Find out if the job is right for you. Difficult choice: how to understand what profession suits you. What gives passing the test what profession suits me

It often happens that a person is guided through life by the opinion of other people, whether they are parents, friends or some kind of authority. We all live and make decisions under the pressure of society. Decisions about choosing a place of work and, a life partner, a place of residence. But are these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. They seem to be living a different life. To be like them, every day longingly dragged to an unloved job - is this what you want? It is not necessary to waste your life on a job that does not suit you! Sometimes it’s enough to look at yourself from the outside and understand that something is wrong with your life, it’s time to change something!

Magazine IQR developed an online psychological test " what job suits me ". We invite everyone to take our rapid career guidance test for free - it takes only two minutes. You do not have to spend money and time filling out long boring questionnaires offered by various career guidance centers. The main professional inclinations of a person can also be identified by short testing.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

it choice test type professions. By answering just 12 short questions, you will get a percentage propensity for various types of employment according to your psychotype. An approximate list of professions that would suit you best will be indicated.

Often people choose the wrong profession for them. This happens for various reasons, but the result is always the same: at some point a person realizes that he does not have any warm feelings for his work. Often, this begins to torment him even in the learning process. In this article, we propose to think about the question: how to understand what profession suits you? The sooner a person asks himself about this, the greater the chance that he will avoid several years of study in a specialty that is not interesting for him, or even long years of work in this area.

How do I know which profession is right for me?

It is most reasonable, of course, to ask this question at school. To do this, in high school, psychologists often conduct career guidance tests that help students determine their inclinations and talents, as well as the area where they can best realize themselves. We will not claim that the results of such tests are absolutely correct, but in general they can really orient a boy or girl in the right direction. Similar tests that answer the question of how to understand which profession suits you can be found in large numbers in different sources. In addition, it would be useful to visit a psychologist and discuss this issue with him during a consultation.

A question of priorities

If you do not touch on career guidance tests, you can give some advice so that a person can find the answer to the question: "What profession is right for me?" First, you need to prioritize, understand what values ​​​​occupy an important place in your life: money, family, creativity, etc. Based on this, you can decide what the future profession should be - creative, profitable, focused on helping people , that is, to determine the general direction of thought.

Not only priorities are important, but also your abilities. What do you do best? Perhaps this would be ideal future profession.

What would you do if you had a lot of money?

Psychologists often advise you to ask yourself the question: what business could you do if you had an unlimited amount of finance? This is very reasonable, because your interest in future work, if it does not exist, there will be no development (instead, most likely, there will be apathy, and in the worst cases, depression).

It's also helpful to think about what kind of people you wanted to be like as a child or even now. Evaluating your idols will reveal the traits that you admire in people, and it is possible that these traits can be ideally superimposed on a particular profession. Or perhaps you remember that, in fact, you wanted and still want to be a teacher of literature, but you completely forgot about it.

Practical experience

It will also be useful to try yourself in different areas activities that you feel like doing. Perhaps this is the longest, but at the same time the most faithful and effective method to understand what profession suits you. Of course, this is not always possible, but it is certainly worth trying.

If there are no opportunities at all, then a conversation with a person who is associated with a specialty that is interesting to you can be a substitute for such an experience. This will no longer be difficult, since such people are easy to find in in social networks if there is no one suitable in the immediate environment. For the purity of the experiment, it is better to talk with several professionals in order to get the most clear and impartial idea about the specialty - after all, from the side we often see only positive side professions and we cannot see all the pitfalls.

In any case, you should not try to choose a profession based on the expectations of your parents or imitation of an idol - this will not lead to anything good.

How do you know which profession is right for you? The most important thing is to listen to yourself. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your life!

Few will risk changing a job that has ceased to please, especially if it is well paid. To avoid disappointment in the future, take this simple test. It will help you figure out what profession you have inclinations for - after all, you can only succeed in your favorite business.

15:38 2.12.2013

1. Imagine that the world arose today, and all professions were in demand. You:
a) would do agriculture or the manufacture of basic necessities;
b) would help people, treat them, teach children;
c) bring order to this world.

2. In your free time, do you like:
a) do something
b) gather friends and organize cultural trips to the cinema, theater and nature;
c) mess with children and animals.

3. Turn a hobby into a profession:
a) great idea: it's great to enjoy what you do all the time;
b) difficult, but would be glad to find something to your liking;
c) impossible: entertainment is one thing, duties are quite another.

4. Open your small business
a) it's not for you, you would rather work in famous company;
b) you want, but you think that it is impossible in a profession like yours;
c) you have been dreaming for a long time, and you will definitely open it when you have more experience.

5. School disciplines that were given to you with great difficulty:
a) physics, algebra, geometry;
b) literature, especially writing;
c) there were none: you did very well in all disciplines.

6. Is it important for you to have prestigious profession?
a) yes. You have imagined more than once how great your business card will look: name, and next to it - the name of the profession;
b) no, prestige does not matter to you, the main thing is that you like your work;
c) not very: you are convinced that success can be achieved in any business if you work hard.

7. Imagine yourself ten years from now in the workplace. You:
a) in personal account- focus on studying documents, writing or doing complex calculations;
b) in the conference room - put forward constructive ideas to employees;
c) in a large room - surrounded by people, answering their questions and giving them advice.

8. Work in public institution:
a) reliable and stable, but poorly paid;
b) it is an opportunity to gain valuable experience;
c) completely devoid of career prospects.

9. As a child, you especially liked:
a) play in the hospital or school;
b) build something with the help of a constructor, put together puzzles and mosaics;
c) lead in outdoor games.

10. If you needed to earn extra money, would you be:
a) type texts on a computer, write for someone term papers and diplomas;
b) take care of small children, give private lessons, work behind the counter of a store;
c) work as a secretary, in a library, archive or warehouse - where everything needs to be kept in perfect order.

11. In your organizer you have already made a plan:
a) tomorrow
b) next week
c) months ahead.

12. Long years of study ...
a) pass in vain: while working, you have to learn everything anew;
b) justify themselves: we create a platform for our own prosperous future;
c) you need to halve and devote as much time as possible to practice.

13. In your opinion, it is best to work where:
a) the amount of salary corresponds to the level of workload;
b) there is an opportunity for professional growth;
c) a healthy atmosphere in the team.

Count which figures prevail in the answers, and you can find out which profession is most suitable for you.

Dominated by circles
Science and technology
As a little girl, you were distinguished by extraordinary perseverance, and this quality will be very useful to you if you choose a profession that requires in-depth study of issues and lengthy preparation. You will be suitable for work of a scientific or technical nature. But, if you are going to devote yourself to painstaking research in the quiet of an office or laboratory, keep in mind that it is difficult to achieve quick success in this area. Be patient, and it is possible that someday you will receive a Nobel Prize for your brilliant discovery or patent a useful invention. Do you doubt that you will achieve such impressive results? So, when choosing a university, consider several options for professions that you like, and try to learn as much as possible about each of them. So it will be easier for you to understand what you really would like to do. And do not worry in vain: nothing terrible will happen if you then have to make small adjustments.

Triangles predominate
Reasonable, kind, eternal
You were created to work with people: look for yourself in medicine, pedagogy, law, journalism and the service sector. In everything you do, you will be able to bring a touch of humanity, which is valued in such work almost on a par with professional qualities. And if you ever decide to work for yourself, this feature will add points in your favor and in the future will become one of the components of success. But keep in mind that "ordinary" professions are now in crisis, so decide on a specialization as early as possible. If you do not do this, in the future you will have to make a lot of efforts to be noticed and appreciated. In any case, do not be afraid to express your constructive ideas and try to implement them whenever possible. Do you still find it difficult to imagine yourself in a particular profession? Analyze what influences your choice: romantic literature, movies, the desire to imitate friends, family traditions, or still the call of the soul.

Dominated by squares
Entrepreneurship and business
Your vocation is to command people, organize them and achieve perfect order in everything that surrounds you. And you will also be excellent at making plans, assigning responsibilities and leading everyone to the great goal you have set. Are you annoyed by the prospect of studying for several years and you have so many ideas that you can’t wait to put them into practice as soon as possible? You will still find some use for your organizing talent and ability to think outside the box, but try not to overestimate your strengths until you gain enough experience working for someone. In history, of course, there are examples of very successful people who have not been educated, but they are the exception rather than the rule. If you dream of working in a particular company, try to get a job there. Of course, you will hardly be hired for a serious position right away, but even working as a courier or secretary, you will learn a lot of useful things that are not taught in any university, and this knowledge will be very useful to you when you start storming career heights or open your own business.

What profession suits you? The issue of choosing a profession is relevant not only for high school students. Many of us make the mistake of going to the wrong university and then hate our job for the rest of our lives. The beginning of true success lies where a person finds his calling. The one who does what he loves gets a big charge vital energy and motivation, quickly masters the necessary practical skills and achieves impressive results.

Occupation test of 8 questions

Question 1. Which of the following activities would you prefer?

A. Repair broken items.

B. Communicate with people.

D. Put things in order in the papers.

D. Make plans.

E. Draw.

Question 2. What do you usually spend your free time on?

A. Make new items with your own hands.

B. Look for answers to your questions (on websites, in books).

B. Meet with family and friends.

D. Watch TV shows.

D. Engage in self-improvement.

E. Listen to music.

Question 3. How do you usually solve the problem?

A. Trying to calmly assess the situation and make a logical decision.

B. I deeply analyze the problem, develop several options for solving it, and then implement the most suitable option.

Q. I ask for advice from a loved one or turn to professionals.

D. I am very worried and wait until the problem resolves itself.

E. Trying to find someone to help me solve my problem.

E. I am trying to assess the current situation from the positive side.

Question 4. Which of the following descriptions best describes you as a person?

A. Hardworking and patient.

B. Smart and attentive.

B. Kind and decent.

G. Honest and responsible.

D. Resourceful and purposeful.

E. Charming and sensual.

Question 5. What gift would you like to receive from loved ones for the holiday?

A. New appliances (e.g. smartphone, laptop, tablet, car, food processor).

B. Useful literature.

B. Beautiful and fashionable clothes.

G. Expensive souvenir.

D. Any stylish thing (for example, a leather purse, a silver pen).

E. Licensed disk with an interesting film.

Question 6. What is especially important for you in your future profession?

A. A clearly defined task.

B. The opportunity to constantly develop their abilities.

B. Opportunity to work in a team.

D. Stability.

D. High wages.

E. Unforgettable impressions, interesting and unusual tasks.

Question 7. What subjects at school gave you particular pleasure?

A. Labor training, physical culture.

B. Mathematics and Physics.

V. Russian language and literature.

G. History.

D. Social science, foreign language.

E. art, world art culture, music.

Question 8. What is true success?

A. Having a good job.

B. The ability to always learn something new.

C. Loving family and devoted friends.

D. High and stable cash income.

D. Power and influence.

E. Constant pleasure.

Test results

And now write down on a separate sheet of paper all six variants of letters (A, B, C, D, D, E). Count how many times you chose the same letter. For each choice, charge yourself 10%, reflect the results on the sheet.

If you scored 60% or more on one of the letters, then you have a high tendency to this species activities. 30-50% is the average propensity. If you scored less than 30% for any letter, then this option is definitely not suitable for you.

Profession examples

  • A. Realistic type. Characterizes people who prefer to work with their hands, for example, to repair, invent or maintain equipment. Suitable professions: fitter, mechanical engineer, process engineer, civil engineer, electrician, agronomist and others.
  • B. Intelligent type. Employees mental labor. Suitable professions: scientist, programmer, writer, linguist, lawyer and others.
  • B. Social type. People who interact well with the social environment. Suitable professions: lawyer, teacher, doctor, educator, account manager, sociologist and others.
  • D. Conventional type. This type of workers is characterized by adherence to traditions, as well as high organization and discipline. Suitable professions: seamstress, clerk, accountant, secretary, cartographer and others.
  • D. Entrepreneurial type. Such individuals are aimed at leading other people and doing business. Suitable professions: individual entrepreneur, CEO, manager, civil servant and others.
  • E. Creative type. The name speaks for itself. These are people of feelings, emotions and non-standard solutions. Suitable professions: actor, writer, choreographer, publisher, theater expert, designer and others.

Occupation test of 43 questions

In psychology, there is a classification of people's personalities according to professional type. To find out which profession suits you, take our test and find out which profession suits you. Thanks to this division, an online test was created which profession suits me. By answering the questions as honestly as possible, you can determine possible scope work that suits you.

Psychologists have divided them into several types:

  • equipment (engineering, apparatus control, fitters, fitters);
  • man (medicine, jurisprudence, pedagogy);
  • artistic image (directing, photography, architects, actors, graphics);
  • sign system (programming, economics, mathematics);
  • nature (veterinary medicine, ecology, biology).

What gives passing the test what profession suits me?

The test which profession suits you is compiled by experts in the field of personality studies, taking into account possible deviations. It will help you understand yourself, choose subjects, the study of which will be most useful for getting the desired job. It will bring satisfaction, it will be possible to develop talent, directing efforts in the right direction.

By studying their preferences, it will be easy for a teenager to navigate a difficult choice. Answering questions online test on the suitable profession, you need to indicate the first thing that came to mind, for the purity of the experiment. Upon completion, you will receive a detailed answer, summed up, and advice on the upcoming choice.