Presentation - apples - pantry of health. Apple in mythology and Russian folklore Interesting facts about apples presentation

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An apple in mythology and Russian folklore The work was completed by: Petelina Anastasia Ponomarenko Veronika, grade 6, Lyceum

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What is an apple? We are so accustomed to this fruit that we rarely notice its beauty and delicate aroma, it seems to us that the word apple does not hold any surprises. In this work, we will try to reveal new facets of the image, to present the apple as a complex symbol and as a magical tool.

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The object of research is the image of an apple. The subject of the research is the realization of this image in mythology and Russian folklore. The purpose of the work is to reveal the complexity and versatility of the image of an apple, to show the universality of this image-symbol. Research tasks: To give an idea of ​​the apple as a controversial symbol in world culture To understand why the apple is called the “forbidden fruit” To reveal the symbolism of the apple as a symbol of absolute truth To show why the apple has been considered a symbol of eternal youth for centuries To reveal how the secrets of the present, past and future were learned with the help of an apple, introduce versions regarding the principles of the "work" of an apple different genres folklore, what properties of it became the basis of metaphorical rethinking Find out what signs, beliefs and rituals are associated with the image of an apple

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Methods: Selection of material on the topic “An apple is an image-symbol in mythology and folklore” Study of the relevant literature Comparison of different versions and theories regarding the use of an apple Analysis of the use of this image in mythology and various genres of folklore, selection of examples Conducting a psychological and linguistic experiment

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Apple orchards are traditionally grown in many countries around the world. The magnificent flowering of these gardens in spring and the abundance of fruits in autumn make the apple tree the most beloved tree in folk traditions and folklore.

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apple like universal symbol An apple is a symbol of bliss, restoration of potential, integrity, health and vitality. It represents love, marriage, spring, longevity or immortality. An apple is a forbidden fruit and a symbol of discord, a symbol of the duality of the nature of love between a man and a woman.

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An apple as a symbol of the fall "You will eat from every tree in the garden, but do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will die by death" It turns out that if a person had fulfilled the order of God and did not taste the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (which is traditionally considered an apple, although the Bible itself does not say so), then he could become immortal

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The apple as a symbol of absolute truth In the myths of various peoples, these magical fruits are always referred to either simply as “fruits” or specifically as “apples”. "Paradise apples" in mythology act in a variety of ways, but it is always emphasized that they are a) magical; b) come from the Garden of Eden; c) usually gold; d) have a perfectly rounded shape. So why exactly apples? No object directly related to the gods is mentioned so specifically and so often in mythology, and no other object is given so much attention as these famous apples.

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Three goddesses: Athena, Hera and Aphrodite - argued which of them was destined for an apple, and each proved their rights to it. Zeus, despite all his power, could not reconcile them in any way ...

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Apples as a symbol of eternal youth As we know from myths, all the gods possessed immortality and were always full of strength, healthy, young and beautiful (especially goddesses). Myths tell that the reason for this was their constant use of the divine elixir of immortality, which is called differently in the myths of various peoples: nectar, ambrosia, amrita, surya, and so on. But the use of this drink to achieve all these "divine" qualities was clearly not enough, since the drink only strengthened the forces and bestowed immortality, but could not bestow eternal youth. What could? Of course, an apple.

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Apples as a symbol of eternal youth in ancient Greek mythology According to the ancient Greek myth of Hercules, his most difficult feat in the service of Eurystheus was the last, twelfth feat: he had to find a golden tree on the edge of the earth, guarded by sonorous Hesperides along with a hundred-headed dragon that never closed its eyes sleep, and get three golden apples that give eternal youth.

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Apples as a symbol of eternal youth in Scandinavian mythology In Scandinavian mythology, the guardian goddess of rejuvenating apples is the goddess of spring and the wife of the son of Odin, the god of eloquence - Bragi, Idunn, which means "renewing". The hero who goes for apples is always young, strong, brave and beautiful, he uses the power of rejuvenating apples to help those in need and in the end he will definitely receive a reward - true, mutual and beautiful love.

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Apples as a symbol of eternal youth Slavic mythology In heavenly gardens and groves, on shady trees, golden fruits (apples) ripen, giving eternal youth, health and beauty. Russian tradition gives them the name of rejuvenating, or youthful: as soon as you taste these fruits, you will immediately become young and healthy. It is on the apple tree that the firebird most often flies to peck at the golden apples. These fabulous fruits were often accompanied by living water.

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The apple is a dual symbol, and it is associated with the worldview of an ancient person. The ideally round shape of an apple was associated with ideas about the world, the universe, and space. Golden delicate color, "blush" apple - with beauty, health and youth. Smooth, satiny skin that hides a juicy fruit - with mystery and richness. Sweetness and aroma - with pleasure and enjoyment.

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Apples as a symbol of eternal youth in the modern world “Scientists have conducted many experiments with apple trees of several varieties and in the course of five years of research have grown apples that have rejuvenating properties. A fragrant, tasty and juicy variety obtained by changing the molecular structure of apples. Scientists are confident that the entire population of the planet can be provided with new rejuvenating apples” (September 5, 2010,

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“An apple rolled on a saucer” “A pouring apple-gold saucer” It is always owned exclusively by the gods (or fairy-tale characters corresponding to them), and mortals receive them either as a gift (sometimes for temporary use) from the gods, or simply by chance.

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Apple as the personification of the mystery of life and death The old name of the apple tree is "silver bough", which comes from the belief that apples grow on silver branches in the underworld and have the property of immortality. Many nations saw an unusual fruit in an apple - the fruit of the tree of life.

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An apple as a symbol of abundance "The Second Savior - ripe apples are plucked", "The Savior has come - it's an hour for everything: the fruits are ripening", "The Savior has come - an apple is in store", "Apples will not be born - and there will be no Savior."

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Apple as a symbol of abundance People say that apples have a special power to fulfill desires. It was on this day in Russia that it was customary to pick and consecrate apples and other fruits of the new harvest.

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An apple as a love spell and an opportunity to know the future Divination: 1. Eat an apple, saying: "What is thought - is contrived! What is contrived - it will come true! What will come true - will not pass!". 2. Take an apple and stand in front of a mirror. Cut the apple into 9 slices, then take each slice with the tip of a knife and lift it over the left shoulder, looking into the mirror. The ghost of the betrothed will come to take the apple. 3. Eat eight slices of an apple and throw the ninth to your betrothed - in the mirror. 4. On All Saints' Day, peel an apple and throw the peel over your left shoulder. When the peel falls, the girl will be able to read the capital letter of the betrothed's name in its curves.

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5. After Christmas dinner, cut the apple across, and if the correct asterisk from the stones is inside, the coming year will be happy. 6. To find out if the feelings of the heart are mutual, you need to choose the most appetizing apple and treat them to the object of your passion. If a lover or beloved eats this apple to the core - you can count on reciprocal feelings, eat it with the middle - be young together. Well, if he refuses, does not finish eating, or even worse - he will give the apple to someone else - he does not love and will not fall in love. As a love spell: - cut an apple in half and place a note inside with the name of a loved one, put in the sun. As an apple dries in the sun, so the desired person dries out of love.

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An apple as a symbol-amulet Mountains at night The wind flies around the mountains, bye-bye, The sun is melting over the mountains, bye-bye. The leaves whisper tiredly, bye-bye, The apple fell loudly, bye-bye, The mint stalk broke, bye-bye, Squashed with a yellow apple, bye-bye. Month the sun sees off, bye-bye, One walks through the flowers, bye-bye.

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The apple as a symbol-amulet In this capacity, the apple appeared primarily in lullabies, because the plots of lulling songs were based on the ideas of protecting the child's soul.

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The image of an apple in counting rhymes The apple rolled around the garden. Whoever raised it, bring it out. The apple rolled around the garden. Whoever caught him became a governor. Heard, went out, Vaughn went up (went). An apple rolled on a dish, I will not drive.

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"Apples are the pantry of health"
Performer: Alnazirova Ainur, student of the 2nd "A" class of the city of Bulaevo, secondary school No. 3, district of Magzhana Zhumabaeva, North Kazakhstan region.
Head of work: Malakhova Raisa Ivanovna

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Object of study: apples. Subject of research: healing properties and composition of apples. Research methods: experiment, questioning. Purpose: to study the history of apples and their benefits for the human body. Tasks: Find information about the history of apple trees. To study the healing properties of apples, the effect on the human body. Expected result: 1. I think that apples have a positive effect on human health, because. contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. 2. I think to prove that apples of all varieties contain ascorbic acid and iodine. Hypothesis: apples are a pantry of health, is it so?

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1. Introduction.
I have known apples since childhood. There are legends, fairy tales, stories about them. I often see different varieties of apples on the market. I was interested in the questions: Where do apples come from? Why do you need to eat them? What benefits do they provide to the body? To all these and other questions that interest me, I decided to find answers in additional literature and Internet resources.

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2. The main part. History of apple cultivation.
The history of apples begins with the wild apple tree (Pyrus malus). She probably comes from Central Asia: southern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the Chinese province of Xinjiang. From the wild apple tree came all varieties of apple trees grown today. European settlers brought apple seeds to the New World. Apples were grown in New England as early as 1630. In 1796 in Ontario, Canada. John Macintosh discovered the varieties of apples that people all over the world know today - Macintosh apples. Apples are the most valuable type of our domestic fruits. Among fruits, it can be said to be our daily bread. After all, apples are not translated with us almost all year round. The fruits of wild trees occupied a considerable place in the diet of our ancestors. Apples are also mentioned in legends. In the Bible, Adam and Eve are tempted by apples in the Garden of Eden. This unusual fruit is often mentioned in fairy tales and folk tales: "Rejuvenating apples ....", "Pouring apples .... ", etc. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod, apple seeds were found in layers dating back to the 12th century , even a whole apple was found - small in size, but presumably of cultural origin. Gardens, in which an apple tree occupied a prominent place, were common in Kievan Rus.

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Medicinal properties of apples.
From the literature, I learned that the apple is often used as a dietary and therapeutic agent. They are useful for children, people mental labor and individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle. An apple contains up to 80% water, the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of useful substances: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, as well as vitamins A, B1, B6, PP, C, etc. Phytoncides of these fruits are detrimental act on pathogens of dysentery, influenza A virus. Vitamin C increases the body's immunity, has bactericidal properties. Vitamins contained in 100 grams of an apple: Potassium - 158 mg Calcium - 9.5 mg Phosphorus - 9.5 mg Magnesium - 7 mg Selenium - 0.4 mg Vitamin A - 73 mg Vitamin C - 9 mg Folate - 4 mg Vitamin E - 0.66 mg Also contains a small the amount of iron, manganese, copper and zinc.

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It is best to use fresh fruits in their natural form or grated on a coarse grater. Fresh apples cause an abundant secretion of gastric juice, therefore, it is useful to eat an apple during lunch for those who are in a hurry somewhere and do not chew their food very carefully. Apples normalize the amount of cholesterol in the liver. At the same time, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples a day. This effect of apples is explained by the fact that the pectins contained in them are favorably combined with other substances with a similar effect: ascorbic acid, fructose, magnesium. For long-term treatment of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to eat 3-4 apples daily or drink 1 glass of apple juice. Reduce and regulate blood sugar 2 apples eaten at night. They also have a beneficial effect on sleep and aid digestion. Fresh and baked apples are used to improve digestion and metabolism. Raw, boiled or baked apples are consumed on an empty stomach with sluggish digestion, gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children and with prolonged, so-called habitual constipation. Applesauce also has a positive effect. The inclusion of 2-3 apples in the daily diet will prevent colds. Fresh apples are recommended for headaches. American dentists suggested that instead of toothpaste, after eating, and especially at night, use an apple, and then rinse your mouth. Apples eliminate 96.7% of bacteria found in the mouth. Apples facilitate the absorption of calcium salts, have a good effect on the skin.

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Experimental part.
Question asked: How often do you include apples in your diet? Frequency Number of respondents – 13 a) every day 0 b) once a week 13 c) once a month 0 Conclusion: most people use apples in their diet only once a week

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1. Proof of the presence of malic acid.
Everyone knows that apples are sour, sweet and sour and sweet. The more malic acid in an apple, i.e. it tastes sour.

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2. The presence of iodine in the seeds of apples.
Iodine acts on starch. We poured starch paste to crushed apple seeds, the solution turned blue. Conclusion: two apples a day, eaten with seeds, a daily dose of iodine per day is enough. (according to literature)

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The apple symbolizes:
health vitality youth, love spring Eat apples in the morning - you will not go to the doctors. "An apple for lunch - and all diseases are gone" An apple for dinner - and a doctor is not needed. A day - an apple and a doctor on the side.

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Research work- became for me another source of self-knowledge, self-development. In the course of the work done, I expanded my knowledge. When studying the varieties of apple trees, I found out what varieties of apple trees are brought to us for sale, I learned the history. When performing the experimental part of the work, I found out that apples contain a lot of iodine, ascorbic acid, and I proved this empirically. I believe that apples have a positive effect on human health, because. contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. She herself began to use 1 apple a day, while my mood improves, there is more strength and a desire to do something useful.

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Used Books.
1. Book for reading on botany: .Comp. D. I. Traitak. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 223 p., ill. 2. 4. 5.

  • Apples. Factography.
  • creative work
  • on this topic:
  • Family - Rosaceae
  • Genus - Apple tree
  • Dubrovsky A.,
  • 6 a class,
  • MOU secondary school №2
  • 2014
  • Apples are the most common fruit on earth
  • Currently, apples are the most widely consumed fruit in the world, and there are varieties of them.
  • (according to various sources)
  • from 7,500 to 20,000.
  • The homeland of the apple tree is Central Asia.
  • Our ancestors grew apples
  • even 6500 years ago.
  • Apples in legends and myths
  • As Homer argued in his immortal poem The Iliad, the Trojan War began because of an apple on which the word "most beautiful" was written. Paris gave it to Aphrodite, which indirectly caused the 10-year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. This is how the famous expression “apple of discord” appeared.
  • According to one of the legends, Adam and Eve were expelled by God from the Garden of Eden for having tasted the forbidden fruit, which, as you might guess, was the most common apple.
  • round, ruddy,
  • I grow on a branch; adults love me
  • and little kids.
  • Itself with a cam, Red barrel, You touch it - smoothly, And you take a bite - it's sweet.
  • Apples in riddles
  • The apple never falls far from the tree
  • (Russian proverb)
  • apples in proverbs
  • Outside, the apple is red, but inside there may be worms (Kurdish proverb)
  • apples in proverbs
  • Apples in the snow
  • pink on white What do we do with them,
  • with apples in the snow?
  • apples in the snow
  • in pink tender skin ... You still help them,
  • I can't myself.
  • Mikhail Muromov -
  • apples in the snow
  • Songs about apples
  • Apple in science
  • Everyone knows the story of Isaac Newton and the apple that fell on his head -
  • since childhood, we believe that this is how the great scientist discovered the law of universal gravitation.
  • The legendary tree survived Newton by almost a hundred years
  • and died during a severe thunderstorm
  • in 1820.
  • apple properties
  • Phenols in apples have a dual effect on blood cholesterol levels, while simultaneously reducing the amount of so-called "bad" cholesterol and increasing the level of "good".
  • Apple juice neutralizes oral bacteria that contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel.
  • The phytonutrients contained in apples prevent brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • An average apple has about 80 calories.
  • Apples are free of fat, sodium and cholesterol.
  • The smaller the apple, the more vitamins and minerals it contains.
  • The smallest apples
  • a little more than a pea.
  • The heaviest apple grown
  • in 2005 in Japan
  • Chisato Iwasaki,
  • and it weighed 1.849 kg.
  • This is the world's first red-fleshed Redlove apple, the result of 20 years of hard work by Swiss breeder Markus Kobert. Most people, seeing this apple in the cut, mistake it for a tomato. These fruits retain their color during cooking. After the juicer, the resulting juice resembles cranberry juice in color. Fruits do not turn brown after cutting, like ordinary apples, so they look much more beautiful in fruit salads. This pink and red miracle was grown without the use of genetic engineering.
  • Apples in selection
  • The longest strip of peel has been cut
  • Katie Madison on October 16, 1976 in Rochester, New York. Its length was 52 meters.
  • The apple is depicted on 80 official coats of arms,
  • i.e. the apple symbol is widespread
  • in heraldry.
  • Korocha is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Korochansky district of the Belgorod region.
  • Valuyki is a city in Russia, Belgorod region.
  • The logo of the Apple Macintosh computer company is a bitten apple. The name "Macintosh" also comes from an apple, this name was given to the new computer by one of the employees of the company in honor of the favorite variety of apples.
  • apples in names
  • apples in jewelry
  • The "quality mark" of a real apple is a worm, because it always selects only the best specimens.
  • Thank you for your attention!

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  • Continue to expand the idea of ​​​​fruit - an apple, its beneficial properties, various varieties, and use in cooking.
  • To acquaint with the history of the distribution of the apple around the globe.
  • Develop cognitive interest in the familiar objects of the world.
  • Provide conditions for an emotionally positive attitude towards a natural object.
  • To acquaint children with how and why the Slavs have long revered the apple tree.
  • To consolidate previously studied literary and musical material, the ability to work with the test.
  • Learn to peel and cut apples for pie; work neatly and cooperatively.
  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the desire for mutual assistance and support.
  • Raise interest in the literary and musical heritage of the Russian people (rhymes, sayings, riddles, songs, etc.)

Equipment and materials: On the table: a basket, trays of apples; wet wipes, boards, safety knives, aprons, oversleeves, scarves for children. The teacher has: a laptop, a video projector, an audio recording of musical arrangements, a presentation with slides on the theme “Feast of Apples”, books with fairy tales and illustrations of an apple tree and apples. Autumn costume and colorful waltz ribbons.

Preliminary work.

1 Learning musical works: “Yablonka” (Words by N. Zabila, Music by E. Tilicheeva) “Annushka” (Word by T. Volchina, music by A. Filippenko).

Logo-rhythmic exercise by V. Nasaulenko “Swallows are circling” (Bell, p.11).

2. Reading fiction: V.Suteev “A bag of apples”, “Apple” “Rejuvenating Apples”, R.Sc. “Geese-Swans”, R.Sc. “Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf”, E.Blashnina “Yablonka”, R.scientist “Khavroshechka”, I. Tokmakova “Yablonka”, I. Akim “Apple”.

3. Listening to an audio recording: V. Suteev “Apple”; Ukrainian folk melody "Invitation".

4. Watching the cartoon: “A bag of apples” (based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev), “Geese-swans”.

5. Productive activity: Drawing "Apple trees in the garden." Modeling (clay) “Bulk apples”. Modeling (salt dough) “Still life”. Application "Fruits on a platter". Designing "Fruit Basket". Application from apple seeds.

6. Game activity. “Apple”, “What grows in the garden”, “Grocery store”, “What first, what then”.

7. Conversations “Apples - how they grow”, “Apple is a frequent guest of fairy tales”.

8. Release of the school wall newspaper "Apple Orchard".

9. Selection of proverbs and sayings about the apple "Piggy Bank folk wisdom". Creating a baby book for senior group d/s.

10. Drawing competition “Apple from apple tree”.

11. Exhibition of handicrafts from natural material "Gifts of Autumn".

Lesson progress

Leading: (slide 1) October 21 or the weekend closest to that date is Apple Day in England, an annual event dedicated to apples, orchards and local attractions. The idea of ​​the Day is that the apple is a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic diversity. , which one must not forget.

Leading: (slide 2) Our lesson - the holiday of the apple - is a good version of the traditional Autumn Day, which is held in almost every school.

Every nation and every country has traditions associated with the apple. No fruit has been as popular in myths, fine arts, literature as the apple. (slide 3). The very first known apple is found in the Bible when Eve, succumbed to temptation, ate the forbidden fruit of knowledge offered by the serpent.

Let's find out about the secret of this ancient fruit that people love to eat so much. What is the apple hiding from us - let's reveal apple secrets together (slide 4).

Leading: And we have guests.

The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the birch leaves turned yellow,
And the singing of birds is no longer heard at all,
And quietly, autumn comes to us

Autumn enters with her colors (students with colorful ribbons) and dances to the rhythm of the waltz.

I walk on the plains
Quiet, bright fairy tale,
I paint the groves
Solar paint.

Autumn colors are performed by Apple ditties (Appendix 2)

(slide 5) Among the many harvested fruits, my special relationship is with apples. At the beginning of autumn, apples are carefully removed from the tree in wicker baskets and carefully placed in wooden boxes, avoiding bumps and dents. Varieties of long-term storage apples are advised to be laid in rows, separating each row from each other with a paper wrapper or wrapping each fruit with it.

Ripe, red, sweet apple
Crispy apple with smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend

Leading: (slide 19) So, it’s not for nothing that the British have a proverb: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” - “An apple a day, and a doctor is not needed”, only, to be precise, the first part of the proverb should be replaced with “two or three apples in day...". A healthy person does not need to eat more.

(slide 20) Students give examples of proverbs about apples. The facilitator adds, asks to explain some of them.

(slide 21) The Slavs have long revered the apple tree as a symbol of fertility, health, love and beauty. It was used in marriage ceremonies. Guys and girls exchanged apples to express mutual sympathy, the fruit accepted during the matchmaking meant the girl's consent to marriage. Branches of the apple tree were stuck into wedding treats, apples were given to the newlyweds with the wishes of numerous offspring. Pregnant women had to look at the apple tree and touch its trunk. It was believed that this would give the child health, beauty and strength. As well as with the birth of a new life, the apple tree was associated with the end of life, considering it a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead. A small apple tree was carried in front of the funeral procession and planted on the grave in order to communicate with the deceased through it until the soul reaches paradise. Apples were placed in the coffin so that the deceased would treat their ancestors to them.

(slide 22) In Slavic mythology, an apple was an emblem of a marriage union, healthy offspring. Apple fruits, shoots and blossom of the apple tree played an important role in wedding ceremonies. The exchange of apples between a guy and a girl symbolized mutual sympathy. Accepting an apple from a wooing guy, the girl, as it were, gave consent to marriage. Among the southern Slavs, apples acted as a wedding invitation.

(slide 23) Apple tree branches decorated the wedding banner and the bride's wreath, and were also used in the decoration of the festive table. So, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles stuck an apple tree branch into a loaf, and Russians into a wedding chicken. The southern Slavs sent the bride to the wedding with an apple, and after that she had to throw the fruit over the altar in order to have children. Newlyweds were given apples, wishing for a large offspring. Before the wedding night, they performed such a ceremony: one apple was hidden under the feather bed, and the other was broken into two parts, and each of the newlyweds ate half. An apple is an ancient Slavic symbol of the bride's chastity: it was left on the wedding shirt. South Slavs traditionally performed the groom's shave before the wedding under an apple tree. And when performing the ceremony of changing the headdress from a girl's to a woman's, the first one, with the help of an apple branch, was removed from the bride's head and thrown onto the apple tree.

Moderator: Apples have always been of great importance. This was reflected both in ditties and in Russian folk tales. This, for example, is a fairy tale about rejuvenating apples.

Everyone knows the magic phrase “Roll, roll, apple, on a silver platter”, so we roll an apple and see a fairy tale.

A staging of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “A bag of apples” is presented

Leading: (slide 24) August 19 celebrated annually feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was popularly called Apple Spas or the Second Spas. This happened because on this day all Orthodox consecrate fruits (and apples in the first place) and receive God's blessing. In pre-revolutionary Russia, grapes were originally blessed, but since it does not grow everywhere, they gradually began to bring apples, grapes, plums, etc. to the church. Historical writings say that at that time it was not customary to eat any fresh fruits at all, except for those that had lain all winter. Gradually, the holiday changed, and everyone began to eat fruits, and especially after the Savior. The celebration of the Apple Savior took place on a large scale: rich people bought whole cartloads of apples and pears and distributed them to everyone. Simple people gifted each other not only with the fruits themselves, but also with culinary delights - pies, marmalade, apple juice ...

(slide 25) In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, at the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day”, it is dedicated not only to apples, but to all orchards. The organizers of this holiday managed to see in the apple a symbol of diversity and all aspects of the world, and a sign that a person can influence what is happening around him. The holiday carries some elements of a fair with a thematic apple bias, where you can not only try hundreds of varieties of apples (some of which are not sold in stores at all), but also buy seedlings in order to grow them in your own garden or near your home . At the festival, you can try dozens of a wide variety of culinary dishes from apples and get recipes for some of them, so that later you can cook them at home.

(slide 34) If you dream that you are picking apples that have fallen to the ground, in reality you should be careful about the promises of quick profit that come from dubious personalities. Seeing an apple in a dream means that events will soon occur in your family that will cause insurmountable differences. A dream in which you bite an apple and realize that it is rotten predicts that you will not be able to change something for the better in your life. If in a dream you see ripe apples hanging among green leaves, luck will be on your side in reality, so you can safely proceed to new important things.

(slide 35) I must say that we also always wipe an apple before taking a bite. But not out of superstition, but out of hygienic reasons, since dust falls on apples hanging on a tree, insects sit down, and recently they have also been sprayed with poisonous insecticides.

The competition "Get an apple" is held. Apples are thrown into a large basin of water. Participants must grab an apple with their teeth, holding their hands behind their backs, and pull it out of the water.

(slide 36) In Ukraine, an apple-colony is known, a unique object and a botanical attraction, ranked among the seven wonders of Ukraine. This phenomenon grows in the form of a bush, covering an area of ​​about ten acres. The peculiarity of the apple tree, called the princely apple tree by the locals, is that it no longer has a parent trunk, which was replaced by tree branches that have taken root and given new shoots. There are 18 such branches-trunks with a diameter of up to 40 centimeters today.

(slide 37) Surprising - but true! To one Japanese Chisato Iwasaki On October 24, 2005, they managed to pick a fruit weighing 1.849 kg from a branch.

An apple falls from a branch into the grass,
The hedgehog will find an apple from a branch.
The hedgehog will bring an apple home.
Grated crumbs hedgehogs

An apple helps keep you awake
Dispels boredom and boredom
And how much pleasure do you get
When you are apple pie
You gobble up both cheeks!
So isn't it magical?
When the whole world went crazy!
They are admired by you and me.
And it will be so, my friends, always!

(slide 39) The game "Apple Worm" is being played. The holiday ends with a tea party with apple treats, as well as a tasting of the apples themselves.

(slide 40) I hope today we have revealed the secrets of an apple, learned about the beneficial qualities of a long-known fruit, and became convinced of its importance for our health.

Production Worldwide apple production was 55 million tons. in 2005, worth 10 billion dollars. China produced two-fifths of that volume. The US is the second largest producer of apples, 7.5% of the world's production 60% of apples grown in the US are grown in Washington State.

The Apple in Science According to a well-known legend, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation while watching apples fall in the garden. Alchemists, noticing that the core of an apple cut across resembles a five-pointed star, used the apple as a symbol of knowledge. Karl Wilhelm Scheele isolated a new organic acid from unripe apples in 1785, which he called malic acid. The bulge on the front of the neck in men is called the Adam's apple.

Interesting Facts In the world, the number of varieties and varieties of apples reaches 8,000 thousand, which indicates the wild popularity of this fruit. And the largest, officially registered, fruit weighed almost 1.5 kilograms. Did you know that in the middle of the twentieth century, a girl living in America decided to check how much peel can be cut from an apple? So, the strip of peel cut off by her from just one apple reached 55 meters in length. The German poet Friedrich Schiller could only get creative if there was a plate of rotten apples on the table in his office. An interesting fact is that most of the beneficial elements are found in the apple peel. The apple is the official state fruit of Rhode Island, New York, Washington, and West Virginia. The smaller the apple, the more vitamins and minerals it contains.