What qualities does a police officer need. Police law and diplomacy. The history of the emergence of the profession

At all times, special requirements were imposed on the employee of the internal affairs bodies. What should be a modern police officer? Professionally savvy, hardy, ready to help at any moment, to be always on guard of Law and Order - this is how the majority usually answers. Department staff vocational training The departments for work with the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in North Ossetia-Alania exercise direct control over the timely and high-quality training of personnel of the internal affairs bodies. But this is not their only function. Our today's interview with the deputy head of this department, lieutenant colonel of the internal service Alan Irbekovich Tatrov.

- Alan Irbekovich, how do today's police correspond to the realities of the time?

In general, the state of professional training of personnel of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs meets the requirements of the "Manual on the organization of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies and ensuring the practical orientation of service and combat training in the process of operational and service activities."

Of course, in addition to studying orders and regulations by personnel, considerable attention is paid to physical and combat training.

On the basis of the Center for Professional Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic in the current year, a special professional education 122 employees passed. Currently, 232 people are taking courses, of which 25 are medium commanding staff, 207 are ordinary, junior commanding staff. In addition to them, another 23 employees are being trained on the basis of the branch of the CPC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for North Ossetia-Alania for servicing the Mozdok region. AT educational establishments Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for initial training, professional retraining and advanced training sent 94 people.

A schedule has been developed and practical exercises are being conducted with the personnel of the combat units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in North Ossetia-Alania to overcome a special assault strip in the village of Dachnoye.

This year competitions were held in two stages professional excellence"Best in profession" among employees of such departments as: UVO, SU, UUR, UGIBDD, OOD, TsGZ, TsPE, PDN, OODUUP, the winners of which will be sent to All-Russian competitions among employees


- What problems do you face in the organization of professional training of employees?

First of all, it is a problem of material and technical equipment. Bodies and subdivisions of internal affairs, especially at the district level, are experiencing an acute shortage of shooting ranges, sports facilities and service and combat training classes.

To date, out of 19 internal affairs bodies and divisions of the republic, shooting ranges have 5 divisions: CPC, OMON, OVD for the Kirov district, OM No. 2 for the Zaterechny MO and OVD for the Irafsky district.

Gyms are available in: OM No. 2 in the Zaterechny district ( gym);

Classrooms equipped with visual aids are located in such units as the UVO, SOBR, OMON, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kirovsky, Irafsky and Mozdok regions, OM No. 1 for the Industrial District of Vladikavkaz.

This does not mean that the employees of those departments where there are no certain conditions for improving professional skills do not work on themselves. Agreements have been concluded with the administrations of local governments and public associations, which allocate sports halls for police officers on certain days.

The functions of your department also include the organization of accounting and analysis of the facts of the use of military firearms, their loss and theft by employees of the internal affairs bodies.

This year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in North Ossetia-Alania registered 16 facts of the use of service firearms. Service checks in 15 cases, the actions of employees were recognized as lawful, and 1 case of careless handling of weapons was recorded.

The facts of loss of standard-issue firearms were not registered.

Your department is also engaged in the preparation of national teams from among the employees of the internal affairs bodies of the republic for the championships of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, sports and athletics among the power structures of North Ossetia and other competitions. What prizes are occupied by our teams, and in what sports do we lead?

In accordance with the One calendar plan Spartakiads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in service and applied sports for 2012, our teams took part in personal and team championships territorial bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for various types sports. These are SAMBO, boxing, overcoming an obstacle course with shooting, shooting from combat handguns, mini-football, track and field cross-country, hand-to-hand combat. Competitions were held throughout the year in different cities of Russia. The guys went to Anapa, Dzerzhinsk, Krymsk, Izhevsk, Saratov. Our teams occupy different places, but in general the guys are among the best. Well, one cannot but say about our judokas and wrestlers, who delight with their victories not only at all-Russian, but also at world tournaments.

Interviewed by Inga Khadaeva

The complexity of police service is not limited to constant danger. Every step and every action requires an account, personal life and free time are completely subordinated to an unpredictable work schedule, over the years the personality is inevitably deformed, and others are biased. The police officer anonymously told Rjob why a police officer cannot always shoot back, who is not liked in the authorities, and what is the worst thing about being a police officer.

Children no longer dream of becoming policemen, and they say that those who have nowhere else to go get into the service ...

I'm the kid who dreamed of becoming a police officer. My father was indirectly involved in this area, so from childhood I was familiar with law enforcement officers, knew about their everyday life and understood exactly where and why I was going. This allows you to feel like a little Superman, because someone has to put things in order!

How to get into the ranks of the police?

I went to law school to study law enforcement. There are many specialized universities, they are in almost every region, and somewhere there are several. You can also get a secondary education in a college or technical school in the same specialty. There is a narrower training in the specialties “Legal support of national security”, “ Forensic examination, . But education is needed mainly for career growth, getting the next position.

You can become an ordinary policeman by serving in armed forces Russian Federation and undergoing special training. In addition, you have to pass the certification. Contrary to public opinion, far from everyone can withstand the test, and there are no random people left in the police. Those who themselves commit offenses also fly out of the bodies. For example, if you became the culprit of an accident, then you can forget about a career in the authorities - the presence of a criminal record is checked first.

Is it true that this is a purely male profession?

Not really. There were not so few girls at the university, but they get jobs as dispatchers or administrative work, in the ranks of the patrol they are almost never found. And there is no discrimination here, they themselves prefer other employment options, and they do not have sufficient physical training to work on the streets.

What other qualities, besides physical form, should a police officer have?

You need to be hardy, strong-willed and calm, not to get annoyed and not lose your temper under any circumstances, to maintain efficiency, even if you immediately get a call from duty and have not been at home for two days. And, of course, without a heightened sense of justice, nowhere!

How are the working days of a police officer going?

Ordinary police officers are regularly on duty, go on patrols, ensure law and order at holidays, large celebrations, and in crowded places. They are not even always noticeable, but be sure - where there is a crowd, there are certainly those who are able to disperse this crowd, detect and neutralize a suspicious person who can harm others. It requires the talent of a psychologist, flair and intuition. Violators are taken to the station and a protocol is drawn up.

How often do you have to use force against violators?

Every time before I do something, I instantly consider whether it fits into the norms of the law. On normal duty, we have a baton, a walkie-talkie and a Makarov pistol with one clip, but even after neutralizing a hooligan with bare hands, dozens of complaints of misconduct can follow. Sometimes they shoot at a policeman, and he seriously thinks whether to shoot back ...

There is no more terrible enemy of the police than "special officers" - a special department that considers all complaints and requires an account for every action, every use of physical force. Of course, there is some truth in the stories about the methods of detention, when a person cannot resist, no marks are left on him and he is simply ashamed to complain ... But these cases are really very rare.

Does a police officer have a code of ethics?

There is no written one, but everyone has their own. For example, few people touch grandparents who are begging, although they do not stand on ceremony with the rest of the beggars.

Do not take bribes - a common truth, but few people perform it. There are individual characters who go to the service for the sake of power and "access to the feeder", but they do not like them. At the same time, few people will refuse the "present" during the pre-holiday raids. Sometimes we accompany the census organizers or firefighters who check safety equipment, and here “offerings” are not uncommon.

There is also an unwritten rule not to touch your own, so, for example, I can safely not wear my seat belt while driving - if they stop, they will not be fined.

Apart from that, are there any other advantages of the profession?

To be honest, the main plus is that you are not ashamed of your work. Well, now the authorities pay a good salary - from 25 to 42 thousand rubles, depending on the position, rank, length of service and region. We retire earlier, there are many benefits, for example, sanatorium treatment, the opportunity to join the queue for housing, etc.

And the main disadvantage is the danger to life?

In fact, there is a danger to life for everyone who left the house today, and even for those who did not. It can happen to anyone and anything, I don’t think about it at all. But fatigue and the need to constantly face the "bottom of society" - this is seriously unsettling. Almost every day you see only homeless people, prostitutes, beggars, family hooligans, alcoholics, dysfunctional families with small children. It takes iron nerves to come home and be a good father and husband, "turn off the switch" and leave it all at work.

But even when you are relaxing with your family, there are no guarantees that you will not be called and you will not have to leave urgently. The whole country has more than a week new year holidays and I only missed work twice. Over time, friends and acquaintances either stop communicating with you, or get used to your “elusiveness”.

How do ordinary people treat police officers?

They treat badly. Of course it's bad. When we do our job well, no one sees it, and rightly so. But as soon as a bribe taker appears in our ranks, a fat lazy person sleeping on duty, this immediately lowers the image and prestige of the profession to zero.

What is the career path for a police officer?

There are three options - in education or in private company. Those who build a career in the authorities regularly receive promotions and new positions, but this is only possible with higher education.

I have "grown up" to the interrogating officer of the inquiry department, and now I head the security service of a large holding. Even an ordinary policeman can easily get a job in a private security agency, where salaries are higher than in the authorities, or in the security service of enterprises.

To become, for example, you need to be in good physical shape and pass an interview - to give the impression of a self-confident person in a personal meeting with the "object".

Some manage to combine one with the other, although this is formally prohibited by law, and for "hack work on the side" you can lose your career in the police.

But that doesn't apply educational sphere. If, after graduation, a graduate or an already established police officer wants to continue his education, he is sent, for example, to the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V. Ya. Kikot, receives a degree and the right to teach. This career path cannot be called simple, and only a few follow it, but it is it that allows you to earn decent money, not quit your service, and be proud of what you do.

The profession of a policeman is a particularly important, responsible and dangerous sphere of human activity. All police work is based on federal, state and local laws.

What are the tasks of a police officer? The main task of a police officer is to maintain order in in public places, stop and detain offenders, as well as explain to offenders what they are wrong about.

Police officers work with educational institutions, hold open lectures and various events. The main goal is to convey to the younger generation the importance of the work of police officers, that is, to warn them against the wrong life choice and committing crimes.

The history of the emergence of the profession

Since the formation of society and the establishment of social order, there have been people who did not want to obey. They stole, robbed and killed. Elected people who led the settlements appointed guards or guards who were supposed to stop offenses, as well as carry out demonstrative punishments, up to the death penalty. Over time, the guardians of the law received the appropriate education, became part of the administrative apparatus, the profession received a wide variety of names, be it agents, policemen, policemen, red coats, etc. Women recently received the right to work in law enforcement agencies.

Under the Soviet government in 1917, a workers' militia was formed - this is a people's armed militia, the name was supposed to symbolize proximity to ordinary people to the workers.

In the Russian Federation, from 03/01/2011, by order of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, the militia was renamed the police, as in most European countries.

Policeman's rights

To carry out all the assigned duties, the police are endowed with federal law right next to:

  • enter any room a private house, public or commercial institution);
  • use public and private vehicles for the purpose of conducting special operations;
  • legally use handcuffs, batons and firearms in life-threatening situations;
  • stop illegal activities individual people and entire organizations
  • demand for verification documents confirming the identity and legality of the work;
  • use the testimonies of strangers and call a compiled list of citizens to testify in an administrative and criminal case;
  • access to information free of charge and without a queue.


The law enforcement officer must:

  • study and use all legal regulations;
  • follow direct orders from the management;
  • constantly improve their skills, strive for professional growth, work on physical training;
  • any information related to the conduct of affairs and the work of the police is a legally protected secret;
  • protect and take care of state property;
  • report changes to family life, whether it is the birth of children, the death of relatives, moving to another city or country;
  • prevent the emergence and development of corruption.

Requirements for a police officer

Any guys or girls who want to work in law enforcement must graduate primary school police, for training and future career- secondary specialized or higher educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Asterisks for shoulder straps" and excellent career growth today are received by many girls, which is a high indicator for law enforcement agencies. However, girls are more involved in "female" paperwork.

A special list of requirements is also presented for the training of police officers:

  • endurance of the body for constant physical exertion;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • the police officer must have a good reaction and the absence of otolaryngological problems;
  • psychological stability, a heightened sense of justice and high moral qualities are an integral part of the police service, since one has to work with various social strata of the population;
  • desire to help people in difficult situations at the cost of their own health;
  • it is believed that a police officer has no gender, so the demand for women and men is the same.

A police officer must treat himself and others responsibly, make important decisions and be calm in critical situations (hostage-taking, a large number of victims, domestic problems in families, violence against young girls and children, description of property).

The policeman in his execution is guided by the laws in force, that is, he is the face of the state, therefore he must be legally literate and able to convey a clear interpretation of complex laws and articles to others.

Who can become a police officer?

Today, both a woman and a man can become a law enforcement officer. The approximate percentage distribution by gender is 50% to 50% of the total number of women and men studying and working citizens in the field of legal relations.

To obtain workplace in law enforcement agencies, a man must complete compulsory service in the armed forces, women - to receive a secondary or higher legal education.

The career of a police officer can begin at an early age. For example, training in cadet schools and corps of justice, in military schools and in the military departments of universities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Description of benefits:

  • annual raises wages and the possibility of career growth up to the rank of general;
  • special social status, free medical service, vouchers, for girls - special conditions during pregnancy, etc.;
  • early retirement for both women and men, according to the seniority ordinance.

Description of disadvantages:

  • Irregular schedule, i.e. work in night and daily shifts, constant traveling and business trips.
  • Difficulties in personal life, especially for women. There are great difficulties for young girls with career growth, since it takes a lot of time for the decree and raising children. With a large competition for jobs, preference will be given to a man, not a woman.
  • A daily threat to the life and health of a police officer and his family.
  • The negative attitude of many citizens to the police as a profession.

To date, there is an ambiguous opinion about people who go to study and work in law enforcement agencies. Some believe that this is worthy of respect, others - that such people do not know where else to go.

Law enforcement officials daily risk their health, fight against criminal groups and corruption. Without police officers modern society there will never be a calm and normal life, anarchy and disorder will immediately reign. The social order is provided not only by cultured and intelligent people, but also by the fear of serious punishments and life-long consequences. A developed system of law enforcement agencies guarantees that if a person violates established laws and is detained, he will certainly be punished.

The main task of a police officer is to maintain public order.

Features of the profession

A police officer must possess special knowledge and skills that will allow him to professionally and without risk to others to detain the offender, stop riots in the crowd, etc. The police officer must be legally literate.

At present, attitudes towards people working in this profession are contradictory: someone admires their courage and courage, while someone is sharply negative.
But in any case, without the police, the normal life of society is impossible. This will immediately lead to anarchy and lawlessness. Unfortunately, order in society rests not only on the culture and intelligence of people; many are kept from crime only by fear of punishment. And the presence of a developed police system guarantees that those who violate the law will be inevitably punished.

In carrying out his functions, the police officer has the right to:

– check the documents that prove the identity;
- require citizens to comply with social norms and rules;
- take them to the police station;
- detain for the prescribed period those who have committed an administrative or criminal offense;
— to enter any dwelling or premises occupied by an organization and an enterprise;
- use vehicles that belong to individuals or organizations.

Necessary qualities of a police officer

- the ability to quickly assess the current situation and provide adequate assistance to the population on legal grounds;
- internal discipline, composure, courage;
- high responsibility;
- moral stability;
- fast reaction;
- balance and stable mentality;
- perseverance and determination, the desire to overcome obstacles;
- honesty and integrity.

A policeman must have served in the army, be athletically prepared and strong, master hand-to-hand combat techniques and be in good health.

Where can a police officer work?

These are posts, points, police stations, as well as shopping centers and educational institutions outlets and stadiums, theaters and cinemas, transport (air and rail), metro and highways and other crowded places.

  • detective
  • District Commissioner
  • traffic police inspector
  • Investigator


  • from 30 000 ₽ Novice specialist
  • up to 60 000 ₽ Leading specialist

Working hours and nature of work

  • moving chart
  • Trips around the city
    Increased danger

What does a cop do

  • Disclosure and conduct of crimes
  • Investigation of crimes
  • Assistance to citizens affected by crime
  • Identification and interrogation of eyewitnesses of the offense

What qualities should a police officer have?

  • Knowledge of the operational situation in the service area of ​​the department
  • Analytical mindset, deduction
  • Fast reaction
  • Ability to deal with facts

Books for self-development

    Kuzemko Vladimir Valeryanovich “The Investigators: From the Notes of the District Opera” Nothing will reveal the value of a book about the work of a policeman so vividly as an excerpt from his memoirs: “Where to start my confession? .. Perhaps - with what should have ended - with advice to a beginner opera, who had just come to work in the criminal investigation department. Hey, yellowmouth! .. First of all, forget everything that you were taught at the police school, and future profession the creators of numerous "police" films, books and articles ... There will be no romance in your life ... wise and omniscient bosses ... crime doomed to its knees before justice ... peaceful citizens thanking their dear police ... all other crap , invented by the liars who propagate the "positive image of a policeman" ... ”The book will be a good blow to the romantic halo of police work. Read and make an informed decision.