Presentation on the topic "B.K. Zaitsev". Nikolai Zaitsev's method of teaching reading. "Zaitsev Cubes". Presentation for parents and teachers. presentation for a lesson in speech therapy (senior group) on the topic Presentation on practical didactics in nzaitsev

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“Everything written by me only breathes Russia” To the 130th anniversary of the birth of B.K. Zaitsev

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Zaitsev Boris Konstantinovich (1881 - 1972), prose writer. Born on January 29 (February 10 NS) in Orel in the family of a mining engineer. Childhood years were spent in the village of Usty, Kaluga province, "in an atmosphere of freedom and the kindest attitude on the part of parents." From that time on, he experiences "witch power", which he joyfully experiences all his life - the power of the book. In Kaluga, he graduated from a classical gymnasium and a real school. In 1898, "not without suggestions from his beloved father," he passed the exams at the Imperial Technical School. He studies only a year: he is expelled for participating in student unrest. He goes to St. Petersburg, enters the Mining Institute, but soon leaves him, returns to Moscow and, again having successfully passed the exams, he becomes a student at the law faculty of the university, but after studying for three years, he leaves the university. Passion for literature becomes a matter of life. Zaitsev submits his first literary experiments to the court of the patriarch of criticism and journalism N. Mikhailovsky, editor of the populist magazine "Russian Wealth" and receives his favorable parting words. In 1900, he met in Yalta with Chekhov, whom he retains a reverent attitude for life. Chekhov noted the talent of the young writer. Leonid Andreev published Zaitsev's story "On the Road" in the Courier, which heralded the birth of an original prose.In 1902 he was a member of the Moscow literary circle "Wednesday", uniting N. Teleshov, V. Veresae va, I. Bunin, L. Andreev, M. Gorky and others. The first successful publications open the way for Zaitsev to any journals. They started talking about him, the first reviews and essays on his work appeared. The main advantage of his stories, novels, novels, plays was the joy of life, the bright optimistic beginning of his worldview. In 1906, his acquaintance with Bunin turns into a close friendship, which will last until the last days of their lives, although at times they quarreled, but very quickly reconciled.

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In Moscow, in 1912, the Writers' Book Publishing Cooperative was formed, which included Bunin and Zaitsev, Teleshov and Shmelev, and others; here in the collections "The Word" Zaitsev publishes such significant works as "The Blue Star", "Mother and Katya", "Travelers". Here begins the publication of his first collected works in seven volumes. In 1912 he marries, a daughter, Natasha, is born. Among these events of his personal life, he completes work on the novel "Far Land" and proceeds to translate " Divine Comedy"Dante. Zaitsev lives and works for a long time in his father's house in Pritykino, Tula province. Here he receives news of the beginning of the First World War and an agenda for mobilization. The thirty-five-year-old writer in 1916 becomes a cadet at a military school in Moscow, and in 1917 - a reserve officer infantry regiment. He did not have to fight - the revolution began. Zaitsev is trying to find a place for himself in this collapsing world, which is given with great difficulty, much outrages, turns out to be unacceptable. Participates in the work of the Moscow Educational Commission. Further, joyful events (book publications) are replaced by tragic : his wife's son (from his first marriage) was arrested and shot, his father dies.In 1921 he was elected chairman of the Writers' Union, in the same year cultural figures join the committee to help the starving, and a month later they were arrested and taken to Lubyanka. released, he leaves for Pritykino and returns to Moscow in the spring of 1922, where he falls ill with typhus. to go abroad with my family to improve my health. Thanks to the assistance of Lunacharsky, he receives a visa and leaves Russia. First he lives in Berlin, works a lot, then in 1924 he comes to Paris, meets with Bunin, Kuprin, Merezhkovsky and forever remains in the capital of emigrant abroad. Zaitsev actively works until the end of his days, writes and publishes a lot. Carries out long-planned - writes artistic biographies of people dear to him, writers: "The Life of Turgenev" (1932), "Zhukovsky" (1951), "Chekhov" (1954). In 1964 he wrote his last story "The River of Times", which would give the title to his last book. On January 21, 1972, having lived for 91 years, Zaitsev died in Paris. He was buried in the cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

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“If earthly love and death appear in Zaitsev’s poetry as beautiful reflections of the eternal spirit of love, then it is not difficult to understand what great love he dressed life with. We do not know a poet who would so ardently love life and all its manifestations. For Zaitsev there is no choice, he does not know the higher and lower in human actions and desires. You will not find the so-called negative types in him. Because he loves all living things too much. He follows his heroes on the heels, he trembles with delight, seeing how they absorb one or another of the pleasures scattered in life. Petr Kogan

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Far edge, 1915 St. Nicholas, Berlin, 1923 St. Sergius of Radonezh, Paris, 1925 Golden pattern, Praha, 1926 Athos. Travel essay, Paris, 1928 Anna, Paris, 1929 Life of Turgenev. Biography, Paris, 1932 House in Passy, ​​Berlin, 1935 Gleb's journey. Tetralogy: 1. Dawn, Berlin, 1937 2. Silence, Paris, 1948 3. Youth, Paris, 1950 4. Tree of Life, New York, 1953 Moscow, Paris, 1939, Munchen, 1960, 1973 Zhukovsky. Biography, Paris, 1951 Chekhov. Biography, New York, 1954 Quiet Dawns, Munchen, 1973 Far. Articles, Washington, 1965 River of Times, New York, 1968 My contemporaries. Essay, London, 1988

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"There are dramas, horrors - yes, but we live in the name of beauty." B.K. Zaitsev Collected works in 5 volumes (6 additional) Collected works in 11 volumes "Russian, believing, loving, he knows his way and walks it confidently, not succumbing to the temptations of the exotic, the minute and fashion." M. Osorgin - about B. Zaitsev Code: R Z-177 Place of storage: AHL

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Works in 3 volumes V.1 The first volume includes works created by B.K. Zaitsev in Russia (1901-1922): stories "Quiet Dawns", "Priest Kronid", "Myth", etc., stories "Agrafena", "Blue Star" Code: R Z-177 Place of storage: AHL "Every person - only a particle of nature, a small link in the Cosmos – “Man does not belong to himself alone.” O. Mikhailov

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Code: R Z-177 Location: AHL Works in 3 volumes V.2 The second volume includes works written by B.K. Zaitsev in exile in the 1920s-1930s: “Reverend Sergius of Radonezh”, “Anna”, “Athos”, “Valaam”, “Moscow”, etc. “Nothing in the world is done in vain. Everything makes sense. Suffering, misfortune, death only seem inexplicable. … Day and night, joy and sorrow, achievements and falls - always teach. There is no pointless." B.K. Zaitsev

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Works in 3 volumes V.3 In the third volume of B.K. Zaitsev included works of the 1940-1960s: "Silence", "Zhukovsky", "Distant", "Conversation with Zinaida", "River of Time". Code: R Z-177 Storage place: AHL "Zaitsev comes from Turgenev, he is all harmonic, holistic." K. Chukovsky

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This publication introduces the reader to the best prose works of the remarkable Russian writer B.K. Zaitsev. The one-volume collection includes lyrical miniatures, short stories and novellas written in the 1900s and early 1950s. Code: R Z-177 Storage: AHL “The basis and engine of Zaitsev’s lyricism is disinterestedness… Zaitsev is compassionate towards the world, passively sad at the sight of its cruel and bloody turmoil, but both sadness and compassion are addressed to the world, and not to himself yourself. For the most part, they are turned to Russia. G. Adamovich

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In the book of B.K. Zaitsev, preference is given to works created by him before his departure in 1922 for forced exile. It was during the "Russian period" that the talent of this outstanding master of lyrical prose was most fully revealed. Code: РЗ-177 Place of storage: AHL "Boris Zaitsev was somehow very special quietly-affectionate and simple, aristocratic, high simplicity, given only to the elite." I. Odoevtseva

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"Boris Zaitsev opens all the same captivating countries of his lyrical consciousness: quiet and transparent." A. Block My evening”, “Petersburg lady”, “Lina” and others. Code: R Z-177 Storage location: AHL

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“Life is life - the struggle for light, culture, truth. Man does not belong to himself alone." B. Zaitsev The book includes both works of the pre-revolutionary half of his work (the novel "Far Land" and the story "Blue Star"), and later ones (the story "Strange Journey" and the novel "Golden Pattern"), telling about love, true and false, about the connection of a person with the entire surrounding world, about the comprehension of a high meaning through familiarization with nature and purification by suffering. Code: R Z-177 Storage location: AHL "Strange Journey"

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Code: RZ-177 Storage location: AHL Traditions of Russian realistic literature remained for B.K. Zaitsev paramount. His artistic biographies Zhukovsky, Life of Turgenev, Chekhov are imbued with love and respect for the Russian classics. “Zhukovsky, as you know, is one of Zaitsev's favorite writers, one of those with whom he has the most spiritual kinship. Zhukovsky is the same thing: a sigh, a breakthrough, an ellipsis ... "G. Adamovich

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In the book of prose B.K. Zaitsev includes stories, the story "The Blue Star", "Reverend Sergius of Radonezh" - a biography of one of the most revered saints in Russia, memories of contemporaries. "Oh, you motherland! Oh, your wide canopy - roadside birches, blue distances of miles, gentle and quenching greetings of boundless fields! You, immeasurable, fall to you tired and driven, and you take your poor sons on your powerful chest, hug them with your many-versed arms, give you water with eternal strength. Accept blessings for eternity, praise be to you, Great Mother…” B. Zaitsev “Agrafena” Code: R Z-177 Place of storage: AHL

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Nikolai Zaitsev's method of teaching reading. Zaitsev Cubes. Prepared by the teacher-speech therapist Shcherbakova I.I.

Zaitsev's cubes - a manual for learning to read from the age of two and can be used in the family, kindergarten and school. The technique gives good results in working with children diagnosed with ZPR, ONR, MMD, alalia, autism, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf. The manual can be used in teaching children and adults for whom Russian is not their native language.

Education is based on the analytical-synthetic method using warehouse blocks and takes place in the form of a fun and exciting game, during which preschoolers have time to start reading before the fun gets bored.

The letters on the cubes and in the tables are of such a size that they are clearly visible even from ten meters away - it is important that from the very beginning the children do not experience any visual strain. The tables are located on the wall, their lower edge is at a height of 165-170 cm from the floor - in order to avoid violations of posture, you need to work more often while standing, with your head up. Under the tables there is a shelf of three boards to make up words from cubes on it.

The cubes differ in color (golden, gray (iron), beige (wooden), white with green punctuation marks), volume (large, small, double), weight (filled with pieces of iron and pieces of wood included in the kit), the sound of the filler, which is distributed when shaking them. The goal is to provide involuntary, fast, reliable memorization.

In the audio recording, the columns and rows of tables, the alphabet, to the accompaniment of bayan and balalaika, are sung to 35 popular, mostly folk melodies. Rhythmic pronunciation, and even better singing with musical accompaniment - powerful tool impact on memory.

Reading technique N. Zaitsev PLUSES MINUSES literate writing skills appear, speech therapy shortcomings are corrected, speech becomes clearer and more distinct, thanks to the constant pronunciation and singing of warehouses, the vocabulary is rapidly expanding, logical thinking is being formed, the ability to work independently, the ability to extract necessary knowledge. learning is quite slow, the algorithm of classes is not the easiest - you need to strictly follow the methodology, work with tables, sing, specially prepare for classes without serious training of teachers, without regular classes to consolidate the material covered, you should not even start. Every time you have to go back and repeat the same thing. And we don’t like this either, and even more so for children, some sets offering Zaitsev’s cubes imply that they need to be glued together on their own, Cost.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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To teach a child to read, you must follow some rules. I have identified seven rules. Using these rules, you can quickly and easily teach a child to read....

Zaitsev N.A. (born 1939) - Russian teacher-innovator, professor, academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy, founder and head of the Center "Non-Standard Technologies in Education". Author of teaching aids and materials for teaching children to read, write, count and English language according to the author's method (the main and most famous of which are "Zaitsev's Cubes") Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev

WHY THE ZAYTSEV METHOD? Corresponds to the physiological and psychological characteristics of the child preschool age; is a health-saving technology that is effective in working with preschoolers, the early start of education allows each child to learn at his own pace.

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant with a vowel, or a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter (M-MA-MO-MU-WE-ME). Using these warehouses, the child begins to form words. The warehouse principle of reading is the basis of this method of teaching children to read. What is a warehouse?

The method affects 3 sensory areas: auditory, visual and tactile. Warehouses are written on the faces of the cubes. The cubes are different in color, size and the sound they make. Each time they are accessed, different channels of perception are turned on. This helps children to feel, rather than understand, the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft. The set also includes tables with warehouses. Warehouses on cubes and tables

There are 52 cubes in the "Zaitsev Cubes" set. Cubes with warehouses are glued together and filled with various contents: wooden sticks (for cubes with dull sounds) metal caps (for "voiced" cubes) bells or bells (for cubes with vowel sounds). What are the cubes

The cubes differ: - in size: large and large doubles (for hard storages), small and small doubles (for soft storages). - by color: "golden" (yellow) - for warehouses with vowels, "iron" (gray) - for voiced warehouses, "wooden" (brown) - for deaf warehouses, white-green - for punctuation marks. What are the cubes

On cubes and tables all the most commonly used warehouses of the Russian language are presented. Learning with singing is repetition without monotony. Play, not learn! A variety of games and tasks with cubes and tables (types of writing and types of reading) Learning with tables and cubes

From the first lessons, we write with a pointer and make up a lot of words from cubes: The closest words are: mom, dad, grandmother, first name, last name, name of the city, street, country. Games: "Shop", "Toys", "Lunch", "Zoo", "Travel", Birthday, "Family"

Games "Bring any cube", "What song would you like to sing?" (an adult voices a cube or a song chosen by the child) Games for the classification of cubes: by sonority-deafness, by softness-hardness Identification of warehouses with vowels in pairs: A-Z, O-Yo, U-Yu, Y-I, E-E . Reading individual warehouses Reading words on cubes and warehouse pictures Singing songs according to posters Reading riddles, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, etc. Exit to text reading Types of reading

ADVICE TO PARENTS Reading is not an end in itself! “With each line we read, we learn something new, interesting, enriching the language, morality, and feelings.” Reading is an individual process! Don't force things! Do not scold, but help! The child needs success! “Children are much smarter than we think they are, driving them into situations where they feel unintelligent and inept. Success breeds joy. I know. I can. I can. These are persistent positive emotions!”

"Zaitsev's cubes as a means early development preschool children"

2014 Romanevich T.F. GKKP nursery-kindergarten No. 86

Every parent sees in their child a "genius in short pants." Mom and dad really want their child to be the most beautiful, smartest and healthiest. Creative and progressive parents pay great attention to the development of their children from an early age. Innovative teacher Nikolay Zaitsev strongly recommends abandoning the traditional principles of mastering reading, as this technology has a negative impact on the health of the child and his psychomotor development. "Zaitsev's Cubes" is a unique manual for teaching reading from the age of two.

  • Corresponds to the physiological and psychological characteristics of a child of preschool age; is a health-saving technology that is effective in working with preschoolers, the early start of education allows each child to learn at his own pace.


* Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds.

* Expansion of vocabulary.

* Formation of logical thinking.

* Development of the ability to work independently, the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Zaitsev N.A. (born 1939) - Russian teacher-innovator, professor, academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy, founder and head of the Center "Non-Standard Technologies in Education".

  • Zaitsev's cubes are a manual for teaching reading from the age of two and can be used in the family, kindergarten and school.
  • Education is conducted in the form of a fun and exciting game.

  • * A set of cubes (there are cardboard (assembled and unassembled) and plastic)

Warehouse - the basis of reading

A warehouse is a pair of a consonant with a vowel, or a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter (M-MA-MO-MU-WE-ME).

Using these warehouses, the child begins to form words.

The warehouse principle of reading is the basis of this method of teaching children to read.

  • The method affects 3 sensory areas: auditory, visual and tactile.
  • Warehouses are written on the faces of the cubes.
  • The cubes are different in color, size and the sound they make.
  • Each time they are accessed, different channels of perception are turned on.
  • This helps children to feel, rather than understand, the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

  • There are 52 cubes in the "Zaitsev Cubes" set.
  • Cubes with warehouses are glued together and filled with different contents:
  • wooden sticks (for cubes with dull sounds)
  • metal lids (for "voiced" cubes)
  • bells or bells (for cubes with vowels).

  • Cubes are different:
  • to size:
  • large and large double (for solid warehouses),
  • small and small double (for soft warehouses).
  • by color:
  • "golden" (yellow) - for warehouses with vowels,
  • "iron" (gray) - for voiced warehouses,
  • "wooden" (brown) - for deaf warehouses,
  • white-green - for punctuation marks.

  • First, the child needs to master all types of cube sizes and their sounds.
  • Compose simple words from cubes (mom, dad; denoting pieces of furniture: wardrobe, sofa, chair)
  • Compose names of toys, animals (PA-RO-VO-3)
  • Think of words starting with a certain letter (or warehouse)
  • Give the child blocks and ask them to write their name. Next time, offer to find the cubes yourself. Complicate tasks: come up with and write words where the same letter is repeated (MILK, GOOD)
  • In the book of Nikolai Zaitsev "Writing. Reading. Counting" there are many interesting games and tasks with cubes

  • Singing is an excellent phonetic warm-up, with its help the pronunciation of each sound is “polished”, while in the flow of ordinary speech, the defects in the baby’s diction may not be heard or noticeable.
  • Memorization of warehouses through singing goes surprisingly quickly. It does this through repetition.
  • Matrix - the order in which warehouses need to be sung to the child (for example: first a row with hard mergers (large cube), followed by soft ones (small cube)).

  • This allows babies to develop hearing and a sense of rhythm.

Game "Riddles"

  • Give your child riddles. He guesses, and you write the answer in cubes.

“With a tail, not a beast, with feathers, not a bird” - Fish.

  • The stock picture is a white square of thick paper with an image and the name of this image above the picture itself. Moreover, the most important, shock warehouse is written in black, all other letters are in green. FROM reverse side cards just a word is written (without a picture), the word is written in a different font.
  • Warehouse pictures are colored or silhouetted (black, they develop imaginative thinking). During classes with these cards, children learn to "fluent read", that is, they grasp the whole word, and not by syllables or letters.

  • The game-allowance "WAREHOUSES" is designed to teach children early (from 3-4 years old) reading in the warehouse system.
  • There are 21 cards in the manual, on which warehouses are presented in the form of vertical columns on the right and left sides of each card. Two storage posts on each card form a storage house.

  • Numbers for a child are just abstract icons. Therefore, in mathematics, one must go not from knowledge of numbers, but from quantity.

  • Simplicity
  • Efficiency
  • Not tied to age
  • Environmental friendliness and strict observance of the principle “do not harm the child” (posture is not disturbed, vision is not damaged)
  • Suitable for absolutely all children (nimble and slow, weak and strong)
  • Speed ​​Reading (Child at game form immediately remembers the warehouse, a combination of letters)
  • Develops sense organs, fine motor skills of hands; physical activity

  • Cubes have to be glued independently from the proposed cardboard blanks and filler
  • Made cardboard cubes are short-lived
  • Pretty high price of finished cubes


Methods of N. Zaitsev, St. Petersburg, 2004




  • READ AND SING Tutorial
  • N.A. Zaitsev "Writing. Reading. Counting".
  • Teaching reading according to the method of N.A. Zaitsev
  • Maths. Reading. Training according to the method of N.A. Zaitseva Year of issue: 2006-2007
  • Tutorial. Set for home, group, class.

alina miroshnichenko
Presentation "N. Zaitsev's cubes for study and play"

Methods of teaching reading by Zaitsev

For several years, in my work with preschool children, I have been using the "Teaching Reading Zaitsev» . In March 2010, she studied in Moscow at the seminars of his followers, one of them is Natalia Pyatibratova; and received a certificate after training.

I use various methods benefits: cubes, a table with warehouses and discs with chants. On the basis of the methodology, I developed my classes, observing all the rules and nuances inherent in the methodology of N. Zaitsev:

Reading in warehouses

Reading whole word

We are not afraid of long words

We read the sentence and explain the meaning of the material read

Making words, phrases and sentences

Classes are held only in a playful, mobile form to preserve the health of children.

Nicholas Zaitsev took the work of L. N. Tolstoy as the basis of his methodology for teaching reading "Learning to Read in Warehouses". Having become acquainted with warehouses, we proceed to reading words. A variety of work with words turns into work with phrases and sentences. Then I use the texts of L. N. Tolstoy and M. Montessori.

We select related words

We make words from warehouses

Explaining the meaning of the text

The uniqueness of the technique Zaitsev in that that it can be used with children of all ages. With every age individual work. Lessons are designed according to age.

Text is being worked on. Children begin to navigate well in it, find a given word or sentence, explain the meaning. The guys begin to read the warehouses, then the whole words. Every session is new interesting topic. Children easily memorize and read new words and sentences.

The uniqueness of this technique is that children do not need knowledge of letters and the alphabet at all, they begin to recognize and read warehouses, words easier and faster, and even if the child comes to the group late, he reaches for other guys, as an example, catches up with them and tries to do nothing. The feeling of success is not long in coming.

Children are not afraid to read long words, complex sentences, understand the meaning of texts and learn to reason in various themes. The speed of reading is not the main thing for this technique, the main thing is thoughtful reading and understanding of the meaning.

The results delight both children and teachers, as well as parents. Learning to read with interest and joy is great!

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