Organization of the workplace of a personnel officer. Job Requirements for a HR Officer. And what will it be

Answer to the question:

Having considered your question, we can say that, unfortunately, the legislation does not contain specific requirements for the office of the personnel department. Wherein, labor activity employees of the personnel department, is reduced to the acquisition and accounting of personnel documents, including personal data of employees. In turn, the head of the organization and the head of the organization are responsible for the safety of personnel documents. personnel service. Therefore, his task is not only the proper organization of work with documents, but, above all, the creation of conditions that ensure their safety. Since for the loss of documents, as well as for the destruction of papers before the due date, the current legislation provides for administrative liability.

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All the rules and deadlines for the storage of personnel documents in a clear cheat sheet.

Storage Features personnel documentation in the organization are conditioned by the tasks of limiting unauthorized access to documents containing personal data of employees, and the effective search for the necessary information.

Therefore, ideally, the office of the personnel service should have at least three adjacent rooms: a room for employees of the department, an office for the head and a room where cabinets and safes for documents, cases and file cabinets are located.

At the same time, there should be one entrance to the personnel department. Recommendations for the arrangement of premises for storing documents are given in the Rules approved by the decision of the collegium of the Federal Archive of February 6, 2002, and the Rules approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 18, 2007 No. 19.

However, it is not necessary for commercial organizations to comply with all the requirements for equipping special premises for storing documents (paragraph 3 of the introduction to the Rules approved by the decision of the collegium of the Federal Archives of February 6, 2002, clause 1.1 of the Rules approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated January 18, 2007 No. 19). The only thing mandatory requirement for the storage of documents joint-stock companies is that organizations must store documents in lockable cabinets that ensure the safety of documents and protect documents from dust and light (clause 3.6 of the Regulations approved by the Decree of the Federal Securities Commission of Russia dated July 16, 2003 No. 03-33 / ps). LLC storage features must be prescribed in its charter (clause 2, article 12 of the Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ). It is logical if the LLC also includes in its founding documents the requirement to store the organization's records in lockable cabinets or rooms.

Thus, we can say that the legislation does not contain specific requirements for the premises of the personnel department. However, if the organization does not have a special room for storing documents and all personnel documents are stored in the personnel department, then at least the basic conditions should be met:

The premises of the personnel service must be equipped with fire and burglar alarms. It is desirable that Entrance door the personnel office was double metal, and the windows were protected by metal bars. The room should be spacious enough to, firstly, provide conditions for the work of service personnel, and secondly, there is a place to place cabinets and safes for the current storage of documents. We also note that the employer is responsible not only for the physical safety of personnel documents, but also for the protection of personal data of employees (Chapter 14 Labor Code). Failure to comply with the requirements for the protection of personal data may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability - up to and including arrest for six months in accordance with Art. 137 of the Criminal Code.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Answer: How to store documents in the personnel department

N.Z. Kovyazin

Documents required to be kept

What personnel documents should the organization keep

The legislation obliges all employers to provide storage that are formed in the course of their activities (). The personnel department of an organization is usually responsible for keeping personnel records.

in commercial organizations

In addition, the obligation of organizations to keep documents is enshrined in the laws on joint-stock companies and LLCs (,). Documents to be kept, in particular, include:

  • regulations, orders, etc., binding on all employees of the organization.

The LLC prescribes in the charter information on how documents will be stored with it (). Joint stock companies store documents in the manner prescribed. Storage rules can be written in internal documents organizations, for example in ().

Conditions for storing documents

Where should an organization store HR records?

To store documents of the organization, it is necessary to equip special rooms (safes or cabinets). Recommendations for the arrangement of such storage facilities are given in approved ones. It is not necessary for commercial organizations to comply with all requirements for the equipment of special premises for storing documents (Approved Rules).

in commercial organizations

The only mandatory requirement for the storage of documents in joint-stock companies is that organizations must store documents in lockable cabinets that ensure the safety of documents and protect documents from dust and light (Regulations, approved). LLC storage features must be prescribed in its charter (). It is logical if the LLC also includes in its constituent documents the requirement to store the organization's documentation in lockable cabinets or rooms.

If an organization keeps documents in in electronic format, then it is necessary to provide such a storage mode that excludes the loss, destruction or distortion of information. In addition, in the process of storing such documents, it is necessary to rewrite them on new media as the old media becomes obsolete. This is stated in the Rules approved.

In order to ensure the effective storage of documents in both paper and electronic form, the organization (, Rules, approved). Documents with an expired storage period ( Rules approved ).

Tip: Form orders for personnel that have different ones in different ones, otherwise the organization may have problems transferring such “mixed” cases to archival storage.

Assign different document numbers from the very beginning. With the help of encoding, you can separate orders that (about hiring, transfers, relocation, bonuses, etc.) from orders from (about business trips, etc.). This will make it easier to file them in different cases.

Responsibility for violations committed when working with archival documents

What responsibility is provided for violations committed when working with archival documents

For violation of the rules for the storage, acquisition, accounting or use of archival documents, administrative liability is provided ().

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  • Introduction. 3

    Chapter 1. Equipping the workplaces of personnel officers public institutions. 7

    1.1. Organization of labor of personnel service workers .. 7

    1.2. Equipping the workplace of an employee of the personnel service .. 11

    1.3. Rationing of work of employees of personnel services. fourteen

    Chapter 2 eighteen

    2.1. Socio-economic characteristics of the enterprise. eighteen

    2.2. Analysis of the activities of the personnel service.. 19

    2.3. Equipping the workplaces of employees of the personnel department of MGUP Mosvodokanal 24

    Conclusion. 41

    References: 43


    Relevance of the topic.

    At present, the control level labor resources, and hence the efficiency commercial activities organizations of any type of ownership and legal form, as well as its social management, are largely dependent on the work of the personnel department, which performs traditional functions, and the personnel management service with a wider range of responsibilities.

    The effectiveness of personnel management is determined by the results of the work of personnel officers, which has a certain specific content (communication with people during interviews, interviews, hiring, evaluation of business and professional qualities; solution conflict situations etc.) and character (organizational, educational, creative, requiring knowledge in many areas of economics, sociology, law, etc.). The end result of labor is the adoption of decisions that are evaluated not quantitatively, but qualitatively, depending on the impact on the achievement of economic and economic goals. social development organizations.

    At the same time, the practice of using the labor of personnel of personnel services in terms of qualifications, numbers, etc., as well as its organization and regulation, does not meet the requirements of modern personnel management.

    Complication modern production, the restructuring of economic management caused a significant increase in the amount of information in the field of personnel management. The volume of office documents is increasing every year. Implementation of machine processing of documents in a number of personnel services large enterprises and associations did not reduce the number of staff, but, on the contrary, led to an increase in the number of employees associated with office work. But since a simple increase in numbers management personnel does not give a positive effect, significant efforts are needed to solve the organizational problems of office work of personnel services.

    From proper organization and the most complete automation of document processing processes depends on the efficiency of the entire personnel management process. Most of the time is occupied by documentation services: preliminary consideration, accounting, storage, control over the execution of documents, various instructions, etc.

    The work of the personnel service is associated with the creation, processing, use and storage significant amount documents. These documents usually contain information related to the personal data of employees and must be protected from unauthorized access. The Government of the Russian Federation, in its order dated March 21, 1994 No. 358-R, recommended that organizations (regardless of their form of ownership) include special clauses in their charters (regulations) where to prescribe all issues related to the accounting and preservation of documents on personnel and their timely transfer to storage in the event of liquidation. It is quite obvious that all this imposes serious obligations on the heads of organizations and officials responsible for ensuring the safety of documents on personnel. This means that each employer must develop a set of legal, organizational and practical measures to ensure the conditions for the storage and use of such documents. About how to organize the "ideal" office of the personnel department, we will be told by someone who knows exactly how to do it right.

    We will start talking about how to properly organize the space for storing personnel documents with a reminder that in the personnel service there are actually two independent parts of the documentary fund.

    Part 1. Originals and copies of documents created in the organization and coming from other organizations and structural divisions on all issues of the organization's activities, regulations on the department, its divisions, job descriptions of employees. A large place in the work of the personnel service is also given to correspondence with organizations and citizens on various issues, materials for checking the status of documents containing personal data in the structural divisions of the organization.

    Part 2. Personal files of employees and others accounting documents, documents on certification of employees, etc.

    Documents of the personnel service after completion of execution are filed in cases in accordance with their nomenclature. Cases for a certain period of time (usually two or three years) are stored in cabinets in the personnel department. After this period, cases of permanent and long-term (over 10 years) storage are transferred to the archive of the organization, and cases of temporary storage periods can remain in the personnel service until the expiration of the established storage periods, after which they are allocated for destruction with the preparation of a special act.

    The main document that establishes the procedure for storing personnel documents is the federal law RF dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation”.

    The main document that establishes the terms of storage of documents is the List of standard managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities. government agencies, local governments and organizations, indicating the periods of storage (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558; hereinafter - the List).

    The terms of storage of documents specified in the List apply to all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership (Article 1.2 of the List).

    The storage of personnel service documents is somewhat different from general rules storage of management documents, since they have a high social significance, many of them serve as confirmation of the worker's rights to social security, for example, old age and disability, as well as confirmation of his work experience. Most documents on personnel have a long or permanent storage period and are used for reference purposes when citizens apply to archival institutions.


    The head of the personnel service is responsible for the safety of personnel documents, and where there is no personnel service, - personnel worker. Therefore, his task is not only the proper organization of work with documents, but, above all, the creation of conditions that ensure their safety.

    For the loss of documents, as well as for the destruction of papers before the due date, the current legislation provides for administrative liability. So, for violation of the procedure and terms of storage of accounting documents, an official will have to pay a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. (Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). If tax inspectors require documents, but the organization cannot provide them, then the fine will increase to 15,000 rubles. (Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    In addition, personnel documents also have a biographical, archaeographic value, serve as a source for statistical generalizations and historical and social research.

    The peculiarities of storing personnel documentation in an organization are due to the tasks of restricting unauthorized access to documents containing personal data of employees and effectively searching for the necessary information.

    Organization of the premises of the personnel service

    Ideally, the office of the personnel service should have at least three adjacent rooms: a room for employees of the unit, an office for the head and a room where cabinets and safes for documents, files and file cabinets are located. At the same time, there can be only one entrance to the office of the personnel department.

    If such an organization of space is not possible, then at least the basic conditions should be met.

    Condition 1. The premises of the personnel service must be equipped with fire and burglar alarms.

    Condition 2. It is desirable that the front door of the personnel service be double metal, and the windows are protected by metal bars.

    Condition 3. The room should be spacious enough to, firstly, provide conditions for the work of service personnel, and secondly, there is a place to place cabinets and safes for the current storage of documents.

    At the end of the working day, all doors (including internal ones) must be locked with reliable locks and sealed with the personal seal of the head of the personnel service. The keys to the doors are handed over against signature in a special magazine. At the same time, the reliability of the security alarms is switched on and checked.

    Arms and disarms the premises of the personnel department head of the service (other executive responsible for maintaining personnel work). Cleaning of premises is allowed only in the presence of these persons. Cases, folders with documents, file cabinets, machine-readable documents, accounting journals and accounting books, work books are stored in the personnel department during working and non-working hours in permanently locked metal cabinets. It is desirable that each employee has his own cabinet for storing arrays of documents assigned to him. At the same time, seals, stamps, forms of documents and keys from the working cabinets of employees, as a rule, are stored in the safe of the head of the personnel service.

    Rules for working with documents

    To ensure the safety of personal data when working with documents, the following rules must be observed.

    Rule 1 Keep only the documents you are currently working on on your desktop.

    Rule 2 Keep other documents in a locked cabinet.

    Rule 3 Place executable documents in folders, on which indicate the type of actions performed with them, for example, “For filing in personal files”, “For sending”, etc., or the names of the employees who work with these documents. It is good if each folder contains an inventory of the documents contained in it.

    Rule 4 Documents with which the work is completed, immediately file in the appropriate file.

    Rule 5 At the end of the working day, put away all documents, cases, sheets of paper and notepads with working notes, instructional and reference materials in metal cabinets, safes, lock them up and seal them with a seal.

    Rule 6 At the end of the working day, not a single paper should remain on the desktop. Also check the trash can and make sure there are no documents that may be of interest to an outsider.

    Rule 7 Keep seals, stamps, document forms, keys to work cabinets only in the safe of the head of the personnel department.

    Rule 8 Drafts and revisions of documents, damaged forms, sheets with service records at the end of the working day should be destroyed in a paper cutting machine - shredder.

    Rule 9 Computers at the end of the working day, block and disconnect from the network.

    Rule 10 Do not leave any documents or office records on your desktop, do not leave cabinets unlocked, and do not leave your computer unlocked when you leave the office.


    Place documents on the floor, window sills, in unsorted piles

    Document storage rules

    In the system for storing personnel documents, two stages can be distinguished: current (operational) and subsequent (archival).

    The storage and use of documents from the moment they are created until the transfer of the case in which they are grouped to the archive is called current (operational). The current storage of cases is carried out at the place of their formation. So, the documents created in the personnel service are also stored in it.

    Current storage is divided into two subspecies:

    • storage of documents in the process of their execution;
    • storage of executed documents. The current storage of documents means their storage in originals. That's why in the personnel services of organizations, orders on personnel are stored in originals.

    Storage conditions should ensure the protection of documents from damage, harmful effects environment and prevent their loss. As a rule, for this, metal cabinets, safes, shelving cabinets, etc. are installed in the premises of the personnel department and the archive. To facilitate the search for documents, copies of the nomenclature of cases are placed on the cabinets, and case numbers are placed on the spines of the case covers in accordance with the nomenclature.

    If you know that a certain document should be copied with a certain frequency, you can make one copy of it good quality and continue to work with her.

    In the premises of the personnel service, in which a large number of documents are stored, stable values ​​​​of temperature and air humidity must be maintained, since it is not so much high and low temperatures and humidity that are especially dangerous for paper, but the frequent change in these indicators. Of course, documents are stored in special folders and behind tightly closed cabinet doors to minimize exposure to paper's worst enemy - dust. It is also advisable to store documents in a cabinet with opaque doors. The point is not only the greatest safety of storage, but also the fact that paper is harmful to exposure to light, especially ultraviolet radiation.


    Archivists of the State Archives can check the procedure for storing and destroying documents in an organization, for example, if after checking the experts of the GIT inspection, violations of the rules for maintaining personnel documents were revealed. Also, the archival inspection checks the storage of personnel documents in the event that an employee has applied to the court with a statement about violation of his social rights(cannot get a certificate from the place of work about salary, work experience, etc.)

    It is sad to admit, but photocopying and scanning does no less harm to documents. In general, it is not recommended to carry out such procedures more than five times, since this is enough to cause a significant change in the color of the paper and reduce its resistance to mechanical damage. Such an impact is due to the fact that when a light beam passes through the pages of documents, the illumination level is twenty times higher than the recommended one.

    Rules for the destruction of documents

    One of the stages life cycle personnel documents is their destruction. The reasons are different.

    Reason 1. Legal destruction in organizations after the expiration of the established storage period.

    Reason 2. Destruction or damage due to negligence, as a result of accidents and natural disasters, natural and man-made disasters.

    Our reference

    The premises of the archive of the organization must be isolated, equipped with security and fire alarms. The required dimensions of the room for placing documents, including personnel, can be easily calculated based on the dimensions (length) of the archival shelf and the average thickness (1-1.5 cm) of a standard case, taking into account that a standard archival rack 2 m high 30 cm has 12 such shelves. The working distance between the racks must be at least 80 cm, fire passages between the rows of racks - 120 cm. Separately, the area occupied by metal cabinets and safes, as well as the average number of cases that can be placed in them, is considered. Having carried out all these calculations, you can accurately indicate what areas of the archive storage you need to accommodate documents.

    In this regard, the personnel service has to solve two opposite problems.

    Task 1. Destroy documents to minimize (or better, completely eliminate) the likelihood of recovering the information they contain.

    Task 2. Restore documents and the information contained in them in case of damage or destruction of documents. What methods and technologies can be used for this.

    The first task is related to the fulfillment of legal requirements and business obligations for the secure destruction of documents that have become unnecessary for the organization, as well as to address issues related to information security.

    The second problem, fortunately, has to be solved much less frequently. And it is advisable to think in advance and draw up action plans to save damaged documents in the event of a fire or flood.

    When destroying personnel records, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements defined in the International Standard for Document Management ISO 15489-1-2001 and in Standard 15489-1-2007, namely:

    • destruction must be authorized (i.e., unauthorized destruction of documentation without issuing relevant documents is prohibited);
    • Do not destroy documents related to pending or pending legal action or investigation;
    • the destruction of documents must be carried out with the confidentiality of the information contained in them;
    • all copies of documents selected for destruction, including insurance and backup copies and copies for long-term storage, must be destroyed.

    Our reference

    Shredding- the most widespread and popular method of destruction of paper documents today. They are attracted by its cheapness, "environmental friendliness", sufficient reliability.

    The main advantage is that documents can be destroyed in stages, in addition, it is not necessary to allocate a lot of space for temporary storage of materials selected for destruction. In this case, it is easier to ensure the security of documents and the information contained in them. It is this option that is actively used in the work, and in many organizations the requirement for the mandatory destruction of documents in a shredder is included in the internal regulations.

    When choosing a shredder, experts advise taking into account the number of documents liquidated daily.

    The recommended daily load is an important factor to consider when choosing a unit. Another fundamental point is how confidential the information is. The level of secrecy of the destroyer and the type of cutting depend on this.

    The level of privacy provided by the shredder is set by the maximum size of fragments into which paper or other media is cut.

    According to the international standard DIN 32757-1, there are five levels of secrecy:

    • the first level of secrecy is assigned to models that produce strips up to 1.2 cm wide at the output. It is possible to restore a document from such shavings, although you will have to tinker. Therefore, such shredders are used mainly for cleaning the desktop;
    • the second level of secrecy is not much more serious. The device produces strips no wider than 0.6 cm. Due to their affordable price, such devices are quite widespread;
    • Level 3 shredders can be used to destroy confidential but not classified documents. Paper is cut into strips 0.2 cm wide or fragments up to 0.4 x 6 cm. It is almost impossible to restore the contents of a document destroyed in this way;
    • for classified documents, it is recommended to use shredders with an even more powerful, fourth level of secrecy. In this case, the document is cut into fragments no larger than 0.2 x 1.5 cm, i.e., into small chips, suitable only as a building material;
    • and, finally, for the destruction of top secret documents, shredders are produced that produce fragments of the format 0.08 x 1.3 cm. In fact, the document turns into “dust” and cannot be restored even under laboratory conditions.

    When choosing a shredder, you need to rely only on the level of secrecy that is really necessary, since the price and performance of the machine depend on this.

    Let's not forget that office equipment is not only an indispensable assistant in the office, but also an important detail of the interior. In the assortment of any manufacturer you can find dark and light models of classic or futuristic design. The decoration uses metal, transparent plastic, light indicators of various colors.

    Rules for working with visitors to the personnel service

    In addition to operations with documents, employees of the personnel department spend a significant part of their time on receiving citizens (employees of the organization, former employees, job applicants, etc.). This type of work should also be strictly regulated, as visitors may pose a certain threat information security personnel department.

    For the convenience of visitors to the personnel department, it is desirable that the premises of the department be located on the ground floor of the building, near the entrance. During the reception hours of persons who are not employees of the enterprise, the entrance to the department should be free.

    It is better to control the passage of unauthorized persons into the premises of the department: the visitor is identified by a passport or official ID.


    During the reception hours of visitors, perform functions not related to the reception, conduct business and personal negotiations by phone

    It is important that the reception of visitors takes place only during specially designated hours. At other times, unauthorized persons, including employees of the enterprise, cannot be in the premises of the personnel department. Reception hours may be different for employees of the enterprise and persons not included in this category. Reception of visitors should be organized in such a way that there are no persons waiting for reception in the department premises.

    Make sure that there are no unnecessary documents on your desk during visiting hours.

    Receiving visitors is most often associated with conducting reference work: answering questions from visitors and issuing certificates about their place of work, position, length of service. It would be useful to recall that it is not allowed to answer questions related to the transfer personal information, by phone.

    The goal of rational staffing is to reduce the time required to complete work, eliminate unnecessary movement of employees, provide good working conditions and reduce employee fatigue, and maximize staff productivity. This can be achieved by taking into account the basic systems for planning premises, the principles of planning workplaces and rational working conditions.

    The purpose of rational staffing is to reduce the time required to complete work, eliminate unnecessary movement of employees, provide good working conditions and reduce stress and fatigue of employees, use space as economically as possible and maximize staff productivity.

    The importance of proper organization of the employee's workplace is explained by the fact that a person spends a third of his conscious life on it. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the layout, design, furniture and equipment of the workplace, because. all this affects the productivity of work, our mood and health.

    There are the following main systems for planning premises:

    Office: structural subdivisions are located on separate floors of the building, and departments and services in separate rooms (from 4 to 30 people). The advantage of the system is the creation of a creative environment and comfortable conditions for small groups of employees, and the disadvantage is the increase in heating and lighting costs, as well as the lengthening of document flow routes.
    Hall, in which structural divisions and production are located in large halls (on floors) of a building with more than 100 employees. These rooms must be equipped with artificial lighting, air conditioning and soundproofing. Their advantage is the reduction of costs for the construction and operation of premises, the reduction of space per 1 employee, the provision of rational management technology. The main drawback is the impossibility of creating a secluded environment, especially for scientists and leaders, as well as excessive noise in the hall.
    Cellular, in which the employees of the unit are accommodated in the large hall, and the premises for the heads of departments and services are formed using special movable partitions made of corrugated glass 1.5-2.0 m high.

    The use of partitions creates a favorable environment for department employees who have their own "cell". At the same time, the head of the subdivision can freely observe the work of departments and services, as well as labor discipline.

    First of all, to place large structural units (administration, office, accounting, marketing, personnel departments) and take into account the possibility of their expansion.
    Adjacent departments and services should be placed next to each other to minimize the time for information exchange.
    Departments related to the reception of visitors (sales, personnel, accounting) should be located near the entrance, elevator and landing.
    Warehouse, multiplication and transport divisions should be isolated from the reception of visitors and office premises.
    Toilets and smoking rooms should be on each floor and easily accessible to customers and employees.

    The layout of workplaces is carried out based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of employees, the standard area per employee and the designed furniture and equipment:

    The total and usable area of ​​the building, as well as the layout of the rooms, is determined according to the working drawings of the building;
    the number of employees determined by the enterprise;
    norms of space per employee are different in different countries.

    When planning, it is advisable to immediately determine which of the managers of the enterprise and his deputies will have separate offices. It is better for heads of departments to sit directly in departments: this will improve manageability and discipline.

    Table 1. Norms of space for accommodation of employees in various countries (sq.m):

    Rational working conditions

    Productive labor in the field of management can be ensured through compliance with simple rules organizing a workplace, planning office space, creating comfortable working conditions and a good psychological climate.

    1. "Modern furniture is more expensive than money." Modern aesthetically beautiful and environmentally friendly furniture will create comfortable working conditions and an idea of ​​the well-being of the company. It is best to equip the office with inexpensive furniture made of chipboard, covered with a special protective plastic. Do not spare money and equip all premises with office furniture, in extreme cases, those divisions where employees work with clients of the enterprise. A depressing impression is left by visiting directors' offices with scratched old tables, worn chairs, cheap curtains and ashtrays filled with cigarette butts.
    2. "The table and chair create comfort." Maximum comfort and minimum fatigue can be achieved when the table and chair for the employee are properly sized. The normal height of the working surface of the table during the work of an employee, depending on his height, is 70-75 cm, respectively, the height of the chair is in the range from 40 to 45 cm. Given the different heights of employees, it is best to use office chairs with rising seats.
    3. "Clean table". The desktop should contain only those items and tools that are often and constantly used to solve management problems. At the end of the working day, the desk must be absolutely clean in the interests of maintaining official secrecy. The table of a leader or specialist, littered with documents, books and newspapers, speaks of a sloppy and unbusinesslike person. 4. "Each thing has its place." All documents (folders, papers) must be placed
    so that they have permanent place and they were easy to find. Folders with permanent documents must be included in the nomenclature of office work of the enterprise (subdivision), stored in a certain closet with free access for employees. Folders that are often used during the working day are located within the employee's work area (one or two steps). At the end of the working day, documents must be placed in the appropriate folders. “What lies in order, runs into your hands,” says the proverb.
    5. "Use an organizer." All technical tools for manual and mechanized work (pens, paper clips, pencils, erasers, folders, rulers, scissors, etc.) are best stored in a specially adapted place on a table or in a computer organizer. This saves a lot of time compared to traditional storage of tools in a drawer.
    6. "Clean where they don't litter." The office should be kept in perfect cleanliness and cleaned 2 times a day if there are many clients in the department, or once at the end of the working day. To maintain order, the administration should ban smoking in the office, eating, drinking alcohol in the workplace, and storing food. Otherwise, mice, cockroaches, flies, dirt and a decrease in employees by 15-20% are waiting for you.
    7. "Let there be light!". Proper illumination of the premises is a factor in creating comfortable conditions, a favorable climate and the health of employees. Direct light without lampshades irritates the eyes, low light leads to their rapid fatigue, reflected light from the polished surfaces of the table and cabinets is irritating. It is best to arrange the tables so that normal daylight falls to the left of the desktop or directly on it. In the dark, properly selected lamps or table lamps help.
    8. "Clean air - a healthy mind." Ventilation is essential to keep employees in good physical condition and reduces the risk of spreading infectious diseases. The best option is to equip each room with air conditioning or forced ventilation. In their absence, it is necessary to ventilate the room every 2 hours.
    9. "The volume of music is inversely proportional to intelligence." Part of the employees, especially those whose work is monotonous, prefers to work to music, the other part does not like it. How to be? These issues must be agreed within the team and regulated. In any case, a loudly speaking radio or other source of music has a negative effect on the psyche of all employees throughout the whole process.
    10. "Steam breaks bones." It is very bad to work in a hot room both in summer and in winter, as fatigue increases, labor productivity decreases, and the likelihood of colds increases. In addition, overheating of the body occurs, which leads to an increase in the incidence of employees. The optimum room temperature is from 18 to 22°C. Depending on the habits of employees and the time of year, it can be selected in the above range. The heating system should distribute heat evenly throughout the office space, and in the cold season, additional heat can be obtained from an air conditioner or an electric fireplace.

    Proper organization of your workplace and office space can have a significant impact on your productivity. It will allow you to save time, prevent fatigue, and complete tasks faster than you planned.

    We invite you to take a fresh look at your office for a few minutes and think about:

    How often do you have to get up from your desk to reach for items that you can't reach while seated?
    Is it enough free space on your desk to work comfortably and without clutter, is it cluttered?
    Are your computer's keyboard and monitor conveniently located so that you can work without straining or becoming overly fatigued?
    Do you have free space next to your computer that you can use to work on your computer and papers at the same time?
    Are your cabinets and bookshelves overloaded? unnecessary things?
    Is your storage equipment appropriate for the items it should be stored in?
    Do you often have to spend time looking for the things you need?
    Is the furniture in your office in the best position in terms of working at a desk, working on a computer, receiving colleagues and clients?

    There are no standard recipes for the proper organization of your workplace: what may be convenient for you is not convenient for another, and vice versa. However, in order to best organize the office space, you should pay attention to a number of general principles, guided by which, you can achieve the optimal state in this matter.

    Ergonomics is a process of scientific organization of labor aimed at creating means of optimizing labor, improving the methods of performing any work by a person, taking into account his safety, comfort and productivity. It may sound a bit grandiose when it comes to organizing your office space, but the choice and placement of furniture, equipment, reference materials, and miscellaneous supplies in your office can have a significant impact on how you work.


    1. Tables. There should be enough free space on your desk so that you can work comfortably without being distracted by trifles. If you have to divide your time between your computer and paperwork, consider the panoramic method, which allows you to move between your traditional desk and computer without getting up. If you have the opportunity, try to find a table with adjustable height.

    Think about how to set up the table so that it is one with the entire office. If you want to place the table so that it serves as a barrier between you and the intended visitor, this is your right, this will achieve the effect of psychological distance, but if you are pursuing a completely opposite goal, then you should set it differently. By placing the table against a wall, you create a convenient place to place bookshelves, hanging posters, etc. If your workplace is located in an open-plan office, this table placement helps to eliminate accidental interference and reduce distraction.

    2. Chairs. Most modern office chairs are equipped with wheels and hinges, which allows you to move freely throughout the office space. In addition, these chairs are equipped with backs, which helps prevent excessive stress on the neck and back. Do not seek to emphasize your status with furniture. Chairs must be functional.

    To choose a chair for yourself, pay attention to the following characteristics:

    The presence of a height-adjustable seat;
    - the presence of a backrest, adjustable both in height and in the transverse direction;
    - the presence of sufficient depth of the seat;
    - due stability;
    - the presence of wheels that match the flooring in your office.

    3. Chair adjustment. When adjusting your chair, both your body measurements and the height of the table top, if it is not adjustable, must be taken into account. The main recommendation: the height of the seat must be adjusted so that you can comfortably sit on it; while the soles of your feet should rest on the floor, and the gap between the front of the chair and your calves should be 5 centimeters. After that, you should adjust the backrest both vertically and transversely so that your lower back does not strain.

    If the chair is equipped with armrests, these should be adjusted so that they lightly touch the bottom of your elbows when they are at right angles to the back of the chair. Armrests should not raise your elbows at all. If they interfere with you, it is better to dismantle them. When adjusting your chair, consider the height of your desk and computer keyboard. You should place yourself so that your legs are comfortably located under the working surface of the table and nothing interferes with their free movement.

    If you cannot achieve this position, then the working surface of the table is too low for you. If your desk top is significantly higher than your elbows when you are sitting, you should adjust the height of your chair. In this case, you will have to substitute a support under your feet so that you can take a comfortable sitting position.


    Once I was familiar with one secretary, whose organization was simply amazed. She always knew where and what lies. Her workplace was perfection itself. When I met her, she had already been working with her new boss for six months. Her previous boss didn't like using a voice recorder. So she kept it in a drawer on top of a tall cabinet, and new boss, on the contrary, every day brought her a new memory card for the recorder. So, every day in the morning she had to climb up for the recorder, and at the end of the working day to do the same operation to put it back. That's what force of habit means.

    This example vividly illustrates how tenacious once and for all habits are. The stereotype of work has changed a long time ago, but the habit of long-established routine continues to live. Pay attention to where you keep things that you use regularly. They should always be at your fingertips. If there are shelves above your desk, they should be positioned so that you can reach the item on the bottom shelf without getting up from your chair. Items that you use regularly (for example, a phone, a printer, various kinds of reference books) should be within reach so that you do not have to reach for them.

    Using a computer

    Nowadays, almost all types of human activity are somehow connected with long-term use. computer technology. Following these simple tips while working with your computer will help you increase your productivity, provide a higher level of comfort, and protect you from fatigue and harmful health effects:

    It is recommended that the top edge of the monitor screen be at the same level as the user's eyes. However, some computer experts point out that this height is the maximum level allowed, and insist that for some categories of users this level should be a little lower, emphasizing that this position is much more comfortable for the eyes and neck.
    Take a comfortable posture, turning Special attention on the position of the neck, spine, elbows, hands, hips and feet.
    Try not to stay in the same position for long periods of time.
    Keep your forearms, hands and arms in line and do not lean on sharp edges. Don't hit the keys too hard.
    The keyboard should be at the same angle as the forearms.
    Take breaks more often. Experts recommend every hour to take a break for five to ten minutes.
    Every ten to fifteen minutes of computer work, let your eyes rest by closing them for a moment. Then, opening them, try to look at distant objects and blink more often.
    Install the monitor so that it does not reflect light. For overhead lighting, use blinds, diffusers.
    Reading paper documents requires stronger lighting than reading from a monitor screen. If you work on a computer and work with paper documents at the same time, use a desk lamp with which you can adjust the lighting so that the additional light you need to read paper documents does not fall on the monitor screen.
    A special stand for paper documents will make it easier for you to work on your computer and with paper documents at the same time.
    Adjust the contrast and brightness of your monitor to a comfortable level.
    Wipe your monitor screen and other computer surfaces regularly.

    Tidying up the workplace

    Tidying up closets. Start cleaning with cupboards, namely those that are at the maximum distance from your table. Most likely, they contain the bulk of non-essential materials that were not reached during previous cleanings. As you release them, move forward towards your table. Thus, you will get a place to store items that currently clutter up areas that are more useful in terms of work. Dispose of trash relentlessly. Throw away unnecessary documents and outright garbage. Sort the rest of the documents and materials into archival boxes, mark the boxes accordingly. When you begin to put things in order in bookcases, we suggest that you first clean them completely, and then arrange all the literature by topic. It is required to place materials and documents in such a way that it is easy and convenient for you to find them if necessary.

    Tidying up your desktop. I had a period in my life when I tried to convince myself that I could work well with a cluttered desktop. I told myself that, despite the stacks of documents, sometimes reaching alarming sizes, I can easily find any paper I need, and abrupt switching from one task to another only sharpens my attention throughout the working day. Of course it was stupid. Having an excessive amount of documents on your desktop leads to the same distraction and interruption in work as phone calls. It is much easier to jump at one task after another without achieving success than to concentrate efforts on actually accomplishing them. The presence of a large number of different documents also serves as a convenient excuse for various kinds of delays and delays. When the process of solving a particular problem is difficult, it is psychologically much easier to switch your attention to solving the problem that seems easier to you, and you are drawn to grab the first piece of paper that comes across from some stack of documents on your desktop.

    Searching for documents can lead to a huge waste of time and create new reasons for taking a break from work. Take it and figure out how many times you have to break away from work and rummage through these piles, trying, at the request of this or that person, to find the document he needs. Special observations have shown that this takes at least 15 minutes a day, and this, admittedly, is a rather conservative estimate. Of course, it's not much. But if you figure out how much it will be in a year, then you will get a week and a half, which, you see, is a rather big loss of working time. Think about how much you could do useful during this time. And if you're disorganized to the point where you spend 30 minutes a day searching, then if you're properly organized, you'll be rewarded with three weeks of extra work time a year.

    Desktop clutter also reduces your ability to identify priority areas activities. Besides, there is something irrational in all this. As you scroll through the stacks, you see the same documents over and over again. Quite often, you spend your energy and energy looking through those documents that you should have got rid of as soon as you saw them for the first time. You miss deadlines because documents that might remind you of them get lost under piles of other documents. Finally, there is a place for the emergence of stressful situations. As long as your papers are a messy, amorphous mass, you can't help feeling uneasy. You are not entirely sure what might be hiding in these reams of paper, and this situation constantly serves as a reminder to you that you cannot do your job properly. Quite often, the presence of a large volume of tasks contributes to the emergence of stressful situations much more than their actual implementation.

    Simplicity should be the key to tidying up your desktop. The best way to start this procedure is to start with a little bit of everything - an inbox, an outbox, one diary, one notepad. Consider also whether you need personal items on your desktop. You might want to leave a random photo or memento on your desk, but there's no point in letting personal items get in the way of your work. Only those accessories and tools that you use daily should be on your desk. Other items that you do not regularly need should be at hand, but not on the desktop. The workspace should be large enough, because, along with a sense of physical comfort, a well-organized desktop brings with it a positive psychological attitude.

    Perhaps, before you start putting things in order on your desk, you will have to overcome a certain psychological barrier. After all, a cluttered desktop is implicitly associated with its extremely busy owner, and who does not like to be considered busy. However, it should be remembered that a person can be extremely busy, but completely incompetent and unproductive. Let the achieved results speak about your affairs, and not appearance your desktop. When you finally deal with your desktop, you can start parsing documents.

    How to deal with stacks of documents

    Label four empty folders or boxes for storing documents as follows: “accept for processing”, “take care of sending”, “read”, “send for storage” (or come up with your own options that are more convenient for you). Stock up on enough plastic bags for the most important category to be recycled.

    Get ready for the fact that you will have to send most of the documents to the trash can. No matter how important they were at the moment when they came to you, most likely they are already obsolete. Do not repeat past mistakes, act decisively. Here you should be guided by this principle: if there is any doubt about the value of a document, feel free to send it to the wastebasket.

    Don't waste time reading every document. At this stage, your task is only to determine whether it is needed at all, and if so, then it should be sent to the trash or folder, respectively.

    Do not take any other action while sorting documents, otherwise you may get stuck in this mass. AT without fail, to facilitate your further work, put marks on the documents, but do not spend too much time on this, since your main task at this stage is to sort all the documents into categories.

    Magazines and others periodicals should be browsed quickly, tearing out pages of interest to you. Feel free to send the rest to the trash can. At this stage, the torn notes should not be read.

    When you have sorted out all the bales, pay attention to your baskets. Schedule time to work with documents.

    If everything is done correctly, then the work done will bring you deep satisfaction.

    The answer to this question is directly related to the development of positive work habits:

    If there is any doubt about the value of a document, feel free to send it to the wastebasket.
    Do not use your desk as a place to store documents - use special folders for this purpose.
    Always make sure you have the necessary equipment. All tools and accessories that you use regularly should be at hand.
    Do not move piles of documents from your desk to other areas of the office.
    Try to process and register documents daily. If you take documents out of a filing cabinet, make it a point to put them back in their place as soon as possible.

    "Human Resources Department commercial organization", 2011, N 12

    Among the organizational measures that are listed in Part 3 of Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there is an obligation for persons authorized by local regulations to negotiate the conditions for concluding an employment contract. But before signing it, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee against signature with the internal labor regulations, collective agreement, other local regulations directly related to the work activity of the employee. The latter include those acts in force in a given organization that contain information necessary for a citizen who wants to conclude labor contract to make an informed decision. Which ones - you can find out from parts 1 and 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which lists the information and conditions that are mandatory for inclusion in an employment contract (for example, about the place of work).

    At the same time, Part 4 of Art. 57 allows the parties to the employment contract to introduce additional conditions into it (not worsening the position of the employee compared to the established labor law and other normative legal acts containing norms labor law, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations), in particular, specifying the place of work (indicate structural subdivision and its location), workplace (for example, office N 21). The inclusion of information about the workplace in the employment contract improves the position of the employee, since it limits the employer's ability to arbitrarily change the specified condition during the validity period. labor relations. In this case, the representatives of the employer, conducting preliminary negotiations with a potential employee about the conditions included in the employment contract, are obliged to familiarize him with the workplace.

    What is an equipped workplace? The answer to this question can be found in Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the employer is obliged to provide normal conditions for employees to fulfill production standards - to provide a workplace that is not only equipped with everything necessary for productive work, but also safe for the health of workers. Although this article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not directly related to personnel officers, you can use the conditions specified in it by analogy. These conditions include, in particular:

    • good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment;
    • timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work;
    • proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary for the performance of work, their timely provision to the employee;
    • ensuring labor protection and production safety in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

    What are the specific conditions the employer must create for effective work, for example, to the personnel inspector? What should be the typical workplace of an HR officer and what premises should the HR department consist of? We note right away that we did not find any modern special norms or recommendations adopted at the federal level regarding the norms and standards that determine the requirements for workplaces and premises of the personnel department. Therefore, we turn to by-laws and special literature.<1>dedicated to the research question. Examples of them will be brought to your attention.<2>.

    <1>See, for example, brochures: Scientific organization of managerial work. Moscow: Progress, 1968; Leader's work. M.: Economics (a series of annual thematic issues: 1975 - 1978); Typical design of the workplace for the head of production for light industry. M.: IPK of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, 1970; Intersectoral guidelines to prevent overwork of workers of physical and mental labor. Moscow: Research Institute of Labor, 1979.
    <2>Dictionary-reference book for the work of personnel service. Moscow: Moscow personnel center at the main department for labor and social issues of the Moscow City Executive Committee, 1989. 102 p.

    Work areas of the personnel department

    The labor activity of employees involved in the recruitment and accounting of personnel is regulated job descriptions compiled in accordance with the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees<3>(hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Handbook of Employees). Organizational requirements for labor activity for the function "recruitment and training" are specified in Sample project organization of work of employees<4>.

    <3>Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 21, 1998 N 37 (effective as amended on March 14, 2011).
    <4>Initially published as an act "Organization of labor of workers and employees. Enterprise management" ( latest release dated 1990). It should be in specialized scientific and technical libraries. For more detailed information you can contact the successor of the Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor, the specialized Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Labor and social insurance"or to its structural subdivision - the Central Branch Bureau of Scientific and Technical Information and Propaganda.

    In accordance with standard requirements the personnel department, consisting of the head (chief or HR manager) and several employees subordinate to him, engaged in personnel work, should have an office layout. The workplace of a person engaged in managerial work is called an office in all regulations and special literature.<5>.

    In the premises of the personnel department, in addition to the office of its head, there should be offices for employees and a working area (room) for receiving visitors and employees. This separate room is specially equipped to work with employees of the organization and candidates. For the convenience of paperwork by persons who arrived at the personnel service, a table and several chairs or chairs are placed in it.

    Microclimatic conditions ( allowable temperature, frequency of air exchange and its relative humidity) in offices (rooms) must comply with GOST 12.1.005-88 "SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area". When designing or equipping an office, it is necessary to strictly comply with the workplace illumination standards SP 52.13330.2011 "Natural and artificial lighting". The noise level in the working area should not exceed the permissible limits provided for by GOST 12.1.003-83 "SSBT. Noise. General requirements security."

    The area of ​​the premises in which the personnel department is located must comply with the requirements of SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures". They also provide for the rational placement of furniture and office equipment. The temperature level in the working premises must comply with the requirements established by sanitary standards - from 18 to 20 degrees. Celsius.

    Workplace of a personnel officer

    To imagine what a typical workplace of a personnel officer (related according to Qualification Handbook employees to the category of professional employees), we will use the recommendations on the creation of specialized places for personnel officers, proposed at the time by the Main Directorate for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow City Executive Committee to simplify the certification of jobs in Moscow organizations. Let us take into account at the same time that the considered acts, as well as the current recommendations and standards, are morally obsolete and therefore they can only be used as Toolkit. Based on it, local regulations must be approved by the head of the organization.

    But first, let's get acquainted with the content of the concept of "workplace", which is formulated by experts in the application of conventions international organization Labor (ILO) in the Global Jobs Pact report<6>. According to this document, a structural subdivision is formed from workplaces (work zones) with employees attached to them (if it is not a small enterprise in terms of number), and from a number of subdivisions - an organization as a whole as a typical management model production process and the workforce. Consequently, the world community believes that the workplace is a limited territory of the employer, equipped for the specific employee to implement his labor function. A similar definition is accepted in the theory of labor law.

    <6>Faced with the prospect of continued increases in unemployment, poverty, inequality and continued distress for businesses, in June 2009 international Conference Labor, with the participation of governments, employers and workers represented by delegates from 183 ILO member states, unanimously adopted the Global Jobs Pact, calling on UN members to comply with international standards labor laws that oblige governments and employers to create and keep jobs.

    So, ILO experts consider the workplace as the primary unit (initial link) in the system of elements that determine the structure of the organization, that is, as part of the territory of the entrepreneur, adapted by him for the performance of a labor function by workers or a group of workers (including a team) of a common production task. In other words, the workplace is a spatial zone equipped with the necessary means of labor, in which the labor activity of an employee or a group of employees who jointly perform a production task is performed.

    What is meant by an equipped workplace for an employee of the personnel service of organizations in Moscow? The special literature says the following: for personnel officers, it means located on a certain amount of area per employee, an appropriate set of furniture and technical means required to perform production functions - working with people and working with documents.

    With a cabinet layout, it should have a working area in which a wall cabinet, a desk with a swivel attachment for easy movement of the necessary devices (telephone, printer, etc.) and documents, a lifting and swivel chair are placed. The equipment of the workplace should provide the personnel officer with the opportunity to receive high-quality information in a timely manner and use it in the preparation management decisions. The set of office equipment should include communication equipment (telephone, fax), small office equipment (calculators, etc.).

    In turn, in the Intersectoral consolidated time standards for recruitment and accounting of personnel (hereinafter - the Aggregate Standards)<7>contains the following explanations of what should be the equipped workplaces of the personnel inspector and the timekeeper.

    <7>Approved by the Decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991 N 78.

    Thus, the workplace of the personnel inspector is equipped with a lifting and swivel chair, a single-pedestal table with an attachment that provides convenient placement of office equipment and work items on it, and in the drawers of the table - storage of relevant documentation and stationery.

    Desk drawers should be equipped with devices for the convenient location of folders. It is advisable to attach a card with a list of the folders in it to each box. Cases and folders should be clearly marked, different colors, code marks, so that after use they can be easily returned to their original place. The minimum number of documents required for operational work during the working day should be on the table.

    To store special and reference literature, as well as folders with reporting and other documents, you need a cabinet or shelves and racks corresponding to it in size, for storage work books and other forms strict accountability- fireproof and waterproof cabinet or safe.

    The timekeeper's workplace is equipped with a single-table table, a lifting and swivel chair, a safe for storing daily reporting forms on the availability of personnel, temporary disability certificates, patient care certificates and other documents confirming the absence of employees at work for good reasons.

    When arranging furniture in workrooms, one should take into account the convenience of approaching each workplace and focus on a rational scheme for the movement of documents, taking into account the specialization of performers.

    In addition, there must be created safe conditions labor and a set of organizational and technical conditions that ensure the possibility of normal work of personnel department employees in accordance with applicable sanitary and hygienic norms and standards<8>.

    <8>See, for example, GOST 12.2.032-78 "SSBT. Workplace when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements" and GOST 12.2.033-78 "SSBT. Workplace when performing work while standing. General ergonomic requirements".

    If the organization has put into operation the system "ACS-personnel"<9>(included in the network devices and software, with the help of which electronic document management is carried out), a complete set of technical means will be required to ensure its operation. The head of the personnel department should familiarize himself with the special literature<10>. You will also need to comply with SanPiN " Hygiene requirements to personal electronic computers and organization of work"<11>.

    <9>As an alternative to "ACS-cadres", it is permissible to use the "1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8 Basic" subsystem (or its more complete analogues "Professional" or "Corporate"), which is part of the "1C: Enterprise 8" program system, which includes platform and application solutions developed on its basis to automate the activities of organizations and individuals.
    <10>See, for example: Appak M.A. Automated workplaces based on personal computers. M.: Radio and communication, 1989. 176 p.; Vinokurov M.A. Computer technologies in personnel services / M.A. Vinokurov, R.D. Gutgarts, V.A. Parkhomov. I.: IGEA Publishing House, 1997. 198 p.; Vasiliev D.V. Office work on the computer. Ed. 2nd, add. M.: Strix, 1999. 224 p.; Kantar I.L. Automated workplaces of the administrative apparatus. 1990. 304 p.
    <11>See the article by T.Yu. Blyashko "We organize work in rooms with personal computers", 2010, N 5, p. 59 - 66; also see Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2003 N 118 "On the Enactment of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03" (as amended on 03.09.2010). The original text of the document is published in " Russian newspaper" dated 06/21/2003.

    Automated workplace of a personnel officer

    The qualification handbook of employees establishes the following qualification requirements to the position of Head of Human Resources. His responsibilities include: 1) implementation modern methods personnel management using the "ACS-personnel" subsystem and automated workstations (AM) of personnel department employees; 2) creation of a data bank on the personnel of the organization; 3) timely replenishment of this bank; 4) prompt provision of information to users from the data bank, etc. In turn, the requirements for his knowledge indicate that he must know the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise and the possibility of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services.

    With the subsystem "ACS-cadres" operating in the organization, the workplace of the personnel officer should be transformed into his automated workplace (AWS) by adding technical means to the existing set of furniture network equipment and software. This will enable the implementation electronic document management.

    The choice of specific technical means, their functional, volumetric and cost indicators are influenced by such factors as the volume of document circulation, the method of operating technical means, the volume of copied documents, the technological and operational characteristics of the equipment, the manufacturer of the equipment; operating cost. How are typical workstations of the head (head) of the personnel service and the performer of personnel work (HR manager) described on the Internet and in special literature? They consist of:

    • PC, including the system unit, display (monitor), keyboard, mouse;
    • a telephone and a multifunctional device (MFP), which includes a scanner, a printer and a copier (per department), and, if necessary, a desktop telephone switch;
    • fax modem, which is used to transfer electronic documents stored in the computer's memory;
    • shredder - paper shredder (per department).

    Such a workstation will ensure the exchange of information, including between the personnel department and the accounting department, as well as the supply of other departments with open personnel information. In addition, it will make it possible to create a data bank on the organization's personnel, provide the possibility of its timely replenishment and prompt provision of information to users admitted to it. The organization of a workstation for personnel officers allows you to quickly solve current problems personnel records and paperwork, automate the process of maintaining personnel reserve, creating and processing questionnaires, etc. In addition, with the introduction of the ACS-cadres system, the conditions for the interaction of such important departments for the production and economic activities of the organization as the personnel department and accounting department are simplified: they can use the network server channel in the local (internal) computer network.

    Note that the company "1C" produces a special program "1C: Salary and Personnel". The company and related partners can order the creation of non-standard or individual software product, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization. After implementation latest technology personnel management and training in the rules of its use, the firm and its partners (or representatives) provide further technical support and accompaniment.

    Legal requirements for document exchange between workplaces of personnel officers and other users of personnel information

    The introduction into the practice of document exchange between employees, representatives of the employer and departments, electronic document management should be preceded by an order from the head on the appointment of persons responsible for its functioning. By virtue of Ch. 14 "Protection of personal data of an employee" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see Articles 85 - 90), access of persons to the information archive should be reduced to a minimum. Only the head of the HR department and the HR specialist appointed by the order of the organization as the person responsible for the storage and use of personal data of employees should have full access.

    Nevertheless, all employees of the personnel department involved in the implementation of workflow and admitted to personnel management using the ACS-cadres system and AWS should have access to individual positions of personal data of employees. Moreover, our legislation does not currently regulate this type of legal relationship between an employee and an employer, therefore, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties should be regulated in local regulations or in individual agreements.

    At the same time, you need to know that in the field personnel document flow personnel officers are not entitled to replace paper documents signed by an authorized person with their electronic copies in the memory of a PC (computer). In the event of a labor dispute, the current legislation does not allow us to consider as evidence, for example, the fact of dismissal of an employee, an order to this effect in the form of a printout of the original located on the hard drive of the PC. This situation has arisen due to the fact that neither the supervisory authorities, nor the CCC, nor the court have the proper equipment to verify the will of the head of the institution if the document does not have a facsimile or digital signature(EDS).



    deputy head

    departments of labor law

    and rights social security ATiSO,

    Scientific Secretary

    doctoral dissertation

    council at ATiSO

    V.V. Arkhipov

    practicing lawyer