Bank playground business plan. We are looking for a location for a paid playground. What kind of staff is needed

Perhaps every person spends his first ten or even more years of life on the playground. That first feeling of joy and the first taste of victory, when you can completely go through the “hill” and the proud looks of your mother and grandmother for the first feat accomplished in life. Therefore, the playground occupies an important place in the life of every child.

What is a playground?

Traditionally, a playground is understood as a place where children of preschool and primary school age play. Accordingly, sites focused on younger age, will not contain any complex elements, such as ladders and ropes, so children of this age have barely learned to walk.

Playgrounds are aimed at mental and physical development children in a playful active form. Sites can be both sports-type and themed.

Modern Russian playgrounds must comply with GOST R 52169−2003, which regulates how they should be equipped and what safety tests should be carried out immediately before children begin to play on them.

Playgrounds should be fenced off from roadways, be well lit, there should be enough space around each game element. free space. All equipment must be made from hypoallergenic materials, the height of structures must be safe and acceptable for certain age groups.

The length of the tunnels should not exceed 75 centimeters, and the elements suggesting a possible fall of the child should not be higher than 50 centimeters.

Slides should be equipped with special crossbars, and have a soft rounding at the end. Game elements must not be exposed corrosion and moisture, temperature fluctuations and frost.

In addition, the coating of playgrounds should be rubberized and have a shock-absorbing effect that softens the impact when falling, as children are active and often fall.

What is a playground for?

The playground is a place set aside to simulate adult life. Communicating with each other, children rehearse» various life situations that they will certainly face in adulthood. On the playground, children learn to resolve conflicts, make friends, build relationships, including family ones.

Thanks to various play elements, such as houses, sandboxes, slides, rockets, etc., children try on various social roles , and, if desired, every day is different. Therefore, the presence of a playground is very important in the life of a child. A playground for a child is about the same as a race track for a future driver, where they prepare for adulthood, “try on” various life situations and learn communication skills.

What are the playgrounds on the site?

Modern playgrounds in recent times they are made of plastic, but sometimes in the areas you can find a platform made of wood or metal. Playgrounds usually look bright and colorful with different colors.

The sites on the plots are usually universal and are visually divided into sections:

  • sandboxes;
  • sports equipment;
  • balancers;
  • simulators;
  • spring swing;
  • swing;
  • carousels;
  • slides;
  • gazebos or children's houses;
  • benches.

It is important to calculate the size playground and the approximate number of children who will spend time on it, based on the place where it will be located.

Playgrounds should also be installed on the territories of children's hospitals. Despite the small spaces, given modern technologies You can organize a play space of any size. While playing, children are distracted from the tense hospital environment and recover faster.

Playground projects

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that children of the new generation have a different “button” thinking that is different from their parents, therefore it is useful to develop playgrounds for them that meet the conditions modern society.

Modern manufacturers offer playgrounds for every taste and budget. They can be thematic, so, for example, a toy ship that combines all of the above elements can be placed on a playground.

Or, for example, a playground project on a fire-fighting theme or an ambulance medical care. On such a playground, children, while playing, will acquire the necessary and important skills and experience for life. Playground projects that repeat fairy tales and cartoons will allow children to feel like their favorite characters.

So, here are some tips from experts regarding playground equipment:

Thus, modern playgrounds develop children, have a good effect on their health, and also decorate courtyards. And it is important that playgrounds have areas for different ages, as well as a harmoniously allocated place for parents.

Ideas for the playground (video)

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The production and sale of children's playgrounds is not only a profitable business, but also socially significant. Play complexes for children are now actively in demand by residents of multi-storey and private houses, buyers shopping centers, vacationers of park areas and visitors to restaurants. The enthusiasm with which adults and children relate to the installation of such sites, as well as a carefully thought-out business plan, will surely contribute to the success of such a contented labor-intensive business. However, to open this business, you need to know and understand some of its nuances, which will be discussed later.

Business features: we work for children

To register a business for the production of children's playgrounds, you do not need any special skills. The best option is to open a Society with limited liability with a simplified taxation system. Registration of an LLC takes place according to the standard procedures set forth in the current legislation. Just keep in mind that since the final product is intended for children, then the production requirements will be increased. You need to rely on two main criteria.

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The first criterion is the interest of children in your playgrounds. One way or another, the game complex should be outwardly attractive and make the child want to play on the playground. As a rule, businessmen of this sphere skillfully use bright colors and various fairy-tale plots, creating entire magical towns. Remember that any game complex has its own age category and certain elements. Easily accessible sandboxes, wooden houses, freestanding cars, swinging figures or low slides are suitable for kids. Children under the age of 10 will enjoy the carousels, spiral slides and rope nets. Older children will like sports ladders, horizontal bars, bars and other gymnastic equipment.

The second criterion is safety. A license is required for the production of playgrounds. All products that you create will have to pass quality control for compliance with the Customs Union and Russian GOST. Requirements, for example, apply to protruding parts and the edges of bolts, which must be closed with special plugs to avoid injury. Playgrounds do not tolerate sharp corners: manufacturers are prohibited from using corner steel. Restrictions also apply to the height of the climbing equipment (not higher than 4 meters), the width of the handrails (not less than 33 mm), the size of the openings of tunnels, gratings and nets in which hands, feet and heads should not get stuck. In addition, the play area, which is located at a height, must necessarily have fences and safety nets so that adults can also access the equipment to help children. You can study the complete lists of requirements in GOST R 52301-2004, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004, GOST R EN 1177-2006 and SNiP 11-64-80.

We select raw materials and equipment

The purchase of equipment will require an impressive share of capital investments. However, before that, you should decide on the key consumables for production. You have to work mainly either with metal and wood, or with plastic. The second option is more expensive. For the production of plastic products, a special line for plastic structures will be required, the cost of which reaches 3 million rubles. Expensive and laborious technological process offset by the advantages of the material itself. Plastic, unlike wood, gives a lot of scope for imagination. Design, shape and weight can be varied as many times as desired due to the flexibility of the material.

The "wood and metal" option is more acceptable for entrepreneurs who are short of money. For woodworking, you will need woodworking machines with program management, and for metal work - tools for cutting and pipe bending machines. Also, when working with raw materials, in any case, you cannot do without its preliminary processing and grinding in order to reliably protect it from corrosion, rust and other negative factors. Increased requirements are also placed on the paint: it must be environmentally friendly and be resistant to ultraviolet radiation and weather.

Calculate approximate cost necessary equipment for the production of platforms from metal and wood, based on the most affordable market prices and subject to the purchase of one copy of the product:

CNC wood milling machine (300-500 thousand rubles);

Stationary circular saw (20-80 thousand rubles);

Panel saw (150-300 thousand rubles);

Grinding machine (15-50 thousand rubles);

Miter saw (10-15 thousand rubles);

Welding equipment (15-25 thousand rubles);

Band saw machine for metal (50-200 thousand rubles);

Profile bending machine (20-70 thousand rubles)

Combined machine for cutting, bending, rolling (85-100 thousand rubles);

Equipment for applying paints and varnishes (60-90 thousand rubles).

In total, the purchase of equipment will require a minimum amount of 735 thousand to 1.4 million rubles. Considering that several types of equipment will be required, the amount will increase to about 2 million rubles. Of course, you can save money on the selection of equipment and purchase used machines, but you should not forget that this should not affect the quality of the final product. Remember that all equipment is also subject to examination. We also note that the cost of finished playgrounds on the market varies from 30 to 400 thousand rubles. Market price about 30% lower than the cost of production.

From manufacturer to customer

All types of production of playgrounds take place exclusively in closed premises, excluding weather interference. For a small enterprise, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 500 square meters will be required.

For a mini-factory, the presence of three workshops is mandatory: metalworking, painting and assembly. If you decide to use wood in your work, then you will also need a woodworking shop. It is desirable to place the enterprise outside the city, away from sleeping areas. Therefore, it is necessary to include in advance in the business plan the costs of the possible supply of communications (electricity, water, heat, sewerage).

It is important not only to make a playground with high quality, but also to deliver it safely to the client. Game complexes are transported in special trucks. The market value of such a machine is about 1 million rubles.

In order to avoid mechanical damage during transportation, the products are usually packed in bubble wrap. When sending over long distances, to protect areas that are particularly susceptible to damage, reinforced packaging with additional corrugated cardboard pads is used.

What kind of staff is needed

With all responsibility, one should approach the selection of personnel. Highly qualified personnel will be required for all areas of work. The think tank of your business will be a design office, which, depending on the scale of production, will include one or more design engineers and graphic designers. These people will be entrusted with the task of designing exclusive playgrounds.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Directly for the production process with an average production rate, you will need the following specialists: several turners, a technologist, 2 welders, a woodworking specialist, 3-4 assemblers, loaders, a driver.

Don't forget that in order to successfully position and market you will also need people trained in these areas. Important role here goes to advertising and account managers, who should interest potential buyers and take into account their opinion appearance(development of individual layouts) and the location of the sites. Taking into account the administrative staff, about 20 people are needed for the operation of the enterprise. If we take the average Russian salary of 30 thousand rubles as a basis, then it turns out that about 500 thousand rubles a month are needed to pay salaries to an employee.

Who to sell and where to advertise

The question of the main channels of implementation should be carefully considered when drawing up a business plan. As a rule, the demand for playgrounds is formed charity organisations, representatives of HoReCa, private parks, municipalities, housing and communal services or homeowners associations and private buyers.

Ready-made ideas for your business

More than half of the orders come from investors-philanthropists who install sites as part of charitable events - this is about 60%. Stable interest in such things is actively shown by the segment of bars and restaurants (10-20%). This is due to the fact that visitors tend to choose those establishments where they can leave their children during their holidays.

State structures also appear among the main customers. The number of orders from them varies depending on the region and its social policy. So the largest number of orders can be observed in those parts of the country where municipal programs are being implemented to equip courtyards with playgrounds. It is rightly considered that cooperation with municipalities involves certain risks. In particular, government officials cannot always guarantee payment of the final settlement. There are other factors to consider when working with municipalities. For example, rising costs for social sphere can be expected before the elections, when the incumbent MPs and candidates seek to enlist the support of the electorate.

Least of all orders can be expected from private clients, although this segment is growing over time. Middle-class people who own plots for individual construction are increasingly striving to equip them with playgrounds for children instead of banal horizontal bars and tires dug into the ground.

The advertising strategy of the business for the production and sale of playgrounds is not limited to the choice of any one method. There will be several channels for delivering information to customers. These are specialized print media, such as children's magazines and magazines about construction and design, visited Internet resources and forums dedicated to children and education, television commercials and direct sales. Participation in specialized exhibitions, where gaming complexes can be demonstrated live, will also help a lot in attracting customers.

We take into account seasonality

Seasonality in the production of playgrounds is one of the factors that must be taken into account. The greatest demand is recorded from the beginning of spring before the onset of the first cold weather. Therefore, in winter period Entrepreneurs form a strategic stock of supplies for spring and create planned installations for social programs. Finished items go to the warehouse. The presence of a warehouse with a steady demand is necessary and allows minimizing the time for manufacturing complexes. To increase the number of orders in winter, discounts of up to 20-30% are also often made.

Starting capital and profitability

To start your own playground business, you will need good start-up capital. A less expensive option is to produce game complexes from wood and metal. Then to buy Supplies for production, equipment for the design office, registration of an enterprise and preparation of workshops, you will need about 2.5 million rubles. You should also take into account such large expenses as the rent for the premises, which will depend on the location, the cost of a truck for transporting orders, staff salaries and contributions to the Pension Fund, as well as fuel, communications, the Internet, and so on. As a result, for successful start you will need at least 5 million rubles. The payback period of such a business is about two years, the yield is 30-40% per annum.

Ready-made ideas for your business

279 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 99923 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

Project cost including working capital will amount to 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment.

How to earn 500 thousand rubles in the summer season? Buy an inflatable trampoline and install it in a public place. Even an entrepreneur with no experience can cope with such a task.

The organization of water zorbing starts from 100 thousand rubles, as well as simple zorbing, but by investing about 200-300 thousand in the "water" direction, you can get a good and attractive attraction for the client...

The cost of building a house starts from 4 thousand rubles per m2 and reaches 10 thousand per m2. It can be even more expensive, it all depends on the wishes of the customer. At the same time, the cost of materials with their delivery is ...

Start-up capital to open a business for the production of houses from timber, experts estimate at least 4.5-5 million rubles. The profitability of wooden housing construction is estimated at 40-70% (sometimes ...

Investments in the project will amount to 150 million rubles. Estimated project launch time is 12 months. The payback period for the water park will be 51 months. The discounted payback period is 64 months.

The polyurethane foam application business can be a good development for an existing one. construction business, because it is impossible to apply polyurethane foam in some regions for 4-5 months.

People are used to thinking that entrepreneurial activity is just something more related to adult affairs, and few people care about children. Therefore, probably, now there are so few areas for children to relax. The authorities are brushing aside, and there is no time to deal with such trifles. So this idea is more for women than for men. They will come in handy here, but only when man's strength and hands are needed.


If your company will be engaged in the production and installation of playgrounds, you need to observe safety measures and be guided by GOSTs.

Payback- 1 year.

What is the best way to register a business?

Definitely register an LLC. Large manufacturers do not want to deal with a private entrepreneur. Check out the manual and information on .

Main competitors:

  • Avira;
  • Broxtal;
  • Relief;
  • "101 towns";
  • Igroboom.

Installed items:

  • drum;
  • fungus;
  • swing;
  • swing-balancers;
  • rocking chairs on a spring;
  • carousels;
  • spider;
  • sandbox;
  • swedish wall;
  • horizontal bars;
  • rings;
  • transitions;
  • obstacle course;
  • children's slide;
  • houses and gazebos;
  • small towns.

We build a platform and earn on services

State registration

It's good enough and profitable idea, can become in a small town where there are no or very few places for children's leisure.

Choosing a place for a playground

To implement such an idea, you will need, first of all, a place for a platform. It would be nice if it was as close as possible to the city center, or at least was passing to the central crowded places. Children's courts are especially profitable.

You can find a place near schools, hospitals, central premises. The extreme option is near your house, in the local area, but here you will need permission from the neighbors. If the neighbors are good, then of course there will be no problems. However, this must not be forgotten. This is an easier option than creating a nursery.

Financial investments

When a place is found, it is worth deciding on finances and calculating what you can do on this site at first. If you are strained with money, it is worth evaluating the need to open just such entrepreneurial activity and pay attention to .

If there is still enough money, it is necessary to decide what will be installed on the territory. Whether it will be a sandbox, a slide and a swing, or also a tennis court or a trampoline. We will take the average option with an investment of 150 thousand rubles.

When you have dealt with this, then you need to take action. First you need to go to the city executive committee and register as a private entrepreneur and set a price per hour of visit. At this stage, there will be no difficulties, on the contrary, the city authorities will support your undertakings, since there is usually no money for such sites in the budget and is not expected soon.

Use of the purchased territory

To implement this, you will have to first:

Enclose the territory with a fence;

Install benches for mothers with children;

It’s also a good idea to set up a table there so that you can put something if necessary or just have a bite. You can even put it next to the tables, which will bring its additional profit;
- mount entertainment devices: slides, swings, etc.;

- plant flowers for the beauty and attractiveness of the place;

- if the swing is not painted - paint it.

- can be opened nearby

Such a business idea as a playground will not bring much money, but it will bring pleasure to children and you, because thanks to your efforts, children will have such a cozy corner for games. In addition, you can offer services to mothers directly on your site. Just keep in mind that in order to educate children, special education is needed.

The only thing that is bad is that in winter, of course, it will be idle on your courts, because you won’t roll much in the cold. Yes, but you still have to keep an eye on it so that no one breaks anything, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain and there will be no sense for the next season. To keep your business up and running all year round, we recommend to install .
And according to the season, you can continue to improve the site and order additional equipment (an approximate catalog is available). Create a volleyball corner or tennis court. At the same time, shuttlecocks and rackets can also be rented for money.

Maintenance staff

You will need one accountant who will prepare and complete income and expense reports.

Will definitely need one vendor to sell tickets to the playground area

You will have to hire one worker who will monitor the condition of the playground and carry out repairs

It is also necessary to hire a security guard to protect children from unauthorized persons.

Of course, if you wish, you can expand your capabilities and sell right there: balls, jump ropes, soap bubbles, kites and balls. And you can also sell next to the site, provided or a stall: drinks and mineral water, ice cream, cookies, wet wipes, cotton candy and much more.

Considering everything, you should not forget about the presence of a first-aid kit, since it is very difficult to protect children from traumatization, and in such cases you will have to provide first aid. In the West, they are becoming very popular. Think about the implementation of this business idea.

In addition, if there is a sandbox on the territory, then you need to worry about sand and sand toys in advance. It would be nice to install a small inflatable pool for the kids to swim in, but this requires special close readiness, since playing with water is also dangerous.

You can also organize a bike rack and put

Dance Heads

AT summer time An excellent business option would be to open a small Dance heads film studio that will entertain your little visitors and their parents. Learn more about this business.

Sports section in summer

Children love various sports. So why not hire a coach who will teach the kids at a certain time various types sports such as football, volleyball, tennis? Such an idea will bring additional income and visitors to your business and sports ground. More details about the sports section.

Bicycle rental Gocycle

We recommend organizing a rental of various equipment, such as roller skates, nearby. Now new inventions similar to bicycles are in active demand. Buy 1-2 copies of such entertainment and see how quickly they pay for themselves.

If you try and make every effort, the result will be worthy - try it!

-> Production, construction, Agriculture

Business in the construction and arrangement of playgrounds

This is very interesting view business, if only because it is associated with positive emotions and does not require much physical effort, tk. all modern platforms are mounted simply and quickly. And most importantly arrangement of playgrounds– it is very profitable!

But there were times when there were all kinds of swings, slides, sandboxes, turntables, carousels, "caterpillars", volleyball courts, football goals, stairs in the yards - and what was there! And everyone in the yard played together, no one interfered with anyone, everyone was interested and fun ...

But after the collapse of the USSR, all this fell into decay. Unfortunately, everything was stolen, and dogs began to walk on playgrounds. The only thing left is sandboxes, and you won’t let a child into those without fear! It is a pity that our domestic manufacturers have almost completely abandoned the mass production of equipment and sets of playgrounds. But the initiative was intercepted by foreigners. But due to the fact that they use only environmentally friendly and safe materials, and even bring them from "overseas" countries, all slides - swings - carousels for children's games are far from cheap. In some cities, playgrounds have now begun to actively revive. But this is only in some, and not in all yards ... This is what can explain why firms that are engaged in arrangement of playgrounds. People are willing to pay for their children to have a normal time on comfortable and modern playgrounds.

Why is it convenient? The fact that for one yard there is not so much that is needed ... But there are many who want it, usually these are residents of 5 - 8 or more entrances, or even several nearby houses at once. Agree, if you chip in all together - it will turn out to be a penny, an amount that is quite affordable for everyone. And the pleasure is limitless. Benches, cleanliness and order, children play, ride and have fun ... Even if someone else has very small children, you can sit on the benches. And for those who have grown up - it is also nice to the eye, it is convenient to relax on a hot day, and grandchildren will come later.

How does it all happen? Firms enter into an agreement with management company or the management of the HOA on playground equipment for kids. The contract may also contain additional conditions in the form of further maintenance and maintenance of the playground.

If you seriously decide to open a company that provides services for the construction and arrangement of playgrounds, then first of all, study the entire range of products that are produced for decorating the courtyard space. All children's play complexes in without fail must have all the necessary certificates, permits, confirming compliance with all necessary environmental and safety standards.

Modern children's towns For a long time they have not been assembled from rusty scraps of unnecessary pipes. They were replaced by bright, light and durable plastic, which, moreover, is much less traumatic for children. Do not forget that now special bulk materials are also used, falling on which the child will not be able to injure his knees and elbows. Swings should be with fixing backs, slides not made of metal, sandboxes should be covered (so that at night the sand is not spoiled by anything, or it does not get wet in the rain). In general, there are a lot of requirements, but the possibilities are now completely different!

Try to purchase equipment that has been certified and has all the permissions. Otherwise, you run into, confirming GOSTs. Moreover, in order to arrange the site, you will have to run every time, check documents, and register with housing offices. After all, we are talking about the health of people, and most importantly, children. In addition, you will need knowledge of psychology and design. It is not enough just to arrange swings and carousels with slides. We need to arrange it in such a way that it is interesting and exciting, so that children like to run among all this, so that these are convenient transitions.

All Ready playground sets are mounted quickly and simply thanks to modular elements and a simple design. In addition, they allow you to assemble a variety of options for children's playgrounds and complexes from the same elements.

Today, manufacturers offer various "castles", with nets, slides. Also a great option. They are made of natural wood, do not contain artificial materials, have a moisture-proof coating (which means they do not deteriorate over the winter, do not rot).

On the playground, one cannot do without benches for parents, grandparents. There must be many. After all, parents will not be able to let their children walk and frolic for a long time, even if they have nowhere to put a bag of groceries or sit down.

Probably, small firm Do not immediately organize cleaning and maintenance services for playgrounds. Otherwise, you just won't have enough of your people. On the other hand, you can hire people from the same yard - there are many volunteers. But you still have to pay for the work. And that means - payment must be collected from all entrances. So it will be convenient for you and the whole house, if you just practice arrangement of the playground.

Keep in mind that people from neighboring yards will come to play on this site. Therefore, you need to place your ad near the site. Hand out business cards to those who follow or constantly disappear on your site - let them recommend you. Satisfied customers will be your advertisement, confirming the high reputation of your company. But at the very beginning, you will have to run around offering services yourself. Post printed ads near the entrances, spread the flyers in the mailboxes, on the bulletin boards in the area. You will definitely be noticed. After all, there are a lot of children in the area, and parents probably complained more than once that the playgrounds were so undeveloped.

So let's recap.

Construction and arrangement children's playgrounds- this is really a very interesting type of business, because it is associated exclusively with positive emotions, it does not require much physical effort. And yet - it is very profitable and does not require large initial costs. All you need to bring with you is the catalogue. You will make an order for the site to the supplier only after you have already signed the first contract, which means you will be sure that you will receive money for it.

The daily routine of a child up to at least 7 years old cannot be imagined without daily walks. Breathing "non-home" air, running and playing, communicating with peers - all this is necessary for children. Unfortunately, not every city yard has enough favorable conditions for a similar pastime for kids. Somewhere there are already non-slip Soviet slides and stairs curved from time and excessive loads, somewhere pipes pass right in the middle of the courtyard, and somewhere there is a good playground, but it does not accommodate all the small residents of the quarter.

Yes, and the same standard "shells" bother both children and mothers. Therefore, new sites appearing in the city are usually met with enthusiasm. Well, since the budget, regrettably, does not always have funds for children's leisure, private paid playgrounds are opened. How to approach this business?

Features of the organization of a street paid playground

The main thing is demand

Before deciding to build a paid outdoor playground, you must carefully select the microdistrict / block where it will really be needed. If there are good, even monotonous, but free sites nearby, your attendance will not be too high. Well, if the district is lucky, and the children's towns in it are diverse, so much the worse for your business. Therefore, the place must be determined scrupulously - to assess the audience, to analyze the "children's" infrastructure, to interview residents. A good option is the private sector, but it will be more difficult to find a place for a site here.

Site selection

After choosing a suitable area, look for a fairly large free area where your building will be built. playground. Size is important, because an outdoor playground provides the opportunity to run, play dynamic games without the risk of injuring children who are not participating in them. Discuss the issue of renting with local HOAs if you are planning accommodation in residential areas, or with the administration of shopping centers located nearby. It should be borne in mind that renting a plot near the shopping center will cost more than in the courtyard of the house. However, the chance to find appropriate place much higher here.

Site erection and equipment

Having decided on the place, you can begin the design and arrangement of the site. First, the area must be fenced off. Use a lattice fence or clear plastic to potential clients could see what was inside. Consideration should be given to safety coverage. Usually choose crumb rubber- it is softer than concrete and, unlike bulk materials (gravel or sand), will not attract animals to satisfy natural needs.

You should install shells loved by children:

  1. Several swings, preferably for different ages (with restraining barriers for the smallest and ordinary ones, on chains or metal pipes).
  2. Carousel type "Sun".
  3. Swing-balancer (also a couple of copies).
  4. Quite a large children's town with slides. Better two - for very young visitors and for older children.
  5. Sandbox, ideally with a canopy.
  6. Rocking chairs on springs.
  7. Trampolines and labyrinths.

You can't do without benches and urns either. If the territory allows, you can leave room for a small field for ball games. It is highly desirable not to order equipment from the same manufacturers whose products are in the courtyards of the city. Peruse the catalogs of playground equipment companies and don't be afraid to try original options and novelties. The equipment of the site with the main shells will cost from 400 thousand to a million rubles.

As for the design of the site - here you should give free rein to your creativity. Make the site themed, such as "nautical", using the appropriate range of colors, sand and pebbles, images of pirates and parrots, flags. You can even install a fountain and a town in the form of a ship!

You can go along the "forest" path, using a tree in the design (of course, processed so that the children do not get hurt, and soaked from moisture and pests with safe means), supplementing the site with flower beds and trees. Fairy tale theme, automotive, animal world- all this will attract children.

How to attract customers in the cold season and beyond

Another feature outdoor playgrounds- seasonality. If during the warm period there is no end to customers, then in winter the site may be empty. In this case, you can add paraphernalia for winter entertainment - set up fortresses for playing snowballs, build an ice slide, give out snow chariots and ice rinks. If there is a field for ball games in winter, you can fill it with a skating rink with skate rentals.

There may be many additional options. As already mentioned, you can give out small equipment - both winter and summer (balls, jump ropes, badminton, sand sets). Parents will be pleased if friendly and competent animators work on the playground, who can watch the children for an hour and a half, while the adults go about their boring business.

On weekends, you can invite creative teams, arrange master classes, water battles and other short-term interesting events for children. If you have free finances, you can combine a playground with a bicycle rental point - the point itself and the equipment will take up little space, but they will attract teenagers and young people.

When will the money flow?

As a rule, an entry fee is charged at such sites - within 250 rubles, the presence of a child with a parent or without an adult has no time limits. additional fee is taken for attending events held on the territory. With the proper organization of the playground, the cost of it will pay off in a season.


Organization of leisure activities for children is a demanded branch of business in our time. And organized outdoor leisure is generally a rarity, and therefore this opportunity attracts the attention of parents. The entrance fee to the playground is not particularly high, and with a successful placement of the institution and proper planning of its work throughout the year, satisfied children and parents will return to you again and again. Do not forget to offer new interesting events and games to young customers - and then they will definitely not get bored with the site.