Specialized types of advertising and propaganda. Correlation of concepts with and advertising, propaganda, marketing. Communications and sales promotion

When studying the basic provisions of the text theory, the features of the text organization of the advertising text, the main focus of the researchers is on such parameters as integrity and coherence.

The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary defines the concept of text in general plan as a coherent and complete sequence of characters. Solodovnikov S.Yu. Big encyclopedic dictionary: philosophy, sociology, religion, esotericism, political economy. Minsk, 2002, p. 821.

In turn, various authors point to such phenomena as the text: D.N. Likhachev - on the existence of its creator, who implements a certain plan in the text; O.L. Kamenskaya - on the fundamental role of the text as a means verbal communication; A.A. Leontiev - on the functional completeness of this speech work. In conclusion, I.R. Galperina gives the following definition of a text: “a text is a work of a speech-creative process that has completeness ... having a certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude". Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. M., 2007. S. 18.

As we can see from the many definitions, the text is a holistic, complete and unified language structure in which the language plays a dominant role and can have its own styles.

The language of advertising develops on the basis of the text theory and is a product of the speech-creative process, obeying the laws of completeness of the speech act, the language game, and the laws of stylistics. Advertising texts successfully use elements of various functional styles. The task of the editor is to assess the correctness of the author's choice of "intonation" of the text, the appropriateness of using certain language means of different styles in advertising this product. The use of elements of conversational style should be considered in more detail. Indeed, the advertiser all the time, as it were, turns to an invisible interlocutor - a potential buyer, argues with him. That's why an indispensable accessory advertising texts are expressions with the pronoun "you": "Do you know ...", "You can ...", "We offer you ...". Despite the apparent simplicity, this aspect, this style feature requires increased attention, because it is easy to get "out of tune" with the interlocutor, either telling him banal truths or asking questions on his behalf that he would never have asked. Kokhtev N.N. Advertising. The art of the word. M., 2004. S. 18.

by mail (“direct mail”);

· in newspapers;

· in mass magazines;

in special magazines;




· posters;

leaflets, postcards, calendars and other types printed matter.

· TV;

large-sized posters drawn by the artist;

electrified (or gaslight) panels;

free-standing showcases with goods.

shop windows;

Signboards, signs, tablets in trading floor;

· packing (boxes, cases, paper with names and trademarks of the advertiser).

The preparation of advertising texts employs a large number of specialists in industry, trade, specialized advertising agencies and media advertising departments. mass media. The art of advertising depends on their qualifications, culture, exactingness.

The content of advertising texts in PR campaigns is varied: these are materials about the activities of various industrial and commercial enterprises that seek to sell their products, want to find partners in joint activities, and materials financial institutions engaged in banking, investment and other financial activities, seeking to attract Money enterprises and the population and the provision of lending services, offering brokerage places selling shares, etc. In a special group, you can combine materials provided by educational institutions in order to attract listeners, as well as materials from medical, cosmetic, household institutions, leisure and tourism agencies, etc. A separate group should include materials that relate to advertising of printed products (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Their peculiarity lies in the fact that advertising of printed products is able to have a social and moral impact on possible consumer. Aksha R. Creation of effective advertising. M., 2003. S. 29.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of advertising in the development of foreign economic and, above all, export activities (especially the role of non-commercial, prestigious advertising). Such advertising - bearing in mind, of course, the sale of goods as a result of advertising work - says almost nothing directly about the product. Its goal is the formation of positive emotions in relation to the company. One of the strongest means of such advertising is a corporate brochure. The usual sections of a company brochure: the history of the company (often in connection with the historical development of the country), the most prestigious clients and products, the geography of trade, the dynamics of commercial development, the service network, the results of international tests (attestation) of goods, other information that serves as evidence effective work. The need to influence the consumer, demand, the formation of a favorable public opinion about the company, about the product it produces, forces commercial structures conduct active advertising activities.

Any advertising message must comply with the International Code of Advertising Practice adopted by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris in 1987, as well as with the existing legal restrictions in the country. Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to major complications. Therefore, it is important to have a good knowledge of the basic principles and norms of the Advertising Code.

For the first time in 1937, some rules of conduct for advertising producers were formulated and published, which are known as the International Code of Practice for Advertising Practice. chamber of commerce in Paris".

The Code establishes ethical standards that must be followed by all those involved in advertising, including advertisers, advertisers, advertising agencies and the media (communications).

Here are excerpts from some articles of the "Code" in the 1987 edition.

No advertising message should undermine public confidence in advertising, which consistently meets the generally accepted norms of the Advertising Code. Publication of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris 1987, Translated by N.V. Genina and V.E. Demidov, electronic edition, www.reklamist.com.

4. Truthfulness. The advertising message should not contain any statements or images that, directly or indirectly, through omission and ambiguity, as well as exaggeration, could mislead the buyer, especially with regard to:

a) compliance with the purpose and scope, place of production and country of origin of the goods;

b) consumer properties of the goods and current prices;

c) delivery, exchange, return, repair and maintenance;

f) official recognition or approval, awarding with medals, diplomas, prizes.

6. Objectivity. Comparison of the merits of products must be fair and evidence-based. It must comply with the principle of competition.

7. Evidence. The advertising message must not contain evidence and evidence that is doubtful or unrelated to the qualifications and experience of the person who gives such evidence, and should not contain references to such evidence and evidence.

9. Responsibility. The advertiser, executor of the advertising message or advertising agency, publisher, media owner or other participant in the advertising process must bear full responsibility for what they offer to society. In the same place, the section "norms".

The main requirements that the advertising text must meet are as follows:

When working on the text, the editor should keep in mind that the effectiveness of an advertising message is actively increased by evaluative clichés - the so-called " keywords”, causing emotions in a person and contributing to the formation of positive attitudes towards the object of advertising. The adjectives “new”, “reliable”, “convenient”, “efficient”, “universal”, etc. are most often used as evaluative clichés. The keywords themselves do not have an expressive coloring, but due to their semantics they create the effect of a positive assessment in the context.

The editor needs to find out what the client should remember after getting acquainted with the advertising material, whether the scheme of the client's action is clear.

So, in advertising of goods, the definitions “peculiar”, “specific” say little to the consumer, do not contain specific information. Even the epithets “delicious”, “appetizing”, in relation to products, do not sufficiently reveal their properties. It is better to use definitions that characterize, for example, the color, taste, smell, shape of the product, which the reader can clearly imagine. Nazaikin A. Practice of advertising text. M., 2003. S. 54.

4. When choosing words, it is recommended to use more verbs that encourage action, make the text dynamic, as well as specific nouns. Analyzing the grammatical side of the advertising text, the editor must take into account its semantic features - the ultimate concretization and, at first glance, the semantic primitive, since it refers to very specific objects. From a morphological point of view, the language of advertising is characterized by a higher proportion of nouns in comparison with other parts of speech. This phenomenon is also characteristic of the syntactic structure of the advertising message. The text, as a rule, consists of simple, often nominal sentences, simplified grammatical constructions.

In order to attract the attention of consumers, to make important elements expressive, various expressive means are used in the syntax of advertising texts, stylistic devices - turns of speech, syntactic constructions used to enhance the expressiveness of the statement. For example, inversion is used, which allows highlighting the main idea of ​​an advertising message, attracting attention with an unusual construction of a phrase. The most common are:

antithesis, which allows you to emphasize the merits of the advertised item, to highlight its positive qualities (" Simple Solutions complex tasks”, “Wide screen at a low price”);

Parallelism (“You win - the sport wins”);

Anaphora and epiphora - the repetition of the initial or final word or phrase in each parallel element of the text ("New solutions, new opportunities»),

· lexical repetition (“Problem with a foreign language? No problem” - an advertisement for foreign language courses).

5. In mass advertising, special terminology should not be used, although the specifics of the lexical material used in modern advertising, first of all, its growing terminology. Advertising publications also necessarily contain nomenclature names, which, as a rule, also include terms.

7. Interrogative sentences and appeals can be used in the text - they help create the necessary emotional mood among readers (“How to study foreign language at home? Enter ESHKO).

9. The text must be literary literate. The most common stylistic errors in advertising are associated with inaccurate word usage, violation of lexical compatibility and formation, incorrect sentence construction, poor word order, violation of coordination and control.

10. In the text of the advertisement, those numerous figurative and expressive means of the language that are characteristic of the language in general are actively used. They are designed not only to emphasize the merits of the advertised product, but also to form a certain “image” of this product in the mind of the reader. When evaluating them, the editor must make sure that the emotional and semantic stress falls precisely on the advertised objects and does not "obscure" each other.

Such figurative and expressive means of the language include:

ambiguity - different meanings of the same word and expression are played out: “Without glasses - one hundred points” - an advertisement for an ophthalmological clinic;

epithets: "Excellent quality from the best manufacturers plus excellent service in company stores”;

Comparisons: "Our silk fabrics are as light as air";

metaphors: "More stars than in the sky";

Pronouns: "Peace to your home";

hyperbole: “A sea of ​​possibilities, an ocean of fantasy” (furniture advertisement);

· Paraphrase: “The one who knows how to save money buys a car from us”.

In addition, phraseological units are used that create new semantic shades (“How much in this regard! Or seven main reasons to buy cellular telephone GSM-900"); proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, words from songs, poems (“Youth ... you won’t strangle, you won’t kill” (about young participants in a computer exhibition). Creators and editors of advertising texts need to have the ability to understand various techniques of the language game. It is also important for the legal regulation and ethical evaluation of advertising Nazaikin A. Advertising text in modern media M., 2003. P. 34.

PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness (Sam Black)

PR is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, advising the management of organizations, and implementing pre-planned programs of action that serve the interests of both the organization and the public (Assembly of Public Relations Associations, Mexico, 1978).

Propaganda (from lat. propaganda - subject to consideration) - the spread of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic and other ideas in society. In a narrower sense, political or ideological propaganda with the aim of forming a certain worldview among the masses.

Marketing is a process that consists in predicting the needs of potential buyers and satisfying these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services.

PR General Advertising
1. Uses both paid and free media space 1. Uses methods based on perception stereotypes 1.Controlled method of paid information (paid material)
2. Not measurable. Focuses mainly on positions in society, in the social environment 2. The same principles: regularity, informativeness, a clear structure and tactics have been developed 2. Rigidly calculated and predictable
3. Communicates that the firm is not only trying to make a profit, but to be a correct member of society 3. Orientation to target audiences, definition of common goals 3. Sells
4. Information is not associated with a paid promotion 4. Must complement each other, as integrated strategies that increase efficiency 4. The bias of communications serves as a defense against the bias of his communications.
5.Managed image 5. Sales of goods and services
6. Typical environments: media, PR techniques and PR campaigns 6. Different kinds advertising
7. Task setter: head of the company, guarantor of the region 7. Division of the company
8. Object: image, style, reputation, fashion, brand and so on 8. Product or service
9.Working characteristics: continuous and systemic 9. Discrete

Tab. 2 PR and propaganda

Tab. 3 PR and marketing

General PR Marketing
1. Use one source (analytical forecasts, data processing, statistics and segmentation) 1. Theoretical basis: social psychology and sociology 1. Economics and psychology of consumer behavior
2. Attract the same things to create a positive image of goods and services 2. social focus: the public in the broadest sense 2. Only consumption
3. Some management processes (research, analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation of results) 3. Responds to the demands of the social environment, establishes understanding and dialogue 3. Explores how people can be exposed to advertising and other media
4. Recognize important job with people 4. Has a persuasive effect 4. Strive to subordinate the needs of goods

Let's look at some of the major differences between these two forms of communication. They are based on the fact that PR is not a form of advertising and in fact it is a much broader type of activity. PR is concerned with all communications throughout the organization, while advertising, although it can cost more than PR, is mostly limited to the marketing function, with a few exceptions such as hiring employees or financial advertising. Until you understand this fact well, you will not get a complete picture of PR.

Public Relations is neither "free advertising" nor "advertising that is not paid for". There is nothing “free” in PR: this line of work requires a lot of time, and time is always money. This money is either wage personnel, or fees of external consultants. If an article appears in a news column or newsletter, its value cannot be calculated by advertising rates for newspaper space or airtime, since editorial column or radio or television program time is invaluable.

The organization may not use advertising, but any organization is somehow involved in public relations. For example, the fire brigade, of course, does not advertise fires or even advertise their services when they occur, but they have established relationships with a large public.

Public relations covers everyone and everything, while advertising is limited to specific sales and purchases, such as promoting the sale of goods and services, purchasing materials and components, hiring staff, or announcing results. PR has to deal with all the communications that take place in an organization, and therefore this activity is more extensive and comprehensive than advertising. From time to time, PR may use advertising, although, again, PR is neither a type of advertising nor part of it.

In the commercial world or the private sector of the economy, PR and advertising are closely related to marketing. While marketing is one of the functions of a business, PR interacts with both the financial and production functions. Therefore, PR can be used in relation to all components of the marketing mix, in which advertising is just one component. The marketing mix includes all the components (see Figure 2.1) included in marketing strategy(to mention just a few: packaging, research, pricing, sales, distribution and after-sales services). Each of these types has a certain relation to communications and reputation (goodwill). Market education can be the main contribution of PR, on which the success of the subsequent advertising campaign.

Propaganda is another form of communication that is often misunderstood as PR. However, hardly anything can be more different than these two activities. In order for PR to be successful, it must be believed, while propaganda in any case arouses suspicion or at least dissent. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between propaganda and PR components in the information transmitted by government structures. Propaganda is aimed at keeping the government in power, and the goal of PR is to ensure that citizens understand the essence of the services that government provides, and teach them how to properly use these services.

Introduction 1

1.2 Product promotion 5

2. Communications and sales promotion 8

2.1 Sales promotion tools 10

2.2 Evaluation of sales promotion results 11

3. Propaganda 12

3.1 Propaganda tasks 13

3.2 Assessing the results of advocacy 14

Conclusions and suggestions 15

List of used literature 16


“Advertising is the engine of trade” - this phrase is familiar to everyone. But if you think about it, advertising in a broader sense is also the engine of progress. After all, most people learn about new products, where new technologies and solutions are applied, from advertising. Accordingly, new products are in demand faster, which means that advanced technologies and production are developing at a much faster pace.

Today, we all have valid opinions about what advertising is, and we also tend to have our own opinions and prejudices about it, not without reason. There are many and varied definitions of advertising. It can be defined as a communication process, as a marketing process, as an economic and social processes, providing communication with the public or as an information process and a process of persuasion, depending on the point of view.

AT term paper considered indicators such as:

Sales promotion, incentives, evaluation of results;

Propaganda and its tasks, evaluation of results.

One common misconception that comes up is that advertising creates a sale. Only in rare cases can one speak of this with relative certainty. Advertising finds potential buyers and stimulates demand. It may even encourage people to ask for that particular product. Sellers can also find potential buyers and stimulate demand, they also sell the goods. In reality, only the buyers create the sale. The choice to "buy or not to buy" is made by the buyer, not by the manufacturers or sellers.

The next step is to identify the objectives of the advertising campaign. They can be divided into two related categories: communication (communicative - in a different terminology) and final. Each type of advertising has its own specific communication goals. Thus, for informative advertising, the following can be named as the main goals: to bring information about a new product to the market, to offer a new use of the product, to describe the capabilities of the product, and additional services, inform about price changes, correct false impressions, reduce consumer fear, create a positive image of the product and its manufacturer. For incentive advertising: show the benefits of a branded product, encourage switching to a branded product, change the consumer's perception of the product's quality, convince the consumer to buy the product now. For reminder advertising: remind potential consumers where to buy this product; remind consumers that the product may be needed in the near future; remind consumers about seasonal products in the off-season; support a favorable opinion about the product. Common goals promotional activities should be converted into quantifiable specific goals. For example, a specific communicative goal of advertising may be - "to achieve that 20% target market learned about the existence of this product" or "train 10% of potential consumers in new ways to use a known product."

The objectives of advertising depend on the degree of awareness of the consumer. Therefore, the initial purpose of advertising, especially regarding a new product, may be to provide primary information about the advertised product. The next goal is to provide additional information, i.e. reaching a situation where certain percentage knowledgeable, will not only know about the existence of the product, but also about its purpose and, possibly, about some of its properties.

An important determining factor is the choice of specific advertising media. Some media are more suited to certain types of messages or ad creatives than others. When choosing specific media, first of all, you should take into account:

Geographic coverage.

Attention, the degree of intelligibility and trust, the motivational significance of this advertising medium.


Possibility of combined joint selection of several media.

The whole variety of forms of promotion of services, as well as the promotion of goods, is based on the use (use cases) of two basic methods: advertising and personal selling. Advertising as an indirect (non-personal) form of information about a product or service should stimulate an active demand for the service, i.e. ensure the maximum number of calls, visits with the words "I want" and "sell, please." Personal selling - a personal form of offering a service to a specific representative of a specific target group in a conditional format: "buy a shell, buy a shell, buy ..."

With a sufficient amount of transfer and domestic literature in advertising, there is an acute shortage of effective ideas and new solutions in all areas of advertising. Manuals and guides often consider advertising in general, rather than its individual types. Outdoor advertising is gaining more and more popularity and theoretical validity in our country: billboards, pedestals, electronic displays, etc.

For the purpose of the most effective solution strategic tasks in the field of advertising, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the business and the characteristics of the product, to know the strengths and weaknesses of the company, to have information about the market - to know the opportunities that it offers, and to imagine the problems of operating in this market. It is necessary to clearly plan the advertising campaign in terms of the timing and means of advertising involved in the campaign, advertising budget etc.

Thus, efficient use of funds marketing communications(advertising and promotion) allows you to solve the strategic and tactical tasks of the company related to the global mission of the company in the market.

Advertising is defined as the process of impersonal communication by various means, usually paid and persuasive, of information about the product, services and ideas offered by self-representing advertisers.

As a marketing tool, advertising performs the following functions:

Representation of product names and differentiation between them.

Communication of product information.

Stimulating the interest of potential buyers in new products and maintaining secondary demand from existing ones.

The communication effectiveness of advertising characterizes the ratio between the degree of impact of advertising on the target audience and the costs of conducting an advertising campaign. The main thing in determining the effectiveness is the measurement of the communication effectiveness (effect) of advertising.

To assess the communication effectiveness of advertising, sometimes called text testing, the following four criteria are usually used to characterize certain areas of research on advertising effectiveness, namely: recognition, ability to recall advertising, level of motivation, impact on purchasing behavior. Of course, such a classification to a certain extent is conditional. For example, the recognition score is closely related to the recall score. Therefore, when conducting a study of the effectiveness of advertising, it is sometimes difficult to obtain estimates in their pure form separately for these indicators.

1.2 Promotion of goods.

Promotion or “marketing communications” is a combination of various methods and tools that allows you to successfully bring a product to the market, stimulate sales and create loyal customers (brand) of the company.

The concept of "means of promotion" as an integral part of the marketing mix includes advertising, public relations, special methods of sales promotion, personal selling and direct marketing.

When developing a promotion program, the following main factors should be considered:

Goal of request

type of target contact audience

type of product / service

market features

type of communication channel

the amount of funds allocated for promotion.

Market features. Methods of promotion in consumer and industrial markets are different. Consumer goods companies typically prioritize in the following order: (1) - sales promotion, (2) - advertising, (3) - personal selling, (4) - public relations. For manufacturers of industrial goods, the procedure is different: (1) - personal selling, (2) - sales promotion, (3) - advertising, (4) - public relations. In general, personal selling is heavily used in markets for complex, expensive, risky products and in markets with a limited number of large suppliers.

Advertising needs to be constantly evaluated. To measure her communicative and trading efficiency researchers use several different methods.

MEASUREMENTS OF COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY. Measurements of communicative effectiveness indicate how effective communication is provided by the ad. This method, called text testing, can be used both before the ad is placed and after it has been published or broadcast. Prior to placing an ad, an advertiser may conduct a survey of consumers on whether they like the proposed ad and whether the message stands out from the rest. After placing an ad, an advertiser can measure whether consumers remember the ad or recognize it as having been seen before.

MEASUREMENTS OF TRADING EFFICIENCY. What sales volume is generated by an ad that increased product awareness by 20% and brand preference by 10%? The answer to this question can give measurements of trading efficiency. This is not an easy task, since other factors also influence sales, in particular the properties of the product itself. One way to measure the marketing effectiveness of advertising is to compare sales volume with advertising spend over the past period. D. Montgomery and E. Silk measured the impact of three incentives - "direct mail", distribution of product samples and trade literature, as well as advertising in specialized magazines - on the level of sales of a pharmaceutical company. Their statistics showed that the firm had become overzealous in direct mail and was spending too little on advertising in trade magazines. Another way to measure is to develop an experimental advertising program. DuPont's ink division divided 56 sales territories into three groups: high, medium, and low market share. In the first group, advertising expenses were left at the usual level, in the second group they increased by 2.5 times, and in the third group they increased by 4 times. At the end of the experiment, the corporation calculated how much additional sales it was able to achieve due to the increased levels of advertising spending. It was found that sales growth slowed down as advertising spending increased, and that sales growth was weaker in the high market share group. Advertising requires big money, which are easy to waste if the company fails to accurately formulate the task, makes insufficiently thought-out decisions regarding the advertising budget, circulation and choice of advertising media, and is able to evaluate the results of advertising activities. Due to its ability to influence the way of life, advertising also attracts close attention of the public. The ever-increasing regulation is designed to ensure that advertising is carried out responsibly.

2. Communications and sales promotion.

Advertising activities are complemented by the efforts of other means that are part of the marketing mix, namely, sales promotion and propaganda. Sales promotion - the use of a variety of incentives designed to accelerate and / or enhance the response of the market.

Sales promotions are a variety of short-term incentives designed to encourage the purchase or trial of a product or service (for example, free samples, discounts, product tastings, prizes, and gifts).

Sales promotions are a variety of short-term incentives designed to encourage the purchase or trial of a product or service.

Sales promotion includes promotion of consumers of goods and promotion of trade.

There are various sales promotions you can use to get your product or service up and running. You can act independently or together with your suppliers.

Speaking of sales promotion, one should not forget the importance of

advice and consultations;


financial benefits.

All this is of particular importance when it comes to selling expensive goods. Your customers may need advice or a little consultation before making a purchase, or they may need after-sales service. In addition, they may inquire about the possibility of buying goods on credit, etc.

Promotion - to make your potential buyers aware of your business and the goods or services you offer. By offering certain types of goods or services, you thereby sell your business.

It is essential that buyers are well aware of you and your business.

In practical marketing, advertising communications and promotion of goods are considered as two closely interconnected and at the same time special means messages to potential and existing customers about goods and services, as well as ways to convince them to make a purchase. The relationship between advertising and promotion of goods is manifested in the fact that both of these means are based on the process of communication. They are often used together, especially when the promotion campaign is based on integrated marketing communications (IMC). At the same time, each of these areas is characterized by specific methods that give different results.
The similarities and differences between advertising communications and sales promotion can be seen from both conceptual and practical points of view.

conceptual approach.

The very Latin origin of the two terms speaks of the fundamental conceptual difference between advertising communications and sales promotion.
Advertising communications is often defined as an indirect form of persuasion based on an informational or emotional description of a product's benefits. Its task is to create a favorable impression of the product among consumers and "focus their minds" on making a purchase.
Incentives are usually seen as a direct means of persuasion, often based on external stimuli rather than inherent product benefits. Sales promotion measures are designed to create an immediate desire in a person to make a purchase; thanks to these measures, goods "move" faster.
The main conceptual similarity between advertising and promotion is that both are forms of marketing communication. They can be used to achieve the same goals. As we will see later, not only advertising communications, but also sales promotion measures can be used to create awareness among consumers, create or change their attitude towards a brand, induce to make a purchase. Both advertising and sales promotion have the potential to generate brand equity in the form of attracting a large and loyal clientele, as well as temporarily attracting customers. The possibility of using the same message in advertising communications and sales promotion programs determines the existence of IMC - integrated marketing communications.
Value for the buyer. Advertising can enhance brand loyalty if the message emphasizes the reliability of the product, its benefits and availability, or emphasizes the image or status of the user. Incentives reward the customer for making an immediate purchase, usually in the form of discounts. There may be other benefits: from participation in an advertising contest, lottery, etc.
selective concentration. Advertising is most often intended for target buyers who are already loyal to the brand or may become its adherents in the future. Stimulation is aimed mainly at "doubters" who need to be attracted to the purchase (first or second).
Time factor. Compared to promotional activities, advertising usually has a wider planning (and effectiveness) horizon. Nevertheless, both of these tools can be used in short-term, medium-term, and long-term marketing strategies.

2.1 Sales promotion tools.

Sales promotion is used by most organizations, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, trade associations, and non-profit establishments. Examples of non-profit businesses include churches that run bingo clubs, theater parties, subscription dinners, and raffles. In recent years, sales promotion activities have increased dramatically. From 1969 to 1976, sales promotion spending increased annually by 9.4% versus 5.4% for advertising. In 1976, sales promotion spending exceeded $30 billion. consumer markets; several factors contributed. Here is some of them:

1. Today top management more similarly perceiving] stimulation as one of the effective marketing tools.

2. An increasing number of product managers are learning how to use sales promotion tools.

3. Product managers are under ever-increasing pressure to increase sales.

4. An increasing number of competitors are starting to engage in sales promotion activities.

5. Intermediaries demand more and more concessions from producers.

6. The effectiveness of advertising is reduced due to rising costs, advertising crowding in the media and legal restrictions. Sales promotion tools can be divided into those that promote and those that do not contribute to the creation of "consumer privileges" for the advertiser. Privilege-enhancing media usually accompanies a sales message with a bargain offer, as is the case with free samples, coupons with sales messages printed on them, and premiums directly related to the product. Sales promotions that do not create consumer privileges include discounted packaging, consumer bonuses not directly related to the product, contests and sweepstakes, consumer refund offers, and retailer discounts. The use of consumer privilege-enhancing tools helps build brand awareness and understanding. Sales promotion is most effective when used in conjunction with advertising. One study found that point-of-sale exposures linked to a firm's current TV ad generated a 15% increase in sales compared to similar exposures not linked to a parallel TV ad. In another study, heavy sample distribution coupled with TV commercials in launching the product was more successful than TV commercials alone or TV commercials accompanied by coupon distribution. Having decided to resort to sales promotion, the company must determine its objectives, select the necessary incentives, develop an appropriate program, organize its preliminary testing and implementation, monitor its progress and evaluate the results achieved.

2.2 Evaluation of the results of sales promotion.

Evaluating the results of a sales promotion program is critical, but rarely given the attention it deserves. When manufacturers do evaluate, they can use one of four methods. More often than others, they use the method of comparing sales indicators before, during and after the incentive program. Let's assume that before the campaign the firm held a 6% market share, which rose to 10% during the program, fell to 5% immediately after the campaign ended, and after some time rose to 7%. This means that the incentive program is likely to have attracted new buyers "to try" the product and ensured an increase in purchases from existing customers. At the end of the campaign, sales fell as consumers used their accumulated stocks for a while. The final stabilization with growth to 7% indicates that the company has acquired a certain number of new users of its product. If the brand's market share were to stabilize at the pre-campaign level, this would mean that the incentive program only affected the distribution of demand over time, without affecting its overall level. The consumer panel data will show exactly which groups of people responded to the incentive program and how they began to behave after it ended. When additional information is needed, consumer surveys can be conducted to find out how many of them remember the incentive campaign, what they thought at the time of it, how many took advantage of the benefits offered, and how it affected their subsequent buying behavior in terms of choosing brands. Sales promotion activities can also be evaluated through experiments that change the value of the incentive, the duration of its action and the means of disseminating information about it. It is clear that sales promotion plays important role as part of the incentive package as a whole. Its use requires a clear statement of objectives, the choice of suitable means, the development of programs of action, its preliminary testing, implementation and evaluation of the results achieved.

3. Propaganda.

Along with sales promotion, one of the main means of promotion is propaganda. Propaganda includes "the use of editorial rather than paid place and / or time in all means of dissemination of information available for reading, viewing or listening to existing or potential clients of the company, to solve a specific problem - to contribute to the achievement of goals. The results of propaganda activities are sometimes brilliant.

Propaganda is used to promote branded and generic products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations resort to propaganda to revive interest in commodities such as eggs, milk, potatoes. Organizations resort to propaganda to gain attention or to correct an unfavorable image of themselves. Countries resort to propaganda to attract tourists, attract foreign investment, and secure international support. Propaganda is an integral part of a broader concept, the concept of organizing public opinion (public relations). Public opinion activities have several objectives, including providing the firm with favorable publicity, creating a corporate image of a highly responsible organization, and preventing the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To accomplish these tasks, public opinion departments use several means.

1. Establishing and maintaining relations with the press. The purpose of this activity is to place information of a cognitive and eventful nature in the media to draw attention to persons, goods or services.

2. Commodity propaganda. An activity that combines a variety of efforts to promote specific products.

3. General company communication. Internal and external communication activities aimed at providing a deeper understanding of the company's specifics to the public.

4. Lobbying. Working with legislators and government officials to enforce or eliminate any legislation or regulation.

5. Consulting. Issuance of recommendations to management on issues of social significance, position and image of the company. Advocacy specialists are usually concentrated not in the marketing department of the firm, but in the public opinion department. This department is usually located at the company's headquarters, and its employees are so busy working with various contact audiences - shareholders, own employees, legislators, city officials - that propaganda designed to help solve product marketing problems can be forgotten. To prevent this from happening, you can, for example, include a propaganda specialist in the staff of the marketing department. Propaganda is often called the stepdaughter of marketing, because it is used on a limited scale and quite rarely. But propaganda can have a memorable effect on the level of public awareness, and it will cost many times less than advertising, since the firm does not pay for either space or time in the media. Only the work of the staff and the distribution of the propaganda materials themselves are paid. If a company produces interesting material, it can be used by all media at once, which is tantamount to saving millions of dollars in advertising costs. Moreover, this material will be believed more than advertising. In deciding when and how to use merchandise propaganda, management should define its purpose, select the message and means of communication, monitor the implementation of the advocacy plan, and evaluate the results achieved through this activity.

3.1 The tasks of propaganda.

First of all, it is necessary to set specific tasks for propaganda. Consider the example of the Association of California Vineyards.

In 1966 The California Viticultural Association has engaged Daniel J. Edelman, a specialist public opinion firm, to develop an advocacy program designed to address two major marketing tasks firms:

1) convince Americans that drinking wine is one of the pleasurable activities of the good life, and 2) elevate the image, and along with it, the market share of California wines among other varieties. The propaganda was given the following tasks: 1) to prepare articles about wine and to ensure their placement in leading magazines and newspapers (in sections devoted to food products, in other permanent sections); 2) prepare articles on the many medicinal properties of wine, addressing these articles to medical professionals, and 3) develop a special propaganda campaign for the youth market, the student market, government agencies and various ethnic communities. On the basis of the tasks set, specific goals were developed in order to subsequently be able to evaluate the results achieved.

3.2 Evaluation of the results of propaganda.

It is difficult to assess the contribution of propaganda to the activity of the firm, since it is used in combination with other incentives. However, if it is resorted to before other means are involved, the assessment is already easier to carry out. The simplest method for determining the effectiveness of propaganda is to measure the number of contacts with material posted in the media. The specialist gives the client a selection of clippings and information about all the media that used the material about the product, accompanying this selection with a summary like this. Media coverage was reflected in the publication of news and photographs in a total of 3,500 inches of column space in 350 publications with a total circulation of 79.4 million copies, in the use of 2,500 minutes of airtime on 290 radio stations with an estimated 660 minutes of air time 160 TV centers with an audience of about 91 million people. Buying the same amount of space and time at advertising rates would cost the firm $1,047,000. Such measurements of the number of contacts are not very satisfying to the client. They do not give an idea of ​​the number of people who actually read or saw the appeal, nor of what thoughts it led these people to. There is also no information about the net audience, because the readership of various publications partially coincide. More meaningful data come from measures of changes in product awareness, understanding, and attitudes as a result of an advocacy campaign (with appropriate adjustments for the effects of other incentives). All these variables need to be measured twice - before and after the campaign.

Conclusions and offers.

Promotion is any form of action used by a firm to inform, persuade, and remind consumers of its products, services, and ideas.

Companies today face many complex challenges and increased uncertainty.

For successful operation, and even more so for development, it has become necessary for enterprises to carry out a comprehensive marketing activities. Marketing is now used in all organizations that compete for the attention, favor and money of buyers who are absolutely free to choose goods and services, allowing you to clearly define and evaluate the possibilities of choosing those that will create products with the highest consumer value.

Promotion of goods is the most important component of the complex marketing activities, a kind of information output to the consumer.

Properly organized promotion of goods is extremely effective and allows not only to solve problems with their sale, but also to constantly increase the volume of sales. The study of various means of promotion includes the selection and preliminary tests, as well as the study of the effectiveness of their impact after application.


4. http://www.colok.ru/lib/marketing/marketing/book/kotler/15.php

5. http://metal.antax.ru/library/economy/ieffektivnost_reklami.htm

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising”, “advertising is information distributed in any form, by any means, about an individual or legal entity, goods, ideas and initiatives ( advertising information), which is intended for an indefinite circle of persons and is designed to form or maintain interest in the physical, legal entity, products, ideas and endeavors and contribute to the realization of goods, ideas and endeavors. On the one hand, an economic component is significant in advertising, and on the other hand, an informational component.

The task of maintaining sales volume on certain level solved with the help of the so-called reminiscent advertising or advertising stability, which gives the consumer additional information about the product already known to him, creates the effect of a permanent presence in the market, promotes recognition of the company or product. Reminder advertising is important for reinforcing the confidence of current buyers that they made the right choice.

The Russian media also uses prestigious advertising, which helps to form the image of a company or product in the mind of real or potential consumers.

An effective means of influencing the consumer is newspaper and magazine advertising "/> whose genres are very diverse. For advertising purposes, almost all journalistic genres are used, which can be divided into three groups: informational (note, interview, report, reportage, line advertising), analytical (correspondence, article, review, review, review, comment), journalistic(drawing, essay). The last genre group is actively used in the preparation of public relations materials, materials with hidden advertising.

Advertisement- a paid advertising message placed in the periodical press, usually contains an advertising title-slogan, which in a concise form reflects the essence and advantages of the advertiser's commercial offer.

promotional note- one of the most common advertising genres, is a purely informational genre: from it the reader learns what, where and when it was released or happened (should happen). The note is limited to a message about the goods and services that are advertised. As a rule, promotional notes have a heading. If an advertisement creates an advertising image by highlighting 2-3 characteristic aspects of the advertised object, then the notes describe it in more detail, and not only any characteristic aspects are highlighted, but details are also reported.

It is also used to promote goods and services. advertising report. The genre itself is defined as material in which readers are given a visual representation of a particular event through the direct perception of a journalist or actor. The author gives, for example, a visual representation of those goods that he himself saw, he recommends them to potential buyers not as an eyewitness from the outside, but as a consumer. For the reader, such an approach to the advertised objects is psychologically important.

An effective form of propaganda - promotional interview, which has a special power of persuasiveness. According to the form of the interview, it is a complete text, united by a common idea and consisting of original question-answer blocks, which are arranged according to the increasing degree of tension of the questions and reflect the development and dynamics of the conversation. The main task in this case is the transmission of a relaxed and direct speech that can create a vivid advertising image.

Advertising review is a comprehensive overview of the advertised object (book, theatrical production, film, concert, exhibition). If in an ordinary review the advantages and disadvantages of an object are considered, then in an advertising review the reader's attention is drawn precisely to its advantages. A review encourages a potential consumer to take a specific action, such as buying and reading a book, watching a play or a movie.

In a number of advertising genres there is also an advertising essay, which tells about the advertised object in a figurative-journalistic form and its entire presentation is subject to a single goal - advertising. It organically combines elements of fiction and journalism, shows specific facts and real events, the advertising essence of which is revealed in a vivid artistic and journalistic form. An advertising essay affects not only the mind of the consumer, but also his feelings, makes him not only understand, but also feel the depicted.

One of the advertising genres is a short story with a simple plot and an interesting composition. The situation that is described must be related to the advertised object. Often such a story is accompanied by illustrations.

Advertising article differs by deep analysis and detailed description of the advertised object, generalizations. An advertising article is already a whole study dedicated to the advertised object or group homogeneous objects, accessible and popularly talking about them. The genre features of an advertising article are that it contains elements of all three areas - analytical, informational and journalistic. Articles can be review or be more selective, focus on a particular area of ​​the company or a particular product. Its main task is to form a positive image of goods and services in the consumer. Moreover, what is very important, the consumer makes his own conclusion about their merits. The opinion formed in this way is much more stable, something that is imposed by a "frontal" advertising attack, repeated repetition. In branding articles, firms try to explain their policies and win the sympathy of the public, for example, they report on their charitable activities.

Articles in advertising are used by advertisers whose activities require a detailed, thorough and verbose explanation (for example, advertising medical preparations, building materials). The effectiveness of such advertising largely depends on the stage life cycle goods. The less the product is known to the consumer, the more information about it is required. The introduction of a product to the market is the first reason to turn to an advertising article or a series of articles.

Linear, or rubricated, advertising- one of the common types of advertisements that are placed on the advertising pages of periodicals of a non-advertising nature or form the basis of advertising publications (for example, newspapers free ads). When preparing inline advertising, the main attention is paid to rubrication - a way to organize advertisements in a publication: for the convenience of searching, they are divided into classes, subclasses, and a hierarchical classification tree is built. Usually two- and three-level classification is used.

Direct mail(direct mail) - postal advertising - is the distribution of advertising messages (including personalized ones) to the addresses of a certain group of consumer persons or possible business partners.

Mail advertising is a cost-effective, efficient and economical means of marketing and offering services. That is why it is widely used by enterprises retail, commercial and industrial firms, service and charity enterprises, as well as private individuals. The advantages of this type of advertising include selectivity, accuracy of consumer coverage, and flexibility. Postal advertising allows the advertiser to choose the circle of consumers that he wants to reach. Thus, the advertiser reduces the cost of selling and increases profits.

Email advertisements may contain the bare minimum or all the details necessary to describe complex product. It takes much less time to distribute mail advertising than in the media. Mail advertisers can control circulation and quality advertising products, the number of recipients, taking into account their place of residence, age, gender and other factors.

However, direct mail also has disadvantages. Firstly, these are higher costs compared to advertising in newspapers and magazines. Secondly, low efficiency and, thirdly, the lack of an information environment. An important reason why the reader pays attention to advertising in magazines is the information surrounding it (article, illustrations). Postal advertising should stand out from other advertising messages received by the addressee on the same day. The form and content of mail advertising must be carefully considered.

Consider some types of advertising publications distributed by mail. The most popular letters are often sent with brochures, price lists, order forms and envelopes. Postcards are commonly used to announce sales and discounts in order to increase the influx of customers. The flyers contain more detailed information about the advertised product.

Prospectuses and catalogs are mainly used for advertising that introduces a new product to the market. A prospectus is a publication containing detailed information about one or more similar goods or services. As a rule, it contains information about the purpose of the product, its main areas of application, distinctive features, and methods of use. The prospectus is addressed to both end consumers and trade enterprises that will sell the goods. Prospectuses are larger than flyers and are usually made from heavier paper. They convey the shape and appearance of the product well. They are usually issued with a large number of photographs or color illustrations. Prospectuses often accompany a letter advertising a high-value product.

In contrast to the prospectus, the catalog includes a list of a large number of goods systematized according to some criteria. Catalogs are used in wholesale and mail order business. In the catalog, price list there are elements of the apparatus of the publication: a list of goods, an index, imprint, content.

The most important are the goods, prices and conditions. Instead of individual samples, it is better to create promotional packages, offering flexible terms and deadlines. It is better to demonstrate the product in order to immediately attract the attention of the reader. The most expensive form of mail advertising is free samples. The length of the text in such advertising publications may vary depending on the product offered. The long test should be filled with facts. From general information it is necessary to move on to specific details. The letter must be made attractive to the eye, for this it is better to break it into small paragraphs, use different ways to highlight text.

After reading the advertisement, the reader must take some action. The interaction factor is very important, otherwise the reader will almost immediately forget about the advertising message. This involves asking the reader to act immediately, to set a time limit for their offer, or to limit the quantity of the product that can be purchased at that price. The advertiser must do everything so that the reader has no difficulty in sending a response or order.

Outdoor advertising is effective tool mainly for advertising consumer goods, since it is designed primarily for perception by the general public. It can be used effectively only for those goods or services that can be represented with a concise image and short text. Outdoor advertising can be reminiscent or informative. However, recently an increasing number of enterprises use it to promote their trademarks in a set of prestigious, or image, advertising events.

Among the types of advertising publications related to outdoor advertising, we can distinguish billboards, posters, banners, illuminated signs, electronic scoreboards and screens. In addition, outdoor advertising includes shop windows, in-store advertising (pointers, information boards, price tags), signs and even overalls. service personnel. Due to the fact that advertising in most cases is perceived at a considerable distance and on the go, it is usually short and expressive messages. AT decoration these advertising materials the main elements of branding are highlighted.

Advertisers have recognized the new media - the Internet - as an exceptionally convenient technology for targeted advertising and monitoring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The truly revolutionary developments in advertising technology were brought to the market in the 1990s by companies such as Yahoo!, Amazon.com, AltaVista, and dozens of other US Internet media companies. The central position of these developments in all cases was the creation for advertisers unique opportunities to place advertisements targeted at a carefully selected and accurately assessed advertising audience. Thus, the Internet today allows publishers of science fiction books to advertise their products only to those Internet users who are really interested in science fiction, and a national brokerage firm can advertise on the Internet in such a way that only users who are looking for opportunities to invest in securities will “stumble” on it. this country. It is due to the fact that modern Internet technology makes it possible to automatically accumulate databases of addresses of Internet users interested in a particular topic, as well as to place advertising information on Internet servers depending on their subject, advertisers have been able to focus their advertising campaign on extremely narrow and well-defined consumer groups.

Four participants in the process of advertising communication can be identified: advertisers (initiators of communications), the media (carriers of advertising messages), consumers of advertising (the "target" to which the message is directed) and advertising agencies (as "conductors" and organizers of the entire process).

The legal relationship between the advertising producer (editor) and the author in practice is very unsettled. It is recommended to conclude an author's agreement with the author, because, as stated in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights", "rights not directly transferred under an author's agreement are considered not transferred." In the author's agreement, you can insert the section "Copyrights", one of the clauses of which will be the distribution of liability for violation of copyright and related rights. Under this clause, the advertiser guarantees the authorship and originality of the advertising work and undertakes to independently respond to claims.

Let's take an example. The bank commissioned an advertising agency to design and print 5,000 color booklets. The contract was signed and executed by advertisers with high quality and on time. When the booklets ran out, the bank decided to print more booklets, but not from advertisers, but directly at the printing house. The bank believed that, having paid the advertisers under the contract, it had the right to dispose of this booklet at its discretion. However, according to the agreement concluded with the advertising agency, the bank did not receive property copyrights for the layout of the booklet. And replication (reproduction) of a booklet is an action, the right to perform which is a specific copyright. According to the "Copyright and Related Rights Law", these rights must be transferred in a special way.

The originality of the creation of print advertising lies in the fact that the editor himself stands at the origins of the preparation of the publication. It is he, on the basis of the advertiser's order, who forms the concept of the future publication and determines the task for the author of the text, artist, photographer. Maintaining and developing one's creative and organizational potential is an important task for an editor of an advertising publication.

The study of the features of the creative process in advertising shows that the birth of a fruitful idea on how to most effectively bring to the attention of the audience the merits of the proposed product or service is preceded by a large and hard work of collecting and processing relevant information. Among the various information that the editor collects during the preparation of the advertising campaign, special place take data about the product itself, about the potential buyer and about the sales market.

Based on the understanding of this information, the concept of the publication is developed and its scenario is created - a more or less detailed scheme of the future publication and a plan for working on its individual elements. Together with the editor, the entire creative team led by him participates in the creation of the script: the author of the text (copywriter), artist, art and technical editors, etc.

The script is developed on the basis of the advertiser's order, which determines the objectives of the advertising message and provides the necessary information: target audience, actual data (name of product or service).

When compiling the script, 4 species-forming features are taken into account: the intended purpose, the reader's address, the nature of the information, and the material structure of the publication. The editor formulates the tasks of the author or compiler of the text, the artist, thereby determining the amount of necessary information about the advertised product or service, the nature of this information, as well as the relationship between verbal and visual information. Problem formulation is the most important stage. There needs to be a clear goal. At this stage, you need to clearly imagine the end result that is supposed to be achieved during the advertising campaign. Then there is the collection and processing of information, verification and refinement of the idea.

The specifics of preparing an advertising publication is that all elements of the advertising structure are created in parallel as equal components of a single whole. For example, an interesting solution found by an artist may affect the volume and style of the author's text, and sometimes require its revision.

A clear organization of work on the script determines the functions of the editor in the process of editorial analysis, the content of which, obviously, comes down to assessing how the author of the text, the artist and other members of the creative team coped with the tasks defined by the jointly developed advertising idea.

When compiling an intra-publisher review, the editor checks whether the goals set by the advertiser have been achieved, compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Advertising”, compliance with the content and design of works to the tasks set.

A specific stage for the preparation of advertising literature is the testing of promotional products before they are replicated or published. As you know, advertising information should attract attention, evoke emotions, be remembered, the consumer of advertising should have a desire to purchase the advertised product. Compliance with these requirements is the criterion for testing. As a rule, they check the effectiveness of an advertising idea, and then finished products before its release to the audience and at the stage of distribution. To do this, various methods are used, in particular the focus group method, when representatives of the target impact group (readership) evaluate advertising products. It is advisable to involve a professional psychologist in the work with the focus group.

A professionally executed advertising message cannot but take into account the laws of the psychology of perception. Economic and psychological efficiency are interconnected - the active impact of advertising on consciousness potential buyer, as a rule, increases the effectiveness of trade and marketing activities. It is believed that, ultimately, advertising is the activity of creating images that control people. Therefore, the editor must pay great attention to the psychological impact of advertising on a person.

First of all, it affects existing human needs, and also contributes to the formation of new ones. In order to better understand human needs, psychologists have tried to determine to which category they belong. There is a theory that lower biological or survival needs dominate human behavior and must be satisfied before socially acquired needs or desires of a higher order arise and become significant. Certain regularities are revealed. People are more likely to notice stimuli associated with their this moment needs and sharply differing in some of their values ​​from the usual ones. People selectively remember advertising, acquire knowledge in the process of activity and have their own attitude to everything.

Psychologists divide human motives into primary and secondary. The list of primary usually includes those that are or appear to be congenital, biogenic, and the secondary ones are those that are considered sociogenic, i.e. acquired in the process life experience and learning. Advertising appeals based on primary desires or motives are more effective, since these motives are by nature closely related to the body's needs for goods and services.

Each stage of the psychological impact of advertising on the mind of the consumer requires the use of certain methods and methods of advertising influence.

It requires the editor to pay attention not only to the text, but also to all other elements. And here a large place is occupied by the pictorial series. All elements of the structure of an advertising publication are organized into a single whole by a layout, which is created on the basis of the principles of artistic design, book design.

Considering the layout of an advertising publication, the editor evaluates it from the point of view of the unity of verbal and visual, semantic and aesthetic information, organization of the rhythm of the publication. The aesthetic side of advertising design does not act as an end in itself, but only as a condition and means of ensuring a high consumer quality of the publication.

As a means of communication, an image is much more meaningful than text. Its content is less definite, vague. The lack of clarity in the image is compensated by the wealth of information. This is its advantage: the image is able to simultaneously convey many meanings, meanings or shades. So it involves the addressee of the appeal in the process of active perception, calls him to an unconscious interpretation of the information received.

One of the advantages of the image, which plays a large role in advertising, is the ease of its perception. The recipient of the advertisement spends much less effort and time on the perception of the illustration, so the process tires him much less than reading the text. In addition, the ambiguity of the information that the image carries has a great emotional charge, which allows you to quickly create the right mood. AT certain types advertising publications, for example, in a poster, the illustration is generally the main element of influencing the consciousness and emotions of the consumer. The skillful use of illustrations allows you to characterize the object of advertising from any point of view: appearance, structure, organization, movement, process, size, quantity, location. Visual material, so accessible for perception, aesthetically convincing, contributes to a better understanding of information, complements, clarifies the text, and in some cases replaces it.

When working on illustrations, the main task of the editor is to evaluate how the artist and art editor solved the tasks set in the script. The following provisions can serve as criteria for such an assessment.

There should be a tangible and clear connection between the illustration and the advertised object, which is easy to understand even for an inexperienced reader. The simplest way to achieve the desired effect is traditionally considered to be the placement of the product name on the background of its image. Such directness, frankness of the advertiser, advertiser express their confidence in the excellent qualities of the object of advertising. Additional Information from their point of view, it is simply superfluous. Searches in this direction led at one time to the fact that in Western, especially American, newspapers appeared blank white stripes, sometimes spreads, with small signatures like "The company ... does not need advertising."

The illustrative material should show the product in an environment appropriate to its purpose, preferably in action, i.e. demonstrate how the product works, what operations it performs, what are the results of its use. At the same time, it is desirable to focus attention on the brand of the product and focus on its distinctive features and features.

At the same time, you need to ensure that the illustration clearly reveals to the buyer what benefit he will receive by purchasing the product. The following can serve as a test method for the editor: is it possible to quickly perceive the graphic part of the advertisement and immediately determine to which area of ​​human activity the advertised object belongs? Is such a definition possible without a text part?

Thanks to all these qualities, the image, the illustrative series, has become in recent years the main means of building an image and, accordingly, the most common method of presenting material in print advertising.

Consider several techniques used in illustrating advertising materials: tinted line drawings, photographs, drawings using the linocut technique (often made on the basis of an original photograph). Tone patterns are used to create an atmosphere or decorative effect. Graphs are also used. Advertising strips are full of computer graphics: houses, cars, funny little men.

An indispensable illustrative element of any layout should be the logo, trademark or trade mark of the advertiser. Sometimes within the same advertisement there are two brand names at once, one of which belongs to the manufacturer, and the second to the distributor of this product. In such cases, at the bottom, most often on the right, the advertiser's brand name is wrapped into a single complex with address data. Usually this option can be observed when the dealer company advertises the goods of its partners.

Rectangular photographs are most often used in newspapers and magazines, and people get used to seeing them.

You can decorate an ad and enhance its "visibility" not only with a picture or photograph. The size and shape of the ads are important. Rulers, spacings, vignettes and other typographic decorations not only carry an aesthetic load, but also help to structure the advertising material and make it easier to perceive. powerful tool attracting attention is also free space - "air".

When working with large texts, it is desirable to increase their readability. To do this, it is recommended to use subheadings, start the text with a capital letter and place it in columns no more than 40 characters wide, preferably with a paragraph indent or a marker. The first paragraph should not exceed 11 words. A long paragraph is poorly perceived by the reader. All other paragraphs should be as short as possible. It is useful to break up the text with an illustration. You should not use a font smaller than 10 point and remember that light font weight is easier to read than bold.

For print advertising, the effects of various design elements identified by psychologists are also important. So, symmetry causes a feeling of peace, asymmetry - anxiety, a straight vertical - aspiration upwards, a horizontal is passive, a diagonal is active.

A feature of visual perception is the so-called effect of the left side of the visual field, that is, when reading a newspaper page, the eye first perceives the information that is located on the left, and then moves to the right side.

When choosing a font, in the first place are its qualities such as readability and compliance with the image created by the designer. It is better to type the title in lowercase rather than uppercase, as it reads more slowly, letter by letter. It is better not to place the title on the illustration.

In advertising, the substrate, reverse, background are also intensively used. With a sufficient amount of textual material, the reverse is used to highlight key phrases, as a kind of illustration, like a color spot. It is the strongest stimulus for the human optical system, as it changes direct perception to inverse. Sometimes advertisers abuse this technique. So, large texts given in reverse lead to the effect of psychological fatigue, in which a strong stimulus leads to a refusal to perceive the entire publication. In addition, reverse to a large extent narrows the range of typefaces and font styles used. Small sizes, light fonts and complex font design make reversed text unreadable.

The age of readers should also be taken into account. Which font is familiar to readers? Will the font read quickly? Is the text only readable in good light, or also in poor light?

The font should be in harmony in weight with the tone of the illustration, but should be in contrast with the background. The use of color in the font is mainly used in two cases: if it is a corporate color, which is usually used to distinguish the name of the company (logo) and slogan, and also to focus attention on an important sentence for the reader.

In an advertisement, it is desirable to use the font of one typeface. An exception may be the original font of the logo or the impact phrase. It is also undesirable to use more than 2-3 variants (by size, weight, style) of the typeface in one ad. Fonts with a high decorative effect should not be abused - they cannot provide good readability.

One of essential qualities image is balance. The starting point that determines the balance of the composition is optical center. It is about 1/8 above the physical center, or 5/8 from the bottom of the ad.

Equilibrium is the arrangement of ad elements on the page: left versus right and top versus bottom, separated by an optical center. There are two types of balance: formal and informal.

Formal equilibrium- absolute symmetry, in which paired elements on both sides of the line that cuts the ad have the same optical weight. This balance is used when it is necessary to emphasize the dignity, stability and conservatism of the image.

At informal balance By placing elements of different sizes, shapes, color intensity or shading at different distances from the optical center, visual balance can be achieved. Most advertisements use informal balance as it makes the advertisement more interesting, imaginative and emotionally charged.

Symmetry is the most common means of harmonizing composition in print advertising. Symmetry implies the location of all elements relative to an axis passing through the center of the object. It helps to create the appearance of order and thereby facilitates, speeds up the process of perception. Most often, the symmetry is violated by the text typed with a justification to the left or right or at an angle, or a heading, a brand name.

The principle of constructing an ad, thanks to which the reader's attention moves along the ad in desired sequence, is called displacement. To achieve this, a number of techniques are used: the ad may have images of people or animals, following which the reader's eye moves to the next important element of the ad. Various images can be used - a pointing finger, a rectangle, a line or an arrow that shifts attention from one element to another, comics or pictures arranged in a certain sequence that make you start reading from the beginning and continue it in the right sequence to understand the essence of the message. The use of spaces and color makes the text part or illustration stand out. The gaze will move from a dark element to a light one, from colored to non-colored. It should be borne in mind that, first of all, attention is drawn to larger elements that dominate the page, and only then - small ones.

All ad elements should occupy an area proportional to their value.

An effective way to draw attention to one specific element is to use a contrasting color, size, or style. For example, you can use a negative (white letters on a black background), a black and white ad with a colored border, or a fancy font style.

However, it must be remembered that overloading with different font styles, too small letters, inverted imagery, illustrations complicates and clutters up the composition, which makes it difficult to read.

The specifics of the design of advertising messages can also be traced in the nature of the heading, the place of which is determined primarily by the structure of the material. The name of the advertiser can act as a title. In this case, the title will be above the text. If the heading is the name of the object of advertising, then before and above it there may be the name of the advertiser, his slogan, an appeal to a potential consumer. Even a phrase from the middle of the text can act as such a heading, and the rotation of the heading can be 90 °.

A certain dynamics is given to symmetrical compositions by the heading set at an angle to the horizontal, while the angle of inclination should not exceed 30 °. Within these limits, the advertising text is read without difficulty and additional efforts on the part of readers.

The type of publication can influence the structure and composition of an advertising message. The place, volume of advertising should be laid down in the modular grid of the publication and designed in its style. For special and for mass publications various advertisements may be prepared. One of the promising areas in advertising can be considered the consistency of advertising publications in the style of the publication.

The choice of the location of advertising in the publication is important. So, the front cover of the publication is preferable to the back, but it is even better to use the front page with a continuation on the back. Then follows the inner side on the right (3rd lane), then the inner side on the left (2nd lane). On the last sides of the edition, the right side is preferred over the left side. In the future, priority is distributed from the first pages to the last. Right (even) pages are better than left (odd) ones for placement of promotional materials. Pages opposite editorials are better than others, although this depends on the type of publication. Often the best pages for advertising are determined during testing. Any advertising in a newspaper or magazine will be preferable if it is adjacent to letters from readers, television programs, crossword puzzles.

When creating the layout of the publication, the editor needs to remember about the next stage - its replication ( specifications production).

The aesthetic properties of illustrations significantly enhance the emotional impact on the reader, therefore, when preparing them, a rational color scheme and various visual techniques are of great importance. At the same time, the editor makes sure that the use of these elements is functional, aimed at solving the problem of explaining, convincing, confirming textual arguments. As well as in the text, the object of advertising in illustrations should be shown from the standpoint of the consumer and in a form that is understandable to him.

The physical effect of color has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous experiments of physiologists and psychologists. Modern researchers give a variety of tables of emotional meanings of various colors.

Of great importance are the so-called non-price factors, i. those or other circumstances that affect the behavior of the consumer in a situation of choice, for example, prestige, the authority of the manufacturer of the goods or the seller.

The struggle for the buyer, for fame led to the development of a system of events called "public relations" (public relations). This system of measures is also called prestigious advertising in contrast to the promotion of individual goods or services, which qualifies as product advertising.

The editor of advertising publications also has certain means to maintain the image of the company, fixing it in the minds of readers. These are the so-called advertising constants, among which the most important place belongs to the brand or trademark and the name of the company. The task of the editor is to ensure that the brand and logo must be present in every advertising publication, regardless of its form, volume, purpose. The corporate block is placed, as a rule, in the most prominent places.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods", "... trademark and a service mark are designations capable of distinguishing, respectively, goods and services of one legal or individuals from homogeneous goods and services of other legal or natural persons”. In other words, a trademark serves to ensure that the consumer, among many goods and services, can accurately determine who produces the product or service he likes, and the manufacturer or seller once again reminds that the product or service belongs to him. According to the Law, “the owner of a trademark has the exclusive right to use and dispose of the trademark, as well as to prohibit its use by other persons. No one can use a trademark protected in the Russian Federation without the permission of its owner.”

  • About advertising: The federal law RF No. 108-FZ. Accepted State Duma June 14, 1995
  • Pankratov F.G., Seregina T.K., Shakhurin V.G. Advertising activity. M., 1998. 244 p.
  • The requirements for the language and style of such documents differ significantly from the requirements for the preparation of strictly regulated business papers. The specificity of advertising letters lies in the fact that they are subject to such requirements as memorability, the ability to arouse commercial interest. This necessitates a more creative approach to writing advertising letters; allows you to use linguistic means of expression in order to draw attention to the information presented. So, for example, in the message below, containing an invitation to a discount sale, a question-answer narration technique, incentive constructions, as well as adjectives most, favorable, privileged, are used to enhance the impact of the letter.


    Today you have the opportunity to buy goods at the lowest prices.

    Why? According to our forecast commercial department, in the next four months, prices will increase by 1%. Don't miss out and take advantage of our discounted prices. We invite you to a privilege sale. We are sure that you will be satisfied with both the goods and the prices for them. Come, we will be waiting for you.

    Extensive use of evaluation constructs such as: excellent work, reasonable price policy, reliable (good) partnerships, a flexible system of discounts, successful (fruitful) cooperation, etc. increase the emotional appeal of the text business letter gives it a constructive tone.

    The main requirement for the text of an advertising message (however, as well as for the texts of business messages of other types) is information content and persuasiveness. However, the informational content of an advertising letter should differ in focusing on the interests, vital, practical needs of a potential consumer, customer, partner. In addition, it must be complete, i.e., an informational and advertising letter must contain all the information that may be of interest to consumers. If the letter does not contain important information for the addressee and he needs to additionally contact the addressee, this may encourage him to use the services of another company (offering similar products), the information and advertising letter of which is written more convincingly and competently.

    Stylistic flaws leading to ambiguity are, of course, unacceptable in the texts of advertising business messages, since they reduce their impact.

    A flexible system of discounts for the products of your company will allow us to successfully compete with your products in the market of our region.

    The given fragment of the information and advertising letter is oversaturated with personal pronouns (your, yours, us, ours). In addition, the ambiguity of the verb compete creates ambiguity in the statement. It is not clear from this sentence whether the author of the message intends to compete with the addressee (manufacturer of products), or, by selling the addressee's products, to compete with other trading firms in the region.

    The speech tactics of an advertising business message can be defined as targeting interests. Experts emphasize that how accurately the writer will be able to determine the interests of the addressee firm and reflect these interests in the text of the letter will depend on whether he can find understanding on the specific issue under discussion and on issues of long-term promising cooperation.

    The headline is sometimes considered the most important part of the advertising text (it is the headline that attracts the attention of the consumer, and how much the potential consumer will be interested in reading the main text depends on the degree of its expressiveness). Headings are divided into several types: headings that report useful properties, provocative, informative, interrogative, and containing a command.

    The advertising text should meet the main objectives of advertising in general. However, it is impossible not to take into account the perspective of the functional assessment of a certain text, its real purpose, its functional role in a particular speech situation. The text of the advertisement performs very specific functions. ultimate goal advertising text is to convince readers of the benefits of the advertised product, service, company, etc. The effect of advertising exposure is based on the correct use of a number of linguistic and psychological phenomena and patterns. Speaking of the language of advertising messages, we are talking about the use of language for professional purposes, the result of which is the generation of messages targeted at a specific audience and performing specific tasks.

    The main purpose of the advertising text is to attract attention, arouse interest and stimulate sales. To achieve this goal, the compilers of the advertising text turn to the use of various linguistic and psychological techniques. The advertising text should be distinguished by intelligibility, brightness, conciseness, extravagance, highly professional execution. The laws of competition demand from the creators of advertising maximum accuracy in the transfer of information, expressiveness, and professionalism.

    The creation of an advertising text is the final stage of a long and painstaking process: the preparation of an advertising text is preceded by preparatory work to study market conditions and strategies, legal framework advertising, cultural, social and economic factors. The creation of advertising is a creative process based on professionalism, on a certain set of knowledge and skills, therefore, the preparation of an advertising text requires knowledge of certain rules and patterns, including the rules for constructing a competent and expressive text. The work of compiling an advertising text implies the presence of not only a certain talent or desire, but also an appropriate professional qualifications. It is obvious that to create an advertising text you need to have very specific skills: it is an art that needs to be learned.

    The uniqueness of advertising is explained by the fact that it has extremely wide information capabilities: it uses various channels of mass communication that allow you to establish and maintain contacts with a mass audience. The mass audience is an extremely important factor, since, on the one hand, it facilitates the fulfillment of the main task of advertising - the sale of an idea or product. On the other hand, this factor complicates the communication process and makes it necessary to work out the strategy for creating an advertising message more carefully.

    Researchers note that advertising as one of the forms speech communication has significant distinguishing feature: often communication takes place in conditions that can be defined as unfavorable. The fact is that advertising is a so-called "one-sided" type of communication, which in a certain way narrows the range of possible mechanisms for influencing the audience. In addition, the possibility of using various means of influencing the audience in advertising is to a certain extent limited. ethical standards and legal acts. Therefore, in advertising messages in a rather "limited space" (since one of characteristic features promotional texts is brevity) can be observed extremely high concentration variety of stylistic devices.

    Of course, word play, spelling and idiom distortion, "incorrect" syntax and unusual use of punctuation marks are very characteristic of advertising and often contribute to the creation of the most expressive and successful advertising messages. As noted above, in advertising one can observe an extremely high concentration of various stylistic devices. This feature of advertising texts is an international feature.

    Slang and colloquial expressions are very actively used in advertising. To create an emotionally expressive coloring, imagery, intelligibility and effectiveness of the advertising text, which is intended for the mass reader, and therefore should be close to him in structure. Indeed, advertising texts are often written in such a way that their sound resembles the sound of spoken language.

    The number of possible deviations from the language norm is not limited, since any language rule can be violated in one way or another.

    It should be noted that, despite the attractiveness and even entertainment of stylistic devices, linguistic innovations in advertising are not welcomed by everyone. And yet in advertising texts whose purpose is to sell a product, new words and unconventional use of already known words are of great value. However, in order for a bright advertising text not to turn into an illiterate set of incorrectly spelled words, it is necessary to break the rules in a certain way.

    Any advertising text, presented in oral or written form, is a pre-prepared text; Thus, when analyzing advertising texts, we are dealing with two forms of speech implementation: writing and oral realization of a pre-written text. When studying the expressiveness of advertising texts, one cannot ignore the question of the main stylistic devices used by the authors of texts at the level of syntax, and the role that the systems of prosody and punctuation under study play in creating special stylistic effects.

    A fairly common stylistic device is repetition. The repetition of a speech element, which draws the attention of the reader (listener) to it, emphasizes its significance, enhances the emotional impact of the text. The use of this stylistic device requires special skill from the compilers of texts: a relatively small amount of advertising text prescribes the rational use of linguistic means.

    The repetition of the same word or sentence not only draws the attention of the reader (or listener) to the repeated element, but also adds new shades to its content. The stylistic meaning of repetition consists in strengthening the semantic weight of the repeated part of the text.

    In order for the advertising text to have an effect, it must be distributed through the appropriate channel and be properly perceived by the target audience. To determine these and many other factors that affect the effectiveness of advertising, the joint efforts of specialists in various fields are needed.

    Almost any issue related to advertising is controversial. The problem of the culture of speech in advertising and in the advertising business is one of the disputable ones. Of course, most will agree that this topic deserves attention. Its debatability lies in the fact that it is closely related to the issue of freedom of creativity in advertising, which, in turn, has several aspects. If we are talking about the freedom of creativity in advertising, then hardly anyone will dispute the need for the most intensive expansion of creative boundaries and the removal of barriers that hinder creative flight.

    It's another matter when it comes to legal regulation Advertising: Speaking of creative freedom, all advertisers claim that they are trying to operate within the law. The problem is that if the majority of advertisers recognize the indisputability of legal acts governing the advertising process and creative activity as part of this process, the question of the moral, ethical and social aspects of advertising remains open. One of the most controversial and often (and vigorously) discussed aspects of the problem under consideration is the linguistic aspect. For example, how much language distortion is acceptable in commercials or printed texts? It is hardly worth expecting a unanimity of opinion on this issue. Opponents' positions are often diametrically opposed. The answer to this question depends not only and not so much on the position of one or another participant in the discussion, but on what is his dominant. If increased sales are taken into account, then often such techniques (according to the authors of the texts) contribute to this. On the other hand, we must not forget that advertising is part of mass culture, therefore, of course, it should be taken into account that not only cultural priorities target audience affect the perception of advertising, but advertising also affects the worldview and the general cultural level of the nation.

    No less important is another aspect of the issue under consideration - how we talk about advertising. In the domestic advertising industry, there is a quite understandable influence of foreign trends and the penetration of a significant number of foreign borrowings into the Russian language, especially in the field of advertising terminology.

    Recently, the question of the terminological apparatus used when working in the advertising business, of professional vocabulary, has become increasingly relevant. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that by now there has been accumulated significant amount realities in the field of advertising, which Russian specialists very intensively and successfully borrow from foreign experience. Obviously, along with the realities, the terms denoting them are also borrowed.

    Most of the terms used in the advertising business are either a direct translation of a similar English term or a transliteration of it. In both cases, the use of the term raises a number of difficulties. When it comes to the transliteration of the term (for example, promotion, direct marketing, etc.), a number of questions arise regarding both the understanding of the term itself and its use in Russian-language publications. In the case of a direct translation of a term, we are talking, first of all, about the variety of translation options given in various dictionaries and publications, which entails the emergence of synonymous series of terms. So, for example, the term promotion is translated as promotion, promotion of goods (product); along with translated options, transliterated ones are also used: promotion or promotion. The term public relations is used both in transliterated form (public relations) and in translation (public relations). It should be noted that the translation does not fully convey the essence of this capacious definition - public relations. Along with the indicated options, abbreviations are also used: both original (PR) and Russified (PR), the latter having an adherent negative connotation (for example, “black PR”), so the use of the PR variant is preferable. In addition, often the specified term, or rather, various options are replaced by the term publicity.

    As you can see, the situation with data and many other terms (for example, direct mail, billboard) is complicated by the fact that when they are used, both tendencies are combined - in professional literature, transliterated variants and various translations of these terms coexist on an equal footing.

    A certain difficulty in terms of their interpretation and translation into Russian is the abbreviations that are often found in publications on the advertising business and used when working in the advertising business.

    The issues of advertising terminology, the peculiarities of using professional vocabulary depending on the communicative situation, the adequacy and literacy of the translation, both of the advertising texts themselves and of the methodological, educational and scientific literature devoted to certain problems of the functioning of the advertising industry - like advertising itself, are multifaceted, and their resolution requires the combination of knowledge and skills of representatives advertising business, journalists who write about advertising, editors of advertising publications, linguists involved in the development of advertising language and advertising terminology, as well as representatives of TV channels that place advertising.