Window display ideas. How to design a store without mistakes: design and window dressing. Classification by artistic decision

  • Why is it important?
  • What factors are taken into account?
  • Degree of influence
  • Creative design examples

A showcase is a very important part of a business; the level of sales largely depends on its proper design. It performs the functions passive advertising, attracts customers and can even influence their choice to a certain extent. According to scientists, the consumer does not perceive the shop window as an advertisement, therefore it is not an irritant.

The modern media space is oversaturated with an advertising product, which often repels buyers. That is why the showcase is ideal hidden advertising.

Why is it important?

According to research by scientists, the majority of buyers, about 80%, enter stores driven by the desire to buy something, without specific desires. A properly designed shop window is an ideal stimulus for making a purchase, it stimulates shopmania - a momentary desire of a person to buy something. Also, a showcase can make a buyer permanent. Among the main functions I would like to highlight:

  • acquaintance of buyers with the assortment;
  • preparation for spring, for autumn - seasonal receipt of goods (especially relevant for clothing stores);
  • Familiarization with holiday promotions, for example, Special offers for the New Year;
  • formation of aesthetic taste and acquaintance of visitors with the latest trends in the field of fashion, cosmetics and underwear.

What factors are taken into account?

When designing a store face, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • The flow of potential buyers, passers-by. It can be small medium and intense. It depends on the location of the store;
  • Orientation: wide consumer audience or narrower. It's defined pricing policy: low, medium, high price segment;
  • Type of goods: clothes, products, cosmetics, underwear, bijouterie.
  • What the assortment is formed from - brands, trademarks.

Given these factors, it is necessary to create an image of the store that will attract visitors. The main principle is to interest a passer-by and turn him into a buyer.

Degree of influence

To evaluate the effectiveness of window dressing, it is necessary to order a special study. It's inconvenient and expensive. But science says that you can design a window display with an efficiency rate from 0 to 300%. It is difficult to give any advice here in the age of creative freedom and a departure from traditional canons, it is difficult to predict what will interest passers-by and make them go to the store.

It is necessary to design the face of the outlet in such a way as to draw the attention of potential buyers. Light plays a huge role here., especially at night, it should illuminate the composition of the goods. It doesn't have to be a bright, steady stream of light. Lighting can be made muted, mix different colors.

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An important requirement is that the design should not reflect the entire range. It is better to create some intrigue, so that the passer-by becomes interested in finding out what the store offers inside. If it is a product, various compositions from the proposed range will become effective advertising. We immediately bring to your attention ideas on how to beautifully decorate a grocery store window:

The main thing is to periodically change the design of the window. This dynamic is sure to attract buyers.

At the same time, it is imperative to take into account seasonal features by spring, arrange everything brightly and catchy, by autumn - in the style of rational restraint. You should not be afraid to experiment. Window dressing itself is more of an art than a science.

The exception is food sector. Here everything is laid out and arranged according to planograms, which are based on the research of scientists and marketers and are aimed at promoting a certain product. In other words, the store sells what it needs.

Creative design examples

It should be remembered that a person is always attracted by everything unusual, non-standard. Even if the design causes negative emotions, we can assume that the showcase is effective. The composition of goods on it fulfilled its function, because the main thing is to evoke emotions, and their polarity, in fact, is not important. A failure can be considered a neutral attitude, indifference.

The photo shows an example of advanced design using modern technologies:

This is a virtual showcase where the assortment is displayed on huge screens. The convenience of this method lies in the ability to quickly change the image, create new original compositions.

Most often supermarkets use billboards with the image of promotional goods, which play the role of decoration. In general, it is quite difficult to find an example of creativity in the product sector, because. that's great rarity. However, we still tried to find ideas for original window dressing and provided them above.

The situation is completely different with clothing stores. This example will definitely attract the attention of passers-by. It is designed for a consumer who loves a creative approach to everything, and, accordingly, the formation of a style in clothing.

Another example of a creative approach is to create a mysterious, intriguing image of the store.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Cosmetics store business plan (43 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Tea shop business plan (46 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Souvenir and gift shop business plan (50 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Business plan for a needlework store (37 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

One of the most profitable areas trade - perfumery. There are so many cosmetics on the market that the horse will be the one who can lure the client. And then he will offer him the best quality and reasonable price. But the first step, the trap, is window dressing, like this:

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The second example shows that the design does not have to be thematic. There are no cosmetics here, so the showcase encourages you to look into the store and find out what they sell there, and sellers only need this.

It is relatively easy to arrange a shop window that specializes. Basically, these are mannequins demonstrating the highlights of the collections - the sexiest models. It is on seductive forms that the bet is made.

It will not be difficult to decorate a showcase for the New Year. Here you can use the traditional symbols of the holiday: snow, Christmas tree, garlands, toys, gnomes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. All these elements can be arranged in any way and used as a decoration for the product. If you want to decorate a showcase for the holiday with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with an interesting ready-made idea that can inspire you too:

As you already understood, you need to decorate the window in such a way as to interest the passer-by and force them to go to the store, then the sellers get down to business. At the same time, do not be afraid to experiment and look for your own style. It should be remembered that all studies by scientists are very conditional and do not reflect the interests of the vast majority of the consumer audience.

Accordingly, one should not rely entirely on them. It is necessary to take into service only certain moments. We hope our tips have helped you figure out how to design a shop window in an original way.

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Have you ever wondered why you go to some stores and pass others by? If we analyze it, it turns out that each of us has 8-10 stores that we go to regularly.

Some are convenient for us geographically, in others the cut of clothes suits us, in some - good service or reasonable prices, there can be many reasons, and they are all practical. Therefore, it is quite difficult to force a person to enter a new store for him, because no one wants to change their habits and waste extra time.

But when you open your own store, you are “on the other side of the barricades”, and now your main task is to attract lazy and hurrying customers who still don’t know anything about you. How to attract their attention when they walk down the street or shopping center?

This task is performed by windows and signs, giving a chance to interest potential buyers and tell them about yourself before they enter the store. But you only have a few seconds to stop a glance of a potential client and prove to him what exactly YOU will do to him. Best offer that he found a "dream store" to go to "here and now".

Professionals know that there is nothing better to attract a buyer to a store than a window display and a sign, so they need to be paid special attention.

The rules for window dressing are, in principle, the same for all stores, but there are nuances for jewelry, shoe, interior, etc. showcases.

A few basic rules for window dressing of various stores

1. DO NOT try to save on display space, this will not increase your sales.

Showcase space with a depth of 70 centimeters will never give you the opportunity to decorate it beautifully and organize competent lighting. Even the base mannequin stand has a diameter of 50-60 centimeters, in a 70 cm showcase the mannequin literally turns out to be its nose in the display glass, it cannot be rotated or placed beautifully, it looks like “begging for freedom”, sandwiched between 2 walls.

If you place two or more mannequins in such a narrow window, you will not be able to create any interesting composition with them, they will stand like soldiers in the ranks - shoulder to shoulder. And certainly there can be no question of any directional light on clothes. The lamp will shine on the mannequin exactly on the top of the head and illuminate only the shoulders, and black shadows will float from the nose or wig across the face of the mannequin. Merchandisers call this the "mask of death".

There are also practical considerations in order not to make the windows too narrow - due to the lack of sufficient space, it will be difficult to even put a mannequin in the window, let alone straighten his clothes or reach for a mannequin that is standing far from the entrance to the window .

2. "Pull out" the entire assortment that is in the store into the window.

A potential buyer must see the entire range. Even if you focus on sales, for example, on dresses, but also have accessories in your assortment, ALL the variety of goods should be presented on a mannequin placed in the display space. At least 5 things must be worn on the mannequin, otherwise it will look half naked. The standard number of articles on the mannequin is 7-12.

Your task is to offer the buyer not a single thing, but a complete set, how it will look on him in real life. This is a good incentive for a store visitor to buy several things. Please note that the mannequin should NEVER be barefoot, it always looks very strange, especially if you sell outerwear. If you do not have shoes in stock, just buy any neutral inexpensive black shoes and put on the mannequin.

We had a wonderful story on this subject when one of our clients, having a store with street windows, quite well decorated, asked us to look what was wrong in it, because. I saw that something in it looks strange.

The oddity was obvious and easily eliminated. It was the end of winter outside, there was a snowdrift in front of the window, while in the window there was already a spring collection on the mannequin and the mannequin was dressed in a bright dress and hat, and at the same time was barefoot. At the same time, he looked like the heroine of Dickens' stories, it was cold even to look at him. In 20 minutes, the mannequin was “shod”, a short jacket, bag and accessories were added, and everything fell into place.

3. Decorate windows in full height and in 3D version.

Showcases will look most interesting, when designing which you offer the client not only specific clothes, but also beat the situation, the context where he can use it.

To do this, the showcase must first be prepared in order to subsequently do it quickly and inexpensively. Please note that the mannequins themselves are taller than normal human height. Female mannequins 175 - 178 cm, male - 185 cm. This is done on purpose so that you can provide a visual focus on the clothes, and not on his head. We should not look at the "face" of the mannequin, but at the goods put on it.

In showcases, they are usually also raised to a podium 15-20 cm high. Mannequins standing on the floor look less presentable, you must admit that it is simply unpleasant to meet the eyes of a lifeless doll. Children's mannequins are lifted to the podium even higher, by 25-40 cm. Children's mannequins are rarely beautiful, and look like dolls with broken proportions, so you need to make every effort and skill so that the buyer is abstracted from their "faces" and the whole visual accent transfer to goods.

A common mistake in window dressing is placing mannequins and decorations at the bottom of the window space, leaving just an empty white wall above their heads. Showcases should be filled to the full height, so it will be much easier for you to attract the attention of a passing buyer and stand out among your neighbors.

Clothes in a showcase can be presented not only on a mannequin.

Ask your designer to come up with various additional designs on which you can present the clothes folded or lay them out in some beautiful way. If your window dressing budget is low, it can be inexpensive transformable structures (cubes, a wooden stepladder that you can quickly repaint and rearrange, something like a hanging swing with shelves, magnetic boards, any items that come to your mind). These structures can be either attached to the wall of the back of the showcase, or stand on the floor or be suspended from the ceiling.

There should not be many stationary elements in the showcase space; this is a place for creativity and a quick change of exposure. A place where you can adapt to the buyer with minimal cost. Customers themselves are not very attentive and even just repainting the back wall in a different seasonal color, you create a different story for them and the impression that there is something new in the store, and for many this is precisely the incentive to go to the store to get acquainted with novelties.

You still have a display glass - this is also a field for decoration with various stickers, and not necessarily only with the inscription SALE. This is a continuation of your showcase, concept and story through which you communicate, talk with your buyer, invite him to your store. Just make sure that the decorations on the glass emphasize the clothes and goods on the mannequin, and do not block them.

4. Redesign your windows at least 4 times a year.

Our advice: newly designed showcases should be at least for each season, but it is better to change the showcases also for significant holidays - the New Year, St. Valentine's Day (which may be “not our holiday”, but somehow foreign brands have already taught us to keep an eye on him), March 8, etc., celebrate any holiday that your customers honor.

Any redesign of a shop window means an event in the store that is definitely worth declaring, be it an arrival new collection, SALE or anniversary of the opening of the store or the entire trading network. Create an emotional connection with the customer. It is developed for a long time and is difficult, but it is also very difficult to destroy it, and it is she who is an integral part of brand loyalty, do not forget about it.

5. Shop window lighting.

Shop window lighting should be strictly directional, and the direction should be to the most “significant” places, i.e. for goods, posters and contextual decoration. Lighting must be flexible and easily changeable, as the scenery will move and change.

The total illumination of the showcase should usually be 1200-1600 lux.

In principle, lamps can be placed around the entire perimeter of the showcase, but at the same time, the lamps in the floor can shine under the mannequin's skirt, which is not very presentable, so when designing the showcase lighting, you need to understand what exactly you want to illuminate later and how the showcase can be transformed.

Keep an eye on your neighbors' shop windows - if the overall illumination of your shop window is significantly lower than theirs, you will lose the interest of potential buyers. You should be the most visible in the row of windows, so if there is not enough light, just add it - this will certainly lead to an increase in attention to your store.

6. Showcases of shoe and jewelry stores.

There are some nuances in the design of shoe and jewelry showcases, as well as any other showcases in which goods of small sizes are presented. Pharmacies, office supply stores, etc. can also fall into this category.

The peculiarity of these showcases lies in the relatively small size of the goods compared to the showcase space. Very often you can see that the goods are "lost" in the shop window among bulky structures, so try not to use very massive elements of shop window furniture and decorations.

In such showcases, the product should be at the eye level of a passing potential buyer, that is, the ideal height is somewhere between 1400 and 1500 mm. At the same time, shoes can be exposed from a height of 500 mm, because. there is such a "belief" that since the shoes are worn on the feet, in any case, you will subsequently see them from top to bottom.

Pay attention to the fact that if a potential buyer is located near a street showcase, then the height of the basement of the building should also be taken into account, and relative to the showcase/showcase glass layout itself, the level of the goods may be at a height below 1400 mm.

The main question when designing showcases with small goods: how to fill the rest of the showcase and how to highlight the goods?

The simplest solution is bright lighting of the product, which significantly focuses attention on it. At the same time, if the showcase is located somewhat far from the passing client flow, then bright lighting will attract attention, even if the product itself is difficult to see from a distance.

The idea is to "break" the scale. Those who stand farther from the shop window see the picture on the poster and the brightly lit spot of the goods on display. And those who are already standing close to the shop window see a brightly lit product, but at the same time, a huge poster becomes just an abstract picture for them, now they no longer see the details on it. Accordingly, you get a showcase solution for everyone options passing customers, while having a good chance to keep their attention.

These are just a few tips and rules for window dressing. The rest is a matter of your imagination, taste, budget and nuances of presenting a particular product. A showcase is rather a tool to attract new customers and “withdraw” customers from competitors, regular loyal customers will come to you anyway, but they also require respect and care from your side.

The shop window is peculiar calling card institutions. The level of attendance of the outlet by potential buyers, the profit and prosperity of the owners largely depends on the thoughtfulness of its design. If it becomes possible to create a showcase, then it needs to without fail take advantage. The talentedly designed facade of the building may well become a real attraction of the settlement.

The shop window is a kind of visiting card of the institution

Photos of tourists are excellent advertising trade establishments. Shop window design should be catchy, colorful and informative. Passers-by, without realizing it, tend to stop at such a structure and visit it. The design of shop windows is determined by the architecture of the building where the store is located, the style of the street and the specifics of the store itself.

The contents of the shop window are always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by. However, it should trace the main specialization of the institution. This will certainly arouse the interest of people who are looking for a specific group of goods.

Thinking about the design of the store, you must be based on the following rules:

    Support for the corporate identity of the outlet. The company logo should be displayed on the facade. This approach indicates the direction of the outlet and helps to promote the brand.

    The network of stores is designed in the same way. Even if their windows are of different shapes and sizes, the style of the firm should be traced without a hint of doubt and misunderstanding.

    Closing the counter with such a transparent material that will be resistant to the influence of the most extreme weather conditions. This is especially true for exposure to solar radiation. If you use glass without special sputtering, then after a few months the showcase and exhibits will burn out, losing their charm and attractiveness.

    Well-groomed look. In order for the counter to arouse the interest of customers, it must be constantly kept clean and tidy. This issue needs to be considered at the planning stage. The design of the showcase should be such that it can be quickly and easily cleaned of dust and debris.

    Protection from cold and heavy objects. In order for the glass to not be covered with ice in the cold season, it is necessary to think over a system for heating it. It can be an ultraviolet heater or a fan heater. At night, the glass can be closed with roller shutters with the logo of the store.

    Use of natural light and illumination. Properly highlighted product looks interesting and attractive. In addition, well-played lighting gives the facade an expressive look at night and in cloudy weather.

    Proper placement of exhibits. If the footpath runs at a distance from the facade, then the entire counter area is used. When people move in the immediate vicinity of the showcase, the emphasis should be on that part of it, which is located at a height of up to 150 cm from the floor.

The content of the shop window is always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it. To prevent the outflow of customers, the content of the storefront needs to be updated periodically. It is customary to do this by the change of season or on the eve of the holidays. It is advisable to draw a few sketches of the updated shop windows. This will allow you to choose the best offer, even if the drawings are made in pencil.

Gallery: shop window decoration (25 photos)

Window dressing (video)

Classification of showcases by configuration

Since outlets are located in buildings of different types, their windows are decorated in different styles.

Today there is such a classification of shop windows:

    Solid and extended. Almost all entrepreneurs dream of having such a structure. The large volume of the room allows you to realize any ideas of the designer and artist. In addition, extended structures allow you to create an interesting light picture using various light sources.

    Modular. Consists of several sections of the same or different sizes. The right approach makes it possible to create several different or gradually developing plots. Multiple display cases are much easier to maintain and update.

    Altitude. Located on the second or higher level. To attract the attention of passers-by, large and catchy objects, bright inscriptions and original lighting are used as exhibits.

    Corner. A very successful design in terms of the degree of accessibility of the review of the exhibits. In addition, corner structures stand at the intersection of passer-by flows. Even one person at the window creates intrigue, forcing the rest to become interested in the outlet. As a rule, corner structures are equipped with semicircular glass.

    Multilevel. It is located on two or more floors of the building. It gives the opportunity to apply non-standard solutions, which attracts the attention of buyers. Interest in the top level is caused by the creation of continuous vertical components.

A well-thought-out design of store fronts makes it possible to create attractive showcases of any type.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it.

Opening shop windows

The concept of "openness" means the ability to view the trading floor from the side of the street and vice versa.

There is such a division of showcases, taking into account this indicator:

    Open. Behind the exhibits there are no obstacles that prevent you from seeing the interior of the shops. The show-window from a trading floor can be separated with a decorative barrier. Such a choice is made in cases where the interior arrangement of the establishment is attractive enough for potential consumer regardless of his tastes.

    Closed. The showcase space is separated from the trading floor by a curtain, painted fabric or a blank partition. As a rule, such a decision is made when it is necessary to mask the rear parts of various equipment (refrigerators, racks, shelves). To compensate for the lack of transparency, various custom-made posters help. In some cases, they look much more presentable than the trading floor itself.

    Combined. They represent a space, one part of which is fenced off, and the other is accessible to the eyes from the street. Sometimes it is advisable to cover the office space with advertised products. It could be Appliances, textiles, furniture and other goods from the assortment of the store.

As practice shows, the most active attendance is observed in retail outlets equipped with open windows.

Artistic solution of the exposition

The content of the showcase should not only attract potential clients store with brightness and beauty, but also carry maximum information about the specialization of the trading establishment. Having interested a person with its original design, a well-designed counter provides information for reflection and encourages a passer-by to go inside the store. And this is already more than 50% of the probability that a purchase will be made.

According to the information content option, shop windows are divided into the following categories:

    Commodity. They are an exhibition of the main products from the range that is present in trading floor. To increase the visibility of products, original coasters, artistically designed price tags, mannequins, racks and hangers are used.

    Plot. They are designed in the form of a composition that demonstrates how a whole group of goods can be used according to their functional purpose. Designers create certain plots and scenes. To give them expressiveness, mannequins, decorative lighting, glow, smoke or rain imitators are used.

    Combined. Compositions are created that combine the original presentation of a group of goods against the background of a plot in which the products of a larger store are present.

    Promotional. Holding regular sales with significant discounts is an excellent marketing ploy that allows you to create an extensive target audience of buyers. Since promotional showcases are temporary structures, fabric banners, films pasted on polycarbonate sheets, painted posters and banners are used for their design.

A great way to attract customers is to display non-standard display fixtures in the display space. The use of full-scale, natural-colored mannequins, original plexiglass stands, dummies and stuffed animals distinguishes the store's facade from the surrounding buildings.

How to quickly and inexpensively design a storefront (video)

Showcase lighting options

Lighting the facades of commercial establishments is an important component in creating their image. Illumination is needed not only to draw attention to the shop window at night. By combining lighting fixtures of various types, interesting visual effects are created, certain details are emphasized, nuances are highlighted.

Today, the following types of shop window lighting are used:

    Scattered. Lamps are placed evenly over the entire area and volume of the counter. The correct placement of lighting fixtures allows you to create a relaxed soft lighting of the displayed goods without dimming zones and shadows. As a rule, economical LED lamps are used, which emit an even light without flickering.

    Directed. The task of such a solution is to create intrigue and accents. With dim illumination of the entire counter, individual objects and groups of goods stand out with bright rays. To achieve such goals, powerful spotlights and small fluorescent lamps are used, located around the perimeter of the counter.

    Artistic. It is used to draw attention to the showcase exhibits, which are presented everywhere, in many retail outlets of the city. The emphasis is on the variety of colors, changing the intensity and color of the glow. LED strips, halogen and fluorescent lamps are used.

So that the showcase does not cause an addictive effect, it is advisable to equip it with several lighting options. The constant change of lighting mode will make the facade of the store an object of increased attention.

Display glass selection

Many store owners are seriously concerned about the possibility of damage to display cases from accidental or deliberate impact. You can get rid of such fears in one case - to install durable and safe glass for passers-by.

Today, for the arrangement of shop windows, such transparent materials are used:

    Tempered silicon glass. It is a product obtained after several cycles of heating and cooling ordinary glass. Tempered glass is resistant to pressure, shock and scratches.

    Triplex. In the manufacture of panels, several sheets of glass are used, connected by an adhesive polymer film. When destroyed, forms harmless fragments.

    Monolithic polycarbonate. An extremely durable material that can withstand even small arms bullets. At the same time, it easily takes on the most complex form.

See how it works.

On this page you can get to know theoretical foundations design of showcases, rules of visual perception, materials from which decor is made. And learn a lot ready ideas for window dressing.

  • window dressing.
  • — features of window dressing for promotions and sales.
  • and .
  • - what materials are used for decoration and how to combine them with each other.

Design of internal and external showcases

Showcases can be either internal, for example, in shopping centers or external with access to the street (in a separate standing stores). There is a fundamental difference in their design and this must be taken into account when developing decor ideas.

Design of showcases according to their purpose

Seasonal window dressing

As a rule, every season in shops and shopping centers there is a change of collections, which requires appropriate thematic design. These articles provide tips and ideas for seasonal window dressing.

Profession showcase

In these articles, you will learn how to become a professional window dresser and what is his job.

Window dressing in Moscow

A properly designed showcase can make a store attractive to potential buyers, that is, one that not only informs passers-by about the goods sold by the outlet, but really interests and makes them stop. When the owners of branded boutiques, shopping pavilions, supermarkets think about it, they turn to us.

Experienced specialists of our design studio not only have a delicate taste and follow fashion trends, but they are also well versed in advertising, marketing, they know how to improve the company's image against competitors and competently bypass them.

We offer our clients:

  • development of a permanent design to strengthen the brand;
  • thematic and holiday decoration;
  • and much more.

In our work, we use all kinds of design methods:

  • applications on the glass of shop windows, colored vinyl films;
  • female, male, children's mannequins in full height or separate demonstration parts (heads, legs, arms, torso, etc.);
  • various decorative coasters, podiums;
  • dummies of goods, enlarged copies;
  • artistic lighting, light panels, ready-made LED figures;
  • additional accessories (floristic compositions, fabrics, paper, furniture) and much more.

Types of showcases

According to the design method, the windows are divided into:

  • commodity;
  • plot;
  • commodity plot;
  • promotional.

The first option is the most common, it provides for the demonstration of goods sold by the outlet in the original layout, for example, with the participation of mannequins, unusual coasters, podiums, beautiful price tags. This directly indicates to the potential buyer what he can find in this store.

Narrative showcases are built on attracting the attention of passers-by with an unusual design. In the installation presented for review, the goods can be presented in a veiled way, with the help of ideas and images that indirectly indicate the specialization of the outlet.

They imply the demonstration of goods in an unusual way, for example, in an enlarged size or with the addition of some bright decorations - flowers, toys, holiday paraphernalia.

Promotional windows are aimed at informing passers-by about current promotions, discounts, sales, new arrivals of goods, etc. Usually, in this case, bright price tags, inscriptions, banners, etc. are used.

Window display options

The most profitable for doing business is a large solid showcase on the ground floor of the building. For the designer, the possibilities are unlimited here, you can use any of the design options. Such a showcase will be noticed not only by passers-by, but also by drivers passing by in their cars.

Another thing is a showcase on the second floor and above. Passers-by will not be able to examine it in detail, so the plot option in this case irrelevant. Such showcases should be designed in a product-plot or promotional format, choosing elements of increased sizes for this.

The corner showcase also has distinctive features. Due to its location, it already implies the presence of attention from passers-by, as it is located at the intersection of pedestrian flows, and also has enough space to accommodate catchy installations.

Showcase types

In addition to the location of showcases on the facade, the degree of openness affects the way they are designed. Depending on the type of showcase (open, closed, open-closed), its possible design is determined.

Open windows are those that allow the passer-by to look inside the store without entering it. Through the glass, the interior of the room, the range of goods is fully visible. Therefore, the design of such shop windows should not block the view, but be unobtrusive and concise. In such stores, the stake is not literally on showcases, but on the premises inside, which, in fact, is the hallmark of the outlet.

Closed shop windows hide the store space from passers-by. Against the background of a special partition, plot installations are created or an original display of goods is carried out. This design option is more complicated, because looking at such a showcase, a passer-by decides whether to visit the premises or not.

Open-closed showcases allow you to partially view commercial premises. The view is obscured by plot compositions or decorative partitions. A passer-by has to stop and peer, which is a kind of marketing ploy.

Window dressing by designer

The presence of originally designed showcases enhances the status of the store, emphasizes its image, promotes the brand. Branded salons, network outlets, supermarkets always use this method of advertising. Being decorated in the same style, shop windows increase brand awareness, thereby increasing customer loyalty.

We have been successfully decorating shop windows for many years, shopping centers on the occasion of the opening, holidays, seasonal discounts, promotions, etc. Our professional decorators are always ready to offer a lot of extraordinary solutions and fresh ideas. We provide an individual approach to each client. When choosing a showcase design, we always take into account the image of the company, the activity of competitors in this direction, the target audience in order to maximize the impact on potential buyers.

With us, the design of your showcase is born like this:

  1. It all starts with a meeting and development of a design project.
  2. We draw sketches (one or more options).
  3. We agree on the design option and its cost.
  4. We receive an advance payment and implement our plans.
  5. After the successful implementation of the idea, we receive the rest of the payment, and you get more customers.

window dressing Offers for stores Examples and finished projects

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07.08.2018 8083

Speaking of trends in window dressing, we must start with the fact that we do not set them, unfortunately. The trendsetters are Europe and the USA, and we are still seriously behind them in terms of approaches to visual merchandising, not to mention the cost of it. Compared to the situation five years ago, things moved off the dead center, but the ensuing crisis did not increase enthusiasm for development, but on the contrary, it sharply slowed it down.

- Chief Editor information project"VITRINISTIKA.RU", consultant in the field of visual merchandising, specializing in window dressing and decorating the interior of stores.

The main Western trends in window dressing today are geometric figures, the use of prints and bright backgrounds. But the crisis realities of Russian retail are not encouraging: many companies are severely limited in their capabilities. For most stores, window dressing is one of the first things they cut back on, or at least reduced. On the other hand, those who did not pay much attention to them before thought about the shop windows. For such companies, the crisis is the time to act and stand out from the general background of competitors. So there is work for decorators, and there is quite a lot of it, but the budgets for window dressing, alas, are not very large. In conditions of financial constraints, the task of making a showcase bright, memorable, and eye-catching is much more complicated. This leads, first of all, to a reduction in the cost of the materials used: window dressers prefer to use cheaper materials, but work more carefully, longer with them, as they say, bring to mind. This is, perhaps, the main trend of window dressing in the current conditions.

Showcase works in four shifts

With a competent approach to window dressing, you need to determine the budget for decoration - first you need to understand how many window changes you will have in a year. If the budget is small, then there is no need to tear it into a thousand pieces. Decide on the amount you are willing to spend on window dressing per year. Keep 40% of this budget for New Year's decoration - the most spectacular, and therefore the most expensive. The remaining amount must be distributed to the remaining shifts. Here it makes sense to think carefully about how many there will be. As a rule, in addition to the New Year's window, they make spring / summer, autumn and a sale, that is, three shifts.

Don't expose everything!

Most owners of shoe and handbag stores make the same mistake every time, trying to “shove the goods to the maximum” into their showcase. From the point of view of attracting buyers, this is not effective. What's the point of showing that you have a lot of choice, if it's already obvious to everyone? There are no shops with a small assortment of shoes on the market today, which is possible only in mixed-format stores, but these outlets, as a rule, focus on clothes in their windows.

To stop and look at the windows filled to overflowing with goods, it would not even occur to a passer-by. Exceptions, of course, can always be found, for example, if you sell very cheap shoes or bags. "Any couple - 300 rubles!" - if this is your permanent poster in the window, then you, first of all, need to show that you have such a choice that it is simply unrealistic to view everything at once. But this is still an exception to the rule.

You can grab the attention of passers-by with something special:

    unusual decoration;

    highlighting a product (for example, using unusual lighting);

    call-to-action posters (promotions, discounts, etc.).

Showcase is made for the target audience

A very important point in the development of window dressing is the segment in which the outlet. First of all, you need to clearly represent the portrait of your buyer: man / woman, age, social status, income level, etc. There is always a group that buys more than others (highlight 1-2 portraits) - this is the target audience. So the showcase needs to be done, focusing on it. There will always be those who do not understand the window or do not like it. The main thing is that it should be understandable and liked by the target audience.

But in whatever segment the outlet operates, one of the most important criteria an effective showcase (that is, a positive effect on the growth of the flow of store visitors) is lighting. No matter how wonderful the design of the shop window is, no one will pay attention to it if it is not properly presented with the help of lighting. With the spread of LEDs, the cost of good lighting is no longer so critical for a company today, so the issue of high-quality showcase lighting can be solved for quite reasonable money.

What segment, such a showcase

Speaking about the concept, the following should be noted:

    showcases of the low price segment are aimed only at informing the buyer - demonstrating the product, price, availability of the range;

    stores in the middle price segment can afford design: from simple tricks with color schemes to complex plot themes that we often see only in the premium segment;

    high-price segment stores are limited in window dressing only by the designer's imagination; budgets are usually sufficient to afford beautiful and original seasonal, festive shop windows.

In any segment, you should not abandon some of the techniques that are most often used in the construction of scenery - for example, the use of hangers and mannequins.

Whatever the showcase is and whatever segment the outlet is in, it should be remembered that the basic principles, which, on the one hand, are obvious, but, as practice shows, are not always followed:

1. The showcase must be clean.

There should not be any foreign things in it. Garbage, personal belongings, as well as detached (fallen) elements of the scenery must be removed at the time of discovery.

Showcase glass must always be clean!

2. The shop window should have focal points (those where the passer-by's eye falls first). Depending on the size of the showcase, there can be from one to three. You should not overload the showcase with elements of equal visual significance.

3. Price tags in the display case, if used, must be visually the same for all goods and must be readable from at least two meters.

4. Any decorations in the window must be resistant to impact. environment(burnout from spotlights, temperature regime). For example, live plants are not acceptable.

5. Lighting in the shop window should be sufficient. Floodlights should be aimed at the goods and decorations and not dazzle passers-by. Burnt out lamps must be replaced immediately. Good lighting is half the battle in creating a quality display case.

Interior display standards

Not every store can afford the creation of an internal showcase. The reasons for this are additional costs and limited trading space. However, the internal showcase is a great sales tool.

Let's analyze the main questions regarding the internal showcase:

What is an internal showcase?

A showcase is an area within a store that is specially designated for product display. It is a specially made demonstration equipment or a group of such equipment arranged in one place. In stores with large sales areas, special podiums are often created on which a group of mannequins can be placed. The inner showcase can have decorative elements that should overlap with the main showcase and complement it.

What to exhibit in the inner showcase?

    a locomotive product that has an incredibly competitive price, on which the store can have zero profit, but which is a great bait for customers;

    best-selling goods - a group of the most popular and purchased goods;

    the most expensive goods are top models.

Where should the interior showcase be located?

Most often, it is recommended to place an internal showcase either at the entrance, where it will fall into the field of view of each incoming person, or opposite the entrance - in the back of the hall. In the latter case, it is recommended to place it on some elevation and with excellent illumination so that it serves as a kind of "beacon" in the sales area, to which the visitor will subconsciously strive when moving around the store. Most often, the podium serves as such a beacon.

Speaking of trends in window dressing, we must start with the fact that we do not set them, unfortunately. The trendsetters are Europe and the USA, and we are still seriously behind them in approaches to the visual ...

Editorial Shoes Report

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