What services are more profitable to do. What business is relevant now and what is in demand. Goods from China

Business on participation in trade chains "we buy imported - we sell to compatriots" ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For Russian production of any scale, the green light is on today. How to navigate among the opportunities that have opened up, what can a small business bet on?


The time of intermediaries is running out.

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small businesses preferred the sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, we sell at home. Low competition, a huge range of choices ensured high profitability of projects.

* - with annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (2014 criteria)

The crisis, sanctions, a high dollar and a weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: competition in trade and services is increasing, demand is narrowing, profitability is falling. The most significant decrease in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 was recorded in the wholesale and retail, in cargo transportation . It's time for small businesses to adapt to market changes: today, production and implementation are in trend innovative projects. This is where a lot of free / little competitive niches. Let's figure out what is profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia now.

Assessment of the current situation by SME sectors for the 1st half of 2015

* - index of the current situation - expert review state of affairs in the past
Source: Small Business Pulse survey, Alfa-Bank, June 2015

Prospects for production: where to look for profit

Imported products today are in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, household, electrical and other goods. Often under the inscription "made in Russia" a product assembled from foreign components is hidden. A small business can successfully launch any of these products. The main thing is to identify what product, what quality and price will be in demand.

When deciding on production, it is worth considering the moods/preferences of consumers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Russians - individuals buy less, save more. The direction of using free money has changed.

What are Russians willing to spend on?

Russian enterprises focused on the purchase of goods / services that allow you to maintain / increase the level of sales while reducing costs, i.e. they are looking for inexpensive ways improving the efficiency of business processes, reducing production costs. For example, by replacing imported components with Russian ones.

What is profitable to produce in a crisis by industry

1 Furniture: landfill chic

Italian cuisine is becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. It's time to offer compatriots high-quality eco-friendly furniture Russian production. Our consumer now counts money, is sophisticated in the practicality of furniture and has tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap in production, competitive in price;
  • fresh and original, using design solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using the ideas of recycling.

Furniture made from pallets (wooden construction pallets) meets these requirements. It can be country, garden, intended for offices and creating residential interiors in country, loft or industrial style. At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets, they are used as modules, constructing author's models. The secret is in the right handling. Pallets are a cheap and grateful "building" material.

An important nuance. Furniture should look stylish and functional, not clumsy. Professional designers should participate in the development of models.

2 Products for animals: cheaper and healthier

According to VTsIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in terms of the number of pets per capita after the US and China. What is profitable to produce in Russia for small businesses for smaller brothers?

Russian market animal feed is growing despite the crisis. In the most profitable market segment - food for cats and dogs - today there are two leaders: Mars and Nestle (joint share - 86%). They can and should be squeezed out by domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that Russians do not save on pets even when they themselves have nothing to eat. In real life, people switch animals to economy-class feed, preferring the most useful options available.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - minced meat and bones with vitamin and mineral supplements. Such feeds are used by specialized kennels, they are hunted by knowledgeable cat and dog owners. The production of "natural cutlets" for animals is carried out in Russia by a few small producers. The niche is uncompetitive.

For the production of natural food for cats and dogs, an expensive technological line is not needed, everything can be organized on a minimum area with small investment.

To start a complete production cycle equipment required:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat mixer;
  • molding machine / scales;
  • shock freezer and "hot" table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural feed is lower than that of industrial “drying”, even if it is produced from mechanically deboned meat, which is used in the manufacture of sausages. The business model is simple. The main limitation of sales is that there must be refrigeration equipment at the point of sale.

3 Building and finishing materials: money out of thin air

The building materials market is shrinking. According to a study by RD Construction analysts, a decline in production in January-July 2015 compared to the second half of 2014 was recorded for cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete, red ceramic bricks: -12, -30, -15, -1.5%, respectively. This is how the reduction in the pace of mass housing construction backfired on building materials - the demand for housing is falling.

The main product of the recycling of old tires, crumb rubber, is used in the production of:

  • rubber tiles / paving stones;
  • coverings for sports grounds and fitness halls;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative road surfaces;
  • accessories for cars (rugs, mudguards, etc.).

Price technological lines for the "grinding" of tires into crumb rubber depends on the productivity, degree of automation of the process, quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about costs of 1-12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are also Russian ones: the plants of Vtorrezina Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines of their own design. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - both the quality of the product and the reliability of the machines are higher.

It is more profitable to produce goods with high added value, i.e., in addition to crumb rubber issue tiles and coatings. The last two products are cold or hot molded from chips, polyurethane adhesive and dye. The cost of equipment starts from 2 million rubles.

The payback period for a mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles is from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, but the investments for the start will require impressive. There is a more economical entry option: many manufacturers (EcoStep, Masterfaybr, etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Goods for tourism: wide is my native country

The growth of the main world currencies and the appreciation of the cost work force in China have a positive effect on domestic market light industry. In 2015 the share Russian manufacturers in this industry has grown to 24% and continues to increase. What should a startup focus on?

Russians save money on vacation trips abroad. Most have to be content with local color and sponsor domestic tourism. They need equipment.

  • tourist clothing and equipment of the middle price category;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing goods low- and mid-price segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

The production of backpacks, ventilated caps / hats, windproof hats, gloves, encephalitis, thermal underwear, sweaters is a profitable business. You can choose a very narrow niche and go into production mobile baths or thermos.

It is not necessary to develop innovative raincoats-boats or T-shirts-life jackets. It is enough to make practical and functional products a la the Expedition clothing range. But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where is the free niche? Comparing our popular Swedish plastic autoboxes from Thule brand with analogues is the same as putting Rolex against ordinary watches. The Thule customer pays for style and brand first. Moreover, luggage boxes from the point of view of production are the simplest products. Thule cost in Europe in the range of $400-970. The price, which is not humane at the current dollar exchange rate, is already at the place of production, in Russian retail stores turns into completely amazing: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The middle price segment of the autobox market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) is now under the gun of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Items from the Middle Kingdom deserve special attention: they are widely presented, but the quality is objectively low. Time to make car trunks in Russia. Domestic manufacturers of boxes for cars exist as a class, but are counted on the fingers (brands ATLANT, VetlaN, LUX). Moreover, some have a meager assortment, others specialize in "luggage systems from European components" (read: they depend on fluctuations in exchange rates), and the quality of others is lame.

During the crisis, mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all car brands) made of high-quality plastic with a reliable opening / locking system in low and medium price categories is beneficial.

This will require:

Cheaper to manufacture soft autoboxes made of polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers. But it's already clothing industry and a completely different story.

In most developed countries of the world, small and medium business forms the basis of the economy. And it is not surprising, because with minimal costs, a private entrepreneur can receive by no means small profits. But, of course, success largely depends on the area in which you want (and can) work - services, production, transport, trade, etc.

So who earns the most? Forbes magazine tried to answer this question, having compiled a list of the most profitable and promising segments of small business. The rating is based on data on 300,000 firms and individual entrepreneurs, each area was represented by at least 100 companies. The data was collected by a specialized consulting agency from 2003 to 2011.

As the authors of the rating note, most of the most profitable types of entrepreneurship require excellent vocational training. At the same time, these specialties allow you to work for yourself, not to maintain a staff, and sometimes not even use the office. But there is another side of the coin: the clients of such specialists, as a rule, resort to the services of the same professional for many years, that is, it is very difficult for a beginner to quickly take a worthy position in the market.

So, who got into the business top?

1. Private auditors. Net profit - 16.5%. Audit services are in demand at all times, so the financial crisis has not affected the income of these professionals. In addition, clients usually work with the same auditor (or firm) on a regular basis, so there is little to no promotional costs. And, of course, if you work for yourself, the need to rent an office and pay staff is completely eliminated.

2. Chiropractors, 15.3%. Official medicine does not always recognize the craft of these specialists, but this does not prevent them from receiving a decent income. And those who do not maintain their own office and work on departure at the client's home, moreover, have almost no costs.

3. Specialized clinics, 15%. The most popular are minor surgeries, cosmetic procedures and various examinations. Despite the high cost of maintaining such an institution, the prices for services more than cover all costs.

4. Accounting services, 14,9%. Just like auditors, accountants are needed by everyone and always. Any services of these specialists are quite expensive, however, competition in this area is consistently high.

5. Private dentists, 14.7%. These doctors almost never suffer from a shortage of clients. Many patients become regulars and go to the same dentist for decades; plus, they advise their favorite specialist to friends, relatives, colleagues, and so on. Even without a single advertising line and having rather expensive equipment, dental office is a profitable business.

6. Tax calculations, 14.7%. Nobody likes to fill out declarations and stand in line at tax office. On human laziness and earn private tax.

7. Dentist-orthodontist, 14.4%. In Russia, these specialists usually do not work outside the walls of any clinics, but in America, a private orthodontist is a fairly common phenomenon. And the services of such doctors are traditionally expensive: if the client wants a Hollywood smile, he must be willing to pay the appropriate price for it.

8. Law offices, 13.4%. At the same level are the approximate incomes of all law firms and firms.

9. Small lending, 13.3%. Companies that issue small loans secured by the company's products have become popular during the crisis. Large banks unanimously refused loans to entrepreneurs and demanded that previously issued loans be repaid ahead of schedule, while these firms were ready to issue funds without special requirements and for the required period. For small businesses, this has become a real lifesaver, as profits in manufacturing and trade also began to plummet.

10. Private managers, 12.2%. The financial management service is not very popular in our country, but in the West people trust traders much more than banks and not their own “mattress”. Even retirees are putting their savings into securities, so that managers have a lot of clients, but there are almost no costs: such a specialist can even work from his own sofa.

11. Oil and gas wells, 12%.

12. Optometrists, spectacle fitters, 11.5%.

13. Rental non-residential premises, 11,3%.

14. Real estate appraisal, 11.3%.

15. Leasing of mini-warehouses and storage rooms, 11%.

16. Insurance agencies, 11%.

17. Credit intermediaries, 10.7%.

18. Investment advisors, 10.7%.

19. Speech therapists and audiologists, 10.6%.

20. Private therapists, 10.4%.

Opening your own business is no longer something supernova, and anyone who has a great desire and interesting ideas in stock can do it. In principle, sometimes you can do without ideas, but you should not exclude their place in creating a business.

What business to do?

Before you start doing business, answer the question: “what kind of business are you going to do?”. You must choose a direction that will completely satisfy you, that is, you must like it, you must understand this, it must be easy for you to start.

What is the best business to do?

It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, because everything depends on many factors (your skills, your desires and capabilities, the area where you live, the population, etc.). But clearly the most profitable business at all times is the service sector and tourism. Although it is worth noting that this will require serious investments.

What kind of business can you start from scratch?

If you are wondering: “what kind of business can you start from scratch?”, Then you should understand that absolutely any type of business can be included in this category because everything starts from scratch. Another thing is if you ask this question by designating a specific view in which you want to open own business.

What profitable business should a woman do?

If you are a woman, this does not mean that you are not capable of doing business. You just have to choose for yourself.
What could it be?
Beauty salon, clothing store, confectionery, information business, advertising agency and everything like that. Of course, there are no clear rules on what kind of business a man should do and what business a woman should do, but nevertheless these areas will suit you more.

What kind of business is profitable to do in the countryside?

In this regard, everything is quite simple: choose the direction that is not in your village, but it is very necessary for the residents. For example, it could be a beauty salon. An unusual hairdressing salon, namely a salon where girls and women can get a full range of services.
Shops and bars will also be very profitable business for any village. You can even open a clothing store, but first find out if such a store is needed in the area.

What kind of business can you do at home?

If you decide to open a business within your own apartment, then a beauty salon or a store is unlikely to suit you. Here you need to choose something less capacious so that you can handle your business alone. Internet business is a great option. To create it, you will need the most minimal effort. But which direction in the Internet business to choose depends on you.

How can a girl promote her business?

Some believe that it is much more difficult for girls to start and promote their own business than for men, but this is far from the case. Women can do business on an equal footing with men, sometimes even better, given their extraordinary approach to business and external charm. Therefore, do not think that it is more difficult for you to create your own business if you are a girl.

It is always difficult for any novice businessman to start, and especially without the support and tips of professionals. So if you don't have that privilege, remember following tips which will make it easier for you to get started.

  1. The thing must be to your liking.
    You should start your business not because you are expected to do so or because you are in dire need of money, but because you enjoy doing it. Just like the direction of the business, you should like the business itself with all its "pitfalls".
  2. A serious business requires serious investments.
    No matter how you are assured that there are many ways to start a business without a penny in your pocket, this is far from the case. If you want to have a successful and profitable business, you must invest in it not only your soul, but also your money.

    Therefore, think again, is it really a serious desire for you to start your own business?

  3. There is a risk of failure.
    Also, do not rule out the risk of failure. It exists always and in any of your business (not just in business). But this does not mean that you should stop thinking about business altogether. The best thing to do is to study everything. possible risks in your business and try to find ways by which you can avoid them if something happens.
  4. It will take a lot of work.
    Just because you're going to be the "big boss" doesn't mean you have to do nothing but give instructions to your employees. On the contrary, you should work twice, even three times, times more than they do. This is your business and it depends on you how it will be.
  5. "Remember this phrase - everything will be, but not immediately."
    Do not even hope that after just a week you will have "mountains of gold". Business is hard work. It thrives when you work hard and patiently, thinking not about quick money, but about the well-being of the business itself. Therefore, only with patience, you will achieve everything you want.

Ideas for creative people

Although it is difficult for creative people to succeed in modern business does not mean that they are unable to do so. On the contrary, without striving for big money, they have the opportunity to get much more than they want.
Artists can easily open their own gallery (provided that they really have talent), and photographers can also start working in this direction.

Poets, writers, and other authors can start a business selling their creations. It is worth noting that if a person knows foreign languages, his chances of success increase several times, because there are much more prospects for creative people abroad.

What else can you do?

If such an opportunity allows you (in material, physical and other plans), then opening your own taxi service will be a great type of business.

Taxis are always popular and for all occasions, which means that it will be a very profitable business. Of course, this is a very painstaking work, and in order to open this kind of business, you will have to “sweat” a lot. But is it possible to achieve good results by doing nothing?

If you seriously think about it, then you definitely need to have the two qualities listed below.

Mathematical thinking

You must not only be an excellent idea generator, but also have a mathematical mind. You must be a real analyst and be able to resolve any issues that you may have. Do not think that someone will do your work for you.

Sociability, the ability to make friends easily

If you are a reserved person by nature, then build successful business you will be emotionally difficult. You should be quite sociable and open to new acquaintances and proposals. Also, you should forget about shyness. You have to be a leader, and softness is a big minus for a leader.

What kind of business is profitable to do?

Still, there are a lot of directions in business and most of them require not small investments. But what if you don’t have the funds to start a business at all?

As it turns out, this is not a problem, because you can do business without leaving your home and it is absolutely free (or with the most minimal investment).

What is this business?

What type of business is profitable to do: home!

For a home business, an online store is perfect. To create it, you only need your website and a reliable supplier from whom you will order goods. The most important thing is to decide what you will sell, because not every thing is in great demand.

How small business is it profitable to do one?

For a single type of business, a site with online training videos (or just a YouTube channel) is perfect. Think about what you specialize in the most and start sharing it with others. It turns out that you can make good money on this.

What profitable business to do on maternity leave?

If you have a small child in your house, then even the above types of businesses may not suit you, because they require a lot of attention. Do you need something that you can devote only a few hours a day to? What could it be?

  1. Online consultations or a call center operator in the field in which you specialize.
  2. Skype tutoring.
  3. Blogging.
  4. Writing advertising articles (copywriting, rewriting).

In any of the options, you will not need to spend days at work and at the same time you will receive additional income.

The list of areas for activity is huge, but conditionally, the following large niches can be distinguished:

  1. Resale of goods;
  2. Provision of services;
  3. Production of goods;
  4. Real estate;
  5. Internet business.

Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Trade in consumer goods

Public is the sale of consumer goods. Its principle is to buy goods in one place at low prices and sell them in another.

Stable income is brought by trade in what is used daily: food, clothing, footwear, household chemicals and cosmetics. It's on trade consumer goods earned millions of large MLM companies (Avon, Herbalife, Mary Kay and others).

When choosing a product, you should focus on demand and the state of the economy. If there is a crisis in the country, then it will not be possible to build a business selling luxury cars or jewelry. You can take advantage of the fact that buyers during a crisis seek to save.

During such a period, the idea of ​​creating a stock store with branded clothing wins. After all, they sell quality products at an affordable price, which will ensure an influx of customers.

The sphere of trade is vast and constantly updated, it is always possible to find an unoccupied site in it. The only drawback is the complexity of the business launch mechanism itself: the purchase of goods, the search for premises for storage and sale, the establishment of logistics, and so on.

Provision of services

Today you can sell not only material things. Well-executed services are equally popular, but finding buyers for them will be more difficult.

It is easier to start work in the field in which you already have skills.. Try starting an accounting office and working with a few small businesses, a notary agency, or a private dental office.

You can organize events, decorate banquet halls or design interiors.

If there are no special skills, then study the market and identify the most promising niches in own city. good example is the creation printing centers, which provide thermal printing services on clothes and utensils, design term papers, text editing services.

Don't forget about these simple projects like opening a cafe or restaurant. Franchising is a promising direction in this area., when famous brand sells the right (franchise) to produce its products, as well as a ready-made business plan.

That is, it is a kind of rent of a brand name. This right is used by the world-famous network fast food McDonald's.

Production of goods

Previously, the production of goods was considered complex and monopolized by large manufacturers. After all, to start your product, you needed a large investment, which might not pay off.

Thanks to the advent of new technologies and automation processes, it has become easier and cheaper to produce goods.

But here the question arises: what to produce? Naturally, what is in demand. So, in Russia there is a bad situation in the food market.

Trying to get maximum profit, some manufacturers neglect quality, which results in a decrease in demand for goods of a particular brand. You can take advantage of this by organizing a business that produces only quality products.

Real estate

If you have a large initial capital, we recommend that you engage in real estate trading. This is a very conservative area, based on the psychology of communicating with the buyer and observing the market.

When working in this niche, you need to be prepared for periods of rising and falling prices, the whims of customers and other troubles.

Internet business

Setting up your business online is easy. After all, you do not need to look for special equipment, a place for an office, or invest a large amount of money. It is enough to have a personal computer and a desire to work.

Here you can implement any business idea: from writing texts and organizing an online store to maintaining client campaigns for contextual advertising.

One of the most promising areas is Internet marketing. Beginners are frightened by the high level of competition in this area, but with due zeal, you can always find a free niche. Facilitate the way free courses and webinars, as well as communication with experienced colleagues on thematic forums.

So what is the most promising business?

To organize your business, it is important to understand that success rarely comes immediately. Therefore, you need to develop without hesitation in the chosen direction and not despair at moments of failure.

And it's impossible to answer the question definitively. There are no ready-made recipes for success!

The past year was not easy for both businessmen and all other citizens of our country. Incomes of the population decreased significantly, so many people began to think about starting their own business. In this article, we will figure out what is profitable to do in a small business in 2018. We offer you several interesting ideas which will help to survive in difficult economic conditions.

Thermal printing on fabric

Many young people try to choose things that make them stand out from the crowd. In this regard, T-shirts with various interesting inscriptions or images are very popular. If you are wondering what is profitable to do in a small business during a crisis, try providing thermal printing services on fabric.

To open such a business, you need to rent a small room and purchase special equipment:

  • Printer;
  • Special ink;
  • paper;
  • Thermopress.

Since the technology of thermal printing on fabric is quite simple, you do not need special knowledge or skills. You will spend approximately $1,000 on equipment. The profitability of this business is quite high, so the initial investment will pay off in the shortest possible time.


The organization of off-site banquets, receptions and other events brings good profit in any economic conditions. This service is gaining popularity because by using it, consumers get the opportunity to freely choose the venue for a banquet or party.

Catering differs from regular delivery in that the company provides the customer with a full range of services for organizing a festive event, which includes:

  • Interior decoration;
  • Delivery of furniture;
  • Table setting;
  • Audio equipment;

In our country, the catering market is about half developed, so if you don’t know what kind of small business it is profitable to do now, try your hand at this area. You have every chance to occupy your niche in the market and achieve great success.

Payment terminals

There are many different options for what profitable business you can do in a crisis. One of them is payment terminals. This type of activity requires certain investments. Money will be needed to purchase equipment and rent a place. After you install the terminals, they will bring you passive income.

In order for a business to bring a decent profit, you need to find the right place to install the equipment. Sometimes you have to change several points to find the right option. Payment terminals allow you to earn money almost from scratch, so they look very tempting for beginner entrepreneurs.

Internet shop

When it comes to what kind of small business it is profitable to engage in a crisis, experts advise to turn Special attention to the internet. This is enough promising direction which allows you to get a good profit without large investments.

As you can see from practice, you can earn much more on the Internet than in real life. For example, if you open a regular store, its customers will be people living on neighboring streets. If you trade on the Internet, the goods can be sent to any region of our country and even abroad.

The easiest and most affordable option is dropshipping. To make a profit, it is enough to find in Chinese online store inexpensive goods, agree with the seller and resell it on your website or in in social networks. Such a business will not take you much time, so you can do this business without leaving your main job.


Let's see what kind of business is profitable for the whole family? The most common type of family business is own farm. People who live in countryside may engage in growing various crops, livestock or poultry. In addition, you can get a little help from the state to open such a business.

If you are interested, try organizing your own farming. Natural products food is always in high demand, so your business will flourish even in times of crisis.

Pasta production

Ask any grocery store clerk what consumers buy every day? In any city, the answer will be the same - pasta. This inexpensive tasty product can be found on the table in almost every home. During the crisis, the demand for pasta increases significantly, so the enterprise for the production of such products will flourish in difficult economic conditions.

Thinking about it? Stop your choice in production pasta. To realize such an idea, you will need a room and, of course, equipment. It is advisable to purchase an automatic production line that produces up to 150 kg per hour finished products. You can sell pasta in supermarkets, institutions Catering and wholesalers.

Grocery store

The demand for food never falls, because no person can live without food. Can't decide which business is profitable to do now? Most affordable a win-win is a discovery grocery store. Of course, in order to get a good profit in a crisis, you need to carefully work out the assortment. Offer consumers everyday products at affordable prices, and your store will always have a lot of buyers.

In addition, do not forget about various bonuses and discounts. Thanks to this, buyers will visit exactly your outlet. Some businessmen in a crisis start saving on advertising and make a big mistake, because their customers go to competitors who do not skimp and advertise their products on a grand scale.


This area of ​​​​activity is second only to food in the list of ideas on what small business is profitable to do in a crisis. People get sick in any economic environment, so various medical preparations are in great demand.

To attract more customers to your pharmacy, you should replace some of the expensive imported drugs with drugs domestic production which are much cheaper. During a crisis, many people start saving, so they switch to cheaper medicines. You must take into account this important point.

Second hand

In the conditions of the current crisis, it is difficult to determine which business is profitable to engage in, in order to guarantee a good profit. The main problem is that in such economic conditions, the solvency of the population is sharply reduced, so the demand for expensive products is falling. But there are categories of goods without which a person cannot do. These are personal hygiene items, food and clothing.

To update your wardrobe, you need to spend a lot of money, so many citizens of our country, in order to save money, began to buy used things, that is, second-hand. The main customers in such stores are pensioners, students and citizens with low incomes. If you open a second-hand store in a residential area or on a busy street, it will bring a good stable income.

Accounting services

During the crisis period, business owners pay special attention to financial condition enterprises. To stay afloat, they hire experienced accountants and economists to help them make important financial decisions. Since the services of such specialists are very popular, the companies providing them receive a good income.

This type of activity is great for those who wonder. To get started, it is enough to hire a few specialists and conduct an effective advertising campaign. If you do everything right, over time, a small company can grow into a large consulting firm.

Educational courses and tutoring

Caring parents never spare money for the education of their children, so various educational courses and tutoring bring good profits even during a crisis. You can organize general education courses for high school students to prepare them for admission to higher education. educational establishments or open a developmental center for preschoolers.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs doubt whether it is profitable to do business in difficult economic conditions? Experienced businessmen know how to take advantage of any situation. If you approach the organization of your business seriously and responsibly, it will certainly bring you good profit and moral satisfaction.

auto repair shop

Can't figure out what kind of small business is now profitable to do? Open a car repair shop. This is a rather profitable and promising option, since during a crisis people are in no hurry to buy new cars, and old cars often need to be repaired. It is difficult to do without the help of experienced craftsmen in this matter, so car owners have to contact a car service.

You can open a car repair shop from scratch in your own garage. If you are not constrained in financial resources, buy an existing car service and get to work. In this case, you can significantly save on advertising.