Components of a HR strategy. Personnel strategy. Principles of building personnel policy

Based on the analysis of various strategies, their classification was developed. Depending on the classification feature, strategies are distinguished: according to the level of management at which the strategy is developed, regarding the stage of the “life cycle” of the enterprise, according to the nature of behavior in the market; according to the method of achieving competitive advantages (Fig. 1.3).

Depending on the level of management at which strategies are developed, they distinguish between: corporate, business, functional, resource and operational strategy.

Among the general strategies that take place during the "life cycle" of an enterprise, there are: a strategy of growth, stabilization, reduction and restructuring.

By the nature of the behavior in the market, strategies are divided into: active (offensive, expansive), passive, a combination of active and passive.

According to the method of achieving competitive advantages: cost leadership strategy, differentiation, optimal costs, focused strategy of low costs and differentiation.

Rice. 1.3.

An enterprise can simultaneously implement several strategies: corporate, which covers all areas of the enterprise; business, to ensure success in one specific area of ​​business.

Each of the options for the development strategy of the organization involves its own (corresponding to it) version of the personnel strategy. Let's consider them according to the principle "general strategy of the organization - the corresponding personnel strategy".

1) Organization development strategies - entrepreneurship strategy.

Typical for organizations that develop new areas of activity, investments provide funds with a high share of financial risks. To implement this strategy, an innovative staff with flexible thinking is needed who is willing to take responsibility for management risks, to work in overtime and able to work in groups.

HR strategy- Opportunities for growth and personal development. This strategy is based on the high individual capabilities of the individual. Professional development is encouraged in various ways.

2) Development strategies of the organization - a strategy of dynamic growth.

HR strategy - hiring. Changes in the goals and structure of the organization are envisaged. The challenge is to find a balance between the necessary changes and stability. Qualification and dedication to the firm are factors in the firm's success. Employees must be able to adapt to change, quickly acquire necessary competence to solve the corresponding problems.

Specialists are recruited from among the most capable workers. The main thing is to attract highly qualified specialists who are really needed by the company. This personnel strategy is based on the assessment of individual work and on effective work in a group, analysis of group behavior

HR strategy - reward. Evaluation of employees is more formalized, but the factor of loyalty to the firm is important.

Personnel strategy - development of competence. The competence of employees is ensured through continuous professional development. There is a real opportunity for professional advancement of specialists. Personnel development should be consistent with the company's development goals.

3) Organization development strategies - profit strategy.

HR strategy - hiring. The organization is at the stage of maturity and expects to receive a constant income through new products, the development of technologies with established production.

The main task is to produce more products and minimize costs. The purpose of management is strict control, elimination of uncertainty and uncertainty. It is carried out using standard procedures and rules. Only those specialists are selected in whose competence the firm is interested - a narrow selection. Recruited staff ready to perform their duties. Participation in management is not necessary and is not encouraged, but if incomes decrease or product quality deteriorates, then other forms of involving workers in solving the problem are used.

4) Organization development strategies - liquidation strategy.

This strategy is chosen by organizations in which the main activities are in decline in terms of profit, market position, product quality. Staff have a negative attitude towards the implementation of such a strategy due to future staff reductions. Measures are important social protection workers in the form of finding ways to reduce the employed staff (transition to part-time working week, shortened working hours, employment of laid-off workers in other firms at the expense of this organization, internal displacements).

HR strategy - reward. The participation of personnel in the development and implementation of solutions is not expected, the recruitment of specialists is not carried out.

Remuneration is carried out exclusively in accordance with official salaries, other forms of incentives are not foreseen.

The assessment of specialists is based on the criteria for the need to reduce entire areas of activity. Employees are selected highly qualified to maintain output.

Personnel strategy - advanced training. Such a strategy is of great importance when a firm is obliged to employ laid-off specialists.

5) Strategies for the development of the organization - a strategy for changing course.

This strategy is used in organizations that are struggling to quickly increase profits, to develop a new or expand an existing market. This strategy involves changing the entire management system and relationships in the organization. The participation of each employee in the search for new solutions becomes a very important factor

HR strategy - hiring. The search for qualified specialists for the main jobs is carried out. The organization is looking for necessary specialists among its employees, assessing and developing their potential.

Personnel strategy - advanced training. Internal selection of personnel gives an opportunity to those who wish to take part in the development of new areas of activity.

The development of new competencies and advanced training are of great importance because the organization plans to change course based on internal reserves.

HR strategy - reward. Its employees master new areas of activity, promotion and career development are carried out. Staff are involved in management activities. Financial remuneration of employees is not provided.

On the this moment The most common are 3 HR roles:

  1. HR is an executor who fulfills specific orders and orders of the business. This role is still dominant.
  2. HR does its work in some way out of business, when the latter does not even know about the ongoing training, recruitment plans or HR projects. Such a role manifests itself, rather, as an echo of the past and is gradually fading away.
  3. HR partner and internal consultant. Here I am not talking about the way the HR service is organized, where the “HR partner” is understood as an HR generalist, but about the role of a partner in qualification and mindset, when you think of yourself and act as an internal consultant. This role of the HR service is not yet very common, but, in my opinion, it will be actively developed.

Why is this approach so important right now?

First, business managers are becoming more and more qualified customers. They gain experience in managing people, receive appropriate education in MBA schools, and educate themselves. I know many managers who, in terms of the level of HR qualifications, are not weaker than the HRs themselves. Only a very competent internal consultant can work for such a demanding customer. If you are incompetent, you will be replaced.

Secondly, automation is developing, and many routine HR tasks can already be solved without involving a person. The system calculates bonuses, issues documents to the personnel administration system, distributes people to training programs depending on their skill level and development priorities, etc. With the growth of automation, the need for routine organizational work is decreasing and will continue to decrease. Automation makes possible a situation where there is no HR service at all, and its functions are carried out by managers. The only thing that will be needed from the HR service is consulting, expert interaction with the business. So HR needs to start rethinking themselves. Even if they (by position) are not now generalists, it is necessary to develop partner competencies in themselves and offer them to business. Even though there is no demand for them today, it will certainly arise, and very quickly.

3 barriers that HR needs to overcome on the way to a partner role:

  • The stereotype about the role of the HR service (executors of orders), which has developed in business and in many HRs.
  • Often HRs lack functional erudition. That is, a person knows one function well, for example, training and development, but is not strong in the rest. Sometimes HR and business don't always get it right. As a result, they lack the expertise to act as a business problem-solving consultant.
  • Failure to advise. Most HRs are not trained in consulting as this skill was not required of them before.

HR automation

Many companies have begun to implement HR IT systems, some have already implemented it with their own “pluses” and “minuses”, and most have not completed the job for various reasons. It turns out some kind of endless story: “Do you have an HR module from SAP or Oracle? - Yes, we have been deploying the system for the fifth year. Now there is a new one interesting functionality". All or most implement something. And almost no one has fully automated yet.

One reason for the current situation is the imperfection of the systems themselves, their bulkiness, and inconvenience for users. Therefore, along with large systems, HR services actively use Excel spreadsheets. So they are more comfortable. HR module developers understand this and fine-tune their programs. I think that in 3 years there will be a real breakthrough in this regard. I consider the recent purchase of Success Factors by SAP to be a very positive signal in this area.

Another reason lies in the lack of attention of HR to those processes that are automated. As the saying goes, "trying to automate chaos results in automated chaos." Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to start integrating your HR system, improve it, improve it - that is, build really high-quality processes that are correctly described with the right tools. A banal example: in most companies, people are hired according to one criteria, evaluated according to others, and trained according to others. And there should be an end-to-end system approach. Due to its absence, failures often occur, as a result of which the creators automated system, which they themselves seem to be finished and of high quality, you need to constantly “finish” it so that all the mess that exists in the company fits there.

HR strategy

Most companies have a HR strategy or HR policy. At the moment, most often this is a kind of humanitarian document, where, mixed with beautiful and correct “blah-blah-blah”, it says something like this: “The staff is our everything. We have 3 goals. One goal is to educate people, to make them the most qualified in the industry. The second is to create the necessary corporate culture, to aim employees at the result. The third goal is to be a good, responsible employer and protect the interests of the staff in every way.”

Business is becoming more and more qualified and professional customer in relation to HR. And such humanitarian strategies with “blah blah blah” no longer suit him. He needs a business strategy built on numbers and calculations. HR in relation to business has only 2 tasks: to provide the necessary number of professional people and create conditions for these people to work efficiently and effectively. The HR strategy should answer the questions about how and with what resources these tasks will be solved.

What hinders the creation of such strategies? I see 2 obstacles here:

1. Lack of methodology for predicting the number of personnel by professional categories. HR, like business in general, simply does not know how many specific categories of personnel are needed in the future from 5 to 20 years. I do not agree with those who believe that it is impossible to predict such things in Russia now. The whole question is in the accuracy of the forecast and in the period of correction. It is necessary to have a goal and a plan to achieve it, and to revise them with a certain frequency. Imagine that the organization is a sailboat that sails to its goal on tacks. Depending on the direction of the wind, the sail is adjusted, but the course is maintained. The same applies to business strategy and HR strategy, especially in times of rapid change. If you can calculate the number for 5 years - this is already much better than just one year.

2. Lack of qualified personnel.

Everyone is lamenting now about the difficult demographic situation, they are frightening each other with a “personnel shortage”. What is the meaning of these lamentations? There are enough people in the country and in the world. And, if you are a good employer and know how to search for staff, then what do you care if someone does not have enough staff? The main thing is that it is enough for your company.

There are a number of potential employees. There is a company need. The questions that become the main ones here are: where to find people, how to put them into operation, how much to pay them. But the most important thing is how to get around competitors in the labor market. For those who know how to find, attract, retain, develop and motivate people better than competitors, there will always be employees. In this vein, in my opinion, it is necessary to perceive the demographic situation.

It is vital for HR managers to develop the skills of situation modeling and strategic thinking to be able to correctly, quantify the goals and ways to achieve them. Their activities must be systematic and based on numbers. Otherwise, the business will continue to refuse the request of the HR manager to allocate some budget. After all, he sincerely does not understand what exactly he should spend this money on and what will happen if he does not spend it.


To date, companies have learned to do two important things with regard to staff: select people and work with a talent pool. To do this, HRs have assessment technologies, recruitment agencies, competency-based interviews, assessment centers, rotation programs, etc.

What are companies missing? In my opinion, the forecast of need and availability, and systemic attention to the employer's brand. It's one thing to know how many people the organization needs, whether there are such people, where to find them, whether they need to be retrained or they are already "ready". The answers to these questions depend on the budget and specific efforts of HR. Another question is whether they want necessary people become employees of the company. This is where the hot topic of employer branding comes in. There is a lot of talk about the HR brand, but the practice of conscious, systematic building of the employer brand is still not common. Basically, these are international companies where the idea has been working for a long time, and in Russia they simply export employee branding technology from their headquarters. Consistency involves conducting regular research on the perception of the employer brand by existing employees and external audiences that the company wants to attract. You need to know your competitors in the labor market, because a brand is competition. Choose the best. The criteria may be different, which means that it is important to understand what selection criteria for target audiences are decisive.

Also, the consistency of work with the employer brand requires compliance with the real situation in the company to how the company is presented to the market. Otherwise, all the PR in the style of “we are the best place to work!” will work against the organization. Take McDonald's as an example of good employer branding. They communicate their message clearly to young people: “Do you want to make money and hang out with interesting guys like you? Do you want to get a real work experience in a cool western company? Yes, it won't be easy. But, if it is interesting, if you manage, then we promise career growth. McDonald's has a clear career ladder and a training system that allows them to give guarantees and provide them. Young people satisfy their needs for interesting communication, flexible schedules, etc. In addition, they go through an excellent school of life that teaches them to be disciplined, purposeful, strive for quality and value the client. Take a tour of the hall of any McDonald's restaurant and see who works there and how. You will immediately understand who this work suits and who does not. This is an example of high-quality systemic employer branding.

So, HRs need to make systematic efforts to create an employer brand so that people want to get a job in the company. Otherwise, you will have to pay a lot for the staff, since in the conditions of a shortage of people, it will be possible to attract them only with money.

Education and development

Training on demand is losing its positions, and this can only be rejoiced at. Companies are seeing less and less value in “wish satisfaction.” Compulsory education and modular programs are gaining popularity. And in this regard, corporate universities are organized, focused systems that integrate corporate training with other HR processes are experiencing a renaissance.

Of course, the trend is the development of technology in education. At least, only lazy people don't talk about it now. Often these conversations bring a smile. In half the cases, people enthusiastically talk about something, for example, about “social” learning, without fully understanding what is its novelty and how it differs from professional forums on the net. By and large, behind many of the high-tech terms that are now so loud in the education market, there are either very simple things, or nothing at all. Technological development is happening, but in my opinion, the topic is "overheated" and there is too much speculation inside it.

Against the backdrop of technological advances, learning content evolves more slowly. And with vocational training In general, the situation in companies is not bad. But in the field of developing "soft" skills, managerial competencies and leadership is not going well. It seems to me that the market has become too carried away by the humanistic paradigm "employees are our everything." Suppose a manager is persistently explained that all his people need to be inspired, motivated, supported. Then a weak employee comes to him, who, not only does not bring benefits to the company, but rather harms. And it requires support and understanding. A good leader will fire him or “bring him to his senses” quite harshly. There is no talk of any positive motivation, inspiration and heartfelt conversations. But many best-selling trainings still create a distorted image of management - "fluffy, cute, warm." This image has nothing to do with what people actually do in production or sales.

There is an ideological crisis of the impracticality of lofty ideas about employees - that people need to be indulged, at any cost to keep them, inspire them, do everything to make them happy. As a result, there is a discrepancy between what is taught and what is required in practice. For some reason, most customers tolerate this discrepancy. But how long can this go on? Hence, some disappointment of many clients in the results of management, leadership and other “software” training programs that are not tied to business realities. What is required of HR in such a situation? The same partnership position, that is, the ability to quickly design learning solutions "for the task." For example, a company implements new system motivation based on KPI. HR must create and quickly deliver a large number of cascading workshops in order for the implementation to be successful. The business has a new competitor in the market - it is necessary to immediately teach the staff to say the right things to the buyer. Such a speed of response of the HR function is achieved, firstly, by competence in methodology, and, secondly, by the use of modern teaching technologies.

At the same time, it should be understood that training opportunities are not limited only to company personnel.

Providing training to people “outside” at the expense of the company can bring a number of benefits to the latter, ranging from increased profits to brand strengthening and solution marketing tasks. Who should be trained besides own employees? For example, customers, dealers, partners and even media representatives. Of course, in each case, the audience depends on the budget and goals. However, here are a few examples to inspire you.

Client training

existing and potential clients often the opportunity to learn is more attractive than the chance to buy a product at a discount favorable price. The relationship between the company and its customers, which develops in the process of learning, contributes to building the trust necessary for successful sales. But increasing profits is only one of the benefits to be acquired. The other is a significant reduction in costs.

Insurance agencies have long understood this. One insured event can cost them millions of dollars. In comparison, the amount worth spending to prevent such a lawsuit is negligible. That is why many auto insurance companies offer discounts on their services to customers who complete special driver courses.

State Farm has taken it a step further by creating their own website for learning how to drive a car. was designed to complement state-run courses. The site offers several free tutorials. "My Road Trip" contains instructional videos and helpful tips, which are designed to help teenagers enhance the effect of practical driving lessons. "Road Aware" is an online simulation that teaches young people to spot dangers on the road in time.

There is also an app for the iPhone. Called "Driver Feedback", it monitors 3 types of risky driving behavior: speeding, hard braking and hard steering. Then the points are calculated for each type. If desired, users can share their results with other people through email or SMS.

Prevention of occurrence of insured events is only one of the advantages of training clients. Training programs can also reduce costs by reducing the number of product returns and help desk calls. You can introduce new products to consumers in the process of training, expand the circle of customers and increase their loyalty. Free training can even create new profit channels.

Dealer and distributor training

For organizations that sell their products through dealers, the issue of timely training of the latter, providing them with up-to-date information and promotional materials is quite acute. To meet this challenge, New Holland Agriculture created the STST training app. New Holland dealers can download this application to their computer and use it to introduce customers to new products, technical specifications and competitive advantages of the manufacturer.

STST is constantly updated via the internet. A built-in feedback feature allows dealers to share with New Holland Agriculture employees ideas for increasing sales, product improvements, and competitive information.

To encourage dealers to use the STST, New Holland ran a laptop raffle for them as the grand prize. A special promotional video and a virtual tour instruction were also filmed. After launching in North America, the app has been translated into 7 languages. In addition, it has been adapted for smartphones and tablets.

With the help of STST, the company effectively organized the process of distribution of promotional materials. The app has become a platform for valuable learning and a source of useful information for successful communication between dealers and customers. This type of training is especially effective for companies with a large range of products that require detailed technical description. But consumer goods manufacturers can also find many benefits from using such programs in the training of store employees. Thanks to modern technologies their possibilities are endless.

Social benefits

Most companies still practice the “cauldron principle” of providing social benefits, and a paternalistic ideology is at work. That is, the organization itself decides what is good for the employee. As a result, everyone receives VMI, free lunches, etc. The staff has no choice. We inherited this approach from the USSR, and so far only a few companies have changed it. Here I am not talking about Western companies that install their system in Russia.

I see 2 trends in corporate social policy:

  1. The principle of co-financing: the employee, along with the company, pays for his social benefits. This ensures that they are in demand when the money is not wasted.
  2. The “cafeteria” principle: the company offers the employee, for a certain amount, to choose from the list of social benefits those that are of interest to him.

Also, in my opinion, the topic of corporate pensions, which is very well developed in the West and absolutely not developed in our country, will gain more popularity. We will not get away from corporate pensions, as they are one of the most important parts of social benefits, one of the most powerful tools to retain people.

material motivation

Financial motivation compared to other HR topics is relatively well developed. Everyone knows about grades, KPIs, bonuses, long-term option programs. These tools are well represented in Russian market. I see a trend in rethinking the very approach to material motivation.

The results of numerous studies suggest that the postulate "money moves people" is a fallacy. And extremely harmful. Now the way of thinking of many HRs is as follows: “Let's clearly define KPI for everyone, we will tie our own bag of money to each KPI. Such a scheme guarantees that a person will work for these goals, that he will try. And everything will be transparent and easy to read.” In fact, this scheme does not guarantee anything of the kind. We get a kind of simulator, which rather helps people who are initially interested and focused on results to work and encourages those who do not want to work effectively to fraud with the formulation of goals.

As a trend in terms of motivation, I see the further development of the Total Reward (CSP) ideology - proposed by the Hay Group. The motivator in the BSC is the organization as a whole, with selection, training, corporate culture, etc. And the monetary component is only one of its elements. Hence the task - to make the company a motivating place of work.

I will cite as an illustration the rocket scientists Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. They did not sleep at night, they worked in a tense rhythm, which is even difficult for us to imagine. And why? Because they were paid a lot of money? Not at all. The point was what people did. They worked meaningfully, and this meaningfulness gave them super-motivation. And if the feeling of meaningfulness is completely absent, you can pay a person as much money as you like - he will not work well.

Performance management (PM, performance management)

In many companies, PM is still used only to resolve the issue of bonus payments. This is an erroneous and too narrow understanding of the essence of the approach. In order for an employee to work meaningfully and with desire, he needs to regularly hear feedback, discuss your goals and get help in being successful. This is the main thing that is missing in the PM process, because the process is organized formally in order to pay money.

The second is the lack of alignment between business management and people performance management. Often these processes represent two different realities, when business goals and management strategy are discussed in one direction, and people's performance in the other. These two processes need to be integrated. Behind each KPI of a business is a specific person or group of people, and they begin to perceive these goals as their own, and not as some kind of abstract, needed only for certification and calculation of bonuses. There needs to be a link between business management and people performance management. It is important for managers to understand that ensuring the performance of subordinates is their regular job. Giving feedback once a year and setting tasks when necessary all take the PM away from the actual process of interaction and management.

If we talk about the trend, then, as in the issue of motivation, in my opinion, it is time for a rethinking in performance management. At the risk of seeming contradictory, interest in work and involvement are not equally important for all categories of personnel. A ditch digger may or may not dig with interest. If he is motivated by the meters dug out, then his interest does not matter much. Will not dig - we will find another. This is unskilled work, and there is no need to complicate things. Very different strategies are needed to manage intellectual and non-intellectual occupations. At the same time, there are more and more intellectuals, work becomes more complicated. Therefore, a rethink is required.

Labor law

An interesting topic is the relationship between the state and business in the matter labor resources. Generally speaking, we have labor Code, which encourages lazy people and does not force a person to move their brains and work. The employer, if he wants to fire someone, will still fire him, according to the law or not according to the law. But it is complex and dramatic. Not like in the movies, when an employee is told "you're fired", he packs his things and leaves. If the employer is dissatisfied with the work of a person, then why should he endure and pay him? On the other hand, if the employer is granted the right to pay substantially more to those who work better and substantially less to those who perform worse, and to immediately fire idlers, then the question arises of a different level of employee rights protection.

At different levels of power and society there is a fight around this whole topic. There is a party of liberals and a party of paternalists. M. Prokhorov, representing the first, says: “Let's make it so that the idler can be fired simply and quickly, and the workaholic can be paid really a lot. Let everyone decide for himself how much to work. But paternalists hear it in their own way: “This is a return to the terrible tsarist past, when everyone had to work not 40, but 80 hours a week.” A constructive discussion of the issue of transition to a new type of cooperation has not yet been obtained. I think it will take the next 5-6 years, no less.


In Russia, with few exceptions, there are two types of trade unions. One is absolutely controlled by the employer, which, as a rule, the employer himself created and feeds. The second is wild, uncontrollable, incapable of negotiations - relatively speaking, "angry citizens". We have very few capable trade unions that are able to adequately and fairly protect the interests of workers. In many organizations, due to the lack of capable trade unions, HR needs to act as an effective moderator in organizing a direct dialogue between employers and employees.

Corporate culture, engagement, climate

A lot has been said and written about corporate culture, engagement, and climate. The main problem is that few people understand how to get people involved. You can investigate it, you can fix that people, for example, are not very enterprising, not very satisfied or not very loyal. You can even determine the cause. The problem is that the humanists, who tend to lead these projects, miss the phenomenon of the quality of the people on the ground. key positions.

Relatively speaking, in any company, probably even in Google, there are people who are “uninvolved in life”. You can call them "office plankton", you can somehow differently. The main thing is that it is impossible to achieve high performance from them, because they simply cannot give it out. You can stumble them, make them fall in love, reward them, kiss them, teach them - nothing will change. Well, except for fear of death. And employers try their best to involve them, and they try to no avail.

In this regard, the theme of engagement in the coming years will be rethought as follows: engagement starts with people involved. Key positions in the organization should be occupied by people involved who are ALREADY interested in it. Only they can create engagement in others. Therefore, I am convinced that we must begin with an assessment of management and replacement of "plankton". If the company's goal is to make a profit, then "plankton" always harms it. If the goal is something else, for example, to amuse the ego of the shareholder, then "plankton" is what you need. Selection on the upper and even middle floors of the organization and the selection of people who initially corresponded corporate culture and those who share its values ​​are the missing elements of most stories about culture, inclusion, climate, etc.

The first thing to do is to conduct an audit and understand who corresponds to the target corporate culture, is the bearer of corporate values. Such a procedure must be launched at least on the top three "floors" of the organization. As a result of the audit, the right people remain or others are recruited. And then, or in parallel, we will apply organizational measures: arrange corporate holidays, communicate through corporate media, pay differently. Unfortunately, most initiators of engagement projects do not yet have the courage to take this approach. Therefore, "games" in involvement and a new culture often take place "as if not seriously."

HR administration

Now personnel administration is a very large amount of current HR work. With the development of automation, electronic document management, the situation will change significantly. As a function, personnel administration will never die, but its importance and scope will rapidly decline. In parallel with automation, the outsourcing market will develop: recruitment centers services that will take care of vacation issues, work books, orders, etc. You won’t surprise anyone with similar schemes of work, for example, in accounting or in IT. In HR, events will unfold along the same path. The good news is that those who stay in HR will have a chance to do something more meaningful, to retrain as business partners.

Only long-term planning of the organization's actions, focused on achieving strategic goals, can ensure the company's sustainable success and further development. One of the key places in the implementation of the guaranteed well-being of any company is occupied by the personnel strategy. She is certain leadership companies, priority actions necessary to solve the long-term task of creating a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team.

Main features

The presence of a pronounced long-term character

The personnel policy of the company is distinguished by certain characteristic indicators.

There is no doubt that the formation and implementation of an effective system effective motivation, the creation of stable psychological attitudes and the modernization of the personnel management system cannot be implemented in a short time and requires a long time.

Direct linkage to the organization's strategy

Any changes made to the organization's strategy require adjustments in personnel policy. The number and structure of staff should be brought into line with changes in the strategy, the necessary qualifications and professional skills should be ensured, and the style and methods of management as a whole should be reviewed.

Creation of personnel strategy

Creation and adjustment of personnel strategy is carried out constantly. The relationship is not only with short term plans and tasks of the organization, but also with the solution of strategic tasks of the long term. An effective specification of the issues of personnel strategy is the strategic plan of the organization. Such documents contain a list of tasks and solutions, expressed in specific activities, indicating the persons responsible for the implementation of each task, and limiting the deadline. If it is necessary to attract additional resources (information, financial), the strategic plan indicates the amount necessary to successfully solve the problem.

The HR strategy is designed to contribute to the following factors:

  • increasing the organization's ability to successfully confront competitors through the effective use of human resources;
  • strengthening the advantages of the organization over competitors by positively changing the conditions of use and the dynamic development of personnel, as well as the formation of a responsible, competent and highly qualified team of employees;
  • identification and use of employees' opportunities for creative self-expression and development, contributing to the achievement of the goals of both the enterprise and the goals of the employee himself.

The development of an organization's personnel strategy provides for the mandatory consideration of the following significant factors:

The strategic plan of the organization, being the result of concretization of the personnel strategy, should reflect the analysis of all five factors and their possible impact on the strategy of the organization as a whole. Deep analysis of the impact of both external and internal factors should be, taking into account the tasks set, the basis of the concept of development of the organization.

One of the main issues in the development of a competent personnel strategy is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of enterprise personnel management. These issues are the determining conditions for the further success of the organization, therefore, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses in the analysis of the internal environment, such strategic management methods as SWOT, creating an environment profile or a threat matrix are used.

The analysis of environmental factors through the SWOT method reveals the existing strengths and weak sides organizations in the field of personnel management. Besides, this information is a self-assessment of the enterprise, which allows you to objectively compare your company with competitors and draw conclusions. Also, as a result of the analysis by this method, the opportunities and threats that exist in the organization are identified.

An informative assessment of the function of personnel management and a number of other indicators can be obtained by applying the competitive profile of the enterprise. In this method, the assessment of the success of personnel management is carried out expert methods. Other indicators are evaluated by the method of comparative analysis.

One of the most important factors that must be taken into account when developing a personnel management strategy is the already existing level of fundamental problems:

  • structures of differential management of the team;
  • quantitative optimization of personnel, taking into account the current dynamics;
  • the effectiveness of ongoing personnel costs, taking into account wages, various kinds remuneration, training expenses and others;
  • the dynamics and directions of personnel development, including adaptation, career advancement and all kinds of training;
  • social measures and welfare, including protection, insurance and guarantees;
  • personnel management systems;
  • existence and development of traditions and norms of behavior associated with the organization.

It is generally accepted that the strategy of work with personnel is part of economic strategy organizations and one of the results of planning their activities in general. In practice, there are various options for interaction, among which the main concepts of the personnel strategy can be distinguished:

  • personnel policy and strategy are dependent on the overall strategy of the organization;
  • the strategy of the organization is dependent on the strategy of working with personnel;
  • interconnectedness of the general and personnel strategies of the organization;
  • mutual integration of strategies.

But whatever the interaction of strategies, the main task of the personnel management function is the transition from emergency methods to an independent holistic system that contributes to the implementation of the long-term established goals of the enterprise.

A holistic personnel management system is a harmonious combination of such elements as personnel policy, strategy and planning.

  • The personnel policy of the enterprise allows you to determine what kind of team the organization needs and how the work of the staff should be organized in order to successfully implement the strategic plans and tasks set.
  • The personnel strategy provides effective methods, using which, the organization will be able to collect and retain the staff it needs.
  • Personnel planning is the process of developing and implementing a set of activities through which the organization's personnel policy and strategy can be implemented. Regarding the period, personnel planning can be conditionally divided into strategic (long-term), tactical (medium-term) and operational (short-term).

In other words, personnel policy, strategy and planning are an extrapolation of the company's policy as a whole to the plane of the human factor.

The personnel management system of an organization depends on the elaboration of its constituent elements and their relationship.

Principles of building personnel policy

  • Strategic orientation - taking into account the impact of short-term effects on the further development of the enterprise.
  • Comprehensiveness of measures - the development of enterprise strategies in such a way that they complement and help each other in the course of the organization's activities.
  • Consistency of the approach - methodical and systematic changes in the issue of personnel management, excluding the use of "patchwork" measures.
  • Consistency and consistency of methods - the methods used in the personnel strategy cannot be contradictory. Their rigorous application in practice should be implemented in a predetermined sequence to obtain the desired result.
  • Economic efficiency - an effective process is impossible without a balance between the quality of labor and its cost: a human resource of optimal quality, corresponding to the level of the task, should be used to solve the tasks.

Although significant, but still only one of the factors, the personnel strategy of any organization depends on the strategy of the enterprise as a whole.

The main strategies of the organization

  1. Cost minimization - the strategy is applicable in mass production that does not require highly skilled workers with the main emphasis on quantity.

Principles of personnel strategy:

  • the main ones are external material incentives;
  • the effectiveness of employees is assessed in the short term;
  • usage external sources work force;
  • notorious lack of career opportunities;
  • lack of job security;
  • unreasonably rigid hierarchy;
  • minimizing investment in personnel.
  1. Quality improvement - used by businesses focused on specific or unique products, as well as the provision of high-class services.


  1. Focusing - the company operates within a certain market niche. In this case, there are practically no significant requirements for personnel and work with them.
  2. Innovative - constantly updating services or products.


  • continuous retraining of personnel;
  • definition and development of principles of motivation;
  • adaptation programs and development of thinking flexibility;
  • a system of both material and moral incentives for realizing the potential of employees.

The main directions of the business strategy of the enterprise and the accents of the personnel strategy

In addition to the strategies of the organization, there is a certain dependence of the personnel strategy on the business development strategy as a whole. Depending on the type of business development strategy, there are changes in the work with personnel, reflecting the requirements for employees and the features of management and development.

Entrepreneurial business strategy

The main goal is to gain a foothold in the market. The strategy is effective at the initial stage of the formation of the enterprise. There is still no clear distribution of functions and definition of responsibilities - employees perform a wide variety of work of immediate necessity.


  • creation of staff and database of candidates;
  • wages are clearly differentiated;
  • creation and maintenance of a comfortable psychological climate in the team to enhance creative processes;
  • regular review of the effectiveness of actions;
  • development of the abilities of employees through mentoring and the use of personnel changes that take into account the abilities and interests of employees.

dynamic growth

Most often these are young enterprises using innovative developments. Characteristic are the constant increase in production volumes, in order to form the basis for future activities.

HR policy and strategy for dynamic growth:

  • the emphasis is on attracting qualified employees aimed at further development of professional knowledge;
  • creation of a competent assessment of the employee's potential as the basis for career growth.

Cyclic strategy

The crisis approach is used to survive and stabilize the situation with the transition to development. Associated with the reduction of low-margin areas of activity in order to minimize unproductive costs.

  • elaboration of a strategy for reducing costs by offsetting a reduction in the staffing structure;
  • optimization of personnel through partial dismissal, transfer to part-time employment, retraining and retention of the most valuable employees.

To solve the problems of human resource management of an enterprise, it is necessary to use not only a well-developed personnel policy and strategic planning– a personnel strategy adequate to the existing external and internal conditions is vital.

The question of what is the personnel strategy of the organization is relevant for any leader. In general, this is the name of the personnel policy strategy - that is, the principles of personnel management, its recruitment, dismissal, and qualification growth in the company. The formation of a personnel strategy always takes into account the overall strategy of the company and is based both on individual internal business conditions and on general factors.

Human resources strategy of the organization - what is it

AT modern business personnel strategy is one of the most important elements for maintaining an effective economic activity. It involves the formation of the personnel policy of the organization within the framework of long term, taking into account both the current situation on the labor market and the enterprise, and various potential business development scenarios. In most cases, strategic planning, including in the field of personnel policy, belongs to the category of tasks solved by the top management of the company, in contrast to tactical decisions that can be made, including on the ground.

In some cases, for example, in the activities of large networks or national divisions of international corporations, individual structural divisions, branches or representative offices have ample opportunity to develop or are even directly obliged to develop their own personnel strategy, both using methods already adopted in other departments, and introducing new solutions.

The scope of the personnel strategy includes almost all issues related to personnel management and personnel management in the organization, namely:

  • The procedure for selecting new specialists. In different companies and when using different personnel strategies, completely different approaches to finding new employees and their employment can be practiced.
  • . In general, a personnel strategy is in itself a program for the development and adaptation of personnel policy in the long term, therefore these concepts are in many cases identical.
  • Principles . Depending on the nature of the company's activities, its industry, team, various methods of motivating employees can be used, which is also an important part of the personnel strategy.
  • Qualification and career growth of employees. The personnel strategy also determines the order of work of employees in the company, their opportunities and prospects for acquiring new skills or professional development.
  • . Depending on the personnel strategy, the remuneration system operating at the enterprise can largely change, adapting to the requirements of the personnel policy and the current general economic situation.

Regardless of whether a personnel strategy has been developed and whether it is fixed in any documentation, in one form or another it is present in the conduct of any activity using employees.

What determines the formation of the personnel strategy of the company

As already noted, the personnel strategy in most cases is formed on the basis of a number of specific factors. And since in each case and for each company, the personnel strategy will always be unique in its own way, first of all, in order to form a personnel strategy, it is necessary to understand what should be paid attention to and what exactly it depends on. Significant aspects in the framework of the formation of a personnel strategy include:

How the strategy of personnel policy is formed in the company

The procedure for the formation of a personnel strategy in an organization, just like the strategy itself, largely depends on individual factors. However, there are several general principles on the basis of which a strategic plan in the field of personnel management should be created. These include the following step-by-step recommendations:

In many cases, a company's personnel strategy may be classified as a trade secret if any specific methods and principles of labor organization and interaction between managers and subordinates are used within the framework of personnel management.

In general, it is necessary to understand that a deep and multifaceted approach to the formation of a personnel strategy in a company is necessary, first of all, for a business that already has a fairly large number of employees. In the case of a small business, this approach may be unnecessarily costly in terms of resources spent on developing and implementing a personnel strategy. At the same time, a certain strategic vision of the company's development, as well as the role of its employees in this process, must be present in any business.

"HR officer. Personnel management", 2008, N 4

A competent personnel strategy in CJSC "PK" Paradigma "is the basis for positive changes in labor efficiency at the enterprise, increasing satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

Dictionary of personnel management. Personnel strategy - a set of basic principles, rules and objectives for working with personnel, taking into account the business strategy, organizational structure, personnel potential, personnel policy.

The personnel strategy, or personnel management strategy, is based on the personnel policy and development strategy of the organization and is of a long-term nature. The development of a personnel management strategy consists in determining the main directions of action, resources, time parameters, a set of measures for the implementation of the chosen course of action.

General strategy for the development of the enterprise

The dominant line of business of CJSC "Printing company "Paradigma" is the production of full-color individual packaging from cardboard using the method offset printing. domestic market packaging, where the enterprise operates, is one of the youngest and dynamically developing. At present, the packaging industry can be characterized as follows: most printing companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, the share of enterprises with more than a thousand employees is insignificant. Most of the enterprises adhere to an active development strategy: more than half of the companies have attracted additional capital over the past 5 years, the volume of investments has increased significantly in 68% of enterprises. The Udmurt market of printing services began to develop actively since the 90s of the XX century, changing both quantitatively and qualitatively. Currently, the industry of the republic demonstrates a rapid positive trend, which gives reason to predict a steady growth in demand for packaging products. All this reflects the company's favorable competitive position in the analyzed segment and the prospects for its further growth.

During the entire period of its existence, the company paid great attention to the improvement of technical capabilities and actively increased production base. Currently, it has the only complete stock of offset printing on cardboard in the region. CJSC PK Paradigma is a stable developing enterprise, since 2001 its turnover has increased by 20% annually.

General enterprise development strategy and dynamics economic indicators its activities clearly reflect the company's focus on innovative development, implementation project management at the enterprise, the promotion of various project ideas, their selection and implementation. This forms the following guidelines in working with personnel:

  • an innovative option for the development of an enterprise implies the need to intensify the activities of the enterprise in the field of personnel development (improving the skills of employees, introducing new technologies, training workers in new operations);
  • the introduction of project management requires a certain transformation of the organizational structure, which should be accompanied by the optimization of communication channels in the company, in itself project activity requires the reduction of links in communication channels, the reduction of chains of subordination;
  • optimization of the market position of the enterprise needs appropriate support from staffing, namely: the development of the sales department and the improvement of the skills of its employees, the activation of their interaction with other divisions of the enterprise.

The principle of new interaction structural divisions in the process of creating an innovative product, the enterprise chose the scheme of internal customers. The restructuring of the existing typical patterns of employee interaction requires related work in the field of building new teams at the enterprise, improving the socio-psychological climate during painful procedures for changing internal business processes, team building, and increasing employee loyalty.

The ongoing processes require new approaches to working with personnel, building relationships between the employer and employees on the principles of planning, consistency, and science.

Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise

The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise began with an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, determining the need for personnel, taking into account the prospects for the company's growth and studying the situation on the regional labor market.

The analysis showed that, first of all, the situation on the labor market of managerial workers and the main workers of the printing industry is fundamentally different. Professions in the field of management and service commercial activities are characterized by a normal supply, and in the event of a shortage in this category of workers at the enterprise, the number of applicants for these vacancies can be quite large, with the exception of large industrial sales managers. A difficult situation has developed in the labor market for workers in the printing industry. It is characterized by aging qualified personnel, a decrease in the level of professional training of young specialists, the absence of candidates in the labor market for the required professions. Currently, the enterprise has already faced a shortage of printers, site foremen, assistant technologists. Finding ways to solve this problem is extremely important.

An analysis of the personnel potential within the enterprise made it possible to identify the initial stage of aging of the managerial and production staff and the need to take preventive measures to prevent the development of this process.

The level of education at the enterprise is high: 43.24% of all employees have higher education, 74% of workers - secondary vocational education and above. Especially high this indicator taking into account the production specialization of the enterprise. At the same time, a clearly expressed trend is observed - the higher the level of education of employees, the more likely it is that this education does not coincide with the specialty in its profile. this employee at the enterprise. If among workers with primary vocational education the coincidence is at the level of 73.91%, 51.06% of specialists with secondary vocational education work in their specialty, and among university graduates this indicator is already at the level of 48.44%.

The highest qualifications are those employees whose age is in the range of 40 - 49 years, then 35 - 39. This indicates that effective tool training of employees (and first of all the main workers) will be the introduction of a mentoring system, the exchange of experience between employees and the rotation of personnel. This system is optimal from an economic point of view, since the highest level of staff turnover is observed among low-skilled personnel. The mentoring system is cost-effective and helps to increase employee loyalty, reduces their turnover and, accordingly, the costs of onboarding new employees.

In the course of the study, we revealed a rather interesting pattern: the lower the qualifications of workers, the lower, as a rule, their desire to improve their qualifications, and vice versa, the higher the rank of an employee, the greater his desire to perform more complex work and readiness to study to receive necessary knowledge and skills.

In general, 65.59% of employees expressed their readiness for advanced training among the enterprise's personnel, which is a high figure and positively characterizes the prospects for further increase in labor potential. At the same time, among management personnel the need for advanced training on a number of issues related to the activities of the company and the development of economic relations is recognized by 85.3% of employees, the greatest readiness is expressed by employees with 4-5 categories - 88.9%, among specialists of 3-4 categories are ready to implement more complex work 63.7%. Employees with the lowest level of qualification are only 27.3% ready for further professional growth.

It should be noted that understanding the tasks of the enterprise in the market and a clear understanding of its role in the process of its activities by employees gives additional competitive advantage any organization and serves as a guarantee of a more complete use of its labor potential. For this reason, in the process of assessing the labor potential of the PC "Paradigma", its employees were asked questions to assess their competence in matters of enterprise economics. Taking into account the forthcoming tasks of the personnel strategy, the main emphasis in this survey was made on acquaintance with new labor incentive systems and their relationship with the final indicators of the enterprise's management.

More than a third of the company's employees have a holistic view of the goals and methods of commercial activity, its risks and factors of the company's competitiveness in the market. Significantly fewer employees understand the issues of remuneration, no more than 14% of employees are familiar with modern systems labor stimulation. Almost 80% of the company's employees are more or less satisfied with the remuneration system at the enterprise, although more than half of the employees note that, despite this, some additional incentives can be included in the system. The distribution of responses reflects the high readiness of employees to implement incentive systems aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The final issue of the study of labor potential was the self-examination of employees for the effectiveness of its use. According to the results of self-assessment of employees, 57.7% of them believe that their labor potential is sufficiently involved in the process of managing the enterprise (at the same time, 4.6% of employees believe that the work performed requires higher qualifications and training), and, accordingly, 37.7% of employees note that they have significant reserves. The dominant reasons for the current level of efficiency in the use of labor potential are low labor motivation, low labor discipline, mistakes of colleagues in work and a low level of coordination of their work.

Personnel strategy of CJSC "PK "Paradigma"

Summarizing the data obtained by us in the course of studying the labor potential of the enterprise and its SWOT analysis, a personnel strategy for CJSC "PK" Paradigma "was developed.

The objectives of the personnel strategy of CJSC "PK "Paradigma" are:

  • providing CJSC PK Paradigma with labor potential sufficient to implement its development strategy;
  • care for the employees of the enterprise: ensuring the growth of their well-being, professional realization and development, stable employment;
  • ensuring the competitiveness of CJSC PK Paradigma through the implementation of the professional and creative abilities of its employees, their innovative activities;
  • ensuring the stable position of the enterprise and its employees in the future.

In order to implement the personnel strategy at the enterprise, the following documents were developed: personnel policy, a program for assessing labor potential, a program for organizing a personnel planning system and their movement, a personnel development program, a position on a personnel reserve, a regulation on an incentive system, an organizational structure of an enterprise, provisions on structural divisions, staffing and job descriptions.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the documents of the personnel strategy is carried out by the head and specialists of the personnel service, as well as the employees of the company, whose participation is provided for by the programs of the personnel strategy.

The implementation of these provisions is achieved through universal adherence to the following principles:

  • interaction between employees and company managers is built on the basis of mutual trust, respect and attention to the problems of employees;
  • the development of the company is ensured by the professional, creative and personal development of its employees. The enterprise carries out the development of employees (their training, internships, exchange of experience, participation in conferences, etc.) at its own expense and with the voluntary consent of employees;
  • the company treats highly qualified employees as a personnel elite. She takes care of their optimal working conditions, professional development and career growth. Qualified specialists have a priority right to occupy managerial positions;
  • the company welcomes young professionals - they are its future;
  • the company sees itself as a close-knit team, a community of initiative, caring people who are ready for mutual assistance and teamwork;
  • the company tries to organize the cooperation of employees as efficiently as possible, the smooth work of teams and the coordination of their efforts;
  • the success of the company is the success of its employees, the result of the work is the overall result of labor, the contribution of everyone to the common cause. Everyone is responsible for the quality of their work to colleagues;
  • The company is open to its employees. Each employee is open to constructive dialogue. The results of the company's work, its successes and mistakes, plans and goals are known to every employee;
  • every employee strives for self-discipline and professional growth. Each specialist knows exactly their duties, tasks and their role in achieving the overall result. He is personally responsible for his contribution to the common cause;
  • each employee strives to improve the work of the company, propose new solutions, participate in the discussion of general issues, implement collective decisions;
  • Every worker receives a fair remuneration for his work. He can discuss his remuneration with his manager. The remuneration system is clear to each employee and is controllable;
  • the company provides normal and comfortable working conditions for each employee and team;
  • the company takes care of the health of employees and the physical condition of each employee and his family;
  • the company bears social responsibility for their employees. Them labor activity properly executed;
  • the employee knows that the success and development of the company depends on the success and development of its customers, he respects the interests of customers and strives to create a product that best meets the requirements and needs of the client.

Target subprograms of the personnel strategy of the enterprise

Detailed study and implementation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is carried out at the level of its target subprograms, namely:

  • programs for analyzing the current value of the labor potential of the enterprise;
  • personnel planning and movement management programs;
  • programs for the implementation of the labor potential of the enterprise;
  • staff development programs.

The purpose of the implementation of the program for analyzing the value of the labor potential is to determine the value of the labor potential of the enterprise and its components, determine the sufficiency of this potential and plan the number of personnel for the forthcoming period of the company's activity.

The tasks of the program for analyzing the magnitude of labor potential are:

  • assessment of the level of professional education of employees;
  • assessment of the current qualifications and professional competence of employees;
  • analysis of the realization of the creative potential of employees;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the interaction of employees in the process of labor activity;
  • assessment of the optimal required value of the labor potential;
  • determination of the optimal number of personnel of the enterprise.

The goal of the personnel movement management program is to ensure timely and high-quality staffing of the Paradigma PC, through internal and external search, in accordance with the needs and strategic objectives of the enterprise.

The implementation of this program is governed by the provisions of the personnel strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise.

The program for the implementation of professional and creative abilities of employees of the enterprise includes the following block of questions:

  • management of labor motivation;
  • wage system;
  • non-material incentive system.

This program is based on the following principles of the company regarding labor incentives:

  • compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • fair remuneration of employees for the results of their work;
  • focus on improving the performance of the company;
  • concern for the well-being of employees and their families;
  • individual approach to remuneration of various specialties;
  • equal opportunities for all employees of the company to increase their well-being;
  • ease of calculation of salaries, allowances, additional payments and bonuses, as well as other types of remuneration for labor activity;
  • availability of information on the rules for determining the amount of remuneration of the company's employees.

The personnel development program of the enterprise is aimed at solving such problems as:

  • organization of technical and economic training of personnel;
  • advanced training of employees of the enterprise;
  • formation of a personnel reserve (assessment of candidates for vacant positions and formation of a database of potential candidates);
  • business career planning for employees of the enterprise.

The purpose of this program is to ensure continuous personnel development in accordance with strategic goals company and the needs of employees in professional growth.

The personnel development program takes into account the operating conditions of the enterprise, its development strategy and the current level of labor potential. The company seeks to organize an internal personnel development system - mentoring, staff rotation, transferring the experience of the most qualified employees to the young personnel reserve, securing staff in the company, increasing its loyalty to the company, the introduction of new production technologies, the introduction of project management forms, the development of innovative activities.

Priority forms of development: external and internal forms of training, advanced training of employees in problem areas in the company, improvement of communication channels; quality circles, meetings on the development strategy and tasks of structural divisions, on-the-job training at enterprises of a related activity, seminars on topical issues of the company's activities, the formation of a mentoring program at the enterprise.

The presented software package allows you to solve the problems of the personnel strategy of the enterprise.

Implementation of HR strategy

Analysis of the implementation of the personnel strategy at the enterprise showed positive results. Since the beginning of the program, namely since 2005, there has been an increase in labor productivity and marginal profitability of personnel costs. Labor productivity in 2005 increased by 10.62 percentage points per person. This positively characterizes personnel management at the enterprise, since it means an increase in the efficiency of the work of employees, an increase in the volume of output per employee. Simultaneously with the growth of labor productivity, the enterprise managed to achieve an increase in the well-being of employees: the average monthly amount of payments per employee increased by 9.18%. At the same time, it should be noted that the increase in labor productivity exceeds the increase in labor costs.

It should also be noted the revitalization of the enterprise in the field of personnel management. The most clearly positive direction of the initiated processes in the field of personnel management is confirmed by the following changes: an increase in the use of labor potential among 3.51% of employees, an increase in satisfaction with the psychological climate at the enterprise by 11.1%, an increase in the number of employees who improved their qualifications by 63.64% and passed 200% learning.

The second important point in the analysis of the results achieved in the course of the implementation of the personnel strategy was the identification of an increase in the activity of the personnel themselves: they participated in internal competitions to vacant positions, responded to the administrative initiative in the organization of mentoring and the process of adaptation of new employees, successfully completed training. All this indicates their acceptance new form work with personnel, its approval, readiness for cooperation. Thus, it is confirmed that the implementation of the programs corresponds to the achievement of the objectives of the personnel strategy and causes positive changes in the efficiency of labor at the enterprise, satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

The final stage of the assessment is to analyze the effectiveness of the personnel service in terms of indirect socio-economic indicators. As we have already noted, 2005 became the first year of work of the HR department in PC Paradigma. During this period, its employees managed to:

  • develop a personnel strategy and programs for its implementation;
  • conduct a complete statistical analysis of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • develop all necessary documentation to ensure personnel work at the enterprise;
  • create personal packages of documents for 76% of employees;
  • to implement 24 activities envisaged by the HR strategy programs. Indirect indicators of the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service was the reduction compared to 2004:
  • absenteeism - by 18%;
  • layoffs - by 11%;
  • layoffs unexpected for the administration - by 64%;
  • reduction of the period of adaptation of new employees - from 4.5 to 2 months.

Specialists in the field of personnel management managed to create a full-fledged personnel service at the enterprise, provide it with all necessary documentation to organize personnel work on the basis of a strategic approach and effectively launch programs for the implementation of the developed personnel strategy. Moreover, analysis of changes labor processes at the enterprise reflected their positive trend already at the initial stage of the work of the personnel service. Taking into account the positive perception of the administrative initiative in the field of personnel management by employees, we can say that First stage implementation of the HR strategy was successful.

The proposed approach to the organization of personnel work within the framework of a single strategy, the formation of a complete necessary methodological base for the construction and implementation of a personnel strategy, its practical development will allow the enterprise to significantly increase the efficiency of its activities and competitiveness, achieve the goals of overall strategic development, and employees to achieve an increase in well-being and professional satisfaction.

N. Koshcheeva


Institute of Economics,

management and law

Moscow State

university of culture and arts

A. Koshcheeva


Kraft Foods company