Do-it-yourself painting booths for furniture. Photos, videos, recommendations of craftsmen for making a do-it-yourself spray booth. Manipulations with the crate and flooring

Car painting is carried out in boxes specially designed for this purpose. The work of the painting equipment is ensured by the installation of a system of filters, heat exchangers and exhaust, which maintain the required air temperature and its sufficient circulation in the working space. The principle of operation of such a device is based on the organization of supply and exhaust ventilation in the work area and consists of the following work cycles:

  • The first one is the purification of street air from dust and exhaust air from the remnants of paints and varnishes (after purification, it is again fed into the box);
  • The second is car painting (purified air from environment enters inside and heats up to 20-40 degrees, and after staining it is thrown out into the street);
  • The third is drying the car (the air from the working space is cleaned, heated to 60-80 degrees and again fed into the box).

Painting cars in a spray booth has several advantages. Thus, the tightness of the device prevents dust from entering from the street, and objects that collect dust are absent in the working room. In addition, the design of the unit eliminates the ingress of unwanted air currents carrying dust and drafts into its space. Interior surfaces can be cleaned without much difficulty and no special equipment is required. You can place the equipment for painting cars almost anywhere, for example, in a garage or basement. And in the absence of funds for the purchase of a spray booth, as well as in other situations, a painting box can be built independently.

After looking at the sites devoted to the issues of painting cars, you can find a lot of interesting ideas and recommendations on how to spray booth do it yourself: photos of the main stages of the process, articles - descriptions of the sequence of work, ways to equip a room in a garage from improvised materials at minimal cost. A home-made device is constructed from a wooden frame or an aluminum profile frame sheathed with plastic, polyethylene and other materials. Camera equipment must be purchased from specialized stores, having previously calculated the required parameters of devices and devices. From the equipment you will need a fan, filters, lamps or fixtures, heating elements, etc.

Do-it-yourself spray booth

There are several ways to understand how a do-it-yourself spray booth is built - video instructions posted on specialized sites, recommendations from craftsmen who independently built such a booth in the garage, etc.

Any painting booth consists of a working room, an air intake, an air outlet, filters, heating elements and a control panel for the main operating modes. In general, for the construction of such a chamber, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. The choice of premises for its equipment;
  2. Choice of base;
  3. Wall decoration;
  4. Side and top lighting device;
  5. Organization of the ventilation system;
  6. The device of the floor and filter elements;
  7. Security.

As a room, you can use a garage or other non-residential (maybe not heated) room. The base for mounting the camera can be metal or concrete. Concrete - provides convenient entry of the car into the room, as it is located on the same level with the floor of the surrounding space. This ensures stable and complete air exchange in the room. The metal base is ready product which is installed indoors. In this case, the floor level of the chamber will be located approximately 30-50 centimeters above the floor level of the surrounding premises. To enter the car inside, you will need to additionally build a bridge.

The metal base for the spray booth provides such advantages of its operation as stable air exchange and tightness. It is recommended to sheathe the walls of the working area with plastic clapboard, which is durable, withstands temperatures up to +50 degrees, does not burn and does not emit toxic substances.

Paint booth lighting

The lighting in the spray booth should be good. It is believed that the amount of illumination in the working area of ​​​​the room should be at least 600 lux, but illumination is usually organized at 1-2 thousand lux. The use of only ceiling lamps is insufficient, as this will poorly illuminate the sides and other surfaces of the car. To create sufficient illumination in the working area, it is recommended to install ceiling lights and additional light sources on the walls of the chamber.

As light sources are used:

  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • LED lights.

Fluorescent lamps give good illumination without glare and provide excellent color reproduction. In addition, they are environmentally friendly, economical and resistant to vibrations. LED lights in recent times are used more often. And this is not hindered by a rather high cost (in comparison with fluorescent lamps), since their advantages are significant.

These include less energy consumption (three times), safety, bright and even light without glare, durability and reliability of operation. In addition to the organization of ceiling (or top) and side lighting in the spray booth, additional lighting may be required in some places. For this, it is convenient to use swivel lamps on a long leg. The most effective scheme for lighting a paint box is the installation of long lamps arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

Filter system and ventilation

One of the most serious problems in the spray booth is the release of a large amount of solvent vapors and the accumulation of mist from fine particles of paint. This has a negative impact on human health (respiratory organs, skin), and on the quality of surface staining. It is necessary to eliminate the described negative impacts, for which a correctly calculated and organized system ventilation and filters.

Ventilation in the spray booth should be general-exchange supply and exhaust. The system also includes local exhausts installed in places such as paint baths, tables or stands. When calculating the performance of devices used in the ventilation system - fans, hoods, air ducts - it is necessary to take into account the performance of the chamber for air exchange (the amount of air passing through the room per hour).

Air exchange is usually carried out with the help of exhaust and air blowing fans with different performance and power. The system can be organized as a twin-engine and single-engine. The choice of construction type depends on how much air circulation is required to ensure proper operation of the chamber. Its ventilation works in several modes:

  • Purification of outdoor air and its circulation in the working area before painting;
  • Air intake from the street, its filtration and heating to a temperature of +20-+30 degrees, as well as the removal of paint mist through the holes in the floor after painting;
  • Drying mode, in which the air from the chamber is filtered and heated to +60 degrees, after which it is fed back into the working area.

The air in the room is distributed evenly, and during the painting process, paint is prevented from getting onto the floor due to the construction of a slatted floor with filter elements on which paint particles and solvent vapors settle. Additionally, the ventilation system must have valves to control the air supply. It is recommended to install two-stage filters. They are located on the ceiling of the working room and in the floor, and their area must be sufficient.

Simple in terms of the complexity of the work performed and economical do-it-yourself spray booth is built as follows. First you need to select a room for its equipment and prepare the tools and materials necessary for work: boards for the frame, plastic film for its sheathing, measuring tape and marker, stationery blade and adhesive tape, wood saw and hammer, scraper and nails of various sizes.

Next, you can draw a drawing and mark the boards with a tape measure and a marker. Then the boards are cut with a saw according to the marked markings. From the obtained wooden blanks, it is necessary to make four boards along the width of the chamber (180 cm) and four boards along the depth of the chamber (150 cm long). After that, from four boards 220 cm long, twenty centimeters must be cut for the slats (chamber height).

Further, the frame of the spray booth is constructed from the prepared boards. The base is made of two boards 150 cm long and two boards 180 cm long. Then it is necessary to install four vertical boards 200 cm long and build a ceiling of the same design as the base at the top of the vertical boards. Thus, the frame homemade camera that needs to be sheathed.

A more functional spray booth, in which you can get high quality car coloring, can be arranged in the garage. To do this, the walls of the garage must be sheathed with plastic clapboard, LED lamps should be installed on the walls and on the ceiling. Next, an air intake, a heat gun, as well as additional heating elements should be installed under the ceiling.

With the help of air ducts, the air is diluted from the heat gun to 6–8 heating elements (heating elements) located along the perimeter. The next stage of work is raising the floor and installing a grate, under which you can place floor filters, an extractor hood based on fans and a heat generator (heating elements or a burner). After that, it is necessary to make an entrance gate to the working area of ​​the box. It is better to make the ventilation system external. To ensure the safety of homemade equipment, it is recommended to consider the following:

  1. Lighting devices, ventilation devices and other equipment of the spray booth must be explosion-proof;
  2. Heating elements must have a safety thermostat, and all electrical appliances must be grounded;
  3. Insulation for walls should be chosen non-combustible (for example, mineral wool);
  4. It is recommended to install local exhaust devices in areas of increased accumulation of vapors and particles of paint and varnish materials;
  5. The ventilation system must be designed in such a way that so-called. "dead zones".

Experts recommend considering some important points when self-equipping a spray booth. So, the walls of the working cabin must be made of non-combustible materials - metal corrugated board, plastic lining and mineral wool as a heat-insulating material. Usually, for the manufacture of boxes, profiled steel sheets painted with fire-resistant paints are used. The walls are sandwich panels with insulation inside. It is necessary to provide not only exit doors, but also additional sealed doors made of fire-resistant material and simply opening from the inside.

The floor of the box is recommended to be made lattice. It is also possible to install only two rows of gratings. The main condition for the installation of the floor of the spray booth is to ensure sufficient circulation and air removal during the main work. It is recommended to organize the lighting in such a way that no glare or shadows form in the room and the illumination is at least 600 lux. To do this, you can use fluorescent lamps or LED lamps installed on the ceiling, on walls and in places where additional equipment is installed.

When self-equipping painting equipment, it is recommended to pay special attention to ventilation, since for correct operation device and obtaining high-quality painting of products, it is necessary to constantly update the air in the working room and its downward flow, which prevents the painting mist from settling on the painted surfaces. Various types of fans are used in the ventilation system. Screw fans are economical and have good performance, but their use is acceptable with a small length of ventilation ducts.

Centrifugal fans create static pressure in the room, so a suction and blower fan must be used inside. With their simultaneous operation, proper air exchange in the working space is ensured: the suction fan draws air contaminated with paints and varnishes from the chamber, and the blower takes air from the street and supplies it to the working space of the chamber.

So, you can make a spray booth for a car yourself. This will require a garage. small area, in which a metal or concrete base is made, LED or fluorescent lamps, filters, fans and heat exchangers are installed, providing the working conditions required for obtaining high-quality painting.

It is rare that a car lives its short life without repainting. Foreign cars of non-Chinese origin can withstand 300-400 thousand kilometers, a car of the domestic auto industry enters the spray booth after about 100-150 thousand kilometers. There are few ways to restore the paintwork - give it to a company service, use the services of garage craftsmen or make a spray booth in the garage. Even taking into account the additional costs of renting equipment, a do-it-yourself spray booth in the garage will cost much less than the services of painters.

What is a spray booth made of?

The cost of painting can range from 20 to 80 thousand rubles, for such money you can temporarily equip your garage with a paint box. Even with the painting equipment installed, the room will not cease to be a garage, and at the end of the painting work, you can easily restore the previous appearance of the garage.

To convert a garage room into a do-it-yourself spray booth, you will need to buy or rent the following equipment:

  • Air compressor with a working pressure of 8-12 atm with a receiver and a water and oil separator;
  • Two fans - supply and inflate;
  • A set of four halogen spotlights, one and a half kilowatts each, or a heat gun;
  • Fabric filter system;
  • Three LED lights and six long fluorescent tubes;
  • A set of measuring plastic utensils;
  • Reinforced polypropylene film - canvas and fasteners.

Advice! Do not attempt to use oxygen cylinders in the spray booth instead of an air compressor. In the event of the slightest spark, the spray booth in the garage will turn into an open-hearth furnace in seconds.

Painting with oxygen gives an incredibly even and thin layer of paint, even without the use of gloss enhancers, due to the high purity of oxygen. But the risk is very high, so it is easier to install an additional filter and moisture separator, and high-quality varnish and additives will provide gloss and gloss.

How to make a spray booth

It’s worth mentioning right away that a do-it-yourself spray booth in the garage and the listed set of equipment will allow you to paint “almost good and high quality” a maximum of several cars. For semi-professional or professional approach the level of equipment should be significantly higher both in terms of painting tools and in terms of re-equipment of the spray booth itself.

The conversion of the garage into a spray booth is carried out in three stages:

  1. A hood is installed in the garage;
  2. Walls, ceiling, garage doors are finished with protective coatings and cladding;
  3. Heating - drying devices are mounted.

Important! The quality of the paint layer directly depends on the amount of water vapor and dust in the atmosphere of the spray booth, so 30% of the equipment is designed to remove dust and fog from paint-lacquer droplets from the garage, the rest is for uniform drying of the painted surface.

The principle of operation of the chamber consists in two successive stages - painting parts with an airbrush and drying a layer of paint or varnish using heating devices, such as halogen lamps or heating elements. Everything that did not fall on the surface to be painted and hung in the atmosphere must be carefully removed from the chamber so that the fog does not settle on the paint mirror. The air flow must come from above, and the airflow contaminated with solvent and paint should be removed through openings in the floor or at the bottom of the walls of the garage.

Arrangement of a garage room for a simple spray booth

For painting small car body parts, furniture elements, a small chamber is enough, about half the size of a garage. The cost of building such a paint box will take an order of magnitude less than for a large room. To paint a car body, the volume of the chamber can be temporarily expanded to the size of the entire garage with the installation of additional lamps and heaters. Due to the low capacity of the drying and ventilation equipment productivity in painting full-size body parts will be less.

In the garage space allotted for the camera, first of all, absolutely all things and objects must be removed, only the bare floor, roof and walls remain. The easiest way to separate the space of the paint box is with an awning - a curtain made of synthetic fabric made from polyester fibers. Such a fabric barrier should be attached around the perimeter with Velcro or a zipper, as in the video:

For a small spray booth, it is enough to install two supply fans under the ceiling. Most often, air is taken from the second half of the garage, it is cleaner and warmer than the street. Removal of polluted air is carried out using the same pair of fans, but installed below, on the back wall, almost on the floor of the garage.

For drying the painted surface in a small volume of the chamber, it is best to use powerful halogen lamps. With a powerful stream of light, it is very easy to dry and heat the surface of the part prepared for painting. After staining, ventilation can be set to minimum performance, and the drying process can be visually monitored.

When decorating the walls, you can use the experience that tells you how to sheathe the spray booth in the garage in the video:

For hot drying using heating elements, thin sheet metal is best suited. The walls of a small spray booth can be finished with cement-sand plaster, but before painting the surface will have to be moistened with a spray bottle with a small amount of water. Plaster, like a sponge, will bind dust and water, make the walls conditionally “clean”. Metal or OSB boards collect dust very well, and it can only be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Plastic panels due to strong electrification are able to collect ten times more dust than metal or wood. The ceiling must be sewn up with OSB boards and sealed with reflective polypropylene film or aluminum foil.

During the painting process, it is very important to see clearly how a layer of varnish or paint is laid down, therefore, even for a small chamber, at least three rows of lamps are needed: a row at a height of 60-70 cm from the floor, an upper row of lamps at a level of 180-200 cm, and a ceiling lighting. On average, a spray booth from a standard garage needs 6-10 fluorescent fixtures.

The device in the garage of a semi-professional spray booth

It will cost more to build a semi-professional quality paint booth in the garage, but it is much easier to make such a conversion. To do this, you can not reinvent the wheel, but use the traditional and most effective technical solutions, for example, as in the video:

For boxing under the spray booth, you can choose any garage, from a frame of sandwich panels to a brick or cinder block.

The first step is to install ventilation equipment in the garage. The exhaust part will require an inspection pit in which an exhaust fan will be installed. The exhaust from the fan in the pit is directed through a sheet metal air duct to the filter box, after which the purified air is directed to the intake window of the supply fan.

A metal frame is laid on the surface of the concrete floor of the garage, welded from transverse and longitudinal channels with a window size of 50-60 cm, the height of the structure is not more than 15-18 cm. Perforated steel sheets or a thick metal mesh will need to be laid on top of the frame. The gaps at the junction points of the frame to the walls of the garage will need to be sealed with sealant and sewn up with tin.

Thus, the polluted air from the spray booth, dust and everything that falls on the floor is pumped out through the mesh in the floor by a ventilation device located in the inspection pit. An inlet ventilation window is assembled on the ceiling of the garage from drywall and a steel corner. Through it, clean air is forced into the spray booth. To prevent the ingress of dust and dirt, the plane of the window is tightened with a flour-grinding mesh.

The walls and ceiling of the garage under the spray booth are sheathed with sheet metal or composite insulation made of polyethylene foam with aluminum foil. It is quite easy to clean such a lining from dirt with a conventional washing vacuum cleaner. Along the walls of the garage it is necessary to install two rows of fluorescent lamps. For additional illumination, you can use portable lanterns with halogen lamps.

If the garage is finally "donated" for the arrangement of the spray booth, experts recommend changing sectional or roller shutters. Such a design of the gate best of all “holds” the tightness of the spray booth and practically does not require alterations to work.

The main equipment - a compressor, a receiver and a set of filters, must be installed in a separate room. A water and oil vapor recovery system must be installed in the circuit with an air blower and a receiver cylinder. The filter for the compressor can be made from ordinary non-woven fabric in the form of 3-4 meshes mounted in a metal box.


The cost of converting a garage into a full-fledged spray booth will cost about 1.5-2 thousand dollars, excluding the cost of purchasing compressor equipment. Average payback period for initial stage will be 7-8 months at a profitability level of 10%. A mini garage floor camera will cost up to $800 and can pay for itself in 4 to 5 months, since the number of orders for detail painting is about three times higher than orders for a complete repaint of a car.

- a very responsible and technologically complex process, which must be carried out in a room specially equipped for this. The high cost of such premises discourages many car painters from opening own business. A do-it-yourself spray booth is a good alternative, which, with skillful design, will practically not be inferior to a purchased booth in terms of its characteristics, but will significantly save money.

It is convenient to organize a car painting booth in a garage with a minimum size of 4 by 6 meters.

How to make ventilation of the spray booth with your own hands?

An obligatory element of the chamber is ventilation with a filter, which allows you to clean the air inside the room and the air injected from the outside from dust, as well as to precipitate and remove the mist of paint outside. According to the method of ventilation, the chambers can be divided into the following types:

  • single motor cameras. In such chambers, air is forced into the room from above. By creating pressure, he precipitates a mist of paint down, which is then discharged through the holes in the floor.
  • Two-motor chambers, which, in addition to the upper, blowing motor, have a lower motor that sucks air from the room to the outside.

The advantage of twin-motor chambers is better air circulation. However, this option will be much more expensive and more complicated in technical execution. It pays off with a large flow of cars. In case of a small number of orders, it is more expedient to install one motor.

In any case, the air entering the chamber must be pre-filtered from dust, which can cause. This is achieved by installing a fine air filter at the outlet of the air box. The box is a tin box installed above the ceiling, into which air is blown from the street with the help of a snail.

To remove air in the floor, trenches can be made, closed with metal gratings. They can be equipped with a motor for extracting air. In addition, the floor of the spray booth for cars can be raised by 10 - 15 cm due to the reinforcement grid. In this embodiment, there is no need to dig trenches in the floor.

The third more advanced way to create an air flow in the chamber is supply and exhaust ventilation, which can operate in three modes.

  • Air actively circulates inside the chamber, constantly being filtered and flowing back into the chamber. This mode is necessary for thorough cleaning of air from dust before starting painting work.
  • The air is taken from the street, filtered, warmed up to 30 degrees and enters the chamber. The air is then expelled without filtration through openings in the floor. This mode is used to maintain a constant temperature while painting, as well as to remove mist from the paint.
  • Air is pumped from the chamber, passes through filtration and, heated up to 60 degrees with the help of heating elements, comes back into the chamber. This mode is used when drying paint.

Designing the location of the inlet and outlet openings of the ventilation system must be given especially much attention. Unsuccessful arrangement of exhaust openings can lead to the creation of dead zones in the room and, as a result, suspensions of paints and varnishes, swirls. This often negatively affects the quality of the car's painting.

Lacquer, paint and dust clog the air cleaning filters rather quickly, which leads to a decrease in the air circulation rate in the car spray booth and causes the formation of paint suspensions. To quickly solve this problem, the ventilation system must be able to control the power of the air supply. In addition, filters should be located in such a way that their replacement takes a minimum of time.

In order to increase the service life of the exhaust air filters, it is recommended to install two-stage filters. The first filter is designed to remove large dust particles. The next fine filter traps fine dust particles, as well as droplets of paint, varnish and other volatile compounds. This option of pre-treatment from large particles allows less frequent replacement of an expensive fine filter.

The ventilation performance for the spray booth is calculated based on the air flow rate in the range of 20-25 cm / s. However, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account and subtract the approximate volume that the painted car will occupy in the chamber.

Drying in a car painting booth

infrared lamp

Various heating elements are used to heat the air in the chamber. A fairly convenient option is the use of electric heaters. It will be more economical to use heat generators on diesel fuel, gas or waste oil. Modern thermogenerators have different power and performance, and are also able to regulate the temperature automatically.

A worthy alternative to drying a car with warm air is the use of infrared lamps. This equipment is easier to install and significantly speeds up the drying process.

Warm air must be supplied evenly to the car spray booth to avoid localized overheating, which can adversely affect the quality of the paint job. This is ensured by a system of air ducts above the ceiling, with several exit points.

It is better to combine the control of air cleaning and drying equipment of the spray booth using a common control panel. Located in a convenient place, such a remote control allows, if necessary, to quickly select the optimal conditions inside the chamber. In addition, there is the possibility of instant shutdown of drying and ventilation in case of fire.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the spray booth

Interior wall decoration in a car painting booth has its own requirements. A fairly popular and cheap material for finishing is plastic lining. However, given the high risk of fire in the spray booth, the use of non-combustible materials such as metal profiles is recommended. In the case of insulation of the space between the wall and finishing material, non-combustible insulation must also be used.

The walls and ceiling should be painted white, this helps to correctly perceive the colors when painting the car. Ideal in terms of fire safety and durability would be the use of powder paint.

A do-it-yourself spray booth should have good lighting. As a rule, the average illumination value for a spray booth is in the range of 1000-2000 lux. The location of the lamps only on the ceiling does not allow sufficient illumination of the side surfaces of the car. This problem is solved by the location of additional lamps on the side and rear walls of the chamber.

Currently, the most popular lighting elements are fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts. They are quite economical and eliminate flickering light. However, LED lamps are becoming more and more popular. Despite the high price, their undeniable advantages allow you to quickly recoup the money spent:

  • electricity consumption is 3 times less than that of fluorescent lamps
  • no need to replace
  • high level of security
  • even and bright light.

In addition to the car painting booth itself, it is also recommended to have a car painter's room directly adjacent to the spray booth. In such a room, workers can change clothes, store equipment and rest while drying the car between painting stages. If the camera itself is arranged in a garage, then a nearby garage or a small extension can act as a utility room.

It is advisable to combine the spray booth with the staff room using a window. To do this, it is necessary to punch a hole in the wall separating the two rooms and install a double-glazed window. Through the window, the operating personnel can directly observe the process of drying the car and quickly respond to various emergency situations.

You should not save and rush when building a spray booth with your own hands. It will be much more difficult to correct errors in an already finished spray booth, stopping paint work and losing customers. A huge selection of modern materials and equipment, as well as this article, will help you make a convenient and reliable camera for painting, which will soon begin to bring big profits.

Painting chamber - a specially equipped room in which car painting and other metal, plastic or wooden products are painted. A factory-made paint shop costs from 500 thousand rubles, while a self-made spray booth will cost you no more than 100 thousand rubles.
A paint booth can even be built in a garage

This article provides instructions, following which you can equip. We will consider chambers, subfloors, ventilation systems, lighting, drying and tell you if this is necessary.

Do-it-yourself paint brush

The painting and drying chamber, as a rule, is a metal, less often a plasterboard box, equipped inside an existing room. For alteration under the paint shop it is rational to use the garage. If it is small, then the whole building is involved - its internal walls are sheathed, and the ventilation equipment units are taken out of the garage. If dimensions allow, then the box is created in a separate part of the room.


The room for painting should have enough free space for work - minimum size boxes for painting cars- 4*6 m. Mini spray booth designed to work with small surfaces - metal doors, elements of the car body, has dimensions within 3 * 3 m.

It is necessary to build a paint chamber from the foundation

Do-it-yourself workshop arrangement begins with the installation of load-bearing floors - walls, ceiling, floor and installation of entrance gates.

The coverings are presented general requirement in terms of tightness - it is unacceptable for air from the environment to enter the box, since the dust contained in it prevents painting work - mechanical impurities that have fallen on the car body cross out all the efforts of the painter.

The technology of mounting the walls of the box is selected based on the size of the room:

  • When altering a small garage, the inner surface of its walls is sheathed with sheet metal with preliminary thermal insulation with mineral or basalt wool (50 mm thick);
  • When creating a "room in the room", when a mini spray booth is equipped with one's own hands, a supporting frame of the required dimensions is welded from a metal profile, which is sheathed with sandwich panels from two sheets of metal and a heater located between them.

The floor covering of the paint box acts as an element of room ventilation - air ducts and floor filters are located in it. Their placement requires the arrangement of a "second" floor, on top of an existing floor. This is done in two ways:

  • A do-it-yourself mini paint job is equipped using a lattice platform raised above the floor to a height of 30 cm. The platform is welded from reinforcing bars with a diameter of 14-16 mm, the lattice pitch is 6 cm. A ladder is used to enter the car onto the platform.
  • The conversion of the garage into a paint shop is carried out with the formation of deep trenches for laying air ducts around the perimeter of an existing floor. The depth of the trenches is 28-30 cm. After placing the filters and ventilation ducts, the trenches are covered with reinforcing bars. The inner walls of the recesses are filled with concrete.

A do-it-yourself painting and drying chamber is created using entrance gates of a two-leaf or three-leaf type. It is rational to use double-leaf structures if there is a separate door for personnel entry, if it is not available, choose a gate with 3 leaves, one of which will be used as a service door.


When mounting the ceiling of the box, a hole is formed in the central part of the chamber for the installation of a ceiling air duct. Here you can purchase a ready-made plenum, or weld it yourself from galvanized sheet steel (the structure is insulated with mineral wool along the side and upper contours). From below, the ventilation duct is covered with a metal grill, which holds the ceiling fine filter in the air duct.

Air ventilation systems

The ventilation system is a mandatory attribute of the paint booth

The ventilation of the painting chamber is selected based on the size of the room. There are two types of air supply systems - single-engine (supply) and twin-engine (supply and exhaust):

  1. the do-it-yourself chamber can be equipped with single-engine ventilation, in which there is only an inflow fan that blows air into the box through the ceiling plenum. When supplied, the supply air flow precipitates the paint mist that occurs during painting work to the floor, where it is discharged through the air ducts of the floor slab due to a pressure drop;
  2. Dual-motor ventilation technology consists in the use of 2 fans - one of which (connected to the ceiling plenum) pumps air into the box, the second (floor) - pumps out the exhaust air to the outside.

The ventilation motor for the spray booth must have a capacity that provides the required air exchange rate in the room. The normative value of air exchange per 1 m2 of the box area is 800 m3/hour (for a room with an area of ​​4x7 m - 20-25 tons m3/hour). When using dual-motor ventilation, supply and exhaust fans with the same performance are always used.

The ventilation equipment for the paint booth is equipped with three types of filters:

  1. Coarse cleaning - installed on the air intake of the supply fan, cleans the incoming air from the main mechanical impurities;
  2. Fine cleaning - fits inside the ceiling plenum, cleans the incoming air from dust and small particles;
  3. Outdoor - located in the exhaust air intakes, cleans the exhaust air from toxic paint fumes and suspended particles deposited on the fan blades.

It's dangerous to paint without a hood

In industrial conditions, spray booths with a water curtain are produced, in which the incoming air flow is passed through a cascade of water falling inside the walls, however, with self-production, this filtration technology is extremely difficult to implement.

Lighting equipment

Lighting in the paint shop is equipped with LED or fluorescent lamps located between the walls of the box and the ceiling. Lamps are placed along the perimeter of the room with equal spacing from each other - on the longitudinal walls, 4 lamps, on the transverse walls, 2 lamps.

The lighting of the painting chamber is directional, the lamps are installed at an angle of 450 so that the luminous flux converges in the center of the box, at the location of the part to be painted. In order to protect the lamps from clouding due to paint mist, they are mounted in a block housing made of crystal or plastic glass.

When installing the light in the spray booth, observe the following requirements:

  • The lighting standard for medium-sized paint boxes (4 * 7 m) is 1-1.5 thousand lux;
  • Color rendering index - 85 (the shade of the emitted light corresponds to natural sunlight of high brightness);
  • Scattering of light - uniform throughout the perimeter of the box, without shady areas (if necessary, horizontal blocks of lamps are additionally installed on the walls of the chamber, raised by 40-50 cm from the floor);
  • Flickering is not allowed.

As lighting fixtures rational use of light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. Among their advantages is the color rendering index, which is natural for the spectral sensitivity of human vision, which has a positive effect on the quality of painting work, low energy consumption and high efficiency compared to other types of lamps.

Dyeing equipment

Overalls and a respirator will protect against the chemical components of the paint

To paint a car, you will need to purchase a set of painting equipment. A kit that includes everything for a paint shop will cost you $300-1000, depending on the functional level of the units. To the list necessary equipment accessories are also included.

Compressors, based on design features, are classified into piston and screw:

  • Reciprocating compressors are compact, durable and low cost, but they have low productivity and require regular maintenance (replacement of seals, valves, etc.).
  • Screw compressors are more expensive - it is rational to choose them if you plan to professionally paint cars, such units are suitable for more work - they are productive and not prone to overheating.

When making workshop equipment with your own hands, choose a compressor with a power of 2.5 kW or more, with a working pressure within 10 MPa and a capacity of 300 to 500 l / min. In addition to the compressor, a filter unit and moisture from the supply air are purchased.

It is rational to buy spray guns (spray guns) with interchangeable nozzles, since to work with different nozzles of different sizes:

  • Application of primers - nozzle 1.5-1.7 mm;
  • Application of varnish and acrylic paints - 1.4-1.5 mm;
  • Application of a binder (when stained with mother-of-pearl and metallic) - 1.3 mm.

Choose reliable painting tools

You will also need:

  • Sander - for matting the surface of the body before painting;
  • Polishing machine - for finishing the applied paintwork.

Do not forget about purchasing a mask, since the application of varnishes and paints is accompanied by toxic fumes of the solvent added to them.

Drying equipment

A do-it-yourself drying chamber can be equipped in two ways - using infrared or convection drying. The latter option is more time consuming, however, as a result, it gives uniform drying of the applied coating due to blowing the painted surface with hot air.

To achieve a similar result with infrared drying, which heats up not the air of the paint box, but directly the surface of the painted part, you need to use several separate heating elements located around the perimeter of the box.

The convection system consists of a heat exchanger (a metal container into which the supply fan blows air) and a burner running on diesel fuel or gas, which warms up the flow passing through the heat exchanger.

The burner power is selected based on the productivity of the supply ventilation of the chamber:

  • For 18,000 m3/h fans, 175 kW burners are used;
  • For fans of 24 thousand m3 / h - 240 kW.

Infrared drying is a priority choice for self-equipped paint booths. To create this system, it makes sense to use portable heating elements, which eliminates the need for their installation in the box walls. An infrared lamp for within 10-50 thousand rubles, you will need them in the amount of 4-6 pcs. (with full body painting). In order to save money, a do-it-yourself infrared lamp can be created on the basis of UFO household IR heaters and their analogues.


Having equipped a paint box, you can do everything for a car with your own hands - repaint cars, engage in partial painting of the body, disks, which in the future will bring considerable cash profit.

Most vehicles need to be repainted at least once during their lifetime. For this purpose, a spray booth is used - a special room designed specifically for painting work.

To obtain a perfect result, the spray booth must be equipped with all necessary tools, technique. Making a room for painting a car is possible with your own hands, if strict requirements and safety precautions are met.

Paint booth features

A standard paint kit for cars is a box (chamber) with an air ventilation system installed in it, devices for temperature regulation. Only under such conditions it will be possible to paint the car with high quality, reliably. The presence of a filter for the camera is also mandatory - with its help, the air mixture will be cleaned, there will be no dust left.

A properly tuned hood in the workshop will eliminate the mist from the paint, remove toxic fumes and gases. It is important that the exhaust device removes already filtered air to the outside, only then the box will comply with environmental standards. It is equally important to have temperature sensors in the chamber and equipment that allows you to set the desired mode. Another feature of the car painting booth is excellent lighting, which allows you to make even the most difficult stages of work.

If such conditions are not observed, defects in the painting of a car in the chamber will inevitably appear. All modern models of spray booths are equipped with carefully selected and calibrated equipment. If you wish, you can create such a box with your own hands, for example, in a garage.

What the camera consists of - a list of equipment

Under the paint box, you can equip any room that is suitable in size. After the completion of work, it is always possible to restore the previous view of the camera, if necessary. To make boxing yourself, you need to find for sale or rent the following equipment:

  • air compressor with a pressure of 8 - 12 atm, equipped with a receiver, oil and water separator;
  • fans - inflating, supply;
  • halogen-type lighting spotlights (4 pieces of 1.5 kW each) or a heat gun for drying;
  • fabric hydrofilters;
  • diode lamps (at least 3 pieces);
  • elongated fluorescent lamps (minimum 6 pieces);
  • reinforced polypropylene film.

Some masters buy industrial oxygen cylinders for chambers instead of a compressor. Applying paint in this case will be convenient, the layer will lie evenly and thinly, due to the use of pure oxygen, gloss enhancers of the paintwork material will not be required. The risk is very high, because even with a small spark, ignition in the painting booth will be instantaneous. It is better to spend money on a compressor, and use a good varnish for shine.

Types of spray booths

According to the type of room, the chambers can be walk-through and dead-end. The classification of painting chambers is based on the arrangement of the ventilation system. Depending on the indicator, the paint box is organized in the following way:

  • with exhaust valves around the perimeter of the room on the walls (the most comfortable and inexpensive way);
  • with ventilation valves inside the gaps on the floor;
  • with exhaust motors on the floor in shallow trenches.

According to the type of ventilation, the chambers are divided into single-engine and twin-engine. In the first case, the air flow is supplied from above, and the fog settles down and is discharged through special channels. In the second version, the first motor pumps air, the second pumps it out of the box. For single-engine models, ventilation valves are floor and ceiling, while for twin-engine models they are wall-mounted.

Production of a spray booth

Usually, semi-professional or even less expensive devices are used for self-conversion of cameras, which will allow you to paint cars with high quality, but not at the highest level. For professional painting jobs, the level of equipment is much higher, which is not achievable without high costs.

All installation work for the arrangement of cameras, they are performed in 5 stages:

  1. Finding a room, assessing its size.
  2. Preparation of plans, drawings, calculations, assembly schemes.
  3. Extractor installation.
  4. Finishing, facing of internal walls, floors, ceilings, box gates.
  5. Installation of furniture, devices for drying, heating.

Up to 1/3 of all equipment is used for suction and removal of dust, the fight against water veil and paint droplets (the smallest suspension in the air), because the final result of car painting depends on it. It is equally important to purchase high-quality equipment for drying, because the principle of operation of the box is the thorough drying of painted parts using high-power halogen lamps or a heat gun.

Preparing to mount the camera

At the very beginning, you should create a camera project on paper. In the drawing, you need to schematically draw all the main nodes, in parallel painting smaller details and elements. Next step preparatory work they stock up on all the necessary equipment, equipment for the camera: a ventilation system, a heat gun, lamps, etc.

On sale there is equipment for equipping service stations and paint boxes of well-established brands - Nordberg (separate equipment), Saima, ColorTech, Metron, Oskas, Thermoprocess (ready cameras), there are good brands from China.

All systems must operate automatically. It is advisable to have a generator in case of a power outage - for safety net. The room should be closed with reliable locks, because the cost of the equipment will be quite large.

Basic requirements for the construction of the camera

There are a number of requirements for the construction and arrangement of a camera for painting cars. The dimensions of the box should be sufficient, not small-sized - so the master will not have problems with movement and painting.

It is better if the box is made on the basis of metal structures or concrete. There should be 2 doors - sliding or regular. The main thing is that they can be easily opened, and in case of fire it would be possible to urgently evacuate employees. Doors should be made airtight, otherwise dust and dirt will get in from the street.

Camera material

The chamber must be made of materials that meet a number of requirements:

  • tightness;
  • fire resistance;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning;
  • thermal insulation properties.

Sometimes, to save costs, craftsmen finish the walls with materials. furniture production or wooden lining. But such walls will be prone to fire, therefore, the tree is undesirable for use. Iron and other metal parts, non-combustible insulating materials (in rolls) are well suited.

If there are steel walls near the garage, they must be insulated. Outside, sandwich panels are installed with a layer of basalt wool or other refractory insulating material, then another layer of steel is mounted. Joints are treated with silicone sealants. In the presence of a capital structure made of concrete or brick, the chamber is insulated from the inside, using mineral wool, waterproof drywall. After the walls are primed, white powder paint is applied.

Powdered paint can be replaced with a plastic refractory clapboard that can withstand up to +500 degrees. Why is it important to make walls white? This color will not distort paint shades when processing cars. For the same reason, walls should be painted only with matte paint - the shine blinds the master.

Often the walls of paint boxes are finished with a special film with the possibility of magnetization. It attracts dust, preventing it from circulating in the air and depositing on the painted parts of the car. One layer of film can be used for processing 10 machines, then it is updated.

When selecting materials for the camera, you should pay attention to the installation of the floor. The finished floor must allow air to circulate, so special multi-layer gratings are installed to ensure the inflow and outflow of flows. If there was a viewing hole on the floor in the garage, it is also covered with makeshift iron bars, under which boards are placed. An air duct pipe is taken out of the pit - this will become the basis for lower ventilation. A rectangular pit or 2 trenches a meter deep are dug on a solid floor, a flooring 20 cm high is mounted on them.

The ceiling of the chamber in the shape of a rectangle will be convenient if you install corner-shaped lamps along its perimeter. Otherwise, you will have to round the corners of the camera, otherwise dust will accumulate in the corners due to air turbulence. On the ceiling, filters are necessarily performed, which ideally occupy the entire surface.

Lighting in the chamber

The organization of lighting is very important for obtaining a high-quality result in painting trucks and cars. It is necessary that the light is bright, but comfortable for the eyes, and the location of the fixtures allows you to eliminate shadows and glare. According to the security rules technological process, illumination varies within 600 - 2000 Lumens, diffused light.

Three types of lamps are used for car painting cameras:

  • incandescent;
  • luminescent;
  • LED.

A convenient option for mounting a light system will be fluorescent lamps or fluorescent lamps, which have a high heat transfer coefficient and are quite economical. Devices are placed along the ceiling, and for viewing the lower part of the machine - on the side walls (for example, model K 1339). Their disadvantages include low environmental friendliness and the need for disposal, because mercury vapor is present inside.

Incandescent lamps are more common and very cheap. For the painting chamber, you can use those that have a vacuum flask. It is best to buy devices with a mirror or tinted surface. Unfortunately, incandescent lamps have a low light output, but high thermal radiation, and the products do not last long.

LEDs are the most acceptable option for mounting a lighting system in a box. Electricity consumption is very low, safety is high, and the service life is up to 50 thousand hours. High-quality diodes do not blink, do not flicker, are resistant to high temperatures, are reliable and durable, however, they are more expensive than other devices.

Chamber ventilation

A key role in the quality painting of cars is played by the ventilation system. A properly installed system performs the following functions:

  • removal of fog caused by the use of an airbrush or arising from painting by electrostatic spraying;
  • maintaining the frequency of air exchange and the desired temperature regime;
  • filtration of dirty air, its reverse circulation;
  • air purification before painting.

In the design of the chamber, it is mandatory to use ceiling filters with high performance, which will prevent foreign substances and dust particles from entering the working area. It is better to buy two-phase filters, which purify the air from large pollutants in the first phase, and from small ones in the second.

It is necessary to clean the outgoing air - this is an important requirement of environmental supervision services. At high humidity, additional compressed air preparation units are used, which have the ability to dry and clean air flows.

Ventilation must work in the mode of painting and drying. For painting, it is important to supply clean air with a temperature of 25 - 27 degrees, it is necessary to take air and dust from the chamber. During drying, air is supplied with a temperature of 45 - 90 degrees, for which it is important to install a special heat exchanger.

In the ventilation system, it is important to correctly design the outlets that remove the exhaust air to the outside. Otherwise, "dead zones" with suspensions of paint will appear in the chamber. This violates the quality of painting the machine, therefore, devices that draw air from the chamber are additionally placed in the trenches on the floor.

Temperature regime

The heating system is required in the garage or other room from which the painting box was made. With frequent use of the camera, you need to buy a heat generator. For work performed only a couple of times a month, you can limit yourself to a household-type infrared heater. Such a mini-heater will be more economical to use.

Another option for installing air heating is a heat generator made independently from a cast-iron boiler for liquid fuel. The device can work on waste oil or diesel fuel.

Ready-made models purchased in specialized companies often run on gas. Such devices will also be responsible for drying the car. The main thing is that the heat supply is uniform and continuous, excluding overheating. For drying, powerful halogen lamps (spotlights) can also be used.

Chamber interior

Inside the chamber, a separate corner or room should be provided for storing equipment, paint, burners, clothes and other things, tools. This will help to avoid inconvenience and damage to devices, means personal protection. Directly for the painting process, you should buy conventional spray guns, low pressure pneumatic devices, airless spray guns or combined systems (the most expensive).

Makes work much easier automatic control processes. Automation will require significant costs, but professionals prefer not to save. The control panel has manual and auto mode. The built-in timer will allow you to accurately color and dry, and the result will be no worse than at the factory.

Pros and cons of homemade boxing

Is it worth it to mount the camera yourself or is it better to buy ready-made? Benefits of homemade boxing:

  • the ability to create a project at your own discretion;
  • saving Money, including cheaper camera maintenance;
  • the opportunity to save on some system nodes, for example, to buy used devices.

The camera also has a lot of drawbacks. There is no guarantee that all systems will work for a long time - a breakdown is possible. There is a risk of design errors, because the calculations can be made incorrectly. In this case, you will have to spend additional money on repair and re-installation of equipment.

paint box cost

The price of the box will depend on the selected materials, the number of motors, the type of ventilation, the presence or absence of automation. Typically, the cost of a fully equipped camera is at least 0.5 million rubles.

Custom assembly, installation of all equipment causes an increase in the cost, as well as maintenance with the involvement of specialists. After completing the installation, you need to register the new kind activities under OKPD 2, to be registered with the regulatory authorities.