"Anti-time management" Nikolay Dodonov. Nikolay dodonov - anti-time management Dodonov anti-time management summary

Reviews (11)

Excellent book

A very good book "about the GTD system" and not only.

Moreover, it is good not so much as a description of the GTD system (Allen and Allen have a good write-up about it), but with a bunch of additional points that help to put the theory into something applicable in practice.

Liked a lot:

Rules for working with e-mail;

The rule of the "golden hour";

Everything related to the description of the "power saving mode"

Rules for organizing archives

The rules "No time - do not touch" and "Touched - go."

I also liked the general coincidence of the approaches proposed by the author with what I already used to do with Evernote, mind maps, recommendations from specific task managers, etc.)

As a result, the advice very well and reliably “lay down” on the time management scheme that I have developed.

And it was a very useful addition.

In total, the first practically useful book on "Time Management" after reading the book "Time Drive" by Gleb Arkhangelsky.

Magnificent book

I'm used to starting a review with the phrase "I rarely leave a review, BUT ..." Indeed, it is worth reading. Especially for people like myself - irrational people who love various activities, and can not always bring them to the end. But even more necessary - for people who feel that there is not enough time, and organizational issues absorb everything. Those who are distracted, those who find it difficult to start. For those who are still looking for the "Perfect Diary" and understand that it does not exist. Yes, amazing description. psychological reasons behavior, easy, simple and explains everything. What you rarely see in a business book, more often in specialized motivational-psychological literature. In general, this is so far the only book that you want to read to the end, without being distracted by other interesting books that come in a stream.

Before this book, I read:

1. Gleb Arkhangelsky "Time Management"

2. Gleb Arkhangelsky "Corporate time management"

3. Brian Tracy "Leave the disgust, eat the frog!"

4. Vasya Sour "Vasily Sour Achiever" :)

5. David Allen "Getting things in order"

I liked the book "anti-time management". I recommend.

This is just a modern explanation of the GTD system using actual tools.

While the second week the skills enter my life, I am slowly getting used to it. The rest of the books did not lead to stable compliance with the standards for more than 2-3 days.

So I definitely recommend reading it, but remember, it will still not be easy to force yourself to do regular reviews of the recorded tasks. Human laziness will constantly convince you to write it down, throw it out of your head - that's all. Do not open or do anything until it catches fire. :))

– Weekly reviews and yearly goals are poorly described. There are no examples of forms on how to conduct medium-term (weekly, monthly) and annual planning. Given simply general description. As a result, this is the worst thing for me when implementing.

– The author is no longer involved in GTD and time management. When I wrote to the author about the possibility of obtaining these forms, it turned out that he had already moved away from the training activities on this topic and he did not have the forms at hand ... so this was not implemented in his own practice so that it became an unbreakable habit? (my own conjectures).

2. Don't expect this to be a complete comprehensive guide. Read. implement, buy the next book on the subject to create YOUR complete system.

The book contains the author's version of the use of the GTD case management system by David Allen. A slightly different format. At the same time, the author quite deeply in the first - theoretical part of the book - reveals the topic of motivation and procrastination - the reasons why we want to put things off and reduce efficiency. For this, he has great respect, because without understanding the mechanisms that hinder our efficiency, trying to correct them is useless.

In the practical part - the classic GTD with tweaks and optimizations from the author. I personally liked the goal setting system - I took it for myself. For those who are constantly looking for new methods of how to become effective in a unit of time - read. Even more so for those who are not familiar with GTD.

In my experience, Getting Things in Order, the book in which Allen talks about his system, might not work. Personally, when I read it for the first time, I did not understand anything. But the second time I could not tear myself away.

That is why this edition can be a good alternative.

5 more reviews

How to exhale and start living?

The topic of time management and personal effectiveness has been of interest to me for 7 years, since I first went to sales managers, and then I started my own business. In addition to my business, I have three more children whom I am raising alone. Therefore, everything that caught my eye on the topic “how to shove the unpushed” was eagerly read and studied. I bought Gleb Arkhangelsky's diaries, made my own, where I tried to embody the tools I needed. I also read David Allen's How to Get Things Done and was very inspired by it, but I didn't last long.
Until I came across Nikolai Dodonov's technique n_dodonov described in his book Anti Time Management. This is the most humane of all methods I have met. It is based on the GTD method of David Allen, but has been significantly rethought and simplified in accordance with modern realities. Because nowadays digital technologies learning to keep paper archives is like starting to write in Egyptian cuneiform on clay tablets instead of writing on paper or typing on a keyboard.
The main difference between the methods offered by Nikolai is based on love for a person. Nowhere on its pages you will see calls - to strain, to act on willpower, to eat slippery frogs, to crawl towards the goal on your teeth. Why? Because it does not work, or it works for a small number of people who have everything in order with the will, and they can do it.
Personally, I have such appeals - at first they inspire me, then after several repetitions and failures, they cause rejection and feelings of guilt and a feeling of inferiority. But it's not that we are weak-willed creatures. We just haven't been taught, or we haven't intuitively learned to work with to-do lists and information effectively.
While a good skill leads to enjoyment of the process. I remember starting a blog six years ago, but I couldn't touch type. Every post was given to me in agony, and even a comment on other people's entries. Even more torment was the daily responses to customers. After I mastered touch typing within three months, I began to write a lot, often and with pleasure.
With personal effectiveness and to-do lists, it's the same story. When I wrote out a to-do list on paper, I got about 50 tasks or more in the morning. Already in the process of recording, I was seized by despair. By the middle of the day, I was angry at every call that distracted me from the task. Each call added another one or more. I really drowned. By the end of the day - I hated everyone, including my own children, who came with different requests or just to talk. I was filled with anger: "It's not fair that I have to do all this alone!"
And the technique described in the book "Anti Time Management" is the only thing that helped me survive and lay down much easier. The main difference between the tools that it offers is that they are based on the knowledge of how our memory, our thinking, our attention is arranged. And this knowledge is based on the fact that no matter how we imagine ourselves to be Julius Caesars, we work much more efficiently when we are focused and focused on one task. That it is easier for us to get to work when the task is clear and understandable. The book is literally riddled with examples of experiments related to memory, attention and psychology.
The peculiarity of the book is that it is intended mainly for managers and entrepreneurs. Why just for them? Because it is in business that we constantly have to deal with a large stream of the most diverse tasks. If we want to move forward, we constantly have to face challenges and projects that have neither experience nor certainty. We often just don't know how to approach them.
After reading the book and working through it, you will learn:
1. How to concentrate on business and remain attentive;
2. How to make to-do lists and how to work with them during the day or week;
3. How to work on projects in conditions of uncertainty;
4. How to work on creative tasks that require imagination;
5. How to correctly formulate tasks for yourself and others so that they are solved quickly;
6. How to work effectively with mail, and when it is not necessary to work with mail at all;
7. How to make sure that important tasks in each of the areas of life (family, health, development, new projects) are completed during the week;
8. How to work with information and documents;
9. And many other useful things that you will learn about when you read the book yourself.
Of the results I have obtained, the most important I consider the following:
There are no more than 6-9 tasks on my to-do list per day.
All the tasks that I thought no one could do as well as me were delegated.
At the same time, the company began to receive more profit than when I climbed into everything with my hands. operational processes. Now I really know that I have time for strategic tasks, and my whole life as a squirrel on a wheel has been self-deception.
I still have a lot of skills to implement. But I know it's worth it. If only because I have personally known Nikolai for more than three years, and I know that this is a person who surprises and delights with his efficiency and consistency. What he has achieved in these three years, including this book and his other projects, is respected and envied, to be honest.
All personal efficiency and pleasure from work!

Nikolay Dodonov

Anti-time management

© Dodonov N.A., 2015

© LLC Publishing house "Piter", 2015

* * *

Who is this book for?

This book is for those

Who does not have time and suffocates from work;

Who has not been helped by other books and methods on time management and self-organization;

Who is tired of rigid plans and boring to-do lists;

Who is tired of the "80/20 rule", "elephants in parts" and "frogs for breakfast";

Who thinks they can't prioritize;

Who considers himself a creative person, not subject to any systems;

Who despaired of finding free time and decided that nothing would help him;

Who has not figured out David Allen's GTD or finds it boring and complicated.

ANTI-time management is an information management system that includes GTD - the world-famous high productivity methodology, the mind map method, the principles of design thinking in planning, Goldratt's TOC logical tools.

It is impossible to talk about all the elements in one book, so the text that you see in front of you is dedicated to the author's version of GTD - the part that is most technologically advanced. This is the author's presentation and processing of technology, as well as detailed study reasons why we feel short of time.

The purpose of the book is to help those who are suffocating from work and heaps of things to make the life of busy people easier and better. It will be useful to those who have not yet met with GTD, and those who have already encountered it, as it clarifies many questions that remain after acquaintance with the David Allen system.

The book consists of two parts. In the first, you will find some facts about how the problem of low productivity arose and what it is. Conclusions are built on them, from which the second part is born - Toolkit. In it you will find a series of exercises that will guarantee the implementation of GTD (in my interpretation) at a basic level, which will make your life much easier if you are overwhelmed with work.

“The facts below are not always new. However, the findings may be of some interest.”

C. Darwin

Foreword by the publication partner

Ivan Gromov, an ordinary businessman from St. Petersburg, is pleased with himself this morning. He got up earlier than usual and even found time to hang on the horizontal bar. And most importantly, he managed to slip through a traffic jam at the exit from his area.

And here he goes, joyful, in his car. His usual work day begins.

First, an employee calls him:

“The firemen came, something is wrong with the safety standards in the warehouse” - “OK, let them leave their documents, I’ll come and see.”

“By the way… The warehouse will need to be optimized in the spring. There is an idea: to hang imported racks along the left wall, I saw such ones in a magazine ... I would not forget.

The wife calls: “Darling, on Saturday my mother will arrive, meet her at the station, the train is at 7:30.”

“Yes, this is sacred, we need to write it down right now,” Gromov reaches for a notebook on the windshield, writes it down.

Business-FM radio announces the announcement of a summer business exhibition. “Oh shit, I missed it last year! We need to write it down right now, ”he again reaches for the notebook ...

But then the bell rings. Gromov cheerfully into the phone: “Ah, Ivan Semenych! How, of course, there is! There is always for you. The conditions are the same, you know!”

“... And why does this Ivan Semenych always call me earlier than our manager does to him? So, ours do not know the schedule of customer needs? It is necessary to put things in order with this in general ... I’ll write it down right now ... "

Write down on the same sheet.

A dirty suspension flies on the windshield. Gromov automatically turns on the wipers and immediately remembers that there has been no fluid in the washer reservoir for a week. A passing auto shop was just a couple of blocks ago.

“Damn… I need to write it down or I’ll never remember it at all.”

By the time he arrived at Gromov's office, there were already a dozen hasty notes on three sheets of paper.

And most importantly, a steady feeling settled in his soul: he did not write down something that needed to be recorded. An expression of mild concern appears on Gromov's face.

In the elevator, he remembers that today he has a nosebleed to contact suppliers from Minsk. The meeting was six months ago - and now the time has come. He even wrote it down somewhere in his diary, and there seems to be the right phone number there ... But where? Although ... it's okay, he definitely has a Minsk business card. But where? In a leather business card holder in the office? Or at home? Or in a travel folder?

With these reflections, he enters his office, undresses, sits down in an armchair and puts on the table three sheets of paper written in the car.

He places them next to a pile of similar leaves accumulated over the past few weeks. The most up-to-date entries are “structured”, that is, they are scribbled with colored markers and placed under a heavy ashtray.

Gromov thinks for a moment: where to start? Where do you want to spread fresh leaves? Or first find a Minsk business card? Or open Outlook to write down everything important to do today?

The secretary brings him out of his thoughts by entering with fresh mail and documents to sign.

It takes half an hour to clarify some inconsistencies in the latest contracts.

Gromov writes in his diary exactly what needs to be done in connection with this.

Then there is mail.

And in it:

magazine "flip through for later";

promotion proposals;

something interesting about recruiting;

changes in tax legislation


Gromov honestly completes the sorting of mail.

Wearily looks around the littered table.

And he goes to his e-mail ...

Gromov is a grated kalach and has long since learned to quickly recognize and remove obvious spam. And the mailing lists that he once subscribed to (or never subscribed to), he, almost without looking, immediately drags them to the "Mailing lists" folder.

Despite this, Gromov almost immediately gets stuck.

Where to put this offer about air conditioning from the landlord? “Well, I don’t have the “Office Optimization” folder! Let it hang until…”

A review of the book "ANTI Time Management" on how to effectively organize your work without using boring time management techniques and with the help of a competent organization of work with information.

Once I was fond of time management, until I came to the conclusion that it was of little use with my creative chaotic nature. Since then, I have been meeting with a smile the news about the release of another book or video course on time management, which promises to move mountains and turn a nervous bungler confused in business into a clear kid. In all these books and courses, in fact, all the same basic ideas are played up, described many years ago in the classic works of Covey, Tracey and Lakeine.

Guess with what feelings I read a book with the title "ANTI time management" and the subtitle "How to work 2 times less and do it 2 times more" by Nikolai Dodonov, a St. Petersburg entrepreneur and personal effectiveness specialist?

Didn't guess. A good book, and today I'll tell you why.

Anti time management

How to work less and achieve more? In theory, it is time-management (“time management”) that should give an answer to questions related to the competent distribution of time. But quite often (as in my case) time management is powerless. As I myself believe, all because of the fact that his classic methods (, "elephant steak", "Swiss cheese method" - hell, they are all just obsessed with food) really make a person do something.

Imagine the situation - you came to work in a lousy mood, and then everyone from all sides pounces on you and starts loading you with all sorts of things. When I worked as a simple designer, I somehow did not notice this, but now, as a leader, I understand this very well. What timing is here, what frogs, what red and green zones, you wouldn’t go crazy with all this.

Yes, time management helps many people to be collected and concentrated, there is no point in arguing. But for people of the mood like me, it turned out to be too tiring.

So, how to work 2 times less and manage 2 times more, and even without time management? This question was once answered by Tim Ferris in his "4-hour work week". The problem is that in Russian conditions not all of his methods work, and we are not as “online” as in the USA.

There is also the rather old book Work Less, Do More by Kerry Gleason, but it focuses on organizing paper documents. Still, advice like “Get a special closet and put 365 folders there by the number of days” cause only a smile (which, of course, does not mean that the Gleason technique does not work). Nikolai Dodonov, apparently, read Gleason's book - in some ways they have something in common, and the names are similar, but still his own book is about other things.

In general, you already understood that I was skeptical about the book "ANTI time management" at the beginning of reading. In addition to the provocative prefix "ANTI", I was alerted by the words that Nikolai took Allen's GTD as the basis of his methodology, which I also tried, and it also did not work for me. Fortunately, the book turned out to be light and non-loading, the author has a lively style and a lot of interesting stories in reserve. Yes, and GTD in the version of Nikolai was not so frightening.

In essence, what Nikolai offers is a mixture of energy management and GTD, spiced personal experience. Effective work with information and the use of the features of our brain as opposed to the organization of time.

What is good book "ANTI time management"?

Our brain is an incredibly complex and elaborate device. One of its main tasks for hundreds of thousands of years has been energy saving, and even now, when there is a lot of food and pleasure around, the brain evaluates all upcoming events in terms of energy efficiency. And very often his assessments do not coincide with what we really want.

Yes, the brain is really greedy!

For example, you want to do exercises, and the subconscious whispers to you quietly: “Lie down, eat delicious food, why strain yourself.” Or do you have to do important work- and it seduces you with a series or a computer toy. The only situation when the brain generously shares its accumulated energy and is ready to cooperate is an approaching danger. If something threatens our life, we not only get the necessary boost of vivacity, but we are also able to make any decisions that we refuse in ordinary life.

The brain gravitates toward simplicity and comfort. If we force ourselves to do something difficult (for example, start running in the morning or stick to a diet), then the brain first of all evaluates our actions in terms of danger, and, realizing that we are not in danger, it begins to actively resist all our good things. undertakings.

It is here that the reasons for all our failures lie, due to which we cannot organize our work normally. We overcomplicate things (hello, time management) and wallow in comfort too much. The best reason not only to want, but also to do is to regularly get out of the comfort zone, but at the same time have a clear and specific plan for what we want to achieve.

Once again, all our disorganization is due to two reasons:

  • we are too mired in the routine and do not try to get out of it, preferring to follow the usual patterns instead of trying something new.
  • we overburden ourselves with decisions that we have to make spontaneously, and we do a lot on the go instead of planning ahead.

"ANTI time management" is just about how to make the brain simple and easy :)

The first part of the book explains in detail the scheme of the brain and the reasons for our disorganization. In the second part we get our hands on ready instructions to overcome these problems and improve the skill effective work with information. Order, read and apply.

Verdict: There are no fundamentally new and revolutionary solutions in the book, but there is a really working system built on the use of time-tested practices, and using which you can make your life much easier. I recommend.

Nikolay Dodonov - personal effectiveness and planning specialist, owner and director trading company ET-Russia, creator of FastBudget personal finance accounting service.

Have you read books on time management, attended seminars and trainings and still suffocate from work?

It is not your fault. 90% of entrepreneurs have gone the same way and feel the same way. The reason for all the troubles is not that we cannot organize time or prioritize, but that we have not been taught to manage memory, information and motivation.

Learn how to do it right, and you will be able to do 2 times more and work 2 times less. The information and exercises that you will find in the book will help you with this!

The book is suitable for creative people!

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