Article in Plasma Physics. Plasma Physics = Plasma physics reports: journal. Archive of scientific articles from the journal "Physics of Plasma"


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Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House "Nauka" represented by Acting Director Korotkov Dmitry Pavlovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "Publisher", on the one hand, and the Internet user, hereinafter referred to as "User", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement")

The contract, in accordance with Article 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is public offer(offer) to an unlimited number of persons, Internet users.

In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the Agreement is the confirmation by the User of his consent to the terms of the Agreement or the implementation of a voluntary payment by him.

1. Terms used in the Agreement

1.1. User - an Internet user who has accepted the terms of the Agreement and is registered on the Publishing House Website.

1.2. Works (Content) - electronic versions scientific publications, including periodicals and non-periodicals presented in in electronic format on the Internet in various formats, posted on the Publishing House Website, available to Users through the Publishing House Website.

1.3.Catalog - a collection of Works.

1.4.Login and Password - two unique sets of characters that identify the User.

1.5. Website "Publishing house" - information resource on the Internet, owned by the "Publishing House", located on the domain

1.6.Download - recording by the User of the Works in the computer memory.

1.7.Billing - payment accounting system.

1.8.Account User - Authentication and personal data of the User stored on the servers of the Publishing House Site. An account is created as a result of the User's registration procedure and may be required in order to use some of the features or certain functions of the Site.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The "Publishing House" provides the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Works presented in the Catalog on a paid basis. The "Publisher" may provide the User with other services on the terms of the Annexes to the Agreement.

2.2. The User can issue and pay for a preliminary annual (partial annual) subscription to the ability to view, read and download electronic versions of the Works, as well as a preliminary subscription to the ability to receive a collection of Works that are not placed in the Catalog at the time of registration and payment.

3. Obligations of the parties

3.1. Responsibilities of the "Publishing House":

3.1.1. Provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work no later than 24 hours from the moment Billing confirms the payment made and identifies the User as the payer of the payment made. In the case of registration and payment by the User of a preliminary subscription in accordance with clause 2.2. of the Agreement, provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Works no later than 24 hours from the moment they are placed in the Catalog, subject to confirmation by the Billing of the earlier payment and identification of the User as the payer of the payment made.

3.1.2. Do not disclose to third parties Login and Password, address Email User, as well as other information received from the User during registration.

3.1.3. Notify the User about changes in the terms of the Agreement and its Annexes by posting relevant information on the Publishing House Website at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the changes take effect.

3.2. Obligations of the User:

3.2.1. Register on the Publishing House website. Set a Login and Password, the uniqueness of which is confirmed by the "Publishing House". At the same time, strictly and strictly follow the instructions of the Publishing House on the registration procedure posted on the Publishing House Website.

3.2.2. Make payment for the opportunity to view, read and download the Works in accordance with clause 4 of the Agreement.

3.2.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the Login and Password provided during registration.

3.2.4. Use the downloaded Works solely for personal purposes.

In this case, the User is granted the following rights to use the Works:

  • carry out remote access on the Internet through the Publishing House Website to the Works, which means the ability to search, view, download and read the Works.
  • to quote in the original and in translation for scientific, research, polemical, critical and informational purposes excerpts of the Works to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting,
  • use separate parts of the Works from them as illustrations in publications, in radio and television programs, sound and video recordings of an educational nature to the extent justified by the goal;
  • the use of the Works (their constituent parts) under this Agreement is carried out with the obligatory indication of the name of the authors (co-authors) of the Works (their constituent parts), the name of the copyright holder of the Works specified in the Work.

3.2.5. The user does not have the right to:

  • transfer or distribute the downloaded Works to third parties, either in full or in part, except as provided in clause 3.2.4. Agreement;
  • communicate publicly the Works, both in full and in part, through well-known broadcasting channels, such as radio, television, etc., except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2.4. Agreement;
  • alter, modify or otherwise process the texts of the Works.
  • use other software tools for automatic search and download, except for those implemented on the Publishing House Website

Failure to comply with the requirements of clause 3.2.5. The agreement is a violation of copyright law and is punishable by law!

3.2.6. All information posted on the Publishing House Website on the procedure for using the Catalogue, the payment procedure and other features of the execution of the Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and is binding on the User.

4. Terms of payment

4.1. The User makes an advance payment in Russian rubles on the terms specified on the Publishing House Website.

4.2. Payment methods are indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. The agreed payment method is the method chosen by the User from the available payment methods on the Publishing House Website.

4.3. Payment procedure using bank cards listed on the Site in the Payment Methods section. Transactions using bank cards can be made exclusively by the cardholder. Bank card transactions are authorized by the bank. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the Yandex.Checkout electronic payment provider or another electronic payment provider. The "Publisher" does not process, including the collection and storage of Users' bank card data.

4.4. For Users who are legal entities payment is available only by bank transfer bank transfer from the User's settlement account to the settlement account of the Publishing House.

4.5. The price of providing the opportunity to the User is to an individual to view, read and download the Works is indicated on the Publishing House Website in the relevant sections. For users who are legal entities, prices are sent by the "Publishing House" upon request through the agreed communication channels. The "Publishing House" has the right to unilaterally change the current prices by posting relevant information on the "Publishing House" Website or informing Users in other ways. accessible way. Any change in prices does not apply to already paid access.

5. Responsibility of the parties. Limitation of Liability of the Publisher.

5.1. The user assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the Catalog.

5.2. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of the Login and Password.

5.3. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of the information transmitted by the "Publishing House" to the e-mail address specified by the User during registration.

5.4. The "Publisher" is not responsible for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Catalog.

5.5. The "Publisher" is not responsible for the quality of access to the Catalog via the Internet.

5.6. Under no circumstances is the Publishing House liable for the use by third parties of the Login and Password.

5.7. "Publisher" is not responsible for direct or indirect damage incurred by the User as a result of data transmission errors, failures / defects in work software and / or equipment, data loss and damage, data processing or display errors, data transmission delays and other failures that occurred through no fault of the Publisher.

5.8. The Publishing House website and all related services are provided on an "as is" basis, without any express or implied warranties that the specified Website and (or) services may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use.

5.9. The "Publisher" is not responsible for the impossibility of using the Site, and (or) related services by the User for any reason, including, but not limited to: errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delay in processing or transmission of data, disruption of lines communications, equipment malfunction, any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, failure to fulfill obligations of providers of certain services, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to User materials, posted on the Site or in any other place, etc.

5.10. Under no circumstances shall the "Publisher" be liable for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage, including lost profits or lost data, harm to honor, dignity or business reputation, which may be caused to the User due to the use of the Site and (or) related services.

5.11. If it is impossible for the "Publisher" to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work for reasons beyond the control of the "Publisher", the "Publisher" at the request of the User shall return the received advance payment. At the same time, the liability of the "Publisher" is limited to the amount of the advance payment received from the User for the opportunity to view, read and download the Work, which was not provided.

6. Duration of the Agreement

6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of the Agreement (each Appendix to the Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of this Appendix) and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

7. Force majeure circumstances

7.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if such failure was a direct result of force majeure circumstances (force majeure) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events, namely: fire, flood, hurricane and earthquake or overlay bodies state power restrictions on the activities of any of the Parties, and if these circumstances the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.

8. Other terms

8.1. In the event that any provision or any part of the provision of the Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions and parts of the provisions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.

8.2. All Annexes to this Agreement are its integral part.

8.3. In all other respects, the Parties agreed to be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The "Publisher" has the right to make changes to the Agreement with the obligatory posting of the relevant information on the "Publisher's" Website no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the relevant changes come into force.

8.5. For any questions that arise, the User has the right to contact the Publishing House Support Service at the email address:

9. Dispute Resolution

9.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise from this Agreement are resolved by observing the pre-trial (claim) procedure. The term for consideration by the "Publishing House" of the claim is 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt from the User.

9.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, these disputes and disagreements are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the court at the location of the "Publishing House" in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction.

10. Privacy Notice

10.1 Consent of the User to provide personal information, is determined by agreement with this public offer, which occurs automatically when the User completes the registration procedure on the Publishing House Website.

10.2 "Publisher" collects and stores only the necessary personal data of the User. The "Publisher" may use the User's personal data to identify him, clarify payment data, provide personalized services, feedback with the User, processing applications and requests, performing depersonalized statistical calculations and improving the quality of services provided to the User.

10.3. The "Publisher" has the right to transfer the User's personal information to third parties only in cases where the User has expressed his consent to such actions, the transfer is necessary to provide the service to the User, the transfer is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

"Publishing house": FSUE "Publishing house "Nauka"


1. General Provisions

1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) applies to the website of the Electronic library system- www. (hereinafter referred to as the “Electronic Library System”).

1.2. Website of the "Electronic Library System" www. (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is the property of the Federal State unitary enterprise"Academic Research and Publishing, Production and Printing and Book Distribution Center "Nauka" (FGUP "Publishing House" Nauka ").

1.3. This Agreement governs the relationship between the Administration of the site "Electronic Library System" www. (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration) and the User (Users) of this Site.

1.4. This agreement, in accordance with Article 435 and paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer to an unlimited number of persons, Internet users.

1.5. In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the Agreement is:

  • confirmation by the User of his consent to the terms of the Agreement;
  • making an advance payment;
  • the beginning of the use of any Work;
  • the beginning of using any services of the Site on the terms of the Agreement.

1.6. The site administration reserves the right to change, add or remove clauses of this Agreement at any time without notifying the User.

1.7. Continued use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and the changes made to this Agreement.

1.8. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for changes in it.

2. Terms used in the Agreement

2.1. User - an Internet user, any individual or legal entity (representative of a legal entity) who voluntarily completed the Registration and / or started using any services of the Site.

2.2. Works (Content) - electronic versions of scientific publications, including periodicals, as well as non-periodical publications, presented in electronic form on the Internet in various formats, posted on the "Electronic Library System" Website, available to Users through the "Electronic Library System" Website.

2.3. Catalog - a collection of Works.

2.4. Login and Password are two unique character sets that identify the User.

2.5. The site "Electronic Library System" is an information resource on the Internet, owned by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House" Nauka ", located on the domain www. .

2.6. Site Administration - employees authorized to manage the Site, acting on behalf of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House" Nauka "

2.7. Downloading - recording by the User of the Works in the computer memory.

2.8. Billing is a payment accounting system.

2.9. User Account - Authentication and personal data of the User stored on the servers of the Site "Electronic Library System". An account is created as a result of the User's registration procedure and may be required in order to use some of the features or certain functions of the Site.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. "Electronic Library System" provides the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Works presented in the Catalog on a paid basis.

3.2. The User can issue and pay for a preliminary annual (partial annual) subscription to the ability to view, read and download electronic versions of the Works, as well as a preliminary subscription to the ability to receive a collection of Works that are not placed in the Catalog at the time of registration and payment.

4. Obligations of the parties

4.1. Responsibilities of the Site Administrator:

4.1.1. Provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work on the Site no later than 24 hours from the moment the Billing confirms the payment made and identifies the User as the payer of the payment made. In the case of registration and payment by the User of a preliminary subscription in accordance with clause 3.2. of the Agreement, provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Works no later than 24 hours from the moment they are placed in the Catalog, subject to confirmation by the Billing of the earlier payment and identification of the User as the payer of the payment made.

4.1.2. Do not disclose to third parties the Login and Password, the User's e-mail address, as well as other information received from the User during registration.

4.1.3. Notify the User about changes in the terms of the Agreement and its Applications by posting relevant information on the Website of the "Electronic Library System" at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the changes take effect.

4.2. User Responsibilities:

4.2.1. Register on the website of the Electronic Library System. Set Login and Password, the uniqueness of which is confirmed by the "Site Administration". At the same time, strictly and strictly follow the instructions of the Site Administration on the registration procedure posted on the Site of the "Electronic Library System".

4.2.2. Pay for the opportunity to view, read and download the Works in accordance with clause 4 of the Agreement.

4.2.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the Login and Password provided during registration.

4.2.4. Use the downloaded Works solely for personal purposes. In this case, the User is granted the following rights to use the Works:

  • carry out remote access on the Internet through the Site of the "Electronic Library System" to the Works, which means the ability to search, view, download and read the Works.
  • print separate parts of the Works only for archival purposes.
  • to record and store individual parts of the Works in the memory of a computer owned by the User for archival, educational and research purposes;
  • to quote in the original and in translation for scientific, research, polemical, critical, informational and educational purposes, excerpts of the Works in an amount justified by the purpose of quoting,
  • reproduce in newspapers, broadcast or communicate by cable to the public certain parts of the Works to the extent justified by the informational purpose.
  • the use of the Works (their constituent parts) under this Agreement is carried out with the obligatory indication of the name of the authors (co-authors) of the Works (their constituent parts), the name of the copyright holder of the Works specified in the Work.

4.2.5. The user does not have the right:

  • transfer or distribute the downloaded Works to third parties, either in full or in part, except as provided in clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • publicly communicate the Works in full, through well-known broadcasting channels, such as radio, television, etc., except for the cases provided for in clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • reproduce the Works, that is, make copies of the Works or their parts in any material form if this reproduction has the purpose of further distribution;
  • to bring the Works to the public using the Internet and other digital networks, either in whole or in part;
  • modify or otherwise process the texts of the Works.
  • print out the entire Work, which is an issue of a magazine, a magazine or a book;
  • place links to the Works available for use by the User on any resources in such a way that a third party has access to these Works. In particular, the User is prohibited from disclosing to third parties the information necessary to gain access to the personal pages of the Site that require the User's authorization.
  • use other software tools for automatic search and download, except for those implemented on the Website of the "Electronic Library System"
  • Non-compliance by the User with the requirements of clause 4.2.5. The Agreement is a violation of copyright law and entails the consequences specified in clauses 10.1 and 10.2 of the Agreement.

4.2.6. All information posted on the Website of the "Electronic Library System" about the procedure for using the Catalog, the procedure for payment and other features of the execution of the Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and is binding on the User.

5. Terms of payment

5.1. The User makes an advance payment in Russian rubles on the terms specified on the Electronic Library System Website.

5.2. Payment methods are indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. The agreed payment method is the method chosen by the User from the available payment methods on the Electronic Library System Website.

5.3. The procedure for paying with bank cards is indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. Transactions using bank cards can be made exclusively by the cardholder. Bank card transactions are authorized by the bank. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the Yandex.Checkout electronic payment provider or another electronic payment provider. The "Site Administration" does not process, including the collection and storage of Users' bank card data.

5.4. The price of enabling the User - an individual to view, read and download the Works is indicated on the Website of the "Electronic Library System" in the relevant sections. For users who are legal entities, prices are sent by the "Site Administration" upon request through agreed communication channels. The “Site Administration” has the right to unilaterally change the current prices by posting the relevant information on the “Electronic Library System” Website or informing the Users in another accessible way. Any change in prices does not apply to already paid access.

6. Responsibility of the parties. Limitation of Liability of "Electronic Library System".

6.1. The User assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the Catalog.

6.2. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of the Login and Password.

6.3. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of the information transmitted by the "Site Administration" to the e-mail address specified by the User during registration.

6.4. The "Site Administration" is not responsible for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Catalog.

6.5. "Site Administration" is not responsible for the quality of access to the Catalog via the Internet.

6.6. Under no circumstances is the "Site Administration" responsible for the use of the Login and Password by third parties.

6.7. The “Site Administration” is not responsible for direct or indirect damage incurred by the User as a result of data transmission errors, failures / defects in the operation of software and / or equipment, data loss and damage, data processing or display errors, delays in data transmission and others. failures that occurred through no fault of the "Site Administration".

6.8. The Electronic Library System website and all related services are provided on an "as is" basis, without any express or implied warranties that the specified Website and (or) services may or may not be suitable for specific purposes of use.

6.9. The "Site Administration" is not responsible for the impossibility of using the Site, and (or) related services by the User for any reason, including, but not limited to: errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delay in processing or transferring data, disruption of work communication lines, equipment malfunction, any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, failure to fulfill obligations of providers of certain services, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to User materials posted on the Site or in any other place, etc.

6.10. Under no circumstances shall the "Site Administration" be liable for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Site and (or) related services .

6.11. If it is impossible for the "Electronic Library System" to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work for reasons beyond the control of the "Site Administration", the "Site Administration" at the request of the User returns the received advance payment. At the same time, the amount of responsibility of the "Site Administration" is limited to the amount of the advance payment received from the User for the opportunity to view, read and download the Work, which was not provided.

7. Duration of the Agreement

7.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of the Agreement (each Appendix to the Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of this Appendix) and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

8. Force majeure circumstances

8.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if such failure was a direct result of force majeure circumstances (force majeure) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events, namely: fire, flood, hurricane and earthquake or the imposition of restrictions by state authorities on the activities of any of the Parties, and if these circumstances the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent reasonable measures.

9. Other terms

9.1. In the event that any provision or any part of the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions and parts of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

9.2. In all other respects, the Parties to the Agreement agreed to be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. The “Site Administration” has the right to make changes to the Agreement with the obligatory posting of relevant information on the “Electronic Library System” Website no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the relevant changes come into force.

9.4. Relations between the "Site Administration" and the User, which are legal entities, are regulated on the basis of separately concluded Agreements, which specify the specific conditions for the relationship between the Parties.

9.5. For any questions that arise, the User has the right to contact the Site Support Service at the email address:

10. Dispute Resolution

10.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise from this Agreement are resolved by observing the pre-trial (claim) procedure. The term for consideration by the "Site Administration" of the claim is 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt from the User.

10.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, these disputes and disagreements are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the court at the location of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House" Nauka "in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction.

11. Privacy Notice

11.1. The User's consent to the provision of personal information is determined by agreement with this public offer, which occurs automatically when the User completes the registration procedure on the Site.

11.2. In accordance with federal law"On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 and this privacy policy, the Site Administration does not use, process or store the User's personal data.

11.3. The "Site Administration" collects and stores only the User's data necessary for the operation of the Site. The "Site Administration" may use the User's data to identify him, clarify payment data, provide personalized services, provide feedback to the User, process applications and requests, perform anonymous statistical calculations and improve the quality of services provided to the User.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.

ISSN (PRINT): 0367-2921
Impact factor (RSCI): 1.008
  • About the journal
  • Editorial board
  • Subscription

About the journal

Topics of published materials: high-temperature plasma physics related to the problems of controlled nuclear fusion based on magnetic and inertial localization, space plasma physics, including magnetospheric plasma, solar and stellar plasma, physics of gas discharge plasma and plasma generated by laser beams and particle beams .

Thematic reviews and proceedings of conferences are published.

The journal was founded in 1975.

Chief Editor

V.P. Smirnov

Editorial team

N.L. Alexandrov, V.V. Arsenin, S.V. Bulanov, S.E. Grebenshchikov, N.S. Erokhin, A.A. Ivanov, A.M. Ignatov, V.I. Ilgisonis, V.I. Karas, L.M. Kovrizhnykh (deputy chief editor), A.G. Litvak, M.P. Petrov, A.S. Sakharov (executive secretary), A.I. Smolyakov, A.N. Starostin (deputy chief editor), A.V. Timofeev, A.S. Shikanov

Head editorial

T.A. Kallaur

Information for print subscribers

subscription index of the publication 71058
issues per year 12
Subscription price for the publication for the minimum subscription period:

  • for the second half of 2019 - 1700.00 rubles.
You can subscribe to the printed version:
  • through ICC "Akademkniga", contact e-mail: [email protected]
  • in post offices according to the catalog "Press of Russia"
  • as well as on the websites of subscription agencies

Subscription is possible from any number.

The Plasma Physics journal was founded in 1975 with the aim of publishing articles on problems in a relatively new and extremely fruitful field. modern science- Plasma physics. The journal covers the following topics: high-temperature plasma physics, related to the problems of controlled nuclear fusion based on magnetic and inertial localization; physics of space plasma, including magnetospheric plasma, solar and stellar plasma, etc., physics of gas discharge plasma and plasma generated by laser beams and particle beams. Along with new interesting information on other topics, the journal publishes thematic reviews and conference proceedings.

Archive of scientific articles from the journal "Physics of Plasma"


    CARIDI F. - 2015

    A nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser, operating at the fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm and at an intensity of about 1010 W/cm2, was employed to irradiate hydrogenated polymers in vacuum. The produced plasma was characterized in terms of thermal and Coulomb interactions evaluating the equivalent temperature and the acceleration voltage developed in the non-equilibrium plasma core. Particles emission along the normal to the target surface was investigated by measuring, with the mass quadrupole spectrometer Hiden EQP 300, ion energy distributions and fitting experimental data with the “Coulomb-Boltzmann-shifted” function. Time-of-flight technique was employed in order to measure the proton energy and yield. A comparison between experimental results is presented and discussed, with a special regard to the protons emission.



    We discuss the ways towards modeling of astrophysical processes and extreme field regimes with super-power lasers. The main attention we pay to the problem of limited similarity in using the dimensionless parameters characterizing the processes in the laser and astrophysical plasmas. As the most typical examples, we address the magnetic reconnection and collisionless shock waves relevant to the problem of ultrarelativistic particle acceleration. In the extreme field limits, we consider the regimes of dominant radiation reaction, changing the electromagnetic wave-matter interaction. In these regimes it, in particular, results in a new powerful source of ultra high brightness gamma-rays and will make possible electron-positron pair creation in vacuum in a multi-photon processes. This will allow modeling under terrestrial laboratory conditions the processes in astrophysical experimental objects and paves the way to verifications using ultra intense lasers as they are currently developed within the ELI project.


    Kuznetsov V.I., Ender A.Ya. - 2015

    An analytical method is proposed for studying non-stationary processes in a collisionless one-dimensional bounded plasma - the Q, G method. Formulas are obtained for the distribution function of charged particles emitted from the boundary and moving without collisions in a non-stationary electric field of an arbitrary form. The characteristic properties of this function are revealed and studied.


    ARIF F., HANIF M., SALIK M. - 2015

    In this research work we present the spectroscopic studies of the carbon (C) plasma produced by the first (1064 nm) and second (532 nm) harmonics of a Q-switched Nd: YAG (Quantel Brilliant) pulsed laser having pulse duration of 5 ns and 10 Hz repetition rate which is capable of delivering 400 mJ at 1064 nm, and 200 mJ at 532 nm using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). The laser beam was focused on target material (100% Carbon) by placing it in air at atmospheric pressure. The experimentally observed line profiles of five neutral carbon (C I) lines at 247.85, 394.22, 396.14, 588.95, and 591.25 nm were used to extract the electron temperature (T e) using the Boltzmann plot method and determined its value 9880 and 9400 K respectively for fundamental and second harmonics of the laser. Whereas electron density (N e) has been determined from the Stark broadening profile of neutral carbon line at 247.85 nm. The values ​​of N e at a distancemm from the target surface, for the fundamental laser with pulse energy 130 mJ and second laser with pulse energy 72 mJ are 4.68 × 1017 cm-3 and 5.98 × 1017 cm-3 respectively. This extracted information about T e and N e is useful for the deposition of the carbon thin films using the pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD). Both plasma parameters (T e and N e) have also been calculated by varying distance from the target surface along the line of propagation of plasma plume and also by varying the laser irradiance.


    Zakharov V.Yu., Stepanov S.E., Chernova T.G. - 2015

    Small-amplitude waves in a collisionless magnetized plasma are considered in the framework of single-fluid anisotropic magnetohydrodynamics, which takes into account the anisotropy of pressure and heat flow. The stability of the homogeneous state of the plasma is analyzed on the basis of the dispersion equation of the 8th degree. Restrictions are obtained on the parameters of the homogeneous state under which the dispersion equation has no complex roots for any value of the angle between the wave vector and the unperturbed magnetic field. The method used also makes it possible to determine the types of waves that lead to instability.


    A. G. Alekseev, A. B. Kukushkin, A. S. Kukushkin, S. V. Lisgo, and V. S. Neverov - 2015

    An algorithm for reconstructing the effective temperatures of hydrogen atoms (and its isotopes) in the near-wall layer of tokamak plasma along the contour of the Balmer-alpha spectral line in the case of its significant spectral asymmetry is proposed. The algorithm uses a parametrization of the line contour asymmetry based on the nonlocality of the penetration of hydrogen neutrals from the wall into the plasma. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified using the data of modeling by the EIRENE code of the velocity distribution function of deuterium neutrals in the near-wall plasma, using the initial data on the main plasma component at the quasi-stationary stage of the ITER inductive operation, calculated by the SOLPS4.3 (B2-EIRENE) code.


    I. V. GOLOVCHANSKAYA, A. A. Ilyasov, B. V. Kozelov, M. M. Mogilevsky, and A. A. Chernyshov - 2015


    E. E. Grigorenko, L. M. Zeleny, Kh. V. Malova, and A. Yu. Malykhin - 2015

    The effect of the influence of the longitudinal component of the magnetic field, directed along the current in the current sheet (CS) of the Earth's magnetotail and enhanced near its neutral plane, on the nonadiabatic dynamics of ions during their interaction with the sheet is considered. The results of modeling the motion of nonadiabatic ions in given magnetic configurations, similar to those observed in the CS of the magnetospheric tail by the CLUSTER satellites, showed that in the presence of a certain initial value of the longitudinal component of the magnetic field in the CS, a north-south asymmetry is observed in the reflection/refraction of nonadiabatic ions during their interaction with a layer. The presence of this asymmetry contributes to the formation of an additional system of oppositely directed currents flowing in the northern and southern parts of the plasma sheet (PS) in planes tangential to the CS plane and in directions perpendicular to the direction of current in the CS. The formation of such a current system is possibly responsible for the enhancement and further maintenance of the longitudinal component of the magnetic field near the neutral plane of the CS. The possibility of implementing this scenario is confirmed by the results of the analysis of the CS structure and ion dynamics performed for 17 intervals of CS crossing by the CLUSTER satellite quartet, during which bell-shaped spatial distributions of the longitudinal magnetic field component were observed due to its increase near the CS neutral plane.


    V. A. Eskin, T. M. Zaboronkova, A. V. Kudrin, and O. M. Ostafiychuk - 2015

    The channeled propagation of azimuthally symmetric waves directed by cylindrical density ducts in a magnetically active plasma in the nonresonant region of the whistler frequency range is studied. It is shown that the eigenmodes existing at the considered frequencies in high-density ducts can be described in a simplified way, which greatly simplifies the analysis of the features of their channeled propagation. The results of calculations of the dispersion characteristics and the field structure of whistler modes supported by such ducts are presented.


    Kostyria I.D., Tarasenko V.F. - 2015

    Experiments were carried out on the generation of a beam of runaway electrons and X-rays in air at atmospheric pressure at a long (~0.5 µs) duration of the voltage pulse front. It is shown that the use of a cathode with a small radius of curvature reduces the intensity of the runaway electron beam and X-rays. It has been established that at high voltage amplitudes across the gap (Um ~100 kV), the breakdown of the gap, the formation of a spark channel, and the generation of a beam of runaway electrons occur in no more than 10 ns. Behind the anode at high Um, which was achieved by increasing the size of the cathode and the gap between the electrodes, an ultrashort avalanche electron beam with a relatively short pulse duration at half maximum (up to ~100 ps) was recorded. At voltages of ~50 kV, a second regime of gap breakdown was detected, in which a beam of runaway electrons with a pulse duration at half maximum of ~2 ns was detected. It is shown that the duration of the X-ray pulse in this mode increases to ~100 ns at half maximum. It has been established that the energy of the main part of the runaway electrons decreases with increasing voltage pulse front, and amounted to ≤30 keV in the first regime, and ≤10 keV in the second.


    V. M. Lelevkin, Yu. G. Smirnova, A. V. Tokarev - 2015

    A hybrid plasma-chemical reactor based on a barrier discharge in a transformer has been developed. The characteristics of the reactor are determined depending on the parameters of the barrier discharge.


    A. V. Agafonov, P. A. Gordan, G. V. Ivanenkov, A. D. Cahill, A. R. Mingaleev, S. A. Pikuz, V. M. Romanova, V. Stepnievsky ., D. A. Hammer, K. L. Hoyt, and T. A. Shelkovenko - 2015

    Experimental and numerical studies of the dynamics of a new variety of pinch objects hybrid X-pinches have been carried out. The initial configuration of hybrid X-pinches (HXP) is a high-current diode with conical tungsten electrodes separated by a gap of about 13 mm, connected by a wire with a diameter of 20100 µm. In previous works, it was shown that with a simpler initial configuration compared to the standard X-pinch, a hot spot with high plasma parameters is also formed in the HXP. At present, all the details of the HXP dynamics have not been studied, but the main factors influencing their formation have been elucidated both in experiments and in MHD calculations. The formation of a specific pressure profile of the near-electrode plasma, which occurs after the explosion of the wire, is studied experimentally and theoretically. It is shown that its effect on the expanding plasma of the wire is an important factor that makes it possible to combine the standard and hybrid X-pinches into the general class of loads of pulsed devices. The practical identity of the final processes of formation and parameters of hot spots of standard and hybrid X-pinches was also established.


    Bychenkov V.Yu., KOVALEV V.F. - 2015

    An analytical solution of the Cauchy problem for the kinetic equation for ions is constructed, which describes their radial acceleration under the action of the ponderomotive force of a laser beam propagating in a channeled manner in a transparent plasma. For the axisymmetric geometry of the laser-plasma channel, the temporal and spatial dependences of the ion distribution function are obtained and their integral characteristics, such as density, average velocity, and energy spectrum, are found. For a quasi-stationary laser beam, the formation of a density peak near the channel boundary and the effect of ion flow reversal are described analytically.


    Ivanov A.A., Martynov A.A., Medvedev S.Yu., Poshekhonov Yu.Yu. - 2015

    In the MHD theory of plasma in tokamaks, the plasma pressure is usually assumed to be isotropic. However, plasma heating by neutral beam injection and RF heating can lead to strong anisotropy of plasma parameters and plasma rotation. The theory of MHD equilibrium, taking into account plasma inertia and pressure anisotropy, began to be developed quite a long time ago, but until recently it has not been consistently applied in computational codes for engineering calculations of equilibrium and plasma evolution in a tokamak. This article provides a detailed derivation of the equation for the equilibrium of an axisymmetric plasma in the general view(with arbitrary rotation and anisotropic pressure); a specialized version of the SPIDER code is presented and an original method for calculating equilibria with anisotropic pressure for a given profile of the stability margin factor is proposed. Examples of calculations are also given and the results obtained are discussed.


    S. I. Kopnin, T. I. Morozova, and S. I. Popel - 2015

    The mechanism of formation of inhomogeneities in the concentrations of electrons and ions in a dusty ionosphere as a result of the development of the modulation interaction of electromagnetic waves associated with the excitation of disturbances with frequencies in the region of dusty sound waves is considered. An estimate of the inhomogeneities of electron concentrations is obtained on the basis of calculations performed for the case of monochromatic spectra of electromagnetic radiation from heating facilities at altitudes of 80 km and 100 km. The possibility of excitation of sufficiently intense inhomogeneities of the electron and ion concentrations (δne(i) ne(i) ≈ 0.05) at altitudes of 80–100 km as a result of the development of modulation interaction is shown. The ranges of applicability of the method presented in the work are determined.


    DREVAL N.B. - 2015

    The volume of the vacuum chamber of the U-3M torsatron is about 70 m3, and the plasma volume is about 0.3 m3. The presence of a huge buffer volume, which is the chamber, forms a significant flow of neutrals into the U-3M plasma. Part of this flow collides with the helical conductors of the torsatron located in front of the plasma. This modifies the dynamics of the influx of neutrals into the plasma. Screening of the flow of molecules from the buffer volume of the chamber to the plasma region was estimated by numerical calculations. Only about 10% of the incident flux enters the plasma volume. Estimates show that about 20% of atoms fly out of the region bounded by helical conductors without colliding with them. Under these conditions, helical conductors have a significant effect on the neutral flux. The mode of hot low-density plasma created by a loop antenna is considered. In this mode, the spatial distribution of the molecular concentration created by the flow of molecules from the buffer volume of the chamber passing through the helical conductors is calculated. The contribution of flows generated on the lateral and internal surfaces of helical conductors is considered. Calculations show that the shape of the spatial distribution of the molecular concentration differs significantly from the shape of the magnetic surfaces.

  • A SMALL CONTROLLED VACUUM Spark Arrester in an External Magnetic Field

    V. I. Asyunin, S. G. Davydov, A. N. Dolgov, A. A. Pshenichny, and R. Kh. Yakubov - 2015

    In order to control the discharge flow mode, a small-sized controllable spark gap was placed in an external uniform magnetic field. In a magnetic field of such a simple spatial configuration, it turned out to be possible to suppress the localization effect of the switched current flow region by repeatedly repeating the operating cycle of the spark gap.


    A. S. Boldarev, E. A. Bolkhovitinov, I. Yu. V. G. Novikov, G. M. Oleinik, O. G. Ol’khovskaya, A. A. Rupasov, M. V. Fedulov, and A. S. Shikanov - 2015

    The methods and results of studying the spectral composition of radiation from high-current Z-pinches, which differ significantly in atomic composition, are described. In order to cover a wide spectral range (E ν = 30-3000 eV), two diagnostic techniques were used: a transmission grating and a reflective mica crystal. The radiation characteristics are determined by the atomic composition of the pinch: at currents of 2–3 MA for light materials (Al), the “hard” radiation edge has a linear shape with pronounced K-lines, while for heavy materials (W) the spectrum is concentrated in a “softer” energy region quanta and has a quasi-continuous character. To determine the plasma parameters, two methods of processing the obtained spectra were used. The parameters of the Al plasma were determined by traditional methods from the ratio of the intensity of the K lines of Al, taking into account the transparency of the plasma for quanta of a given energy. The W-plasma spectra were compared with the results of modeling the pinch compression process, which, along with magnetohydrodynamics, included plasma radiation processes. The applicability of these spectral analysis methods is discussed.


    L. M. Zeleny, Kh. V. Malova, V. Yu. Popov, and A. A. Ulkin - 2015

    The Earth's magnetosphere is an open dynamic system constantly interacting with the solar wind - a plasma flow from the Sun. Some plasma processes in it are of an explosive, spontaneous nature, others develop rather slowly compared to the characteristic times of motion of plasma particles in it. The large-scale current sheet in the magnetotail, both during quiet periods of time and during geomagnetic disturbances, can be in an almost equilibrium state, and the changes occurring with it can be considered quasi-static. Thus, under certain conditions, the current sheet of the magnetospheric tail can be described as a plasma equilibrium system. Its state depends on various parameters, in particular, those that determine the dynamics of charged particles. Having singled out the main control parameters, it is possible to study the structure and properties of the current equilibrium. This work is devoted to self-consistent modeling of an equilibrium thin current sheet (ETS) of the plasma tail of the Earth's magnetosphere, the thickness of which is comparable to the ion gyroradius. The study of the dependence of the TCS structure on the parameters characterizing the dynamics of particles and the geometry of the magnetic field is the main goal of this work. A numerical hybrid self-consistent TCS model is constructed in which the tension of the magnetic field lines is balanced by the inertia of the ions moving through the layer. The dynamics of ions is considered in the quasi-adiabatic approximation, and the motion of electrons is considered in the approximation of a conducting liquid. Depending on the values ​​of the adiabaticity parameter, which determines the nature of the motion of plasma particles, and the dimensionless normal component of the magnetic field, the following scenarios are considered: A) the adiabaticity parameter is proportional to the particle energy; ; B) the particle energy is fixed, while the adiabaticity parameter is proportional. The structure of the current sheet and the dynamics of particles in it depending on the change in parameters and and the dynamics of particles in it depending on the change in parameters are studied. It is shown that in the first scenario, with an increase in the adiabaticity parameter, the thickness of the current sheet decreases due to a decrease in the ion gyroradii. Correspondingly, the radius of curvature of magnetic field lines decreases, and this leads to an increase in the contribution of drift electron currents near the neutral plane. Numerical calculations have shown that current equilibria can exist in the region. At , the contribution of electron drift currents to the total current density is much greater than that of ions; the movement of the latter acquires a chaotic character. For even larger values ​​of the parameter, no equilibrium solutions have been found within the framework of this one-dimensional model. Thus, the value of the parameter turned out to be the upper limit of applicability of the quasiadiabatic model of the current sheet. In scenario B, an increase in the parameter leads to the appearance of a large number of quasi-trapped ions in the current sheet, as a result of which the current sheet thickens and the current density amplitude decreases. As a result, equilibrium solutions exist in a much narrower parametric region. The consequences of the existence of parametric boundaries of equilibrium solutions for the TCS under real geomagnetic conditions are discussed.


    OCHKIN V.N. - 2015

    The accuracy of absorption measurements of particle concentrations in a selected quantum state is analyzed as a function of the amount of light absorption by an object. Errors associated with finite accuracy in real measurements of the intensity of light passing through a medium in the presence of noise of various nature in the detected signal are considered. The optimal values ​​of the absorption values ​​and the multiplication factors of errors when deviating from them are indicated.