Why do I want to be a welder. My profession is a welder. What are the benefits of your profession

Profession welder

The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist connecting metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

The time of the emergence of the profession of a welder can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it allows metals to be melted. From the moment of this discovery to its industrial application, a considerable period of time has passed. But decades later, the method of joining metals using an electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became mass technology joining materials...

Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, Agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work in open construction sites in any weather, a large load on the eyesight due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

It is very necessary for the competition))

Short description: The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist connecting metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

History of the profession: The time of the emergence of the profession of a welder can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it allows metals to be melted. From the moment of this discovery to its industrial application, a considerable period of time has passed. But decades later, the method of joining metals with an electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…
social significance professions in society: Welding works are used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

The mass nature and uniqueness of the profession: A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Profession risks: The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

Where to get a profession: You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools, colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

Sergey Andreev once decided to connect his life with metal, and for 8 years now he has not parted with a welding machine.

- Tell us how you decided to become a welder?

My father is a welder. He gave the plant 28 years. I was very interested to see his work. Sometimes my father took me with him to the car repair plant. When I was little, he showed me how metal melts, explained what and how to do it. I even wore a mask. But he didn’t give me the tool in my hands, but for some reason I was terribly afraid of him. Sparks, current. It was exciting and scary. It so happened that later I also went to work at VRZ, but already as a carpenter. Then hard times came, and I had to quit my job. So I got to Dormash. Once I was sent on a business trip, it was there that I took the first time in my hands welding tool. I tried, I got interested, I learned, and that's how it all went.

- Where did you get the profession of a welder?

I purposefully went to welding courses. To do this, I had to study for four months in training center"Professional". It was in 2007 ago.

- What disciplines did you need to pass for admission?

I did not take any subjects for admission to the courses. I just came with a great desire to learn. I was taught various disciplines that could be useful in the future in the profession: materials science, strength of materials, welding, safety, etc. Everything you need to get started. Then at the end he passed a comprehensive exam. By the way, about thirty people worked with me, there were even two girls.

- And what was the most difficult thing in training?

I was familiar with all the subjects from the very beginning, so I can’t say that studying was difficult for me. With chemistry it was more difficult - this is from school. And so nothing complicated, at least I already knew a lot.

- Do you remember your first working day?

Yes I remember. He was, frankly, a little crazy. It seems that you know how to cook, but all some nuances were revealed every time. I got used to it for about a week: I kept an eye on the team, and they looked at me too. I was afraid to fail.

Have you ever thought about changing your profession?

No, never had such a thought. I have a character, apparently, so hardened since childhood, my parents raised me that way. I am tenacious. I think that if you have already started, then you need to achieve results.

- What are the nuances in your work?

I love it when there is a pile of scrap metal in front of me, there are certain drawings, and you make, for example, a square structure out of all this. But this cube has its own complexity: when you scald it, the metal starts to heat up. The temperature reaches up to three thousand degrees. Because of this, the design may be distorted. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to certain technologies.

- Are any of your friends involved in welding?

When I went on a business trip, while still a carpenter, I had a friend who was a welder with me. And I once asked him to let me try to cook. The father, in principle, showed how it was all done, but did not give a try. Probably, most of all, a friend explained to me what was happening - so to speak, he initiated me into the profession. The fact that I devoted myself to this cause is also his merit. When I became a foreman, I called this very friend to me. So we are still working together.

- What are the advantages of your profession?

With such a profession, you definitely won’t be left without oil (laughs). If you are a good specialist, you can provide for yourself and your family. There are a lot of varieties in welding: manual arc, gas, mechanized, pulse can be listed for a long time. Each requires its own approach, you need to make certain efforts and skills. Although it is impossible to own everything at once, it is simply impossible. This is an unlimited field for experiments. You can go further and learn everything. There is no peak of skill in this profession, you constantly learn something new, improve yourself.

- What is the most difficult thing in this profession?

For me, the hardest part is getting certified. It's not even so much difficult, but more exciting. You know, you know how, you understand how it's all done, but you can't cope with the excitement. And in the depths of your soul you think: “What if it doesn’t work out?”.

- Tell us more about certification

Now many self-respecting organizations send their welders for certification. It is needed so that you can then weld complex metal structures. I'm just going through it. For example, you can’t put a person on a gas pipeline who has previously welded beds. Certification determines whether a person can take on complex projects. A welder who has received certification then puts his stamp on the product. In the case of poor-quality work, you can immediately determine the performer. Certification carries a lot of responsibility.

- You already have a lot of experience. Tell me, is it worth it for young people to start studying to be a welder?

You can and should go to work as a welder, but at the same time you need to have strong nerves, and most importantly, be persistent.

My dream is to become a welder. This is very interesting and people need Job.

If you walk through the streets of the city, you can see at a construction site, like here and there, a blue star-light flashes and goes out. Having met her in the yard, we immediately turn away: too bright, it hurts to look.

My uncle Kolya is a welder. I love watching him work. Uncle Kolya puts on a canvas suit, mittens, and covers his face with a mask with black lenses. He will turn the tap, strike a match - and a jet of blue flame will beat from the burner. I also noticed two rubber hoses that stretch to the cylinders, and in them compressed gas. One is acetylene, the other is oxygen. During operation, jets of gas are mixed and the flame becomes such that any metal is easily melted. If Uncle Kolya needs to firmly connect the steel sheets, he will move them more tightly, press them together and light the burner. The blinding flame melts the steel, and the two sheets become one. Oxygen rushes out of the burner with a whistle, metal glows with brilliance, and sparks fall. A minute, another - and the iron pipe is cut into halves. My uncle also knows how to work with electric welding. He explained to me that this is real lightning, only obedient.

Where only welders do not have to work! They help weld bridges, ships, power plants, cars. Everywhere steel pipes of gas pipelines are connected to each other by master welders. And gas flows like a river through pipelines to cities and villages, and we cook food on a blue fire.

I hope my dream will come true and a dynasty of welders will appear in our family.

My dream is to become a welder. This is a very interesting and necessary work for people. If you walk through the streets of the city, you can see at a construction site, like here and there, a blue star-light flashes and goes out. Having met her in the yard, we immediately turn away: too bright, it hurts to look. My uncle Kolya is a welder. I love watching him work. Uncle Kolya puts on a canvas suit, mittens, and covers his face with a mask with black lenses. He will turn the tap, strike a match - and a jet of blue flame will beat from the burner. I also noticed two rubber hoses that stretch to the cylinders, and they contain compressed gas. One is acetylene, the other is oxygen. During operation, jets of gas are mixed and the flame becomes such that any metal is easily melted. If Uncle Kolya needs to firmly connect the steel sheets, he will move them more tightly, press them together and light the burner. The blinding flame melts the steel, and the two sheets become one. Oxygen rushes out of the burner with a whistle, metal glows with brilliance, and sparks fall. A minute, another - and the iron pipe is cut into halves. My uncle also knows how to work with electric welding. He explained to me that this is real lightning, only obedient. Where only welders do not have to work! They help weld bridges, ships, power plants, cars. Everywhere steel pipes of gas pipelines are connected to each other by master welders. And gas flows like a river through pipelines to cities and villages, and we cook food on a blue fire. I hope my dream will come true and a dynasty of welders will appear in our family. (226 words)

From early childhood, we dream of becoming adults, starting a family, going to work every day, like our parents. But childhood passes, and it's time to seriously think: "Who do I want to become?"
I, like other children, have been asking myself this question since the age of five. Then, after watching Brazilian TV shows, I just dreamed of being an actress. But this is just a child's dream.
Now I already know for sure that the work of a journalist is my vocation. I decided to become a journalist two years ago. What attracts me to this profession? First of all, because it is interesting and creative. After all, it’s just wonderful when you wake up in the morning and don’t know where you will be directed, what hot spot of sensational events you will fall into, with whom you will have to communicate, in whose fate you will take part! There is some mystery in this work.
I dream of having my own youth magazine. I know teenagers have a lot of problems. Often these problems have a great influence on their character, views, personal life. Because of some conflicts or failures, they do not think about school, about relatives, about their future. They care about this issue. And teenagers choose "the only right decision": they start drinking, smoking, taking drugs, trying to commit suicide. And my journal will help these guys find a really right solution. In addition, I want to help girls with my advice to improve their personal lives under the heading "SOS", for this I need to get a degree in psychology. This idea has been in my head for a long time, as my friends often turn to me for help. I read books on practical psychology and find in them answers to many questions that help me in life. So I want my advice to help girls solve their problems, because it often happens that it is easier for a stranger to pour out his soul than for a very close one.
I also want pictures of girls to be printed in my magazine. Not fashion models, but ordinary girls. After all, everyone in their hearts dreams of appearing on the covers of fashion magazines. Why not help?
I think what attracts me in the work of a journalist is communication with people. After all, every day I will learn more and more of them, participate in their fate, if only because they simply entrusted me with their story.
The journalist, in my opinion, is the most interesting profession. Interesting and very responsible. When I feel that I must do something useful for people, I understand that someone needs me, which means that I do not live in vain!

If you want, I will write about the teacher.

I would like to become a better surgeon because I like medicine. As a child, I loved to play "Hospital". My role is a doctor. All the rest are patients. Once I had to give first aid. My friend fell on the asphalt and injured her knee. Without thinking for a long time, I brought a friend home. I rinsed the wound with warm water, treated it with hydrogen peroxide, then applied bandages. When my parents came home, they saw me and admired me. Someone is afraid of blood, someone simply does not want to help others, but I love helping people, and I sincerely believe that my help to people will be significant. 2 essays ok=))

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
State budgetary

professional educational institution
"Kstovo Oil College named after Boris Ivanovich Kornilov"

Regional competition of research and design works

"My professional career»

Nomination "Event for career design"
Topic: " My future profession is a welder


Tarina Yulia Anatolievna,

educational psychologist

Kstovo, 2015

  • opening speech
  • Speech by a teacher-psychologist on the results of testing
  • Presentation "History of the development of the profession"
  • Competition professional excellence
  • Presentation of the senior master, manager industrial practice Trushnikova S.M. "Our graduates are the pride of the college"
  • Performance Borisova E.A., Chief Welder of the Assembly and Construction Works Department of GSI-Volgoneftegazstroy LLC
  • Poems about the profession
  • Mandate-testament

4. Conclusion

Class time - 60 min.

  1. Explanatory note.

To classroom hour on the topic: "My future profession" is organized with students of groups 1 and 2 of the year 13-SV and 14-SV specialty 150105 "Welder (electric welding and gas welding)".

Fulfilling preparatory work by the classroom hour, students of this profession were tested how well they know the features of their profession, whether they were disappointed in it, whether they plan to remain faithful to their profession, etc. It turned out that the knowledge of students, especially first-year students, about the chosen profession is not great, so it became necessary to replenish and deepen knowledge about the profession of a welder, about the history of this profession and the prospects for development and work in the profession "Welder (electric welding and gas welding)" in their city and areas.

As practice shows, only a conscious choice and a deep understanding of one's profession contribute to the formation of a holistic personality of a highly qualified specialist.

Therefore, the main task of the class hour was to lay in the minds of students an interest in professional activity, skills of self-assessment of ongoing processes, creativity skills, which will allow them to successfully apply their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their professional activities in the future.
1) Laptop, multimedia installation;
2) Slides;
3) Paper, pens, pencils, markers;
4) Quotes about the profession, work: "Believe in the power of peaceful labor and love it",
“Do the smallest thing patiently and lovingly, do not complain about the size of life's task,” « The smallest matter can be illuminated and comprehended by a loving attitude towards it, and the largest can be dropped and dishonored by a careless and negligent attitude”, “Happiness and success will come to every peacefully and lovingly done work”.

2. Goals of the class hour.

1. To replenish knowledge about the profession, to expand ideas about the learning process in the technical school.
2. Help in determining a professional vocation, as well as familiarize with the ways to achieve results in professional activities.
3. To form a sense of respect for work, for the profession.
4. Raising a sense of gratitude, respect for the labor achievements of the older generation.
5. Formation of an active life and citizenship position, the ability for life self-determination and self-realization, the comprehensive development of each student as an individual, as a member of the human community.
6. Develop aesthetic feelings, the desire for self-development.

3. The course of the class hour.

You can become smarter in three ways:

The way of experience is the most bitter way;

By imitation is the easiest way;

Through reflection is the noblest path.

ancient chinese proverb


Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, students. We are here today to talk about your professional choice.

PROFESSION - view labor activity a person who requires certain training (an appropriate level of special knowledge and skills) and usually serves as a source of income.

We plan our professional destiny, as a rule, at the end of school. Someone finds a job that does not require special training. Most try to get an education first, thus outlining the range of future career opportunities. To do right choice, you need to have an idea about existing professions and, knowing your own inclinations, realistically assess your capabilities.

You are yours professional choice have already done. What motivated your choice and how do you plan to develop within your profession. Tarina Yu.A, a teacher-psychologist, will now introduce you to the test results.

The majority of students, by their own decision, came to study at our technical school for the specialty "Welder", guided by a good salary - 62%, their own abilities - 23%, interesting work- 23%, want to benefit society - 18%, that this specialty is prestigious - 8%. For the majority, the attitude to the specialty has not changed during their studies - 52%, in positive side– 33% and they are preparing themselves for future specialty, acquiring ZUN, necessary for the future profession, cultivate positive qualities in themselves - 21% each and develop special qualities necessary for this specialty - 49%, and believe that in order to become a good specialist need to work in production (54%). Already in the 2nd year, students will show their professional quality in practice (46%), some at home (26%), but many have not yet mastered professional skills (26%). Students prefer to work together with a friend (46%), and to be in a team, a team (31%), although there are those who would like to work individually (23%). Most dream of being an organizer in the future (49%), and 46% - a performer. After graduating from a technical school, students plan to work in production (41%) and receive higher education in the same specialty (56%), although 36% of respondents dream of getting another specialty and working in it. Well, it is absolutely clear that the main hobby of most children is technology (52%), although there are students who are interested in science (13%) and nature (10%), art (15%), and man (18%).

In general, the attitude of students to the chosen specialty is positive, which should have a positive effect on their assimilation of the curriculum.


Welding has now become the leading technological process in the manufacture and repair of metal structures and products, construction, transport, agriculture. Many modern machines and structures, for example space rockets, submarines, gas pipelines, it is impossible to manufacture without the help of welding. Today, metals are being welded that until relatively recently were considered exotic: these are titanium, niobium and beryllium alloys, as well as all kinds of combinations of dissimilar metals.

Historians say that the word "Welding" comes from the name of the Slavic god of blacksmithing Svarog.(Presentation "History of Welding" by student Zvitsyn I.)

In Russia, the history of welding dates back to 1802., when Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov, professor of physics at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, discovered and described the phenomenon of an electric arc discharge for the first time in the world. Having done a large number of experiments, he showed the possibility of using an electric arc to melt metals. The discovery of V.V. Petrov was far ahead of its time, about 80 years remained before the practical use of the arc for welding. It was carried out by Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardosauthor of many inventions in the field of electrical engineering. N.N. Benardos proposed and produced in 1880–1890. all main types of welding: consumable and non-consumable electrodes, direct and indirect arc, semi-automatic and automatic, unprotected arc and in shielding gas.

Almost simultaneously, the largest inventor Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov worked with him. At the end of 1888–1889. N.G. Slavyanov implemented and introduced electric arc casting of metal products, developed the basics of metallurgy of the welding process.

Possessing deep knowledge of metallurgy and electrical engineering, N.G. Slavyanov developed a method of arc welding with a metal electrode with protection of the welding zone with a layer of powdered substance - flux. Submerged arc welding made it possible to increase the productivity of the process by 5-10 times, to mechanize and improve the technology for the production of welded structures.

In 1924-1935. mainly used manual welding with electrodes with thin ionizing (chalky) coatings. During these years, under the guidance of Academician V.P. Vologodin, the first domestic boilers and ship hulls were manufactured.

From 1935-1939 began to use electrodes with a thick coating. Alloy steel was used for the electrode rods, which made it possible to use welding for the manufacture industrial equipment and building structures.

In the early fifties, the Institute of Electric Welding. Paton, electroslag welding was developed, which made it possible to replace cast and forged large-sized parts with welded ones; blanks have become more transportable and convenient for assembly and installation.

Since 1948 received industrial application methods of manual arc welding in inert shielding gases: manual welding non-consumable electrode, mechanized and automatic non-consumable and consumable electrode.

In the late fifties, French scientists developed the new kind electric fusion welding - electron beam welding.

In 1969 For the first time in open space, automatic welding and cutting was carried out.


And we're moving on to the competition.professional skill. Of course, we will be based on your theoretical knowledge.

1 team building competition.

Proverbs and sayings of great people about work, professions are cut into pieces. The team needs to make words and proverbs. Read.

■ The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

■ Go to work with joy and leave work with pride.

■ A bad master has a bad saw.

2 competition "Be smart"

The host gives the teams encrypted words and associations to them. Within 5 minutes, the team guesses the words. The job is checked. The jury puts one point for each correct answer in the table.

Crossword "Association"

1. Steel

The main component of steel.


Unwanted steel component

4. Non-metal in the composition of steel

A component of a rock.


Outstanding personality.

3rd competition - "Smart welder"

The facilitator invites the team members to insert the missing words into the sentences. The time to complete the task is 5 minutes. The jury gives one point for each correct word.

1. An apparatus that converts alternating current into direct current using semiconductor valves is called ______________________________.(rectifier)

2. To clamp the electrode in manual arc welding, __________ is used.(electric holder)

3. When calcium carbide interacts with water, _____________ is obtained.(acetylene)

4. With an excess of oxygen, the welding flame becomes _________________,(oxidative), and with an excess of acetylene, the flame becomes ___________.(carburizing).

5. A cylindrical steel rod with a coating applied to it is called ___________.(electrode)

6. At _________________________(permanent) current, the arc burns most stably, the welding process is easier to conduct, especially at low currents.

4 competition - "Nimble welder"

Competition for time - who will quickly and correctly put on a welding suit (robe) and a welding shield. The jury evaluates the correctness of the assignment according to a five-point system.

Competition 5 - "Pros and cons of my profession"

Each team needs to discuss and talk about the pros and cons of the Welder profession.

- Difficult working conditions. Work on open construction sites
any weather, a big burden on the eyes due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
- Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

prestige and high demand in the job market.

Decent salary.
- Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible tasks for work in industry and in construction.
- Today, there is hardly any industry where welders would not take part. They work everywhere: on construction sites, in industry, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and in other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is worth noting that the work of a welder is very important not only in work modern enterprises, but in our daily life we ​​would not have done without their complex, necessary and hard work.

6. Summing up, awarding the winners and participants of the competition.


Welder It is a profession that requires a lot of responsibility.

Let's try to formulate the main qualities that a good welder should have:

Physical endurance;
- Accurate memory for color standards and shades;
- Clear coordination of movements;
- Good eyesight and eye;
- Ability to work at height;
- Technical savvy
- Spatial imagination and concentrated attention;
- Accuracy;
- Stable vestibular apparatus;
- Good motor skills.


Today we have a guestsenior foreman, head of production practice Trushnikova S.M. Repeatedly, together with welding students, she took part in regional and all-Russian competitions professional skill. About graduates who are proud of our technical school and whosuccessfully work at the enterprises of our city,Svetlana Mikhailovna will tell you now.(Presentation “Our graduates are the pride of the college”)


We have another guest at class today -Borisova E.A., chief welder of the assembly and construction works department of GSI-Volgoneftegazstroy LLC. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna will tell you about the requirements for employees, the prospects and opportunities for the profession of a welder.(Performance)

4. Conclusion
Students are a glorious, cheerful time, a time when you can learn a lot, you need to do a lot. And remember - these years will not be repeated, but they will be remembered for a lifetime. So let them pass with dignity and richness.
H A person is not born a ready-made specialist, for this you need to learn a lot.How important work is for a person - everyone answers in his own way. For some, work is the meaning of their whole life, for others it is just a means of subsistence, for others it is a habit, for others it is a sad necessity. What it will be for you is up to you.
You have received a more or less correct idea of ​​the content of the chosen profession. Now you are faced with a more difficult task: to understand yourself, understand your own aspirations, abilities and try yourself in the profession, see and feel like a welder.
Planning this Classroom hour I wanted not only to introduce you to future profession but also to arouse interest in your future work. Love for the chosen profession begins to form even within the walls educational institution where you study. I would like you to come here in a few years with words of gratitude for the fact that we taught you the profession and helped you assert yourself in life, find your own path.

While the planet is spinning in space,
On it, smelling of the sun,
Never - there will not be a day that there is no dawn,
There won't be a day without work!

5. Literature and used sources.

1. Didactic material for the course "Your professional career" / Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. Moscow: Education, 1998.

2. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

3. Pryazhnikov N.S. Active methods of professional self-determination. M.: MGPPI, 2001.