Open a candy store. Advertising and promotion of the store. How much does it cost to open a candy store

Shops specializing in the sale of sweets and sweets are no different from other outlets. In order to create such a project, an entrepreneur needs to go through a standard registration procedure. The main feature of the direction under consideration is the issue related to the storage conditions of products. To store most of the assortment, the entrepreneur needs to purchase specialized refrigerators. This item of expenditure should be without fail included in financial model project being developed. Below, we propose to consider how to open a candy store from scratch and discuss the specifics of this direction.

In Russia, the food business is always profitable, as people will never stop craving food, especially sweets.

What sweets are more profitable to sell

To begin with, the future businessman must carefully study the chosen market sector. Visiting the stores of future competitors provides important insights. Before you start creating a business plan, you need to analyze in detail the pricing policy of other stores, the size of their product range, and even interior design outlets. Such actions will make it possible to identify manufacturers of sweet products that produce the most popular products. It is with these manufacturers that it is necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of goods.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs make several blunders when organizing such a business. According to experts, at the first stage of work it is necessary to carefully work out the following points:

  1. Poor assortment. After opening a store, an entrepreneur needs to attract as many customers as possible. The key to success in this direction is an assortment that meets the needs of each visitor.
  2. Crowded merchandise line. In every question it is very important to observe the measure. Candies, cookies and other sweet products have a limited shelf life. If the entrepreneur does not have time to sell all the products before the end of this period, then the goods will have to be disposed of, which will entail serious losses.

At the first stage of building a business, the product line should include no more than a hundred items. In order to correctly select the products that will be presented in the store, it is necessary to carefully study the choice of customers. That is why it is very important to comprehensively study the actions of competitors and their sales volumes. As practice shows, high consumer demand extends to truffles, caramel and sweets with fruit fudge. In addition to the above products, customers of sweet shops often purchase nutty soufflé and liquor-based chocolates.

You can dilute the product range thanks to gift sets. It can be both boxes with expensive chocolate and cookies. It is very important to include popular chocolate bars in the assortment. Also, according to experts, specialized products for diabetics or low-calorie products can be added to the product line. Such actions will allow you to reach an additional audience and attract new customers. At the first stages of project promotion, any experiments can negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise. It is necessary to introduce new positions in the product line with the utmost care. You should start trading in a little-known product only with minimal volumes.

Sweets are a common product in any city, however, than bigger city, the more demand

Registration of a trading business

As we noted above, this area is no different from other areas of commerce. In order to obtain a permit to conduct trade, an entrepreneur needs to contact the Federal Tax Service and register with the tax authorities. At this stage, you need to make a choice between one of two organizational forms. The creation of an IP allows the owner of a retail outlet to engage in the retail sale of cookies and sweets. However, when using this form, the entrepreneur is very limited in his activities. LLC owners can cooperate with major suppliers not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries.

At the same stage, the entrepreneur must choose one of the forms of taxation. Many business experts recommend using a common system. Its main advantage is the absence of strict requirements of control bodies, which is typical for special tax regimes. During the passage state registration the entrepreneur needs to carefully study all the norms of the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities. In case of non-compliance with state standards, the entrepreneur may not receive documents authorizing trade. Having fulfilled all the requirements of the control authorities, the entrepreneur needs to once again apply to the above authorities for permission to open a store.

One of milestones preparation is the execution of agreements with various municipal services . The presence of agreements on garbage collection and disinfection is a mandatory requirement of government agencies. In the hall where the trade will be conducted, a fire alarm must be installed. You also need to remember that every employee working in a grocery store must have a health passport.

How to open a candy store

Before opening a candy and cookie shop, the future business owner must go through many difficult stages. You need to understand that the speed of business development depends on the quality of preparation for the implementation of this project. As practice shows, projects in a similar format have high speed payback. The only explanation for this fact is the widespread demand for sweets. Before starting a business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully analyze the chosen area. The question of the profitability of the project being created deserves special attention. Many beginners often face the problem of lack of funds due to various errors in the calculation.

In the event of the development of such a situation, the entrepreneur needs to minimize costs, otherwise it will be necessary to attract borrowed investments. Before you go to investors or credit institutions, you need to think in advance about the methods of repaying financial obligations. According to experts, financial issues are of paramount importance. It is necessary to engage in the preparation of accounting reports long before the opening of the store.

Calculating the costs at each stage will allow you to timely adjust the trajectory of business development and gain full control over the current situation.

The priority is to sell only the highest quality, freshest sweets at the best price.

Room selection

The main criterion for selecting real estate is compliance with the chosen concept. Most newcomers in this segment start their journey with the organization of a small confectionery shop. For this project to be used in high demand among the consumer mass, you need to carefully consider the location of the outlet. As practice shows, the best choice will rent a room on the ground floor of an apartment building. Many experts recommend that beginners choose areas of new buildings. This step will minimize the risk of opening a store next to competitors.

Another best option is to rent square meters on the territory of a large shopping center. This choice will eliminate the need to obtain permits. In addition, placement on the territory of the shopping center guarantees the presence of large client traffic immediately after opening. However, before making a final choice, it is necessary to carefully analyze the level of competition in a particular location. Having similar outlets within a 500 meter radius can have an adverse effect on the store's profitability. It should also be understood that most potential customers will visit exactly competitors, thanks to their well-established image.

Many experts in this business recommend that beginners choose those properties that are located next to kindergartens, schools or large offices. Such placement guarantees high attendance. Another interesting option is to open a shop near the tea shop. The issue of choosing premises for an elite store requires more careful study. In this case, it is more expedient to choose the central city squares. It should also be remembered that in order to gain the attention of a potential audience, it will be necessary to focus on the quality of the products offered.

Shop equipment

When developing a business plan for a candy store, it is necessary to include in the financial model of the enterprise all the costs of arranging the rented premises. As practice shows, the purchase of commercial equipment takes the lion's share of the budget. Many businessmen save their money by renting necessary equipment. Many providers provide similar services. Another way to save on commercial equipment is to buy used units. However, in this case, the risk of getting faulty devices increases significantly.

In addition to standard retail racks and showcases, you will need to purchase specialized equipment. This category includes refrigerated display cases and freezers. The presence of these units will significantly increase the shelf life of goods presented in the store. also in this article expenses you need to pay the cost of purchasing and registration of cash registers. Soft drinks can be used as an addition to chocolate, cookies and sweets. Demand for the products presented in this product range increases significantly during the summer months. To store drinks, you will need to purchase a vertical refrigerator with a transparent door.

Opening a candy store is a pretty promising business idea.

Filling with assortment

Rich assortment - The best way grab the attention of potential customers. As we said above, small shops should offer their visitors at least a hundred product names. In order to form such a large product range, it will be necessary to cooperate with several suppliers. Many experts recommend that beginners enter into agreements with large retail chains. Such cooperation will allow obtaining products from famous brands. Interaction with small wholesalers allows you to get original products at the lowest cost. However, before ordering a large batch, you must independently evaluate the taste of the products offered.

At the time of opening the store, the product line should include no more than fifty different positions. At this stage, it is very important to adjust the assortment taking into account the desires of customers. Having formed the initial client base, the entrepreneur needs to carefully study the tastes of buyers. Determining the most popular products is the key to a successful enterprise. It is very important that the selected suppliers can provide both budget products and products targeted at customers with high solvency.


In the first months after opening a retail outlet, the business owner must independently stand behind the counter. This will allow you to learn all the pros and cons of the chosen direction in your own practice. Only after several months of work can one begin to select candidates for the role of sellers. To organize continuous work, it will be necessary to hire two employees who will work in shifts.

When selecting candidates for the position of salespeople, it is very important to pay attention to personal qualities applicants. It is very important to choose polite and attentive people who will help visitors to choose products that meet their desires. Since the job of a salesperson involves constant interaction with money, it is very important to choose honest and responsible people.

Advertising and store promotion

The line of business under consideration does not require large expenditures on marketing and advertising. The main method of attracting customers is a sign above the store. AT store sign must be made in accordance with the style used in the design trading floor. You can interest potential customers by arranging a small tasting of new products. Another effective marketing method is the pre-holiday sale. Each customer visiting the store must remain confident that it is here that he will receive the greatest benefit.

You can attract customers at the very first stage of work with the help of unusual ideas. Creating gift sets and "edible bouquets" greatly increases the interest of potential customers. It is very important to correctly calculate the cost of such products. Residents of residential areas are unlikely to be able to afford to purchase a "bouquet" of elite sweets. At a certain stage of work, the need for advertising campaign disappears completely. In this case, the level of store attendance will depend solely on the quality of the goods offered.

To register a business for the maintenance of a candy store, one of two forms of ownership is suitable

Initial Costs

Two hundred thousand rubles are enough to open a small outlet. The main part of the budget is allocated for rent and purchase of specialized equipment. The average monthly cost of renting an area sufficient to accommodate a candy store varies from twenty to thirty thousand rubles. The purchase of commercial equipment will take about half of the budget.

The next major cost item is the salaries of employees. The salary of one seller should include a salary (from fifteen to twenty thousand) and an allowance in the form of a percentage of the total revenue. It is necessary to include the costs of paying for services in the item of initial expenses. utilities and tax payments. The value of this article is about ten thousand per month.

Business Profitability

According to analysts, the sale of sweets is a highly profitable project. They note that consumer demand is increasing significantly in pre-holiday days. However, there are times when sales volumes drop to almost zero. Generally, chocolate and candies are less in demand during the summer months. At this time, you need to enter into the assortment different kinds ice cream and soft drinks.

The business plan for a candy and cookie shop should be based on project profitability calculations. For achievement financial well-being you will need to reach a sales volume equal to 200-300 transactions. Usually, average cost a check is about a hundred rubles. This means that the amount of daily revenue must be at least twenty thousand. Achieving this indicator guarantees a quick return on investment.

Conclusions (+ video)

The considered commercial direction is one of the promising options for beginners. Drawing up a step-by-step strategy for developing your own business guarantees the achievement of your goals. When drawing up a business plan, it is very important to think in advance about how to attract customers and the pricing policy that the store will adhere to. This step will allow you to determine the target audience and learn about the desires potential buyers.

In contact with

Having decided to open a business, and not knowing which field of activity to choose. It is worth considering the option of a confectionery pavilion. After all, the idea of ​​how to open your own Candy store from scratch is a good option. Trade in sweets is a profitable business. This product is in constant demand.

How to open a candy store

What will it take to open a store selling sweets from scratch. It is worth looking into this in more detail.

Activity planning

Any business, including the sale of sweets and cookies, should start with market research and planning. Before you open your store, you should go through outlets engaged in the same activity in order to familiarize yourself with the methods of decorating the premises, pricing policy, an assortment of sweets and other products from competitors. You can talk with sellers to find out what products are popular. Such information will help to cope with the selection of a confectionery assortment from scratch.

The next stage is the establishment of a circle of potential consumers. Sell ​​exclusive luxury sweets (for wealthy clients) or sell sweets, cookies and other confectionery products at affordable prices. The second option is easier and less expensive. To open a business from scratch, you should find suppliers that manufacture high-quality inexpensive products.

Before the store is open, it is important to form an assortment of goods from scratch. The easiest way is trading standard set sweets and other sweets. In order for the confectionery business to develop successfully, it is better to choose products that compare favorably with their novelty from those sold by competitors. In standard stores selling sweets and other confectionery products, the assortment includes at least 80 types of goods (waffles, sweets, gingerbread, cookies, marshmallows, nuts, etc.). In addition, you can sell drinks and ice cream.

It is important, having compiled an assortment once, not to stop there. For effective development the confectionery business needs to regularly review the types of products sold. And change one type of product to another, depending on demand.

You need to think about where and how to open a candy store at no extra cost. In the case when the sweet business is focused on wealthy customers, preference should be given to prestigious areas of the city. For example, near offices. If it is supposed to serve ordinary citizens, then it is better to open a store close to markets, kindergartens, schools and pavilions with goods for children. You should not open a pastry shop next to other outlets selling similar products.

Before the store is opened, it will not hurt to draw up a business plan, taking into account the necessary investments in order to open a business from scratch. The cost of expenses is: the cost of renting premises, equipment for the store, goods; wage for employees, advertising costs, funds required for registration. And only after making the calculations, you can open a confectionery business.

Moving from planning to action

To open a store selling sweets, the best organizational form will be IP. This will not require special licenses and permits. In addition, you need to ask about the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Service, SES and others. government organizations necessary to open such a store from scratch.

At this stage, you need to start looking for a room. Considering that there will be a wide range of candies and other sweets for sale, it is important to choose a size that will best accommodate the goods. In other words, a candy store doesn't have to be tiny. Buyers should be able to view all products. The optimal size for a confectionery shop is an area of ​​​​at least 30 square meters. m. In addition, it is important to have plumbing, sewerage, electricity, ventilation and storage.

To open a store, expensive repairs are not needed. As a finish, paint the walls in a neutral color. When choosing materials for the floor, it is better to give preference to those that are easier to wet cleaning. Do not forget about high-quality lighting so that in the evening you can clearly see the goods sold in the store.

Before you open a candy store, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment:

  • showcases;
  • racks;
  • cash machine;
  • shelves;
  • air conditioner;
  • scales;
  • counter;
  • refrigerators for drinks;
  • freezers (when selling ice cream);
  • chairs.

Recruitment of staff in a store selling cookies and sweets is not a big problem. The main thing is that employees have a medical book.

Sellers must meet the following requirements: goodwill, attentiveness, people skills.

In addition, you will need a cleaner and a loader. You can't hire an accountant. You can do this work yourself or conclude an agreement with a private specialist.

Accounting for goods and promotion

Difficulties in taking into account the confectionery product arise due to its diversity, due to the difference in units of measurement (pieces, kg). To facilitate the task, programs are being released to automate the process. When the store is open, it is better to conduct weekly reconciliations, personally taking part in them. This will help to change the types of candies and other sweet products, depending on the demand for them.

In order for the confectionery business to quickly pay off, become profitable, it needs to be promoted. When selling sweets and cookies, it is better to target advertising to those living nearby. Preference should be given to leaflets, attractive design of shop windows and signs, bright billboards, booklets and business cards, the Internet. Discounts and promotions can help to attract customers.

Despite the fact that the confectionery business is a very troublesome business, requiring financial investments, it is worth opening such a store. The funds invested in it will pay off in 9-10 months. The demand for such products will always be high. The owner of the confectionery shop will be provided with stable income. Of course, with proper planning and following the recommendations mentioned earlier.

How to open a trade in a confectionery store from scratch?

Trade in food products has always been profitable and popular. The sale of sweets and biscuits is no exception to the rule, and with the skillful organization of a business, it can bring good profits. You need to take into account some peculiar features of this enterprise in order to understand how to open your own candy store from scratch, providing a good income.

Registration and registration

Like many types entrepreneurial activity, the sale of sweets requires the execution of special documents. To legalize this business, you can register as individual entrepreneur or open a society with limited liability. For inexperienced entrepreneurs, it will be easier and easier to issue an IP.

To open a store from scratch, you need to get a taxpayer certificate. You can use unified system taxation, but you can choose a simplified one.

In addition, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor will be sure to check the confectionery business before it starts working. For the audit to be successful, certain conditions must be met:

  • it is forbidden to bring water to the store, the building must have high-quality cold and hot water;
  • it is forbidden to supply products from the yard side;
  • a sewer and water supply system must be connected to the store;
  • the marking of knives and boards for cooking must correspond to the products intended for them;
  • it is important to comply with the standards of storage and warehousing of confectionery products, as well as their expiration dates;
  • All food must be certified and safe.

It is very important that all these requirements are met at all times.

Room selection

When considering how to establish a candy store, you must immediately decide on the premises in which it will be located. Usually they choose crowded places, with the greatest traffic. For example, near the market, shopping center or school. The main thing is that there is not a large complex with similar goods nearby. No store can withstand such competition. You can establish a point in a residential area where there is a shortage of this category of products.

The pricing policy of the confectionery is very important. If the products are expensive and designed for wealthy customers, then it is better to establish a store from scratch in the central part of the city, near the offices.

To open a shop with a small cafe, 80 m2 is enough. It is necessary to provide showcases, counters, a cash desk, as well as a warehouse. Repairs in it may be modest, but it is important that the inside of the pastry shop is always clean and tidy.

Product range

Before you open a confectionery business, you need to decide on reliable suppliers by concluding an agreement with them. It will be necessary to allocate about 500 thousand rubles per month for the purchase of sweets. Approximate range of confectionery products:

  • juices, coffee, tea;
  • ice cream;
  • several types of sweets and chocolate;
  • pies, pies, buns;
  • various cookies;
  • cakes, gingerbread, cakes;
  • mints and other confectionery products.

For starters, 70 items of goods will be enough. It is very important to regularly update the assortment of sweets, cookies and their quality. You can purchase a convenient program for accounting for products that are produced individually or by weight.

Additional terms


The number of employees serving the candy store will directly depend on its size.

Steps to Opening a Candy Store

The staff must necessarily include an accountant, sales manager, director, as well as working staff. All people must have health books and periodically undergo medical examinations.


Confectionery business from scratch involves the purchase of high-quality equipment. To set up a business, you will need an approximate set:

  • computers;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • counters, showcases, racks;
  • refrigerators;
  • furniture for shops and cafes;
  • crockery and other products.

To save money, many items can be rented.


If you are thinking about how to establish a confectionery store and not lose investments, then be sure to include advertising costs in the business plan of the enterprise. It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail: to come up with beautiful sign, advertise in the media, as well as order printed products.

Profit assessment and profitability

The list of expenses includes the following items:

  • purchase or lease of a building in which the store will be located;
  • purchase of necessary equipment and other goods;
  • wages of working personnel;
  • purchase of confectionery products: sweets, cookies, chocolate;
  • advertising expenses;
  • paperwork and business registration.

To increase profits over time, you can open several outlets with confectionery products.

In order to establish a confectionery store from scratch, on average, it will cost about twenty thousand dollars. The profit will be about five thousand. Income is not too high, but stable and constant. Confectionery at all times are very popular.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to open such a business from scratch without difficulties. It requires large material investments and delivers a lot of trouble. Typically, financial expenses pay off in about ten months, subject to all necessary conditions: convenient location, variety of sweets, affordable prices for confectionery products and impeccable quality goods.

The “sweet” business also provides other options: you can open a small department in a large supermarket or small stalls with ice cream, sweets, or make semi-finished products.

This business is not easy and it is undesirable to trust it to strangers. But in some cases, buying a ready-made business is more profitable than starting from scratch.

The business of selling sweets is very promising, especially when the entrepreneur offers customers fresh and high-quality goods, as well as a large assortment of sweets. Exist in confectionery business their subtleties and difficulties, as well as the prospects for this "sweet" business ...

How to start your business? Find a place in a shopping center or in an ordinary market, then buy or make your own shelves where boxes of sweets and scales will be placed. Then negotiate with wholesalers about taking the goods for sale - and that's it, you can earn.

By the end of the month, the goods and rent will pay off trading place with a good profit. The main thing is to find a crowded place where you can win regular customers.

For those who like to try new things, show and offer new things, and for conservatives, always ask: “Are you as usual?”

Usually the difficulties are associated with pressure from tax office and administrative institutions. But the sweet will be enough for all relatives!

Selling sweets is a seasonal job, since in summer the income is usually minimal and there is practically no trade, there are few customers. Mostly in the summer they buy fruits and water. But on New Year's, spring holidays, at Easter, sweets are sold out quickly.

Business idea No. 947: how to make money selling sweets? Ideas for business here:

All people love sweets. And sometimes it happens that going for candy is the most enjoyable thing of the day.

Opening a shop selling sweets

By trading sweets, you can give joy to all your customers, and also make good money!

Profits in the candy business depend on various factors. Day of the week, the presence of a weekend or holiday (Saturday and Sunday are the days of the sweet tooth). Much depends on the seller, how he presents the goods to buyers. Weather conditions also affect the number of customers.

Do not forget the main rule - the customer is always right. When buying, always take everything fresh, check and open the boxes. It is better to go for goods twice a day. Try to change the assortment of products at least occasionally. If you notice that the product has deteriorated a little, in no case do not give it for sale, throw it away immediately.

I wish you success in your "sweet" business, patience and more customers ...

We all love sweets, therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a company that would sell sweets and other chocolate products is very profitable, at least there will always be potential clients. But, in every medal, as they say, there is back side, because such a business also has its own competition, and not everyone can handle such an idea. Let's look at where to start if the creation of such a company is the only and most suitable option for you. By the way, it is quite possible that you will miss Money that you have prepared to start a business, fortunately, now there are many companies involved in loans. Take, for example, "Money Fanny" and IC "Swiss-Garant" signed an agreement that significantly increases the reliability when using the services of the aforementioned company, and this, in turn, allows you not to worry about guarantees, which ultimately helps start-up entrepreneurs a lot.

Where to get products?

As in any trading business, you need to have good suppliers who are able to provide a stock of products for trade. Also, such suppliers must meet two mandatory requirements: relatively low cost, and high quality. In addition, you need to decide what type of sweets you will work with, in total, the most popular ones can be distinguished, including:

  • Candies. In this case, chocolate, jelly, caramel and so on are meant;
  • Chocolates.

    Selling sweets as a business. How to open a candy store from scratch?

    This area includes not only bar chocolates, but also various bars;

  • Candies in boxes. Mostly this type of candy is purchased as a gift, so you need to make sure that your store has them in different price categories;
  • Bulk products. Perhaps the most popular type of sweet, because in this case the buyer can buy waffles, cakes, cookies, etc. in any volume;
  • Yoghurts, ice cream. Ice cream is most popular during the warm season, for this reason it is advisable to sell it only at this time as a way to generate additional income;
  • Beverages. Sweet drinks are also quite common in the respective stores, but most often they mean juices, sweet water, oxygen cocktails, fresh juices, etc.

Required Equipment

Of course, the success of such a business depends not only on the quantity or quality of products, because all this must also be harmoniously located in the store, and if long-term storage is implied, then appropriate equipment cannot be dispensed with. In total, we can distinguish such devices that are almost mandatory in every candy store:

  • counters that have special compartments for products;
  • stands where, in fact, sweets will be located;
  • you will also need juicers for making fresh juices;
  • this list also includes equipment for the preparation of milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • if you are selling yogurt or ice cream, you will also need special refrigerators;
  • when trading by weight, you can not do without scales;
  • in conclusion, you need to purchase a cash register.


To summarize such an enterprise, without any problems, the income from a small shop will exceed the expenses. But in any case, you should adhere to certain rules of advertising and marketing, without knowledgeable leader business will not be profitable.

How can you make money on sweets

They earn money at home in different ways: they do needlework, draw pictures, make soap, make sweets, baked goods and much more.

How to make money on sweets

Sweets are made not only in industrial scale but also at home. As a rule, preservatives and other additives are not added to them, because they are highly valued for their naturalness.

Surely you, like many other future entrepreneurs who plan to do some kind of business related to trade, love sweets. When the question arises - what to sell in the future store, sweets and confectionery - good enough and promising idea. Despite the difficulties associated with this type of commodity, it is quite likely to receive a high and stable income in such a very pleasant sweet business. In this article, we will talk about how to open a candy store, about the key nuances that a novice entrepreneur needs to consider, and what determines the profitability of a candy store and the prospects for such a business.

What is a modern candy store?

So, let's start with the fact that a candy store is a retail outlet that specializes in the sale of sweets, cookies, cakes, marmalade, caramel, smoothies, ice cream and other sweet foods.

The number of sweet shops has been steadily growing in recent years. There are objective reasons for this. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the backdrop of the until recently growth in the population's purchasing power. Secondly, to open a candy store, you do not need any special knowledge and financial capabilities of an entrepreneur.

Profitability of a candy store

Engaging in confectionery is undoubtedly cost-effective. According to entrepreneurs who have been engaged in such a sweet business for quite a long time, if at the start you invest about 7,000 euros in a sweet shop, then the payback period for this business will average from 7 to 12 months, depending on the flow of customers.

Especially good profit can be obtained on holidays and pre-holiday days. But, it should be remembered that there are days when there are practically no people. For example, it often happens in the summer. Then ice cream and soft drinks will bring you income.

Lviv chocolate workshop - an example of a sweet shop

Estimated cost of opening a candy store

It is realistic to open a candy store today, even having about 60 thousand UAH. If you are renting a shop space, then most of the money will have to be spent on a rental fee. Rent 1 sq.m. — from 100 UAH. up to 160 UAH it average price across Ukraine. So, 50 sq.m. will cost about 5000 - 6000 UAH. per month. Be prepared for the landlord to demand an advance payment for 3-6 months. This is how you can agree.

Other estimated costs:

  • Electricity costs - approximately UAH 1100;
  • Salary of a salesperson and an accountant (if you cannot do bookkeeping on your own) — UAH 4,000;
  • Signboard — 1700 UAH;
  • Equipment - approximately 25 - 30 thousand UAH;
  • Taxes (on a simplified system) - from 700 UAH. per month;
  • Consumables ( disposable tableware, napkins, detergents etc.) — 200 UAH;
  • Garbage cans — 400 UAH;
  • Cosmetic repair - 7 - 9 thousand UAH.

A variety of original offers will attract potential visitors

Setting up a candy store

In order to open a store, you need to register as individual businessman or entity. The registration process is quite simple and anyone can handle it. You just need to go to the city administration, find a branch of the state registration service there, or submit documents in a single window. There you will also be given an invoice on which you need to pay for registration (no more than 100 UAH), go to the bank and pay. Bring the payment receipt and hand it over to the state registrar.

After submitting the documents, you will be told when you can get an extract from the Unified State Register.

You can apply for registration only at your place of residence, even if the store is located elsewhere. Otherwise, you will not be registered.

After you receive an extract, you will need to decide on which taxation system you want to work - general or single tax. It is less profitable to work on a common system, since there is much more hassle with documentation and reporting and taxes are higher than on a simplified system.

You also need to get a work permit from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and firefighters. In theory, this is easy and fast, in practice it can be different. It is better to have free funds just in case to quickly resolve possible inconsistencies with their requirements.

How to choose a place and premises for a candy store?

First of all, it is not advisable to open a pastry shop near large supermarkets, since your assortment will be almost the same, but their prices for a number of goods may be lower.

If you decide to sell goods to a middle-class customer, it is better to locate the store near major stops and densely populated residential areas.

The main thing is that the flow of customers is large and the store is located on the way to a bus stop or somewhere else, for example, to a school or kindergarten, then a person, as it were, bumps into it. And then, the smell of sweet subconsciously makes you go to the confectionery.

The area of ​​the store should be sufficient to accommodate racks, showcases, refrigerators, and a counter. The optimal area is 50 square meters. If there are less than 40, the equipment will take up a lot of space and buyers will simply have nowhere to stand during peak hours.

There are shops that have tables for visitors, like mini-cafes. Many visitors like that they can take a cup of aromatic coffee, order a cake and eat on the spot. Then it is worth considering that another 10-13 square meters will have to be thrown on the tables with chairs.

The premises can be quite simple, intricate interiors will not increase sales. The main thing is cleanliness, good lighting, the smell of freshness and sweets, which, by the way, can be obtained with the help of special room fragrance sprays.

A good option for the location of a sweet shop is shopping and entertainment complexes. The ideal store format in such places is an "island" of 10-15 square meters. A big plus of indoor placement is year-round operation and the absence of seasonal influence. AT winter period time, marmalade and caramel are sold well, in summer time- ice cream and cocktails. December and January are generally considered the most profitable months.

A good choice of location for a candy store is the key to success

What equipment is needed for a candy store?

To place sweets, you need wall and corner racks (6-9 sections). There are special metal confectionery racks, which are distinguished by a stable design, the presence of several sections for sweets on each shelf, the ability to install a mirror at the top of the rack.

The cost of one section (without mirror elements) is approximately 1400 UAH. These racks can be equipped with two inclined shelves with barriers to place chocolates and sweets in boxes on them (add another 230 UAH to the cost of the rack).

We also need trade counters or showcases for cookies and chocolate, as well as a counter for the seller. They are made most often from chipboard and cost an average of 500 to 1000 UAH. per piece

You will also need a refrigerated confectionery showcase with temperature regime from 0 to + 10 degrees (1-2 pcs.). In accordance with the requirements for the storage of cakes and pastries, the optimum temperature should be from +1 to +8 degrees Celsius. Such a showcase will be needed to display cakes and pastries. It costs an average of 10 thousand UAH. By the way, when choosing, pay attention to the width of the display to fit more goods, and to energy consumption in order to reduce costs. And take it with curved glass - so the review will be better and appearance windows are neater.

Of course, you can't do without a refrigerated display cabinet for storing cakes. It can be one or two doors, the average cost of this is from 5 to 10 thousand UAH.

Since the goods are mainly by weight, it is quite logical to come in handy and electronic weight. It comes with and without check printing. Cost 800 - 1100 UAH. ordinary, but the weight of electronic with check printing is already from 8 thousand UAH.

Tables and chairs - 500 - 800 UAH / piece. The main requirements: stability, practicality, should be easily cleaned of dirt.

Candy shop staff

At first, it will be enough to work on your own. This is desirable, not at all because you can save on staff, but because it is desirable to understand all the subtleties of this business yourself.

You will need to decide on the assortment, find out when the peak hours will be, and so on.

In the future, it is not difficult to find a seller, in our time it is enough to go online or buy a newspaper. It is more difficult to teach him how to work with customers so that they return to your store. You understand that to run a successful business, it’s not enough to let go of what they tell you. You also need to be able to offer the goods that will go bad in three or four days, otherwise you will lose money.

A person selling sweets should radiate joy and warmth, and not look at people entering as if they owe something. And also, it is very good to navigate the assortment, be decent, treat children well and love cleanliness.

The variety of assortment in sweets stores is another guarantee of a successful business.

Assortment of confectionery shop sweets

The choice of assortment directly depends on the city or district in which your store is located, or rather, on the solvency of potential buyers. For example, if the area is prestigious, with many banks, offices, boutiques, then you should focus on exclusive products.

If this is a residential area, where, besides you, there are also confectioneries, it is optimal to bet on the middle price segment, show the breadth of the assortment, and periodically come up with promotions and discounts. Only in this way you will be able to "lure" customers from neighboring stores to you.

It is desirable to form an assortment based on the wishes of customers. To do this, at first, you just need to actively monitor the preferences of customers and clearly understand that you need to constantly monitor the assortment. It is not enough to define the items that are bought once, as this is done in the sales of other goods.

Confectionery products have one feature - they become boring, and therefore you will have to control the assortment and constantly introduce new positions. People love to try new and different things, and that's something to be reckoned with.

The assortment of an average candy store may look like this:

  • Approximately 80 types of chocolates;
  • Caramels - about 30 types;
  • Chocolates in boxes - from 30 types;
  • All sorts of marshmallows;
  • Somewhere around 30-40 types of cookies and chocolate;
  • Showcase with oriental sweets, nuts and dried fruits.

Sodas, ice cream, sweet water, coffee and tea may also be on sale. You can also include in the assortment and bakery products. Someone will come in for bread and leave, and someone will buy chocolate, cake or sweets besides bread.

The markup on goods can be set based on the prices of competitors, approximately in this business it is 20-35% for almost everything. Perishable goods (cakes and pastries) can be discounted by 50%.

Cakes and pastries can be ordered from local confectionery manufacturers. This will make it possible to always have fresh goods, as well as simplify delivery issues.


Therefore, who wants to open their own business, no matter if it is confectionery or other goods, you should always try to do something new, creative and unusual. In the case of a candy store, look for your "chip", love your job and you will succeed. Good luck and may everything work out exactly as you planned!

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Owning a business related to sweets is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. In this high-calorie compilation, you will find 20 sweet tooth business ideas and guides to start these businesses.

The hobby of baking cakes can grow not only into an additional source of income, but also into your own. small business. To start such a business in the “homemade cakes to order” format, even with the complete absence of cooking equipment, 30 thousand rubles will be enough. However, today you will hardly surprise anyone with simple “Napoleons”, so you need to think carefully about the ideas for decorating cakes.

Pies have become an actual trend in public catering. This niche attracts with rather low competition and simple technological process baking pies. To open a cafe-pie shop for 36 people, 1.24 million rubles will be required, which will pay off for 7 months of work.

A yogurt bar is a small island format point in a shopping center that sells frozen yogurt with various fillings. To open such an island on an area of ​​​​4-6 square meters. meters will require about 655 thousand rubles. The net profit of a yogurt bar per month can be about 100 thousand rubles. The menu can be supplemented with sandwiches and drinks.

To open your own smoothie bar in the format of an island of 5-6 sq. meters in the shopping center will require about 465 thousand rubles. and he will be able to bring about 80-100 thousand rubles. per month. The advantages of smoothie bars include a relatively free niche, small investments, the simplicity of the technology for preparing drinks and the fashion for smoothies. The profitability of smoothie bars reaches 80%.

mini bakery

The bakery is one of the most popular small business destinations. You sell a product of daily demand, investments in opening are small, and if consumer tastes change, you can instantly adapt to new trends. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can be paid back within 7 months of work.

Selling ice cream is a business that today can be regarded not only as an option for seasonal earnings, but also as a permanent business. Opening in the format of stationary off-season franchise outlets is offered by large retail chains. There are many business formats - a full-fledged store, a counter, a counter or an island in a shopping center, a trolley, a microvan, and even ... a boutique.

A cafe-confectionery is a classic “sweet” business that is possible in various formats and scales. To open your own 100 sq. meters with a guest hall for 20 seats will require 1.9 million rubles. The institution will be able to bring about 800 thousand rubles a month, of which the net profit will be 175 thousand rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Pancakes are a product that is easy to prepare, but extremely promising in its capabilities. You can fill the pancake with anything, and this leaves a wide scope for culinary creativity. Your business selling pancakes is attractive with low investment in equipment and the ability to set a markup of up to 300%. To open a pancake cafe on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 1.25 million rubles.

Such a product as cotton candy has an extremely appetizing margin - more than 4000%. If you sell it in a set with freshly squeezed juices and snacks, you can make a highly profitable business project. The most successful tactic will be opening several outlets for the sale cotton candy in popular city parks.

Wafers of unusual varieties and types are a trend in the catering business. These are Hong Kong pimply waffles with fillings, and well-known, but “pumped” Belgian waffles on domestic soil, decorated on top with cream, fruit, ice cream, yogurt and all kinds of toppings and much more. Basically, waffle startups “storm” shopping centers with their islands. The business entry threshold is 350,000 rubles.

A donut shop is a great option for a mini cafeteria or mall food court department. The margin on these products without much damage to demand can reach 1000%. The technology for baking donuts is quite simple, and there are many both manual units and automated systems that can improve performance.

Caramel fruits on sticks are sweets that are popular abroad, frequenters of festive and city fairs. The most common delicacies include caramelized apples and chocolate-covered bananas, but in principle, the scope for imagination in this business is not limited. An apparatus for caramelization costs from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and 70 thousand rubles will be enough to start in the format of a seasonal street point.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Chocolate is a great way to earn money not only for large entrepreneurs, but also for beginner chocolatiers who are ready to offer the buyer an exclusive handmade product. The technology of handmade chocolate production can be mastered by video recordings of master classes on YouTube. You can also open a figured chocolate shop that only sells finished products. Opening such a store will require about 400 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 80-200 thousand rubles.

Peanut butter is one of the symbols of America and at the same time a completely free niche on Russian market. The advantages of such a business can be called the simplicity of production technology, and the disadvantage is the weak “recognition” of the product, which will require the entrepreneur to actively promote the product at city fairs and constantly go out “to the people”.

Oriental sweets that have become traditional, such as baklava, halva, kyata, shaker, are made by many confectioneries and are often found in grocery stores, but the sweet riches of the East are far from being exhausted on these products. An attractive format for a business in which you definitely will not have competitors will be the opening of a specialized confectionery store for oriental sweets.

Read the guide to the production of oriental sweets

The most popular format for the sale of marmalade is a shopping island in a shopping center with an area of ​​​​up to 5 square meters. meters, selling marmalade by weight. The cost of opening such a point, taking into account shop windows and equipment, will be no more than 400 thousand rubles. The margin on these delicacies is about 100%. Opening your own production of marmalade with a minimum production volume will require from 1 million rubles.

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How to open a candy store? What are the key nuances to keep in mind for aspiring entrepreneurs? What determines the profitability of the outlet and business prospects?

Sweet shop: nuances

How to open a store selling sweet products? By and large, this procedure is no different from the process of starting any other type of food retail business. The only important nuance is the storage conditions of the goods.

Some types of sweets (chocolate or, for example, jam) may require the purchase of special types of refrigerators. Therefore, the business plan of a candy store in some cases should include an expense item for the purchase of special types of equipment for food storage.

People buy sweets, cakes and cookies to treat themselves or to create a positive atmosphere at the table at home. Therefore, a store that sells sweets should be in the spirit of positive emotions.

The effect can be achieved, for example, through a bright, positive interior with original drawings. Buyers, buying goodies at a point of sale that knows how to inspire good mood, remember such places well and come back here with joy.

Location Factor

It is very important to correctly locate the candy store. The business plan of this establishment should include a small analytical report on the area where the outlet will be located. Some marketers believe that a candy store is best opened near markets, amusement parks, shopping malls or entertainment centers. As an alternative - accommodation in an area built up with high-rise buildings of the "sleeping" type. In general, you need to open a store where there is a lot of customer traffic.

However, in addition to this rule, which is typical for most types of business, there is another factor that stands apart, and it is specific to the sale of sweets: the target audience of buyers must live in the area where the outlet is located. It is unlikely that high sales of cookies and sweets will be observed in the industrial districts of the city. In turn, areas where there are many schools, nightclubs, kindergartens are optimal for such a business.

scale factor

The business plan for a candy store will include such a parameter as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store. There are a few marketing strategies regarding him. First, you can open a store small area and bear the minimum cost of maintaining it.

In this case, the profit will be relatively small due to small sales volumes. Secondly, you can open a store with large resources in terms of area, with a varied assortment, and get a lot of revenue, however, the costs of maintaining such an outlet will be high.

The entrepreneur, therefore, will have to look for a "golden mean": either he has a large profit at rather big costs, or he has a modest profit at minimal costs. It is necessary to look at what the net “profit” will be in both cases and, based on this, select the optimal strategy. Some marketers believe that when choosing a format for doing business in large scale, that is, when choosing option number two, there are more chances to withstand competition.

Recipes from the East

In some cases, a candy store may contain own production goods sold. In one of the rooms in this case there is a full-fledged confectionary shop. In recent years, sweets of oriental origin have become popular in Russia. Take, for example, Turkish delight: this Turkic dish does not require scarce ingredients, and at the same time, many gourmets like it.

The production of most types of oriental sweets is a fairly simple process, since in the countries of origin of these dishes, recipes have existed for several centuries and have not changed with the advent of any technology.

Accordingly, you can cook them almost at home (and this is especially good for those entrepreneurs who have chosen strategy number one - work with a modest scale of the outlet). To prepare the same Turkish Delight, all you need is water, starch, sugar, as well as something for taste (jam, syrup or freshly squeezed juice), as an addition - nuts.

Starting a business

Having drawn up a business plan for a candy store, the entrepreneur proceeds to the stage of its practical implementation. There are several key points here. First, it is the relationship with product suppliers. It is necessary to analyze how rational it will be for the business to choose a particular candy or confectionery factory.

Secondly, it is the inflationary component in relation to expenditures. We need to make sure that, say, the increase in rental prices either does not happen at all, or goes at a predictable pace. The same is true for staff salaries. In Russia, the level of remuneration of employees in the retail segment (in the same way as in the field of baking, confectionery) has not yet reached its ceiling, and it will inevitably increase over the course of several years.

Thirdly, it is necessary to optimize the process of reporting to the tax authorities and other government agencies so that paperwork does not interfere with the core business and does not take time. A business plan for a candy store often does not include these three factors, and the entrepreneur has to learn the nuances of work in the course of practice.