Where to organize a corporate party. Corporate rest in the suburbs. What are the master classes

On the eve of the New Year, Denis Ryzhov, the founder of KeyLink Agency, shared with us ideas that will help diversify the corporate party of any company, regardless of the budget allocated for the holiday.

Sports, quest, skit, behind the scenes or Oscar - which format is closer to your company?

"Forget the budget." Five corporate ideas for any company

Denis Ryzhov

Briefly about corporate events

A corporate event is a mandatory event in any company, regardless of its size and number of employees. A corporate event can be either a gathering in the office or a joint trip to a bar with a small team, or a large-scale event for several days with a trip out of town with a large company.

Despite the difference in scale, both of them have a value associated with the goals of organizing corporate parties.

Previously, the task was to bring everyone together at a luxurious banquet and make the most entertainment program which would help increase employee loyalty. Today, I notice that more and more companies treat corporate parties as if they were working. And this is absolutely the right approach.

Indeed, a corporate event is not only entertainment, but also an opportunity for management to hold a number of events aimed at rallying and motivating employees. That is why the vector is now directed towards team-building event formats.

Corporate events in 2016: what is relevant?

1. Bias in sports

Based on my experience, it is . There may be several options for implementation.

  1. Joint attendance, for example, paintball or integration into a ready-made event, for example, a race. Here, in fact, you don’t need to do anything with your own hands and it won’t take much time to prepare such an event. Although even in the case of a race, you can approach the issue responsibly and start hard training in a month in order to show the best results, acquire a branded uniform, and so on.
  2. Organization of own sports competition within the company. You can hold a kind of “Health Day” and, as part of it, do, say, “Funny Starts”, a football tournament or, again, a race. For the basic rule here, you can take the observance in the organization of all the norms and standards by which real competitions are held. The most striking example of compliance with the rules is the Sberbankiada event of Sberbank. Of course, the results of the participants are not serious, but the organization is at the highest level.

2. Popularization of quests

Another format that has become in demand is quests, of which there are many options and topics on the entertainment market. You can take part in quests regardless of the number of people and the budget for the event.

As tasks or stages of the quest, you can integrate information about the company, its key values, features of work, information about customers, and so on. More often, of course, quests are integrated into large events, but they can also be independent activities.

3. Kapustnik

Despite the funny name, events of this format are in great demand. You can have a funny show that the whole team will remember for a long time, plus each employee has the opportunity to take part in the preparation and realize their creative ambitions. The numbers, if we are, can be dedicated to the divisions of the company and its field of activity.

Kapustnik can be organized both on your own and with the help of a team of scriptwriters, directors, directors.

4. Award ceremony or award

Oscar-style corporate parties are already boring. Nevertheless, the format of the award ceremony itself is always relevant. It is always pleasant for an employee to receive an award, even in a comic nomination.

5. "Behind the Scenes"

This format is not yet very common, but, according to my feelings, it should become a trend. Therefore, I propose to get ahead of the events and try it out this season.

Now not only visiting theaters is popular, but also the opportunity to look behind the scenes, get acquainted with the processes of preparing theatrical productions.

I propose to take note of this opportunity and transform it into one of the ideas for a corporate party. Agree, it is interesting not only to go to the theater, but also to look at how his life works from the inside.

Of course, you can comprehend the behind-the-scenes world not with any budget. But, if you have such an opportunity, then surprise your employees.

You can do everything

Seems like a corporate party that suits big company should be radically different from those that are carried out small organizations. But, if we talk specifically about formats, then it fades into the background. Each of the proposed options can be implemented regardless of the budget. Good luck!

Corporate events are a controversial event. For some office employees, this is a joyful and long-awaited event, for others it is a waste of time and money. Questions arise in choosing a place where to hold a corporate party in Moscow, as well as in the theme of the holiday. Although the holidays that are the occasion for corporate parties are similar to each other, like two drops of water. The main similarities are:

  • Solemn speech of the chief;
  • Meals and drinks;
  • Music and entertainment;
  • Contests for employees.

The thematic atmosphere of corporate parties can be the most diverse - from pirate clothes to the theme of "80s dudes". Scenarios of corporate parties are in most cases standard. Is there anything that can be done to break this circle and make something special for such a party?


Every responsible leader wants all employees at the corporate party to be not passive spectators, but participants. An active sports holiday for employees is a good opportunity to achieve the goal. It's not about running in bags or tug of war. It's just that the usual scenario includes horseback riding, archery or firearms, paintball and much more.

One of the options is “Old Russian hockey” organized in nature. This does not require clubs and skates. The attributes required for this game are brooms and balloons. The task of the team is to drive the balloon into the opponent's goal with a broom. If you think this is elementary, then try it! In this game, you can get a lot of fun and throw out all your positive emotions. Moreover, unlike conventional ice hockey, it is simply impossible to get injured here.

An important point: when arranging a corporate party in the fresh air, it is better to finish it in a cozy and warm room. And even in such rooms you can find a lot of active and interesting games.

new year adventure

There can be a lot of ideas for such a party! Baba Yaga stole magic wand, Koschey kidnapped the chef, Barmaley took away the gifts intended for everyone present. Fun and a common goal make the holiday memorable and emotional. In other words, when corporate party has its own plot, some common problem or goal, such a holiday unites all employees.

The quest can be not only indoors, but also outdoors. It can be organized according to the principle of common games, such as "Night Watch", "Fight" or "Zarnitsa", known since Soviet times. If the leader prefers a party indoors or right in the office, then for this you can also choose quests and riddles for everyone.

Devoting a corporate party to a specific theme, such as a gangster one, is not only a requirement that all those present be dressed in themed costumes. The condition here can be a foreign gangster name and your own individual task, such as identifying a double agent, saving the boss's life, and much more. Such an adventure at a corporate party can take place both indoors and outdoors.

The easiest option role playing- This is a popular "Mafia", which can be used as an idea for a small corporate party.

Master Class

A party among company employees will be remembered for a long time if everyone present learns something new. Many managers have found this option convenient for conducting professional trainings. But not all employees agree with such a corporate theme, because during the holidays, you just want to forget about work and your duties. Therefore, if it is decided to hold a master class at the party, it is better that it is not associated with professional activity employees.

Various companies offer great amount master classes:

  • Cooking;
  • Pottery;
  • Soap making;
  • Drawings on glass.

And conducting specific master classes for corporate parties may include drawing lessons, where at the end all employees will take part in creating one huge and beautiful picture. Some companies are ready to prepare employees in advance for creative competitions rehearsing dances, songs, contests and numbers. This approach is more interesting than the standard show program.


A corporate party in which everyone participates is remembered for a long time, and when everyone else prepares for it in advance, then this is a memory for a lifetime. A luxurious and solemn ball is an amazing idea for a corporate party. Which dances will take place depends on the ideas and imagination of the leader. The most important thing is that before it is held, all employees can prepare and rehearse the chosen dance direction at a special master class. And if everyone is prepared, then the corporate party in the form of a ball will really take all employees into the past.

And which corporate party do you personally prefer? On which everything that will take place is known in advance and stereotyped? Or where everything will be new and unusual. Share your ideas for exciting corporate events.

It may seem strange, but it is a corporate vacation that often allows you to solve problems at the enterprise, create a more favorable atmosphere and make everyone work together. Corporate vacation is a chance for all members of the organization to get closer in informal conditions, learn a lot about each other, show character traits in unusual situations, and often in real extreme conditions.

In this article you will read:

  • What is the importance of corporate rest in enterprise management
  • What are the pros and cons of a corporate holiday?
  • What are the types of corporate recreation
  • How to spend a corporate holiday in a company
  • How to prevent corporate vacation from becoming a feast

Why you need a joint corporate vacation

The goal of any leader is to get the most out of his subordinates in their work. Establishing strict orders, it is unlikely that anyone can achieve this goal. Another option is to create a well-thought-out motivational system in which corporate holiday should take no last place. Based on practical indicators, it is this method that is the most effective and efficient. At the same time, even the salary motivates not everyone to work tirelessly for the result. Of course, each employee has a priority - their own professional quality that he wants to show. However, people's priorities often change.

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

In this regard, among the tasks of the management department by human resourses should be the goal of holding events designed to identify the motivational cards of specialists. They should be carried out, on average, twice a year. Taking individual motivational maps as a basis, the HR department should start compiling a general motivational rating for the organization - a special coordinate system that demonstrates what priorities the employees of the enterprise have.

Young companies that want to take their "place in the sun" on modern market, we should not forget that corporate holidays are periodically needed, especially if such organizations have a well-developed time management culture, the rhythm of work is intense and focused on achieving high business performance. As a rule, these firms make serious demands on employees, and there is a place for a high working pace.

Of course, people who try and know how to work well should receive a full-fledged corporate holiday. However, those whose working activity carried out continuously, often cannot image be in your emotions and understand how tired you are. It is this category of people who tend to burn out professionally. A superior person should be attentive to employees, create not only comfortable working conditions for them, but also high-quality corporate recreation. A boss who wants to get the most out of his employees and achieve high performance must make sure that the corporate holidays for the staff are good. Companies often organize sports competitions, holidays and other events. Many Western firms partially or fully cover the cost of corporate vacation staff, and this is the norm.

Thanks to the fact that employees receive a good corporate holiday, not only loyalty increases and a favorable image of the enterprise is created, but also contacts are established between people and various departments of the company, and relations between them are strengthened.

The authorities need to do everything to increase labor productivity, team building, increase psychological comfort. Every leader should remember this. A person is interested in salary increases, regular bonuses and a comfortable workplace, but the emotions people get from the informal pleasant communication that a corporate vacation provides can hardly be compared with anything. The joint celebration of birthdays or other celebrations is a feast, not a corporate party. Corporate leisure should increase team spirit.

Corporate holidays, parties help to spend time with benefit, leave behind boring work in the office, negative thoughts and fatigue that all employees have. A person who has experienced a pleasant corporate holiday, when going to work, only pleasant fatigue appears, and the first days after the event are accompanied by an excellent mood. Corporate rest helps employees to communicate with each other most closely, which is impossible in a working office environment. It is worth noting that the bosses, partners of the enterprise and, of course, the employees themselves in the process of corporate recreation often open up from a new, unexpected side.

Corporate rest as a source of new ideas

Natalia Orlova, Head of the training center NutUniversity of the Moscow Nut Company, Moscow

In our organization certain period it was popular to hold corporate holidays in the form of competitions "Fight of the Minds". We gave any employee the opportunity to offer ideas or solutions for the development of the company, the development of a new type of product and service. The jury consisted of leaders and key employees who made a choice in favor of the person who offered the best solution - interesting and possible for implementation.

Our goal was not only to get a valuable business idea, but also to involve people from different departments in developing the strategic direction of the firm. Our competitions are a kind of corporate vacation, helping employees feel involved in a common large-scale cause, develop the ability to develop and evaluate business solutions, and develop creative thinking. Based on my own experience, I can say that this type of corporate vacation is best spent a maximum of once a year.

Our team celebrates common celebrations. In addition, we always strive to remember the memorable days of employees and congratulate them on the anniversary of the start of their activities in the company, the successful completion probationary period, project implementation.

Every organization has its own traditions. It is important for us to pay attention to the person. Congratulating him, we, as a rule, give gifts: a book, a money certificate, a corporate souvenir.

How corporate holidays can help the development of the company

1. Formation of a unified corporate spirit, support of the company's ideology should be focused on managers working in mid- and top-level companies. If these people clearly know the common goal and agree on the tasks among themselves, conveying these issues to employees is not difficult. To feel like part of a team, you need to occasionally devote time to doing joint exercises in a playful way.

2. Establishing relationships between employees and between departments. If the manager does not want to finance, there is room for negative changes in the company. There are isolated groups that compete with each other, which has a bad effect on the workflow. Informal communication can be at all events (reporting, training). Necessary, not just a "mandatory program".

3. Stimulation to achieve better results. If an employee is sure that the organization needs him, he gets the appropriate attitude. Often, after the corporate holiday is over, agents are taken to increase the level of sales. This applies not only to people with extensive experience, but also to novice agents. You can set up employees to improve results by holding corporate holidays of a different plan. These can be open competitions, training, internal conferences.

Corporate rest: pros and cons

1. The organization takes on an additional cost item. Of course, there are many discounts for corporations, but corporate vacations do not become significantly cheaper. In order to organize at least a third of the employees a vacation in a sanatorium outside the city or in a Mediterranean resort, a company in which a corporate vacation is mandatory must pay a round sum. These expenses are difficult to account for in lists of expenses that reduce the tax base (one way or another, the HR department should ask the relevant questions to the finance department in advance on the topic of "corporate vacation").

2. Time costs for corporate holidays also take place. At the same time, it is not so important who organizes corporate holidays for the staff - in any case, a person spends a significant part of the time solving this pleasant, but troublesome issue (most often, several people are entrusted with solving the problem).

3. It is almost impossible to calculate in advance how effective and justified the financial and time costs of a corporate holiday will be. It often turns out that all the actions of the boss and the money spent on corporate holidays do not give the desired results. In extreme cases, not only will no one say “thank you” to the manager, but the staff may also think that, by showing such “care”, the authorities are trying to interfere in the personal space of employees and schedule the workflow in their own way. If a similar situation arose that affects corporate holidays, then, of course, it makes sense to think about the lack of authority among the authorities and the unhealthy emotional atmosphere that reigns in the company.

When providing additional benefits to staff in the form, for example, of tour packages paid for by the company (corporate vacation), you should think about what the ultimate goal is and what result you expect in the end. Of course, if your company is not one of the companies that have nowhere to put their money. What urgent task, in your opinion, should be solved when introducing rest compensation for employees?

1. Thanks to such measures, it is possible to significantly improve the image of the company, its attractiveness, create positive image guides. Such introductions help set up the staff for the fact that he will cooperate with the company for a long time (here, however, it is worth noting that corporate mortgage programs or other methods for long-term lending to employees can hardly be compared with anything, including a well-organized rest).

2. In the formation of an integral and cohesive team, corporate holidays for employees can be called the best method. By gathering employees from different departments, you strengthen corporate communications, which is important, mainly for large companies. You should carefully consider the composition of the groups that go to rest. When planning a serious project, you have the opportunity to quickly organize a mini-team, "testing the ground" in advance and understanding how effective the interaction of its participants will be during a joint vacation. It is preferable to choose an active recreation program. Think about the organization of rafting on a mountain river, sports competitions, hikes.

In this case, it will be possible for you to identify who is the leader, and, based on this, make a choice of candidates for personnel reserve. Human qualities are especially clearly revealed in an informal setting. The investment of material resources is more than justified when it comes to finding talent and developing your employees. When you send employees to participate in a hike, on vacation at a resort or dispensary, you not only create the "face" of the organization, you pursue a worthy goal - to form a team.

How to determine if a corporate holiday was a success? Pretty simple. Look at the number of new projects, ideas, work efficiency improvements of employees from the same or different departments of the firm.

3. Impressions are also important criterion when determining the quality level of past corporate events. When, after months and even years, colleagues recall how bright and positive the corporate holiday was, we can talk about justified funds and efforts expended by the company. We can say that it is from such moments that corporate history is formed. And all specialists dream of getting into a company whose history is very rich.

What are the types of corporate recreation

Educational. We are talking about trainings on team interaction aimed at forming internal communications, conferences and corporate seminars.

Business. Here we can talk about presentations, award ceremonies, dealer meetings. Such events should be kept in a strict style. Particular attention should be paid to emphasizing the importance of partners and friends of the firm.

Entertainment parties. This includes all the holidays celebrated by the whole team. Availability required interesting scenario, which could unite colleagues and employees of the organization. Team building has gained particular popularity - a direction that involves holding corporate holidays with trainings and games.

Intellectual events focusing on the personal development of employees. An example is a trip organized by a company (corporate vacation) to places with a rich history (as an option - the Golden Ring). Often there are intensive tours, competitions between departments and much more.

Firms with a highly developed corporate culture rarely hold grandiose parties for employees. They usually prefer sports and team building activities or team building to build team spirit. The task of team building is to increase cohesion in the team in order to achieve certain business heights and start working for a high result. Training, from a psychological point of view, is based on the fact that a person rarely resorts to his stereotype of behavior and thinking, if he is outside his usual environment. The new environment makes him think differently, conduct a new analysis of the situation, changes his perception. Thanks to the emotional upsurge and the need for joint coordinated actions, a place appears for a new principle of working team activity. Trust in colleagues in a work environment is growing. As for the forms in which team building trainings are held, they can be different. Sometimes team building includes elements that include active corporate recreation. The assignments do not require any special physical preparation, and any employee in good health can take part in them.

Sport helps to maintain the corporate spirit in the team. This is especially true for team sports: bowling, football. Many companies have their own teams that often go to competitions and tournaments with partners and competitors. During the competition, the teams have their own support groups, which include colleagues of the participants. It is worth mentioning paintball - an entertainment that is both a sport and an active corporate holiday. Thanks to paintball, you can "provoke" workers into as soon as possible to make non-standard decisions, to identify leaders, to form the skills of collective problem solving among colleagues.

It should also be remembered about adventure tours. This is a well-established method that allows you to form a team spirit. Practice shows that firms send employees to the most unexplored corners of the planet with one single goal - to form a single team spirit. Questions about their whereabouts (to be with everyone or stay away) disappear by themselves when people raft on mountain rivers. Nobody wants to be outside the team. At the same time, for many office workers, a collective trip for rafting along a slow river somewhere in central Russia is enough. Conducting a corporate holiday at night in a tent for them is a bright extreme, an adventure, thanks to which a seemingly simple trip becomes a good training that gives participants teamwork skills.

It is very interesting to participate in story trips - these are special types of corporate recreation and adventure tourism. Journeys can be organized along the lines of Indiana Jones stories or pirate tales, with all the appropriate props, from ancient maps and traps to treasure. Managers often choose places where fantastic stories can be realized. The territories are different: a forest in the Moscow region or a jungle in Cambodia.

A fresh direction of corporate tourism, which is focused mainly on top managers of organizations - a complete "immersion in the conditions of nature." A professional coach-psychologist takes part in such entertainment. A person disconnects from urban conditions, immersing himself in nature, perceiving it completely. He changes the perception of his personality, his own place in the world and notes which aspects of him are strong and which are weak. Thanks to trainings in wildlife that prevent chronic fatigue and professional burnout, a person begins to perceive himself in a new way. The task of the coach is to reveal the person. He does not teach. Training is neither entertainment nor therapy. In addition, the trainings have an important ability - to solve the problem of eliminating tensions in the course of managerial relations of senior managers.

The content of the trainings varies. Participants can be permanently accommodated in a certain area. In addition, it is possible for them to organize corporate holidays in such a direction as an adventure trip through territories with a high concentration of customs and traditions in the field of culture and religion. When comprehending other cultural values, unfamiliar symbols, riddles and secrets, along with immersion in wildlife, human consciousness expands, life experience enriched, there is a search for previously hidden preconditions for personal growth.

Recently, top firms have begun holding corporate holidays in the form of trainings for top managers in Africa, Australia, Latin America and other exotic territories. Do not forget that in our country there are unique places where an amazing natural component is combined with historical and cultural property, forming a symbiosis, thanks to which you can restore vitality and gain energy. First of all, we are talking about Baikal and Gorny Altai.

Practice experience

Non-standard ideas for corporate holidays

Vitalina Levashova, Deputy General Director of Invitro, Moscow

To unite colleagues who work in a number of Russian cities, we are implementing two projects: a corporate theater and an expedition to find the healthiest person.

1. Corporate theater. Once, while watching a home performance, I saw that ordinary people in the conditions of the stage have the ability to open up in a new way. I decided to create something similar in our organization. We entrusted the role of the curator to the head of the department for corporate events and printing (director of concert and entertainment programs by education). We invited a theater director with extensive working experience. To decide on the actors, we organized castings between employees.

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Preparation of performances takes about 3-6 months. People rehearse every day, on weekends and on weekdays, after the completion of the work process. Employees are engaged in practicing stage speech, theatrical skills and choreography. In addition, we devote time to consultations and meetings with theater masters.

The first performance was the fairy tale "Magic Hours", where 15 specialists from the administration were employed along with their children. We distributed tickets through charitable foundations and sold them to employees for a nominal fee of 100 rubles. As a result, it turned out to collect over 60 thousand rubles. We donated all the money charitable foundation"Creation". The second performance was a production based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "Our people - let's settle down." Only invitation cards were valid. Then we staged the musical "Love Story" based on the songs of the ABBA group. The event was held in a hall designed for 1000 seats. We have timed the production to coincide with the process of honoring the winners of the Invitro-Territory of Quality competition, which is held every year.

The total cost of projects consisted of the price of renting premises (venues, recording studio), wages director, expenses for costumes, equipment, scenery. To record tracks, we rented professional studios, and for the selection of costumes - the leading film studios of the capital. Wrote about the project: corporate newspaper published in print and in electronic format), intranet, means mass media. All employees participating in the project received memorable prizes and were honored with awards.

Thanks to the performances, each person was able to show their talents and overcome fear. It was important to remove psychological barriers in the process of communication. During the period of the project, over two hundred colleagues from the capital and the Moscow region took part in it. Only the first two performances were attended by more than 2.5 thousand spectators. The ideas of such a corporate holiday were implemented in other regions as well, where the specialists were independently involved in the creation of theater groups. Thus, a creative association of Novosibirsk workers prepared a children's puppet show, where home-made puppets - Laborashki and Invitroshi - took part. The company in Krasnoyarsk connected the event with Children's Day. The company, whose corporate holiday was a success, delighted the audience with an interactive performance. The basis for it was Russian folk tales.

2. Expedition. A proposal was received from the marketing director - holding a corporate holiday in the form of an expedition "In search of the healthiest person." The main objective of the event was to unite the employees of the organization in conditions of informal communication and improve customer service. Open competition provided an opportunity for everyone to write an essay, the main idea which was why this particular person should take part in the expedition. People gave their votes on the intranet, and the winners got into the main team.

In 2013, the first stage of the event took place. The route passed through the Urals. The second stage was held in 2014 in the cities of Siberia. The third - a year later in the Volga region. Every day, one city was added to the route map. When choosing the outfit for the expedition members, we settled on T-shirts and baseball caps with the project logo printed on them. Branded cars were chosen as means of transportation.

The task of the participants was to identify how intensively the metabolic syndrome is spreading in Russian cities. Members of the expedition distributed coupons giving the right to be examined free of charge in the medical offices of the company, and provided information on the need for preventive measures. Some participants visited our offices to see how their design complied with accepted standards in the company, and evaluated the service.

The expedition managed to visit 48 cities in the Urals, the Volga region and Siberia. The number of participants was about 130. In the period from 2013 to 2014. Approximately 20,000 people received coupons giving them the right to be examined free of charge. In the course of the expeditions, the employees managed to collect valuable information and understand whether the inhabitants of a particular region know about the brand, how they treat it, which causes negativity. The crews consisted of both ordinary specialists and top managers, thanks to which, in the process of communication, it became possible to strengthen interpersonal communications and remove psychological barriers.

It is important! Consider the specifics of the company

If a department's primary focus is sales, that department should take part in activities where there is healthy competition. We are talking about team tournaments, karting, sports, paintball. Management will enjoy holding a corporate holiday - a "rope course", during which leaders and organizers by nature can demonstrate their abilities.

IT specialists can pay attention informal communication at the table. Remember: the correct attitude of the employees determines how effective the events will be. Pay attention to the moral preparation of employees (cause interest, form positive attitude and expectations), and also tell us about the technical component - specialists should have a rough idea of ​​​​what they will do.

5 rules for a successful corporate holiday

The first rule: holding a corporate holiday requires careful, lengthy and responsible preparation. If the organization of corporate recreation is correct, employees, management, partners will be able to pay due attention to solving even if not global, but important organizational tasks, which are difficult to solve in everyday life. The organization of a corporate holiday can be associated with any reason: the implementation of plans, the submission of reports, the receipt of a bonus. The main thing is a worthy organization of corporate recreation.

The second rule: the location of the corporate party is not so important. It can be a restaurant or corporate outdoor recreation. The main thing is to combine corporate rest and team training.

Third rule: all employees must participate in the event. At the moment, corporate vacation is a kind of work process. It is important that a person can exercise control over his actions in any situation, whether it be behavior in leisure conditions or work in the office. In many ways, the ability to adequately and culturally relax affects career specialist. A person should remember: events of such a plan do not require delays, early departures (before the management leaves). In order to notify loved ones about the date and time of a corporate holiday, all information about the corporate event should be distributed in advance. If you follow these simple rules, employees will not have trouble in relations with either colleagues or relatives.

The fourth rule: you should absolutely not enter into an argument with employees and discuss wages on vacation, since the outcome of such a situation can be sad. You should conduct a conversation on an abstract topic - discuss rest, weather, talk about nature.

Fifth rule: when going to a corporate event, you need to temporarily forget about problems, grievances and misunderstandings and go to the team in a good mood.

How not to turn a corporate holiday into an ordinary feast

The traditions of celebrating holidays collectively in Russia are well known. A corporate holiday is a good opportunity for the bosses to talk about the intermediate results of work, set goals and set goals for further development, and award valuable specialists who have been able to excel. At the same time, the place where it is planned to hold a corporate holiday does not really matter. It can be the walls of the organization, and a cafe, and a rest home. The main task before the organizers is to prevent the corporate event from becoming a banal feast.

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Small firms often spend holidays in a narrow company dedicated to International Women's Day, birthdays, Defender of the Fatherland Day. However, the number of specialists may increase, and the requirements for work may grow. And "friendly bonds" have the risk of becoming just "bonds." The question arises: how to organize a departure from this tradition without loss?

Step one. Corporate recreation is possible on the territory of the employee's dacha. The presence of the first leader is mandatory at the event. At the same time, the management always actively contributes to ensuring that the organization of corporate recreation becomes worthy.

Step two. Spend the subsequent celebration not within the walls of the organization. Let there be a corporate holiday in nature. The authorities will take part in the preparation, but the first leader, most likely, will no longer be.

Step three. The management team does not mind if a corporate holiday takes place, but only if the organization is taken care of by the employees themselves. So there will be a gradual departure of the tradition, taken out of the company. If it persists, it will be only thanks to the initiative group.

Corporate rest - as an idea for business

Igor Lyutenko, CEO, Party2Go, Moscow

When the development of a new generation of business began to be observed, fashion trends appeared associated with non-standard "office games". For example, many companies began to organize themed Fridays, in which employees came in suits of a certain color scheme or with one or another attribute, for example, a plush toy.

About the project. Party2Go was founded in 2004. It was the fourth year since our paintball club "Top Gun" carried out its activities. At that time, paintball had already become a corporate event, but it was clear that customers were not satisfied with it alone. As a result, catering was born. Started the development of a service that allows you to rent rides.

Ideas for a corporate holiday about office mini-golf were taken by us at one of the largest world exhibitions in the field of entertainment equipment in the United States of America (Orlando). Mini golf is a gambling and entertainment activity that is no worse than big golf, while it requires much less expenses. By that time, fans of this game had already appeared in the country. They began to unite in communities, organize sections and sports clubs. But those who first started promoting the game in the entertainment field, as a service for corporate events, we have become. In 2004, we entered the market with a proposal for mini-golf. Our proposal was among the top ten.

Attachments. We started ordering equipment from a sports club operating in Russia. He builds mini golf courses. We spent about 10 thousand dollars on the purchase of ten tracks, clubs, balls, a set of obstacles.

Income. After we launched the attraction, it began to bring at least 10% of the income. Since then, we have expanded the range thirty times, and today the profit is at least 5%. The results of 2012 showed that the number of track trips (games on one track) was 171. As a rule, one track is enough for one corporate party, but orders for nine tracks are often received at once. average price to rent one is 5 thousand rubles. According to the results of the same 2012, the gross turnover of the game amounted to about 855 thousand rubles.

  • Team building as a way of perfect personnel management

Perspectives. The game can be safely called an actual trend in the conditions of modern corporate recreation. It is still perceived as a kind of new direction in the entertainment field. In addition, the very name "golf" evokes associations with people who have a VIP status. I am sure there is no need for additional incentives as the demand for minigolf will be maintained. The Russian Golf Association is of the same opinion and reports its growth in popularity.

Information about the author and company

Vitalina Levashova, Deputy General Director of the company "Invitro", Moscow. LLC "Invitro". Field of activity: provision of laboratory services (more than 1500). Territory: over 700 medical offices and eight laboratory complexes in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Number of employees: 5000. Achievements in the field of personnel management: one of the winners of the "HR Brand Award 2014" in the nomination "Federation", the second place winner in the nomination " Corporate culture»Crystal Pyramid Award (2014).

Igor Lyutenko, CEO, Party2Go, Moscow. LLC "Holiday to You". Subject of the resource: Organization of events. Site region: Moscow. Registered: 18-11-2015. Information about the site www.party2go.ru: Organization of corporate events, outdoor, sports, children's holidays, rental of attractions, etc. Main domain: ww.party2go.ru

Natalia Orlova, Head of the NutUniversity training center of the Moscow Nut Company, Moscow. The Moscow Nut Company is one of the leading manufacturers of packaged nuts, sunflower seeds, and dried fruits. Founded in 1994. The following are on the market today trade marks: "Jazz", "Gifts of Nature", "Skorozub", "Kuban Seeds", X-treme, etc. Staff - 700 people. The company operates Training Center NutUniversity. The company has awards in the field of personnel management: in 2005 it won the "Golden HR (HumanResource)" competition in the "Development and personnel planning" nomination.

Nothing brings people together like spending time together. Thanks to the relaxed atmosphere, the association of a particular person with positive emotions from a pleasant pastime is firmly fixed in the mind. There are teams whose leaders struggle in vain in efforts to rally employees, and it’s enough to organize a joint outing closer to nature or just have fun with colleagues.

Country hotels - the best place for a corporate party in nature

The time spent by the team in a non-standard environment will certainly give a result in the form of improved mutual understanding, increased trust and productivity. That's why acceptance right decision, where to rest is so important when organizing leisure activities for people who are used to colliding with each other exclusively for work.

The hotel, tourist and entertainment infrastructure of the Moscow Region offers the widest opportunities for organizing corporate holidays. It will not be difficult to find a hotel with a pool, a beach or a SPA center. Leisure activities of employees in any of these places in the Moscow region will leave indelible positive impressions in their memory. In addition, you can pay attention to the options for active recreation - bowling, billiards, classic sports games, skiing, cycling, sightseeing programs, fishing and much more.

The 21st century leaves its mark on all spheres of life, including the sphere of entertainment. Recently, rapidly gaining popularity types of recreation with a significant share of extreme sports have appeared:

  • riding in hot air balloons and helicopters;
  • paintball and virtual reality;
  • riding quadrocopters and snowmobiles;
  • bungee jumping and kayaking.

In any case, whatever type of leisure is chosen, discussions and memories of adventures will securely fasten the unity of the team.

To afford going to a corporate party, it is not at all necessary to be a transnational corporation. You can easily find a hotel in the suburbs, because the main thing is to get out of the stone jungle, and everything else will follow!

Our site is a reliable guide to entertainment and leisure facilities in the area, offering honest and unbiased information about them.

It was creative and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of its holding.

We bring to your attention stylish and unusual ideas for unforgettable corporate parties for every taste.

1 // office party

Corporate event that takes place in the format social networks. It features performances by animators in capes with logos of popular apps, installation fences for writing messages, wall newspapers with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, they are guaranteed delight and pleasure!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a team that has "singing talents". Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, with which, according to Indian tradition, participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

5 // In body art style

To create fantasy images of guests, face painting is applied to their faces during the evening, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

6 // Mafia game

An entertainment that has already become traditional corporate party, which allows you to show intuition and psychological qualities of the participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

A musical game to recognize a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song the fastest wins.

To dive into the world economic strategies you will need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Trick Secrets

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting the audience as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals the secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive science show

In the company of "mad scientists" it will also be interesting for adults to look at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as to participate in scientific experiments themselves.

12 // Sixth Sense Game

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo session

With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images, in which the photographer captures them against the backdrop of the corresponding interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With cartoonist

If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

15 // Dance Marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dance is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests, to the sound of music, demonstrate their skills to each other.

16 // Culinary duel

Two in one - both entertainment and treats for the holiday. Under the guidance of the chef, guests will prepare delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

17 // Wine tasting

An invited sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine accessories and choose glasses for various kinds wines, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

18 // Creative workshop

A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Movie quiz

Movie buffs will love this one. They will be asked to remember Interesting Facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // Olympic style

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard banquet tables under open sky"warming stations" are installed for them.

21 // Promenade Theater

This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the ongoing action and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate party is styled as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Joke Auction

During it, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

24 // With animals

The trend of inviting animal trainers to corporate parties has been gaining popularity in recent years. The spectacular culmination of the New Year's event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, the style of clothes of the guests a la "rustic chic" - all these are elements of one of the latest festive trends.

26 // Wellness-corporate

The trendy idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle can also be implemented in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or a Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

27 // ATV

Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through the meadows, fields or forests. Rental Services Vehicle offer various quad clubs.

28 // Hot air balloon

Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of ballooning participants with unusual colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

Such a corporate party is good to hold on the shore of a reservoir or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

If the venue is an indoor venue, an alternative to sunbathing can be the use of tanning lamps.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday companies. With the help of professional stage directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the attention of the audience.

31 // Shooting a movie

With the assistance of the coordinators of the film process, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which take place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the story.

32 // Corporate Disco

The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which, for several rounds, together represents different musical eras: the 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). Charge Have a good mood everyone will get from beautiful music!

33 // "Like Guinness"

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

For these and many other corporate ideas, welcome to the agency " Holiday.com »!

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