Retraining assessment of the financial condition of companies. Financial analysis courses. Implementation of the holding's activity regulations

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How can I prove that I am your student? Do you provide any documents about your services?

Before the start of training, we conclude relevant agreements with all our students.
At the end of the training, we issue certificates of work performed (for legal entities), and for individuals - relevant diplomas and certificates.

Is it possible to get a personal income tax refund after your courses?

Each of our students is entitled to a refund of income tax on education, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, after receiving educational services. Complete training at any course of the Asset Financial Academy and return 13% of its cost. If you pay for any of our online courses on your own, as individual, you can reduce personal income tax calculations for yourself (in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The cost of the course you choose will be deducted from your total taxable income. To do this, you must submit a package of documents to the tax office. Check with managers for details of personal income tax refund.

What is a distance learning system?

Distance Learning System (LMS) - an educational environment where all educational materials for courses are stored, webinars and consultations with lecturers are held, test papers and graduation exams. Access to the LMS is available to all students who have registered for a trial lesson (limited access) or paid for the course (full access).

What is a student's personal account?

Personal Area student - personal territory of the student, which is available only to him and the portal administrators. The cabinet contains educational materials (webinars, electronic handouts, lecture notes, tests, problem books, study guides) and chat for consultations with the teacher.

Can I download course materials?

Course students can download and print workbooks and handouts for webinars, as well as abstracts and task books that are sent by the portal administrators by mail for study. They remain at your disposal even after the access to the course is closed. Webinars are intellectual property Financial Academy "Active" and are not available for downloading and storing records by students outside the distance learning system. Upon completion of the course, access to all educational materials, except for the first module of the course, closes.

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Can training be suspended?

Our listeners are practitioners, they also have jobs at work, unplanned business trips and other unforeseen situations.
Therefore, any of our courses that include online interaction between students and the teacher can be suspended for 10-20-30 days (maximum). To do this, you need to specify the reason and term for suspending training for portal administrators.

What should I do if access to the course has expired or is ending, and I have already spent all the suspension days?

If access to a course is coming to an end and there are no more suspension days left, you can renew access to the course at any time. The service of extending access to the course is paid. To order it, you need to contact the administrators of the distance learning system or your personal manager.

If I fail the IPFM exam, what should I do?

According to inexorable statistics, 80% of our students successfully pass the IPFM exams on the first try. In this they are helped by the IPFM mock exam at the end of the course and consultations of teachers. If you still manage to fail the official exam, retries are unlimited. To retake the exam, you will need to register for the exam and pay a fee.

Financial analysis helps company managers make balanced management decisions. A profitable deal at first glance can lead the company to serious problems in the future. Financial analysis skills are necessary not only for employees of the financial department, but also for any manager or employee responsible for financial and material flows.

School of Business "Alfa" offers to visit the seminar "Fundamentals of financial analysis", which intelligently combines theoretical basis with practical examples.

The one-day course "Fundamentals of Financial Analysis" provides students with a universal method of financial analysis, which helps to assess the performance and financial condition of an enterprise, outline ways to increase profitability and efficiency of capital management, assess the solvency and financial stability of counterparties.

The seminar "Fundamentals of Financial Analysis" will provide participants with knowledge and a set of practical tools on:

How to analyze financial statements? What do you need to pay attention to from the point of view of the manager, owner and lender? How to draw conclusions and make management decisions based on complex analysis?

The target audience

The course "Fundamentals of Financial Analysis" is designed for beginners in the financial department: financial managers and economists, and will also be useful to accountants and heads of structural divisions.

Objectives of the course "Fundamentals of Financial Analysis"

  • Consider universal methods of analysis financial reporting;
  • To develop students' practical skills in conducting financial analysis based on the reports of well-known Russian companies;
  • To teach students to diagnose the problems of the company according to financial statements and form recommendations for overcoming them;
  • Understand the relationship between business volume growth, profitability and cost, and plan for balanced business growth.

The program of the seminar "Fundamentals of financial analysis"

  • Financial analysis: goals and methods
  • Vertical, horizontal and plan-fact analysis of financial statements
  • Break-even, financial strength and risk analysis
  • Factor analysis
  • Analysis of the ratio of costs, sales volumes and profits
  • Balanced Growth
  • Analysis financial ratios from the point of view of the manager, owner and creditor:
    • Profitability
    • turnover
    • Liquidity
    • Financial stability
    • dupont formula

Business case: Analysis of the structure of profits and cash flows, assets and sources of financing.

Business case: Calculation of the main coefficients. Assessment of the financial condition of the company.

Business case: Break-even analysis

Teaching methodology

  • Training is conducted in an interactive mode;
  • Education organically combines modern theory and practical examples leading companies;
  • The seminar uses advanced international experience and knowledge of high-level teachers with extensive practical experience;
  • The participants of the seminar discuss with the teacher questions from their own practice for a better understanding of the technique of financial analysis in their enterprise;
  • The seminar is accompanied by special materials and templates for further use by the participants in their work.

Feedback on the seminar "Financial and investment analysis"

“I liked the discussion of many examples from life experience teacher, a lot of useful material in the handouts - Irina Lvovna Nikolaeva, economist of the financial department, Insol Telecom CJSC, Moscow.

“I liked that not only theory was given, but also explanations in practice. Despite the fact that the lecturer does not work in our industry, we analyzed examples applicable to our company”, - Kryzhanovskaya M.V., Economist, Teleplats, Moscow.

“In the seminar I liked the presentation of the material, practical tasks, the availability of handouts”, - Bolshakova T.Yu., economist, OJSC “Machine-building plant”, Elektrostal.

“I liked the seminar with concrete examples and analysis of specific tasks”, - Pisarenko VK, economist, OJSC “Machine-building plant”, Elektrostal.

  • About the business school. Courses and seminars on finance for economists, managers


Seminar “Cost Management. Costing" for employees economic management State Scientific Center Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI".


Alpha School of Business held corporate seminar"Management of receivables" for employees of the distribution company "Lit Trading".


How the demand for corporate distance learning and trends in business education, Alla Uvarova, director of the Alfa School of Business, told the Community of Managers of the portal.


A seminar “Planning and Budgeting: Best Practices at Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises” was held in Moscow for representatives of the financial and economic services of the Gazprom corporation.


Ryazan hosted a seminar on financial analysis for economists from the Ryazan Design Bureau "Globus".

Financial analysis is the basis of almost any enterprise. In recent years, the demand for highly qualified specialists in the field of finance has increased. But this area requires an exceptionally high level of professionalism. The responsibility placed on specialists and competition in the labor market require constant professional development. The applicant must have a diploma of completion of advanced training courses or a certificate of additional education.

Moscow graduate School Economics (MVSE) invites you to courses on financial analysis. They are designed both for those who are just starting their career as a financier, and for experienced accountants, economists, managers who want to analyze the financial condition of an enterprise, as well as the factors that affect it. Education takes place in the form of lectures, practical work, trainings, business games, additional and individual consultations.

The target audience

  • beginning financial analysts;
  • accountants;
  • economists;
  • heads of departments and enterprises.

Classes are conducted by highly qualified teachers and specialists with extensive experience practical work. Since working people can also attend courses, classes are held 2-3 times a week for 4 hours, in the evening or in a weekend group. Such a schedule does not distract from the main work and helps to rationally and effectively use the time for self-education.

Financial Analysis Course

The course program combines theoretical and practical classes. It can be divided into several broad topics, such as:

  1. Fundamentals of Financial Management
  2. Analysis and assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.
  3. Management of highly liquid and current assets enterprises and other topics.

In the process of training, students receive: working materials; study guides; methodical literature.

Upon completion, a certificate / certificate of advanced training is issued for 40 hours. You will be able to use the acquired knowledge in such areas as trade, services, industry, and others. Specify the cost of training and payment options by the specified phone number.

Topic 1. Accounting (financial) reporting is the basis for analyzing the financial condition of an organization

  • Methods and techniques for analyzing financial statements. Methodological approaches to the analysis. conditions for successful analysis.
  • Requirements for the construction of an analytical balance. Horizontal and vertical balance analysis. Assessment of the financial condition and its changes.
  • Formation Analysis net assets and their role in assessing financial stability the work of the organization. Assessment of the ability to preserve and increase capital.

Topic 2. Analysis and assessment of the liquidity of the balance sheet of the organization and its assets

  • Grouping of assets according to their liquidity and liabilities according to the urgency of their payment, assessment of their dynamics and interconnection. Possibilities of applying the results of the analysis in practice.
  • Analysis of business activity. Concept and analysis operating cycle. Sources of formation working capital. The methodology for calculating the need for own working capital necessary to ensure normal economic and financial activities companies. Assessment of the adequacy of own working capital.

Topic 3. Cash flow analysis

  • Flow Formation Analysis Money from current, investment and financial activities; use of the results of the analysis. Assessment of the sufficiency of the received profit for the implementation of current activities, the formation of working capital, investment of funds and payment of dividends. Predictive analysis of cash flows and operational management them. Ability to use the cash flow statement to financial planning for cash flow.
  • Generalization of the results of the analysis, their interpretation.

Topic 4. Analysis financial results

  • Analysis of income, expenses and financial results, their reflection in the income statement.
  • Analysis of the structure of income and expenses from ordinary activities. Analysis of other income and expenses. The system of indicators of financial results and its use in the analysis.
  • Analysis of profitability of sales. Analysis of intermediate levels of profitability. Evaluation of the influence of factors on the change in indicators of profitability of sales.
  • Summarizing the results of the analysis, interpreting them and identifying untapped opportunities for profit growth and increasing the level of profitability of management.
  • Analytical use of the income statement in assessing the profitability of the enterprise.

Topic 5. Analysis of the profitability of capital investment

  • The system of indicators of profitability and its analytical capabilities.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of operating, investment and financial activities.
  • Identification of reserves for profitability growth.
  • New measures of business efficiency. Using the results of the analysis.

Formation of a complex analytical conclusion.

Participants will gain a holistic view of economic analysis, how essential function management of the organization, an effective means of identifying on-farm reserves, the basis for the development of evidence-based plans and management decisions.

Course Objectives:

  • to gain knowledge, skills and abilities of a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise (organization) and the use of its results for progressive development;
  • systematize knowledge in the field of analysis of financial and economic activities;
  • gain skills in cost analysis and management;
  • master the methodology for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise (organization) based on financial statements;
  • discuss the practical aspects of strengthening the financial stability and increasing the business activity of the enterprise (organization).


  1. The role and content of complex (management) analysis.
    • Management analysis: implementation of financial and economic goals and objectives of the enterprise (organization).
    • The role of analysis in the development of the main planned indicators.
    • Estimated planning (budgeting) and analysis of the implementation of the company's plans.
  2. Financial condition commercial enterprise(organization) and methods of its analysis.
    • Management of the financial condition of a commercial enterprise (organization): goals and content.
    • The system of indicators characterizing the financial condition and methods for their determination.
    • Analysis and evaluation of the composition and dynamics of the property of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Analysis and assessment of the composition and dynamics of the sources of formation of the property of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Analysis of the financial condition according to the balance sheet and accounting data.
    • Calculation and assessment of financial ratios of market stability Calculation and assessment of financial ratios of liquidity.
    • Features of financial analysis of insolvent commercial enterprises (organizations).
    • Methods of complex financial analysis and rating assessment of issuers.
    • Analysis of price and capital structure.
    • Market valuation of the business.
    • Analysis in the management of business and financial risks.
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of attracting borrowed capital.
    • The effect of financial leverage.
    • Analysis of the borrower's creditworthiness.
    • Analysis of the impact of inflation on managerial decision-making.
    • Analysis of the financial strategy of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Analysis of the tax burden of a commercial enterprise.
    • Determination of VAT by direct and indirect methods.
  3. Analysis of the technical and organizational level of production development.
    • Analysis of the management structure of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Analysis and management organizational structure companies.
    • Analysis KPI methods(Key performance indicators) and BSC (Balanced scorecards) in organization management.
    • The relationship of financial and economic management with budgeting and management accounting.
    • Analysis of the organization of production and labor.
    • Analysis of the level of technical development.
    • Analysis foreign economic relations commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Analysis of the social conditions of functioning and use of the human factor.
    • Methods for assessing the impact of the technical and organizational level and other production conditions on the intensification of the use of production resources.
  4. Analysis and management of production and sales.
    • Production plan and methods of production analysis.
    • Formation and optimization of turnover (sales volume) of industrial, trade and other commercial enterprises (organizations).
    • Estimated calculation of the production of goods.
    • Analysis and evaluation of the impact of the extensiveness and intensity of the use of labor, fixed assets and material assets on the increase in the volume of sales of products.
    • Analysis and assessment of the impact of turnover on the increase in profits of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • The influence of the rhythm of production on the financial result of the company.
  5. Analysis and cost management.
    • Cost management: goals and content.
    • Analysis of cost behavior and the relationship between costs, turnover and profit.
    • Justification of break-even sales of goods.
    • Methods for calculating the profitability threshold (critical point) of sales of goods.
    • Calculation and evaluation of production cost indicators.
    • Estimated calculation of the cost of goods sold.
    • Factor analysis of the cost of production.
    • Analysis of the use and impact of labor, material assets and fixed assets on the cost of production.
    • Analysis and evaluation of the impact of production costs on profit.
  6. Financial results of a commercial enterprise (organization) and their analysis.
    • Financial plan and methods of on-farm financial analysis.
    • Estimated calculation of financial results.
    • Economic factors affecting the amount of profit.
    • Management and optimization of the profit of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Formation and calculation of profit indicators.
    • Product pricing system.
    • Analysis of the level and dynamics of financial results according to reporting data.
    • Analysis and evaluation of the use of net profit of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Factor analysis of profit from product sales.
    • Analysis of the impact of inflation on financial results.
    • Indicators of profitability and ways to improve it.
    • Factor analysis of the profitability of a commercial enterprise (organization).
    • Methods integrated assessment efficiency of a commercial enterprise (organization).
  7. Analysis of the effectiveness of capital and financial investments.
    • Management of fixed and working capital.
    • Fundamentals of investment analysis (analysis of investment projects).
    • Calculation and evaluation of the effectiveness of capital and financial investments.
    • Fixed capital management commercial organization: goals and content.
    • Methods for calculating the need for investment.
    • Calculation and evaluation of indicators of the use of fixed capital and fixed production assets.
    • Calculation and evaluation economic efficiency use of fixed capital and fixed production assets.
    • Methodology for calculating the need for working capital and the amount of own working capital.
    • Calculation and evaluation of the value of own working capital on the balance sheet.
    • Calculation and evaluation of indicators of turnover of working capital.
    • Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of working capital.
    • Ways to accelerate the turnover of working capital.

List of cases covered in the course

  • Case: Analysis and evaluation of the impact of turnover on increasing the profits of a commercial organization.
  • Case: Analysis of solvency and business activity of an enterprise (organization).
  • Case: Choice financial indicators for planning, analysis and control.
  • Case: Analysis and evaluation of the organization's implementation of the Bankruptcy Methodology (FUDN).
  • Case: Key Goals when conducting financial and economic analysis.
  • Case: Analysis of the business activity of an enterprise (organization).
  • Case: Calculation of the net asset value.
  • Case: Express analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise (organization).
  • Case: Analysis and assessment of the impact of the extensiveness and intensity of the use of labor, fixed assets and material assets on the increment in the volume of sales of products.
  • Case: Analysis of the level of technical development.
  • Case: Calculation and evaluation of production cost indicators.
  • Case: Estimated/estimated calculation of the cost of goods sold.
  • Case: Factor analysis of production costs.
  • Case: Rating analysis of partners.
  • Case: Calculation and analysis of break-even indicators (by mathematical and graphical methods).
  • Case: Calculation of financial performance of the organization.
  • Case: Calculation of VAT by direct and indirect methods.
  • Case: Calculation of financial flows of the organization's activities.
  • Case: Calculation of the security of profit in cash.
  • Case: Determining the optimal amount of dividend payments to shareholders without harming the organization.
  • Case: Analysis of the tax burden of an organization.