How to calm down before an important interview. How to relieve anxiety before an interview. How to behave during a business meeting

Hello dear friend!

The cause for excitement at the interview can arise unexpectedly.

How not to worry in an interview? This way of posing the question is not entirely correct. We already talked about this in the article How not to worry before an interview? Excitement during a responsible conversation is a completely normal phenomenon. Problems arise when it grows into a strong one.

The interview usually takes place in several stages. And at some stage you may encounter uncomfortable, tricky or even simple stupid questions. Sometimes with psychological pressure techniques, "knockout" techniques.

Some people specifically use them to unbalance, unsettle. Such "knockout" techniques allow you to knock off a prepared conversation scheme. Someone does this because of their character, the desire to what is called "bend over" the interlocutor.

Sometimes a recruiter or manager thinks that this can test your resistance to stress.

Example from practice:

"We know everything about you!"

Most candidates respond immediately: "What exactly?». “Well, now, if you wish, you can find any information” the interlocutor answers. According to my estimates, about 3 out of 5 candidates become noticeably nervous. Everyone has some roughness in the biography. Not a trace of the former confidence remained.

Another example:

“You tell me the main thing! What is the point of the question?!” All attempts by the candidate to explain something are met with resistance.: “You are essentially speaking! In three words, explain what the highlight is. Oh, you talk about achievements, but you are not able to explain the essence.

That's some pretty tough pressure.

You won’t believe how many notorious people hide under the mask of “cool” and confident.

Someone falls into a stupor, someone begins to feverishly say something or make excuses. Someone is showing aggression. In this state, many people's brain turns off. The consequences of such a state are usually not the best. Test failed.

I have identified several effective techniques that will help reduce the degree of excitement and prevent it from growing uncontrollably.


You can prepare for such questions, about the “fog game” counteraction technique a little lower,in the meantime, the advice is this: Learn to pause. Smile, just say that the question is unexpected, now I'll figure it out.

In a few seconds, self-control will surely return to you and you will find something to answer. It is no coincidence that they say “grandmaster” pause. And no one will call you a brake. A well-timed pause speaks of your emotional maturity. and help you bounce back from an unexpected twist.

And then to the statement “We know everything about you” you will not blurt out with a machine gun with round eyes “What exactly?” and calmly say: “Very well, a competent leader will find a way to find the necessary information”. And continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.

This is a simplified demonstration of one of the techniques for countering pressure - fogging.

In fairness, I will say that psycho-suppression techniques are used relatively infrequently.

2. Technique "Game in the fog"

A way to respond to a collision that deprives support. The technique may seem somewhat strange, frivolous to you, but it leads to good results, and this is the main thing.

“You are a bad person!”

“Some people are really not very good.” You agreed. But not with what the interlocutor said, but with the part of the statement that is true.

"You're twisting the context."

“Sometimes the context really juggles.” Everything that the aggressor tells you seems to dissolve in a fog, you agree. He was counting on a response, but no, and he throws this useless business.

A kind of psychological aikido.

Each person has a certain shell-sphere. When communicating, the spheres are in contact, and if I remain neutral at the border of contact, you have no reason to be aggressive. If I get on your side, it starts to annoy you, and then word for word ...

The fogging technique allows you to respond in a way that is neutral but still has an opinion. And to answer in such a way that it is easier to agree with you than to enter into a confrontation.

Let's go back to the question " We know everything about you!” Following the technique of fogging, you can answer like this: “I am no longer a boy, I have a fairly extensive professional and life experience. And what you know is great. It will be easier for me to talk about myself.”

What do you agree with?

With part of the offer. Only someone like you can get out of the house in this weather! - The weather is really rubbish ... You agreed.

Now consider how to be in a situation,

When emotions start to run high

This happens often.When emotions are whipping over the edge, the brain cannot “think”, reflexes come to the fore. Higher brain functions are shut down.

You read “slow down”, fall into a stupor. Or vice versa, in a state of aggression.

You forget important points, the mind seems to be clouded.

It is important to recognize the approaching threshold of loss of control in time and take emergency measures.

3.Technique "Climb"

This is an express method that can be applied right during the interview. Take a look at the picture:

You are a boat, and the situation of nervous tension that has arisen is a whirlpool. You are rushing straight into the whirlpool. Your task (boats) is to overcome the whirlpool and continue on your way to the right direction. A whirlpool can easily suck the boat in or throw it in a direction we don't need.

You can try to turn on the motor at full speed and overcome the whirlpool head-on. But far from the fact that it will turn out. Or maybe use a smarter way?

Imagine that the boat has an air cushion and can rise above the funnel. Then it will not be difficult for him to choose the right direction.

Being above the situation, it is much easier for you to make a decision. So, to quickly calm down, mentally switch to the mode air cushion and you will easily overcome the whirlpool.

  1. Mentally command: "Stop the car!".You recognize the situation and inhibit the buildup of emotions.
  2. Command "Switch to neutral!". Take a quick inhale and a longer exhale. It may only take a few seconds. Repeat the breathing cycle as many times as possible. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.
  3. Command "Get high!". Feel above the situation. Take a bird's eye view of the situation.

Your excitement is just a momentary weakness and nothing more. Here you play by the rules that you are offered. Your interlocutors are also players. But, sometimes too zealously impose their own rules. But you don't care. Everything will pass, and this will pass.

Use this method as emergency measure helps a lot.

It is important to choose the right moment, because the exercise takes some time. But not as much as it might seem - literally 5-6 seconds.

4. "Bell of awareness"

Set your cell phone to ring for a specific time within the interview (or other negotiation) period. The signal should be short and quiet, since it is not customary to listen to the waxwings of mobile phones during the interview.

When there is a signal, think for a moment about whether your psychological problem. If so, mentally fix it and turn on the “stop machine”.

5.Technique "Thank you mom"

I explained this exercise in detail in the article How not to worry before an interview. I can only add that, having chosen the right moment, it is quite appropriate to apply it at the meeting itself.

On this, let me bow.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

The time before the interview is a few minutes that you spend in nervous tension. There are many techniques to take your mind off your worries and relax, and one of them is to look around and in which you would like to work.

Coming to the interview, many forget that the company needs employees as much as they need work. Meanwhile, at the interview, you also decide if a particular company is right for you.

All duties wages and other aspects of your position you will discuss at the interview, and before it you have a great opportunity to form your opinion about the company itself.

Take a look around

Most often, the applicant sits in the waiting room or in the corridor in front of the door, and waits to be called. In such circumstances, you won’t walk much, but it’s worth looking around. Sometimes this is quite enough to understand the details that you would be embarrassed to ask directly.

1. Walls

On the walls of the office, one can tell not only about the well-being of the company, but also about what is emphasized in this company and what is required of employees.

For example, if thanks to employees are hung on the walls, it means that the company values ​​its staff. If there are awards on the walls, you can immediately see what the company has achieved and how it cares about its status.

Seminar and event posters may indicate a desire to learn and develop your employees, or that you will be required to attend events for professional growth.

2. Machinery and equipment

As you walk through the office, look for computers, mobile technology, video and projection equipment. If the company has the latest equipment, it means that the company attaches great importance to modern technologies and will invest in technical equipment.

If the computers are old, or things in the company are not going very well, or the management does not care about the convenience and productivity of employees.

3. Layout

Office layout means a lot. Look at how the tables are arranged, if the office has separate partitions, and what size they are.

What does the office look like more: a bright, spacious room or a labyrinth of gray walls? Just imagine if you would like to work in this place, because if you are hired, you will have to spend most of your day here.

4. People

If you have to work in a team, or at least occasionally encounter employees, you need to pay attention to them first. Assess the situation in the office: how do they work, how do they treat each other?

Everyone is sitting in headphones, staring at the monitor, or they are discussing a topic together. What prevails in the office - the sound of keys, phone calls, talking and laughing or harsh, annoyed voices?

The environment means a lot, and if you feel that the employees are quite hostile to each other, and the atmosphere in the office is tense, no amount of money will make such work beloved.

Equally important is how your future employees dress. If you value freedom of expression or hate formal wear, the dress code will be your farewell to personal comfort.

Double benefit

So, casually examining the office, employees and equipment, you will not only learn a lot about the company, but also. Your attention will be occupied with observation and evaluation, so there will be no time for nerves. Double benefit - both calmed down and roughly understood where you have to work.

If you came to the interview on time and just didn’t have time to look around properly, all this can be done after talking with the HR manager. Whatever he tells you about the company, his observations are worth more anyway.

The employment process in most cases involves the candidate going through an interview procedure. If this business meeting is not a formality and is not held for show, the job applicant experiences serious stress before and during the interview. This condition can become a serious problem and negatively affect the result. To avoid such consequences, it is important to figure out how not to worry at the interview.

What are the causes of anxiety

Excitement is a mental, emotional state caused by a person's evaluative reaction to any events, processes, circumstances that have already happened, will happen or are happening at the moment.

This condition is multifaceted and can be of a different nature. It is generated by thoughts and feelings of uncertainty, uncertainty, fear about the result. important event in life.

Causes of anxiety before a job interview:

  • the importance of the event - a dream to work in this company, the first interview in my life;
  • lack of experience;
  • uncertainty of the result;
  • the presence of difficulties - no work, for a long time it is not possible to find a job, lack of money, problems in personal life;
  • poor preparedness, lack of necessary information;
  • low self-esteem, general insecurity or due to past failures in interviews.

The nature of the state of anxiety lies in the fact that this is how the body reacts to thoughts, trying to prepare for uncertain and “terrible” consequences.

Excitement manifests itself in each person in different ways, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual, the degree of mental stability, and life experience.

Excitement before an interview and during a business meeting manifests itself in the following forms:

  • voltage;
  • stiffness;
  • inability to focus on what is important;
  • loss of concentration;
  • unreasonable activity, cheerfulness;
  • nervous trembling;
  • looking away, frequent blinking, squinting;
  • flushing of the face or pallor;
  • rapid breathing;
  • gestures, unnatural hand movements;
  • excessive sweating - often sweating of the palms or the appearance of sweat on the forehead;
  • speech disorders, stuttering, trembling voice;
  • incoherent construction of phrases during a conversation;
  • inconsistency of thoughts when answering questions;
  • nausea, vomiting.

As you can see from the list above, anxiety can be a serious problem in an interview. This condition can have a serious impact on its results, as it is associated with lies and distortion of information.

There are special interview techniques when a specialist deliberately makes a candidate worry in order to assess the degree of his stability.

Why is it important not to worry in the interview:

  • opportunity to showcase your strengths fully;
  • maintaining clarity of thought;
  • focus and concentration on the main thing;
  • natural behavior;
  • clear and structured speech.

How to prepare for an interview

After a call with an invitation to an interview, joy sets in, but the state of euphoria quickly passes, a state of excitement arises. And the closer the day of a business meeting, the stronger the pressure of anxiety and confusion.

But this state is the norm. It is faced by all people who want to get a job. And the vast majority of people safely survive such situations. This must be remembered. The main thing is not to get hung up on your fears, not to wind up tragic scenarios in your head. Life after the interview does not end.

To understand how not to worry before an interview, you need to know the basic rules for preparing and conducting this event.

Aspects that help overcome the excitement before and during a business meeting:

  • mental, psychological and emotional mood;
  • selection of suitable clothing;
  • theoretical training;
  • working out and playing possible scenarios for the development of events.

We are internally configuring

Mental, emotional and psychological attitude includes three main points.

  1. Acceptance of possible rejection. The upcoming meeting is not the last in life, even if there are difficult life circumstances. An interview is a hiring process that millions of people go through, rejection is inevitable. The main thing is to draw conclusions, learn from mistakes, and avoid their repetition in the future. Accepting rejection will make it easier to relate to the event and focus on real preparation, which will increase the chances of a successful completion.
  2. Discharge. Scroll in your head possible options a negative development of events during a business meeting - you were kicked out, you said complete nonsense, a recruiter began to laugh at you, etc. Think over as many options as possible, bring them to the point of absurdity. This approach will help to throw out all the accumulated fears. You can discuss all options with family and friends.
  3. Play the interview in front of a mirror - get dressed, say hello, sit down, rehearse speech, answer questions. Look in the mirror at your position, gestures, behavior. Notice the negative points and correct them. You can invite a friend or relative to attend.

We select a suit

The state of confidence is greatly influenced by appearance and clothing. It is important to choose an official style that will fully comply with generally accepted rules. Read special materials on clothing requirements during interviews, ask friends who are more experienced in this regard.

If you have such an opportunity, you can first visit the company where the business meeting is scheduled and see how the employees are dressed. Another important aspect appearance- you should be comfortable and convenient.

We collect information

The more a person knows about the interview, the easier it is to control the excitement. Thorough preparation for the interview includes the following steps:

  1. Studying information about the goals of the interview, techniques for conducting it, features, pitfalls. Get to know the basic steps business communication, view the most popular and common questions. To solve the problem, use articles, special literature, videos about interviews.
  2. Working out your own resume and answering possible questions. This is where the method of training in front of a mirror comes in handy. Attention should be paid to difficult issues - reasons for dismissal, advantages and disadvantages, expectations from new work. You should not memorize the answers according to the template, because the interview will not go according to the script. The interviewer will ask questions in the wrong order, their wording will be different, and unexpected developments of the conversation are possible.
  3. Drawing up questions to ask the recruiter - the specifics of the team, official duties and functions, upcoming tasks, career prospects, reasons for looking for an employee.
  4. Studying the field of activity, the specifics of the company. Be sure to get acquainted with the corporate website, groups in in social networks, news. Gather all kinds of information about the employer.

Distracted by pleasant activities

Help against excitement and simple actions. You need to get distracted and occupy your mind with something detached. Ideal for this task:

  • sport;
  • hobby;
  • walk with friends;
  • communication with loved ones.

It is important to have a good rest the day before the interview, go to bed early.

We take a sedative

Now let's figure out how to deal with the anxiety before the interview, if all else fails.

In order not to worry, before the interview, you can drink sedative (sedative) medications:

  • valocordin, corvalol;
  • validol;
  • valerian;
  • Afobazole;
  • Novopassit;
  • Herbion;
  • Persen.

Before using any drug, read the indications. It is better to use proven remedies that have been used to calm you before. To check the reaction to the sedative, it is worth trying the remedy a few days before the interview.

How to behave during a business meeting

Having figured out how to stop worrying before an interview, it is equally important to remain calm and collected during the actual meeting with representatives. potential employer. There are several ways to deal with interview anxiety.

  1. Calculate the time to arrive at the meeting point in advance. Hurry and delay will provoke excitement. It is better to arrive 15-20 minutes before the appointed time. Be sure to bring water, a handkerchief or napkins with you.
  2. In the process of waiting, study the situation in the office. If possible, you can talk to the employee at the reception. Such actions will allow you to be distracted while waiting.
  3. When meeting with a recruiter, be friendly and positive. Smile. This will relieve tension.
  4. During a conversation, it is important to monitor your breathing. Breathe in and out before speaking.
  5. Speak clearly, don't rush. If you feel that excitement is coming, pause, inhale.
  6. Shoulders, back and arms should be relaxed. Stay upright, do not "spread" on the chair.
  7. Do not twist objects in your hands. Often, a pen, ring, or other object that catches the eye is used to calm down.

A lot of the interview depends on the experience of the recruiter. If you are worried, the specialist will quickly recognize this and take measures to defuse the situation. We are all people, recruiters are also worried and will treat your feelings with understanding. Excitement is a sign of the importance of the event, and this should also be taken into account when evaluating a future employee.

Don't worry about how fast you speak. Better watch what your interviewer says and take a cue from him. Note for yourself the following: what is his voice modulation? tone? volume? speed? Copying the conversational style of the interlocutor can create a subtle psychological connection between you. After all, psychologists have long known that we are attracted to people who look like us.

Take note

According to Canadian scientists, employers are less likely to hire people who are nervous during an interview. In this experiment, interviewers paid little attention to common nervous tics, such as fidgeting or fixing their hair. Instead, they marked candidates who spoke slowly and inconsistently. The latter more often made reservations in their answers, kept long pauses and generally spoke less - and this is all from nerves. Looking at such a candidate, it is easy to think that he was poorly prepared for the interview, and for the desired job in general.

Be a know-it-all

You don't want to show yourself as a self-confident dummy, but a certain degree of self-confidence does not hurt, as it demonstrates your competence. Show at the interview that you are well versed in the market situation in your area. Mention the latest trends. Perhaps you know about the new software or a revolutionary process that can be discussed. Explain why you yourself chose this or that product, and do it before you are told about what is accepted in the company. In general, do not be afraid to show yourself as an expert.

Don't be afraid to talk nonsense

During the study, most of the candidates did not try to develop a conversation with the interviewer, but only answered questions. Don't be the same. Treat the interview like a normal conversation, not like a one-sided interrogation. Create the feeling of a warm human conversation by touching on issues that are not directly related to your profession. Prepare for this ahead of time. It can be an office remark or a funny incident from your life that will show that you have everything in order with a sense of humor.

The time before the interview is a few minutes that you spend in nervous tension. There are many techniques to take your mind off your worries and relax, and one of them is to look around and in which you would like to work.

Coming to the interview, many forget that the company needs employees as much as they need work. Meanwhile, at the interview, you also decide if a particular company is right for you.

You will discuss all the duties, salary and other aspects of your position at the interview, and before it you have a great opportunity to form your opinion about the company itself.

Take a look around

Most often, the applicant sits in the waiting room or in the corridor in front of the door, and waits to be called. In such circumstances, you won’t walk much, but it’s worth looking around. Sometimes this is quite enough to understand the details that you would be embarrassed to ask directly.

1. Walls

On the walls of the office, one can tell not only about the well-being of the company, but also about what is emphasized in this company and what is required of employees.

For example, if thanks to employees are hung on the walls, it means that the company values ​​its staff. If there are awards on the walls, you can immediately see what the company has achieved and how it cares about its status.

Seminar and event posters may indicate a desire to learn and develop your employees, or that you will be required to attend events for professional growth.

2. Machinery and equipment

As you walk through the office, look for computers, mobile technology, video and projection equipment. If the company has the latest equipment, it means that the company attaches great importance to modern technologies and will invest in technical equipment.

If the computers are old, or things in the company are not going very well, or the management does not care about the convenience and productivity of employees.

3. Layout

Office layout means a lot. Look at how the tables are arranged, if the office has separate partitions, and what size they are.

What does the office look like more: a bright, spacious room or a labyrinth of gray walls? Just imagine if you would like to work in this place, because if you are hired, you will have to spend most of your day here.

4. People

If you have to work in a team, or at least occasionally encounter employees, you need to pay attention to them first. Assess the situation in the office: how do they work, how do they treat each other?

Everyone is sitting in headphones, staring at the monitor, or they are discussing a topic together. What prevails in the office - the clatter of keys, phone calls, conversations and laughter, or harsh, annoyed voices?

The environment means a lot, and if you feel that the employees are quite hostile to each other, and the atmosphere in the office is tense, no amount of money will make such work beloved.

Equally important is how your future employees dress. If you value freedom of expression or hate formal wear, the dress code will be your farewell to personal comfort.

Double benefit

So, casually examining the office, employees and equipment, you will not only learn a lot about the company, but also. Your attention will be occupied with observation and evaluation, so there will be no time for nerves. Double benefit - both calmed down and roughly understood where you have to work.

If you came to the interview on time and just didn’t have time to look around properly, all this can be done after talking with the HR manager. Whatever he tells you about the company, his observations are worth more anyway.