Why I chose the profession of fashion designer. Description and features of the profession of designer. Some interesting essays

This essay-reasoning will help you in writing an essay on the topic future profession especially if you want to become a designer yourself.

Why did I choose the profession of a designer as my future profession?

What will you be when you grow up? What do you want to become? What is your dad's job? Who is your mom? What do you like to do, what is your hobby? I've been asked these questions since I was a child, and I think they're a little strange, or at least incomprehensible.

What if you like a little of everything? Or don't like anything? How can you decide at a young age what you will become when you haven’t really tried anything yet? Will I like being an engineer if I don't even know who it is at the age of 6? Or maybe a lawyer. It was difficult for me. I did karate, chess, drawing, skiing and much, much more. From the whole huge list, many things attracted me, but only one really caught on - creativity. I knew that I liked to draw. Dream up. Write markers. Paint the door in the country. To create with crayons the sun on the pavement. Time passed, but the love of drawing did not disappear.

In high school, I understood what was waiting for me, which road I would take, but at the same time I knew that just being able to draw is not enough, and, moreover, it can quickly get bored if you do it constantly. And even worse - when you do not want to. Little by little, I had to “grope” my way in the darkness of the adult world by depicting reality or, conversely, something fictional, unreal.

Drawing helped to distract, get rid of anxiety. Pass the time. When you put on paper what is in your head, it becomes easier. It is especially pleasant when the soul lies in creativity. Sometimes amazing work comes out. But, over time, I realized that just drawing is not what I want to be able to do in life. It needs to be combined with something. And I found what. Design is a very broad concept.

Sometimes with a customer it can be hard to find mutual language, and here it is necessary to apply all your communicative qualities. Don't freak out, don't get annoyed. I was told a lot of cases when there were difficulties with customers. It was impossible to find a common language. You say one thing to a person, but he simply does not listen and does not even try to understand the essence of the matter. For example, you tell him that a load-bearing wall cannot be demolished, and in response, an evil look and a “stupid” defense of his interests. But, in itself, the profession is creative. A person must be developed in many ways.

Working in an office with a fixed schedule would be very difficult for me. I can't sit in one place and do the same work. It's like a generation of robots. To create is a living concept, saturated with colors.

My name is Elena Mironova. I am an interior designer. Translated from of English language the word "design" (design) means to design, design. A designer is an artist-constructor - a person who comes up with something new and beautiful, at the same time convenient and useful. The interior is the internal space of any building - apartment, office, educational institution, restaurant, cinema, shopping center and other premises. So it turns out that I come up with a beautiful and functional interior space in which it is convenient for people to live, work or relax. Design is a relatively young field professional activity, although it works with historical styles, some of which are thousands of years old. The specialty "designer" was included in the International Code of Professions at the congress in Stockholm in 1959.
I did not immediately come to this profession. By education, I am a lawyer. And she worked for a long time in American companies, doing project activities and purchases. I lived in the USA for a year, working in an international pharmaceutical company. If you think about it, all my previous work experience only helped me acquire the necessary skills that I need now. Design captivated me when I was renovating my apartment. Friends and relatives liked my ideas and I thought about changing my profession. As a child, I was very fond of drawing and building houses from designers and could spend all day long doing these activities. Realizing my vocation, I again went to study. Successfully graduated from the School of Design and began to gain experience. The profession of an interior designer implies constant self-improvement and the accumulation of knowledge and skills, that is, constant study, and what could be more exciting?
The designer is sophisticated but creative and very interesting profession. As I said earlier, a designer must know and be able to do a lot. For example, draw and draw, both by hand and on a computer. Know the history of styles, architectural and decorative elements. Know the dimensions and proportions, where and at what distance all interior items should be located. How to make a person feel harmonious in space and not experience any difficulties when using objects. Calculate correctly the amount lighting fixtures and make it easy for them to turn on. Must be versed in technical matters- what to build a wall from, what types of electrical wires and plumbing pipes are, how to redevelop. Must know everything about modern finishing materials, furniture, household appliances and their properties and constantly improve their knowledge. The designer must have a three-dimensional imagination, that is, imagine what the space will be like after the alteration. He must be able to decorate (decorate) the interior he created, and this is work with fabrics, art objects - paintings, photographs, vases and many small decorative elements. There are many different secrets and creative magic in my profession. However, a designer must be not only an artist, a technical developer, but also a psychologist in order to understand what kind of space he should create for a particular person. Professionals say that the interior is a portrait of a person in space, and not an expression of one's own ambitions.
Designers are constantly searching and inventing, designing and crafting, repainting and decorating. Anything can inspire them - the shape of a stump or the color of an old brick house, a shoebox or a matchbox. In our high-speed age, a person should live, work and relax in a cozy and beautiful atmosphere. So that his eyes rejoice, and the body does not have to make unnecessary unnecessary movements or experience inconvenience. When a person lives in a harmonious space, he becomes happier and calmer, more confident and able to work. If everything is done correctly in the room, in accordance with the rules and regulations, then this is also a plus for the health of people living or working in this room. Design is also about aesthetics, culture and history in our daily lives. If children grow up and are educated contemplating beauty and harmony, if they are instilled with an aesthetic taste and love for history and art from childhood, they will grow up as intelligent, intellectually developed and subtle people who love nature, respect people, rejoice in beauty and give new progressive ideas. Therefore, design is a very important and rapidly developing profession.
The most beautiful thing in my profession is to watch how, over time, the space I work on transforms, takes on a different shape and color, comes to life and is filled with details. How the mood of my customers changes, how smiles bloom on their faces. How quickly and with what joy they settle in a new space without feeling discomfort. I love to design, construct, invent, create, decorate and give joy.

Profession designer

Designer - a specialist engaged in artistic and technical activities within one of the branches of design: industrial, transport, graphic, landscape, process design, environment, furniture, clothing, accessories, etc. The name of the profession comes from the Italian "designo intero", which meant the artist's idea.

The origin of design can be attributed to ancient times, when a person first encountered issues of convenience and ergonomics of tools and other household items. The history of modern design is connected with the development of industrial production in the middle of the 19th century, when the need for design and artistic activity arose.
Soon, in the 20s of the 20th century, the first schools of design appeared, which became a response to the massive need for specialists. ...

Many areas of design are associated with the need of a person to transform the surrounding spaces, decorate himself and the world. To do this successfully, you often need a specialist who has special feeling taste and special skills. Therefore, in modern society The designer is one of the most demanded specialists.

The designer can carry out his activities individually or be an employee of a design studio. Many areas of design activity allow creative thinking person, with an artistic vision of the world, to realize a variety of aspirations - whether it be car design or landscape design. The services of a designer who has proven himself with high-quality work are highly paid and are in stable demand.

To promote their services in the labor market, a designer needs to have a high-quality portfolio. When designing and implementing design projects, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the client. A competent designer must not only skillfully combine shapes and colors, but also his own artistic aspirations with the wishes of the customer.

The profession of a designer can be acquired at specialized faculties of technical and art universities, as well as universities of culture. There are also many courses professional retraining, design courses, where in short time can be trained in this area. For further professional growth, the designer also needs to attend master classes and study special literature.

In this article I would like to talk about my future profession. Soon I will be an interior designer. I am sure that this lesson will help me finally find my true calling and place in life, as well as realize my remarkable creative potential.

If you think for a moment, it becomes clear that the tasks, one way or another related to designer craft come across to us daily and, practically, at every turn. The ability to independently invent something new and bring it to life gives a lot of joy and positive emotions that accompany every, albeit not significant success, every smallest achievement.

Interior design is also a kind of art, but an art subject to strict rules of proportions, color, fashion and demand. This is art elevated to the rank of pretty successful business, and in the competition for your customer, you should take into account a lot of purely marketing subtleties, be a good psychologist, foreman repair team, sometimes a bit of an architect and generally combine a huge amount of knowledge and skills.

If you manage to become a kind of universal soldier, you can count on the trust and gratitude of your customers, as well as a steady stream of new customers, in the face of friends and relatives of those with whom you have already worked before.

You must always remember that the interior designer does not just select the color of the walls and the upholstery of the sofas. His mission is to create a unique space that not only has an exclusive and elegant style, but also a warm and comfortable atmosphere that will delight those who will inhabit this space. Moreover, it is not enough to create it in your thoughts. Your idea must be visually and aesthetically depicted in sketches and painstakingly and accurately transferred to the drawing.

Of course, like any other profession, interior design has both pros and cons. The undoubted pluses include the fact that this is an extremely exciting work that allows you to fully open up and realize yourself creatively. In addition, on this moment, a qualified specialist in this direction can easily find an income sufficient for a comfortable life.

But, of course, you have to pay for everything, because this very income, sufficient for a comfortable life, does not get at all just like that. You have to work a lot and hard on each project, collaborating with a variety of, not always pleasant people. First of all, these are customers who do not always know what they want, and if they know for sure, then this is not always aesthetically pleasing and meets good taste.

You also have to work closely and resolve conflicts, and there will be many of them, with suppliers, builders and all services that are related to housing and communal services. The interior designer needs to exercise architectural supervision over the implementation of the project at all its stages and, often, take on the trowel himself.

Having received a specialty, an interior designer can realize himself both independently and working in interior design studios, curtain salons and furniture manufacturing companies.

If you also decide to choose this path for yourself, then you will certainly need patience and sociability, because all people are different and sometimes it is not at all easy to find a common language with them. Fine taste and artistic abilities are also indispensable, because they make the designer who he is.

And if you want customers to remember you with gratitude, you, among other things, need to be extremely attentive and diligent in order to consistently and clearly achieve your goals.