worker is working

Makes chairs for us ... (carpenter)

He is away from all relatives

Leads ships to sea.

Seen many countries

Our brave ... (captain)

Over the bridge so that the ambulance rushes,

He repairs at the bottom of the support.

All day long time after time

Dives deep ... (diver)

Who controls the traffic?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

Waves with a baton ... (guard)

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,

Keeps our peace.

A person who is faithful to the oath

It is called ... (military)

A knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but ... (driver)

Performs stunts in films

Dives from height to bottom

Trained actor.

Fast, brave ... (stuntman)

Waving a thin wand -

The choir will sing on stage.

Not a magician, not a juggler.

Who is this? (Conductor)

caregiver: - Well done guys, coped with the task!

caregiver: But actually, because of this counting rhyme with princes and princes, we didn’t start the whole conversation about professions from the beginning, but from somewhere in the middle ..., professions do not begin with clothes and shoes .... You can still live barefoot and naked, although it is not very convenient .... What can you guys not live without? (Answers of children).

Correctly! No food and no drink! And where to get all this? In the kitchen? In a refrigerator? How does food and drink get into the refrigerator? There, after all, there is no self-collection tablecloth, no magic pike, no Humpbacked Horse .... Without magic, where does food and drink get into the house?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Well done guys, right! Any food before getting into the kitchen from the store was a product. Those who work on the land receive food - agricultural workers. We live in a village, and your parents are agricultural workers. - Guys, tell me, please, what do your parents do? Give me the agricultural professions.

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right guys! These are milkmaids, machine operators, agronomists, veterinarians, calves, cattlemen, grain flow drivers, combine operators, and farmers. Many skills can be learned in special agricultural institutes. But that's not all. The main thing you need to work on the earth is to love the earth and everything that grows on it.

And of course, it is not difficult to guess that in our days in agriculture(as in everything else) machines help people.

Guys, tell me, please, what machines help to grow agricultural products?

(Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, tractors, combines, seeders, cultivators and many, many others. Therefore, one cannot do without engineers in this matter!

And now guys, let's play the game "City of Masters" with you. (Held musical game"City of Masters" music. Korenblita S.S., lyrics by Tumanova M.I.)

"City of masters"

Who makes the car? Who makes us cheese?

Headlights, engines, tires? And sour cream, and kefir?

Steering wheel, cab and hood? New yogurt creates?

That's right - a car factory. This is a dairy.

Who's a fly car, it's a toy factory

Designs - colossus? Rattles and animals.

Who is building the plane? They make these toys

That's right - an aircraft factory. To make the children happy.

(picture display) (picture display)

Educator:- Now let's think about it and say what would happen if there were no people of different professions on earth (cooks, doctors, etc.) Are you ready?

The game "I start the sentence, and you finish":
If there were no teachers...
If there were no doctors...
If there were no janitors, then ...
If there were no drivers, then ... etc.

Educator: - Guys, now tell me, please, what do you think is the most important profession? (children's answers)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that all professions are important - all professions are needed.
- Guys, have you already decided what you want to be when you grow up. Children's answers (I want to be ...).

The lesson can also be completed with productive activities: invite children to depict their favorite profession with the help of a drawing, plasticine, applications, etc.