Not a typical project. What are the benefits of standard house designs. Application of standard design documentation

The status of standard projects is not defined by law.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Currently, the status of standard design documentation is confirmed by the inclusion in the register of standard design documentation. The responsibility for maintaining the register is assigned to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
The "old" standard design documentation cannot currently be considered as "actual", "active" or "inactive", from the date of entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it all automatically became a reference.
Currently, standard design documentation as such does not exist. There is an author's project documentation, the use of which is possible by third parties if it has received a positive assessment state expertise and when concluding an agreement with the copyright holder.
Due to changes regulatory framework(the entry into force of technical regulations, the gradual transition to technical regulation within the framework of the Customs Union) it must be remembered that the "old" standard project documentation can be used in the part that does not contradict the requirements of technical regulations. Otherwise, the body of state construction supervision will subsequently be entitled to bring to administrative responsibility for deviations from the requirements of technical regulations. Standard design documentation developed after the entry into force of technical regulations can be used as appropriate current regulations.
When using individual "standard products", for example, cable ladders of the NLK series, it must be remembered that these products do not fall into the category of "standard design documentation" in the current this moment meaning. These components, products, parts can be used in project documentation if they comply with current standards, but, in addition to referring to a specific series, it would be correct to present a sheet from the corresponding album as part of the project documentation. If such a sheet is not issued in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2009, then it must be issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2009.
Project documentation included in author's catalogs(such as JSC "ROSEP", Russian Railways, etc.), can be used as a recommendation.

it should be noted that GOST R 21.1101-2009 has been replaced by GOST R 21.1101-2013

GOST R 21.1101-2013
4.2.8 In working drawings, it is allowed to use typical building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products.
In the "Referenced documents" section indicate the documents according to 4.2.8. At the same time, in the corresponding columns of the statement, indicate the designation and name of the series and the issue number of drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies or the designation and name of the standard.

  • The advantage of standard projects is also a fixed price and a quick turnaround time. It takes up to 8 weeks to adapt the project to individual requirements.

It so happened that you need to build a house, the site is decorated. But building a house is a very serious and expensive matter.

Therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparations that will help the developer significantly save money, time and save nervous system from stress. First, all experts say that it is impossible to save on a project, since the more accurately it is made, the more accurately the cost of construction will be determined. If you buy a project from a catalog, it may turn out that you have a project for another region. If it is for the North, there will be an overrun of materials; if the house is designed for the South, this project cannot be built. Or it turns out that the applied design solutions are not the most economical, and the materials are expensive and not available in nearby building markets. As a result, an individual project may turn out to be more expensive than 30 thousand, but it will save materials by half a million. If you decide what to build according to a standard project, then it should be developed in your region, designed for local soils and local materials.

A typical project will not give a reference to the construction site, wind rose, geological conditions. Therefore, the house must be "planted" on the site.

Then the following will be taken into account:

  • location of other buildings;
  • the slope of the site, the house is placed closer to the flat part;
  • the foundation will be cheaper;
  • the width of the plot (the house should at least fit on the plot;
  • the presence of cars in the family;
  • Do you need parking in front of the house or not;
  • orientation in parts of the world, in order to know where and when the sun shines;
  • it’s good if the sun is in the nursery in the morning, and in the living room in the evening.

Any capital construction involves preliminary design, the construction of cottages is no exception. At this stage, the owner has two options:

draw up an individual project of the future building, or use ready-made solutions - standard projects cottages. Each of the options has its pros and cons. Individual project will allow the customer to realize all his architectural ideas, but it will turn out to be much more expensive, and possibly impractical, since it is not always possible to predict all the performance of the future building. Standard projects of cottages can significantly save on the design stage. In addition, the widespread practice of real construction according to existing projects ensures high reliability of structures and guarantees the comfort of living for the owner, reduces construction time and allows you to accurately calculate the amount of required materials, and hence the final costs. This option is interesting for cottage settlements, which are often kept in the same architectural style.

Typical projects of houses: not everything is so simple Have you ever wondered where the construction of houses begins?

Undoubtedly, from the idea: - And how wonderful it would be to build your own personal country house!

Perhaps so, or maybe not quite so, but it is thanks to the idea that suddenly arose in our mind that we owe literally everything that we have achieved, that we have.

If we have an idea and a desire, we can say these cherished words: forward - to our dreams. However, even those seemingly simple, initial independent steps will moderate your ardor and zeal a little. Let's be honest, at the beginning of the construction of houses, many, if not more owners, do not think about the architectural component of their house, and after the completion of construction, annoying disappointments are so common: it would be nice to make the bathroom wider, the bedroom a little more comfortable, and even the design of the building would not be bad to think about better, there are a lot of such reasons. To prevent such situations, we recommend that you build on standard house designs.

At the moment, there are many decent types and designs of houses that are contained in every reputable company or firm. On this issue, you can find a lot more positive points than you might think. At its core, typical projects can be described as mass, or rather, the positive meaning of the word. The main positive aspect of typical projects is the lack of spontaneity, a possible mistake that can have a significant impact on the design of the house as a whole. In addition, standard house designs have been tested in practice, from which it follows that all possible shortcomings were taken into account and eliminated. Furthermore finished project houses will be developed in accordance with the area of ​​​​future construction, in much less time and, accordingly, less money. But one cannot fail to say that there is practically no moment of individuality in mass production, therefore it is the personal choice of everyone, which is the best solution: a well-established and proven standard house project or a completely individual, but not tested.

What else can be said about this? Almost every person wants his future home to be different from others in individuality, to have something special and attractive, but also everyone wants to be sure of the quality of the construction of his house. We do not have the right to decide for you what is more important, so we advise you to try to combine these concepts and order an improvement of the standard project to your taste, but do not overdo it so that you do not regret it later and remember: your home is your abode.

Typical power supply project

A typical power supply project is one of the most important parts of the construction material.

It is compiled by professional electricians for any building volume, including residential and industrial premises.

Even if you are starting to make repairs in an apartment or a small room, having such documentation is very useful. The drawings reflect the entire location of possible electrical appliances, sockets, the position of switches, the direction and height of electrical wiring lines are schematically shown. It is also shown what section the cable runs in one place or another, the maximum consumption load is calculated. All these parameters are set on the basis of the construction and design project of the premises.

We can safely say that a typical power supply project is one of the components of security. Seeing in the drawings the location of the wiring made by one master, the other will definitely not fall into it, performing subsequent work. Thus, you will be largely insured: both from accidental traumatic cases and from useless work to repair a newly laid electrical wire. And also, arranging the furniture, according to the sketches, not a single outlet will be in an inaccessible place for you.

Attention! Any standard project is a set of drawings that needs to be tied to a territory.

  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings - you can build a warehouse in an open field - no, you can’t, see p.p. 1,2,3,4,5.
  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings you can save a lot - no, you can’t, saving 10%, you will be given such a discount anyway.
  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings - you can win time - no, you can’t, a win of 10 - 15 days will be provided to you anyway.
  • There are no and there are no standard projects - having bought which you can build.

A typical warehouse project offers a universal solution for the storage of products, adapted to the individual characteristics of the customer. Such projects embody the best planning experience with rational use warehouse premises. Typical projects describe the construction part, power supply, communications, security and have a package of documents for approval, except for paragraphs. 1,2,3,4,5. They offer several options.

The advantage of standard projects is also a fixed price and a quick turnaround time. It takes up to 8 weeks to adapt the project to individual requirements. The need for adaptation is due to:

  1. Territory planning project and project section " general plan and transport" (development of a draft PT and a section of the GP&T - these sections are tied to the territory of placement);
  2. External engineering networks (development of the section Engineering equipment, networks and systems of VK / OV / EO / SS / A / AUPT (AUPS) / G / NVK / TS / ES / NSS / GOS (off-site) - these sections are tied to the territory of placement);
  3. Environmental requirements of the territory (development of the environmental protection section - this section is tied to the territory of placement);
  4. Storage technology (development of the TX section - this section is linked to the OOS section);
  5. Geological conditions of the building site (differences in soil and climatic conditions of the area where construction is planned).
    Also, standard projects are easily modified to suit individual architectural and artistic requirements.

This is a ready-made, designed plan of a warehouse building, adapted to the specific conditions of building construction and its operation.

The use of a standard project slightly reduces the design time, since there is no need to develop conceptually new project building and its design. The process of adapting a typical project takes from several days to 8 weeks, and includes the adaptation of the foundation, which consists in recalculating the foundation for the type of soil on which the building will be erected.

A typical warehouse project contains a selection of project documentation for approval and construction. The walls of the warehouse, built according to a standard project, are made of panels (see photo). Wall panel materials are determined during project adaptation. The roof is assembled from profiled sheets.

Typical project of a residential building

A typical project of a residential building for a customer is a document that allows you to control the production of work, their architectural and construction quality, as well as the consumption of structural and finishing materials during construction.

The composition of the architectural and construction section includes, in addition to facades, a set of drawings containing:

  • floor plans, indicating the layout and dimensions of all rooms;
  • drawings and specifications describing the roof structure;
  • documents describing the design of the building, including layouts of foundations, stairs and other structural elements, as well as specifications for the products and materials used.

The engineering section describes the device and contains drawings and diagrams engineering systems at home: water supply and sewerage, electrical equipment, gas supply, heating and ventilation, as well as the specifications of the equipment used and the necessary calculations.

A mandatory document in the project is the project passport. Changes and adjustments to the standard project of a residential building by the organizations that designed the house are not made.

Suggest other types of cooperation. Good!

Which can be applied to a large number of different objects, used for implementation by many performers in different conditions.

Economics and law: a dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

See what a "TYPICAL PROJECT" is in other dictionaries:

    The project, which can be applied to a vast number of objects, has been used for implementation by many performers in different conditions. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M ... Economic dictionary

    standard project- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M.: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics Information Technology in general EN standard project …

    standard project- tipinis projektas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. standard design vok. Standardausführung, f; Standardentwurf, m rus. typical project, m pranc. projet type, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    standard project- a project that can be applied to a vast number of objects, used for implementation by many performers in different conditions ... Dictionary of economic terms

    Sample project- mostly houses reinforced concrete structures produced by local house-building factories (DSK). typical, in this case, says that houses built from the products of a particular DSC differ from each other, except ... ... Housing Encyclopedia

    Cinema "Pervomaisky" A typical project of cinemas is a project according to which cinemas were built ... Wikipedia

    A project intended for the construction of similar structures. 11a f. such projects primarily provide for mass construction objects, such as: artificial structures (pipes, bridges, overpasses), passage. buildings, stations... Technical railway dictionary

    standard project- The project of an enterprise, building, structure and their complexes, intended for multiple use, by linking to specific construction conditions [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy of the USSR)] Topics ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    - (see STANDARD PROJECT) … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    Model National Law on the Development of Tolerance A document prepared by a group of experts of the European Council for Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR) and legally regulating legal relations in such an area as tolerance in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Prevention is a priority of clinical mammology, Rozhkova N. I., Kaprin Andrey Dmitrievich. The book presents the latest achievements of scientific and practical medicine in the field of prevention of breast diseases. Described in detail modern system disease screening...

From September 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 368-FZ of July 3, 2016, changes are made to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

The federal law provides for the selection among the project documentation of objects capital construction reuse design documents, cost-effective reuse design documents and modified design documents.

Thus, design documentation for reuse is recognized as design documentation for a capital construction facility that has received a positive conclusion from the examination of design documentation and can be used in the preparation of design documentation for the construction of a capital construction facility similar in purpose and design capacity. Federal law provides that the criteria economic efficiency design documentation for reuse are established by the Government Russian Federation.

Modified project documentation is recognized as project documentation, in which, after receiving a positive conclusion from the examination of project documentation, changes have been made that do not affect the design and other safety characteristics of the capital construction object.

It is not required to conduct an examination of the modified design documentation, as well as sections of the design documentation prepared using the reuse design documentation, which have not been amended.

Application of standard design documentation

Over the past years, the concept of "standard design documentation" has undergone changes. Many questions arise when using standard design documentation in modern design.

The company "PRO-INFO" has accumulated a lot of experience answering the questions of users of the "Techexpert" systems about the status of standard design documentation, the procedure for its application in the design, the use of Indexes and Lists of design documentation, and their compliance with modern legislation.

Frequently asked Questions

1. What is standard project documentation, does such a concept currently exist?

Before the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (until 01/01/2005), the concept of "standard project documentation", as well as the procedure for its development and use, were described in various regulatory documents.

Until 2002, the composition and procedure for the development of standard design documentation was established in SN 227-82 "Instructions for standard design". Since 01/01/2002, SNiP 11-03-2001 "Standard design documentation" has been in force, replacing SN 227-82.

According to SNiP 11-03-2001, standard design documentation was defined as space-planning solutions developed on the basis of unification and typing and included in federal fund documentation in construction sets of documents for the creation of buildings and structures, structures, products and assemblies for multiple use in construction, containing text and graphic materials.

Typical design documentation, depending on the purpose, was divided into the following types:

  • standard building structures, products and assemblies (standard series) - for multiple use in design and construction, as well as in mass (batch) production and use at construction industry enterprises and construction sites;
  • standard projects - for the construction of buildings and structures, binding to a specific construction site or for the development of individual projects;
  • standard materials for design - for methodological support for the design of specific construction objects, binding standard projects.

The decision to assign the developed project documentation the status of "standard" was made by federal agency in architecture and urban planning.

The approved standard design documentation was to be included in the Standard Design Documentation Fund. The authority to maintain the TPD Fund was assigned to the CITP (then JSC "CPP", later - "CITP named after Ordzhonikidze"). The structure of the TPD Fund repeats the structure of the Construction Catalogue, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated August 30, 2000 N 84. Standard series and standard materials for design were included in the SK-3 construction catalog, standard projects - in the SK-2 construction catalog.

After the entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, an order was adopted by the Ministry regional development of the Russian Federation dated 09.07.2007 N 62 "On approval of the criteria for classifying design documentation as standard design documentation, as well as modified standard design documentation that does not affect the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction projects". The order gave a different definition of standard design documentation: "Reusable design documentation for a capital construction object, consisting of the following sections (including all drawings, diagrams, etc.): architectural solutions; structural and space-planning solutions, with the exception of decisions on foundations; information on engineering equipment, on networks of engineering support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions, with the exception of decisions on external engineering networks (hereinafter referred to as standard design documentation), as well as the applicable standard design documentation of a capital construction object, which has been amended , which do not affect the characteristics of structures, elements of structural systems of a capital construction object, affecting the reliability of their work and the ability to maintain the operational qualities of a capital construction object during the service life of such an object (hereinafter referred to as the modified standard design ny documentation that does not affect the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction projects) is developed in accordance with Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the features established by this Regulation. Thus, only design documentation for the object as a whole, and not individual units, structures, began to be referred to as standard. Order N 62 was canceled by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation N 27 of 01/31/2011.

Since the beginning of 2011, the concept of "standard design documentation" has also changed several times. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2007 N 145, standard design documentation or design documentation for reuse was considered design documentation for seven years from the date of receipt of the initial positive conclusion of the state examination until the date of filing an application for a state examination of the results of engineering surveys, "zero cycle and networks of engineering and technical support.

In 2011, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 N 791 "On the formation of a register of standard design documentation and amendments to some resolutions of the Russian Federation" was adopted, in accordance with which design documentation was classified as standard design documentation, which received a positive conclusion from the state examination of design documentation and reused.

Federal Law No. 337-FZ of 28.11.2011 amended the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which standard design documentation began to include design documentation for capital construction projects that received a positive conclusion from the state examination or non-state examination and is reused (Part 3 of Article 49 of the Town Planning Code). Code of the Russian Federation).

This concept of standard project documentation remains to this day.

2. Can the "old" standard project documentation be considered as relevant? Is it legal to apply the concept of "active" / "inactive" to standard design documentation?

Currently, the status of standard design documentation is confirmed by the inclusion in the register of standard design documentation. The responsibility for maintaining the register was assigned to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (later - to the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 N 791 introduced the concept of "registry of standard design documentation". This is a list of project documentation for capital construction projects being compiled by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation that has received a positive conclusion from the state expertise and is recommended for reuse.

In the same Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 N 791, it is determined that “information on design documentation for residential and administrative buildings, social, cultural and household facilities (cultural, educational, health facilities, sports buildings and structures, etc.), during the preparation, which were applied modern economical resource- and energy-saving, architectural and planning, constructive, engineering, technological and organizational solutions and which is recommended for mass re-use when creating capital construction objects due to or with the involvement of funds from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of March 29, 2013 N 106 "Information on project documentation is included in the Register, provided that the capital construction object for which the project documentation is prepared, being similar in purpose, type and technical and economic indicators to other capital construction objects, information on standard design documentation in respect of which are submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation or which are included in the Register, has the best ratio of the cost of construction of a capital construction facility to the estimated life, usable area to the total area of ​​a capital construction facility, resource consumption per unit of capacity, necessary for the operation of the capital construction object, and with equal indicators - in its preparation, previously not used architectural and planning, structural, engineering, technological and (or) organizational innovative solutions".

The register of standard project documentation is located on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in the "Documents" section. You can download it in Techexpert "TPD" systems under the banner "Register of TPD Minstroy".

The "old" standard design documentation cannot currently be considered as "active" or "inactive", since the date of entry into force of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, all of it has automatically become a reference.

3. Is it possible to use the "old" standard project documentation in modern conditions when designing objects? Are there any peculiarities of passing the examination of projects when using the TPD? In what form should it be submitted for examination if it is part of a new project (structures, units)?

At present, standard design documentation as such, that is, developed on the basis of unification, typification and for mass use, does not exist. There is an author's project documentation, the use of which is possible by third-party organizations if it has received a positive assessment of state or non-state expertise and upon conclusion of an agreement with the copyright holder.

In connection with changes in the regulatory framework (entry into force of technical regulations, transition to technical regulation within the framework of the Customs Union), it must be remembered that the "old" standard project documentation can be used to the extent that it meets the requirements of the current technical regulations. Otherwise, subsequently the body of state construction supervision will be entitled to bring to administrative responsibility for deviations from the requirements of technical regulations. For example, when building state needs it must be taken into account that any materials and equipment that will be used in this building must meet the requirements of energy efficiency class "A". This is how the provisions of Article 13 of the technical regulation "On the safety of buildings and structures" are implemented ( the federal law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ). In the development of Article 6 of this technical regulation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.21.2010 N 1047-r "On approval of the list of standards, the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures the fulfillment of the requirements of the technical regulation" On the safety of buildings and structures" was adopted. From 07.01.2015 to replace the list approved by Decree N 1047-r, the list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 is valid.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 N 145, when using standard project documentation, it is mandatory to submit a document confirming the right to use it (for example, a license agreement), as well as a document confirming the compliance with climatic and other conditions in which the standard project documentation planned for re-use, the conditions under which it was developed for the original use. To apply standard design documentation, it is also necessary to submit foundations, engineering networks and engineering surveys for state expertise. This is necessary to link project documentation to a specific construction site.

Please note that at the moment the main requirements for the design of project documentation are regulated by GOST R 21.1101. GOST R 21.1101-2009 was mandatory by virtue of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1047-r dated 06/21/2010. From 07/01/2015, instead of the list N 1047-r, the list N 1521 dated 12/26/2015 is valid.

GOST R 21.1101-2009 was replaced on 01.01.2014 by GOST R 21.1101-2013, however, GOST R 21.1101-2013 was not included in the list N 1521, thus losing its obligation.

Nevertheless, GOST R 21.1101-2013 is included in the List of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", approved by order of Rosstandart dated 30.03.2015 N 365 (in edition of the Order of Rosstandart dated December 25, 2015 N 1650). Thus, the execution of project documentation should be carried out in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013.

When using individual "standard products", for example cable ladders of the NLK series, it must be remembered that these products do not belong to the category of "standard design documentation" in the modern sense. These components, products, parts can be used in project documentation if they comply with current standards, but, in addition to referring to a specific series, it would be correct to present a sheet from the corresponding album as part of the project documentation. If such a sheet is not issued in accordance with GOST R 21.1101, then it should be issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013.

Design documentation included in the author's catalogs (such as JSC "ROSEP", JSC "Russian Railways", etc.) can be used as a recommendation. At the same time, it must be remembered: if departmental requirements are softer than the norms of federal legislation, then it is necessary to use federal norms, if it is tougher, you can give preference to departmental standards. Departmental standards will be mandatory, which are specified in the design contract within the framework of Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or within the framework of the standards and rules of the SRO (Article 55.5 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation), if their requirements do not contradict the norms of federal legislation. For example, in the "Recommendations for the implementation of building control at federal highways"(ODM 218.7.001-2009) contains more stringent requirements for as-built documentation than in RD-11-02-2006" Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks", approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated December 26, 2006 N 1128.

In connection with the foregoing, when using standard project documentation, one must understand not only whether it has the status of "standard", but also how much this project fits into the current legislation. The fundamental documents in this case are the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, technical regulations, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 (as amended of September 29, 2015 N 1033), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

4. Is it possible to use in the design of standard design documentation contained in electronic databases, such as, for example, the system "Techexpert. TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and components"?

OAO CITP named after Ordzhonikidze (formerly OAO TsPP) has been maintaining the Federal Fund for Standard Design Documentation (TPD) for several decades, which includes 7.5 thousand standard projects and 4.1 thousand issues of documentation of standard building structures, assemblies and details, and publishes Indexes and Lists of standard project documentation of the all-Russian construction catalog. Today there are: List SK-1, Index SK-3, Lists SK-2 (P-2.04-2006, P2.02-2003, P-2.08-2006, P2.01-2002), List SK-3 and List SK-11.

All these publications, especially Index SK-3, are unique. They are created on the basis of information provided by the developers of standard design documentation. This information formed the basis of the base for the Techexpert: TPD product line, including Techexpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and assemblies.

The use of standard design documentation included in the Techexpert: TPD product line is not only acceptable, but in some cases inevitable due to the lack of analogues in modern design. The old standard design documentation was created by the efforts of entire institutes and design organizations, its quality is checked by time.

Thus, the product line "Techexpert: TPD" can be used in modern design, its use is allowed by the examination, but it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the current regulatory documents listed above. For example, the examination allows to attach to the set of design documentation a printout of any drawing of standard design documentation from the Techexpert: TPD product databases, provided that the drawing is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2013.

5. If there were changes in the standard series and standard designs, are such changes reflected in the TPD included in the "Techexpert: TPD" program?

All changes in the TPD, registered in OJSC "CITP named after Ordzhonikidze" (formerly OJSC "CPP"), were published in the Information Bulletin, which was prepared and issued by OJSC "CITP". It was a streamlined, centralized process.

As a rule, the developer of standard design documentation himself provided this information for publication. Currently JSC "CITP" continues to issue a monthly information bulletin. Our company keeps track of all changes related to project documentation, primarily on the basis of information published in the newsletter.

6. What "Project documentation catalogs" are contained in the "Techexpert: TPD" system and what information do they contain?

The "Techexpert: TPD" system contains SK-2, SK-3, SK-11 as part of the information product "Techexpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and components" and others. The system also contains the materials of the "Catalogues of design documentation for reuse" compiled by OAO "TsITP named after Ordzhonikidze". They are included in the form of catalog sheets/data sheets.

The product "Techexpert: TPD. Buildings, structures, structures and components" contains catalogs on the following topics:

  • low-rise residential houses of cottage type;
  • low-rise residential buildings of urban type, 2-5-storey;
  • multi-storey brick residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • large-panel and block residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • residential buildings over 5 floors with a mixed frame with various types of enclosing structures;
  • monolithic residential buildings over 5 floors;
  • mobile buildings for various purposes;
  • general education schools;
  • public buildings and structures;
  • industrial buildings and structures of industrial enterprises;
  • unified solutions for temporary buildings and structures.

For each of the projects, brief information and main technical and economic indicators are provided, as well as graphic materials of building solutions (facades, plans, sections, etc.) for the selection of project documentation for use in design and construction.

The "Techexpert: TPD" system, in fact, is a comprehensive catalog of design documentation, since it includes information not only from all existing catalogs and registers of standard design documentation, but also information about old and new design documentation that is not included in any of the existing directories. Information about modern design documentation and the design documentation itself are included on the basis of agreements with copyright holders.

7. What changes in the field of standard design are currently taking place and are expected in the future?

Order of the Ministry of Construction dated March 13, 2015 N 170 / pr approved the Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the field of construction. In accordance with this Plan, in 2015, the basis for new system standard design, in particular, changes should be made to the Town Planning Code, Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ, Government Decrees of 02/16/2008 N 87, 03/05/2007 N 145 and 09/27/2011 N 791, order of the Ministry of Regional Development RF of November 16, 2010 N 497, order of the Ministry of Construction of November 17, 2014 N 719 / pr and others regulations relating to standard design documentation.

When applying the design documentation included in the register, one should be guided by " methodological recommendations on the use of standard design documentation, information about which is included in the register of standard design documentation, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2015 N 682/pr/.


  • approval of a regulatory legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation, which determines the mandatory use of standard design documentation for the construction of facilities using federal budget funds and state non-budgetary funds;
  • development of the Code of Rules "Typical Design Documentation", which establishes the procedure for the development, approval, examination, approval, publication, distribution and application of standard design documentation.

8. What modern technologies in the field of design are mastered?

Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 926 / pr (as amended on March 4, 2015) approved the Plan for the phased introduction of information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil construction (BIM technologies), which provides for the possibility of conducting an examination of project documentation prepared taking into account such technologies . The plan provides for the launch in 2015 of pilot standard projects using 3D design.

As part of the plan for the implementation of information modeling technologies for buildings in the field of industrial and civil construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia N 151 / pr dated March 4, 2015, the Research Center "Construction" subordinate to the Ministry of Construction of Russia completed the development of the first editions of national standards for information modeling of construction objects. The standards have been developed in accordance with the 2015 National Standards Development Program and are based on the relevant ISO BIM standards.

The following draft national standards are presented: information modeling of buildings and structures: main provisions (Draft GOST R ISO 12911), requirements for the organization of work and software(Project GOST R ISO 10845-1), requirements for operational documentation of completed construction facilities (Project GOST R (new)), requirements for the exchange of information at all stages life cycle(Draft GOST R ISO 29481-1); data organization model construction work: project information management structure (GOST R ISO 22263 Draft), information classification structure (GOST R ISO 12006-2 Draft), object-oriented information structure (GOST R ISO 12006-3 Draft); guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries (Draft GOST R ISO 16354). All of the above drafts of national standards for information modeling are posted on our portal "Reform of technical regulation".

This consultation is provided free of charge to the user of the professional help system "Techexpert: Stroyexpert" as part of the service standard.

This material is a response to a private request and may no longer be relevant due to changes in legislation.

Published: July 11, 2017

Which is better: a typical cottage project or individual design

Deciding to build country cottage, everyone is faced with what project is better to build it. There are not so many options to choose from. Construction can be carried out according to or individual design.

This article will give the main advantages and disadvantages of both projects.

Typical project. A generic project is a project that has already been developed and can be used several times to various customers. The project includes all the requirements of building codes.

The main advantages of standard projects:

1. Such projects are much cheaper than individual ones. This is explained by the fact that such projects can be sold several times and much less funds are required for its development.

2. The time from the order to the issuance of the project to the customer is minimal. This time is spent only for the selection of a suitable project. Such projects are systematized, and the customer only has to look at the albums of projects and choose the most suitable one. This time can take a maximum of two weeks.

3. Taking into account the fact that construction has already been carried out on such projects, all the shortcomings that were made during the initial design have already been corrected in them.

4. Such projects are easily corrected. If, in agreement with the customer, it is necessary to make changes, then they are made by the developers.

But no matter how convenient, typical projects are, choose from them exactly the option that would satisfy cherished dream quite difficult. If the choice of a typical project did not work out, then you can order the development of an individual version of the project.

Individual project options. Such projects are developed from scratch. To develop such a project, the customer provides the designer with a design assignment, which sets out all the wishes of the customer.

The main advantages of individual project options:

1. Such a project is necessarily tied to the area where the cottage will be built. To do this, the project developer must go to the area and study: options for the location of the cottage relative to parts of the world, the composition of the soil on construction site, general utility networks (power supply, water supply, gas supply, sewerage) and other features of the region necessary for design.

2. The project must necessarily take into account all the points of the project assignment, including all types of building materials, their cost, developed technological processes all construction stages. Based on all these data, the designer draws up a detailed estimated construction cost.

One more advantage should be taken into account at this stage. If the costs turned out to be too high, then the estimated cost can be revised by choosing cheap Construction Materials and simplifying technological processes.

3. Ability to develop multiple alternative projects, taking into account options for internal planning, different functionality of rooms and other options for engineering communications.

4. Typically, such projects are carried out with a high degree of quality, since all customer requirements are taken into account.

And one more advantage is that in an individual design option, elements of new construction technologies and energy saving can be incorporated.