Hiring selection and reception staff briefly. Recruitment, selection and admission of personnel sources, requirements for candidates to fill vacancies, organization - abstract. Work with a personnel reserve on the example of Siberian Seti LLC

Hiring is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. With recruitment, personnel management begins.

There are two possible sources of recruitment: internal (from employees of the organization) and external (from people who have not previously been associated with the organization in any way).

Advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources recruitment of personnel are given below in table No. 1.

Table #1

Benefits of attracting

Disadvantages of Engagement

Internal sources of recruitment

Opportunities for career advancement

Increasing the degree of attachment to the organization.

Improving the socio-psychological climate in the workplace.

Low recruitment costs.

Applicants for the position are well known in the organization.

The applicant for the position knows this organization.

Maintaining the level of remuneration established in the organization.

The release of the position for the growth of young personnel of this organization.

Fast filling of vacant position, without long-term adaptation.

"Transparency" personnel policy.

A high degree of manageability of the current personnel situation.

Possibility of purposeful professional development of personnel.

The ability to avoid always unprofitable staff turnover.

Growth in labor productivity.

The problem of employment of own personnel is being solved.

Increasing motivation, degree of job satisfaction.

Restricting the ability to select frames.

There may be tension or rivalry in the team in the event of the appearance of several applicants for the position of leader.

The appearance of familiarity in the decision business matters, since only yesterday the applicant for the position of the head was on a par with his colleagues.

Unwillingness to refuse something to an employee who has a long work experience in this organization.

A decrease in the activity of an ordinary employee applying for the position of a manager, since the deputy manager is automatically the successor.

The number of transfers to a new position does not satisfy the need for personnel.

Only a qualitative need is satisfied, but through retraining or advanced training, which is associated with additional costs.

External sources of recruitment

More choices.

The emergence of new impulses for the development of the organization.

A new person, as a rule, easily achieves recognition.

Hiring covers the absolute need for staff.

Less threat of intrigue within the organization.

Higher recruitment costs. The high proportion of employees hired from outside contributes to an increase in staff turnover. The socio-psychological climate in the organization among long-term employees is deteriorating. High degree of risk during the probationary period. Poor knowledge of the organization. Long period of adaptation. Blocking career opportunities for employees of the organization. The new employee is not well known in the organization.

Hiring staff from internal sources largely depends on the personnel policy of the administration of the organization as a whole. Prudent use of available human resources can allow an organization to dispense with a new set.

In our country, the following sources of employment are most widespread: people who accidentally come in looking for work; newspaper ads; secondary schools; colleges; lyceums; technical schools; vocational schools, higher educational institutions; employment services; private recruitment agencies; advertisements on radio and television; unions.

When contacting specialized recruitment organizations, staff training, similar to recruitment temporary workers, accepted workers are not temporary. When applying for a job, a conversation is held with the applicant, who is asked pre-prepared questions.

For example:

  • 1. What are the candidate's long-term and short-term goals? Why and how does he prepare himself to achieve them?
  • 2. What are the candidate's non-work related goals in life. For the next five years?
  • 3. What does he really want in life?
  • 4. Why is he interested in getting this job?
  • 5. What is more important to him: money or a job he likes?
  • 6. What are the main strengths and weak sides candidate?
  • 7. How would a friend describe the candidate?
  • 8. What motivates the candidate to make the most effort?
  • 9. Does he feel that his education allows him to do the job he is applying for?
  • 10. Why should this particular candidate be hired?
  • 11. In how many days can a candidate demonstrate himself at work?
  • 12. Does he plan to continue his education?
  • 13. How does it work under stressful conditions?
  • 14. Which of the candidate's previous jobs have been the most interesting and why?
  • 15. What is most important for a candidate in a job?

A number of domestic organizations have developed special questionnaires for applicants for the position of a specialist.

The selection of candidates for a vacant position is made from among the applicants for the vacant position of a manager or management specialist using an assessment business qualities candidates.

The final decision during the selection is formed at several stages, which applicants should go through. At each stage, a part of the applicants is eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other offers.

Preliminary interview. At this stage, a HR specialist or line manager conducts a preliminary conversation with him. In doing so, apply general rules conversations aimed at finding out, for example, the education of the applicant, assessing his appearance etc. After that, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection.

Filling out the application form and application form for the position. Applicants must complete an application form and a questionnaire. The number of items in the questionnaire should be minimal. And they should ask for information that has the most impact on a candidate's productivity. The range of questions that the company seeks to answer is in the questionnaire. However, in some cases, HR departments and company management rely on questionnaires, in others they specify necessary information during the interview process.

Hiring session. There are several types for hire: conducted according to the scheme; poorly formalized; performed according to the scheme. During the conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. Exist various errors that reduce the effectiveness of conversations.

A common mistake is the tendency to draw a conclusion about the applicant from the first impression, from the first minutes of the conversation.

During the conversation, consider:

  • 1) listen carefully to what and how the applicant says;
  • 2) monitor the behavior of the applicant, trying to get the most complete information about the applicant;
  • 3) remember the requirements imposed by the nature of the work;
  • 4) the decision should be made only with all the necessary information;
  • 5) the conversation must be conducted around questions that are important criteria for questions. These questions are reflected in the application form for employment.

Testing. One of the methods used to facilitate selection decisions are tests to assess the ability and mentality required to perform effectively in the proposed position.

Check references and track record. When applying for a job, a candidate may be asked to provide testimonials from previous supervisors and other similar documents. If there is a need for background checks, a more acceptable alternative to writing may be phone call to the previous boss in order to exchange views or clarify any questions of interest. The most frequently checked items are the last place of work and education.

Medical checkup. Some organizations require that applicants who are most suitable for them complete medical questionnaires or undergo a medical examination. The reasons for this requirement are as follows: in the case of workers filing complaints about compensation, knowledge of the applicant's physical condition at the time of employment is required; it is necessary to prevent the recruitment of a carrier of infectious diseases.

Acceptance of an offer of admission. Employment ends with the signing of the employment contract by both parties.

One of the stages of personnel management in an enterprise is the recruitment and selection of employees.

Recruitment (hiring) is a series of actions taken by an enterprise to attract candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the enterprise.

Selection is a process in which an enterprise selects from a list of applicants the person or persons best suited to the criteria for a vacancy, taking into account the conditions of the environment.

This workflow is structured as follows. Before making a decision on recruitment, it is necessary to analyze the work, to study it from all points of view. at firms foreign countries this stage is of particular importance. First of all, a general work analysis scheme is drawn up, which includes:

Job description;

Qualifications(to the performer of the work);

Job application;

Abbreviated list;

Relevant tests and interviews;

Candidate selection.

The HR manager is advised to think about questions that can be answered to obtain information that allows you to write a job description and select the appropriate employee for it. For example, for small businesses, the following questions are recommended: what is the name of the job, where to do this job, what is the purpose of the job, who is responsible for the employee, what is the employee responsible for, who does the employee deal with in the process of doing the work, what are the main tasks of the job how these tasks are performed, what working standards (norms) are expected, what skills, knowledge and experience are needed to perform this work, this work requires physical and / or mental labor which tasks are easy, which tasks are difficult?

In general, the recruitment and selection process is shown in Fig. 8.1.

There are many ways to recruit new staff. The goal of the HR manager is right choice source or sources that can provide the right candidate for the position. It is recommended to ask yourself one simple question: "Will this source provide a sufficient number of suitable workers at a reasonable cost." Sources can be former employees, random applicants, posting ads in mass media, government and commercial employment agencies, educational institutions, various kinds of seminars, festivals, etc. After recruiting an appropriate number of candidates, it is necessary to conduct a selection, i.e. the final selection of the applicant. Interviews and objective tests are the most common methods used for the final selection.

Rice. 8.1. Recruitment and selection process

Target interviews - enable the manager to assess the candidate's suitability future work; let the candidate decide if the job is right for him; create an image good business. During the selection interview, answers to the following questions should be obtained: will the candidate be able to perform this task, will he perform it, will the candidate be suitable for this job (will he be the best)?

To achieve the desired results, the manager must know how to prepare, conduct and evaluate the interview. After its completion, a discussion of the candidate takes place, which can also be held during the interview. Thus, the signing of a contract is the result of the selection of personnel for a particular vacant position.

Another selection method is tests, when using which certain principles must be observed:

The quality assessed by the test should be clearly defined;

The test must be standardized;

Test results must be reliable, reliable;

The test is carried out under standard conditions.

Usually tests are divided into five groups. These are ability tests; to determine qualifications; to test personal qualities; for group selection; medical.

Example. Aptitude test (Otis quick counts).

This test tests several mental activities and abilities, including vocabulary, numeracy, comprehension and comprehension, and gives an overall score.

It includes the following items:

Which of the things listed below is soft?

Glass, stone, cloth, iron, ice.

Raspberry is:

Plant, bird, worm, fish, flower;

Which of the following numbers is greater than 55?

53, 48, 29, 57, 16.

To make decisions on the selection of applicants for a vacant position, it is necessary to analyze some of the documents required when applying for a job (CV, certificates of education, references from previous jobs), and then conduct a final conversation.

Employees of personnel management services (HR departments) analyze the effectiveness of selection methods using the so-called selection factor:

For different professions the value of the selection coefficient is different: managers - about 1:2; employees - about 1:2; skilled workers - about 1:1, etc.

A typical selection decision process usually contains seven steps:

Preliminary selection conversation;

Filling out the application form and autobiographical questionnaire;

Hiring conversation;

Employment tests;

Verification of various documents and track record of the candidate;

Medical checkup;


In the personnel selection system, an important role is played by business evaluation of personnel, which establishes the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of the personnel with the requirements of the workplace or position. Evaluation helps to identify workers requiring more training and the results of training programs. It promotes the establishment and strengthening of business relationships between subordinates and managers through the discussion of the results of the assessment, and also encourages managers to provide the necessary assistance.

Evaluation serves as the legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards and dismissals. It provides material for the development of questionnaires for employment, allows you to obtain the necessary information to determine wages, various types of payments and additional payments to the employee. There are two main types of business evaluation: evaluation of candidates for a vacant position and current periodic evaluation enterprise employees. When conducting a business assessment, an organizational procedure for its preparation and its indicators (labor productivity; professional behavior; personal qualities, etc.) are established, methods for evaluating certain indicators are selected. When evaluating, you can use several methods that determine the features of highlighting some specific indicators. For example, the method of grading the values ​​of indicators, in which the appraiser is offered a scale with a scoring definition of the values ​​of the indicators, and these points represent the degree of expression of the indicators.

  1. Selection personnel, as a component of the enterprise security development system

    Abstract >> Management

    selection conditions and selection personnel...............................................12 1.2. Selection personnel- attraction candidates on the work in the organization………………………………………………………………………..……..16 1.3. Selection ...

  2. Work with personnel reserve on the example of LLC Siberian Networks

    Coursework >> Management

    ... selection candidates happened not on the the basis of the company's development plans, and when there was a "burning" vacancy ... sources recruiting a reserve for promotion. For example, for substitution ... personnel in accordance with requirements ... . Organizes strategy development...

  3. Consulting and its role in the formation of a personnel reserve on the enterprise

    Abstract >> Finance

    ... candidate obtained in the course of its study and selection(correspondence to formal requirements ... on the incorporation of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and substitution vacancies... internal and external sources on the based on a scientific approach...

  4. substitution civil service positions from the personnel reserve

    Law >> State and Law

    ... source... composition personnel ... requirements to candidates; -create legal basis for the use of modern personnel technologies at competitive selection ... on the substitution a specific municipal position, is carried out in the event of the formation vacancies ...

  5. Improving the work of the enterprise for selection personnel

    Abstract >> Management

    ... candidates. For substitution burning vacancies... frame by frame organizes timely... on the enterprise. The most important during selection personnel is familiarization candidates With requirements ... at selection staff, provide various sources information (summary candidate ...

In the process of selecting candidates, acquaintance with applicants takes place, information about them is collected and processed, qualities are assessed and reliable “portraits” are compiled, actual qualities are compared with the requirements of the position. The result is the appointment and approval of candidates for positions, the conclusion of employment contracts with them.

The selection is made in several stages. On the pre-selection there is a primary identification of candidates capable of performing the required functions. The circle of applicants is narrowed as much as possible and formed reserve, with which further more thorough work is carried out (analysis of questionnaires, resumes, characteristics, recommendations).

The disadvantage of the primary stage is that a limited amount of information can be obtained by evaluating documents.

The main rules for the final selection of applicants are:

selection of the most suitable employees for the organization;

Ensuring that the expected effect exceeds the costs;

maintaining the stability of the staff and at the same time the influx of new people;

Improving the moral and psychological climate of the team;

Meeting the expectations of the employees involved.

In the organization of the selection of applicants, the following are often allowed errors: lack of consistency in the organization of selection, lack of a reliable list of qualities required from the applicant, false interpretation of the appearance of the candidate and his answers to the questions posed, the ability to speak beautifully, focus on formal merits, judgment of a person according to one of the qualities, intolerance to negative traits that all, excessive confidence in tests, inaccurate accounting of negative information.

Preliminary selection

Pre-screening begins with an analysis of the list of selected candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization's requirements for a raging employee. The main purpose of the primary selection is to “screen out” candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics necessary to fill a vacant position. Naturally, this minimum set is different for different specialties and organizations.

Primary selection methods depend on the budget, strategy, company culture, and the relative importance of the position to the organization. The most common methods at present are: personal data, testing, handwriting examination, self-assessment of the candidate and interview.


It is the first step in the evaluation and selection of applicants. At this stage, less suitable candidates are “screened out”, a range of factors that need particularly close study based on subsequent methods, as well as sources from which the necessary information can be obtained, is determined. Any distortion in the questionnaire is the basis for the dismissal of the employee at any time when it turns out (the corresponding indication is included in the text of the questionnaire).

Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following information: compliance of the applicant's education with minimum qualification requirements, correspondence of practical experience to the nature of the position; the presence of a restriction of another kind on the execution official duties, willingness to accept additional workloads, circle of people who can recommend the employee, help in making inquiries and obtaining additional information.

One of the objectives of the survey is to identify personal qualities and circumstances that can help the candidate in the job if hired. Often the questionnaires contain data on the length of time worked with the last employer, the duration of absence due to illness, etc. The questionnaire asks for the exact wording of the reasons for dismissal in the past. General information is collected about the sources of motivation and assumptions are made about the factors that impede work. These data are rechecked and specified, and in the future they become the subject of careful study during inquiries and interviews with the applicant. In some organizations, data on health deficiencies are filled in. But there is article 23 in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says that; 1. Everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name. 2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications. Restriction of this right is allowed only on the basis of a court decision. Thus, the candidate can fill in his health data only if he wants to.

The level of detail of the questionnaire and the specific form may be different. In one case, HR departments and heads of organizations rely more on the questionnaire, in the other, they clarify the necessary information during the interview process.

Testing as a way to select an applicant

One of the methods used to facilitate the selection decision is recruitment tests. Psychologists and HR professionals develop tests to assess the ability and mentality required to perform effectively in the proposed job.

The analysis of questionnaires, CVs and resumes is considered a fairly reliable source about the candidate, but since it is focused on the past, it is quite approximate. Therefore, various tests come to the rescue, which are considered a fairly reliable way to check applicants, select the best candidates and weed out the weak ones.

With the help of tests, you can evaluate the speed and accuracy of the work, stability of attention, accuracy, ability to quickly navigate, perseverance, diligence, personal inclinations, general abilities, the suitability of the applicant for solving specific problems, performing work in the proposed place, professionalism, the presence of interest in the upcoming work. , level of mental abilities, propensity to learn, interests, personality type, memory, sociability, leadership inclinations and other characteristics.

Tests can take the form of written and oral questions and assignments.

There are the following types of tests:

physical ability tests

mental ability tests (general and special); simulation tests.

Physical Ability Tests are used as a rule to select candidates for positions that do not require qualifications, but involve manual labor costs.

Intelligence Tests allow you to check the level of mental development, literacy, the ability to operate with numbers, communication, qualifications, experience, expectations, etc.

Simulation tests simulate real working conditions.

The most popular are complex tests that contain hundreds, and sometimes thousands of questions.

All tests must be reliable and provide similar results when retested. It is advisable to carry out testing several times and on different days, which will allow you to compare the results, since they may not be the same.

The advantage of this selection method lies in the assessment of the candidate's condition at the current period, and the main disadvantage is associated with high costs and the fact that tests poorly reveal the positive qualities of people compared to the negative ones. The reliability of general tests, as practice has shown, is less than 50%.

Analyzing the previously listed methods of personnel selection, we can conclude that when organizing the selection of personnel, it is necessary not only to choose the most reliable selection methods, but also to take into account their impact on applicants.

Handwriting examination

This method is based on the theory that a person's handwriting is a fairly objective reflection of his personality, and, therefore, using handwriting analysis, it is possible to evaluate various characteristics of a person, including the ability to perform certain production functions. The attractiveness of the analysis as a method of primary selection of candidates lies in low costs, but it is characterized by a one-sided approach and contains a high degree of risk of inadequate assessment of the potential of candidates. Therefore, it can be used as one of the primary selection methods that is not critical.

Candidate self-assessment

Often taking the form of a written response to pre-set questions or a letter of motivation accompanying a resume, it simplifies the initial selection of candidates and allows the “screening out” of those whose competence skills are overestimated in advance or, on the contrary, are too low for this position. Naturally, this method carries the risk of bias on the part of the candidate and should be used primarily for rough selection. Self-assessment in the form of a kind of “credo”, which is put into the heading of a motivational letter, is gaining more and more popularity.


Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Sometimes it is preferable that candidates come to the personnel department or to the place of work. An HR specialist or line manager talks to them on general rules conversations accepted in the organization.

Personnel interview is the most versatile way to assess staff. The environment in which the HR interview is conducted should match the environment in which the person will be working to ensure that they are compatible with future colleagues.

Interviews can take place one-on-one or with a group of applicants, an applicant or a group of applicants can be interviewed by several people at the same time. The results of a face-to-face conversation can be subjective, and the assessment is erroneous.

During the preparation of the preliminary interview, the following should be ascertained; what personal qualities of the candidate (knowledge, experience, attitudes) are required to perform the job; with the help of which questions you can extract the necessary information; who should be involved as interviewers - one or more people, in what form the interview is conducted.

Interviewers should be able to formulate questions in accordance with the objectives of the conversation, put them correctly, adapt their style to the applicant's personality and specific circumstances, listen kindly, providing an opportunity to demonstrate themselves as an interlocutor, summarize, make the right decisions, keep the information received secret, be presentable, neatly and tastefully dressed.

When conducting a personnel interview, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for a conversation.

The interviewer must know the organization, conditions and nature of the proposed work, must be able to give exhaustive answers to the applicant's questions. It is necessary to first determine the general nature of the conversation (formal, informal). The interviewer should create a relaxed atmosphere with the goal that the applicant speaks more himself.

The following rules should be followed;

Do not talk to candidates without inviting them to sit down;

not to demonstrate employment and not to do other things in their presence;

Show friendliness

· to mention the name of the applicant more often;

Do not show your attitude to his personal documents;

· to answer his questions in detail;

Do not rush to give advances for the future;

hide your mood

study or guess the psychological state;

Learn to refuse

Comply with labor law requirements.

The conversation can be built according to the scheme (based on a special form or semi-formal questions), as well as without a scheme. The result of a schematic conversation is the receipt of incomplete information. For an informal conversation, only the main questions are prepared, but it requires serious preparation. There is a danger of drifting off topic and inconsistency in conducting such a conversation.

On the basis of the object, the following types of conversation are distinguished:

According to the biography of the candidate - this type of conversation allows you to evaluate past successes, but does not characterize the current situation and motivation for future work.

Depends on a situation - the applicant is offered one or more problems. As a result, one can evaluate his general and analytical abilities, methods of work, and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

According to professional and personal qualities - during the interview, questions are asked about behavior in certain conditions related to professional activities. Evaluation is carried out according to pre-selected criteria. This type of conversation is recommended to take 30% of the time. The disadvantage is the limitedness of the assessed qualities, the need for preliminary training, experience, high objectivity of the persons conducting the interview.

At this stage, the applicant's education is clarified, his appearance and defining personal qualities are assessed.

Hiring conversation

The next stage of selection is a conversation for hire.

There are several types of interviews for hire: conducted according to the scheme, poorly formalized, not performed according to the scheme.

During the conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. A common mistake of this method is the tendency to draw conclusions about the applicant from the first impression, from the first minutes of the conversation. There are cases when the interviewer bases his opinion on the impression of how a person looks, sits in a chair, maintains eye contact, and on these impressions evaluates the applicant for the position. In order not to make such a mistake, the interviewer should observe both the speech of the applicant and his behavior.

When conducting interviews, one should carefully listen to what and how the applicant says, and it is also necessary to monitor his behavior. The decision should be made only with all the necessary information and mindful of the requirements of the nature of the work. The conversation needs to be centered around issues that are important selection criteria.

Candidate Evaluation

The assessment must be made immediately after the interview, otherwise the sharpness of perception will be erased and the interviewer may miss important details. Many interviewers make a positive or negative decision about a candidate within the first minute with him and the rest of the time they try to make sure of their opinion. It is difficult to say how scientific such a conclusion is, given the subjectivity of such an analysis, but it once again emphasizes the need for the maximum introduction of objective elements into the interview process. A standard form is used for evaluation (Appendix 3).

Candidate selection and proposal

Based on the analysis of the results of the interview, the head of the department (with the participation of an employee of the personnel department) selects the candidate who, in his opinion, is most suitable for this position. Depending on the traditions of the organization, as well as the importance of the vacant position, an interview with the executive's supervisor or CEO may be required before a hiring decision is made. The personnel department prepares a letter - an offer to the candidate containing a description of the working conditions - start date, position name, subordination, salary, working hours, vacation duration, benefits provided by the organization, etc. The letter - an offer signed by the head of the organization or unit is sent candidate.

Candidates are guided by various motives when getting a job or moving to a new job: someone is attracted by power, someone is financially rewarded, someone is attracted by the possibility of new social contacts. Understanding what drives a particular candidate is a fundamental task for specialists working with him. Once the key motive has been identified, the proposal must be structured in such a way that the satisfaction of this particular need comes to the fore. At the same time, exaggerations and even more falsehood are absolutely unacceptable. If the candidate was promised broad independence, and, having gone to work, he found that he could not leave the workplace without the permission of his boss, another dissatisfied employee and source of internal problems appeared in the organization.

Another very important point the organization must fight for the candidate it has chosen (the one you want to see in your organization, others want to see in their own). All forces at its disposal, including top management, must be involved in this process. Perseverance is by no means reprehensible, and direct contact with the organization's top officials is usually very effective in the process of "selling" an offer to a candidate.

Recently, the practice of hiring with a trial period has become more widespread, which makes it possible to evaluate a candidate directly at the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment. During the probationary period, the duration depends on the labor legislation and traditions of the company, the candidate performs his duties in full, receives remuneration, but can be dismissed at the end of it without any consequences for the organization. During the trial period, the head of the department pays special attention to the candidate and evaluates him in terms of his potential for work in this position and organization. To increase the effectiveness of the trial period, the head of the unit and the candidate are recommended to jointly determine the goals of the latter and evaluate their implementation at the end of the period. This method provides an objective basis for the decision, which the manager makes at the end of the trial period, whether or not to accept the candidate for permanent job.


Relevant today is the issue of strengthening human resources organizations in; organizational, managerial, legal, educational, material and other aspects.

Strict observance of the rules when hiring, the use of progressive methods of selection, ensuring publicity and openness in the conduct of competition procedures, the developed selection criteria and conditions for promotion to higher positions will help to cope with this task.

Compliance with the requirements of the law will ensure an objective and fair assessment of applicants for positions, but at the same time it is necessary to strengthen control over compliance legal regulations, since in practice very often there are still cases of placement in the service of "their own people" who do not meet the requirements of the position. The issue of training specialists who could professionally deal with the problems of staffing remains relevant, and in this regard, training of managerial personnel is being carried out in Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.


1. Constitution Russian Federation(Consultant Plus).

2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Consultant plus).

3. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management: a manual on personnel work. - M: Jurist, 1998.

4. Dyatlov V.A., Travin V.V. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M. Delo, 1997.

5. Personnel services in Russia // Personnel service. - M-2000.

6. Competitive selection - a quality criterion // Personnel Service. - M., 2000.

7. Magura M. I. Basic principles of building a personnel selection system / / Personnel Management.-1998. - No. 11.

8. Search and selection of personnel//Personnel management. - M., 1998.

9. The procedure for selecting a candidate // Directory of personnel officer. - M, 2002. - No. 4.

10. Personnel management: Textbook. 2nd edition. Ed. Bazarova T. Yu.-M: UNITI, 2005.

11. Kishkel E. N., Shipunov V. G. Basics management activities: Textbook.2nd edition. - M.: graduate School, 1999.

12. Shekshnya S.V., Ermoshkin N.N. Strategic personnel management in the Internet era. Ed. 6th, revised. and additional (series "Library of the journal "Personnel Management") - M .: ZAO "Business School "Intel-Sintez", 2002.

Attachment 1

Competition for a vacant position

director of information systems

This position was created to improve the process of managing information systems in the company's branches operating in Russia and Ukraine.

Persons with the necessary qualifications for this position are invited to apply.


Develop an understanding of the organization of information systems that exist in the company, and implement a similar approach in new branches;

Implement a computer network system according to the field structure, user needs, etc.;

Assist the computer science committee in each branch in the development of short-term and long-term plans for the use of computer technology;

Provide control over the implementation of these projects and report to management.

Required Skills:

Good knowledge of modern computer and network technologies and the ability to develop a strategic approach in the field of information systems management;

Project management experience;

International experience;

Knowledge of Russian and English (knowledge of other languages ​​is welcome).

Interested candidates can apply (send resumes) to the Human Resources Department to Darya Vasilievna Ivanova before November 1, 2006.

Appendix 2


1) General information about the profession:

The history of the development of the profession;

The need for this profession, its place and importance in the national economy;

Prospects for the profession;

The relationship of the profession in question with other specialties;

The possibility of mastering related professions and specialties;

The importance of professional qualifications and the connection with this the possibility of obtaining higher education and specialized secondary education;

Names of educational institutions where you can acquire a specialty, their address;

Variety of profession according to specialty.

2) Description of the labor process:

Machines, tools, materials used in the labor process, the product (the product itself) of labor;

Internal content of the labor process, disclosure of the role of knowledge and skills;

3) Man in the process of labor:

· the role of knowledge and moral preparation for work (the need for persistent interest);

health conditions required for work;

general psychological qualities and abilities of a person necessary for this profession;

physical qualities required for this specialty.

4) Socio-economic features of the profession:

Working conditions (working hours, labor protection, vacation time, benefits, etc.);

Wages, bonus systems;

Social security, housing and household services;

Prospects for improving the skills of workers in this profession and their educational level;

The name of the enterprises where specialists of this profession are needed.

Annex 3

Candidate Evaluation Form

FULL NAME.__________________________________________________________

Candidate for replacement _____________________________________________

(job title)

The interview was conducted by ___________________________________________


(Full name and position of the employee)

Date ___ _________ 200__

1. Experience Above cf. Avg. Below average

2. Education Above cf. Avg. Below average


3. Personal characteristics

3.1. Maturity above avg. Avg. Below average

3.2. Leadership Avg. Below average

3.3. Group work Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.4. Analytical

abilities above avg. Avg. Below average

3.5. Self-confidence Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.6 Orientation

on the interests of the client Above cf. Avg. Below average

3.7. Sociability Above avg. Avg. Below average

OVERALL SCORE Above avg. Avg. Below average

In the process of selecting candidates, acquaintance with applicants takes place, information about them is collected and processed, qualities are assessed and reliable “portraits” are compiled, actual qualities are compared with the requirements of the position. The result is the appointment and approval of candidates for positions, the conclusion of employment contracts with them.

The selection is made in several stages. At the preliminary stage of selection, the primary identification of candidates capable of performing the required functions takes place. The circle of applicants is narrowed as much as possible and a reserve is formed, with which further more thorough work is carried out (analysis of questionnaires, resumes, characteristics, recommendations).

The disadvantage of the primary stage is that a limited amount of information can be obtained by evaluating documents.

The main rules for the final selection of applicants are:

selection of the most suitable employees for the organization;

Ensuring that the expected effect exceeds the costs;

maintaining the stability of the staff and at the same time the influx of new people;

Improving the moral and psychological climate of the team;

Meeting the expectations of the employees involved.

The currently most common selection methods are: personal data, testing, handwriting examination, self-assessment of the candidate and interview.

There are three most common procedures for making a final decision on the admission of an employee to an organization:

· the department of personnel (personnel) carries out preliminary selection of candidates. The final interview is conducted by the head of the department, he also makes the final decision on hiring;

The personnel department conducts all stages of selection up to the decision on the suitability of candidates for filling vacancies. The head of the department is provided with a list of 3-5 candidates, he makes a decision on hiring without conducting a final interview based on information from the personnel department;

The Human Resources Department conducts a preliminary selection of candidates. Selected candidates are interviewed by a specially created commission. The final decision is made collectively on the basis of agreement of the opinions of the members of the commission.

So, the candidate is selected, he is sent a written invitation to go to work for certain conditions. The search stops when this person accepts the terms and agrees to work for the company. He submits the following documents to the personnel department: passport, work book, insurance certificate.

12. Working with new team members. Professional and organizational adaptation of personnel.

The first and most important condition for the successful management of a work team is considered to be the correct professional and organizational adaptation of personnel to the social environment in commercial and government organizations.

Adaptation is the process of familiarizing a new employee with the organization and changing his behavior in accordance with the requirements and rules of this organizational culture.

The classification of adaptations is quite diverse.

Distinguish between active adaptation, when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of influence and activities that he must master), and passive, when he does not seek such an impact and change.

Another division implies primary production adaptation, when a person is first included in a permanent job in a particular organization, and secondary during a subsequent job change.

One of the forms of adaptation is production adaptation. Production adaptation is a complex phenomenon that is usually considered from three positions, highlighting the following types:

1. psychophysiological adaptation - the process of adapting to a new

labor activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in lesser changes in his functional state (less fatigue, adaptation to high physical exertion, etc.);

2. professional adaptation - complete and successful mastery new profession or specialty, i.e. addictive adaptation to the content and nature, organization and working conditions. It is expressed in certain level mastering professional knowledge and skills, in ability, in accordance with the nature of the individual and character.

3. socio-psychological adaptation - the process of establishing constructive relations with the closest social environment in the team, adapting to the traditions and unwritten norms of the team, to the style of work of leaders, to the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships that have developed in the team.

4. The last type of labor adaptation was organizational adaptation, in which the employee becomes aware of his mission in general labor process. This phenomenon becomes a consequence of a person's acquaintance with the peculiarities of the work of his unit, the place in the entire organizational structure, the personnel management system and the mode of activity. In addition, the employee learns about the mechanism responsible for the proper functioning of the entire organization.

13. Professional training of personnel and its maintenance.

The most important means of professional development of personnel is vocational training - the process of direct transfer of new professional skills or knowledge to employees of the organization. An example vocational training can serve as courses on the study of a new computer program for assistant secretaries, a training program for sales agents, financial rate for the top management of the company. Formally, professional development is broader than vocational training, and often includes the latter, however, in real life, the difference between them can be purely arbitrary and not so important, since both vocational training and development serve the same purpose - to prepare the organization's personnel for the successful implementation of tasks before him. It is sometimes argued that vocational training is primarily task-oriented. today and development for the future needs of the organization. However, with the acceleration of change in external environment and within the organizations themselves, the distinction is becoming increasingly arbitrary.

AT modern organizations vocational training is a complex ongoing process that includes several stages (see Figure 23). Managing this learning process begins with the definition of needs, which are formed on the basis of the development needs of the organization's personnel, as well as the need for employees of the organization to fulfill their current production duties.

Rice. 23. Professional training process

The performance of job duties requires employees of the organization to know the working procedures and methods of products and services provided, the ability to work on installed equipment, etc. The needs associated with the performance of production duties are determined on the basis of requests from the heads of departments and the employees themselves, by conducting surveys of managers and specialists (Department vocational training sends out a questionnaire with a request to indicate in it the needs for vocational training), analysis of the results of the organization's work, testing of employees.

14. Methods of professional training of personnel.

Traditionally, there are two main methods of personnel training: On-the-job training; Out-of-work training in specialized educational institutions, training centers.

Teaching method
1. Directed learning Systematic planning of on-the-job training, the basis of planning is individual plan vocational training, which sets out the learning objectives
2. Production briefing Information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with his new working environment
3. Change of workplace (rotation) Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace. As a result, for a certain period of time, an idea is created about the versatility of activities and production tasks (special programs for the young generation of specialists)
4. Use of workers as assistants. trainees Training and familiarization of the employee with the problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks while at the same time taking on a certain share of responsibility
5.Preparation in project teams Collaboration carried out for educational purposes in project teams created in the enterprise to develop large, time-limited tasks

With a sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge, the option of on-the-job training is more preferable than outside the workplace, since it allows you to enter the work immediately in the process of its implementation, requires less costs, and provides a connection with practice. However, such training requires careful selection of instructors, their proximity to trainees in social status and personal qualities. Thus, the main methods of professional training of personnel in the workplace are:

“Instruction is an explanation and demonstration of work methods by an experienced employee or a specially trained instructor directly at the workplace. In terms of time, the briefing is short and is aimed at studying a particular operation or procedure that is part of the trainee's responsibilities. Instruction is low cost and effective for simple species activities. Widely used at all levels of the modern organization.

Rotation is a method of training personnel in an organization, which involves the consistent work of an employee in different positions both in his own and in other departments in order to acquire new skills. Rotation is used when an employee needs a multilateral qualification, a “multi-plane” view of the problems of the organization. In addition to a purely educational effect, rotation has a positive effect on employees, helps to overcome stress caused by monotonous production functions, and expand social contacts.

“Apprenticeship and mentoring is a method of transferring knowledge and skills from an experienced and competent employee to a less experienced and competent employee in the process of their communication. The method is widely used where practical experience plays an exceptional role in the training of specialists: in medicine, the service sector, and management.

“The methods of vocational training outside the workplace are intended primarily for obtaining theoretical knowledge and for teaching the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the production environment.

Methods for training personnel outside the workplace

Teaching method Characteristics method
1. Lectures Passive teaching method, used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience
2.Programmed training courses More active learning method, effective for gaining theoretical knowledge
3. Conferences, seminars An active teaching method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in different situations
4. The method of training management personnel, based on the independent solution of specific tasks from industrial practice Modeling an organizational problem that the participants (listeners) of the group must solve. Allows you to combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills, provides for information processing, constructive-critical thinking, development of creativity in decision-making processes
5. Business games Learning how to behave in various production situations, when negotiating, and role holders must develop alternative points of view
6. Methods for solving production and economic problems using models Modeling of processes occurring at competing enterprises. Students distribute among themselves the roles of fictitious organizations competing with each other. With the help of input data, trainees should make appropriate decisions for several stages of the production of products or services (production, marketing, financing, personnel issues, etc.)
7. Working group (“quality circle” and “instead of studying”) Young professionals develop specific solutions to the problems of managing the organization, united in working groups. The proposals developed in the working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which considers the proposals, makes decisions on them and informs working group on acceptance or rejection of its proposals

Thus, the main methods of learning outside the workplace are: lectures, seminars, practical exercises, business games, training, self-study.

15. Personnel assessment: concept, principles, requirements for assessment.

Personnel assessment is a system technology that requires special training. For its qualitative implementation, not only knowledge of the stages of its implementation is necessary, but also specific skills in this area. First of all, skills necessary information and its correct interpretation (first of all, this concerns the assessment of psychological characteristics). An important factor here is the special professional training of specialists, the experience of evaluating people of different positions and organizations.

Of the many ideological principles of personnel assessment proposed in the literature, in accordance with the prevailing corporate culture companies have been identified as follows:

1. The subject matter of the assessment. It is not the personality of the employee that is evaluated, but the results of the work performed by him during certain period features demonstrated during this period the level of skill and professional qualities.

2. Privacy. The results of an employee assessment are strictly confidential. Access to this information is available only to the assessed employee, his/her immediate and superior managers, and an authorized HR employee.

3. Implementation feedback. The evaluation results are open to the employee.

4. Objectivity. Objectivity is achieved by the objectivity of the assessment and the use of several subjects of assessment.

5. Validity and documentation. All opinions of assessors must be substantiated and documented.

6. Periodicity. The assessment is carried out at least once a year and not more often than once every 3 months.

7. The personnel assessment procedure is not an attestation and does not entail consequences in accordance with the current legislation.

The problem of the objectivity of the assessment can be formed in the form of separate requirements for the assessment technology. It should be built in such a way that the staff is evaluated:

1) objectively, regardless of someone's private opinion or individual judgments;

2) reliably relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly random);

3) in relation to activity, the real level of skills should be assessed reliably: how successfully a person copes with his business;

4) with the possibility of forecasting, the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;

5) not only each of the members of the organization is comprehensively assessed, but also communications and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;

6) the evaluation process and evaluation criteria should not be accessible to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to both appraisers, observers, and the assessed themselves (that is, have the property of internal evidence);

7) carrying out evaluation activities should not only not disrupt the work of the team, but be integrated into the overall system personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

16. Certification of personnel and its goals.

Personnel certification is:

1) a method for assessing the organization's personnel; the manager periodically evaluates the effectiveness of the performance of official duties using standard criteria;

2) personnel activities designed to assess the level of work, qualities and potential of the individual to the requirements of the work performed;

3) the procedure for determining the qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills, business qualities of the employee and establishing the degree of their compliance with the position held.

The purpose of personnel certification is to increase the efficiency of using the organization's human resources. Based on its results, a decision is made to maintain or change the certified position or the system of motivation of his work, the need for additional training.

The role of attestation increases when state and public control over the observance of human rights is strengthened, social guarantees worker and, conversely, decreases when state guarantees of human rights are weakened or they are effectively ignored.

Goals of certification

It is known that the main task of personnel certification is to assess the compliance of the level of work, quality and potential of the individual with the requirements of the activity performed. However, such an assessment is not carried out for the sake of the assessment itself. It is carried out in order to make the right personnel decision on the basis of it to encourage (punish), relocate or train employees.

In other words, the main purpose of certification, as well as other personnel activities, is to bring the human resource in line with the company's strategy. The main goal of the line manager is essentially the same - the implementation of the company's strategy in the area of ​​the business process assigned to him. A manager can use appraisals to influence employees and this can in itself improve the performance of his unit, even though the manager is subjective. But attestation should also serve as the basis for making personnel decisions about sending them to training, enrolling in the personnel reserve, changing wages, etc. To do this, the results of the assessment of the employee and the recommendations prepared on the basis of them must be objective.

Thus, the positive impact of the manager's subjectivity on the effectiveness of team management and Negative influence on the results of employee assessment - constitute a problem in certification.

Traditionally, the influence of the subjectivity of the immediate supervisor on the results of personnel assessment is prevented in the following ways:

cross-assessment of an employee is used - one employee is evaluated by several experts and several methods;

extreme marks are ignored - the lowest and the highest, in order to avoid a special “filling up” or “pulling up” the employee by someone from the certification committee;

differentiation of assessments is used - the assessment of an employee is carried out in three areas: personal and business qualities, required knowledge and skills, results of work. For each direction, an assessment is given by an appropriate specialist or group of specialists.

Personnel certification can be aimed at:

1. Making decisions related to changes in the compensation package that have specific material consequences for employees;

2. Making decisions related to the development of the organization (aligning human resources organization plans)

3. Making decisions related to the assessment of the current activities (position) of the entire organization and the identification of working problems.

17. Motivation of behavior in the course of labor activity.

All definitions of motivation can be reduced to two main groups. In the first one, it is viewed from structural positions as a set of factors or motives. Typical in this approach is the definition of motivation given by O. S. Vikhansky and A. I. Naumov, as a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of this activity and give it an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

The second direction considers motivation as a dynamic formation, a process. Typical within the framework of the second approach is the definition of M. H. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri: motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization.

These approaches complement each other and, in essence, are a reflection of the two sides of motivation as a phenomenon. Therefore, it is possible to give a comprehensive definition of motivation as a process of motivation for activity, aimed at the formation of motives for labor behavior under the influence of a complex of external and internal factors.

"Duality" in the understanding of motivation contributed to the emergence and development of two classes of theories of motivation: substantive and procedural. The former analyze the factors influencing motivation and are concentrated in to a large extent on identifying people's needs, prioritizing them, influencing motivation (theories of A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, K. Alderfer, D. McClelland). Process theories, the emergence of which is associated with the works of V. Vroom, L. Porter and E. Lawler, consider motivation primarily as a process and focus on the cognitive prerequisites of behavior implemented in motivation and activity. The theories of justice and attribution that appeared later made an additional contribution to the development of ideas about motivation, although they did not allow creating its complete unified concept.

Three types of motivation should be distinguished:

1) normative motivation - inducing a person to a certain behavior through ideological and psychological influence: persuasion, suggestion, information, psychological infection, etc.;

2) coercive motivation based on the use of power and the threat of deterioration in the satisfaction of the needs of the employee if he fails to comply with the relevant requirements;

3) motivation through stimulation - the impact not directly on the individual, but on external circumstances with the help of benefits - incentives that encourage the employee to certain behavior.

18. Theories of work motivation.

Continuing to develop the ideas of experiments and thoughts of Mayo and Roethlisberger about human nature, as well as issues of humanization of labor, psychologists, sociologists and managers focused on the problems of motivation, on identifying the foundations of motivation and the mechanisms of motivational processes.

The first direction has generated a number of substantive concepts of motivation, the second - several process concepts of motivation.

According to process theories, human behavior is determined not only by specific needs, but is also associated with the conditions for obtaining them: with the expectation of receiving the desired reward and with a fair assessment of activities.

Needs to be considered in short form the theories and views of three scientists whose work has been of the greatest importance for modern concepts of motivation. These are A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, K. Alderfer.

Abraham Harold Maslow (1907-1970) is one of the most prominent representatives of humanistic psychology. According to his developed theory, human needs are in a strict hierarchy and form a kind of pyramid. By this, the scientist showed how they are implemented in a certain sequence - the needs of the lower level (primary) require satisfaction and affect human behavior before the needs of higher levels begin to influence the motivational component. At each particular moment in time, the individual will direct his forces in order to satisfy one or another need, which is the most urgent for him. Since a person is constantly developing as a person, he increases his potential and the need for self-expression will never be fully satisfied, which expands the list of motivational influences on the individual's behavior. Maslow's levels of need are presented.

1. Physiological needs that are necessary for life and existence. These are the needs for food, drink, shelter, rest, etc.

2. Security needs. These needs include the need for protection from physical and psychological dangers from environment and confidence that physiological (material) needs will be satisfied in the future (including regarding labor activity).

3. Needs for belonging and love (within the framework of labor motivation they are also called social). This group of needs implies a long-term habit of working in a particular team, friendly relations with work colleagues.

4. Needs for recognition (respect), which imply the need for self-respect, personal achievement, competence, respect from the environment.

5. Needs for self-actualization (self-expression), which imply the need to realize one's potential and develop one's personality.

According to Maslow, the main source of human activity, behavior, actions is his continuous desire for self-actualization and self-expression. Self-actualization has a natural basis and refers to innate phenomena. Despite the fact that A. Maslow's theory gave a very useful description of the motivation process for various kinds of managers, subsequent experimental studies did not confirm all of its provisions.

The basis of the two-factor model of F. Herzberg's motivation was the results of empirical studies. F. Herzberg changed his view of the very nature of motivation, and quite radically: he proved for the first time that the factor of motivation is itself labor activity, and money, basically, is a “hygienic factor”. Herzberg differentiated proper motivators (motivating factors) and hygienic (supporting) factors. In one group of working conditions (motivators, or satisfaction factors), motives for work are formed, but the absence of these factors usually does not cause negative emotions among employees. What is represented by the content of the work (“the work itself”), achievements, opportunities for growth, responsibility, promotion and recognition. Another group of conditions (hygienic factors) in the absence of them causes dissatisfaction among employees. Although in the case of the presence of these factors, it is determined only by the neutral state of employees, and does not form motivation.

F. Herzberg called these factors "supporting", as they are necessary, but not sufficient for the development of a motivational system. The categories of "motivating factors" or "internal rewards" had a huge impact on changes in managerial motivational influences. An important conclusion from this theory: when employees are highly motivated, they are much more stable, more tolerant of dissatisfaction, which is a consequence of hygiene factors.

K. Alderfer attempted to form a meaningful theory of motivation that would not contain the shortcomings of the theories of Maslow and Herzberg. He proposed a modified three-level model of SVR motivation (ERG): existence (existence), relationships (relatedness), growth (growth). The first level is represented by subsistence needs, combining physiological and security factors (wage, physical working conditions, job security, additional benefits). The second level is represented by relationship needs (needs to be understood and accepted by the manager, subordinates and colleagues). The third group - growth needs - the desire for independence and self-actualization. This model, in contrast to Maslow's model, does not imply a strict transition from the satisfaction of lower needs to higher ones, but allows the activation of all three levels simultaneously. In the absence of satisfaction of the higher need, the lower need acquires motivational value, and vice versa. Moving up the levels of needs Alderfer called the process of satisfying needs, and moving down - the process of frustration, that is, defeat in an effort to satisfy the need. The first two (lower) levels of needs, according to Alderfer, have, in principle, the limits of satisfaction, in contrast to the third level (growth needs). The needs of growth have no limits and can stimulate the work of the individual if the needs of existence and interconnection are fully satisfied.

According to process theories, human behavior is quite often determined by the expectation and perception of motivating factors based on the results of his work. The representative of this type of theory is J.S. Adams. They proposed a theory of justice.

The theory of justice says that a person tends to compare not the quality of the results of his work and the amount of effort expended, but the level of remuneration (salary, allowances, personal car, etc.) of other people doing similar work.

The main conclusion of the theory: justice for management practice is that until people begin to believe that they receive a fair remuneration, they will strive to reduce the intensity of work. Perception and fairness is pure personal characteristics and the judgments of a particular person, so they are relative, not absolute.

Another theory of motivation is the theory of expectations of V. Vroom. The main contribution to the development of process theories was made by V. Vrumm, who developed the so-called “expectation theory”, based on the assumption that a person directs his efforts to achieve a goal only when he is sure that his needs are highly likely to be satisfied.

Expectancy theory is based on three relationships:

1. Expectations in relation to "Task - Result".

2. Expectations regarding "Result - Reward".

3. Expectations for "Reward - Satisfaction" ("Valence").

Expectations in relation to "Task - Result" - this is the hope for an employee-friendly ratio between the efforts expended and the results obtained. Performance-Reward expectations are expectations of a specific reward or reward in response to a level of performance achieved. Valence Expectations is the perceived degree of relative satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a given reward.

If the value of any of these three critical factors for determining motivation approaches 0, then the motivation will be weak, and the results of work will be low. At zero value of at least one factor, all motivation will be equal to zero.

19. The concept and stages of a business career.

A professional (business) career means that a particular employee in the process of his professional activity goes through all stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement. Each individual employee goes through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

Stages of a business career.

The preliminary stage includes studying at school, obtaining secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of an activity that meets his needs and meets his capabilities.

The formative stage lasts approximately five years, aged from 25 to 30 years old. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-assertion takes place and there is a need to establish independence.

The advancement stage usually occurs between the ages of 30 and 45. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, promotion. There is an accumulation of practical experience, skills, growing

the need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person begins.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and covers the age period from 45 to 60 years. There comes a peak in the improvement of qualifications and its increase as a result of vigorous activity and special training, the employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people.

The completion stage occurs between the ages of 60 and 65. Here a person begins to seriously think about retirement, prepares for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for a vacant position.

20. Business career management.

Business Career Management is a set of activities carried out personnel service organizations, for planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, capabilities and socio-economic conditions of the organization.

Each individual employee is also involved in managing his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve the employee's devotion to the interests of the organization, increase labor productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully reveal the abilities of a person.

The career development program should provide an increase in the level of interest of employees, identifying individuals with high promotion potential. It reflects the following points:

Ways to identify employees with high potential for growth and advancement, which is characterized not by the degree of preparedness of employees at the moment, but by their capabilities in the long term, taking into account age, education, experience, business qualities, level of motivation;

Incentives to develop individual career plans;

Ways to link careers with performance appraisal results;

Ways of creation favorable conditions for development (training, selection of positions and one-time tasks, taking into account personal capabilities, supervision);

Organization of an effective system of advanced training;

Possible direction of rotation:

Forms of responsibility of managers for the development of subordinates.

The process of planning an individual career begins with the identification by employees of their needs and interests (desired position, income level, etc.) and potential opportunities, on the basis of which, taking into account the prospects of the organization and objective personal data, the main career goals are formulated. Then, on their own or with the help of a manager and in consultation with an HR specialist, options for promotion both in their own company and outside it are determined and the measures necessary for this.

To effectively manage your business career, you need to make personal plans.

In a number of organizations, within the framework of the personnel management system, a block of functions for managing a business career is being formed. These functions are performed by: directorate, personnel management service, chiefs functional departments management apparatus of the organization, trade union committees, consulting centers.

Efficient Management business career positively affects the performance of the organization.

21. The system of service and professional advancement.

Service and professional promotion - a series of progressive movements in various positions, contributing to the development of both the organization and the individual. Movements can be vertical and horizontal. This is the sequence of various stages (positions, jobs, positions in the team) proposed by the organization that an employee can potentially go through. By career it is customary to understand the physical sequence of steps occupied (positions, jobs, positions in the team) by a specific employee. The concept of "service-professional" promotion and "career" are close, but not the same. The term "professional promotion" is the most familiar to us, since the term "career" in our specialized literature and in practice has not actually been used until recently. The coincidence of the planned path of professional promotion and the actual career in practice is quite rare and is the exception rather than the rule.

The system of service and professional advancement is a set of means and methods of official promotion of personnel used in various organizations. In management practice, two types of job promotion are distinguished: promotion of a specialist and promotion of a manager. The latter, in turn, has two directions: the promotion of functional managers and the promotion of line managers. For example, the line management promotion system includes five main stages (see Figure 6.1)

Working with senior students
Working with young professionals
Work with line managers of the lower management level (group A)
Work with line managers of middle management (group B)
Working with line managers of senior management (group C)

Rice. 5.22. Stages of the system of service and professional promotion of line managers in the organization

The first stage is work with senior students of basic institutes or those who are sent to practice from other universities. Specialists of the personnel management departments, together with the heads of the relevant departments where the students do their internship, select students who are the most capable, inclined to leadership work, and prepare them for specific activities in the departments of the organization. Students who have successfully completed training and practice are given a characteristic-recommendation for being sent to work in the relevant departments of this organization. Young specialists who have not had an internship in this organization are tested when they are hired and they are provided with consulting assistance.

The second stage is work with young specialists accepted into the organization. Young professionals are assigned probation(from one to two years), during which they are required to complete an initial training course (detailed acquaintance with the organization). In addition to training for young professionals, internships are provided in the organization's divisions during the year. Based on the analysis of the work of young specialists for the year, their participation in ongoing events, the characteristics given by the head of the internship, the results of the internship are summed up and the first selection of specialists is made for enrollment in the reserve for promotion to managerial positions. All information about the participation of a specialist in the system of service and professional advancement is recorded in his personal file and entered into the information database on the personnel of the organization.

The third stage is work with line managers of the lower management level. At this stage, the selected line managers of the lower level (foremen, heads of sections) are also joined by a part of the workers who have graduated from evening and correspondence universities, successfully work in their teams and have passed the test. During the entire period (2-3 years), specific purposeful work is carried out with this group. They replace absent managers, act as their understudies, and attend refresher courses. After completion of the preparation phase based on the analysis production activities Each specific leader is subject to secondary selection and testing. Managers who have successfully passed the second selection are offered for promotion to vacant positions of heads of workshops, their deputies, having previously completed an internship in these positions, or are enlisted in the reserve and, if vacancies appear, are appointed to positions. The rest of the trained workers continue to work in their positions; horizontal movement is possible.

The fourth stage is work with line managers of middle management. At this stage, the current promising shop managers and their deputies join the already formed group of young managers. The work is built according to individual plans. Each appointed middle manager is assigned a mentor - a senior manager for individual work with him. The head-mentor, together with the specialists of the personnel management departments, on the basis of the analysis of the personal qualities and professional knowledge and skills of the applicant, draw up an individual training plan for him. Typically, these are basic education programs. commercial activities, business relations, advanced methods of managerial work, economics and jurisprudence. This stage of training provides for the training of line managers of middle management in leading organizations with the preparation of programs of measures to improve the activities of the organization (subdivision). Annual testing of the middle manager is carried out, which reveals his professional skills, ability to manage a team, professionally solve complex production tasks. Based on the analysis of the test results of a particular manager, proposals are made for further promotion.

The fifth stage is work with line managers of the highest management level. The appointment of leaders to senior positions is a complex process. One of the main difficulties is the choice of a candidate who meets many requirements. A senior manager must have a good knowledge of the industry as well as the organization. He must have experience in the main functional subsystems in order to navigate in production, financial, personnel matters and act skillfully in extreme socio-economic and political situations. Rotation, that is, moving from one unit of the organization to another, should begin well in advance, when managers are in positions of grass-roots and middle management. Selection for nomination and replacement vacancies senior management must be produced on a competitive basis. It should be carried out by a special commission consisting of senior managers (directors of production, branches, chief specialists, etc.) with the participation of specialists from the relevant personnel management departments and, if necessary, involving independent experts.

22. Planning and preparation of a reserve of personnel.

Personnel reserve- this is a group of managers and specialists with the ability to manage activities, meeting the requirements for a position of a certain rank, who have passed the selection procedure and systematic targeted qualification training.

Working with a reserve, like many other HR technologies, is complex.

There are the following types of personnel reserve;

1. By type of activity:

a) development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas (during the diversification of production, the development of new products and technologies);

b) functioning reserve - a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the future.

2. By appointment time:

a) operational reserve (consists of understudies - candidates for certain key positions who are ready to start work immediately or in the near future).

It includes some of the posts that will become vacant in the near future and require specific training of candidates;

b) strategic reserve (young employees with leadership qualities who can hold these positions for up to 20 years).

Talent pool planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. It requires working through the entire chain of promotions, relocations, layoffs of specific employees.

The plan of work with the reserve of managerial personnel of the organization includes the following sections: determination of the need for managerial personnel; selection and study of leading personnel; recruitment of the reserve, consideration, coordination and approval of the reserve; work with a reserve of leading personnel; control over the preparation of a reserve of leading personnel; determination of the readiness of the reserve of managerial personnel for appointment to positions.

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which have a variety of forms depending on the characteristics and traditions various organizations. We can say that substitution schemes are a variant of the development scheme organizational structure focused on specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented equivalent circuits are based on typical equivalent circuits. They are developed by the personnel management services for the organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

The main criteria for selecting candidates for the reserve are: the appropriate level of education and training; experience in working with people; organizational skills; personal qualities; health status, age.

The sources of personnel reserve formation are: qualified specialists; deputy heads of divisions; grassroots leaders; graduates employed in production as workers.

Organizations have developed a certain procedure for selecting and enrolling in a personnel reserve group:

The selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35 who have positively proven themselves in the practical work and having higher education;

The decision to include employees in the reserve groups is made by a special commission and approved by an order for the organization;

· for each employee (trainee) the head of the internship (main) and the head of each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual internship plan at each stage;

heads of interns included in the personnel reserve group receive material remuneration for successful completion trainee stages of the service-professional advancement system;

the trainee is set official salary, corresponding to the new position he occupies, but higher than the previous salary, and all types of material incentives provided for this position apply to him.

23. Roles and functions of the leader.

Management- mental and physical activity, the purpose of which is the fulfillment by subordinates of the actions prescribed by them and the solution of certain tasks.

Supervisor- this is a position that allows a person to have certain powers, to use the power given to him. To effectively manage the organization, the leader must have leadership influence, certain personal qualities. However, the leader does not become a leader only because of these qualities.

Modern leader(manager) is simultaneously:

1) manager, endowed with power;

2) a leader who is able to lead his subordinates (using his authority, positive emotions, high professionalism);

3) a diplomat who establishes contacts with partners and authorities, successfully overcomes internal and external conflicts;

4) an educator with high moral qualities, able to create a team and guide its development in the right direction;

5) an innovator who understands the role of science in the modern world of business, who is able to evaluate and immediately introduce "know-how", inventions, rational proposals into production;

6) just a person with deep knowledge, extraordinary abilities, a high level of culture, honesty, decisiveness of character, strong will, but at the same time, prudence, the ability to be a model in all respects.

There are 5 classic managerial functions (they are also called the classic management functions, which were formulated by one of the founders of the scientific theory of management - Henri Fayol in 1916.

The Frenchman Henri Fayol (1841–1925) managed a mining and metallurgical syndicate for more than 30 years and, together with Frederic Taylor, Henry Ford and other specialists, created a scientific management theory.

The classic functions of a leader:

1. Planning(“forecasting and planning”) is the function of the leader No. 1. The leader must know the goals of his organization, his unit. To do this, he needs to know the answers to the questions: where are we now? Where do we want to go? How to do it?

2. Organization- this function of the manager includes the development of an organizational structure, the creation of the necessary regulations, the prescribing of business processes, the setting of tasks, the provision of the enterprise necessary resources(people, materials, raw materials).

3. Management(in different sources the terms "accompaniment", "distribution", "motivation") are also used - this is the function of a manager, which includes the distribution and setting of tasks, fixing areas of responsibility, encouraging employees to work.

4. Coordination- this is a function that ensures the achievement of consistency in the work of all parts of the organization by establishing optimal communications between them (this can be reports, interviews, meetings, computer communications, transfer of documentation).

5. Control is checking people and their work to ensure that the plan is carried out. Thanks to this function, the manager receives answers to the questions: what have we learned? What should be done differently next time? What is the reason for the deviations from the planned indicators?

Recently, instead of 5, 4 classical functions of a leader are often distinguished, namely: planning, organization, motivation and control.

The roles of the leader according to V.I. Viktorov:

1. Mentor

In this role, the leader must be sensitive, open, attentive, willing to meet halfway, ready to help. Playing this role, the leader listens and fulfills legitimate requests, grades, and gives compliments. He sees people as resources that can be developed through trust, empathy, and caring. It empowers and helps people make plans for their own individual development.

2. Facilitator

He must educate in the team the desire for agreement, to settle interpersonal conflicts. Expected behaviors include mediating personal disputes, using new techniques in conflict resolution, developing concord and morality, and taking part in solving team problems.

3. Producer

He is expected to focus on work, great interest, energy and driving force. The leader inspires subordinates to take responsibility, set goals and achieve high productivity. This usually helps team members perform better on assigned tasks.

4. Director

He is expected to provide clear direction based on sound goal setting and sound planning. He must be a decisive initiator who will clarify issues, choices and alternatives, allocate roles and tasks, set rules, evaluate performance and give instructions.

5. Coordinator

The facilitator is expected to maintain a structure and a clear system. The person in this role is complaisant and inspires confidence. Behaviors include striving for integrity, avoiding splits, engaging in paperwork, studying and evaluating reports, plans, and proposals.


It is assumed that he knows about everything that happens in the team, monitors how people observe established order and to what extent the team is up to the task. The controller must be capable of rational analysis, be attentive to details, to work with routine information, to the technical problems of organizing work.

7. Innovator

The innovator leader is expected to make changes that make work easier. In contrast to the role of the Controller, for whom the main thing is order and discipline, the Innovator is a creative dreamer who boldly experiments, moving away from accepted standards.

8. Mediator

Leaders are expected to be politically insightful, persuasive, influential, and powerful. As an intermediary, he must meet people, find a market, act as a spokesperson, act as a liaison, and seek resources.

24. Personal qualities leader.

The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent on who is at the head of it. A qualified leader will help promote the business through proper organization labor of his subordinates.

Being a good leader is not easy. A person who has a leadership position must combine various qualities of a professional and personal plan.