Presentation on the MHK on the topic "artistic culture of Kievan Rus". Culture of Kievan Rus - presentation Presentation on the topic of fine arts of Kievan Rus

Lesson summary on MHC in grade 10

"The Artistic Culture of Kievan Rus"

The purpose of the lesson:


    To acquaint students with the cultural monuments of Kievan Rus.

    To form a concept of the influence of Byzantium on culture Ancient Russia, creative processing of the traditions and originality of Russian culture.

    To acquaint students with the cross-domed system of temple construction, the main architectural elements, and the painting system.

    Describe the level of development of fine arts and artistic crafts in Russia.


    To form the perception of Old Russian culture as an integral part of the national Russian culture.

    Raise interest in the study of the history of Russia and folk art.


    To be able to determine the artistic merit of architectural monuments.

    Be able to describe and analyze new monuments of art.

    To be able to express their attitude to the monuments of culture and art.

Teaching methods:

    Exposure method.

    Method of comparison and comparison of monuments of ancient Russian architecture.

    Method historical analysis the phenomena under consideration.

Lesson type:

Lesson-research, which contributes to the awakening of interest, develops a craving for learning new things, and involves students in the creative process.

Lesson structure:

      Class organization.

      Actualization of basic knowledge on the topic "The Art of Byzantium".

      Summing up and conclusions.



Equipment and materials:

reproductions depicting cultural monuments of Kievan Rus.

Glossary of terms: cross-domed temple, nave, apse, dome, drum, sail, altar, support, choirs, plinth, fresco, mosaic, smalt, Pantokrator, Oranta.

Dates: 988, 1037, 1052.

Persons: Vladimir the Red Sun, Yaroslav the Wise.

Monuments of culture and art: Cathedral of St. Sophia of Kyiv, Cathedral of St. Sophia of Constantinople, Golden Gates, icon of Our Lady of Vladimir.

Epigraphs: Keeping the history of that ... Kievan Rus,

We're picking up the true faith... the wreckage

Already the eleventh century ... we carry the cross

God forbid, help ... Orthodox descendants ...

I. Organization of the class.

(A musical fragment from the “Frescoes of St. Sophia of Kyiv” by V. Kikta sounds)


Introduction by the teacher.

Teacher: Under the year 1037, the chronicler wrote down "Lay Yaroslav the great city, he has the golden gates: lay the church of St. Sophia ...". Indeed, Yaroslav built new stone main city gates and called them Golden. Above the Golden Gate Yaroslav built the Church of the Annunciation. built main city Hagia Sophia, which he decorated with gold, silver, and icons. Tell me, what city did the prince rebuild? (KYIV). What do you think we will talk about in class today? (ARTISTIC CULTURE OF Kyiv RUSSIA)


Introductory conversation with students.

The concept of "culture" includes everything that has been created by the mind, talent and hands of the people for thousands of years. Monuments of the history of culture are material evidence of the centuries-old experience of the development of mankind. They, as a focus, reflect the development of the productive forces and the artistic culture of society. In the culture of Ancient Russia, several stages can be distinguished.

Writing in a notebook :

    The culture of the Eastern Slavs is the tradition of paganism.

    The culture of Kievan Rus is a synthesis of the achievements of the Eastern Slavs and the Christian culture of Byzantium.

    The culture of the fragmentation period - local schools are being created on the basis of the culture of Kievan Rus.

Teacher. Interview with students on:

    How was Russian culture born? Will pagan spiritual traditions influence the development of culture after the adoption of Christianity?

    What influenced its development?

    How did Christianity influence the development of culture? - these questions will be in the center of our attention.

Answers. Russian culture developed as the culture of all Eastern Slavs, while maintaining pagan traditions. Russia was open to influences. It was Byzantium that first was the subject of development, then the norm and role model, then creatively reworked. Thus, its culture was synthetic, that is, it absorbed various cultural trends, while remaining original, retaining national features.

But before we begin our fascinating journey through Kievan Rus, let's outline the most important features of ancient Russian art.

2. canonicity .

(Art was expressed in traditionally repeated plots, images, means of artistic generalization. Each of the arts had its own set of canonical rules.)

3. Symbolism .

(The most striking feature of the special artistic language of ancient Russian art. With the help of symbols (signs), the masters revealed images of heavenly spiritual reality, which is hidden from the gaze of people living on earth).

Over the course of several lessons, we will talk with you about the artistic culture of Medieval Russia. The period of its existence covers more than eight centuries. Its countdown starts from the middle of the 9th century and ends at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Russian culture has its roots in the distant times of paganism. She inherited from the ancient Slavs the fundamental principles of the language, rich mythology, the art of carving all sorts of bizarre figures and household items from wood, cutting down huts and erecting towers.

II. Updating of basic knowledge on the topic "Byzantium"


Teacher. Byzantium had a huge influence on the development of Russian culture. Russia accepts Christianity in its Orthodox version. When did it happen? How it was?

Answers. In 988. A story about Vladimir's embassy to all countries. Only in Byzantium did the ambassadors "feel themselves in heaven."

Teacher. How was the adoption of Christianity in Russia? Did the pagan Slavs calmly accept him? When and where could the following scene be observed: “They entered the water and stood there, some up to their necks, others up to their chests, ... some held babies, and already adults wandered ... and there came together people without number.” Another saying has been preserved: "He baptized Putyata with fire, and Dobrynya with a sword."

In the formation and development of ancient Russian art, a huge role was played by Adoption Christianity from Byzantium in 988 . Baptized Russia, along with religion, inherited rich artistic traditions: stone architecture, type of cross-domed church , mosaic and fresco compositions in the spaces of architectural structures, strict iconography rules (canon), wondrous chants which are compared with angelic singing. The first Russian teachers were Greeks. But that doesn't mean that ancient Russian culture blindly imitated Byzantine, she brought something own , originally Russian. For example, architects brought into the overseas style features of national architecture, originating from the wooden architecture of Russia, which is characterized by majestic simplicity and elegant decorativeness of churches.

The Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv reached its peak during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054). Large-scale construction began, especially in Kyiv. The most famous building, which became Hagia Sophia (1037).


There were two in your class problem groups who will try to vividly present the material about the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv and Novgorod. And together we will try to create "Living Newspaper" the material of which will allow you to learn interesting intriguing facts on the topic under study. Please fill in the comparison cards during our lesson - the characteristics of two magnificent cathedrals (students are given cards)


The first problem group speaks about Hagia Sophia in Kyiv


A huge five-nave cross-domed church with 5 altar apses and 13 domes, covered on three sides by wide galleries, in the corners on the western side rise two stair towers leading to the choirs. The total area of ​​the cathedral is about 1300 m2, the height to the top of the main dome is 28.6 m, the total length is 41.7 m, the width is 54.6 m. The walls were elegantly laid out of plinth (flat red brick) in a technique with a recessed interspersed with raw stone next to it. The masonry was fastened with zemyanka - a solution of lime, sand and crushed bricks. Divine services were held in the cathedral, sermons were heard, princes were enthroned. The illumination of the temple was carried out due to the cut long slit-like windows in the drums of thirteen domes. Subsequently, the cathedral underwent a thorough restructuring.


Of particular artistic value is the mosaic of St. Sophia of Kyiv. She is admired for her magnificence. The mosaic occupies 260 m2. According to the canon, in the central dome there is a mosaic of Christ Pantocrator (Almighty), and around it are the figures of four archangels. Currently, one of them is mosaic, and the other three, in place of the lost ones, were painted by the artist M.A. Vrubel with oil paints.


In the central apse there is a mosaic image of Our Lady Oranta (Praying) with her arms raised wide. The Mother of God is dressed in festive blue-gold clothes, her gesture of hands is perceived not only as an image of prayer, but also the personification of the intercession of the baptized people, the protection of the city and the state. The people called Our Lady Oranta the Indestructible Wall and believed that as long as Oranta was intact, Kyiv, “the mother of Russian cities,” would stand. Also in the temple you can see the mosaic work “Annunciation. Mary", "Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel"


The frescoes of St. Sophia of Kyiv surprise with the perfection of the execution technique. The images of the apostles, archangels, evangelists and holy warriors look majestically and solemnly from the vaults of the walls, domes, stairways. The frescoes cover an area of ​​3000m2. Very interesting among them is a groupportrait of the family of Prince Yaroslav the Wise located on three walls of the western part of the central nave. Previously, it depicted the Grand Duke with his wife, sons and daughters, passing the model of St. Sophia Cathedral to Jesus Christ, seated in the center on the throne. At present, only the image of the princely daughters humbly walking with candles in their hands has been preserved. On the walls of Hagia Sophia, one can observe the frescoes "Descent into Hell", "Archangel", "Meeting of the Righteous Elizabeth with the Most Holy Theotokos". Also in the cathedral there are frescoes with scenes from the everyday life of the princes: noisy feasts, dances, hunting, fights, bear baiting, circus performances with the participation of buffoons, acrobats, mummers.

SLIDE 10Fresco "Buffoons".

Monumentality, laconicism, majesty, generality of the character of the image is observed in the early icons of the 11-12th centuries. The craftsmen who created them were natives of Byzantium, from whom the Russian craftsmen learned their experience.

SLIDE 11Icons of the 12th century "Savior Not Made by Hands" and "Angel of Golden Hair" are made in the traditions of Kievan Rus. They have less ascetic severity, restraint, which was inherent in Byzantine icons.


I suggest you start design of the "Live Newspaper" interesting facts about Sophia of Kyiv (students read out their findings and attach them to the newspaper)

Teacher: Veliky Novgorod was the second most important city of Kievan Rus, the residence of the heirs of the Grand Duke's throne. Novgorod art from the moment you were born harmonized with a strict and solemn appearance of the Russian North and had a distinct identity. Character traits Novgorod architecture was made up of mixed masonry of local stone and plinths, one- and five-domed onion and helmet-shaped domes, decorative decoration of drums, splendor and splendor of interiors.

The second problem group makes a presentation about the Hagia Sophia in Novgorod.


Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod was built, as you know, in 1045-50. At least 10 thousand cubic meters of stone and brick went into the construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral. At the same time, the main mass of the walls is made of stones of local origin. Brick was used to cover the vaults.

SLIDE 13 The height of Sophia from the floor level to the cross on the central dome is 36.7 m, the width is 39.3 m, the length is 34.5 m. The uneven surfaces of the walls, cut through by windows in the form of narrow slits without a frame, were perceived as a solid, impenetrable mass of stone. The walls of the temple in the 12th century were whitewashed, which gave the building integrity, massiveness, and strength. The appearance of the cathedral was distinguished by simplicity, austerity and asymmetry of forms.

SLIDE 14Very little fresco painting has been preserved in Sophia of Novgorod. Above the western entrance to the cathedral is a fresco of 70 m2, made in 1528. Depicted on the wall with paints are Abraham's conversation with three angels, below Sophia, the Wisdom of God, and the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, and on the sides are two archangels. The original painting survived only in the central part. In the 1890s, the fresco was restored.

SLIDE 15 In the central dome of the temple there was a unique fresco "Christ Pantokrator". It was destroyed in 1941 (historical summary from Live Newspaper).

The icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul from the Hagia Sophia was striking in its size of 236 x 150 cm. and an elegant silver salary. Apostles sealed in full height, with their inherent attributes (Paul with a book, Peter - with the keys to paradise, a scroll and a staff - a symbol of power).

(Students continue to fill in the Live Newspaper columns with exciting material) SLIDE 16

Teacher: After listening to a very capacious information about the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv and Novgorod, I ask you to prepare for comparative analysis characteristic cards of two monuments of ancient Russian art. What do they have in common? How do they differ significantly from each other?

(Students make conclusions according to the completed cards)


At the end of our lesson, I would like to ask each of you what new things you learned today, what information intrigued you, would you like to visit Kyiv and Novgorod to see these shrines, etc.

(At the end of the lesson, fragments from"Frescoes of St. Sophia of Kyiv" by V. Kikta. Students read the poem "Kievan Rus")

I pray for you again
Holy Kievan Rus.
There is no sweeter land for me,
Than my native side,
Where near the Dnieper, like a lush garden,
There is a mighty Kyiv-Grad.
Where the greenery is noisily having fun,
Playing with the wind Where to frolic
Barefoot children, and the song is flowing near the Dnieper.
On the gold of the Lavra domes,
To merge with the bell ringing,
And finally go down
Under the Temple there is a canopy where candles are placed,
And the whisper of old Russian speech
From the mouth accidentally flies
And the smoke of the censer raises
Those words are prayer clouds.
Hear them, God Almighty!
Oh, holy Russia! So that always
You shone like a bright star
And glorified Orthodoxy,
A lot of work put in
Human hopes and hopes,
Sacred prayers and suffering.
A lot of people died

For your glory and freedom.
And, I thought, for hundreds of years
Your greatness and dawn ...
Oh Rus! - I ask you with reproach,
Why are you broken by discord?!
Why does the prince say to the prince
What does the hour tell us to split up?!
And before a strong Power -
At the feet of the enemy. Where is the glory
That enemies are a blind army
Did it make you tremble?
Former cowards have become bold,
Already prepared bows, arrows,
To strike their hearts,
To take away the father from the children,
And a son, so that a mother loses,
To saturate the earth with blood.
Innocent blood ... How to understand
Is your downfall to the end?
What's this? the craft of the Creator,
Or the mistake of our ancestors?
But it's all in the past. Drink the Chalice.
You don't ask for an answer
Why do I pray again at night
By the light of a wax candle
Something that hasn't been around for a long time.
You better extinguish in your heart
Sadness about Kievan Rus.


Card - characteristics of the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv and Novgorod


Hagia Sophia of Kyiv

Saint Sophia of Novgorod

Cultural and historical era. Age.

Artistic culture of medieval Russia. 11th-12th century

Location of the architectural object

Kievan Rus.

Kievan Rus.


Belonging to the type of architecture (volumetric structures, landscape, urban planning)

Volumetric structures

Volumetric structures

temple type

five-nave cross-domed church with 5 altar apses

Five-aisled cross-domed temple

Number and shape of domes

13 heads, bulbous

Five-headed, helmet-shaped

Cathedral height

Height to the top of the main dome 28.6 m

The height of Sophia from floor level to the cross on the central dome is 36.7 m.,

Cathedral length

total length - 41.7 m

length 34.5 m

Cathedral Width

width - 54m

width - 39.3 m

Artistic means and techniques for creating an architectural image (symmetry, proportions, chiaroscuro, color modeling, material that formed the basis, etc.)

A large-scale, grandiose construction The walls are elegantly laid out of plinth using a technique with a recessed stone interspersed next to it. The masonry was fastened with zemyanka - a solution of lime, sand and crushed bricks. The illumination of the temple was carried out due to the cut long slit-like windows in the drums of thirteen domes. There is an asymmetry in the arrangement of chapters. Subsequently, the cathedral underwent a thorough restructuring.

The appearance of the cathedral was distinguished by simplicity, austerity and asymmetry of forms. The main mass of the walls is made of stones of local origin. Brick was used to cover the vaults. Asymmetrically arranged domes, tightly clustered in the center. Uneven surfaces of the walls, cut through by windows in the form of narrow slits without a frame The temple is perceived as a solid, impenetrable mass of stone. The walls of the temple in the 12th century were whitewashed, which gave the building integrity, massiveness, and strength.

Teacher. So, the adoption of Christianity was a decisive turn, a break with the previous pagan tradition. Together with the new religion, a new artistic system comes to Russia. The Byzantine system, built on a solid foundation of secular and ecclesiastical authority, came in handy for the court of Prince Vladimir. To assert the power of the emerging state of Kievan Rus, art, and one of its types, turned out to be indispensable. What kind of art is this?

Answers. Architecture.

Teacher. Why this art form?

Answers. Wooden buildings have not been preserved, and stone buildings have been standing for about a thousand years.

Teacher. In the 10th century, stone construction began in Russia. Russia is called the country of cities. A great future for Kyiv was predicted by Andrew the First-Called. According to legend, he visited a city in Russia and predicted: "A great city will be here, and the Lord will erect many churches and baptize the Russian land." Has his prophecy come true?

Answers. Yes, that is exactly what happened. Kievan Rus became a mighty power.

Teacher. So, the luxury and solemnity of Byzantine architecture served as a model for the construction of stone cathedrals in Kyiv. Russia adopts the cross-domed church system from Byzantium (draw a diagram). In plan, such a temple is a square, inside there are 4 pillars or supports that hold the dome. Thus, the main symbol of Christianity is visible in it - the cross and the dome as a symbol of heaven. This type of temple is also called a temple on 4 pillars or pillars. What elements of the temple do you know?

Working with a tableI. Task: You can perform one of several types:

    write down the names of the elements in the notebook;

    show them in illustrations;

    in a more complex game version - correlate the names and their definitions, connect them with arrows, because, as a rule, students randomly name elements.

temple completion

the cylinder that holds the dome

Triangles formed by arches supporting the dome

longitudinal interior of the temple

external ledges from the outside of the temple, the place where the altar is located

sacred place in the temple

Teacher. It is known that the temple needs to be decorated. What is the artistic system of painting the Byzantine temple? Task: to establish a connection between the constructive and artistic elements of the painting.

Work with table II. The artistic system of the painting of the temple.

You can complete one of several types of tasks, depending on the time allotted in the lesson. I offer three options for completing the task:

invite students to independently create a system for painting the temple. The task is carried out in the notebook "My painting system". Then we collectively find out which image corresponds to the place and role in the design of the temple. We write in the notebook "Byzantine system".

call the students to the board and offer to connect the elements of the temple and the images that, in their opinion, should be placed here with arrows. Then work with the class to determine the correct placement. Write down "Byzantine system" in your notebook.

Immediately perform in the form of a game, explaining the constructive role of architecture and the placement of images of saints.



Icons with the earthly life of Christ

Abse, inside - an altar

Our Lady

Conclusion: Decoration temple reflects the constructive role of architecture.

III. Learning new materialArtistic culture of Kievan Rus.

Write down the plan.



Exercise. From this series of architectural monuments, select those known to students and answer the questions:

    What are their names?

    Where were they created?

    What historical period do they belong to?

    On what grounds were they identified?

Picture line: Parthenon, Colosseum, Sophia of Constantinople, Sophia of Kyiv, Sophia of Novgorod.

students perform the task. They must define the monuments of antiquity (Parthenon and Colosseum) as pagan, the rest as Christian.

Teacher. Today we will talk about Christian monuments of architecture. Before us is the ancient and eternally young, in the rays of the rising sun, the Russian land. The bells are ringing. We are on ancient Kyiv land. At that time, Kyiv was called "the mother of Russian cities". The first stone church in Russia was called Tithes. Why do you think one of the first churches in Kyiv was called Tithes: 10 foundation stones, 10 doors, 10 windows, 10th part of income for maintenance?

Answers. The prince gave a tenth of his income for the upkeep of the church.

Teacher. To make it easier for you to understand the topic, to feel the breath of the era, listen to the historical information about the reign of Vladimir the Red Sun, when the first immortal monuments of ancient Russian architecture were created.

GuideI. History reference. The student performs a prepared advanced task about the personality of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun and his cultural activities. The prince begins a large construction in Kyiv. He builds powerful fortress walls around it. The main entrance gates to the city are called Golden and Silver. The basis of the prince's activity was the desire to create a powerful state that could compete with Europe and claim primacy. He summed up the ideological base, created an ideological justification for the continuity of princely power, introduced Christianity in the Byzantine version. Under him, the construction of churches in Russia began. The main goal is to establish the strength and power of the new center of the Russian land.

Problem question. Could art stay the same? What ideas should it assert?

Student responses. The glorification of power, strength and power, the greatness of power.

Teacher. Let's hear how it happened. Who continued the work of Vladimir to decorate the Russian land?

GuideII. History reference.

The student performs with a prepared advanced task about the activities of Yaroslav the Wise. The performance is accompanied by a display of pictorial series with views of architecture. In 1037, the prince builds the main temple of his state - the Cathedral of St. Sophia of Kyiv. In The Tale of Bygone Years, the author writes: “After all, the Father plowed and softened his land, that is, he enlightened him with baptism. This one sowed the hearts of believers with bookish words. And we reap, accepting the teaching of the book.

Teacher. Write down the name of the new church in your notebook. Let's see if the prince coped with the task. How was the new cathedral supposed to tell about this? (Showing reproductions, compare with Sophia of Constantinople).

Student responses.

Teacher. Yaroslav the Wise built the main temple in honor of the Wisdom of God - Hagia Sophia, which has its own characteristics. It increases in size, grows in length and width by adding supporting pillars. Area - 1300 sq. meters, the height of the dome - 30 meters. Composition, rhythmic volumes, gathering towards the center. A stepped pyramidal composition is formed, crowned with 13 chapters. Where does this number come from?

Answers. Different opinions are expressed, someone is sure to remember the devil's dozen.

Teacher. Everything in the temple is symbolic, even the number of domes. It stands for 12+1=Christ with 12 apostles. By the way, the Church of the Tithes had 25 chapters. The temple is being built by Russian masters under the guidance of Byzantine architects. The temple was built from pink plinths- wide and flat fired brick, which enhances the effect of decorativeness and picturesqueness. The light from the windows in the drum illuminates the space under the dome. Sermons were delivered under the main dome, solemn ceremonies were performed. Upstairs, in the choir stalls, the prince appeared with his retinue. The image of Christ Pantocrator reigned in the dome, in the piers - a string of saints, in the central apse there was an image of the Mother of God with arms raised up - Oranta. Who does it remind you of?

Student responses. Pagan Makosh - the protector of the hearth.

Teacher. This is how pagan and Orthodox traditions coexist in art. The people of Kiev loved her and believed that the Mother of God would protect them from adversity. They nicknamed it "The Unbreakable Wall".

Painting of this period is represented quite widely in mosaics, frescoes, icons. It was monumental painting associated with architecture and icons. The temple was richly decorated. On the walls glittered with gold mosaics. It was a real art: pieces of glass - smalt - were placed at different angles, when a ray of the sun fell on them, it was reflected and fell on the next one. The whole image sparkled and shimmered. The mosaics of the Cathedral of St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery ("Eucharist", "Dmitry of Thessalonica") have survived to this day. In addition to the "shimmering painting", the temple was decorated frescoes. Images of Yaroslav's family have been preserved, and the fantasy of Russian masters has manifested itself in the side towers. They placed images that did not correspond to church canons. These were scenes from social life, hunting, images of mummers, etc. From the frescoes you can find out what the princes did at their leisure - they loved music, singing, hunting, buffoon games.

On the walls were icons. It was here that the famous icon of Our Lady of Vladimir XII century. - “the eternal song of motherhood”, as I. Grabar called it, which came to Russia from Byzantium. " Saint George" embodied the ideal of the defender of the Fatherland. The favorite subjects of icon painting were the life of Mary, events from the life of Christ and the saints. In strict faces, in large dark eyes, one can feel a tense inner life, conviction in one's faith, readiness for sacrifice in its name. This harsh painting embodied the moral ideal of our people, its strength and steadfastness in the face of trials.

Russian art craft famous all over the world. Graceful jewelry, genuine masterpieces are created by Kyiv jewelers. What methods of making jewelry were known to ancient Russian craftsmen?

Let's turn to the table.

openwork or soldered on a metal background pattern of thin gold or silver wire

small gold or silver balls (from 0.4 mm), which are soldered onto a filigree ornament

cloisonne enamel

a special technique of enameling, where the enamel fills the gaps between metal partitions soldered with a rib on the metal surface.

Craftsmen not only made decorations, but also made frames for icons, church utensils (illustration). Consider ornaments, establish their connection with pagan motifs.

Teacher. And what happened in the rest of Russia?

GuideIII. History reference.

At the end of the XI-beginning of the XII centuries. cross-domed churches began to be built throughout Russia. They were built by Russian craftsmen from local materials and taking into account local traditions. In 1052, St. Sophia of Novgorod was built in Novgorod, later - the Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral, St. George's Cathedral of the St. George's Monastery, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky (30s of the XI century, in the image of the Church of the Tithes) and Borisoglebsky Cathedrals were erected in Chernigov. Similar cathedrals were erected in Vyshgorod, Peryaslavl, Smolensk. Thus, various art schools arise in Russia, united common features. Political and economic difficulties do not allow the princes to build huge city cathedrals, like St. Sophia of Kyiv or Novgorod. In the XII century, in all Russian principalities, single-domed 4-pillar churches grow up, which embody a vivid artistic image.

Questions to consolidate the material.

What did we learn about the architecture of St. Sophia of Kyiv?

    under which prince it was built: Vladimir, Yaroslav, Vsevolod, Andrey Bogolyubsky;

    what does the number of chapters mean: damn dozen, Christ with the disciples, the age of the prince, the number of builders;

    what do the images say? (about the life of princes)

    type of image of the Mother of God in the cathedral: Eleusa, Oranta, Hodegetria, Sign;

    its name by the people of Kiev: Indestructible wall, Burning bush, Almighty.

Teacher. List the features of the temple.


    many heads


    growing up - the principle of hierarchy

    rhythm of volumes - picking up to the center

    proportionality - a sense of harmony

Teacher. What artistic image contains this temple?

Answers. Students choose words to define. Bring them to the concept of "glorification of power and greatness", "feeling the grace of God."

Teacher. What feelings does it evoke?

Answers. The beauty.

IV. Results and conclusions on the topic of the lesson

    Russia is the heir to Byzantine traditions.

    Russian masters creatively reworked the Byzantine system and filled it with new content.

    Artists created a special man-made world.

    Pagan traditions will constantly "come around" in Russian art.

    Art created by unknown masters.

    Architecture is the leading art form that expresses the ideas of its time.

    High level of construction technology.

    Architecture serves as a symbol of the glorification of the power of the prince and reflects beauty in harmony with the natural world.

    With one building system - cross-domed - temples receive a different figurative incarnation and content.

    The main principle is beauty.

    It enters our life, becomes a part of it and is connected with modernity.

    Old Russian culture is part of the spiritual culture of mankind.

So, in the art of the X-XII centuries. the Russian people immortalized their youth, their love for their native land. Ancient Russian art is a great creation of its time. It is unique, like the era that gave birth to this art. And it enters into the spiritual culture of modern man as a certain stage in the artistic development of our people, as a living evidence of its creative power at the dawn of national history.

V. Grading.

VI. Homework. Make a crossword puzzle with new terms.

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Slides captions:

Artistic culture of medieval Russia

General characteristics The Middle Ages in Russia lasted about 8 centuries (9th - 17th centuries). Art here arose on the basis of pagan culture, which was later influenced by Byzantine culture and then throughout Western Europe. Acquaintance with Russian art usually begins in 988, when Russia adopted Christianity.

Art of Kievan Rus

Acquaintance with Russian art usually begins in 988, when Russia adopted Christianity from Byzantium. Paganism played a significant role in the formation of Russian culture (it existed until the 10th century as the main religion). Despite the adoption of Christianity, pagan traditions were felt in culture for a long time.

Architecture The architectural monuments of Kievan Rus were created in less than 3 centuries. The Principality of Kiev gained special prosperity during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054). Stone town building developed. Particular attention was paid to church architecture.

Church of the Holy Mother of God, 10th c. Kyiv The first church erected in Kyiv was dedicated to the Holy Mother of God and was popularly called the Tithes because Prince Vladimir himself gave a tenth of his income for its maintenance and ordered all believers to do the same.

Church of St. Sophia, 1037 Kyiv The most famous temple building in Kyiv was the Cathedral of St. Sophia, which is a huge five-aisled cross-domed church. In subsequent times, the original forms of the cathedral were rebuilt.

Fine Arts The frescoes and mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv are of particular historical and artistic value. The walls of this cathedral cover about 3000 sq.m. mosaics. According to the canon, Christ Pantokrator was located in the center of the cathedral, and around him were the figures of 4 archangels. Above them is the image of Our Lady Oranta (Prayer).

Frescoes of the St. Sophia Cathedral "Our Lady of Oranta", 11th century. "Christ Pantocrator", 11th c.

Group portrait of the family of Yaroslav the Wise, 11th century In the frescoes, everyday portraits are also distinguishable. Such is the group portrait of the family of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the founder of St. Sophia Cathedral. Once the fresco depicted the Grand Duke with his wife, sons and daughters. At present, only a part depicting the daughters of the prince has been preserved. The figures are richly dressed and arranged in a growth sequence that corresponded to their age.

Buffoons, 11th century Another example of a domestic genre is the fresco "Buffoons" - people who lived at the court to amuse the princely family.

Iconography of Kievan Rus The first icons in Rus appeared in the 11th century, and were rather vague images of Byzantine saints. Such is the icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, striking in its size, elegance of the frame, and splendor.

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, 12th century Later, Russian icons were distinguished by their clarity. Such is the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, the pride of the Russian Church. The icon is characterized by the expressiveness of the eyes and tightly compressed lips, which indicates the restraint of this composition.

Angel with Golden Hair, 12th century The icon is made in restrained colors, which makes it simple in composition. In general, the art of Kievan Rus served as the foundation for the development of regional schools.

Culture of Veliky Novgorod

The 11th century is called the age of the Three Sophias. At the same time, one after another, the churches of St. Sophia were built in Novgorod and Polotsk. Although they were built on the model of the “big sister”, local building features transformed them beyond recognition.

The art of Veliky Novgorod In the 11th - early 12th centuries, Kyiv was not the only cultural center of Russia. The focus of many artistic achievements were such cities as Chernigov, Galich, Polotsk, Smolensk, Rostov, Suzdal, Ryazan. The principality of Novgorod became a worthy successor to Byzantine traditions, where, over time, their own canons developed.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Nereditsa, 1198 Novgorod From the middle of the 12th century, the construction of parish churches began in Novgorod. A striking example is the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa.

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin on Peryn, 13th century With the construction of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin on the site of the pagan sanctuary of Peryn, a new type of church was created, in which the shape, proportions and interior changed.

Creativity of Theophan the Greek (1340 - 1405) A close creative community connected Novgorod masters with Byzantine artists, one of whom was Theophan the Greek, who arrived in Novgorod in the 70s of the 14th century. The color of his frescoes is dominated by dark tones, which speaks of the harsh nature of his work. The best works Theophanes the Greek - the image of the Savior Almighty (1378), a two-sided icon of Our Lady of the Don.

Frescoes by Theophanes the Greek "Our Lady of the Don" "Savior Almighty"

Culture of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

During the period of feudal fragmentation in the 12th century, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality became the largest center of Russia. Temples were built mainly from hewn white stone. It is here that the all-Russian type of temple arises - four-footed, crowned with one head. The architecture of this period was distinguished by the simplicity of decor, the severity of proportions, and symmetry.

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, 1160 In 1160, the Assumption Cathedral was erected, which became the main temple in Vladimir.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, 1197. Among the numerous temples of Vladimir, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral stands out for its elegance and abundance. Its surface is covered with carved images of Christ, martyrs, animals and plants.

Culture of the Moscow Principality

The Art of the Moscow Principality The growth and strengthening of Moscow were due to a convenient geographic location and trade growth economic ties. Extensive stone construction began in Moscow. Assumption and Archangel cathedrals are being erected here. A new oak fortress is being built.

Towers of the Moscow Kremlin, 15th century The most important defensive object of Moscow was the Kremlin (1367), whose impregnable walls had a length of about 2000 m. In total, the fortress consisted of 9 towers.

Andrei Rublev. Holy Trinity By the second half of the 15th century. refers to the flourishing of the Moscow school of painting. Andrey Rublev gains fame and glory. The pinnacle of his work is the icon "Trinity" (1427), which embodies the symbol of faith and harmony, goodness and justice.

What ancient sources of Russian culture could you name? What works of art would you classify as archaeological finds? Why? What caused the evolution of Russian art? Describe one of the monuments of medieval Russia. Tell us about the formation of icon painting in Russia.

slide 2

  • The basis of ancient Russian culture was the legacy of the Eastern Slavs.
  • Ancient Russian culture absorbed the cultural achievements of those living in Russia and the peoples surrounding it.
  • Byzantium had a great influence on Russian culture, especially after the adoption of Christianity.
  • Creating their creations, the ancient Russian masters did not blindly imitate their Byzantine teachers. They sought to reflect in them the thoughts and aspirations of the Russian people.

Features of the culture of Ancient Russia IX-XII centuries.

slide 3

V. Vasnetsov

  • Baptism of Vladimir
  • Baptism of Russia. 988
  • slide 4

    Baptism of Kyivans in the Dnieper

    slide 5

    The need to adopt a new religion is explained by:

    The impossibility of reforming the old religion, since the pantheon of pagan gods did not lead to the unity of the cult, separated parts of the country.

    Paganism did not express state unity, did not explain the validity of the domination of princely power and the feudal elite, did not have the idea of ​​reconciliation with the existing order.

    • Catholicism
    • Orthodoxy
    • Islam
    • Judaism

    Reasons for choosing Orthodoxy:

    • The socio-political structure of Byzantium close to Russia
    • The spread of Christianity in Russia before Prince Vladimir
    • Deification in Orthodoxy of princely power
    • Magnificent stately decoration of temples and beautiful service
  • slide 6

    • Strengthening the unity of the country and the central government
    • Elimination of separatism of individual lands and the formation of an all-Russian self-consciousness
    • Development of feudal relations
    • Growth in international prestige
    • Development of culture (writing, icon painting, frescoes, stone architecture, schools)

    Significance of adopting Christianity

    Prince Vladimir

    Slide 7

    The main points of the baptism of Russia

    Slide 8

    • Cyril and Methodius
    • Writing of Ancient Russia
  • Slide 9

    Glagolitic and Cyrillic

    Slide 10

    • Chronicler at work
    • Nestor the Chronicler, reconstruction by anthropologists
    • Birch bark
  • slide 11

    Literature of Ancient Russia

    • Sermons and sermons: Hilarion's "Sermon on Law and Grace" (1049), Vladimir Monomakh's "Instruction" (1117), etc.
    • Heroic epic: "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (after 1187)
    • Journalism: "Word" and "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik (beginning of the 13th century)
    • Lives of the Saints: "The Tale of Boris and Gleb", "The Life of Theodosius" by Nestor
    • Chronicles: "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor (1113)
    • From the XI-XII centuries. 80 books have come down to us, 7 of which have the exact date of writing. The oldest of them was rewritten in 1056-1057. for the Novgorod posadnik, the so-called. "Ostromir Gospel".
  • slide 12

    Epics - poetic tales about the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified

    Ilya Muromets


    Alyosha Popovich

    Mikula Selyaninovich

    Key Ideas:

    Liberation of your land

    Protection of the Russian land from enemies

    Folk oral art

    slide 13

    • Architecture of Ancient Russia
    • Kyiv in the 10th century Reconstruction
  • Slide 14

    One of the few monuments of defensive architecture of Kievan Rus during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate is a fortress tower with a wide (up to 7.5 m) passage. Powerful pilasters protrude inside the passage, on which the arches of the vault rested. The height of the preserved walls reaches 9.5 meters. The gates were stone. They were built using the technique of mixed masonry: layers of stones were interspersed with leveling rows of plinths.

    Golden Gate. Kyiv 1037

    The Gate Church of the Annunciation crowns the Gate, so that every traveler approaching Kyiv can see that this is a Christian city. During the restoration work, the gate church was recreated as a four-pillar one-domed temple with apses sunk into the thickness of the wall, not protruding from the total volume of the facade. Brick ornaments, characteristic of the art of that period, were used as an architectural decoration.

    From the side of the field in front of the gate there was a moat 15 meters wide and 8 meters deep.

    slide 15

    Tithe Church in Kyiv 989-996

    slide 16

    • Sophia Cathedral was built on the model of the Byzantine one.
    • In terms of the temple, the basis was a cross formed by the main and side naves.
    • The central dome was surrounded by four medium domes placed just below, behind which eight small ones stood even lower. So a single-domed Byzantine temple was transformed into a multi-domed pyramid.

    Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv 1017-1037

    Yaroslav the Wise

    Slide 17

    Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Modern look

    Slide 18

    Saint Sophie Cathedral

    • Mosaic - a picture of glassy pebbles (smalt) pressed into damp plaster
    • John Chrysostom. Mosaic of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
    • Saint Adrian. Fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
  • Slide 19

    A fresco is a painting painted with water-based paints on wet plaster.

    Saint Sophie Cathedral

    Slide 20

    The main Orthodox church in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1045-1050.

    Sophia of Novgorod was built mainly of stone, and only the arches of portals and window openings were made of brick, and the vaults in the interior were partly made of stone, partly made of brick

    slide 2

    The first flowering of ancient Russian art is associated with the era of Kievan Rus, which became the successor to Byzantine traditions.

    slide 3

    1. What are the main features of the culture of Ancient Russia, what period of time does this period take?
    2. List the pagan gods of the ancient Slavs.
    3. What is a "temple"?
    4. What events connected with the formation of the state in Russia?
    5. Tell us about the first princes of Ancient Russia.
  • slide 4

    Before the adoption of Orthodoxy, pagan Russia worshiped many gods. Baptism of Russia in 988 It gave a powerful impetus to the development of artistic culture.

    slide 5

    Questions to the text "Adoption of Christianity in Russia":

    1. What are the reasons why Russia accepts Orthodox (Byzantine) Christianity.
    2. What is the significance of the adoption of Christianity for the development of Russian culture.
    3. How was the process of adoption of Christianity by the people.
  • slide 6

    • dome
    • drum
    • zakomara
    • apse
    • pillar
    • Aisle
    • Aisle
    • central nave
    • Construction of a cross-domed church.
  • Slide 7

    One of the oldest stone buildings in Kyiv was the Church of the Tithes, built in 989-996. In honor of the Holy Mother of God.


    Slide 8

    Kyiv Sofia

    The oldest of the architectural structures that have come down to us is St. Sophia Cathedral (erected between 1017 - 1037).

    This temple was built during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise with the help of Greek masters.

    Slide 9

    The cathedral was built of red brick interspersed with pink opal.

    Slide 10

    Many domes are a distinctive feature of the St. Sophia Cathedral. One large and twelve smaller domes symbolize Christ and his twelve disciples.

    slide 11

    The abundance of spans and arches of various nature is an essential feature of the premises of St. Sophia Cathedral.

    slide 12

    The spans and arches seem to “rhyme” with each other, grow, expand and end in a vast domed space with a huge triumphal arch framing the altar.

    slide 13

    Inside the building, the dome was perceived not as the largest volume, but as the highest space, as main source Sveta.

    Slide 14

    Inside the cathedral, high in the center under the very dome, Christ the Almighty (Pantocrator) is depicted.

    slide 15

    The grandiose figure of Our Lady Oranta (praying), who raised her hands to her Divine son in prayer for the human race, is located in the apse.

    slide 16


    Slide 17

    Above the altar, as a prototype of the liturgy taking place in the temple, it is depicted how the apostles with outstretched hands approach the altar; Christ gives them wine and bread.

    Slide 18

    Slide 19

    The main images of St. Sophia Cathedral are made with mosaics and are concentrated in the central, most front and bright part of the temple. The circle of plots gave an idea of ​​the Christian doctrine, clearly expressing the understanding of the heavenly hierarchy as a similarity to the earthly hierarchy.

    Slide 20

    The mosaics depicting the Church Fathers are distinguished by their exceptional subtlety of colorful hues. Radiant colors bring something light to these strict images.

    slide 21

    • Christ Priest
    • Our Lady
  • slide 22

    • Gregory the Wonderworker
    • Gregory of Nyssa
  • slide 23


    slide 24

    1 slide

    Culture of Kievan Rus. Oh, light-bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! And you are surprised by many beauties. Thou art full of the Russian land. Further

    2 slide

    3 slide

    LESSON GLOSSARY Fresco Icon Apse Zakomara Pilaster Drum Cross-domed church Grain Filigree Cloisonne enamel Multidomed Tiered Next

    4 slide

    TERMINOLOGICAL DICTATION. - Rectangular structure underlying the architecture of Greece, Rome, Byzantium. - Support supporting the roof. -Semicircular completion of the wall, the location of the altar. -A type of building, in terms of having a cross, ending with a dome. - The base of the dome. -The main temple of Constantinople. - In literal translation from Greek it meant "image". - A painting made from pieces of colored glass - smalt. -Painting with paints on wet plaster. -View of fine arts, the art of building and decorating buildings. Further

    5 slide

    Russia is called Gardarik - the country of cities. Kyiv (or Cuiaba), as the Arab merchants called it, is the capital, the main city of the Rus. Further

    6 slide

    Journey to Ancient Kyiv The boat of the Byzantine guests moored to the pier of the city of Kyiv. Further

    8 slide

    The city is located on the high bank of the Dnieper, hills rise everywhere. Previously, the city was fortified with an earthen rampart with log walls. Further

    9 slide

    Under the current Prince Yaroslav the Wise, stone walls with five gates were built. The most beautiful of them is the Golden Gate. Further

    10 slide

    Wealthy citizens live in two-story log cabins. The first floor is economic, the upper one is residential. The building consists of several rooms (chambers) in which there are wooden beds, benches, tables, chests for valuable clothes. There are shelves for dishes on the walls. Further

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    12 slide

    The era of Kievan Rus was marked by the flourishing of artistic crafts, among which a prominent place was occupied by metal processing, in particular jewelry, the center of which was Kyiv. The bases of metal products were made by the casting technique, which was used to create both unique and mass-produced products. For the first, a wax model was used, for the second, stone molds.

    13 slide

    Workshops of craftsmen - jewelers of ancient Kyiv Next The era of Kievan Rus was marked by the flourishing of artistic crafts, among which a prominent place was occupied by metal processing, in particular jewelry, the center of which was Kyiv.

    14 slide

    Kolts are female temporal decorations made using the technique of granulation, cloisonné enamel, and filigree. Further

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    Filigree (filigree) is one of the oldest types of artistic metal processing. The name Filigree comes from two Latin words - "filum" (thread) and "granum" - grain. The word "filigree" is ancient Slavic and means to twist, twist. Both names indicate the peculiarity of this type of metal processing. Further

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    Grain - small gold or silver balls (with a diameter of 0.4 mm), which are soldered into jewelry on a filigree ornament. Further

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    Cloisonne enamel is a technique of applying enamel, in which the pattern is indicated by thin wires soldered onto the plate, and then the resulting cells are filled with enamels of different colors, after which the product is fired. Further

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    St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv - the pride of all Russians The cathedral was built according to Byzantine traditions and named after Our Lady the Wise. Further

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    21 slide

    The basis of the cathedral is a cross-domed form. In plan, the temple is a cross, and it is crowned with 13 domes. The height of the central dome is 30 meters, and the area is 1300 square meters. m. More

    22 slide

    The construction of the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv was associated with the name of which Grand Duke? Princess Olga Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslav the Wise Prince Vladimir Vladimir Monomakh More