Presentation - Group project “Bread is the head of everything. Bread is the head of everything. Bread has always been considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. This food product is the most reliable means of protecting people from hunger. Presentation theme bread around the head

Irina Ivanova
Presentation "Bread is the head of everything"

Presentation« Bread is the head of everything»

To get flour from grains, you need to spend a lot of work and effort. But how did they grow up in Russia before? bread?

Plowed in ancient times with plow or roe deer. These simple tools could be made by every peasant.

Later, a plow appeared, he cut a layer of earth and turned it over.

After the field has been plowed, it must be "to comb". They did this with the help of a harrow (a spruce log with long branches could serve as a harrow, and later a lattice of 4 bars, to which wooden or iron teeth were attached).

The day of sowing is a crucial and solemn moment. The first sower went out into the field barefoot (feet should be warm, in a smart white or red shirt, and a basket with seeds hung on his chest. He walked across the field and scattered the seeds evenly with "secret inaudible prayer". After sowing, the grain had to be harrowed.

Harvest is a responsible time. The ripeness of the grain was checked for a tooth (if the grains are crunchy, they are ripe). Ears were harvested with scythes and sickles. Mowed ears were tied into sheaves and taken to the threshing floor. (fenced plot of land intended for storage, threshing).

Threshing grain. They took pounding (thrashed) or flail and hit the sheaves to release the grain.

The first tool for grinding grain was a stone mortar and pestle, and later a mill appeared.

Now, grow and harvest bread, strong machines help people.

In the spring, as soon as the earth thaws and dries out, a tractor with a plow and a harrow enters the field to plow the land. And now the earth became soft, obedient, loose.

Now you can start sowing! Seeders are attached to the tractors and grains of wheat or rye are laid in even, neat rows in the soil.

Here comes the wheat. Grains in ears ripen all summer.

The field at this time is beautiful - golden.

Agronomists check grains to see if they are ripe.

Harvest begins - this is the harvesting of ears. Harvesters enter the field. The harvester cuts off the ears and grinds the grains out of it, these grains are poured into trucks along a special long sleeve.

And then - to the flour mill (mill). There the grain is ground into flour.

Then the flour is brought bakery, bakery. The baker bakes bread.

baked bread is brought to stores.

Not in vain people

From ancient times to the present

Daily bread is calling

The very first shrine.

Gold words

We have no right to forget:

Bread is the head of everything

In the field, in the house, in the state!

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Summary of the lesson "Bread is the head of everything" Purpose: * To clarify and consolidate the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing bread. * To bring up a careful attitude to bread, respect for the work of people. *Develop.

Here comes autumn again. Harvesting is coming to an end in the fields, the birds fly away to their usual wintering grounds, and everything is getting ready for the arrival.

Presentation "Bread is the head of everything""Bread is the head of everything." Perhaps this is the most popular proverb about bread, however, not everyone knows its interpretation. The importance of bread in people's lives.

My lapbook on the topic "Bread is the head of everything" D / and "Bakery.

Presentation for the GCD with children of senior preschool age "Bread is the head of everything" Purpose: creation of conditions for the development of cognitive research activities, the formation of knowledge about bread. preliminary work: Learning.

Presentation of the project "Bread is the head of everything" It is not in vain that people say: "For a long time it has been said among the people, What they say, Berry is a grass, Forest is an animal, Fish - clear waters, Well, BREAD.

The presentation "Bread is the head of everything" is intended for lessons on the world around in primary school according to Vinogradova's textbook (program 21st century), but can be used in any other lesson or lesson on bread.

Our beautiful and bright presentation will help to tell children about the history of bread from ancient times to the present day, will introduce those who grow and bake bread for us. The presentation contains proverbs and sayings about bread, as well as a fun quiz.
Sample slides of our presentation:

Structure of our presentation:
1. The first mention of bread
2. How the first bread appeared
3. The first bread in the form of liquid porridge

4. The beginning of the era of baking
5. Baker's yeast

7. Professions related to bread
8. Stages of making bread
9. Bread is the head of everything
10. Proverbs and sayings about bread
11. Quiz with questions
12. Answers to the quiz

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Bread - EVERYTHING'S HEAD! Presentation for older children preschool age.

Here it is Fragrant bread, Here it is warm, golden. In every house, on every table, he came. It is our health, strength, wonderful warmth in it. How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him. In it - the earth's native juice, the sun's cheerful light in it ... Dip on both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

Bread! How often do we think, talk and hear about him. In every city there is a mill that grinds bread, an elevator where it is stored, a bakery where it is baked, a shop where it is sold.

Cars are rushing through the streets and they have “BREAD” written in large letters on their bodies. The whole country is watching what kind of grain crop is ripening in the fields of the motherland.


And now powerful modern machines help them.

What is bread? Wheat grows in the field, rye, barley - this is bread. The grains of these plants are also bread. And flour from ground grains - bread. And what is made of flour is called bread.

In everything. What we eat contains some substances needed by the body: proteins, fats. Carbohydrates. Vitamins... And bread has all these substances. Therefore, it is nutritious and satisfying. And since it is also delicious, it never gets boring.

The gourmand thinks: “They would give sweet candies every day! .. I don’t need anything else!” If this were done, then on the first day the gourmet would have eaten a lot, On the second - much less, and on the third day he would not even look at them!

And we eat bread every day with pleasure. That is why they say: “bread is the head of everything!”

It was then when man did not yet know how to grow plants, But he already had bread. Not like ours - not long loaves and not bagels, but seeds of wild plants. The grains were eaten whole. By chance, a man opened. That grains are easier to chew if they are crushed with stones. So people learned to make flour ...

Later, a mill was invented to obtain flour. The main thing in it were millstones - stones between which the grain was ground into flour. At first, the millstones were rotated by hand.

Then they forced the wind and water to do this work.

Wind and water were replaced by cars, stone millstones were replaced by metal rollers


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Cut the bun - do you see a lot of bubbles in the crumb of bread? They were made by special fungi - yeast. if only the yeast is put into the dough, the fungi will immediately get to work: the starch will be turned into sugar, sugar into gas. The gas inflates the bubbles in the bread. The dough is fluffy.

Hard work in the old bakery ... And now you need to press the button and flour will fall into the vessel. Water, milk, yeast will pour. Sugar and salt are all you need for the dough. The dough is kneaded by the mechanical arms of the machine. The car is standing, and deji - huge vessels with dough drive up to it one by one.

When the dough “Ripens”, the bowl overturns and dumps the dough into the funnel onto the dough divider. The dividing machine divides the dough into equal pieces, if necessary, puts the dough into boxes.

And now to the oven. This is not a simple matter. It took a lot of time for the man. Before. How he learned to bake bread well. stone on one side. A stone on the other, and the third on top - that's the whole furnace of primitive man. Then there were also such ovens. There are similar ones now.

Those who were in the village. He probably knows our Russian oven. It makes excellent bread.

The modern stove has no smoke and no fire. A steel band moves slowly between the hot steam tubes. Make a circle and the bread is baked.

From the oven belt, hot, ruddy loaves are dropped onto the table. Now it remains to load the bread into trucks and transport it around the city THERE ARE FEW WORKERS IN THE PLANT AND THEIR WORK IS WHERE EASIER THAN THE BAKERS OF THE OLD TIMES.

That's how much human invention it took to be able to eat a piece of delicious bread.

And so in some cities people praise bread, treat all the guests of the city to it.

They will tell you, and you will read in books: Our daily bread has always been held in high esteem. A deep bow to the masters of the harvest, To those who multiply the grain in the bins, And to the skillful bakers-craftsmen, To everyone who pleases us with delicious bread. S. Melnikov


the grains of our days are sanctified with carved gilding! We say: “Take care, take care of your native Bread… We did not dream of a miracle. A lively speech comes to us from the fields: “Take care of the bread, you people! Learn to save bread. N Tikhonov. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! The work used the materials of G. Elizavetin "Everything's head".