At what age is it better to shoot a baby up to a year? How to photograph babies? Newborn Photography Tips Baby Photoshoot 6 Months Old

Beloved and precious children - how much joy and magical moments of happiness, how much pride and inspiration they bring to their parents! But how fast they grow - just have time to follow their wonderful changes.

In order not to forget anything important and to be able to admire them, little ones, when they grow up, it is worth taking photos of children more often, adding them to an invaluable family album.

But how to photograph children so that the pictures turn out really good? What is the best camera to use? Finally, what do you need to know to take really good photos?

Why take baby photos?

Our babies are the best models in the world, as they are always at hand, or rather, spin under our feet.

They do not need to ask permission to shoot, for fear of violating their personal space. In addition, you can always post the photos you have taken on a blog or social network page (before the child turns 18, his parent can do this without fear of violating "copyrights").

Finally, all children grow and change very quickly. And when they grow up and begin to ask what they were like in childhood, you can always show them the treasured album with photographs capturing the best moments of a carefree life.

In other words, to create a whole chronicle of childhood, returning when viewing the album to this wonderful time.

Choosing a camera for shooting: soap box, film or SLR?

The quality of the pictures directly depends on what camera they are taken with. Although popular digital cameras are always at hand and it is much easier to buy them, they are not very suitable for filming on the move. As soon as the child moves or jumps, the frame will be hopelessly “spoiled”.

Or is it not? And the best shots are taken when the baby behaves directly: plays, laughs, eats the plastic of a watermelon and smears drops of juice on his cheeks?

If you have such an opportunity, get yourself a film or reflex camera and you definitely won't regret it.

When working with a film unit, joint development of the photographs taken will bring you many wonderful minutes, and if you choose a DSLR, then the photographs taken with its help (with the right approach to the device) will turn out to be simply amazing.

Setting up a SLR camera


Her correct setting allows you to adjust the depth of field, which is the most important rule quality photo. To do this, select an aperture value of f5.6.

If the camera does not have such a mode, just turn on the “portrait” function. Her automatic settings automatically open the aperture and reduce the depth of field, making the background and subject of photos beautiful and clear.


The light sensitivity setting depends on where exactly you will photograph the child: outdoors or indoors. Light is also important here: if the room is dark, then for a high-quality photo you need to set the ISO to 200. When the lighting suits you, this parameter can be slightly reduced.


It is best to use 1/200 if the model is sitting when shooting. If the child is in motion, raise the level to at least 1/500.

Not enough light? Raise the ISO even further by opening the aperture. Finally, if all else fails, just use the sport shooting mode.


It is best to set its mode to one point, because children who are constantly running around will not give you the opportunity to focus the camera yourself.


In other words, the image format. Do you do photo editing? Then take photos in RAW format, and if not, then calmly work in JPEG mode.


An external flash is much better than a built-in flash. If you are also shooting indoors with light walls, it is best to bounce the flash off the wall or ceiling.

Do not use the built-in flash in natural light. Remember: when shooting standing against the sun, it will be better to turn on the flash to fill the frame.


It is best to choose cameras with good zoom(for example, with a lens of 70-200mm). It will allow you to photograph children from afar. As an option, take a wide-angle lens, which will help to photograph a child with funny distortions.

For work in a room where there is little light, it is better to choose a device with a fast lens.

How to photograph a child beautifully?

All babies are different. This becomes especially noticeable when you start photographing children: when one kid sits calmly and looks straight into the frame, the other at that time cannot be caught even by seven.

But even in this there is nothing hopeless: the more alive the child, the more interesting the pictures are. And if your active child does not want to pose, take it not only for granted, but also as a great excuse to take a good photo.


First, let's deal with those kids who love posing.

The first thing to know when photographing such children is that it is worth taking pictures from their height level (at a minimum, it should be at eye level of the little one).

It’s great if the baby has taken a good position on his own, but if this does not happen, you can help him.

Recumbent posture

Have your baby lie down on the floor or on the grass. At the same time, he can spread out on the ground or lie on it, carelessly propping his head up with his hands.

Help toy

You can calm the child and set him up for shooting by giving him his favorite plush friend in the hands. In addition, photos with toys are very cute and tender.

Active actions

You can try to photograph the child at the moment when he plays or paints with watercolors. By keeping the kids busy with something really interesting, you can get a great angle and a wonderful photo.

In addition, when the baby is truly passionate about what he is doing, he will perfectly “pose” for you as a photographer.

Laugh louder

Moments associated with loud laughter or screaming are incredibly valuable for any photographer: it is at this moment that photos are obtained that have no price.

Just do not ask the baby to laugh artificially or forcedly - it is better to avoid simulated emotions for real photos.

Eat for health

During shooting, you can use simple food: apple, watermelon, candy or ice cream. Let the child eat them with appetite, and you do not forget to click the shutter at this time.

How to shoot active kids?

Behind the game

There is nothing more beautiful than a child who is passionate about the game. However, you need to choose the right type of fun, since not all games are good for photographing: the model from the frame can run away all the time.

To solve the problem, be also a director, and not just a photographer, and offer the child the rules: ask him to play ball, or even better, take someone to help.

Your assistant will not only play with the child, but at the same time make sure that he is harmoniously positioned in relation to the camera.

in the sun

Habitual, if not to say that an ordinary walk is an occasion to create good pictures. Especially if there is a beautiful sunny day outside the window, which is perfect for shooting.

While playing with water

All the kids just do not like the soul in the water and love to swim. Use this habit to your advantage, because the more the child experiences positive emotions, the more interesting the pictures are.

Use protection

One “but”: in this case, it will be easier to shoot for those who have compact camera with waterproof case. This device is needed primarily in order to protect the camera from water and splashes.

With a case, you will be able to lower your camera underwater without fear or reproach and catch a brilliant moment when one half of your frame (and model) is in the water, and the other half is on land.

Photographing in the apartment

Undoubtedly, it is more often (and more convenient) to photograph children at home. In order for the pictures to turn out good, give up the flash - you don’t need it. It is better to use natural light sources.

So, if a cute sun peeps into the room: invite the baby to play by the windowsill and take a touching picture against the background of the window.

Making a family portrait

Would you like to take a photo with your child? A mirror will come to help you, in front of which you will need to settle down. Do this so that you can see the reflection of the playing baby in it. The more natural the photo, the better.

Want something more fun? Set the camera on a timer (10 seconds) and jump to the model at the most important moment. Just don't take pictures with your arm outstretched - you'll end up with only two distorted faces, not a family portrait.

We pay attention to details

Everything ingenious is simple and it lies in the details: take a picture of the baby's cute leg, which at this time is held in the hands of dad. Take off the touching fingers that tightly grabbed your finger ...

The more you pay attention to important details, the more you will be able to remember in the future, wiping tears of joy and happiness that welled up in your eyes.

How to shoot small children and newborns?

There are a few important rules for shooting young children, and we will be happy to tell you about them.

Poses for shooting

  • babies up to 1.5-2 months: it is better to shoot them lying down, but do it not from above, but from eye level. You can capture the baby in the arms of the father or take a picture of his face peeking over his shoulder;
  • toddlers 2-5 months: given that they already hold their heads well, it is better to photograph them lying on their tummy. A sitting position is suitable for shooting, just do not forget to give the baby something to distract his attention;
  • children at 6-9 months: it is better to shoot these little ones, lying down on the floor;
  • babies 9-10 months and older: confidently standing and running, they will get into the frame well if the photographer standing in the knee-elbow position catches up with them with the camera for shooting.

different angles

Since babies do not know how to pose at this age, try to diversify the pictures by crawling up to them from different angles.

Shooting in the daytime

Daylight is more successful than electric, and the baby at this time of day is set to work much more than in the evenings.

Filming a sleepy baby

Let's open little secret: It is not at all necessary to wait for the child to wake up. You can take a few shots of a cute sleeping little one - it will turn out great in the photo.

No to flash

It is better not to use a flash to shoot young children, as its bright and blinding light, which appears from nowhere, can not only scare the baby, but also negatively affect the retina of his eyes.

Don't be afraid to cry

A real photographer (in the studio, in kindergarten or on the street), will not be able to frighten children's crying, but if the baby's mother takes pictures, then this is a completely different matter.

However, you should not be afraid of crying either: this is a normal picture in which the child will turn out well in the photo. Clicked a couple of times - and calmed the child.

big plans

They help very well to convey the fragility and tenderness of a small creature and work great if at the time of shooting the child yawns or smiles timidly.

Shoot more often

Your children are growing every day and are also constantly changing, so it makes sense to photograph them, if not every day, then at least a couple of times a week.

Keep your camera handy

In order not to miss an important moment, do not put the camera far into the wardrobe, because in daily affairs you can find a lot of inspiration for a good portrait!

Whether it will be bathing or wellness massage, traditional breastfeeding or a walk in the park - according to the plot, such shots are in no way inferior to staged ones.

Tricks and secrets of beautiful baby photos

Zoom and focus

By increasing the zoom, you can photograph the baby in the surrounding context. It is worth paying great attention to the eyes of the child, because it is they - bottomless and sparkling with happiness - that attract the attention of observers.


A well-chosen background is one that does not distract the viewer from the main subject. Remove unnecessary objects from the frame and experiment with different colors and textures of the space.

Non-standard approach

You can diversify the photos, capturing not the “whole” child as a whole, but individual details: shoes, hands or eyelashes.


The child should feel comfortable, and therefore, for a photo shoot, it is better to choose the clothes in which it will be convenient for him to work as a model.

Continuous Shooting

Using the continuous shooting option, you will get beautiful pictures filled with originality and your own author's style.


The kid will be liberated much faster if a familiar person is present in the frame with him: dad, grandmother, brother or sister. In addition, the presence of another character in the photo adds to the charm of the relationship.

Child safety rules

Photographing children is not only a pleasant experience, but also quite responsible. Therefore, it is worth thinking not only about the rules for its implementation, but also about security issues (both the model and the camera):

  • do not forget to protect the lens with a special filter;
  • in no case do not leave the camera unattended or where a curious creature can easily reach it;
  • purchase a special lens cleaning kit;
  • hold the camera firmly in your hands, and even better hold it with a strap draped over your shoulder;
  • take pictures more often so that the baby gets used to the camera and does not try to snatch it from his hands;
  • sneak up on the child imperceptibly;
  • show the child a camera and let (within reason) press its buttons;
  • if the baby still shows an increased interest in the camera and you are afraid for the safety of the unit, just give the child a children's camera to start shooting together.

What else do you need to know?

  1. Growing in value every day, children's photographs should be carefully stored and allocated a lot of hard drive space for this.
  2. It will not be superfluous to properly set up the camera and shoot the child in RAW format.
  3. Also, you can not save on a memory card. Stock up on enough of them, since you will have to ruthlessly delete many frames in order to leave the most interesting ones as a keepsake.
  4. Save original pictures in a separate place, and if you work in a graphics editor, then do it with a copy of the photo.
  5. After a while, you will master the new features of these programs and will want to process your “first shot” in a much more interesting way. How do you do this if the original portrait was hopelessly lost?

Three main rules of photography

Do it!

The one who does nothing is not mistaken, and therefore remember: being afraid to spoil the photo and therefore not taking pictures of your child, you are making the most important mistake!

After all, not even the most successful photograph that captures a beautiful child is the best picture in the whole wide world!

Print photos

Do not forget not only to take pictures of the baby, but also print pictures regularly. Many "modern" parents do one thing, but completely forget about the other, and yet a photo on paper is much more "alive" than a computer one.

Tidy up your photo bank

Hundreds of similar pictures stored in a laptop? This is yesterday - there is no point in saving the same if you can choose the best and save yourself from looking through tons of slides in search of "the one."

Summing up

No matter how hard you try to make it real good photo do not neglect the services of professional photographers. Therefore, sometimes it is worth going with the whole family to a professional photo shoot.

Firstly, there you can relax and pose with your child. Secondly, you will be able to beautifully get into the frame, and not stand at the “plate” on the other side of the camera.

Finally, thirdly, a real professional will not only correctly set the light, but also capture your family with the help of professional equipment, retouching and unique talent.

All this will give you the opportunity to admire a real work of art in a couple of hours or days. Enjoy your creative moments!

The birth of children is a real miracle. Trembling excitement, waiting for the birth of a baby, the first cry, a smile. These are unforgettable moments in the life of a new person, which many parents want not only to keep in memory, but also in a photograph. And it is best to entrust the first photo session in the life of a baby to a professional.

Getting ready to shoot

So, you have made an order for a photo session for a newborn. What should you think about first? Of course, about coming to the shooting fully armed: do not forget the camera and all the things necessary for photography.

Preparing for a baby photo session is very close in responsibility to preparing a wedding photo shoot.

It is important to take into account numerous nuances, not to forget anything. Sometimes even an experienced and popular photographer can be confused by shooting a newborn if he had little contact with children before. The little man still does not know how to pose, to express different emotions, which the photographer would like to see in the picture. This is the charm and purity of the kids, but this is the problem for the photographer. At any moment, the child may cry, refusing to take at least one frame. So you need to stock up on patience and ingenuity in order to make a truly beautiful and reverent photo shoot that will delight the baby's parents and relatives for many years.

List of necessary things for shooting

  • Main and spare chambers;
  • New memory cards;
  • lenses;
  • Rattles and other toys (needed in order to attract the attention of the baby);
  • Background stand and clips;
  • It is advisable to take a heater with you to keep the baby from freezing if you shoot in the studio and not at home;
  • Comfortable chair (it is desirable that he can control the height);
  • A place where you can put the baby (it can be a beautiful pillow, a cocoon, a bean bag chair);

  • Additional clothes that you can change into in case of a child's surprise;
  • Necessary decor (depends on the concept of shooting);
  • Background for photo;
  • Various accessories: diapers, ribbons, bows, etc.

Don't forget to eat well before the photo session because it can take an unpredictable amount of time.

You can take a small mattress or blanket with you, which can be placed under your knees during shooting, so that you are comfortable and your legs do not get numb. Carefully select clothing for this event: it should be light and comfortable, not restricting movement. Remember that you will have to work with a very tiny baby, so it is very difficult to guess how long it will take to shoot. Perhaps the baby will sleep all the time and you will be able to shoot all the good shots in a short time. But it may also be that you spend several hours looking for successful shots. Therefore, be prepared for anything and carefully gather for a photo session.

Yours is also very important positive attitude. For parents, as a rule, the first photo session of their child is very exciting, causing a lot of feelings and anxiety. And you should be smiling, calm. This will be felt not only by the parents, but also by the child himself. More optimism, everything will definitely work out!

Features of shooting children of different ages

When the photo shoot bag is assembled, you are set, it's time to think about what the specifics of the upcoming photo shoot will be. Indeed, in different months of life, children manifest themselves in different ways, so it is important to know these nuances.

Newborn photography up to 4 weeks

As a rule, during this period of time, the baby sleeps for the most part. You have a wonderful opportunity to choose the right angle for a long time, calmly use the scenery, invent plots. You can ask the parents to stand in the frame with the baby, offer to hold him in his arms. There are many options, connect your imagination.

Baby photography at 4 weeks

At this age, the baby still needs to support the head, and you can take advantage of this by taking a family portrait. Let one of the parents take the child in such a way that he lies on his hands, like on a pillow, with his tummy down. In this position, the baby will be calm and relaxed, and you will get great shots.

Photographing a 3 month old baby

You will have to be patient to catch a really good shot, like a baby yawning.

Photographing a 4 month old baby

You have almost the last opportunity to take a picture of a baby who sleeps on his arm. Further, the baby will be more mobile and less prone to static frames.

Baby photography at 5 months

During this period, the child is already making the first attempts to sit, which you can use. Involve parents in the photo, who will support the baby in his desire to sit, and you will get a great shot.

Before 6 months, you need to have time to take a photo of the baby's arms and legs, while they are still tiny.

Photographing a 6 month old baby

From this time on, the child is already sitting on his own and is more in contact with people, including with a photographer. Much will depend on the ability to establish a connection with the baby, to interest him, he will like it. Your charm, friendliness, smile, sincerity will certainly be needed here. Become a child's friend, and you will definitely get unforgettable, touching shots.

  • Advice:
    be attentive to details, they will help to create unique and original shots.

Photographing one year olds

First birthday. So many opportunities for great shots! Surely the parents were preparing for the holiday, decorating the room, dressing up, baking or ordering the main attribute of the holiday - a cake. IN foreign countries, for example, a very common trend is a tortola, when kids eat a cake and smear themselves with this sweetness. It turns out funny, very lively shots! Try to arrange such a shoot with your parents and you will be provided with fun, cheerful photos.

Shooting children 2 years old

At this age, the child willingly contacts with an adult, if he himself finds an approach to him. You need to learn how to play with the baby, behave directly, take pictures between times, but catch cute moments, funny, when, for example, the child makes faces or plays catch-up with you.

Knowing the specifics of children of each age period, you are more likely to be able to avoid undesirable consequences from a photo shoot, when neither you nor your parents will be satisfied with the shooting. Therefore, use our advice, replenish your portfolio with excellent shots and arouse admiration in the parents of your baby with amazing pictures of your child.

  • Take multiple shots from different angles. Some frames may turn out to be blurry, unsuccessful, but the kids still do not know how to pose. Therefore, your skill and dexterity are very important for this photo shoot plan. It is better to take more photos so that later there is plenty to choose from.
  • Photograph babies during the day. It is at this time of day that newborns are more inclined to shoot. A huge plus is the fact that daylight is better than electric. Also, you will most likely have the opportunity to photograph the baby both sleeping and after waking up. Thus, you will get a different photo plan, which is undoubtedly better than monosyllabic ones.

  • One of the most important tips is to turn off the flash. The child may simply be afraid of her, and bright light adversely affects the retina.
  • Be sure to include family members in the shoot. Babies will feel much more comfortable next to mom, dad, brother, sister and other close relatives.
  • Choose beautiful, unusual props for a photo shoot, with which you can make even the most ordinary shot incredible.
  • Don't panic if your baby starts crying. You can also take pictures of a crying baby, so don't be afraid of the baby's tears and screams.
  • Take detailed pictures. Let only the legs, arms, head of the baby be in the frame. Such an enlargement makes the frame very cute, allows you to focus on the touchingness of a small creature.

Ideas for shooting babies

We will offer you some ideas on how to shoot babies.

Idea 1. Arrange a photo shoot of how the expectant mother is going to the hospital. Try to convey in the photograph the atmosphere of pleasant excitement of the mother before meeting with the child. Very soon she will not have the opportunity to take a picture of herself with a tummy, so you need to seize the moment.
Idea 2. The first days of a baby's life. Take pictures of the baby in the crib in the hospital, next to the mother. The child is just beginning to explore this wonderful, big world.
Idea 3. Try to photograph the moment when the child's father sees him for the first time. It's very touching! After all, even the most brutal and serious men break into a smile at the sight of their baby, some may even shed a tear. This wonderful transformation of a male father will not leave anyone indifferent!

Idea 4. First family gathering. The moment when grandparents and other close relatives arrive. This is an important day for the first meeting with a new family member.
Idea 5. Be sure to take a photo of the tag from the hospital. It may be lost over time, but here is a photograph that contains such important information will be safe and sound.
Idea 6. You can arrange a photo shoot for a newborn with other kids in the hospital. Be sure that the pictures will be touching and cute.
Idea 7. A mother feeding her baby is also a touching and unusual shot. You can take a series of shots, and then choose the angle that you like best.

Idea 8. Preparation for discharge from the hospital. Those moments when a mother dresses her baby in elegant clothes that were bought especially for this occasion.
Idea 9. Discharging from maternity hospital. The first exit of the baby into the world and the way home. Very soon, the baby will get acquainted with his room, bed, find out where he will have to live and grow.
Idea 10. Photo session at home immediately after returning from the hospital.
idea 11. Measuring the growth of the baby. To do this, you can use a toy that you need to put next to the crumbs in order to understand in contrast how small and defenseless the new little man is.
Idea 12. Kid and toys. You can arrange a separate photo session of the baby and his toys. It will be so nice after years for a grown child to remember the wonderful first moments of life surrounded by his toys.

idea 13. Photos of baby clothes. She is so tiny, delights and tenderness. The baby's things can be held by parents, for example, to make it clear how small and delicate everything is. You will certainly get beautiful, cute shots that can be reviewed several times.
Idea 14. It is worth trying to shoot the baby's first bath. Many children love to swim, it makes them delight.
Idea 15. Baby facial expressions. Of course, here you cannot be sure that in one photo session you will take pictures with different facial expressions of the baby. You can do this type of shooting in several visits.

Your efforts will not be in vain, because a child's smile caught, frowning eyebrows are worth a lot.

We hope that you will be inspired by our tips and ideas, and will be able to catch more than one successful shot. Let the photo session you made bring joy not only to you, but also to the relatives of the baby, for whom each photograph of their beloved child is very important and valuable.

I am often asked at what age it is better to photograph a child under one year old, so I decided to write a small article about this. Up to a year, our children grow and change rapidly, so I recommend shooting the baby several times: at 10 days, 4-5 months, 8-9 months and at 1-1.5 years. In my opinion, these are 4 key points that need to be captured. And every time we shoot a baby at these stages, we get completely different shots. Then the children do not change so much and you can shoot once a year.

Photography in 7-10 days. In our city, photography of newborns is not yet very popular, and for the most part due to prejudices that a child should not be shown to anyone before a month, and also that sleeping children should not be photographed. I believe that this age is very important to capture, because some 20-30 days will pass and you will no longer see your baby so peaceful, tiny, gentle and touching. I recommend shooting newborns at 7-12 days, at this time they sleep soundly like angels and they are comfortable in the “globular” position, after 14 days they no longer want to lie like that and will be more awake and worried.

4-5 months. At this age, babies already hold their heads perfectly, can lie on their stomachs for a long time with an emphasis on their hands, look intently at all the toys and smile when they hear a gentle voice. Shooting turns out to be more diverse than at 2-3 months, when the child has to be shot mostly lying on his back. It is convenient to use decor with such children.

8-9 months. This is my favorite age. When I shoot such babies, almost all photo shoots turn out to be excellent and diverse in terms of emotions. At this age, babies already know how to sit and crawl, which is very important for a variety of poses. They are so inquisitive and they are interested in everything that it is easy to evoke positive emotions in the baby. At this age, their eyes are open to the world, their smiles shine, of course, it is a pleasure to capture such emotions. If you are in doubt what age to choose: 5, 9 months or to coincide with a photo shoot for a year, I advise you to shoot the baby at this age. This age is the most suitable for shooting with decor.

1-1.5 years. At this age, it becomes more difficult to shoot a baby, because he is already beginning to show his character. He needs to go where he wants to, dig pebbles and pinch grass, and he doesn’t want to sit with his parents on a blanket and look at “aunt”, and not at his new shoe or gnaw at an even more interesting stick J At this age, parents need to be more strongly included in the shooting process, since it is no longer staged, but more reportage. Most often, these shootings take place in the “seize the moment” mode. But nevertheless, such shooting turns out to be very interesting in terms of movements and emotions. I do not advise you to prepare a non-portable decor for shooting a one-year-old child, because you will have to run after the baby with this decor. . I recommend doing this kind of shooting outdoors.

In general, at whatever age the shooting takes place, the mood of the parents and the child himself is very important. If the child is sick or has not had enough sleep, it is better to reschedule the shooting. And of course, if the child is tired during the shooting or is naughty and does not want to be photographed - you should not scold and punish him for this, some children lose interest after 5 minutes of shooting, in this case, no matter how angry you are with him, you need to take yourself into hands and create an atmosphere of warmth and fun, then the shooting will go smoothly ... :)

300 photos, 10 retouched

9980r 1-1.5 hours

Dear Parents, children's photo session- this is an exciting adventure, besides it is quite inexpensive! Order a photo session for a child from me and I will take care of everything: I will help you choose clothes, advise places for shooting in Moscow, complete and deliver your order by courier. A sea of ​​pleasant impressions and bright, memorable shots are guaranteed!

Book a photo shoot with your kids

Children's photography is ordered by mothers who want not to miss a single stage in the life of their child. Photographing children requires a professional not only technique, talent and skill, but also special props: for the little ones I have baskets, headbands, blankets, scarves, hats, knitted with my own hand. In my work, I consider the most important thing is to win the trust of a wonderful hero, let him behave at ease and take great pictures! Kids always love me back, because I try to see the world like them. After the meeting, I even feel a little sad, saying goodbye to my new little friend...

Ideas for a children's photo shoot

In Moscow and the Moscow region, I conduct photo shoots for children in any of the following places: in a children's studio or in nature, on the street or in a park - I have a lot of ideas for a children's photo shoot, I will offer the best options!

Children's photo session in the studio

Photo sessions for children in nature

In nature, a photo session will not seem boring to a child: the park has a large space for games, movement and communication with peers. To conduct an exit photo session with a child on the street, in nature - at any time of the year, in summer and winter. While I'm peeping through the viewfinder, he can ride a bike or sled, run through puddles, chase pigeons, roll on the grass or in the snow!

Photo session with a child at home

A home photo shoot with a child will be inexpensive and suitable even for little crumbs: at home, surrounded by native walls, he will feel comfortable, and we will get magical photographs. Favorite toys will become accessories, and I will remove unnecessary details using computer processing. For a home photo session of a baby, I can bring with me a variety of accessories that I knit myself.
May many years later you and future generations have memories of a wonderful and unique time of childhood.

There are always more children's photos at home than photos taken anywhere else. But these photos do not always satisfy the quality of the parent-photographer. Why is this happening? Perhaps you did not take into account the lighting and did not set up the camera correctly, or maybe you just took the wrong angle. The reasons, in fact, can be many.

In order not to repeat your mistakes again and again, you need to carefully prepare for shooting, armed with our tips for photographing children at home.

Photograph your child in natural light

best time for baby photo session at home - sunny morning. In sunny weather, the bright rays of the sun pass through window glass, which in this case plays the role of a diffuser and illuminates the room, the child and other subjects well.

In the event that natural light is not enough to shoot a child's portrait and deep shadows form on the face, then a photo reflector can be installed on the shadow side. You can make it from ordinary foil by gluing it to a strong cardboard.

Use a portrait lens

If you have a fast portrait lens, then use it for a photo shoot. It will help you take bright photos and, thanks to the maximum aperture, will “blur” the unsightly background in the room.

Use the window as a pedestal for a photo shoot

The perfect place for a baby photo session - window sill with a closed window. On it, including near it, you can take beautiful children's photos in natural light without using a flash.

Have your child sit on a window sill and ask him to tell you about what he sees on the street. While the kid is telling his story, take pictures of him from different angles and be sure to keep up a conversation with him, otherwise he will quickly get bored with this activity and he will be asked to get off.

“Dilute” the photo with a teddy bear. Have your child show their plush friend the trees and the way outside the window. The kid will gladly accept your offer. Entice your child with different views from the window. Think up and tell about a dog that runs outside the window. Thus, you will get excellent shots of the baby, who is carefully looking out the window.

Play hide and seek with your child near the window. Let him hide behind the curtain and happily peek out from behind his shelter. Just make sure you catch the moment! But do not forget at the same time that the child’s movement can be blurred in the frame, so set the camera correctly: fast shutter speed (1/250 or more), maximum open aperture (f2 - 5.6), turn on the flash if necessary and, if necessary, adjust her “puff” a couple of steps down, so as not to overexpose the child’s face.

Organize a cozy corner for a photo shoot

It's not hard to do this at home. You just need to find a well-lit place where you can hang the background.

A plain white sheet or tablecloth will serve as a background for you. You can attach it to the wallpaper with pins or push pins. If you are unable to do this, then find a place where the child will be comfortable to sit, for example, a children's sofa or chair. You can “refresh” such a place for a photo shoot so that it does not become familiar in a family album with the help of a beautiful cape, pillows and plush toys. But do not overdo it, otherwise your photo will not show the child, the main subject. Everything should be in moderation. 3-4 toys surrounded by the baby is enough.

Photograph your baby in action

If you already have a lot of photos in which a child plays, draws or swims, and you no longer know what idea to come up with for a children's photo shoot, do not despair.

Did you take pictures of the child when he was drawing at the table? Then go to the floor! Put down a large piece of paper, give paints and let him draw with his hands and feet. In order to take some excellent photos of a drawing baby, you only need 20 minutes. Then film him trying to get the paint off his hands in the bathroom. Such moments, captured in a photograph, will amuse all your relatives and friends, as well as make an indelible impression on the child himself.

Another option for a children's photo shoot at home : dough modeling. Have the child sit at the table and give him the dough, flour and a small rolling pin. Ask your child to bake you buns. You can also connect older brothers and sisters or friends of your child to such a fun photo shoot. The company is always more fun!

At home, even the floor can be a great place and at the same time the backdrop for a children's photo shoot. Many children like to lie on the floor, play, read, watch TV. At this time, parents can take great pictures if they photograph the child from above, standing on a chair when he is lying on his back, or from the level of the eyes of the child when he is lying on his stomach or on his side.

Photograph your child in the evening by candlelight

If you didn’t have time for a photo shoot in the daytime or in the morning, and it’s already dark outside the window, and the lighting in the room is not good enough, then we advise you to hold a children’s photo shoot by candlelight. Toddlers can be scared, but older children usually like such photo shoots.

In order to take beautiful photos of your child by candlelight, arrange a place for shooting. Place a candle in a beautiful candlestick on a children's table or on a stool, turn off the light and turn off the flash. Set the camera: ISO 100 - 200 (the higher the ISO value, the more noise is formed in the image), aperture - 3.5-5.6, shutter speed 1/10 - 1/15. If your camera does not have manual settings, then switch it to night mode.

Photographing children at home , experiment not only with lighting, angles, but also with camera settings. Connect relatives and friends of the baby to photography, hold a photo session in game form and then in your family album there will be only interesting and high-quality photos.

Children's photo session at home the most convenient format for taking pictures, especially for a child. Let's discuss what parents and baby photographers need to know in order to have a baby photo session in your home.

The home is a comfortable, familiar and familiar "habitat" for all family members. A child already at 9-12 months is well oriented in the apartment, knows the places in the house where he eats, sleeps, plays, bathes. Therefore, it is better to conduct a children's photo shoot, especially for babies under one year old, at home in a familiar environment.

A child will feel safe at home, especially if, in addition to a child photographer who is unfamiliar to him, mom and dad are nearby. The kid will be able to quickly adapt and get used to a stranger in his territory.

Tidying up the house – we don’t want superfluous and unnecessary objects to get into the frame. To do this, we put things in order at home in advance, there is no need to carry out general cleaning, it is enough to remove unnecessary, distracting objects so that they do not fall into the frame: bright carpets, stacks of newspapers and magazines stale on the coffee table, mugs forgotten on the table, etc. If the goal of a baby photo shoot is to capture your mess at home, then no cleaning is necessary.

We change the interior - not necessarily, but maybe in the process of preparing for a children's photo shoot, you will look at the interior of a room or apartment with different eyes. Only, for God's sake, do not move cabinets and beds, it will be enough to rearrange the coffee table, or rearrange the flowers from the windowsill to the floor or to the same coffee table. A small rearrangement of interior items will freshen up your room.

Choosing rooms for a children's photo shoot – we think in advance where we will photograph your child. If possible, do not limit yourself to one children's room, consider other areas of your apartment for a children's photo shoot. Good baby photos are taken in the kitchen or in the bathroom. When choosing rooms for a children's photo session at home, we pay attention to the area of ​​​​the rooms and their lighting. In a cramped room it will be difficult for a children's photographer to work. Choose and approve at least two rooms for a children's photo session, because it is very difficult to keep a child for 2-3 hours in one room.

Adding Lighting required condition for a children's photo session. If there are blackout curtains or blinds on the windows, if possible, remove them from the windows for the duration of the children's photo session. With a lack of lighting, the photos turn out dull and blurry.

Choosing a time for a baby photo shoot - we adapt only to the daily routine of the most important person in this process, to your child. It is better to photograph the child in the morning, when the lighting is good, and the child is usually more active in the morning than in the evening. The duration of a children's photo session again depends on the child - for whom there is a lot of hours, and for whom even three hours is not enough.

Preparing clothes - think in advance what clothes your child will be photographed in, take it out and put it in available space, so as not to waste your time and the photographer looking for beautiful and, most importantly, clean clothes. How to choose clothes read in this article.

We get the props - in other words, favorite toys or objects that your baby usually plays with. Many toys are not needed, three to five are enough. If in the process of holding a children's photo shoot the child asks for some other toy, do not argue with him, because everything that happens depends on his mood.

And the last prepare your child for the photo session , how to do it -

I will give you a couple of tips based on my experience.

We play, we don't take pictures - I recommend to conduct a children's photo shoot in the game mode. We do not ask the child to sit down and smile, tilt his head to the right or left, etc. We communicate with him, play, evoke only positive emotions in him, you can capture very few negative emotions, during the game we catch good moments on the fly. The quality of the photos will depend on your experience.

We photograph a child, not a child in the interior We remember why we came here. We came to photograph the baby, his emotions, to capture, so to speak, the most successful and funny moments. At the same time, try to get closer to the child so that the photographs are more portrait. Of course, you can capture the interior a little, but don’t get too carried away. In the interior shots, the expression of the baby’s face and his facial expressions are not visible, and the children have very lively and not childish acting facial expressions.

We follow the child - do not limit the child to only one space. If he wants to go to another room, let's go. If he threw a toy under the table, we do not help him, but we look at how he himself will get it. At the same time, do not forget to take pictures, to catch moments on the fly. I poured compote on myself - very good. How many emotions in this childish look can run through for a few seconds. Give him more freedom, and you will see the whole range of behavior of your kinder: from a calm and sweet quiet to an active and restless tomboy. Do not scold him during the children's photo shoot, let him throw out all the emotions. After all, this is a child, and sometimes he simply does not know how to behave in a given situation, so he tries to express himself in different ways to look at your reaction. And this is only to our advantage, let him play a little hooligan today, but then the whole family will look at truly amazing and unlike all other photos.

I described only the main points that must be considered when conducting a children's photo shoot. If you have any other questions that you did not find the answer to in my articles, write to me by mail. Always glad to chat with you.

All in all! If you want to have a photo shoot for your little one and are scratching your head looking for suitable ideas, then you are just incredibly lucky! I made a small selection of unusually touching and salivating options for children's photos. Believe me, your children will not be ashamed to show these shots to their friends, even when they become big and important people. Go.

1 I'm flying away in a big balloon.

I just don't know what could be more adorable than a baby poking fun out of a makeshift balloon. I think it would be cooler if the colors in the photo and the balls themselves were a little brighter. But for lovers of gentle shades - just right.

2 military coup.

Of course, no one will be especially comfortable in dad's pocket. Even if it is big and roomy. But for the smallest models - quite a cute version of the photo with dad. After all, the baby will not sit there for an hour? ..

3 A coward doesn't play hockey!

If sports are a big part of your life, why not use the gear lying around for a couple of shots?

4 Business sausage.

A child in adult clothes is super cute. Look how professional he can look in a big or small tie over a naked belly))

5 Pippi is a long stocking.

Traditionally, you can take a picture of a baby in cheerful golfs in bright stripes. Well, a must-have for any self-respecting beauty - a photo with a beautiful bandage. Fun to shoot and fun to watch!

6 Be my Valentine!

Hearts of all stripes and sizes - plush, cut out of cardboard, sewn from velvet - any will fit for the first declaration of love.

7 Jumping bunny.

If you don’t have such a cool hat with bunny ears, you can again make them yourself from all available means. The main thing here is not to be lazy, but to approach the matter creatively and with inspiration. After all, your baby deserves only such an approach, doesn't it?...))

8 Princess in pearls.

Well, my favorite topic for photography. We have this pearl at home - as if a pirate stole it. Here the child now and then appears in the frame, hung with pearls of various stripes.

9 Favorite Bear

Surely your house is full of all sorts of different plush toys. Plant the child, surround him with soft friends, and you are guaranteed touching memories.

10 Easter Bunny.

Another cutest idea for a spring or Easter photo shoot. However, a baby that has just hatched from an egg will look amazing at any time of the year.

11 Happy New Year!

The New Year is an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration. A kid looking enthusiastically at a Christmas tree, a kid entangled in the rain, a kid in a cherub costume - I just don’t want to go for a walk!

12 Magic light.

Another variation for the New Year's photo. An angel in the light of garlands - just one hundred percent k-k-combo!

13 While you sleep...

This photo compilation is designed to show you how many amazing shots you can take while your baby is sleeping! And he rested, and you had fun)

14 There is a framed picture on my table...

And sometimes he lies down and sleeps. It's just a sin not to take advantage of your angel's peaceful sleep and not do whatever you want with it!)))

I'm talking about again New Year, but look what a gift Grandfather Frost brought you! Wrap an ordinary basin with something red and get a red cap for 500 tenge and a great idea for a photoset is ready.

16 Basket question.

You simply have to get a wicker basket if you want to take cute photos. Imagine a series of photographs where your baby first sleeps in it, putting his hand under his cheek, then sits, laughing with pleasure, and then unhappily steps over a small and boring basket? I personally am ready to give birth to the second immediately just for these photos!!!

17 A Little Nude

OOO, those folds! Those chubby legs and arms! Everyone should have naked pictures.

18 Gyulchatay, open your face!

Babies look very cool when wrapped up in a blanket or scarf. Try it! You will see that I am not lying one bit.

19 This skirt is TUTU

Any girl has the right to be a ballerina. Even if her forms are far from ideal 90-60-90.

20 Mermaid

It is much easier to come up with ideas for photo shoots with girls than with boys. This is a fact, and it must be recognized and reconciled. So you can always tell her the story of how dad caught her in the rough sea.

21 Carriage of pumpkin.

What girl does not dream of being in the place of a fairy-tale heroine? And even if your princess is still too small to dream about carriages and princes, dream for her!

22 Color play.

If you are unbearably lazy to sit and pick a pumpkin, you can just play with an accent color. A bright accessory, successfully matched to the color of the clothes, will make even the simplest photo unusual and memorable.

23 Kisses

A win-win for your family album.

24 Bookworm

A kid dozing over a book, or looking at pictures intently - in any case, such a photo will make you smile and a bunch of pleasant emotions.

25 And again a pumpkin!

Here, in short, you have to freeze. It is not enough to find a pumpkin that is suitable in size and condition, you also need to cut and process it beautifully. Pumpkin is an interesting option, but not for the lazy.

26 Catch a fish, big and small.

Great gift idea for grandpa or dad. Especially if they are passionate lovers of fishing.

27 Sweet dreams

There is such an idea for a photo for twins.

28 Put out the fire!

If you can manage to get a fire helmet somewhere, please lend it to me for a couple of hours. I really dream of my own little extinguisher of the blazing fires of love in my heart!)))

29 The Great Gatsby

Well, where without these breathtaking outfits in the style of the 20s of the last century? All these vintage outfits are very suitable for little ones. Tested on my own experience)

30 Owl

Owls have the inexplicable property of adding +500 points to cuteness to a photo. I don't know why, but it is.

31 The Lion King

You represent yourself, right? This lush fiery mane around a tiny face. I just don't know where to get such a mane.

32 Walking boots

The option is not for the squeamish and obsessed with cleanliness. Send dad a WhatsApp, like a toddler waiting for him at home, hugging his boots, and the father of the family will simply have to immediately drop everything and rush home to sniff you.

33 Vintage suitcase

Your mom or grandma probably has one. Even old and shabby, it will help to take an interesting picture.

34 Initials

The capital letter of your baby's name, or the entire name. Fortunately, such letters are now made everywhere. And they are inexpensive.

And a couple of last tips. In order to make good ones that will delight you for many years, it is not necessary to rush to a photo studio. You can perfectly shoot them at home. Children themselves are ideal models. They turn out well in almost all photos. Just try to shoot on a well-lit day. Bad light is a bad helper in staging a photo. And do not forget that this process should bring pleasure to both of you, or at least not disturb the baby. Then you will definitely succeed!

Your angel will grow up soon. Feel free to take pictures of it. You will be interested to consider all this together after a couple of decades. And it is better, of course, that the photos are beautiful.

Bows, baskets, flowers

The good old version: take a picture of the baby in the basket, as if you just found it on your doorstep next to a stork feather.

You can wrap the baby in a silky diaper, tie a pink bow. Classic, win-win shot.

Unattainable for mere mortals, the level of skill in touching pictures of young children is demonstrated by the famous Australian photographer Anne Geddes (Anne Geddes). You are unlikely to get something like this (you need a photo studio and scenery). But you can draw ideas and inspiration from her.

From the cartoon

The girl will wear a princess costume.

The boy will be delighted if you dress him up as Superman or Batman. Or whatever he wants to be. The costume of her favorite fairy-tale princess will suit the girl (it is better to make a recognizable Disney princess, not an abstract one). Or your favorite heroine from a good movie. Everything will look interesting if you choose your accessories and location carefully.

It is best to shoot outdoors on a cloudy day: these are convenient conditions for shooting, everything is at the same time and well lit, and there are no harsh shadows.

How big

A boy can wear a tie, a hat and daddy's shoes, a young lady can try on mother's shoes and jewelry.

Series: we grow

Try to photograph the child regularly in the same place, in the same position.

Option: periodically shoot the child with the same accessory.

Add movement

Take pictures when children play in nature.

The best time to shoot is when children are playing in nature. There is no need to invent anything - nothing is better than naughty and laughing kids. It is only necessary to take a strategically advantageous position so that everything that is needed gets into the frame.

Choose an unusual angle

You probably have a lot of photos of the face of your little one. Take it off in a new way.

Draw the scenery

Make decorations from scraps.

Great way take a memorable photo - draw scenery.

Or make them from scraps, like Adele Enersen, a Helsinki-based copywriter.

Make real scenery

If you have enough strength and imagination to think through every detail, the pictures will definitely turn out impressive. Some things are not so difficult to organize.

Try to create a princess bed with a mountain of mattresses and a "pea", find a beautiful mirror.