Tender Procurement Specialist Job Description. Tender specialist (tender manager): requirements, job responsibilities, salary review, training. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise

The tendering specialist professional purchasing in the interests of the company, and also participates in the search, organization and conduct of tenders.

Tender manager is a relatively young specialty that has become popular due to the emergence and development of electronic auctions. Without an experienced manager, it is difficult for a company to fully participate in the tender. Therefore, such a specialist is useful and the right employee which affects the development of the company. The work she does is very responsible and complex, it requires skills, extensive knowledge and solid experience in sales. The failure of the tender is not only a lost profit, but also a strong blow to the company's image.

Functional responsibilities of the tender manager:

Website monitoring, trading floors involved in conducting state and commercial tenders;

Search and selection of a tender in accordance with the characteristics of the company's activities;

Registration on trading platforms;

Analysis of the economic benefits of participation in the tender;

Information support;

Diplomatic correspondence, negotiating with the organizers of tenders, clarification of documentation;

Information support and participation in the preparation of a package of documents (for the technical part);

Cooperation with departments on the specifics and pricing of products that are offered;

Analysis of applications for their compliance with current legislation (FZ-94, FZ-223) and subsequent execution;

Informing about the terms of delivery, guarantees, necessary certificates, licenses for participation in tenders;

Work on electronic trading platforms;

Control over the passage of tenders at each stage (including on-line): consideration of applications from participants, summing up, signing contracts;

Reporting on the results of the tender.

Finding the right trader is hard enough. But many large companies need such employees. For search suitable place work, it is enough to drive in the search engine "manager for tenders vacancies."

To become a specialist in tenders, you can take specialized courses, after which a person is already ready.

Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders. Based on the results obtained, it is required to prepare materials intended for making a decision regarding participation in trading processes; Important tender documentation is requested, its main requirements are carefully studied. If necessary, you can request explanations, as well as take into account any changes in the main tender documentation; Operational training the necessary papers; It is important to interact with managers, as well as leading heads of departments on the general specifics and formation of the value of products; Analysis of the technical part of the received applications for full compliance with modern current legislation; Competitive applications are being processed; It is required to conduct correspondence and negotiations with those involved in the organization of competitions; Several projects should be carried out at the same time; All necessary information regarding the terms of delivery, guarantees and certificates must be provided in a timely manner.

Tender Department Specialist Job Description

Pages, generalities, author, increasing serotonin levels, author. With all its pages 3 Mb Device, summary page 15 2, during the absence of the Tender Specialist, his duties are performed by a person 2 For offenses, liability The Tender Specialist is liable.

ISO Size 6 The Purchasing Specialist reports directly to the Head of the Business Unit.

What does a tender specialist do?

If a advantageous offers was not, the procedure is cancelled. Then an order is sent to the accounting department to return the deposit (vadium) to the performers.

Actions and procedures are documented, protocols with applications are drawn up during the entire process. The bidding specialist also keeps track of orders given by the company and monitors costs. Sometimes in his official duties will also include the processing of information regarding the completion of tasks, as well as cooperation with portals involved in the official publication of competitions.

§ Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers § Methods of working with funds mass media; § Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold; § Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy; § Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products; § methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products; § The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; § Rules of internal work schedule; § Rules and norms of labor protection;

Job description of a specialist in organizing and holding competitions (auctions)

1.1. The bidding specialist belongs to the category of specialists and reports directly to ______________________________________________. (name of position directly 1.2.

A person with a higher professional education and trained in the program

“Organization and holding of tenders (auctions) for the purchase of products for state needs”
without any requirement for work experience.

Job description of a specialist tender department

A person with a higher economic education and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a specialist in the tender department.

Bidding Specialist

Wages You can see this post here »

Job description of a tender specialist (rus)

– the procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; - internal labor regulations; — rules and norms of labor protection; Monitors specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. Assesses the economic feasibility of participation in the auction, prepares information and materials based on the results for making a decision on participation in the auction.

Requests the necessary tender documentation, studies its requirements.

Tender department: tasks, structure of duties of the head of the tender department, tender specialist

participation in the creation and maintenance of the company's image attracting new contracts through the tender system and attracting new customers, as well as retaining / returning old customers A prerequisite for efficient operation in this direction is the creation of a tender department with qualified specialists motivated for the result.

This will be discussed in the article. Let's take a look at the typical structure of the tender department.

A modern tender specialist is a very useful person whose work is needed in absolutely any company. It provides an opportunity to participate in tenders as successfully as possible, rejoice accordingly and move further and further. It should be noted that the work of such an employee is quite complex, as well as the most responsible. The advantage is that it is in demand distant work tender specialist.

From a specialist in this direction, extensive knowledge is required, and it will not be superfluous to have extensive experience in this field of activity. The failure of the work of this professional will no doubt be a rather heavy blow for every company, as this is lost profits, as well as wasted money and effort. Moreover, systematic violations of the assigned obligations can lead to the fact that the organization will no longer be able to participate in tenders.

Responsibilities of the Tender Specialist

Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading assumes that the employee must without fail have exclusively higher education. Appointment to this position and dismissal from it is carried out solely on the basis of an order Director General companies. Speaking about such a factor as the duties of a tender specialist, it can be noted:

In addition, a modern tender specialist is professionally engaged in purchases made strictly in the interests of the company. You will also have to take part in the search, organization and conduct of various tender trade processes.

Features of the job description

All modern fairly large companies that buy goods on the market as organized as possible, as well as popular services, make serious efforts to select such offers that are optimal in terms of price and quality. The essence of such activities is strictly regulated by a special Regulation on the general organization.

tender specialist job description are engaged in developing options for accepting a specific tender:

  • Open trading processes;
  • Requests, that is, offers;
  • Downward auctions conducted on the Internet.

The simplest instructions are usually formed exclusively for the most recent type of tender. The main object of the auction is an exclusively standardized product, its overall quality predetermined by the requirements of GOST. As for the competition, it concerns only the cost. The winner of the tender is usually recognized as the supplier who, for the allotted time period, offered the lowest price. The regulation of all such processes is usually handled by a professional tender manager.

If you want to find a job in this specialty, you should correctly fill out an application for employment. A sample CV for a tendering specialist reflects everything that needs attention.

Need for tender specialists

A tender specialist is a relatively young profession that has become quite in demand and popular due to the emergence and development of modern electronic auctions. Without the work of this professional, no company will be able to fully participate in profitable tender.

Activity this employee is useful and much needed. This is a specialist who has a direct impact on the overall development of the enterprise. The work of such a plan is responsible, complex, it requires some skills, extensive knowledge, as well as serious sales experience. It is for this reason that a resume of a tender specialist is considered by max.

If necessary, be present at auctions on behalf of the company, during bid opening procedures, file complaints with the FAS Russia and its territorial bodies, represent the interests of the company in the consideration of these complaints. 1.20. If necessary, track the return Money introduced as security for bids. 1.21. Maintain prescribed reporting. 2. RIGHTS The Tender Specialist has the right to: 2.1. Ask managers structural divisions company, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties. 2.2. AT necessary cases represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities within its competence. four.

Job description of a tender specialist (Russian)

If necessary, ask for clarifications and take into account changes in the tender documentation. 1.11. Promptly prepare a complete package of documents. 1.12.
Interact with managers and heads of departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications. 1.13. Analyze technical part applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.18. Conclude agreements, contracts. 1.19.

Job description of a specialist in the tender department

Basic principles and methods for promoting the presented products in the municipal and budget markets; § The specifics of promoting products on the commercial market; § Platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions; § Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers; § Methods of working with the media; § Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold; § Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy; § Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products; § methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products; § The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; § Internal labor regulations; § Rules and norms of labor protection; § Ethics business communication. 1.5.

1. General Provisions

Search and win state and commercial competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. Specialist in tender work performs the following duties: 4.1.

Carries out regular monitoring of specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open tenders, tenders, electronic auctions. 4.2. Assesses the economic feasibility of participating in the auction, prepares relevant information and materials for management based on the results.

4.4. Analyzes the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation. 4.5. Prepares competitive bids. 4.6. Conducts negotiations and correspondence with the organizers of competitions.
4.7. Signs agreements and contracts. 4.8.

What does a tender specialist do?

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in section 3 of this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation. 6.2. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
6.3. For the proper and timely delivery of cases upon transfer to another job, dismissal from office to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to the head of the development department. 6.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Bidding Specialist Job Description

  • Important tender documentation is requested, its main requirements are carefully studied. If necessary, you can request explanations, as well as take into account all changes in the main tender documentation;
  • Prompt preparation of the necessary papers;
  • It is important to interact with managers, as well as leading heads of departments on the general specifics and formation of the value of products;
  • Analysis of the technical part of the received applications for full compliance with modern current legislation;
  • Competitive applications are being processed;
  • It is required to conduct correspondence and negotiations with those involved in the organization of competitions;
  • Several projects should be carried out at the same time;
  • All necessary information regarding the terms of delivery, guarantees and certificates must be provided in a timely manner.

Tender manager job description

    • Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading - duties
    • Tender Department Specialist Job Description
    • What does a tender specialist do?
      • Job description of a specialist in organizing and holding competitions (auctions)
  • Job description of a specialist in the tender department
    • Bidding Specialist
    • Job description of a tender specialist (rus)
      • Tender department: tasks, structure of duties of the head of the tender department, tender specialist

Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading - responsibilities Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders.

Job description of the tender specialist


If you want to find a job in this specialty, you should correctly fill out an application for employment. A sample CV for a tendering specialist reflects everything that needs attention.

The Need for Tender Specialists A tender specialist is a relatively young profession that has become quite in demand and popular due to the emergence and development of modern electronic auctions. Without the work of this professional, no company will be able to fully participate in a profitable tender. The activity of this employee is useful and very necessary. This is a specialist who has a direct impact on the overall development of the enterprise. The work of such a plan is responsible, complex, it requires some skills, extensive knowledge, as well as serious sales experience.

Job description of the chief specialist of the tender department

In the second case - if the tender specialist represents the participating company - he must not only monitor the various possibilities, but also be responsible for completing the documents, for the compliance of the proposal with the requirements of the customer, for pricing policy of his firm. In addition, he must comply with all deadlines and monitor the fulfillment of the conditions for participation in the competition. Qualification Virtually none educational institutions who are trained in this profession. Basic requirements of employers: higher education (economic, legal or technical), experience in the field of public procurement (at least 3 years), practical knowledge of relevant laws. foreign languages, since it will open the company the opportunity to start in competitions for international market. The salary of a tender specialist is formed based on his work experience, as well as potential.

Job description tender specialist

Moreover, systematic violations of the assigned obligations can lead to the fact that the organization will no longer be able to participate in tenders. Responsibilities of a Tender Specialist The job description of a Tender and Electronic Trading Specialist suggests that an employee must have an exclusively higher education. Appointment to this position and dismissal from it is carried out exclusively on the basis of the order of the General Director of the company. Speaking about such a factor as the duties of a tender specialist, it can be noted:

  • Monitoring of Internet sites, trading platforms, as well as commercial and government tenders and competitions;
  • Assessment of the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain tenders.

For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.3. For causing material damage- in accordance with applicable law. 5. OTHER TERMS 5.1. This job description is communicated to the Tender Specialist against receipt. Job description of the tender manager The text of the job description usually consists of sections:

In the "General Provisions" section, it should be noted:

  • the name of the position and structural unit;
  • general purpose of the position;
  • to whom the employee directly reports;
  • the procedure for appointment to office and dismissal from office;
  • list of normative, methodological, etc.

Tender specialist job description

The failure of the work of this professional will no doubt be a rather heavy blow for every company, as this is lost profits, as well as wasted money and effort. Posadova instruction of a specialist in tenders Specialist of the tender department You can see the salary for this position here » Good afternoon, colleagues! Finally, I am ripe for one of the most important topics accompanying GOSTORGAM “Who is a tender specialist? » In the course of the article I will try to answer the following questions: « What should a tender manager know? »; “What education should a tender specialist have?”; “Competition specialist” - a native of his own company or a hired employee”, in my opinion, these are the most important questions that companies start tendering ask themselves.

A person who has a higher professional education and has completed training under the program “Organization and conduct of tenders (bidding) for the purchase of products for state needs” is appointed to the position of a bidding specialist, without presenting requirements for work experience. A person with a higher economic education and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a specialist in the tender department. Specialist of the tender department You can see the salary for this position here » Job description of a specialist in tenders (rus - the procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; - internal labor regulations; - rules and norms of labor protection; Monitors specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions.

What does a tender specialist do?


The Tender Specialist in his activities is guided by this Job Description. 1.6. The Tender Specialist reports directly to the General Director.




OFFICIAL DUTIES 1.8. Monitor specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. 1.9. Evaluate the economic feasibility of participation in the auction, prepare information and materials based on the results for making a decision on participation in the auction.

1.10. Request the necessary tender documentation, study its requirements.

Job description of a specialist in the tender department

Bid Finder When it comes to an organization that is a contractor, the responsibilities of a Bid Finder are different from those listed above. Let's describe the main ones:

  1. search for purchases by company profile at various sites and in a single information system;
  2. obtaining CEP and passing accreditation on electronic trading platforms;
  3. preparation of the application and request for clarification of the procurement documentation, if necessary;
  4. filing an application and participation in the auction on behalf of the company;
  5. analysis of selected tenders for the presence of a corruption component and decision-making on participation in a particular procurement;
  6. reporting on the results of the procedure.

Also, the activity of the unit depends on the specific company that creates the tender department.

1. General Provisions

If necessary, attend auctions on behalf of the company, during the opening of applications, draw up complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and its territorial bodies, represent the interests of the company when considering these complaints. 1.20. If necessary, track the return of funds deposited as bid security.

Maintain prescribed reporting. 2. RIGHTS The Tender Specialist has the right to: 2.1. Request from the heads of structural divisions of the company, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

2.2. In necessary cases, represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities that are within its competence. four.

Tasks that the tender department (department) solves

Responsibilities The Bidder is responsible for:

  1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of Ukraine.

AGREED: Head of the structural unit: (signature) (full name) » » Head of the legal department: (signature) (full name) » »
Acquainted with the instruction: (signature) (full name) » »

Tender department

    The Tender Specialist in his activities is guided by this Job Description.

  • The Tender Specialist reports directly to the General Director.
  • During the absence of the Tender Specialist, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible in accordance with this instruction.
  • II.

    Job Responsibilities

  1. Monitors specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions.
  2. Assesses the economic feasibility of participation in the auction, prepares information and materials based on the results for making a decision on participation in the auction.
  3. Requests the necessary tender documentation, studies its requirements.

Bidding Specialist Job Description

Provide justification for the procurement in the selected form, if required by law;

  • preparation of tender documentation, its transfer to the ETP and provision of a transcript at the request of the contractor;
  • implementation of relations with all participants in the procedure - publication of the protocol for consideration of applications, protocol for conducting or other documents in case of any additional actions;
  • preparation and storage of all documentation necessary for the organization of procurement activities.
  • This is a general list of duties of an employee, in each organization it may vary slightly, and different employees can take over the functionality if the volume of trading is large enough. The infographic below shows one of the possible structures of the tender department of the organization.

Responsibilities of a Tender Specialist

All employees of the tender service are required to maintain documentation in accordance with the requirements established within the enterprise, and provide it to the head of the unit in a timely manner. Verification of documentation is also carried out by the head of the enterprise, according to the established schedule.

If a new employee is appointed to the position of the head of the department, the director of the enterprise is obliged to train him in the new functionality. New leader must know how to organize the work of the tender department - then the efficiency of the entire enterprise will increase significantly. Back to Contents Aims and Objectives of the Department The purchasing department that controls the company's participation in tenders is given a specific plan that must be fulfilled.

Job Responsibilities of the Bidding Specialist

Search and win state and commercial competitions, tenders, electronic auctions. The tender work specialist performs the following duties: 4.1.

Carries out regular monitoring of specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open tenders, tenders, electronic auctions. 4.2. Assesses the economic feasibility of participating in the auction, prepares relevant information and materials for management based on the results.
4.3. Requests the necessary tender documentation, studies its requirements. If necessary, requests clarifications and takes into account changes in the tender documentation. 4.4. Analyzes the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation. 4.5. Prepares competitive bids. 4.6. Conducts negotiations and correspondence with the organizers of competitions. 4.7. Signs agreements and contracts. 4.8.

Assistance of professionals in the selection of tenders The RusTender company offers a wide range of services, both in search and in support of purchases. We select tenders in two ways:

  • specialist help;
  • purchasing program.

In the first case, our employee will search according to the parameters you specified and manually sort and analyze each purchase before providing the selection to you.

In the second option, we provide you with free access to the tender selection program developed by us and you independently set the parameters for which you want to receive the tenders you are interested in. You can read more about such a program and its capabilities in our article about this service.

If necessary, ask for clarifications and take into account changes in the tender documentation. 1.11. Promptly prepare a complete package of documents. 1.12.

Interact with managers and heads of departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications. 1.13. Analyze the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.14. Submit competitive bids. 1.15. Negotiate and correspond with the organizers of competitions. 1.16. Manage multiple projects at the same time. 1.17. Provide all in a timely manner necessary information about the conditions of delivery, guarantees, certificates. 1.18. Conclude agreements, contracts. 1.19.