social conflict. A8. It does not apply to the achieved status of a person.

  • The employees of the design bureau performed the work under the contract.
    When the job was paid
    there was a dispute between employees about how to distribute the money. According to
    K., the team leader distributed the money unfairly. But K. decided
    keep silent. Can this conflict be considered as a social one? Mine
    justify your answer. What is this type of conflict behavior called?
    What is the disadvantage of this method? Name other ways.
  • The conflict is interpersonal, as only 2 people are involved in it. behavior is called adaptation. its shortcomings are that a person does not show that something does not suit him and silently harbors resentment, trying not to spoil relations with the other side of the conflict. one can say that a person becomes two-faced. it is also a disadvantage that a person does not even try to express his point of view.
    other ways: Avoidance, Compromise, Competition, Cooperation
  • Help people, exams are coming soon and I need to prepare and I don’t have time to do anything. I would be glad even a couple of tickets.

    1. Society, its signs.
    2. The market, its functions.
    Ticket 2
    1. Spheres of society.
    2. Competition. Oligopoly and monopoly.
    Ticket 3
    1. Relationship between nature and society. Anthropogenic loads.
    2. Entrepreneurial activity.
    Ticket 4
    1. Global problems humanity.
    2. The role of the state in the economy and ways of its influence.
    1. Typology of society.
    2. The state budget; ways to deal with scarcity.
    Ticket 6
    1. Pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial societies.
    2. What is labor, work.
    Ticket 7
    1. Social progress and social regression.
    2. social structure.
    Ticket 8
    1. Human needs.
    2. Social stratification.
    Ticket 9
    1. Socialization.
    2. Nations and nationalities.
    Ticket 10
    1. Education.
    2. Interethnic relations in modern society.
    Ticket 11
    1. Communication: types and forms.
    2. Conflicts in society and their types.
    Ticket 12
    1. Economy and its structure.
    2. Ways to flow and prevent conflicts.
    Ticket 13
    1. Resources and their characteristics.
    2. Family.
    Ticket 14
    1. Goods and money. Functions of money.
    2. Production. factors of production.
    Ticket 15
    1. Market economy.
    2. Rich ( general characteristics).
    3. Citizen M. bought beautiful and expensive autumn boots in a store. During the purchase of goods, the store owner assured that the boots were made of genuine leather. However, after two months, citizen M. developed an allergy. Turning to specialists, she learned that the cause was boots made of synthetic materials. Give signs proving that the store clerk has committed an offense. Name the type of offense and explain why this offense applies specifically to this type.
    Ticket 16
    1. World community. Globalization.
    2. What is property? Forms of ownership.
    3. You are 16 years old and you have decided to get a job. What are your next steps? How to find suitable job? What information about yourself will you offer to a future employer in order to get the desired job?
    Ticket 17
    1. Taxes. Types of taxes.
    2. Offer. The amount of the offer. The law of supply.
    3. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in his well-known fairy tale “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals,” described the actions of a man who, in order to save the generals, “First and foremost, climbed a tree and picked the generals for the ten most ripe apples ... Then he dug in the ground - and got potatoes from there; then he took two pieces of wood, rubbed them against each other - and took out the fire. Then he made a snare out of his own hair and caught a hazel grouse. Finally, he lit a fire and baked ... various provisions. What form of activity was described by the author? What are the signs of this form of activity and how are they reflected in the text?
    Ticket 18
    1. Inflation. Types of inflation. Consequences of inflation.
    2. Reform and revolution are two kinds of social progress.
    3. A dispute arose in one family about how to relate to work. “You can’t do everything,” said the Pope. “To live without work is to smoke the sky,” my mother said. And the daughter chuckled: "White hands love other people's works." How do you feel about work. Give proverbs that confirm your attitude to work.
    Ticket 19.
    1. Marketing. Marketing functions.
    2. Poor (general characteristics).
    3. In Russia, in the process of transition to market economy the gap between those who got rich and those who got poor widened dramatically. As a result, the top 10% in 1993 received about 40% of the country's total income. What are the reasons for this? What measures social support low-income population is used by the state?
    Ticket 20
    1. Demand. The amount of demand. The law of demand.
    2. Causes of unemployment and their consequences.
    3. The Spanish sociologist M. Castells deduced the following formula post-industrial society: "I think, therefore I produce." What characterizes this society?

  • 1. Social scientists define society as 1) the whole world in the variety of its forms; 2) the totality of natural and social forces: 3) part of the world that has separated from nature; 4) natural conditions of human existence. 2. What statement characterizes society in the broad sense of the word? Society is 1) an association of people according to their interests; 2) a certain territory in which people live; 3) the totality of all forms of relationships and interactions between people; 4) a group of people united for joint activities. 3. To what sphere of society does the holding of regular parliamentary elections primarily belong? 1) economic 2) political 3) social 4) spiritual bookstores sales of the writer's books skyrocketed. The interrelation of what spheres of public life was reflected in this fact? 1) spiritual and political; 2) economic and social; 3) political and social; 4) spiritual and economic. 5. In a market economy, in contrast to a command economy, 1) production resources are freely sold and bought; 2) a fixed exchange rate of the official currency is established; 3) leading positions are occupied by state property; 4) economic proportions are formed.
  • 35. Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.
    36. Personality. Freedom and responsibility of the individual.
    37. Truth and error. Truth criteria.
    38. Knowledge and creativity.
    39. The role of education in the life of society. Education system in the Russian Federation.
    40. Principles and norms of morality.
    41. World religions.
    42. Art and its role in society. Types of arts.
    43. Economics as a science and economy.
    44. Types economic systems.
    45. Demand. demand factor. Sentence. The supply factor.
    46. ​​Costs, revenue, profit.
    47. Shares. Bonds. Stock market.
    48. The functions of the state in the economy. Taxes.
    49. GDP. Economic cycles.
    50. Money. Banking system. Russia in the world economy.
    51. Social relations. social mobility.
    52. Social status. Social roles in the family and community.
    53. Social conflict. social control.
    54. Political system and its structure.
    55. Democracy. Constitutional state.
    56. Legal relations. Legal liability.
    57. The concept of citizenship of the Russian Federation. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. Advocacy. Notaries.
    58. Civil law and civil legal relations.
    59. Criminal law.
    60. Legal state, concept and signs.
  • Hello!
    35. Man as a product of biological, social and cultural evolution.
    Man has always strived to understand the meaning own life and this search is individual process for everybody. This is due to the fact that a person is able to comprehensively comprehend the world around him, and sooner or later he comes to comprehend the main element of this world - to himself. And it is paradoxical that such a global question does not have and will never have an unambiguous answer. In philosophy, there are two approaches to the question of purpose. human life. The first is the moral foundations of man's earthly existence. The second is values ​​that cannot be directly connected with earthly existence. Each historical epoch has a certain worldview on the account of the purpose of human life. Aristotle argued that each person strives for happiness, but does so in different ways and finds happiness in different things. Hegel and Kant saw the goal of life in self-development and self-knowledge. And Fromm said that the meaning of human life embodies the principle of "possession". The search for the meaning of human life is always playing important role in different areas of life - they are displayed in many types of art and spiritual teachings. A whole complex of sciences studies different aspects of man. Basically, a person is studied in four main dimensions - social, cosmic, biological and mental. Such sciences as biology and genetics, psychology and social biology, sociology and philosophy are focused on the study of man.
  • The following model is given: - a conflict generated by the competition of groups for real benefits and gains. Which of the following situations are suitable for the specified model, and which are not? 1) struggle of nations for territory 2) basketball duel 3) class struggle 4) civil war 5) ethnic conflict 6) clash between the buyer and the seller 7) demonstration demanding the defrauded depositors return their money 8) a fight between two drunken men 9) a duel Justify your choice .
  • Think so:

    Suitable: 1) struggle of nations for territory 4) civil war 5) ethnic conflict 6) clash between buyer and seller 7) demonstration demanding the return of deceived depositors to their money

    Not suitable: 2) a basketball match 3) class struggle 7) a demonstration demanding that defrauded depositors return their money 9) a duel 8) a fight between two drunken men

  • Situation:
    Possible Solution:
    ? (help) situation: 14-year-old Stepan decided to get a job at the post office in order to save money for a bicycle. But mom and dad did not give consent to this
    Possible Solution:
    Possible Solution:
    Possible Solutions:
    Possible situations:
  • Sasha is already 10 years old, so he himself can decide which surname to choose.

    Stepan will not be able to get a job, since from the age of 14 you can only work with the consent of your parents

    Marina should be assigned to an orphanage where he can make a choice, while these people should not be tried and deprived of parental rights

    Maxim has the right to see his grandmother, since the person is close, he must solve this problem and discuss it with his parents

    Alice was raised by her mother, now she must help her mother, or ask to look after her

  • Part 1.

    A1. M.'s family has a five-year-old child. Grandmother prepares the child for school. What function of the family does this example illustrate?

    1) educational 2) reproductive 3) economic 4) leisure

    A2. Social inequality manifests itself in:

    1) differences between people according to natural data 2) different marital status

    3) the absence of private property 4) the level of income received

    A3. The distinguishing features of the family as a social group include:

    1) Team work 2) general political views

    3) common life 4) common goal

    A4. Belonging to the F. family provides its members with the opportunity to get a job in commercial bank. This example reflects the function of the family:

    1) economic 2) social control

    3) emotional-psychological 4) social-status

    A5. Find and indicate a social group that "falls out" of the series, formed not on an ethno-social basis.

    1) Latvians 2) Catholics 3) Estonians 4) Lithuanians

    A6. The four social groups are listed below. Three of them have a common social significant feature. Which group falls out of this series?

    1) children 2) the elderly 3) men 4) youth

    A7. In the list social groups redundant are:

    1) estates 2) castes 3) classes 4) parties.

    A7. What sign underlies the unification of people and their groups in such a social community as townspeople?

    1) political; 3)professional;

    2) social class; 4) territorial.

    A8. The achieved status of a person does not include:

    1) gender 2) education 3) profession 4) financial situation.

    A9. A small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life and mutual responsibility, is:

    1) clan 2) class 3) family 4) elite

    A10. Both adolescents and adults are characterized by a social role:

    1) a conscript serviceman;

    2) a deputy of the city duma;

    3) a student of secondary secondary school.

    4) consumer of services mobile communications.

    A11. The class division of society reflects

    1) type of government 2) type social stratification

    3) character economic ties 4) a feature of the political system.

    A12. social role characteristic of both adolescents and adults:

    1) a graduate of a professional college; 3) football fan;

    2) a candidate for deputy of the legislative assembly; 4) serviceman - contract soldier

    A13. Which of the following social groups is distinguished on an economic basis:

    1) Muscovites 2) engineers 3) Muslims 4) landowners

    A14. Are the following judgments about social status correct?

    BUT. Social status is the position of a person in society, giving him rights and obligations.

    B. All social statuses people acquire from birth.

    A15. Are the following statements about social conflicts correct?

    BUT. The discrepancy between the interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.

    B. Interethnic conflict is a kind of social conflict.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    A16. Are the following statements about family true?

    BUT. The family regulates the behavior of family members.

    B. The family provides economic support to minors and disabled family members.

    1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

    There are more attachments

  • 1. Seller in a commercial bank!

    5. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5

    1. Patriarchal, nuclear

    2. Demographic revolution

    3. Self-determination

    4. Housewife, parenting, beloved

  • In the state of S., which ended up in crisis situation, the government, in order to save money, decided to drastically reduce funding for research in the field of social science, reduce the corresponding departments in higher educational institutions. This was explained by the fact that social science does not bring immediate profit, or this profit is too insignificant for the state in a crisis to afford to invest in its development.

    How can this decision affect the development of the country? Can you predict the consequences of such a decision?

  • At first, no one will notice the absence of social scientists. But since there will be no one to analyze politics and the state of the economy in the state, politicians will begin to solve problems incorrectly and will not be able to take into account how the crisis will affect all segments of the population. After all, the main goal of social scientists is to analyze the problem and identify the optimal solution.

  • Write)
    Task #1
    Citizen Ivanova on February 5 bought a Lada brand refrigerator in the T store. Two months later he was out of order, freezer stopped freezing. The seller accused citizen Ivanova of violating the rules of operation and refused to make warranty repairs. Are the actions of the seller legal? Justify the answer. What actions should Ivanova take in this situation?
    Task #5
    Citizen Nikolaev concluded with construction company contract for the construction of a country house. After half of the work was completed, Nikolaev decided to complete the house on his own. There were no complaints about the quality of the work performed by the builders. Does the consumer have the right to withdraw from the contract in this situation? Justify the answer. What should be the action of the consumer?
    Task #8
    Having bought cottage cheese cheese for her grandson, citizen Pertsova discovered that only the expiration date was marked on the package and there was no date of manufacture. The seller claimed that the cheese was fresh, and therefore refused to return the money. Does citizen Pertsova have the right to a refund? Justify the answer. What are the consumer's actions?
  • 1. They must make repairs if they refuse to do an examination and take it to court.

    2. The contract was concluded for the construction of the house, and not part of it, and few people care about the fact that he changed his mind. If the team agrees, i.e. if both parties do not mind, then he can terminate

    3. The date of manufacture must be, especially since it milk product, the seller is obliged to return the money. does not return, go and write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor and let them figure it out.

  • Apply knowledge of family law to solve life situations. Situation:
    The mother of 12-year-old Sasha got married a second time and changed her son's surname to the surname of her new husband. But Sasha does not agree to accept a new surname
    Possible Solution:
    ?(help) Added 2 years ago situation: 14-year-old Stepan decided to get a job at the post office to save money for a bike. But mom and dad did not give consent to this
    Possible Solution:
    11-year-old Marina's parents died in a car accident. The girl was decided to be adopted by the neighbors of the deceased family. However, Marina was against
    Possible Solution:
    7-year-old Maxim was attached to his grandmother. but after a quarrel between his parents and his grandmother, he was forbidden to communicate with her. Grandmother was very worried that she did not see her grandson.
    Possible solutions:
    Alice's mother raised her alone. When Alice turned 25, her mother fell ill, became disabled and turned to her daughter for help. But Alice refused to help her because she is married, does not work, lives on her husband's support and she does not have time and money of her own.
    Possible situations:
  • Sasha, since he is already 12, has the right to express his opinion, and they will be obliged to listen to his opinion
    2. Depending on what kind of work, some seem to be allowed without parental permission, especially since he is 14, but I’m not sure
    3. Marina's opinion, in this case, will not be taken into account, here everything will be decided by the documents for adoption
    4. Since Maxim, not yet 12, he will not be able to defend his opinion in court
    5. This is purely on a moral level, no one can force it here, because my mother did not pay alimony, which means she will not be able to recover from her daughter
  • There are many definitions of the concept of "conflict" in the scientific literature. (Recall what you have already learned about conflict in your elementary school and 10th grade.)

    They argue about it

    The question of the nature of the conflict causes a lot of controversy. Here are the opinions of several modern Russian scientists.

    A. G. Zdrav o myslov. "This is a form of relationship between potential or actual subjects of social action, the motivation of which is due to opposing values ​​and norms, interests and needs."

    E. M. Babosov. “A social conflict is an extreme case of social contradictions, expressed in various forms of struggle between individuals and different

    Nami social communities, aimed at achieving economic, social, political, spiritual interests and goals, neutralizing or eliminating an imaginary rival and not allowing him to achieve the realization of his interests.

    Yu. G. Zaprudsky. "Social conflict is a clear or hidden state of confrontation between objectively divergent interests, goals and trends in the development of social subjects ... a special form of historical movement towards a new social unity."

    What unites these opinions?

    As a rule, one side has some tangible and intangible (primarily power, prestige, authority, information, etc.) values, while the other side is either completely devoid of them or lacks them. At the same time, it is not excluded that the predominance may be imaginary, existing only in the imagination of one of the parties. But if any of the partners feels disadvantaged in the possession of any of the above, then there is conflict state.

    It can be said that social conflict is a special interaction of individuals, groups and associations in the clash of their incompatible views, positions and interests; confrontation of social groups over the diverse resources of life support.

    AT Literature expresses two points of view: one - about the dangers of social conflict, the other - about its benefits. In essence, we are talking about the positive and negative functions of conflicts. Social conflicts can lead to both disintegrative and integrative consequences. The first of these consequences increases bitterness, destroys normal partnerships, distracts people from solving pressing problems. The latter help to solve problems, find a way out of the current situation, strengthen the cohesion of people, allow them to more clearly understand their interests. It is almost impossible to avoid conflict situations, but it is quite possible to ensure that they are resolved in a civilized manner.

    There are many different social conflicts in society. They differ in their scale, type, composition of participants, causes, goals and consequences. The problem of typology arises in all sciences that take place with a multitude of heterogeneous objects. The most simple and easily explainable typology is based on the identification of spheres of manifestation of the conflict. According to this criterion, economic, political, interethnic, domestic, cultural and social (in the narrow sense) conflicts are distinguished. By-

    It is clear that the latter include conflicts arising from conflicts of interests in the sphere of labor, health care, social security, education; for all their independence, they are closely related to such types of conflicts as economic and political.

    Changes in social relations in modern Russia are accompanied by an expansion of the sphere of manifestation of conflicts, since they involve not only large social groups, but also territories, both nationally homogeneous and inhabited by various ethnic groups. In turn, interethnic conflicts (you will learn about them later) give rise to territorial, confessional, migration and other problems. Most modern researchers believe that in the social relations of modern Russian society there are two types of hidden conflicts that have not yet been clearly manifested. The first is the conflict between hired workers and the owners of the means of production. This is largely due to the fact that the workers, after half a century of social security and all rights in the field of social policy and labor relations with which they were endowed in Soviet society, it is difficult to understand and accept their new status as a wage worker forced to work in market conditions. The other is the conflict between the poor majority of the country and the wealthy minority, accompanying the accelerated process of social stratification.

    Many conditions influence the development of social conflict. These include the intentions of the parties to the conflict (to reach a compromise or completely eliminate the opponent); attitude to the means of physical (including armed) violence; the level of trust between the parties (as far as they are ready to follow certain rules of interaction); the adequacy of assessments by the conflicting parties of the true state of affairs.

    All social conflicts go through three stages: pre-conflict, directly conflict and post-conflict.

    Let's consider a specific example. At one enterprise, because of the real threat of bankruptcy, it was necessary to reduce the staff by a quarter. This prospect worried almost everyone: employees were afraid of layoffs, and management had to decide who to fire. When it was no longer possible to postpone the decision, the administration announced a list of those who were to be fired in the first place. On the part of the candidates for dismissal, lawful demands followed to explain why they were being fired, applications began to be received by the commission on labor disputes, and some decided to

    Go to court. The settlement of the conflict took several months, the company continued to work with a smaller number of employees. Pre-conflict stage is the period during which contradictions accumulate (in this case due to the need to reduce staff). Direct conflict stage is a set of specific actions. It is characterized by a clash of opposing sides (administration - candidates for dismissal).

    The most open form of expression of social conflicts can be various kinds of mass actions: presentation of demands to the authorities by discontented social groups; usage public opinion in support of their claims or alternative programs; direct social protests.

    Protest forms can be rallies, demonstrations, picketing, civil disobedience campaigns, strikes, hunger strikes, etc. Organizers of social protest actions must be clearly aware of what specific tasks can be decided with the help of this or that action and what kind of public support they can count on. Thus, a slogan that is sufficient to organize a picket can hardly be used to organize a campaign of civil disobedience. (What historical examples of such actions do you know?)

    To successfully resolve a social conflict, it is necessary to determine its true causes in a timely manner. The opposing sides should be interested in a joint search for ways to eliminate the causes that gave rise to their rivalry. On the post-conflict stage measures are taken to finally eliminate the contradictions (in the example under consideration, the dismissal of employees, if possible, the removal of socio-psychological tension in the relationship between the administration and the remaining employees, the search for optimal ways to avoid such a situation in the future).

    Conflict resolution can be partial or complete. Complete resolution means the end of the conflict, a fundamental change in the entire conflict situation. At the same time, a kind of psychological restructuring takes place: the “image of the enemy” is transformed into the “image of a partner”, the attitude to fight is replaced by the attitude to cooperation. The main disadvantage of a partial resolution of the conflict is that only its external form changes, but the causes that gave rise to the confrontation remain.

    Let's look at some of the most common methods of conflict resolution.

    Conflict avoidance method means leaving or the threat of leaving, is to avoid meeting with the enemy. But the avoidance of conflict does not mean its elimination, because its cause remains. Negotiation method assumes that the parties exchange views. This will help reduce the severity of the conflict, understand the arguments of the opponent, objectively assess both the true balance of power and the very possibility of reconciliation. Negotiations allow you to consider alternative situations, achieve mutual understanding, reach agreement, consensus, open the way to cooperation. Method of using mediation is expressed as follows: the opposing sides resort to the service of intermediaries ( public organizations, individuals, etc.). What conditions are necessary for successful conflict resolution? First of all, it is necessary to determine its causes in a timely and accurate manner; identify objectively existing contradictions, interests, goals. The parties to the conflict must free themselves from distrust of each other and thereby become participants in the negotiations in order to publicly and convincingly defend their positions and consciously create an atmosphere of public exchange of views. Without such a mutual interest of the parties in overcoming contradictions, mutual recognition of the interests of each of them, a joint search for ways to overcome the conflict is practically impossible. All participants in the negotiations should show a tendency towards consensus, i.e., to agree.

    SHSHBasic concepts: social interest, social interaction, competition, social cooperation, social conflict, ways to resolve social conflict.

    SHI Terms: rivalry, stages of social conflict.

    Test yourself

    1) Expand the content of the concept of "social interest".

    2) Name the main forms of social interactions.

    3) List the signs that characterize the social community
    labor. 4) Describe the rivalry as
    forms social interaction. 5) What is common
    the cause of social conflict? 6) What are the main
    dii social conflict? 7) What are the consequences when
    lead social conflicts? 8) Name the main methods
    ways to resolve the conflict and illustrate each of the
    them with a relevant example.

    Think, Discuss, Do

    1. In the course of world history, interests have seldom acted in their pure form. They, as a rule, were clothed in certain ideological and moral-ethical "clothes", with the help of

    Which private interest took on the form of general or even general interest. Ideology plays a decisive role in this process of "generalization" of private interest. Give some examples from history.

    2. Think about what social interests might have:
    a) residents of the neighborhood; b) factory workers; c) teaching

    3. Employees of the enterprise submitted initiatives
    group, officially notified the administration that
    if by a certain date it does not provide repayment for
    payroll, the staff will stop
    work, go on strike. Is this situation
    conflict? Explain the answer.

    4. By the anniversary of the company, employees were given bonuses.
    Someone A. found out that he received less than others. He will rise
    drank in a quarrel with the boss.

    Note that in this institution, the procedure for encouraging employees was not documented. Management decisions often caused discontent. Describe the main stages in the development of this conflict situation. What is the reason for the conflict? Under what conditions could it be avoided? In what way can it be resolved?

    5. Employees of the design bureau did the work
    under contract. When the work was paid, between employees
    the kami had a dispute about how to distribute the money. By me
    niyu K., the head of the group distributed the money inadvertently
    politely. But K. decided to remain silent. Is it possible to consider
    Is this conflict social? Justify your answer
    those. What is this type of conflict behavior called?
    What are the disadvantages of this method? Name other ways.

    Work with the source

    Read an excerpt from the work of the German sociologist R. Dahrendorf (b. 1938).

    The regulation of social conflicts is a decisive condition for reducing the violence of almost all types of conflicts. Conflicts do not disappear through their resolution; they do not necessarily become immediately less intense, but to the extent that they can be regulated, they become controlled, and their creative power is put at the service of the gradual development of social structures ...

    For this, it is necessary that conflicts in general, as well as these individual contradictions, be recognized by all participants as inevitable, and moreover, as justified and expedient. The one who does not allow conflicts, considers them as pathological deviations from the imagination.

    His normal state, he can not cope with them. Resigned recognition of the inevitability of conflicts is also not enough. Rather, it is necessary to be aware of the fruitful creative principle of conflicts. This means that any intervention in conflicts must be limited to regulating their manifestations and that futile attempts to eliminate their causes must be abandoned.

    Dahrendorf R. Elements of the theory of social conflict/" sociological research. - 1994. - No. 5. - S. 145-146.

    Questions and assignments to the source. 1) How does the author assess the possibility of conflict regulation? 2) Based on the text of the paragraph and the document, formulate the basic principles of compromise conflict resolution. 3) Explain the meaning of the last phrase of the text and give examples to support your judgment.

    Reference materials History of the Dolgoprudny lands Memories of the city residents Enterprises and organizations of the city Airships, airship building, aeronautics People of our city Honorary citizens of the city of Dolgoprudny Their names are immortalized in the names of streets, parks, schools History of the development of public education Emergencies in the city "My city - Dolgoprudny" - historical essay "History of schools in the city of Dolgoprudny" - the book "Neighborhoods of the city of Dolgoprudny" - the book "The big history of a small village" - the book "Give the ship into the air!" - the book "History of the DNPP. From airships to rockets" - the book "OJSC DNPP. Memoirs of veterans" - the book "The Village of Vinogradovo" - the book "My five years with Soviet airships" - the book by U. Nobile "Far and Near" - the book of Poems and prose about Dolgoprudny

    http://website/doc/index.php Translator's preface Publisher's preface Chapter 1. Invitation from Moscow Chapter 2. Arrival in the Soviet Union Chapter 3. In Arkhangelsk Chapter 4. To the land of Franz Josef Chapter 5. Meeting with the airship "Count Zeppelin" "Chapter 6. At Cape Flora Chapter 7. On Prince Rudolf Island Chapter 8. Disappointment Chapter 9. On Novaya Zemlya Chapter 10. In Moscow Chapter 11. Conclusion of an agreement with the Dirigiblestroy Chapter 12. At work in the Design Bureau Chapter 13. Secretaries and interpreters Chapter 14. Self-criticism Chapter 15. Homeless Chapter 16. Chess in Russia Chapter 17. The fate of a meteorologist Chapter 18. Our first airships Chapter 19. On trial in Moscow Chapter 20. The unusual flight of airship B-3 Chapter 21. Continuous change of leadership Chapter 22. Airships designed by our Design Bureau Chapter 23. In the Kremlin Hospital Chapter 24. Return to Work Chapter 25. Holidays and vacations Chapter 26. Purge of executives Chapter 27. Airships and the Chelyuskin shipwreck Chapter 28. The death of the airship V-7 Chapter 29. The airship V-6 in flight Chapter 30. The disaster of the airship V-7 Eyes 31. The problem of large airships Chapter 32 Airline Moscow - Sverdlovsk Chapter 33. The V-6 airship sets the world flight duration record Chapter 34. The tragic end of the V-6 airship Chapter 35. Conclusions from the acquired experience Afterword

    Chapter 12

    Umberto Nobile "My Five Years with Soviet Airships". Akron, USA, 1987

    On May 2, 1932, having settled in Moscow, I set to work with the help of a small group of Italian technicians and workers who had come with me. First of all, it was necessary to solve organizational issues. We had no workshops, no materials for the production of parts for the construction of airships, no sheds in which to assemble them. But in order to accomplish this, we had about eighty young engineers who, together with thirty designers and draftsmen, worked in the Design Bureau (as they called their organization).

    This organization was missing many essential items. I was even forced to send an application to Germany for the purchase of design tables equipped with drafting instruments. We didn't have paper, so we had to draw on reverse side geographical maps, acquiring them in some antique shop. When I arrived, I found this organization located in a large factory building on the outskirts of Moscow (Cherkizovo). She occupied two floors. On the first floor there was something like a primitive workshop with one or two machine tools. On the second floor, where there was a very low ceiling, there was one large room in which designers and calculators worked, and three small rooms to the left of the entrance. One of them was given to me, the second - to my representative, who in Russian was called "deputy" and who changed several times during my stay, but was always a communist. The third room was called the "secret part", in which papers of more or less significant importance were kept.

    From the first floor, one could get to the second only by passing through the courtyard and an even dirtier stairwell.

    The building in which our organization was located was temporarily rented by "Dirizhablestroy", so after a few months we moved to another place, but this was not our final location. During the first two years, the Design Bureau changed its address four times, twice on the outskirts of Moscow and once in the center, on the upper gallery of the Petrovsky Lines store in the turmoil of the shops below us. Finally, it moved to Dolgoprudnaya, where again it received temporary accommodation in a wooden barracks. Here, during the winter, the central heating failed almost every day, with the result that it was often impossible to do any work at all.

    The young engineers placed at my disposal to help design the airships were, as I said, more than eighty in number! And from year to year their number inevitably increased, because the Institute, which trained airship engineers (Airship Building Training Plant, or briefly - DUK), had at least five hundred students. And it was necessary to somehow intelligently use those who completed a full course of study every year. The curious fact was that, unlike the situation in Italy, there were very few designers - hardly one in three engineers. And exactly the same ratio was in the workshops - one worker for three engineers. To imagine how excessive this proportion was for me, I will tell you that at the military factory in Rome, which I managed for many years, and where we designed, built and tested two or three airships annually, we never had more than ten engineers for the whole plant. They were distributed between the Office, the design office, workshops, laboratories and assembly shop.

    This oversaturation of the engineering staff in the Russian Design Bureau, as you can easily imagine, was at times more of a hindrance than a help in the work entrusted to me. Often I noticed that they were more prepared for individual work than to collective work in a group. Everyone strove to come up with new ideas and insisted on their implementation, which often resulted in a decrease in the intensity of work, delaying the completion of other tasks.

    Among this mass of young people, of course, there was no shortage of those who had great abilities and good technical discipline. As a result, it was possible to select the best of them and pick up stable groups of engineers who could work well. But this selection was partly hampered by the fact that Communist leaders sometimes expressed distrust of non-Party engineers. Sometimes they also showed some kind of jealousy for their promotion. It showed up everywhere among engineers. As a result, the selection was sometimes carried out in the opposite direction, so that the more capable were fired. This factor was combined with the excessive importance attached by "Dirizhablestroy" to attracting young engineers with insufficient availability of technicians and skilled workers in the organization. All this undoubtedly greatly hindered the successful formation of the staffing of the units, which, in my experience, was necessary for the kind of work that we intended to do.

    In general, I must say that during the whole time of my stay in Russia I constantly observed one feature, not only in that particular organization that was closely connected with my immediate activity, but also in other organizations: the number of people employed in this particular area , was much more than we had in Italy. This redundancy in personnel was due to the fact that everything, or almost everything, in Soviet industry was created hastily. They thought that the lack of experienced people could be overcome by quantity instead of quality. Undoubtedly, this shortcoming was gradually eliminated over time.

    Another reason why Russian technicians gave lower returns than ours was that many of the Russian engineers had extra work that distracted them from their main work. This would, of course, be more tangible if it were possible to reduce their number and increase their wages, guaranteeing them a constant workload, a progressive increase in their earnings and position at work, an increase in their merits and experience.

    A strange thing was the fact that in "Airshipstroy", as in all other Soviet industrial organizations, there was a department called the "department of rationalization." In this department, a large group of engineers has been busy learning the most effective way to organize our work, but not once did any of them point out the shortcomings that I have just mentioned.

    On May 24, 1932, shortly after I was enrolled as the technical director of the Dirigiblestroy, I was asked to accept a five-year plan for the construction of airships for consideration. I didn't hear anything about him in January of this year. Probably my remark made to Leteisen was taken into account by him and was taken into account by the head of the "Airshipstroy". Purmal himself had some doubts about the possibility of carrying out this plan. But new plan, although less exciting than the previous one, was also not feasible. Here are the numbers it contains:

    50 semi-rigid airships with a volume not exceeding 100,000 m3

    4 rigid airships with a volume of 125,000 m3

    4 rigid airships with a volume of 250,000 m3

    I pointed out to Purmal that we in Italy and the Zeppelin firm in Germany, although we had superbly equipped workshops and experienced teams of workers, experts in this type of construction, could not complete even one tenth of this plan in a given time. What was the opportunity to do this in the Soviet Union, where we had no workshops at all, no shed for assembly and no trained workers we could rely on? But the optimist Purmal was not in the least impressed by my arguments. He simply objected that what is considered impossible for the capitalist countries is quite achievable in the Soviet Union, where time can be accelerated at our will.

    This excessive and unjustified optimism was a delusion not only of the leadership of the Airshipstroy, but also of those young engineers who worked with me. It was caused not so much by their technical inexperience, but by the mental attitude they acquired, thinking that everything could be done better in the Soviet Union than anywhere else. This exaggerated belief in one's own abilities was obviously a reflection of the atmosphere of enthusiasm that at that time engulfed all the youth of Soviet Russia, carried away by the grandiose state building. This excessive ambition, inspired by the fulfillment of these grandiose plans, could only cause a smile in the specific case of the construction of objects as complex and delicate as airships. But it was their ambition, enthusiasm and optimism that in other areas led the young Soviet citizens to the great achievements of those times.

    Let us return to the work plan presented in May 1932. I, after many discussions with Purmal, have completed their acceptance for technical review of the following projects:

    1 semi-rigid airship with a volume of 2000 m, which will serve as the first experiment to familiarize Soviet engineers with the Italian type of airship design;

    3 semi-rigid airships with a volume of 19,000 m3;

    1 Zeppelin-type rigid airship with a capacity of 100,000 m3;

    1 non-rigid all-metal airship of the type developed by Professor Tsiolkovsky for many years.

    Tsiolkovsky has very great merit as a forerunner of astronautical technology, but his project of an all-metal airship with a corrugated steel shell is absolutely unsuitable for implementation. I expressed my opinion to Purmal that he did not deserve to spend money to continue the relevant research. But Russian national pride is very great. Therefore, "Airshipstroy" gave the order not only to continue work on this project, which had been started, but also to speed it up. For my part, I ended up washing my hands and stating that I was convinced that these studies would never lead to a concrete result.

    I also asked to be relieved of my work on another type of all-metal airship, which was produced on a reduced scale in the USA. It was really interesting in terms of type, but I am sure that this type of construction will not have development prospects either. Thus, I limited my activities to designing four semi-rigid airships and conducting preliminary studies on a rigid airship.

    The head of a nursing home in Primorye is suspected of embezzling 1.8 million rubles of personal funds of her wards

    PHOTO: ITAR-TASS Photo Agency

    Maxim Balyuk and I are walking along Drum Street in the Eastern Administrative District. Renting a room in house number 4 joint-stock company, which is a subsidiary of the state corporation Rostec. But on this moment nobody works there.

    In October last year, I was hired as the head of the planning and economic department, - says Maxim. - The salary is about 45 thousand rubles. According to the employment contract, she was paid twice a month: on the 15th and 31st.

    But at the beginning of the year, management began to delay payments. For January, the money was transferred only on March 16. But since February, I have not received a salary at all. From February to May - I was owed 213 thousand 408 rubles. This is confirmed by an extract from a salary bank card.

    All 38 employees of the enterprise complained to the management, but it explained that there were few orders. And in general - most likely, the enterprise will be liquidated. But at the same time, none of the employees received a notice of dismissal and liquidation of the enterprise. And the total debt to all employees for just one month is more than two million rubles. And in six months it turns out already twelve million.

    On June 3, almost all employees wrote statements addressed to the management, referring to Article 142 Labor Code that they stop working until full pay is received.

    But the general director of KBPM, Vasily Slobodzhanov, and the executive director, Eduard Yanushenko, resigned. Why is unknown. But ordinary workers they are not in a hurry, because they understand that later it will be difficult to get honestly earned money from the enterprise. So the building of the design bureau is now empty.

    Balyuk wrote a claim to Rostec, but has not yet received a response.

    In this case, the actions of the management of the enterprise, undoubtedly, are seen as signs of a crime in article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Non-payment wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances and other payments,” Dmitry Starikov, a lawyer for the Defense League board, commented to VM. - Criminal liability occurs if wages are not paid for more than two months. The punishment for it is serious - a fine of one hundred to five hundred thousand rubles, or up to three years of corrective labor, or up to three years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to three years.


    Stepan Suzdaltsev, head of the press service of the Rostec Group of Companies:

    The Design Bureau of Semiconductor Engineering does have a number of problems associated with delayed payments to employees.

    We received a complaint from employees of the Design Bureau of Semiconductor Materials. State Corporation represented by the Ruselectronics holding, it is now studying the circumstances under which the enterprise was brought to such a difficult financial situation.

    But in any case, wage arrears will be repaid in the near future.

    Tatyana Maksimenko, Senior Prosecutor of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office:

    Violations are seen in the actions of the management and owners of the company.

    Employees urgently need to apply with applications to the territorial prosecutor's office or the prosecutor's office of the Eastern administrative district. All information about the problem must be stated in writing, documents confirming non-payment of wages must be attached.

    The prosecutor's office conducts many checks on similar applications, and almost all of them are decided in favor of the applicants. According to Balyuk, this is indeed a violation of the law.


    If you have not been paid a salary for several months, then it is best to contact:

    1. To the prosecutor's office at the location of the enterprise.

    The application, in which you need to describe the problem in detail, must be attached labor contract, an extract from the salary card confirming the non-payment of wages. It is also necessary to attach a copy of the claim to the management with the requirement to pay money.

    2. To the court, where you need to file a statement of claim for the issuance of a court order.

    A sample statement of claim can be viewed at the information stands in the premises of the justice of the peace.

    Attach to statement of claim you need the same documents as the prosecutor's office. This is a reliable method, only longer.

    But if even after the court decision the management does not pay wages, then it can be held liable for failure to comply with the court decision.