What do you need to bid. What you need to fully participate in tenders: rules, conditions, documentation. Free tender - myth or reality

It is no secret that participation in electronic auction, and even more so in public procurement, requires experience and qualifications. Not every company interested in government contracts has a specialist on staff who has the knowledge and skills to work with tenders. But this work includes not only the actual participation in the auction, but also the receipt of electronic digital signature, selection of trading platforms, registration on them, ordering a bank guarantee and much more.

Difficult places

The matter is complicated by the fact that electronic trading is quite strictly regulated by the state. Moreover, the legislation in the field of public procurement is relatively crude, and is constantly being finalized. Therefore, participants in state auctions have to tirelessly follow the news and be aware of all changes. It is impossible to learn quickly once and then reap the fruits of this training - you need, as they say, to "stew" in the juice of the state order, devoting a significant part of your working time and effort to it.

Why you should participate

In fact, there is no need to despair - the state order remains an attractive sales market for Russian business, and it hides a huge potential for the development of your company. Bare figures testify to this: according to the Ministry of Economy, 42.8% of trades in 2014 were declared invalid. Most of them did not take place due to the banal lack of participants. Can you imagine the scale of missed opportunities now?

All you need is to properly organize the tender work. Having solved this problem, it will be possible to use the resources of the state order for the benefit own business. However, this will have to somehow get "foreign brains" - people who are able to participate in procurement, avoid risks and seek contracts.

How to organize tender work

There are at least 5 ways to attract specialists to work. Let's review and compare the available options to determine the right one for your company.

Hire a freelancer remotely

The simplest and affordable way- hire a freelancer working remotely. This is how they do it, basically individual entrepreneurs and small organizations with a limited budget. Indeed, a freelancer is the most economical option, but also risky at the same time.

Typically, remote workers work on a piecework and prepaid basis. In order for a specialist to start doing something, he should transfer money. In this case, no contract, as a rule, is not concluded. That is, you act at your own peril and risk. It often happens that after receiving an advance payment, the freelancer disappears, and you have to look for another one. As a result, we have wasted money and time.

Another problem is the qualification of the specialist. Are you sure that the selected employee has necessary knowledge and experience, will it not let you down in such an important matter as participation in public procurement? Therefore, before hiring a freelancer, it is worth asking for feedback on their work. In addition, it will not be superfluous to view information about him in in social networks, check mailbox addresses, etc.

Hiring a tender agency with pay-per-performance

You should be very careful with such a form of cooperation as hiring an agency, subject to payment according to the result (won auction). The fact is that not a single professional tender agency is able to guarantee the victory of a participant. Whether you win the tender or not - it depends, first of all, on you and your cost.

Of course, the agency will help you choose a suitable trading platform, eliminate corruption factors, find a good auction and apply as a participant. But promising victory is at least unprofessional.

Performance-based services are usually offered by two categories of performers:

  • Beginners are people without sufficient experience who are interested in their own learning in practice (as a rule, they have neither an office, nor a full-fledged website, nor official reviews from customers).
  • Rogues are the so-called "agencies" that lure clients with promises of winning the tender, and in the process of interaction, when the client "pecked", they ask to transfer a deposit to the account (for example, as a guarantee of your trustworthiness).

The probability of finding a qualified specialist in this way is extremely small. At best, you will lose time, at worst, money.

Hiring a tender agency with a subscription fee

A fairly common option offered by many agencies is cooperation with subscription fee. AT this case your chances can be estimated as 50/50 - it all depends on the company you contact.

Unfortunately, there are agencies on the market that demand from the customer a subscription fee of 15-70 thousand rubles per month, promising to provide a range of services for the search, selection of tenders and participation in the auction within the agreed period. In reality, all further "activity" of the company comes down to sending you acts of completed work.

You should be alerted by the fact that the agency offers to sign a contract with a subscription fee for a long time (even if it promises a solid discount). Also, read the footnotes and regulations carefully. In particular, under the contract, you should have the right to refuse to participate in a knowingly disadvantageous tender.

Hiring an employee

It would seem that a worthy option is to hire a specialist in the company's staff. But this method also has its drawbacks.

Firstly, it is quite difficult to find a truly qualified tender specialist. If there is such a person who agreed to work for you, he will probably lead several more projects in parallel. You will have to constantly monitor the activities of a full-time pro, and conflicts often arise on this basis.

Secondly, the hired employee may not have the necessary experience. As a result: lost tenders, irrevocably Lost time, lost profits, and even the need to invest in employee training.

Thirdly, staff specialist will have to pay a solid year-round wages, and for tender work characterized by seasonality. This means that for about six months the employee will have a rest at the workplace and engage in “decomposition” of the atmosphere in the team.

Tender agency with payment for the work done

In our opinion, the most preferable way to participate in the auction is an agreement with an agency, subject to payment for the work done. This option is reliable and productive. Almost all conscientious performers offer their customers a similar scheme of cooperation.

How interaction is built:

  • You (the customer) determine the tender in which you plan to take part, and the services that you need;
  • The executor (tender agency) evaluates the complexity of the order and makes an offer;
  • After signing the contract, the agency performs the agreed work.

In this case, the customer has the right to refuse cooperation at any time if the quality or cost of services does not suit him. And the performer, for his part, is motivated to make every effort to fruitful and long-term partnerships.

As you can see, the described method is the most effective. In addition, it involves a minimum of risks for both the customer and the agency. This is how most of the companies that have achieved significant success in electronic trading build their work.

Have you had any experience in organizing tender work? Write your answers in the comments.

09.10.19 10 705 18

Required minimum for those who have never participated

We are starting a series of articles on tenders: we will analyze different types of procurement step by step.

Diana Demina

Tinkoff business editor

Oleg Gurin

procurement expert

Let's start with the very basics - if you have already participated in tenders and won, then most likely you already know all this.

What are tenders and what are they

The term "tender" is often used in the field of procurement, but in Russian laws there is still no official definition. In the conventional sense, a tender is a competitive bidding.

The customer announces the conditions under which he will buy goods, services or works. And suppliers, taking into account the requirements, offer their options. The customer concludes a contract with a supplier with better conditions. True, in life everything is much more complicated.

For example, a school wants to buy chairs and desks. This is a government agency - go to furniture store school can't. According to the law, it must hold a tender and select a supplier through a competitive process. Therefore, the school forms the requirements for the purchase and the criteria by which it will select the winner. Places information about the purchase on a special site for tenders. On the appointed day, the school sums up and selects a supplier.

To freely navigate the topic, you first need to learn all the terms. This is not the most interesting section of the article, but without it it is impossible to understand the main thing.

Depending on who organizes the competition, tenders are divided into state tenders, for companies with state participation and commercial ones.

State tenders carry out state organizations, budget and municipal institutions. For example, hospitals need equipment, and schools need furniture. All purchases here are in accordance with 44-FZ. When it comes to choosing contractors for overhaul common property apartment building, then they are guided by government decree No. 615.

Tenders for companies with state participation conducted by companies partially or wholly owned by the state, regulated companies and natural monopolies. For example, oil and gas, energy and mining companies.

When organizing purchases, they are guided by 223-FZ and internal regulations procurement companies. They can be found in the public domain. Here, for example, are the provisions on the purchases of Russian Railways and Gazprom.

According to the composition of participants, tenders are open, closed and with limited participation. Any company can participate in open procurement. In closed - only companies invited by the organizer. It's like an invitation party. In limited participation tenders, all who qualify special conditions. For example, the condition may be the presence of special equipment or certain qualifications.

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By the number of stages, tenders are divided into one-stage and two-stage.

In one-stage the organizer of the tender chooses the winner only on the basis of the proposals received - without additional discussions and meetings with the participants.

In two-stage after the first stage, the customer can select a pool of interesting proposals, and at the second stage, choose the winner from them. Here, the customer, during the tender process, can clarify the requirements for the purchase, and the participants can finalize the application before the final selection.

There are also several options for purchasing.

Auction. Here the key criterion is the price. Whoever bids lower wins.

Request for quotations or prices. As in an auction, the bidder with the lowest price is the winner. The difference is that the deadlines for submitting applications in such a tender are very limited: usually no more than a week.

Request for proposals. The customer chooses the offer with the best conditions. But, unlike the competition, the timing of such a tender usually does not exceed 10 days.

Purchasing from a single supplier. Unlike other species, this non-competitive way purchases. The customer does not select anyone, but gives the contract to a specific contractor. This is possible, for example, when purchasing services from a monopolist: rail transport from Russian Railways or sending correspondence from the Russian Post.

Any tender has several characteristics. For example, a commercial company may announce an open tender, while a government agency may announce a closed auction.

Who can participate in tenders

The main thing is to meet the requirements, submit full package documents and make the best offer. Everyone has a chance to win.

True, there are still nuances for individuals. They will not be able to become participants in procurement, where there are restrictions in the conditions. There are three such restrictions:

  1. Procurement for small businesses. In this case, only companies and individual entrepreneurs are allowed to participate.
  2. Members have licenses. They are needed for some activities, such as television broadcasting or private security activities. Individuals cannot obtain a license - only companies and entrepreneurs.
  3. Membership in self-regulatory organizations. Required for construction, design and engineering surveys. In construction - for contracts over 3 million rubles. Only individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can join the SRO.

If a company cooperates with an individual, then by law it is obliged to pay personal income tax and insurance premiums. Therefore, in this case, the performer will receive an amount less than specified in the contract. How to participate in different types of purchases - we will tell in separate articles.

How to increase your chances of winning a tender

How can a young company win a tender. To win in some types of purchases, such as competitions, it is important business reputation and work experience. When evaluating bids, these factors are taken into account along with price. Therefore, it is difficult for young companies to win in such purchases, especially if there are many competitors. But there are tenders in which participants win only because they were the only ones who applied in accordance with all the rules.

Tips are:

  1. Participate in tenders with small amounts. Tenders up to 1 million rubles may not be interesting large companies, and you will have more chances to win and earn a positive reputation.
  2. Offer favorable terms. Find tenders similar to those you want to win. See what competitors offer and who customers choose. Perhaps you can make a more interesting offer. For example, reduce delivery times or include an additional option in your service for free.
  3. Complete tender documents carefully. This is another way to get an edge. Imagine that there are only two suppliers participating in the tender. Both formally meet the requirements of the customer, but one incorrectly executed the tender documentation. The second one will win, even if its price is higher than the competitor's offer.

How to win without lowering the price. Everything depends on the tender. If this is an auction or request for quotation, then the low price is key factor to determine the winner. Therefore, it is better to immediately determine to what extent you are ready to reduce the price.

And in a competition or request for proposals, a participant who has better conditions can win. For example, if we are talking about the release of calendars or corporate postcards, then the design bureau, which offered a more interesting layout, could become a supplier.

What is tender support and is it necessary? Tender support is a service in which specialists help prepare and win tenders. Specialists can participate at all stages or only help find a suitable tender and collect a package of documents.

Tender support is a good way out if you have never participated in procurement before.

There is also a GZEX resource. Everything is arranged there like on any freelance exchange: customers leave tasks, and performers offer their services.

Here are a couple of tips to help you find a conscientious tender specialist:

  1. Look at the artist's rating and read reviews about his work. Platforms usually make sure that all information is correct and block scammers as soon as they are reported.
  2. Ask a potential contractor to show the results of his work. Simply put, give a link to the tender that the client won with the help of a specialist. Contact the winning bidder and see if they can recommend this bidder. The easiest way is to find the contacts of the winners of purchases under 44-FZ: they are in the register of contracts on the public procurement website. In other cases, information about suppliers may not be made public, the law allows this.

How to avoid mistakes

Often companies could win the tender, but make small mistakes. For example, they attach the wrong documents or make mistakes with the application deadline.

Here are some tips to avoid this:

  1. Do not attach documents that are not requested by the customer. The more documents, the more chances for error. In addition, the customer may decide that you did not read the requirements carefully.
  2. Carefully read the procurement documentation, especially the terms of reference. It happens that a participant reads it diagonally, in a hurry to collect documents, and then it turns out that the conditions are unfavorable for him. It's good if it works to zero, but sometimes the participants go to the minus. And you still have to fulfill the contract.
  3. If you work on the general taxation system and pay VAT, do not forget to include it in the price of your offer. If you do not include VAT in the price, you will have to pay a fifth of the contract amount for taxes. And it won't be possible to fix it later.
  4. The author would like to thank Pavel Stoyanov, Product Manager at Tinkoff, for his help in creating this article.

Tendering is widespread in modern domestic business, as they are beneficial to all parties involved. A special procedure for the procurement or selection of a supplier, called a tender, has a number of features that must be considered when participating.

We will consider all the nuances of participation in the tender: the specifics of filling out an application and other documents, filing a refusal to participate in case of a change in decision at any stage, and we will also give recommendations for those who really want to win the tender.

Understanding the concept of "tender"

The English word "tender" in translation means "offer". Under the term "tender" in modern business understand all forms of competitive selection of bids relating to bidding. “Bidding” may mean not only the direct sale of goods, but also the provision of services, work, etc.

Synonyms for the word "tender" in the business sphere can be such terms:

  • auction;
  • competition;
  • competitive choice of supplier;
  • offer to participate in the auction;
  • proposal selection form;
  • request for quotations, etc.

The essence of the tender as a business operation

The customer of the tender - the seller of the goods or the entrepreneur looking for a supplier, declares his intention to choose best offer that satisfies its conditions. The tender requirements are written in advance in the accompanying documentation (tender documents), and the participants offer their own conditions that meet the stated requirements. The winner of the tender is the participant whose conditions seemed the best to the organizer of the tender, and it is with him that the contract is concluded.

The main feature of the tender is that on the basis of healthy competition conducted with maximum transparency, it is possible to enter into contractual relations that will be beneficial for both parties. For participants, the initial requirements are the same, and the organizer has the opportunity to buy or sell at a price that suits him and the conditions that he has the right to choose from several proposed options.

Types of tenders

You can divide tenders into groups based on several characteristics.

  1. According to the purpose of the:
    • procurement tenders - competition for the selection of a supplier;
    • implementation tenders - tenders for sale.
  2. Organization form:
    • open - any entrepreneur can participate (the announcement is in a free publication);
    • specialized - held for a limited number or circle of participants;
    • closed - only for personally invited selected participants.
  3. NOTE! Closed auctions are held when open auctions are not cost-effective or they are associated with a certain trade secret. The choice of the form of organization should be based on the current laws of the Russian Federation on tenders.

  4. According to the specifics of the:
  5. Changes to terms and conditions where possible:
    • one-stage - negotiations are excluded, documents for participation immediately claim victory;
    • two-stage - first, a preliminary version of the tender conditions is submitted, on the basis of which the participants submit their proposals, then the organizer, through negotiations, agrees on the final conditions with the participants.
  6. On the subject of the competition:
    • tender exact conditions (price, timing, additional requirements) – the organizer specifies the limits that cannot be changed;
    • open briefing - the tender requirement outlines only an approximate range of conditions, the rest is left to the discretion of the participants.
  7. By procedure:
    • tender - during its conduct, compliance with all qualification and financial criteria is mandatory (it is advisable to conduct when the subject of tender is a technically complex object);
    • auction - held when the price is the highest important criterion, and the participant can adjust his proposals based on the analysis of competitors' proposals;
    • request for quotations - a type of auction held for small amounts and more quickly;
    • request for proposals - an assessment of not only the financial component, but also at the same time qualification requirements, a kind of analysis of the market situation;
    • competitive negotiations - a free type of bidding, where the choice is given at the sole discretion of the organizer.

REFERENCE! Other forms of organizing tenders are also possible: price monitoring, request for proposals, collection of commercial proposals, limited participation in competition, etc.

Tender or direct sales?

A businessman who has become adept at making sales transactions with people cannot at all be considered an expert in corporate trading. The tender has significant differences from the technology and psychology of direct sales. Let's compare the nuances of both forms of relations in order to realistically assess our chances in the system of tender implementation.

Base Direct sales Tender
1 Psychological factor The psychology of the person responsible for the transaction is taken into account A well-established and well-established system works
2 Decision maker A certain person (the manager signing the contract) A group of people (so-called " corporate client"") - tender commission
3 Deal rules Solved by contract and documented - prescribed in the text of the contract A large number of pre-approved regulations and formalities
4. How to make a deal You can find a client in any way and make him offer, the transaction is concluded in case of mutual agreement It is quite difficult to enter the number of applicants for the right to become a client, and there will be only one winner from this list
5. Impact on the customer Perhaps by agreeing on conditions, discussions, mutual compromises Excluded: conditions are approved in advance in the tender proposal, on the basis of which applications are formed
6. Competitive fight At the time of the conclusion of the contract, it somewhat loses its relevance Pronounced, visual and sharply presented at all stages of the tender
7. Benefits to experience One successful contract is no guarantee that the next one will be just as successful. Once a tender is won, it significantly improves the company's "portfolio" and gives it advantages in subsequent participations.

State or commercial tender?

To take part in the competition for public procurement or give preference to participation in the competition for the right to conclude a deal with a commercial structure? Before deciding, it is worth understanding what are the main differences between these forms of corporate trading.

  1. The basic rules for both forms of tenders are the same, the legal framework is different, the federal law:
  2. AT state tender all the nuances of bidding (methods of procurement, requirements for the other party, features electronic platforms and bidding on them) are already defined by law, they cannot be changed, and in commercial terms they are set by the customer.
  3. For public procurement, sometimes products similar to those required are suitable, and it makes no sense to offer analogues in commercial tenders.
  4. If a company does not have an excellent reputation in the market, it will not qualify for public procurement. In commercial tenders, any customer whose conditions are considered more acceptable has a chance to win.
  5. The price tag of offers on the state tender is more or less the same, but for merchants it can be very different.

Step-by-step instructions for participation in the tender

In order to take part in the tender, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulations business organizer. For a company that is trying this way of interaction for the first time, the best way there will be either an order for tender support (now such a service is quite common), or a careful implementation of the sequence of necessary actions:

REMINDER! To participate in electronic trading, you must have an electronic signature. If the enterprise does not have it, you need to contact the licensing center, submit the established package of documents and receive the EPC within 1-2 days, and then pass accreditation on the ETP (electronic trading platform), which will take up to a maximum of 5 days.

  1. Tender selection. In order to find a tender in which you want to participate, you can use several ways:
    • apply openly published information (in the media, special bulletins and information booklets, etc.);
    • you may have received an invitation to participate by mail or electronically;
    • look for a suitable option on the official website of public procurement or on the ETP where you received accreditation.
  2. Pay attention to the criteria prescribed in the terms of the tender, immediately cutting off those that are unsuitable for prices, regional location, subject of bargaining and other features.

  3. Applying for participation. The application form is usually contained in an appendix to the tender conditions themselves or to the additionally set out Rules for participation in a particular tender. It is necessary to submit an application within the established time limits, otherwise the documents will be returned or the files will not be opened (if the tender is held in electronic form). If the auction is open, more than one bid must be submitted, otherwise it will not be able to take place. New applications will not be accepted after the opening of already submitted ones. Only one application can be submitted per company. The customer can reject the application only for regulated reasons:
    • more than 1 application from the same company (in this case, all will be returned);
    • incorrect confirmation of EOC documents or its absence;
    • violation of the deadlines for submission;
    • the accreditation period for the ETP expires in less than 3 months;
    • the impossibility of real security of the submitted application.
  4. Preparation of a tender offer. In one-stage bidding, the bid is simultaneously a tender offer. It is very important to issue it correctly, since the requirements of the customer are the determining factor in tenders. It is necessary to strictly comply with all requirements set forth in the tender documentation.
  5. Participation in auctions. In electronic form, auctions can last no more than 2 days.
  6. Conclusion of a contract - winner's prerogative.

Refusal to participate in the tender

If the participant changes his mind to fight for the right to become a supplier or purchase goods, he has the right to withdraw his application for participation. If the auction has not yet begun (envelopes with documents have not been opened or access to files has not been opened), it is enough to send a notice of withdrawal of the application to the operator of the electronic trading platform.

In the case of real-time bidding, you can send the organizer a special refusal form, which is filled in by the company that decided to refuse to participate, or you can write a letter of refusal in free form. This can be done at any time before the opening of trading.

  • write a refusal on the letterhead of your organization or do not forget to indicate all the main details;
  • address the document to the organizer of the auction (it will be indicated in the tender offer);
  • indicate in the refusal letter the number and date of the received invitation to participate in the tender and its name;
  • clearly state the reason for the refusal;
  • it would be useful to add a polite phrase about possible cooperation in the future.

Participation in the tender is presented to the average citizen as something beyond complicated, incomprehensible.
As the practice of the last decade shows, an increasing number of producers of goods and services prefer to participate in the auction.

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What is a tender (auction)?

Competitive bidding organized by the customer in order to find a profitable, efficient and high-quality offer is called a tender. The customer is the state, which purchases products for state, municipal needs or private companies. The object of bargaining is products, works or services.

It is carried out according to specific rules, the violation of which entails problems with the law. The winner is the company that makes the best offer. It includes high quality, low price, minimum terms of performance. To win a government order either commercial tender, it is necessary to develop a high-quality application taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Definition of concept and types

Tender is a word of English origin, meaning bargaining, competition. According to the current legislation, the word competition is used, although in the business world they use the terms: “tender application”, “tender commission”, “tender documentation”.

State auctions are carried out in accordance with the provisions normative document 94-F3. They take place according to three procurement schemes for budgetary funds: requests for quotations, tenders and auctions. In commercial ones, the rules for bidding are established, conditions are set and they are sold using their own or borrowed funds.

Tender classification:

  • Open. Any interested company can take part in it, it is distinguished by healthy competition, which contributes to transparency in the conduct. Information about the upcoming tender is published by the customer in specific media sources and the Internet. Companies submit an application for participation to the commission. It is carried out to supply institutions with large, long-term supplies of products or production. construction works at a government facility;
  • Closed. According to the rules, it limits the number of participants delivering specific goods or providing specific services. For example, it is used in public procurement for defense needs. Sometimes such a status arises when the customer wants to work with companies that have a certain status, a license.
  • Two-stage. It is used when purchasing complex products, performing research, development and technological works, use it in construction industry. The method helps to evaluate existing methodologies and technology, means and conditions of the supplier and formulate their wishes.

At the first stage, the customer accepts offers without specifying a price. He studies the proposals, makes amendments and additions to the documents. At the second stage, participants submit revised documents. They take into account the amendments and indicate the prices of products or services, works.

  • Request for quotes. They are used for small volumes of purchases in the amount of up to 250 thousand rubles. Procurement is carried out without intermediaries, the number of suppliers must be at least three;
  • Purchasing from a single source. Executed when only one supplier can fulfill an order, such as a work of art or copyright.

Anyone can protect their own copyright entity. In this case, the procedure will be called

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Any individual or legal entity that is an authorized representative of the company or just a legal entity can take part in the tender. They must confirm their desire to be bidders and submit an application to the tender commission. The application is made in accordance with the terms of the tender documentation.

Order executors in rare cases evade participation in tenders, since almost all types of products on the market and services are bought on its basis.

Rules of the game

Free orientation in the market in its segment allows companies to fill out the correct application, but each customer has its own rules of the game, so the question is how to participate in tenders for successful promotion offers depends on them.

When bidding, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Careful study of tender documents, the content of which indicates the level of bargaining. If they have a number of shortcomings, technical errors, then the customer does not have special training. In addition to the customer's prices, they are interested in the terms of delivery and payment, warranty obligations. Consequently, when considering proposals by the customer, the emphasis is on an interesting proposal for the terms of delivery.
  2. The price of the product should include the cost of preparation, the cost of outsourced companies, support, qualified specialists, paperwork. detailed information about the price is a guarantor that provides decent payment, indicating to the customer the features of the proposal in question.
  3. The study of tender documents will reveal shortcomings and inaccuracies, missing information in the preparation of proposals. Therefore, the supplier company should clarify in advance how to develop them correctly.
  4. Compliance with the order, norms indicated by the customer is one of the successful steps undertaken by the supplier company. Under no circumstances should the application deadline be missed. The customer's instructions on the order of filing applications must be strictly followed, and the documents are drawn up strictly according to the submitted forms without clarification.
  5. The customer makes a note when accepting an application from the company, entering data about the company into the register. In the absence of a register, confirmation is issued by an act of acceptance and transfer.
  6. The supplier finds out from the customer the timing of consideration of the application, the procedure for making clarifications, the timing and procedure for announcing the results of the tender. In the absence of information, the application may be difficult or impossible to complete.
  7. It is worth periodically being interested in the results. If the customer makes a request for Additional information, then send it to expand and supplement information.

Compliance with the above rules increases the chance of winning.

Tender for beginners

The newly adopted law No. 44-FZ allows start-up companies to win the tender, as the procedure for conducting it becomes more transparent. The customer forms a commission for the implementation of procurement until the day of the official publication of information in the media and the Internet, which establishes the supplier and contractor. The commission consists of specialists who have received professional retraining and possessing information about the subject of procurement.

The commission team is formed separately for each type of auction.

Despite the law, many companies are puzzled by the question: how to start preparing for the tender? In this situation, measures must be taken to:

  • development of demanded industries with social significance products;
  • study of tender laws;
  • improving technical preparation for starting work in electronic trading and auctions;
  • financial viability to participate in public procurement;
  • correct preparation of the package of tender documents.

In addition, the company must have all other documentation in order, and tax payments must be made on time.

The firm must be aware of the activities of competitors, their weaknesses and strengths. It must be ready for the most powerful pressure that will be exerted by the bureaucrats. Be firm, confident, calculate the possible development of the situation, ready for anything.

Go all the way to an individual difficult, but quite possible, because in the tender the main thing is profit, which just does not come.

Preparation of documents

The customer prepares a package of tender documents, approves and provides to bidders for them to prepare tender proposals for the procurement object or its separate part.

The package of documents for participation in the tender is filled in according to the established forms and consists of:

  1. applications;
  2. questionnaires containing information about the company;
  3. commercial offer;
  4. substantiation of the proposal with calculations, cost items and expenditure of resources according to the separation sheet. The absence of an explanatory note may result in refusal to consider proposals;
  5. a list of involved subcontractors with attached information about subcontractors;
  6. additional documents provided by the customer.

Mandatory conditions

The tender commission determines the main conditions, procedure, terms and place of the tender. The procedure for drawing up documents by tender participants is published in the media and the Internet within a month.

5 days prior to the implementation of the tender, the issuance of tender documents is completed.

Applications are registered in a special journal, numbered and laced by the commission, which it accepts. The tenderer pays for the services for the preparation of a package of documents at the actual cost. Acceptance of tender proposals ends one day before the implementation of the tender.

The Commission, after considering the applications, notifies the companies in writing of the results that it makes on this application. Tender proposals are drawn up in three copies, sealed in an envelope. The commission opens the envelope, announces the proposals in the presence of the companies participating in the auction. The results are published in the press.

The difference in the procedure for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

There is no fundamental importance for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to take part in the tender. The form of ownership does not affect the results of the tender, the difference is the form of taxation.

When submitting documents, a legal entity submits an application, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary, and an individual entrepreneur submits a notarized extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a passport.

Watch a video about the benefits of bidding for small businesses

Successful trading can be learned

Bidding requires knowledge to be successful. Announcements about the organization of courses and seminars that teach the basics of participation in tenders are found on the Internet and in the media. The courses are conducted according to a program that explains the provisions of the current legislation in Russia, and covers the technique of working on electronic trading platforms.

What is needed for this?

The acquired knowledge is not always a guarantor that ensures successful competition in the market.

For participation in the auction to become effective, it is necessary:

  • study the monitoring of tenders for products or services that exist in the company;
  • find and install auctions of interest to the company;
  • be able to recognize the signs of contractual bidding, master the procedure for submitting applications; learn how to competently draw up a package of tender documents;
  • appoint a responsible person responsible for participation in tenders, train staff in courses, conduct seminars.

Site and theme selection

According to a special system of interaction, the customer and the supplier carry out electronic trading using global network Internet. The Government of the Russian Federation has identified electronic trading platforms on the Internet, where wide functionality is displayed with placed orders, allowing for the effective selection of performers.

The applicant participating in the auction is obliged to choose one of the five trading platforms presented:

  1. OJSC United Electronic trading floor»;
  2. ZAO Sberbank-AST;
  3. JSC "RTS";
  4. ZAO Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  5. State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Anyone electronic document a legal status is assigned, which is based on an electronic digital signature within the selected site. An EDS is issued within five working days by a certification center, a list of which can be found on the website of the platform. Any company has the right to register as a customer or contractor.


An electronic trading platform allows you to make purchases much faster, saving time without spending money on advertising.

To carry out an operation on a website online, a standard software, capable of securing digital certificates, EDS private keys, ciphers. Software users, using Russian identifiers, protect the database from unauthorized use of information.

Tender is a way of competitive selection advantageous offers for the purchase of goods, the provision of services performed in accordance with the conditions and within the specified time. As a rule, all conditions and terms are prescribed in the documentation and agreed in advance.

The contract is concluded with the winner of the tender, whose proposal follows the points of the documentation and offers the most favorable conditions.

The word "tender" itself may coincide with the meaning of such words as "auction", "competition" or "bargaining", as well as other competitive procedures, for example "request for proposals".

Why participate in it?

State auctions are organized state power or self-governing administrative-territorial units in accordance with the law. The main purpose of this auction is search for a manufacturer who will provide the most favorable conditions for its implementation. main way public procurement - state tender.

The basic principles of bargaining are the ability to outperform competitors, equal conditions for all involved.

Tenders are divided into open and closed. Depending on the type, the tender takes place in 1-2 stages.

How are open competitions different from closed competitions?

Open tenders are organized to supply different types equipment and services, eligible suppliers may participate.

AT closed auctions only those suppliers who have been invited by customers who have anything to do with state secrets take part.

In one step bargaining takes place if it is possible to purchase a product or service from a single supplier or with a small purchase volume.

In two steps auctions are held for government purchases of equipment, etc., for example, for research purposes.

The terms of participation

There are generally accepted provisions for bidding. For example, both Russian and foreign organizations created and registered in the manner prescribed by law have the right to participate in the competition. All participants are required to provide all agreed documentation, which is usually issued in accordance with the buyer's requests.

Official papers for organizing a tender are drawn up both in the language of the country that organized the tender, and in the language of another country participating in the tender.

Required documents

As already mentioned, in order to participate in the auction, you must provide all the official papers that are required by the consumer. It is worth noting that there is a generally accepted package of official papers required in almost all cases.

Often, in order to participate in the competition, you need to provide:

  • a list of submitted papers certified by the supplier's representative;
  • a written proposal for participation in the auction, signed by the body carrying out direct operational activities for the management of the business entity;
  • a list of persons who have the right to act on the appointment of a supplier without a document giving these powers, signed photocopies of official papers on the appointment of such persons;
  • a copy of the document signed by the authorities, which records the appointment of the chief accountant;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of an organization created and registered in the manner prescribed by law, which was issued by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation two weeks before submission;
  • signed by the executive authority that exercises the functions of control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, photocopies of the charter and constituent official papers of the person supplying products or services;
  • photocopies of the certificate of state registration, created and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law of the organization and registration in tax office signed by a notary;
  • a statement with the specified work experience as a supplier;
  • a certificate from the tax inspectorate certifying the absence of debts for the payment of binding taxes;
  • photocopies of accounting statements for the final three issued dates marked by tax authorities;
  • statements of income and expenses for the final three issued dates marked by the tax authorities.

Also, the buyer may require additional packages of official papers.

How to take part in the tender?

In a stepwise representation of a process, the following steps can be identified:

  1. The first step is to choose a competition that is relevant to the specific activity of the organization.
  2. The second step: get acquainted with the selection criteria and conditions.
  3. Third step: collect all official papers.
  4. Fourth step: secure the application.

Securing an application is a significant step, because without it, participants are not eligible to participate in the competition. Collateral amount — up to 5% of the contract amount usually a significant amount. Here will help you bank guarantee or tender credit.

Construction tenders

The first step to signing a profitable contract can be considered the search for the right bargain. The search for auctions with a certain theme, organized according to all the rules, helps the supplier company to learn about the transactions of competitive organizations.

The construction industry is one of the most dynamically gaining momentum in development in Russia and the CIS. A fourth of all tenders are construction tenders.

Where can I find building tenders?

On the this moment the largest number of competitions can be found in world wide web, that is, on the Internet. There are special virtual platforms where both state-owned and private enterprises have their offers. There are 5 federal platforms for filing government orders and many private ones.

Competitions for construction are usually located on the official websites of state, municipal or private organizations that organized the competition.

Choosing such a strategy for their search, you will be forced to look through great amount sites on similar topics.

Some of the construction competitions can be found in the print media.

How is the competition

The process can be described as follows:

  1. Review Information competitive applications not open to bidders.
  2. After all applications are delivered, an initial meeting of the competition commission is convened, where envelopes with official papers are opened and checked, decisions are prepared.
  3. The second step is to discuss the competitive applications of the participants.
  4. The final step is to choose the winner by voting.

Requirements for participation in the auction are predetermined by the buyer.

Is it worth participating?

Auctions have been organized for a long time, so you can get a lot of practical experience about taking part in events of this kind. After studying some characteristic features and the subtleties of the process, you will certainly get away from repeating the mistakes of others.

In the field of marketing, as well as in all industries where competitions have been organized for decades, the requirements and conditions are constantly changing, modernized and replenished with new ones.

And serious enterprises that have already managed to earn an impeccable reputation, as a rule, do not participate in the "bidding" unless they want to take some light work which is carried out in the shortest possible time.

Let's trace the logical chain - organizations that fulfill orders with high quality already have a base of regular customers and will not fly at the first call to take part in each auction. After all, the time spent on participation in the competition, they can spend more profitably for themselves, working in the office or at home.

Therefore, in competitions, by and large, companies either unknown or having an insufficient contingent participate. regular customers and average reputation, which produce products whose quality and reliability are not confirmed and are not in great demand.

And since companies refuse competitions with impeccable reputation, then their implementation often becomes simply unprofitable. Of course, buyers had to come up with a way out of this situation in order to attract reliable and popular manufacturers to participate in the competitions. Thus formed paid auctions, where, in addition to the winner, a small cash payment will be received by all participants.

It goes without saying that the buyer is not interested in paying for the participation of all those who “passed by” - he himself completes the list of participants whom he would like to see. And according to this list, invitations are sent out. But still, most of the contests that are drawn up are not paid.

As for the advantages of taking part in the auction, they are as follows:

  • The acquisition of experience and a significant addition to the portfolio, which will serve as an excellent foundation for the future.
  • Replenishment of the client base.

A story about fictitious problems of participation in tenders

The video tells how to participate in the auction and what newcomers should not be afraid of: