How to become a certified Yandex partner. Yandex certificate for agencies: what does it give clients? How to conclude an agreement with Yandex.Direct

By becoming our partner, you get the opportunity to earn money by creating effective advertising campaigns on Yandex. Your clients' needs may vary, but we can find the most effective solution for everybody.

Terms of cooperation in Belarus

To work with Yandex.Market, a separate contract for the provision of paid services for the Market is concluded, under which the agency receives a discount (subject to minimum conditions by budget and number of clients).


The contract can be concluded if the agency fulfills the following conditions:

  • Monthly budget of at least 2,000 Belarusian rubles;
  • Have at least 5 active clients;
  • The absence of a budget-forming client with a share in the agency's turnover of more than 70%.

We expect our agencies to be active in attracting new clients and expect high-quality client service from them.

If on this moment you haven't reached yet the right indicators , we can offer you the option of working in the agent interface without a contract. This scheme does not imply a discount. The advantage is that you will be able to run campaigns for all clients on one account. After the time has passed, when you reach the desired indicators, we can return to talking about concluding an agreement and providing a discount.

Yandex Market

Minimum requirements for concluding a contract:

  • at least 3 active non-affiliated clients;
  • monthly budget of at least 100,000 Russian rubles per month excluding VAT;
  • requirements are met for at least 90 days.

How to register an agent account

An agent account is a type of login that allows you to manage advertising campaigns of several personal accounts at once from one advertising cabinet. Accounts of this type are used by advertising agencies that provide services for conducting advertising campaigns. While doing certain conditions the agency can count on the conclusion of a contract for the provision of paid services via Yandex.Direct, media advertising and Yandex.Directory.

By default, each Yandex login is assigned a personal account type.

Yandex Direct agency will “throw you”

Compared to a personal account, an agency account has the following advantages:

  • the ability to manage multiple personal accounts from one advertising account;
  • extended functionality of the "budget forecast" tool.

To register an agency account, it is not at all necessary to be the owner of a developed web studio; individuals can also get access. face. To do this, you need to visit the page for applying for cooperation, where, after authorization in the system under the login of the future agency, fill out short form applications in two steps. The first step is to provide general information about your "agency":

Please note that a Yandex employee will contact you to confirm the application, so please provide up-to-date contact information and, if possible, your real name. You can write whatever you like as the name of the agency, and in the “site” field you can specify any free domain - when communicating with a specialist, simply indicate that your site is under development.

The next step is to specify the purpose of sending the application. In case you already have at least 5 non-affiliated clients and a total turnover of at least 200,000 rubles excluding VAT (requirements may have changed since the article was written), you can apply for an agreement, but if you are just starting to work with the system or register an agent account for your needs, then select the goal "I want a login to access the Interface":

In a story about yourself in a free form, tell us about your desire to become an advertising agency in the future or that you already provide services for setting up and maintaining client campaigns. If you have personal logins that already host ads, you can specify them, but their absence will not entail negative consequences.

After filling out and submitting, you just have to wait for a call from a Yandex representative who will ask you a few questions regarding your registration goals - confirm that you plan to provide services. You will be provided with information about the requirements for concluding a remuneration agreement, wish you good luck, after which the login specified in the application will have access to the Yandex.Direct agent interface.

How to conclude an agreement with Yandex.Direct

One of the advantages of using an agent account is the ability to conclude a cooperation agreement with Yandex, which implies payment to you as advertising agency, percent of the funds spent by your customers. Final size remuneration is individual for each agency - the company has a fairly flexible system of remuneration for agencies.

In order to conclude a cooperation agreement, it is necessary to have a legal entity. persons and meeting the requirements for the minimum number of customers. At the time of writing, the requirements are as follows:

  • at least 5 active non-affiliated clients;
  • absence of a client with a budget exceeding 70% of the agency's total turnover;
  • the total turnover of the advertising budget is at least 200,000 rubles. per month excluding VAT.

These requirements can be changed by Yandex, you can always find out the current requirements on the page for applying for cooperation.

So, you have fulfilled all the requirements of Yandex and want to conclude an agreement. To do this, in the second step of the application, we indicate the purpose of concluding an agreement.

If you don’t have an agent login, then you will need to indicate the number of logins of your clients and indicate each of them (you won’t be able to cheat - you can only specify real-life companies as clients, with which you are connected only by an agreement for the provision of services for setting up and maintaining advertising ):

If you already have an agency account, then you have to fill out a short checklist and, in case of positive answers to all its questions, send an application:

After sending the application, a Yandex manager will contact you, who will discuss cooperation issues with you and explain the next steps to conclude an agreement.

The number of agencies with the status of a Yandex certified partner is decreasing in Belarus

In contact with

According to the results of the next quarter, Yandex reduced the number of Belarusian certified contextual advertising agencies. At first there were only six of them on the list, but a day later the number increased to eight.

The following agencies are currently on the list: ALLWRITE, RedFox, ARTOX media, Webcom Media, MAXI.BY media, Project Dilbay TUE, Gusarov Group Private Enterprise, Webmart Group.

However, the total number of agencies is constantly decreasing. If at the beginning of autumn there were about two dozen of them, then in November there were only 9 of them. This year this number has decreased to eight.

Some agencies that have very decent billings in the Yandex network still cannot understand the reasons for their absence among the certified ones. Yandex itself declares a number of criteria that it takes into account when awarding a certificate to an agency.

In addition, it is reported that official information from Yandex on the certification of agencies has not yet been received. It is possible that the list will be expanded. However, the information is made public on the official Yandex page, which makes you pay attention to it.

The Bynet Rating project turned to the heads of agencies that were among the "lucky ones" with a request to comment on this trend and how it can affect the development of the contextual advertising market in our country.

Sergey Tsarik, director of the group of companies webcom media.

A slight reduction in certified agencies may indicate that clients are consolidating around the main experienced market players. The client began to take the choice of a contractor more seriously.

Yandex has not fundamentally changed the rules of the game for certified agencies over the past year. Some agencies could not see behind their indicators of advertising campaigns, required exams, volumes of turnaround and other criteria that Yandex is guided by.

I think that in the next quarter a couple of agencies should return. And even if they don’t return, no one will notice the “loss of a fighter”)

As a result, this trend will not affect the contextual advertising market in Belarus.

If we talk about a possible increase in prices for the customer, then we see no reason why contextual advertising in Yandex can become more expensive. This cannot be due to the fact that there are slightly fewer certified partners. In addition to them, Yandex has more than 200 agreements with Belarusian agencies, which also provide contextual advertising services.

In general, the customer, placing contextual advertising in Yandex, pays the agency for the expertise, for the experience of the specialist who launches his campaign. This means that by contacting a certified Yandex partner, the customer can be calm, he will be provided with a service at the proper level, people with confirmed high expertise, and therefore will not merge him advertising budget into the pipe, and bring customers to his business at the best price.

Concerning possible failure from working with agencies and in favor of direct contracts with clients, then it is not profitable for Yandex to “kill” agencies. Contextual advertising agencies for Yandex are a very important element of its ecosystem in Belarus. We do not see any strict selection, it is necessary to meet, in our opinion, elementary criteria. With the growth of the market advertising services, the criteria are undergoing changes, which contributes to the further development of the market and the emergence of a portrait of an ideal agency.

Pavel Churkin, director of ARTOX media:

In my opinion, Yandex is an excellent example of competent work with agencies as representatives of their services in the advertising market of Belarus.

Yandex does not pursue a policy of reducing the number of partners. The current trend is directly related to the successful completion regular certification by some agencies. As a result, the agency does not meet the criteria that Yandex imposes on its partners.

Yandex partners are certified every quarter and confirm compliance high requirements. Only those agencies that show continuous growth in both financial metrics and quality indicators of advertising campaigns remain in the ranks.

Despite the fact that the number of certified Yandex partners is decreasing, the share of Yandex services, according to the company itself, is growing in the advertising market of Belarus. This indicates that the end customer is satisfied. And in the current situation, it is much easier for the client to choose an agency for himself, because he can be sure that the remaining Yandex partners are really the best of the best.

Andrey Gusarov, founder of the Gusarov Group agency:

For all time, this is a record minimum of agencies that have passed the quarterly certification. Yandex certification is a quality standard that takes into account not only the amount of billing, but also a number of quality indicators.

Yandex has generally tightened its certification policy, which affects its home market in Russia as well. Unlike our market, there the status of a certified agency is one of the key conditions for a client to work with a contractor.

The presence of a certificate indicates, first of all, that the agency works with high quality for all campaigns of its clients, regardless of their volumes and budgets. Thus, Yandex forces agencies to develop a long-term strategy and retain qualified employees in their staffs.

Oleg Krechko, Director of the RedFox Internet Marketing Agency.

The decrease in the number of certified agencies, by and large, does not mean anything. We do not always adapt to the requirements of Yandex, but we make sure that our customers are satisfied and get a return on advertising, because sales, calls and requests from the site are important for customers, and not the status of the agency with which they work.

There is usually no big difference between a certified and a non-certified agency. It all depends on the qualifications of specialists and the time they spend on setting up, launching and maintaining the client's advertising campaigns. A company may not be a certified Yandex partner, but at the same time, it can do its job no worse, and sometimes even better, than agencies with certificates.

This trend does not affect the contextual advertising market in Belarus. contextual advertising is one of the tools to attract customers. And this tool works. If the agency sets up and maintains advertising campaigns at a high level and clients receive the required return, then what difference does it make whether the agency has a certificate or not. Most certified agencies differ from non-certified ones only in the presence of a souvenir from Yandex and the mention of the company on the corresponding page.

Certified agencies Yandex.Direct

The policy of Yandex, like that of any commercial company, is aimed at solving Yandex's problems. Accordingly, Yandex will continue to somehow “incentivize” agencies to meet certain criteria. We believe that the decrease in the number of certified agencies is a temporary phenomenon. The real number of agencies does not decrease, and every year it only grows. I think that in the next quarter there will be more certified agencies again. Whether we stay on the list or not, by and large, is not so important. People come to us not because we are a certified agency, but for other reasons.

Maxim Marynich, Project Manager (TUE "Project Dilbai"):

Yandex quarterly checks agencies for compliance with their internal certification requirements according to a number of criteria:

— turnover of funds (billings),
— the presence of one certified specialist per 100 active clients,
— certification by Yandex.Metrica,
- a number of other business indicators that are measured on their side and send a report to the agency.

As a result, if the agency does not pass on some point, then it does not pass certification. But if the situation is corrected, then in a quarter you can return your “belt”).

This does not affect the market, since, in fact, an agency can have a large client base, operate with large budgets, and at the same time simply fail to pass Metrica certification.

In fact, Yandex certification is one of the indicators that indicates a high level of knowledge of the Yandex.Direct product, a customer base of more than 20, and a turnover of funds (the conditions here may be different).

What does it mean to be a certified Yandex agency? How to get a certificate and what benefits does it provide?

Yandex: "the status of a certified agency indicates that we consider such an agency a valuable player in the market and our business partner."

How Yandex chooses agencies

Yandex Direct is not just buying clicks, as some people think. This is a complex system with a bunch of rules, options and nuances. You need to understand how the cost of a click is formed, how the auction works, how the quality of an ad is evaluated in conjunction with a key phrase and a landing page… A solid amount of knowledge that you cannot gain from one video on Youtube. And to get certified, you need not only theory, but also experience in practice.

Direct certification goes like this: you need to answer 60 online test questions in an hour, which are divided into blocks by topic. If errors are made in at least one block, the certificate is not given. Even if all the answers on the other topics are 100% correct. This helps to understand what specific topics need to be pulled up.

If the test fails the first time, the next retake is possible in a week. And starting from the third attempt, Yandex gives the right to retake with an interval of three months.

The quality of the agency

Quarterly results are the next component of the agency's certificate. Yandex is interested in the quality of work, which is divided into several indicators. In sum, they form the final score of the agency. If this score is sufficient, the certification is confirmed.

The indicators of the viability of the agency as a business are also taken into account: outflow - influx of clients, growth dynamics of the client base, profitability. Calculated in relation to other agencies in the region and the market as a whole.

Agency Certificate Verification

There are agencies that lie that they are certified. This only works with clients who don't understand the topic at all. After all, the certificate is easy to check - each certified agency has