Production of toys from plastic business plan. Business in the manufacture of toys for children. Benefits of wooden toys

The quality and cost of a toy directly depend on what raw materials were used in the production process. The more expensive the raw materials, the higher the cost of the final product. However, Russian manufacturers have found ways not to save on raw materials and at the same time not to raise the price of goods.

Strictly control the quality

Today, Russian toy manufacturers are fighting for decent quality at an affordable price in rather unfavorable raw material conditions. If we take, for example, such initial material for the production of toys as artificial fur, then on the entire territory of the post-Soviet space you can find only three plants for its production. One is in Russia, the second is in Ukraine and the third is in Belarus.

Polypropylene, the second material widely consumed by the gaming industry, is produced in a country with a population of one and a half billion by only 4 plants. Three of them have existed for a long time, since Soviet times, when production was at a qualitatively different level and was constantly fed by the state. Whereas the fourth - Nizhnekamsk - is a purely opportunistic phenomenon, justified by an acute shortage of raw materials on the market. Polypropylene-based manufacturers highly appreciate the quality of the more expensive Korean and Finnish polymer, while the level of affordable Russian polymer still leaves much to be desired. But even if we do not take into account the quality of domestic raw materials, four plants for a huge country, according to expert economists, are very few.

One of the largest Russian factories, Nordplast, uses six types of raw materials in the production of plastic toys, but about 80% of the entire raw material base is polypropylene. The enterprise relied on inexpensive Russian materials, but with the condition of quality stability from batch to batch. Oksana Kondaurova, commercial director of the Nordplast plant, says: “We process about 200 tons of polypropylene every month. Most of it - domestic production. We are serious about the quality of raw materials, the company has an input control of all incoming materials and components. We buy polypropylene in Kapotnya and Ufa. We usually pay for raw materials with a deferred payment from a week to a month.” “We buy imported raw materials, but not more than 10% of the total volume of consumables,” says Oksana Kondaurova. - This is due to the constant change in prices for imported and domestic raw materials. For example, we had experience in purchasing imported polypropylene made in Korea and Finland: they have material good quality. Accordingly, working with such material allows to reduce losses and speed up the production process. Purchases began, but after a while, raw materials became much more expensive. The volume of purchases has decreased - we cannot sharply increase the cost of production and increase the price for the end consumer in the face of fierce competition. However, in order to improve quality and develop new, more complex toy parts, we increasingly use materials from imported manufacturers. Among other things, the choice of raw materials of domestic brands is small. So, last year we started using imported grades of polypropylene, polystyrene and ABS to produce a new type of product.”

Minimize losses

However, far from all enterprises can buy Russian raw materials. According to Sergey Oreshin, director of the Alanger company, domestic raw materials are well suited for enterprises with a large number of castings that produce standard products. “They usually have a special workshop for crushing low-quality products - after all, according to the technology, 20% of secondary raw materials can be used in the production of final products,” he explains. – We have a different approach: defective products do not exceed 4% and are not reused. This allows you to save on its storage, processing and optimize production costs».

The Alanger company has developed its own method of reducing the cost of production when purchasing expensive imported raw materials. Sergey Oreshin shares the secrets of “optimization”: “We use polystyrene for the production of toys, our company purchases exclusively imported raw materials. We tried to work with Chinese, it is quite cheap, but its quality is unstable. It contains a lot of additives, the so-called blotches, due to which the product stops sticking. And this directly affects the final product. The same situation with Indian raw materials. Therefore, today we settled on the German brand BASF: stable quality, clear deliveries. German polystyrene costs about 20% more than domestic polystyrene. However, when working on Russian materials, manufacturing defects are the same 20–22%. Even the low price of polystyrene cannot compensate for such losses. In addition, German raw materials are delivered in convenient packaging, absolutely sealed, not letting moisture in. And from domestic polystyrene, as experts say, "water just oozes." We also purchase dyes imported, Austrian, approved for use in Food Industry. This is a very important point: after all, the consumers of our products are children, so we do everything to ensure that toys are absolutely safe for their health.”

Alanger buys German polystyrene and other materials from a Moscow supplier specializing in the sale of imported raw materials in Russia. This removes all problems with delivery and customs. In addition, the company can purchase the right amount of products at any time. The supplier was chosen carefully, based on the analysis of several similar firms.

Prepare for crises ahead of time

According to igroprom experts, commodity crises of varying degrees of severity happen all the time. The main thing in this case is to make sure in advance. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where production simply stops. Oksana Kondaurova says: “We face commodity crises about twice a year. In the spring, Russian factories stop for maintenance, and in winter there is a problem with the transportation of raw materials during new year holidays. Therefore, every year by May and December we create the necessary stock. Of course, it is not very convenient to store large volumes, but this is our main raw material, and interruptions in its supply can lead to a stop in production.”

Chinese commodity dominance

If you try to sketch a map of the raw materials of the world, using even relative data, Russia will not be among the leaders in terms of the level of domestic raw material turnover. Which in itself is quite paradoxical. We have huge territories, oil and other Natural resources, constant complaints about unemployment and the acute need of the gaming industry for high-quality inexpensive raw materials. However - and most experts in the toy industry recognize this - the title of raw material leader is still firmly held by the countries South-East Asia. Thus, according to the RBC magazine, China is currently increasing its consumption of resources at a frantic pace. In many positions, he is already No. 1 in the world. Being the largest importer of ore, aluminum, zinc, and the second largest importer of oil, the Celestial Empire becomes a full member of international market relations. By producing huge quantities of various raw materials domestically, China is able to dictate prices for it to the world market. And the thesis “Chinese means cheap” is already untenable.

The fashion for toys is subject to no less frequent changes than the fashion for clothes. Trends, materials, details, colors, styles are changing. Not a single country, except China, is capable of producing such a quantity of raw materials necessary for the gaming industry (including Russian) in a short time. This is due to the fact that China, like no other country in the world, has learned to minimize energy costs. Combined with cheap labor force and the status of the world's second oil importer, this ability allows the country to maintain its position as the No. 1 supplier of raw materials for the toy industry. A huge number of world-famous toys have already taken the path of 100% transfer of production to China. Most Russian manufacturers place orders at factories in China. The dynamics of the outflow of orders to China today significantly exceeds the dynamics of the development of the Russian raw materials industry. Assessing this state of affairs, experts find it difficult to make predictions. Some tipped Asian countries (China, India, Taiwan) further raw materials "absorption" and the transfer of production there Russian companies. Others leave Russia a chance to turn on its full potential and become a competitive country producing raw materials. However, both of them make an amendment both to the current Russian legislation (to open any production in the fatherland, one will have to face a huge number of financial and bureaucratic difficulties), and to the Russian mentality. “We haven’t even really learned how to make gasoline,” the head of a large production company in the gaming industry, who wished to remain anonymous, shares his opinion with our magazine. - Despite great amount extracted oil, we still sell it in its pure form, instead of refining it on the territory of the country, using processed products for another production and making the same polymers at home, and not buying plastic made from our own oil from the Chinese at overpriced prices. prices."

The main types of raw materials for production plastic toys.

Production of plastic products: plastic characteristics + material classification + market analysis + opening instructions + premises requirements + 3 types of raw materials + 10 suppliers + process features + equipment + product sales + start-up investments.

Experts consider the production of plastic products one of the priority areas business. It has great potential and prospects, since Russian enterprises do not fully provide the country with finished products.

Basically, plastic goods are bought from China or Europe. Based on this, the question arises: does it make sense to open an enterprise for the manufacture of items from this material or not? How much money will be needed? What organizational issues will need to be addressed?

Let's figure it out in order.

What do you need to know to carry out the production of plastic products?

First you need to understand what the entrepreneur will have to deal with if he decides to manufacture plastic products.

Before delving into the technology, assortment, you should get acquainted with the subject of labor, i.e. with plastic mass.

Plastic (plastic) is a material that is created using natural or synthetic polymers. Remarkable for plastic is that it can retain the specified dimensions and shape after cooling.

Fillers, pigments, inorganic fibers and other components can be added to the polymer for various purposes in the production of plastic materials. Therefore, plastic is mostly a multi-component mixture.

These products are widely used in all areas.

Plastics are not known for their high density and strength. Heating, compression affects it destructively. But the material is also characterized by many positive properties. For example, it has low thermal and electrical conductivity. Also, plastic products are not afraid of moisture.

There are also such properties of plastic:

  • a light weight;
  • resistance to strong acids, corrosion;
  • susceptibility to processing;
  • low cost;
  • frost resistance;
  • shock insensitivity.

The plastic substance can be of various types. It is classified depending on the composition, scope, binder.

An entrepreneur whose production is somehow connected with plastic must know that its waste does not decompose over time. Therefore, large volumes of landfills are formed on Earth.

There are 5 garbage spots in the oceans due to plastic waste, which poses a danger to the environment in general. Due to the mass production of plastic items, nature, marine animals and those that live on land are dying.

Plastic products also pose a threat to human health. During the production process, toxic gases are released that can spread over long distances and fall in the form of precipitation, which harms vegetation, pollutes water and soil.

Being engaged in the production of plastics, the entrepreneur must
control the content of vinyl chloride in the air above the enterprise.

Before products are introduced into the industrial economy, the food industry, medicine, an examination is carried out regarding the composition of toxic substances.

If possible, the manufacturer should either label them so that consumers do not dispose of plastic products by incineration.

1. What kind of plastic products can be produced?

The number of products made of plastic material today is very large. Exists huge variety their types - various shapes, dimensions, capacity and purpose.

Plastics are widely used in the automotive industry. This allows you to achieve comfort, save weight and even fuel, reduce noise, increase safety and service life, reduce operating costs.

You can find up to 100 kg of plastic parts in a car! In addition to the automotive industry, the production of plastic products is beneficial for modern architecture and construction, medicine. In general, for almost all industries.

Plastic products serve as the basis for the manufacture of stretch ceilings, pipes, floor coverings, profiles for windows, electrical tape, tarpaulins.

Plastic is also needed to create:

  • bottles,
  • packaging,
  • lids,
  • blisters,
  • oilcloths,
  • detergents,
  • packages,
  • utensils,
  • children's toys,
  • furniture,
  • spare parts.

Most household and garden items, consumer products are plastic products (buckets, dustpans, wastebaskets, toiletries).

That's not all. You can set up production:

  • pet supplies (trays, portable baskets for dogs and cats, bowls);
  • canisters, basins;
  • packing handles;
  • fan heaters, cases for equipment;
  • pump, bottles;
  • food containers, dryers for dishes;
  • flowerpots, flower pots;
  • cutting boards and other kitchen utensils.

As you can see, the choice is huge. If products are metallized during production, the list of products will be even longer.

2. Is it worth opening the production of plastic products?

The domestic market of plastic products is developing, and this is facilitated by:

  1. Active policy of import substitution.
  2. Expansion of the "range" of polymers.
  3. Capacity availability.

But there are also factors that hinder the development of the industry. Thus, the production of plastic products is subject to a considerable tax, equipment and raw materials are expensive, there is an oligopoly on the market, and there is a shortage of polymers. Russian production.

Over the past years, a positive growth trend has been observed in the production of plastic materials:

More than 5 million tons of plastics are produced annually. Compared to Europe, Russia consumes 6 times less plastic products. One person has at least 42 kg.

Polymer production increased by 37% and consumption by 6%, while imports decreased by 25%. The market for products from plastic raw materials narrowed by 5.7% - specifically for pipes and films.

More than 200 thousand workers are employed in this industry, more than 6.5 thousand companies are engaged in production. The output per person is less than 26 tons.

The main areas of application of plastic materials in Russia are:

  • package,
  • construction,
  • Automotive industry.

There are more than 1.4 thousand especially large enterprises producing plastic products, with. They provide the country with 1.6 million tons of products. Their list includes Polyplastic, Kopeysk Plastics Plant, Lada List, PZPI, Rosturplast, Polimerbyt, Pro Aqua, LPZ.

More than 2.5 thousand companies are classified as medium and small producers, the production volumes of which reach 3 million tons of plastic products.


  • ZPI Alternative (Bashkortostan);
  • Maxiplast (Golitsino);
  • Mplast (St. Petersburg);
  • Plastics St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg);
  • Polyplast (Izhevsk);
  • Triton Plastic (Moscow);
  • NZP (Kemerovo region);
  • Polymer (Lipetsk);
  • Aelita (Leningrad region);
  • Apal (Tolyatti);
  • NZPM (Tver region).

Experts give not entirely comforting forecasts about the production of plastic goods:

  • First, it is the growth of consumer prices by at least 14%.
  • Second, a 17% decline in purchasing power is expected.

From this we can conclude that the development of the production of plastic products will be constrained by the growth in prices for the raw material base, the fall in consumption, and other factors.

As a result, the volume of the plastic products market will decrease by 5%. But the situation is not critical. The engine of production will be export and import substitution.

In order for an entrepreneur to strengthen his position, it is necessary to reduce the cost of plastic products and strengthen competitive advantages.

Step-by-step instructions for opening the production of plastic products

We will immediately designate: the orientation will go further to small business.

Anyone who has decided to produce plastic products, analyzed the market, all the pros and cons of polymer production, should write a business plan. Not a single serious enterprise or event can do without a clear action plan that structures all the information needed in the future and sets the right direction.

For legal business, you will need official registration, the choice of a taxation system. Suitable for a small enterprise for the production of plastic products. OKVED codes specified depending on the product.

Production of products is impossible without obtaining permits. Products must be certified. Conclusions will be required from the fire service, SES. Permission must also be obtained from local authorities, Gosnadzorohrantrude, electricians, gas inspections and thermal workers.

If the owner of the enterprise has a knack, the time and money costs will be reduced. Usually everything about everything takes up to 3 months. Next, you need to decide on the nomenclature. This will help a detailed study of the market for plastic products.

Research your competitors carefully. To choose the right type of plastic products for production, you need to look at what they produce. It would be advisable to manufacture those products that competitors offer on the market in small quantities (if demand outstrips supply).

In the course of the analysis, you will understand: maybe it is worth setting up the production of those plastic products that are not produced at all by domestic enterprises, but by Europe.

A win-win option would be to produce:

Plastic pallets, necessary for packing chicken meat, are also considered to be in demand.

When the production of plastic products is established, increasing profits will become a paramount task. It is carried out by improving the technological process, optimizing costs, expanding the range and distribution channels.

Focus on deliveries to other areas and cities.

1) What kind of facility is required for the production of plastic products?

A workshop for the production of plastic products must have standard communications (heating, ventilation, sanitation, water supply, electricity). Special requirements are imposed on those premises where pentane is used in the production process.

When searching for a suitable object, you should select options located in industrial areas. The production of plastic products can also be located on the outskirts of the city, away from sleeping areas.

The size of the area - from 40 to 200 square meters. m. The warehouse needs a large one. The weight of plastic products is small, but it takes up a lot of space. The room must be protected from moisture, dust, drafts and wind. In a dry, heated building, the quality of plastic products will improve as less moisture is adsorbed.

In addition to warehouse space finished products and raw materials, the room should be:

  • bathroom,
  • room for workers and administration.

2) Raw materials used in the production of plastic products.

The choice of raw materials is a very important stage in production. Sufficient effort must be made to find a good supplier with the best prices and high quality polymer.

If you constantly change contractors and raw materials, the output products will not be the same. We will have to reconfigure the equipment, re-work out the technology for the production of plastic products.

Usually acquire polymer granules of heterogeneous composition. Depending on the type of plastic products, the composition of raw materials is selected, because each type of it has its own physical and chemical properties.

The main indicator that you need to pay attention to is the resistance of plastic to various temperatures.

Conditionally share 3 types of raw material:

Depending on the purpose of the plastic product, polyvinyl chloride, PE, PET, polycarbonate, APB, polystyrene, etc. can be used. Not only domestic, but also imported polymers are supplied.

Previously, the rates were as follows:

  • high-quality polyethylene - from 56 rubles. for 1 kg;
  • polypropylene - from 50 rubles.

In addition to the main raw materials, modifying additives and dyes will be required for the production of products.

Among domestic suppliers, you can conclude supply contracts with:

  • Stavrolen is one of the largest chemical plants producing modern technology more than 400 thousand tons of polymer raw materials.
  • PoliTer is a company that supplies granulated polypropylene to the market from Ufaorgsintez manufacturing plants and the Turkmenbashi refinery complex.
  • Centropolymer is a leading distributor of polymers, additives and colorants.
  • NPP Neftekhimiya is an enterprise engaged in the production of Rispol (branded polypropylene) and other grades of granular raw materials.
  • Tobolsk-Polymer- the third enterprise in the world for the production of polypropylene, which annually synthesizes about 500 thousand tons of material.
  • Unitrade is a company that organizes the supply of polymer of the required grade and quality for the production of various plastic products.
  • Tomskneftekhim is a production site that provides Russia with more than 30 grades of polypropylene raw materials.
  • Koros - specializes in deliveries from any country in the world polymer materials, engineering plastics.
  • Poliom is a company producing over 90 grades (180 thousand tons) of material.
  • Kartli - organizes complex cargo transportation of polymer and other oil products, purchase by installments is possible.

3) What technology is used for the production of plastic goods?

The choice of technology is influenced by the type of products that the entrepreneur plans to manufacture.

To produce bottles, bottles, flasks, they resort to extrusion method. The production of plastic blisters, cups, packaging is achieved through vacuum forming. Most often, work is carried out according to the method blowing and casting(toys, bottles, etc.)

But there are other techniques as well:

The casting algorithm takes the form:

First mix all the ingredients. If a homogeneous mass is obtained, gas under pressure is introduced mechanically by foaming. The gas filling of raw materials is also carried out by introducing additives into the heated plastic, which, at the required speed, lead to boiling.

When the mass is brought to the required consistency (the state of flexibility and elasticity), they begin to create a matrix form. The model is made of aluminum, fiberglass, resins in accordance with the required shape and dimensions of the products.

If the production of plastic products will be small-scale, use composite molds; aluminum matrices will fit for large-scale production.

Then they move on to the actual education and refinement:

4) Workshop equipment: equipment for the production of plastic products.

For production process requires special equipment. For this purpose, separate machines are used or automatic lines are purchased.

Depending on the type of plastic products, technological method buy these types of products.

a) extruders.

These are machines that produce window profiles, plastic pipes, hoses, sheet film, etc.

Flat-slot units consist of elements:

b) Injection molding machines.

They are machines that are used in the process of molding a plastic mixture under pressure. With their help, the mass is poured into the matrix, after which it is cooled. This is how handicrafts are made.

On the planet, about 75% of all plastic products are produced from such installations. Injection molding machines make it possible to produce products of complex shape, hollow, multi-colored, reinforced, hybrid.

The design consists of:

Such equipment for the production of plastic products is expensive and has various innovative solutions. It is of several types.

c) Blow molding machines.

Suitable for enterprises producing jerry cans, large bottles, barrels, other hollow containers with large volumes and thin walls. The machine heats the plastic material to a certain temperature and then blows it into the desired shape.

d) For the production of PET.

In order to be engaged in the production of PET containers, it is necessary to purchase injection-blow molding units that combine 2 methods, for example, extrusion-blow molding mechanisms.

These machines make a variety of plastic products: tanks, buckets, packaging for dairy products, ketchups and sauces, bumpers, toys, bottles.

The production process is controlled by a microprocessor.

The device of the machines contains:

e) Thermoforming machines.

A technique designed for the production of products, the raw material of which is a film of various thicknesses. Typically, the thermoforming machine is used in the production of cups, plastic containers.

They can be operated manually or configured automatically/semi-automatically.

Machines are of different types:

  • tape,
  • single position,
  • rotary, etc.

The main mechanisms are listed above, but additional devices are used to facilitate the production process.

For example:

  • loaders, conveyors;
  • dryers, mixers;
  • crushers, conveyors;
  • refrigeration units (chillers), etc.

If you are going to be engaged in the production of small plastic items in small quantities, the best option would be a mini-machine weighing up to 15 kg. Some models are even equipped with a table.

Extrusion lines controlled by special programs can be bought from China. They quickly pay off, are cheaper than European counterparts, uninterrupted in operation, unpretentious in maintenance, and have safety certificates. Production facilities are also often provided with domestic equipment.

5) Personnel policy at the enterprise for the production of plastic products.

The workshop will require 2-10 workers. The number of employees will be affected by the purchased equipment (if it is automatic line, fewer people are needed). The scale of production is also an influencing factor.

Be sure to hire a technologist who will be the main link of the staff. Therefore, his salary is higher. In addition, the production of plastic products needs an administrative department, a sales manager, an accountant.

You also need to improve the logistics. And for this you need: a driver, laborers for loading and unloading, a vehicle. The duration of one shift is 10 hours.

6) Features of the implementation of plastic products: marketing and advertising policies.

For the implementation of plastic products, it is better to use all kinds of distribution channels. However, first think about how you will advertise the products. If the budget allows, place ads on the radio, the media.

Invest in building your own website. All serious companies have web resources on the Internet in order to attract as many customers as possible. This makes it possible to place orders online, which is also beneficial for entrepreneurs.

Someone needs to be instructed to monitor the content of the site. Therefore, you will have to hire one or two more people who will publish on the site new content, interesting articles, accept and process orders.

Organize the distribution of leaflets with the contacts of your company for the production of plastic products. Products can be offered in various outlets, construction bases, department stores.

Everything will depend on the type of product. If you plan to engage in the production of plastic toys, you need to sell goods to children's stores. As you expand, include in sales policy special offers, promotions, etc. Events.

It is better to work directly with the consumer or through a single-level distribution channel. If you use multi-level distribution channels, the final price will be high for the buyer, and he will most likely not buy your products.

When the product distribution system is designed in advance, problems with product sales rarely arise.

Production of plastic buckets as a business idea.

How is it carried out technological process?
Description of equipment from China.

7) Start-up investment required for the production of plastic products.

Depict accurate financial plan impossible without knowing the nomenclature, volumes of production of plastic products. Therefore, here are some excerpts based on real examples.

Profitability can reach 20-30%. The economic benefit is formed depending on the products that are produced, their cost and selling price.

The items of expenditure will be:

  • rent and repair of premises;
  • utilities;
  • purchase of raw materials and equipment;
  • wage fund;
  • fare;
  • tax payments;
  • advertising and distribution costs;
  • registration costs;
  • unexpected costs.

Equipment can take 1-3 million rubles. For 1 ton of plastic material, you will have to pay 60 thousand rubles. Imported brands are more expensive (80-150 thousand rubles). You also need to take into account the cost of additives (330-450 rubles per 1 kg). At least 300 thousand rubles should be allocated for salaries.

For the production of buckets and similar goods from plastic, 3 million rubles will be enough. The organization of the production of plastic children's toys requires an initial investment of about 5 million rubles. For the manufacture of disposable tableware, you need to have from 8 million rubles.

With a competent approach to the organization of production, sales, monthly income should be about 500 thousand rubles. The investment will pay off in 1-2 years.

The production of plastic products should be opened with an adequate assessment of one's own capabilities. Such an intention has undeniable advantages, but also disadvantages. Therefore, before starting such a business, weigh the pros and cons well.

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When opening the production of children's toys, it is necessary to clearly understand the tasks and measure one's own potential. This difficult business involves competition with Chinese manufacturers - leaders in this market segment, as well as with well-known Western firms, distinguished by original models and a wide, constantly updated range.

Production of plastic toys

The process of making plastic toys is blowing or casting molten mass into special molds. Modeling of products occurs with the help of software.

In general, simplified terms, the entire technology for the production of plastic toys can be divided into the following stages: supply of raw materials to the screw machine, its grinding and heat treatment, and.

An alternative manufacturing option is to blow the plastic into a mold that contacts only one surface of the material. The advantages of this method are the reduction in the cost of the product due to a significant reduction in materials.

The production of plastic toys requires the following equipment: automated lines for pouring plastics, gluing and stripping products, a plastic melting machine, an automated refrigerator line, as well as equipment for decorating finished products.

The total cost of all equipment for the production of plastic products with a minimum configuration is in the range of 1.5-2 million rubles. The purchase of raw materials, which includes the purchase of plastics, dyes and decorative elements, will require about 1 million rubles from the manufacturer.

The recommended workshop area for the manufacture of plastic toys is in the range from 40 to 150 square meters. meters. At the same time, almost any room is suitable, the dimensions of which should be calculated depending on the planned production volumes and the installation of the corresponding equipment.

But for storage space, much more space is needed. For an optimal location, an industrial zone or the outskirts of a settlement is suitable. Storage of raw materials requires a dry, heated and ventilated room.

A prerequisite for business is the issuance of an appropriate production permit from local authorities, the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station. For the manufacture of toys should be used environmentally friendly material - polypropylene. Products must have sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and certificates.

A design department should be organized at an enterprise for the manufacture of plastic toys. The tasks of this division are computer-aided design and product development.

Minimum total expenses for organization and opening own production children's toys made of plastic amount to about 5 million rubles. Estimated payback period - 2 years.

Production of rubber children's toys

For the production of the bulk of domestic rubber toys, plastisol is used. This modern material is a thermoset polymer based on polyvinyl chloride. The uncolored liquid mass of the substance resembles sour cream in consistency and color. The color of the material is given by an organic dye.

As a result of high temperature heat treatment plastisol, being in the mold, acquires new properties, identical to soft rubber. This production method is called rotational formatting. The required amount of the substance is poured into a hermetically sealed metal mold, which rotates in a heated furnace. Then the thickened plastisol is cooled in a special chamber.

At the final stage, the product is removed from the mold, painted with a brush or airbrush and packed in a silicone bag or plastic bag. Finished toys should be stored in dry, clean and well-ventilated warehouses. At the same time, the products should not be affected by direct Sun rays, dirt and dust.

Starting a rubber toy business will require equipment that includes molding and injection machines, a calender, rollers, ovens, a mixer, and a press. 10-15 workers, as well as designers and constructors, should be involved in servicing production. The company receives a stable profit approximately 3 years after its launch.

The production of toys for children is a dynamically developing business. If you optimize the technological process taking into account the demand for goods, build the right system for promoting and marketing products, then it is quite possible, even without huge investments, to succeed in this business.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

We have repeatedly written about how to open a business related to the production of toys, including toys made from natural materials and, in particular, from wood. The relevance of this business idea not only does not decrease. On the contrary, complex economic situation in the country, the sharp rise in the exchange rate and the restriction of imported products - all this leads to the revival of almost forgotten traditions and to an increase in interest in domestic games and toys.

Wooden toys are popular not only in our country. They are one of the oldest and most enduring groups of games and toys in the world. However, at present their production in Russia is rather poorly developed. There are several relatively small enterprises operating on the market and individual entrepreneurs. In total, the total number of factories and individual workshops is a little over thirty for the whole country (!). For comparison, several hundred factories (including large enterprises with a large number of employees) and thousands of artistic woodworking enthusiasts are engaged in the production of wooden toys in Europe.

In our country, the wooden toy market is dominated by imported products, mainly made in China. Moreover, most of the Chinese toys are of low quality and not the greatest variety of forms. According to analysts, today there are good prerequisites for new market participants to enter the market. These include the rapidly growing volume of sales of children's goods in our country and, first of all, children's toys (an increase of about 28%), which, in turn, is associated with an increase in the birth rate, an increase in interest in early development children (which is impossible without high-quality and "correct" toys from a pedagogical point of view) and consumers' preference for safe and high-quality products (even if they have to pay a price higher than the market average). As mentioned above, even the crisis had little effect on this market segment. Rather the opposite. Parents are the last to agree to save on their children, but the economic situation forces them to look for alternatives to imported toys that have risen in price among domestic products. Wooden toys are durable and long lasting. High-quality wood products are completely safe for children, perform the function of educational toys and are considered an original gift for any occasion.

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However, the business of manufacturing toys in general, and wooden toys in particular, cannot be called simple. The manufacturer is required not only to be able to develop an original concept for their products, to establish production, to find the best balance between price and quality of goods, but also to bypass other competitors, create and implement effective campaign to promote their toys. Moreover, it is the latter tasks that are the most difficult to solve. The very same technology for manufacturing wooden toys, as it is believed, is relatively simple and does not require large investments.

Organization of the production of wooden toys

In order to organize your own small enterprise for the manufacture of games and toys made of wood, you will first need a separate production room. It is best to break the room into several production areas, isolated from one another. In one of these zones, artists will work who create sketches of future toys, in others the production process will be carried out: wood processing, painting, assembly and packaging of toys. The workshop also needs to be supplied with electricity and water supply.

Finding a place is not a problem. For starters, you can even do small area. Someone opens production in a garage or on suburban area. But with the equipment, the issue is more complicated. It is widely believed that woodworking machines are enough for the manufacture of wooden toys. general purpose. The minimum list includes a chisel and four machines - grinding, drilling, edge banding, CNC milling, painting equipment, packaging equipment (however, you can also pack products manually). Expendable materials for the manufacture of toys - linden, birch, spruce, pine, beech (the strongest, but at the same time the most expensive raw material). Different types timber is purchased in different regions of our country. For example, beech is imported from the Krasnodar Territory, and birch is imported from the middle lane. For painting, only high-quality paints are used, which are completely safe for children. However, with them, too, not everything is so simple. There are no more than three domestic manufacturers of completely safe paints in our country. In addition, they do not offer real paints, but rather tinted oils with natural waxes. Although these compounds are completely safe for children, their covering ability leaves much to be desired. Such paints, although environmentally friendly, are too transparent. It would seem that that's all the costs.

The problem is that not everything can be made on a conventional woodworking machine. Of course, if you are going to produce standard products (cubes, balls, counting sticks, etc.), then a four-sided thickness gauge, trimming with a fine cutter, a lathe copier or a template knife for a conventional lathe, screw-cutting lathe will be enough. But for the manufacture of complex author's (and, therefore, exclusive) toys, special equipment will be required, including machines for high-quality processing of small parts of complex geometric shapes. Unfortunately, there are no domestic machines of this type, in principle. Even in Soviet times When the production of wooden toys was put on stream, thirty machine-building plants of the Glavdrevstankoprom of the USSR Minstankoprom were unable to produce all the machine tools necessary for the industry. By the way, world-famous Soviet matches and ice cream sticks, which were produced at the Tsentrmebeli enterprises, were made on Swedish equipment.

The technological process for the production of wood products suggests that the smaller it is, the more difficult it is to make. Especially when it comes to large circulations of manufactured products. In the West, even robots are used to make complex wooden toys. Of course, we are still far from such technologies. Most small workshops manage with the simplest and cheapest general-purpose machines. And they can be made complex products, but this requires qualified and experienced craftsmen. Unfortunately, there are very few such specialists in our country. In addition, hand-made toys are labor-intensive and therefore cost much more than factory-made ones. It is difficult for them to compete with products made in the countries of Southeast Asia, where global toy production is gradually moving. Chinese factories are constantly upgrading equipment and improving the quality of their products. These factories can employ thousands of workers, engineers and designers. Domestic craftsmen never dreamed of such scales. Russian manufacturers of wooden toys, on the one hand, are trying to revive the traditions that existed earlier during tsarist Russia and later in the USSR, but do not yet have the capacity to implement their ambitious projects. The problem, as usual, is money. Everyone is trying to solve it in their own way. Some companies move production to China, while others simplify the toys they produce in shape or choose one direction for work (for example, the production of designers from geometric shapes), which allows the use of cheaper woodworking equipment. Both options are suitable for organizing mass production.

Handicraft workshops rely on the exclusive - manual work, complex shapes, careful study of each toy and a limited assortment. This is how extraordinary products are born. True, the prices for these products cannot be called ordinary either. For example, a detailed wooden doll 45 cm in size will cost about 8-10 thousand rubles. How many parents can buy such toys for their children? The entrepreneurs themselves say that with the right positioning, there will always be demand for exclusives, no matter what price they ask for. However, such production can hardly be called profitable: with small batches, even a large margin does not save the situation.

There are also medium options, when a small workshop produces small and not very complex, but, nevertheless, author's toys. Their cost is comparable to the cost of high-quality factory-made plastic toys. Parents are usually willing to overpay a little for environmental friendliness and originality of the toy.

Large companies rely on ease of manufacture, the absence of small parts that a child could break off from a toy, and bright design that attracts the attention of children. Small firms as their competitive advantage call an unusual design, muted colors (pastel colors), a "souvenir" orientation of their products and a limited edition.

Regardless of how much you produce your products, you will need special computer programs that will make it much easier and easier to create original models of toys and put them into production.

Documents for the production of children's toys

All toys intended for children must be certified. This procedure is mandatory and serves as a confirmation of product quality. In addition, for the production and further sale of children's toys in Russia, it will be necessary to issue a hygiene certificate - the so-called sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (SEZ). Although, according to the law, you first need to issue a free economic zone, and only then go through the procedure mandatory certification products, however, authorized organizations working on the principle of "one stop shop" usually draw up both documents at the same time.

What exactly belongs to the category "toys for children"? The main distinguishing feature of children's toys is their play purpose. They should be designed for children's play activities. Please note: products with a developmental or educational purpose (puzzles, strategy games, musical instruments etc.), puppets, souvenirs, sports equipment are not children's toys. All children's toys can be classified according to: the age of the child (for newborns, for infants of 3-4 months, for children of 1-2 years, etc.); manufacturing material (plastic, rubber, fur, wood, combined); educational purpose (sound, musical, visual, motor, constructive, figurative); device: electric (a certificate is issued for children's toys in accordance with GOST R 51557-99 and others normative documents), soft, simple (cubes), mechanical, collapsible (designers), on wheels (cars), inflatable (balls, balls); appearance: dolls depicting people, animals, other creatures, imitation weapons, toy cars, toy objects (pots and sets of plates, toy Cell Phones and glasses), musical instruments, etc.

Ready-made ideas for your business

A certificate for children's toys is issued if the products comply with the mandatory requirements specified in the following standards: GOST 27178-86 Toys. Test methods; GOST ISO 8124-2-2001 Toys. General requirements safety and test methods. Flammability; GOST ISO 8124-3-2001 Toys. General safety requirements and test methods. Isolation of elements harmful to the health of the child; GOST R ISO 8124-3-99 Toys. General safety requirements and test methods. Isolation of elements harmful to the health of the child; GOST R ISO 8124-2-2008 Toys. General safety requirements. Part 2. Flammability.

When passing the certification procedure for children's toys, the material from which the products are made, the functionality of the toys, and their safety for the child are checked. Of great importance is also monitoring compliance with toys for a certain age of children. Therefore, even at the concept development stage future toy educators and psychologists should be involved in this process. Ideally, it is best to give your products for psychological and pedagogical examination in an independent center.

The most difficult situation is with toys for children under the age of three. They must be completely safe (toddler toys should not go down the throat or twist around the neck), strong enough to exclude the possibility of pricks, cuts, designed in such a way that the child cannot tear, disassemble or bite through them. In addition, they should not have rough surfaces or sharp edges. This is especially important when it comes to wooden toys. After all, any defect in surface treatment can be fraught with a splinter or scratch. Rattles and other wooden toys intended for babies are not covered with paint and varnish, but are boiled in a mixture of wax and linseed oil - this is the safest and highest quality wood processing. Only if all these requirements are met will you be able to obtain a certificate for your toys from a certification body.

Keep in mind that you, as a manufacturer of children's toys, must ensure that not only your products, but the entire production process meets the regulatory requirements. The certificate is issued both for a certain batch of products and for the serial production of several types of toys: toy weapons, constructors and prefabricated houses, toy cars, trains (electric and non-electric, as well as accessories to them), airplanes and ships, toy watches, abacus and etc.,

toy musical instruments (pianos, pipes, drums, gramophones, harmonicas, accordions, xylophones, etc.), dolls, houses, furniture, dishes and clothes for dolls, rattles for babies, etc.

For products manufactured by you, you will need to issue Specifications(TU) and have certificates for all materials used by you in the production of children's toys. If you are planning to import your toys, it is also worth getting a quality management system certificate.

Recruiting staff

Two or three people will be enough to work in a small workshop for the production of children's toys. However, they must be masters in their field, and finding such, unfortunately, is very difficult. The tradition of making wooden toys is almost lost. Good specialists in this field are found, perhaps, in central Russia and in the north, and not in cities, but in villages and villages. If you can find woodworkers, consider yourself very lucky. Over time, the staff can be expanded (the number of employees in large workshops is 15-20 people, and this is with automated equipment), take apprentices who will learn from the masters all the intricacies of work. A good craftsman can also teach everyone at paid courses for making an author's wooden toy, which will become an additional source of income. Some workshops even arrange excursions for those who want to get acquainted with artistic woodworking and watch the work of masters. Especially such excursions are popular among foreigners.

Wooden toys are a sought-after product, but only if yours knows about you. the target audience. The difficulty lies in the fact that you will have to promote your products not only and not so much to your city or region, but to the whole country. The advertising budget in this case will be much larger. The best way to promote is through the Internet. Actively engage social networks, including VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram and other services. To begin with, make high-quality and beautiful pictures its products. There is no need to hire a professional photographer for this. It is enough to have a high-quality camera and a good imagination. Try to take photographs that are subjective and varied. Post them regularly on social networks with various comments. They attract attention... and new subscribers (and, therefore, potential clients). To create original photos, you don’t need to rent a studio - prepare props (you can do it yourself) and provide good lighting. It is worth thinking about creating your own website. Moreover, this does not require big investments. It will be enough for you to have a catalog website with product photos and your contacts.

If you have enough funds, you can open your own online store. A simple option will cost 30-50 thousand rubles. It will also be possible to agree on partnerships with other online stores and regular stores that sell goods for children and, in particular, educational games. But for large retail chains small manufacturers of wooden toys can not count. The latter take for sale only cheap products at a selling price of up to 200-300 rubles. With semi-manual labor, such a wholesale price for a toy cannot be set. But with large volumes of production, you can sell your products through wholesale companies and retail chains.

Pay attention to the numerous projects with joint purchases. The main audience for such projects is mothers with children, so high-quality wooden toys will be in high demand here. Separate group potential buyers such products are preschool educational institutions. It is quite difficult to work with them. They are limited in budgets and financed on a residual basis. Of course, they are unlikely to be interested in expensive exclusive toys, but educational games and various constructors will be relevant. Often, children who liked the "kindergarten" toy, then ask their parents to buy them the same home.

Both large enterprises and small semi-handicraft workshops are advised by experts not to miss the annual thematic exhibitions dedicated to goods for children and, in particular, toys. Such exhibitions are held both in Russia as a whole and abroad. The largest and most famous international exhibition of toys Spielwarenmesse takes place every year in the city of Nuremberg (Germany). Experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to start with regional and then Russian exhibitions. And only after gaining experience and a more or less wide range of products to present their products at international exhibitions. In Europe, the traditions of making wooden toys are much better developed than in our country. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to hit the European masters. Exhibitions - The best way declare yourself, establish useful contacts, find new partners and ideas for inspiration.

To organize a small workshop, taking into account rent, preparation of premises, registration, purchase of equipment and raw materials, registration of licenses, it will take from 500-600 thousand rubles, which is a relatively small amount. Many regions have programs to support start-up entrepreneurs. For example, you can get a subsidy to reimburse a certain percentage equipment purchase costs, subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs of exhibition activities or even rental production premises. These programs are especially relevant for entrepreneurs who invest more than 1 million rubles in their business.

The circulation of finished toys produced by one workshop is usually small - up to 500 pieces of each item. The cost of even the most complex toys usually does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand rubles. At the same time, its selling price starts from 3 thousand rubles and above. On cheap toys, the margin is higher. With a cost of up to 100 rubles, a toy can be sold for 400-500 rubles. The payback period of a business depends on many factors. A small workshop reaches the level of self-sufficiency during the first 1.5-2 years of operation. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 18-20%. The business of manufacturing and selling wooden toys is not seasonal, but demand increases on the eve of the New Year holidays and decreases markedly by the summer.

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One of the priority areas for business development in Russia at present is the production of plastic products, in particular, children's toys. The capacity of the Russian market in this segment tends to increase by 15-20% annually.

But an interesting fact is that domestic companies provide the production of plastic products for children in Russia by only 20%, the remaining 80% are equally divided among the countries of Europe and China. Therefore, this niche can be considered promising for domestic entrepreneurs.

Is the game worth the candle?

Everyone knows about the quality of the bulk of goods produced by the Celestial Empire. This negates even such a pleasant advantage of Chinese goods as low cost. This can explain the surrender of the country's positions in this area in recent times, because earlier it owned 70% of the Russian plastic toys market. Europe is focusing on the production of plastic products highest quality, but the prices for such products are appropriate.

Despite the fact that the well-being of the citizens of our country is growing, and they increasingly prefer high-quality, albeit expensive goods, no one is against saving. For these reasons Russian entrepreneurs it makes sense to engage in the development of this market segment.

Let's look at how much investment the production of plastic products requires. How and where to find raw materials that will provide an ideal price-quality ratio for the final consumer? What is the production technology of plastic toys?

Main competitors

As noted above, on Russian market plastic toys are represented by products of European, Chinese and Russian manufacturers. The latter have recently begun a slow but steady capture of a significant share domestic market plastic products.

In Russia, the production of plastics and products from it is concentrated in the hands of two titans - the Nordplast and Stellar companies. The Belarusian company Polesye also shares dominance in this niche with them. Their market share is more than 70% of all domestic goods. The remaining 30% is shared by 60 small and medium enterprises in Russia.

But Russian-made toys are mainly represented by uncomplicated, simple and inexpensive sandbox sets, buckets, spatulas and children's utensils. But large-sized toys, which are in great demand among kindergartens, entertainment complexes and game centers, are not produced by domestic manufacturers.

The main manufacturers of large format toys are European countries, but competitors Russian manufacturers they cannot be. The thing is that the possible benefits from the sale of large-sized plastic toys in Russia cover the unreasonably high costs of their transportation. The export of large plastic to our country is simply unprofitable for European enterprises. This means that the niche is practically empty, and the production of plastic with its subsequent transformation into a finished product is a very profitable business.

Necessary equipment

The only factor hindering the development of the market of domestic plastic toys is a considerable investment in starting a business. The main costs relate to equipment: injection molding machines, various molds for casting, automated cooling lines, equipment for artistic drawing, stripping lines, for gluing, for packaging finished products etc. Suppliers of this equipment can also be found in our country, but it is still worth giving preference to products from manufacturers from Austria, Germany, Taiwan or China.

Foreign equipment in this segment is much superior in quality to domestic, although it is more expensive. A complete set of production facilities will cost the entrepreneur approximately 3 million rubles. About 1 million will need to be spent on raw materials and decorative items. In addition, the cost of renting or acquiring premises for organizing the production process and storing finished products should be taken into account.

In any case, the workshop area must exceed 50 square meters. And it must be located, according to Russian law, at a distance of at least one hundred meters from residential areas. It is optimal to place the workshop and warehouses on the outskirts of the city or in the industrial zone.

Raw material

Plastic for children's toys must be of the highest quality, as regulatory authorities impose increased requirements on products for the smallest. Yes, and the conscience of the manufacturer will be clear, and the flow of customers will become endless if the products are of high quality and certified.

To sell plastic toys, an enterprise needs to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from the relevant authorities and a certificate that the products are manufactured in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001. Polypropylene, polystyrene and polyethylene are mainly used in the production of plastic toys.

On one of largest enterprises Russia "Nordplast" 80% of toys are made from environmentally friendly polypropylene, and 20% - from polystyrene and polyethylene. Raw materials can be bought both on the Russian market and abroad. But foreign-made plastic products will initially have a high cost, since the prices for imported polypropylene are much higher than for domestic ones.


The fact that European enterprises, which Russians have recently given preference to when choosing toys, are moving their production facilities to China, giving odds to Russian manufacturers and saving on the transportation of products.

With regard to technology, plastic products can be made by casting or blowing molten raw materials into special molds. We have already considered the topic of equipment quality - it is more expedient when choosing it to give preference to foreign manufacturers, since the final result of the production process, as well as the possible service life, directly depend on this.

Models of molds for making toys are modeled using special computer programs. Then the designer checks the specified parameters and sends the layout to production. The finished mold may have the form of a special surface or cavity, or be a set of standardized parts.

When all the necessary molds are ready, the equipment has been purchased and installed, the raw materials will be available, mock-ups of toys have been developed, and you can proceed to the direct manufacture of products.

A simplified production technology is as follows: the raw material, getting into the screw machine, is crushed, then heated and poured into a mold.

There is another technology based not on casting, but on blowing plastic into a mold. Such a mold consists of a single platform in contact with the surface of the molten raw material. This method of production significantly saves materials, and therefore is less expensive.

Do you need a design department

Most domestic manufacturers focus on the production of inexpensive and simple toys - cars, sandbox sets, dishes. Not a single plastic toy company takes on the production of more interesting models - interactive and large-sized toys.

But the demand in our country is obvious - game slides, attractions, playgrounds would like to be installed by individual individuals at home, and state educational institutions, and preschool institutions.

Unfortunately, the lack of free investment prevents most Russian enterprises maintain its own design department for the development of new models of toys. But plastic is a material from which almost anything can be made, which means that the design department in a company that has decided to take a significant share of the plastic toys market in Russia is simply necessary. Therefore, another 1 million rubles can be added to the business plan for the production of plastic products for the development and development of new models, layouts and designs.


The plastic toys market in Russia is represented by a small number of domestic, European and Chinese manufacturers. Russian enterprises are limited to the production of simple inexpensive plastic toys, Chinese companies focus on the extremely low cost of products, saving on quality.

European manufacturers, on the contrary, provide the buyer with high-quality expensive toys, but not everyone can afford to buy them. Consequently, the place of a manufacturer of good and at the same time inexpensive plastic toys on the Russian market is free. In order to start such a business, you need to invest about 5 million rubles. The payback period will be approximately 1.5-2 years.