The scenario of the holiday on March 8, the first junior group. poem about grandma

Bespalko Ludmila Grigorievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 1"
Locality: Perm region, Cherdyn
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"Script for March 8 in the first junior group"
Publication date: 23.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

guests came to us Matryoshka "

Creating a festive atmosphere and a positive emotional

response in children.

Cultivate a sense of pride in their parents and respect for them;

To form the beginnings of a general and musical culture;

To develop the ability of children to feel and convey the images embedded in

song, dance, expressive word.


Host, Matryoshka - adults

Move: (children with flowers enter the hall to the music)


Look out the window

It got a little warmer there.

Mother's Day is coming

The sun welcomes him.

Dance with flowers


We give you a song

She calls and pours.

Let mom have fun

And mom will smile.

Song about mother.


To keep the kids from getting bored

We need to invite a guest.

This guest is not simple,

And cheerful, alive.

Clap your hands louder

Matryoshka is visiting us.


Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Mothers, grandmothers,

All are so beautiful!

I was going to visit you

Dressed up, dressed up.

But I look, your guys,

All children in the world are more beautiful.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle

And dance with me.

I will give you handkerchiefs

It will be fun for all of us.

Dance with handkerchiefs


Well you danced

But they are probably tired.

Sit down, children, sit down,

Yes, read poems for moms.


Matryoshka. I call girls to me

Please dance with me.

I love matryoshkas very much,

Little fun babies.

Dance of the girls "Little Crumbs"


Well, nesting dolls are just amazing.

Everyone danced beautifully.

Well, we have boys

Everyone wants to dance too.

Get up boys

Play with bells.

Boys dance with bells


All around sings and praises

Our mothers relatives.

And of course congratulations

Our grandmothers.

poem about grandma

I have multi-colored balls in my basket. I brought them to my grandmother

to knit your socks. Oh guys, what have I done, all the balls



Don't worry, Matryoshka, our guys will collect everything for you now. Truth,

Game "Collect the balls"


Guys, do you help mothers and grandmothers at home?

Leading. Of course. we will now show you how.

The song "Here they are" with movements

They help their mother, they erase cheerfully Children sing along and twirl their hands, as if

showing them to everyone. Washing is portrayed as a loser

Here they are, small handles,

They help mom, sweep clean

"Sweeping with a broom"

Here they are, small handles,

They help mom, they interfere with porridge

"They stir porridge"

Here they are, small handles,

Mom is helped, the hole is sewn up

"Sew with a needle"

Here they are, small handles,

Mom is helped, mom is hugged. They hug themselves with both hands. In the end -

Leading: Of course, all the guys want to kiss their mommy.

So why are you sitting? Run to your mommy!

Kiss, hug and invite to dance!

Dance with mothers "Polechka with mother"


Well, kids are kids,

Have fun from the heart!

But it's time to say goodbye

And I want to bow to you.

It's time for me to return

Goodbye, kids.

For this kind of fun

Get a treat.

(Music sounds, Matryoshka leaves.)

Leading: Our holiday is already over,

What else can you say?

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health.

Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry.

So young

Stay always!

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading. Guys, here we come to the forest clearing. Look how many flowers there are in the clearing, because spring has come. We came here to congratulate our dear mothers and grandmothers on the holiday of Spring.

Leading :

Spring day, golden. The sun is shining

Happy women's day eighth Martha

We congratulate mom.

Let them sound today in the hall

Songs, music and laughter

We invited mothers to the holiday

Our moms are the best.

Child : The sun is kind

Smiled at us!

The holiday is coming

Holiday of our mothers!

Child : beautiful mothers,

Good and beloved

We now congratulate

We'll give them a song.

Child : We give you a song,

She calls and pours

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile.

Song about mom.

Leading. Now we will hold hands and smile at each other,

And to the delight of our mothers, we will now dance merrily.

The dance is general.

Children sit down.

Leading. We sang a song about our mother, but we also have grandmothers who came to watch our holiday.

Child : grandma with me

fun to play,

knows a lot of songs

He reads stories to me.

Child : My grandmother knows

Just about everything.

We never fight

We live together.

Child: With a wonderful song

congratulations helmet,

Grandmother, beloved

Happy Women's Day!

Song about grandma.

Leading. Play the music quickly

Turn us around the music is more fun.

Let's clap and dance loudly

To please all guests at the holiday.

Dance of the girls "One - a palm, two - a palm."

Leading: Now the boys want to show their mothers and grandmothers

Boys dance.

Leading. Dear our guests!
We sang to you, danced,
How could you be entertained
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You kids today!

And now we want to invite you to a musical warm-up.

Mom dance.

Leading: Well done, our mothers! They also know how to dance well to music, although they don’t go to Kindergarten long ago.

While our mothers are resting, we will play a game with you.

The game "Collect a flower" or "Who has a flower?" Children stand in a circle. A flower is passed to cheerful music. When the music stops playing, the child in whose hands the flower dances to the music, waving it. The game is played five or six times.

Children sit on chairs.


Our concert ends

But the holiday doesn't end.

Let smiles bloom for you all over the planet.

Children in chorus:

wish you today

Happiness your children.

The children leave the room.


Contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere;

To teach children to express love for the closest and dearest person - mother;

To develop a positive attitude of the child to the world around him;

Encourage the creative abilities of mothers and pupils.


To deepen children's knowledge about the role of mothers in their lives;

To develop the child's interest in their loved ones;

Contribute to the consolidation of child-parent relationships;

To promote the development of children's speech through expressive reading of poetry;

Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother.

Preliminary work:

Selection of audio and video materials

Preparation for the master class

Individual work:

Learning poems and songs.

Decor and props:

The group is decorated with balloons, flowers, hand drawings

Multimedia projector, laptop

Musical accompaniment for the song “Mommy, my dear!”, dance music, video clip

For competitions: 2 large pyramids, 2 scarves, 2 baskets + dummies with vegetables and fruits, ribbons, scarves, shawls, artificial flowers.

For the master class: colored paper blanks, glue stick, birch twig.

Educator 1:

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to our dear mothers.

Educator 2: Family holiday! Spring holiday! Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is MOM! This is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world!

Educator 1: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more our love for mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

Educator 2:

Let me congratulate you

Leave joy in your soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away with adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day!

Educator 1:

And the guys, of course, prepared songs, dances and poems for you.

VIDEO MATERIAL (children of 1 ml. group read poetry)

Educator 2:

Let's dance together (dance with parents).

Dance "You clap with us" (words and music by E. Zheleznov)

Educator 2: I think everyone will be interested to know. How well mothers know their children.

Competition "Know your child"

Blindfolded mothers guess their child by touch.

Mothers go to the middle of the hall, blindfolded, where the children are sitting.

Educator 1: A woman should be able to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook.

Moms and grandmothers know how to do this and now they will try to compose an elegant costume outfit for their child.

Game "Golden Hands" (2 pairs - mothers and children. Mothers should make an outfit for a child from a scarf, scarf, bows)

Educator 2:

Game "Collect the Pyramid"

Two couples play, mother and child. You need to correctly assemble the pyramid.

Educator 1: Moms love it when children help them, so we will help mom bring groceries from the store.

Game "Bring shopping"

The child runs with a basket, takes vegetables and fruits from the table, puts them in a basket and brings them to his mother. Who quickly.

Educator 2: Our dear mothers, grandmothers

We invite you and your children to dance together.

Dance with mothers "We kick top, top, top ..." (words and music

E. Zheleznova)

Educator 1: We thank everyone for their attention to children, for the pleasure and festive mood.

Educator 2: We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of our children.

VIDEO-CLIP "Mom is the first word"

Invitation to the master class "Making a postcard for mom"

Invite parents and children to tea.


Doll Tanya - child

cat (doll on the screen)

Fox - adult .

Target: creation of conditions for the creative development of children, the manifestation of positive emotions and aesthetic feelings in children, to bring joy to children.


2. Cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards mothers.

3. To develop free communication between adults and children.

Children with a teacher enter the festively decorated hall.

Leading. Guys, look how our hall is decorated. How beautiful it is here! Do you know what holiday we celebrate today? (children's answers) Correctly. Today is a holiday for the most beautiful, affectionate, kind and beloved mothers and grandmothers. Let's congratulate our mothers and sing a song for them!

Song "Mom"music A. Alexandrova.

Here is what a wonderful song we sang for our good, sweet, glorious and dear mothers. And now we will tell them poems!

1st child.

What an elegant kindergarten -
It's mother's day for the kids.

2nd child.
I love my mom very much
Her hello hot slut!
But not only to her,
And my grandmother too!

3rd child.
Mom, I love you so much
I don't know right!

I big ship
Give the name "Mom"!

4th child.

Spring begins on the first day of March.

Dear mother, my dear,

The spring sun is shining for you!

5th child.

On a spring day, sunny,

Congratulations mom

Long, joyful life

We sincerely wish!

presenter. Well done guys, what good, kind poems you know.

And now, get up and start dancing cheerfully.

Dance "We kick top-top-top"

presenter. Oh, it looks like someone is in a hurry to visit us.

Music sounds, the doll Tanya enters the hall, sings a song to the music of M. Krasev.

Tanya. I am a fun toy
Doll Tanya, laughter,
I want to play with you
I want to dance with you!
I will clap my hands loudly,
My feet will stomp.
That's how fun it is to play
That's how fun it is to dance!
Hello guys!
How beautiful and elegant you all are!
Do you want to dance with me?
Then get out soon!

A dance is performed to the music of T. Vilkoreiskaya “We reconciled”.

Tanya. Here are the kids
They danced from the heart!
But my legs are tired
We need to rest a little.

Leading. Sit down, doll Tanya, have a rest! And we will sing a song to you guys!

The song "Bayu-bayu" is performed, lyrics by M. Charnaya, music by M. Krasev.

Leading. So the doll Tanya fell asleep. Let's wake her up, clap our hands.

Tanya. Oh, how sweetly I fell asleep, and rested a little!

How well you can sing! Well done!

And do you like to play? Let's play some spring game.

Leading. With the advent of Spring, for my mother's holiday, many flowers have grown in our clearing. You, Tanya, together with the guys, help to collect them!

Game "Collect flowers".

Plane flowers are laid out on the floor. Children take flowers

and collected in baskets.

Leading. What good fellows, children, all flowers have collected! And you Tanya well done!

Tanya. Well kids, it's time for me

My mother is waiting for me at home.

I congratulate everyone on the holiday, goodbye!

The doll leaves to the music.

Music sounds for the exit of the cat.

Leading. Oh what is this music?
Looks like someone else is on their way here!

To the music, Kotik appears on the screen.

Kitty. I'm a cat, fluffy tail.
Meow! Meow!
I can run fast.
Meow! Meow!
I love to nap on the roof.
Meow! Meow!
Mice are afraid of me.
Meow! Meow!
Hello kids!

Leading. Kitty, why aren't you happy? After all, today is a holiday!

Kitty. I'm sad because
Snow fell on the threshold
And I baked my mom a cake.
In the meantime, sculpted and baked,
The pie has flown in a stream!
The snow melted and became water.
What to do? Oh oh oh!

Leading. Guys, you need to help Kitty, right? Well, Kitty, the guys and I, of course, will help you! Let's sing a song, and you listen and remember!

The song "Pies" is performed, the words of N. Kuklovskaya, the music of A. Filippenko.

Leading. Well done boys! What a well sung song! And you, Kitty, next time you bake pies for yourself not from snow, from flour!

Kitty. Thank you guys! Now I will bake pies like this (shows) and sing your song! I’ll go and treat my mother to a cat with pies, and the Fox, my red-haired sister, will come to visit you now, goodbye.

The cat leaves to the music.

Music sounds, Fox runs into the hall.

Fox. I am beautiful Fox!

Sing, dance, I'm a master.

I heard your ringing laugh

I came to you for the holiday!

Hello kids!

You sang, danced here,

But you haven't played in a long time!

Come out soon

Let's play more fun!

Game "Hares and Foxes"lova by V. Antonova, music by B. Finorovsky

1. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. Children run easily

scattered around the hall.

2. The bunnies sat in a circle, digging a root with their paw. Squat down and

Here are some bunnies, runaway bunnies! "dig" the ground.

3. Suddenly a fox, a red-haired sister, runs, Bunnies run away

Looking for where the bunnies, runaway bunnies! and the "chanterelle" catches up with them.

Fox. They played a lot of fun, they showed their dexterity! And now I want to congratulate everyone on the holiday and do something nice for you.

I have a magic box (shows box). If you put something in it and say magic words then a miracle will happen. Let's try! You need a few wrappers. Take the wrappers and put them in the box

Focus with the box.

Children take wrappers and put them in a box.

Fox. To make the trick work, guys, say some kind words about mom and grandmother. What are your mothers and grandmothers like?

Children say: kind, beloved, etc.

Fox. One, two, three, four, five!

Let's start tinkering!

Together we clap our hands, (clapping)

Let's stomp our feet, (stomp)

Let's knock on the box ( knock)

What's in the box? Let's see!

(open the box on the other side, where the sweets are)

Magical music sounds. "Wrappers" turn into sweets.

Fox. Oh look, kids

Instead of wrappers - sweets!

The presenter and Lisa are handing out sweets.

Fox. Goodbye, kids, girls and boys! It's good with you, but I have to go, the foxes are waiting for me.

Leading. Thanks Chanterelle, Happy Holidays to you. Come to our kindergarten. The fox leaves.

Leading. Goodbye (Children wave their hands.)

This concludes our holiday.

I want to wish you health and happiness!

Children leave the room

HOLIDAY MARCH 8 in the 1st junior group MBDOU kindergarten "Ryabinushka" r.p. Sosnovskoye, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Prepared by: Tanaeva N.A., teacher

Children run into the hall to cheerful music, become a semicircle.

Leading: Dear parents, mothers and grandmothers! We congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday. We wish you health and prosperity.

Today we are as comfortable as at home

See how many faces in the hall of acquaintances

Moms came to us -

Glad to see you all!

And we will start the fun holiday now

He is dedicated to you - the sweetest and most tender,

Beloved, relatives! This is a holiday for all women!

Hearty greetings even the sun sends

And with us for you this song sings.

Song: "Guests Came to Us"

Seryozha: I'm a gift to my mother

Began to draw.

The sun came out

And calls to walk.

Denis: Sun, sun, don't be angry,

Better sit next to me!

Mom's holiday once a year -

I'll draw and go.

Andrey A.: What else for the holiday

Gift to mom?

Gotta try

And be obedient...

Anya K.: On a spring sunny day

Congratulations mom.

Long, joyful life

We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

Sasha: my mother

I love it very much.

Mom will come

I will sing to her.

my mother

I love it very much.

Julia B.: Listen to our song,

Dear Mom,

Be always healthy

Be always happy!

Song: "Dear Mom"

Leading : The kids tried,

You sang with all your heart

The music is playing again

Now let's dance!

Pair dance "With handkerchiefs"

Leading: Danced - bow.

Take your seats, friends.

We'll get some rest

And we will read poems to the guests.

Cyril: Really, mom, am I big?

I put on my own shoes

And cold water

I wash my hands.

And I didn't cry in the morning

Maybe it's time for me to go to school?

Andrey Sh.: Snow fell on the threshold.

The cat made himself a cake.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed in a stream.

Bake pies for yourself

Not from snow - from flour.

Song "Pie"

Leading : Let the snow still spin

Yes, the frost is still naughty.

March climbed on the threshold

And spring looks out the window.

Everywhere you can hear the sound of drops.

We are tired of blizzards.

Birds are flying in the air.

Let's sing a song about spring.

Song " To us in the window the sun ... "

Spring comes to the music


Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I bring you my warmth

So that everything around blooms,

For the leaves to unfurl

The birds were singing.

Good flowers in the garden

I wove them into wreaths.

What is your fun here?

What holiday am I on?

Leading. It's our mother's day! And let's invite Spring to the holiday - after all, March 8 is a holiday for all women. Stay with us!


So let's all play

Songs to sing and dance!

Game "Butterflies »

Leading . What an elegant kindergarten.

It's mother's day for the kids.

Congratulations to mom from the bottom of my heart

The kids congratulate mom.

Dima Z.: Mom, I love you so much!

I don't know directly.

I am a big ship

I will give the name "Mom".

Vanya: Mommy, my mommy!

Mom, I love you.

The best,

Mommy is pretty!


We sing at the festival

And we read poetry

And to make it more fun

Let's play.

Game: "Sun and rain"


Here are the kids - kids

Played from the heart!

But my legs are tired

We need to rest a little.


Sit down, Spring, rest!

And the guys and I read poems to grandmothers.

Kolya: I love my mother very much.

Hello to her hot slut.

But not only to her,

But also to my grandmother.

Masha: My grandmother and I

Old friends.

How good is

My grandmother!

Julia G.: He knows so many fairy tales,

What not to count.

And always in stock

There is a new one.

Nastya: very grandmother,

I love my mother's mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles.

And on the forehead a gray strand.

So I want to touch it.

And then kiss.

Katya: Happy spring holiday,

Spring holiday,

All the grandmothers in the world

We congratulate!

Alina: There are many different songs

In the world about everything

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Song "Grandmother"

Game for grandmothers "Dress up the boy"

(they put beads, a hat on the boys and give a flower in their hand).

Leading : Matryoshka came to us to congratulate grandmothers and mothers.

Matryoshka dance

Leading : do not lag behind girls and boys

Dance of the boys "Petushki"

Leading. Well, now it's time to give gifts to mothers and grandmothers.

Distribution of gifts.


Happy spring holiday

We congratulate you

And great happiness

We wish you all!