Download presentation nature of South America. Presentation on the topic: Nature of South America. Fauna of South America

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The purpose of the work: to learn about the unique representatives of the flora and fauna of the North and South America not typical for the nature of Russia

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Animals and plants of North America

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    • Native to North America (California) along the Pacific coast
    • Sequoia loves the humidity that the sea air brings with it.
    • Trees grow in gorges and ravines where all year round currents of moist air enter and where fogs regularly occur
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    • Do you know the dimensions of this rare tree?
    • The tree is a giant: more than 100 meters in height and up to 7 meters in diameter
    • They live for several thousand years
    • A sequoia cone is the size of a large melon
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    • He does not hide from anyone: with wide white stripes on an almost black body, he attracts attention from afar.
    • But few people dare to approach him: in case of danger, he emits such a disgusting smell that neither animals nor people can stand it - they quickly run away
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    • How does he eat? It feeds at night, tearing the ground with its long claws in search of insects, larvae, plants and small animals.
    • How does it winter? On the winter period hibernates, and in the spring the skunk gives birth to four to six cubs
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    Animals and plants of South America

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    Victoria Regia

    This plant was discovered in 1836 in the Amazon River region by the German botanist Richard Schomburgk and named it in honor of the eighteen-year-old, very beautiful English Queen Victoria, who had just ascended the throne and was also interested in botany.

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    • Its flowers are magnificent, they live for about a day and a half, managing to change their color three times during this time.
    • But even more surprising are the leaves: they are round with sides up to 2 meters in diameter.
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    Are you aware of such an experience? A board was placed on the sheet - weighing 9 kg, on which a woman weighing 63 kg stood. It is easy to calculate that this sheet withstood a load of 72 kg!

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    What are they eating? Llamas chew their cud like cows. They swallow grass, regurgitate it half-digested, and then chew it again for a long time before finally eating it.

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    Why does the llama spit? The lama spits, not out of a lack of respect, as is often thought, but to frighten and put to flight his enemies! Therefore, try not to provoke her: after all, it is unpleasant to get under the shower of the lama's saliva. Fu, crap!

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    • The sloth lives up to its name. He sleeps at least 18 hours a day, and when he wakes up, he slowly climbs trees.
    • The sloth is so adapted to a hanging lifestyle that even its hair grows in the opposite direction (from the belly to the back)
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    Does the sloth wash? The sloth does not wash, although he can swim. Therefore, microscopic algae start up in its skin, giving it a greenish color. Caterpillars feed on these algae, which pupate on the wool and turn into butterflies.

  • Slide 17


    • Look what a strange animal! In this bizarre animal, the entire body from head to tail is covered with armor made of bone plates.
    • The animal is from 12 to 100 cm in length, lives in a hole dug at a depth of two meters
    • He usually lives alone
  • Encyclopedia Animals. Makhaon Publishing House, 2007
  • Encyclopedia Animals - acquaintance with nature. Publishing house "Omega", 2003
  • Atlas of the world. Publishing house "Olma-press", 2003
  • Encyclopedia All about everything. Astrel publishing house, 2002
  • Electronic textbook Geography of continents and oceans, 2004
  • View all slides

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    Presentation on the topic: Nature of South America

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    Huge continent South America is a huge continent. From north to south, it stretches for more than 7000 km, while its width is 5 degrees south. sh. a little less than 5000 km. The extraordinary diversity of the nature of the continent is due to its relief and precisely this huge extent in the meridional direction. Two-thirds of the mainland is occupied by plains, and along the western coast stretches the Andes mountain system, high mountains that rise above the ocean by almost 7000 m (Aconcagua peak - 6960 m) and have the largest length in the world - 9000 km. On the side of the Atlantic Ocean are the low plateaus of Brazil and the interior plains of Argentina.

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    Climate The degree of remoteness from the equator, the height above sea level contribute to differences in climate. So the western coast of the mainland in Colombia and southern Chile is wet, while in Peru and northern Chile it is dry. The Brazilian Plateau is humid from the Atlantic side, and there is little rain in the northeastern part of Brazil. Somewhere it rains all year round, and in other places only for short periods. This climatic diversity is primarily reflected in the vegetation of the mainland.

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    Nature The world's largest tropical rainforest occupies the Amazon basin, covers Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, south and east of Venezuela, part of the eastern regions of Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Dry tropical deciduous forests are found in the Orinoco Valley and the Gran Chaco plain, in northeastern Brazil and elsewhere. Grassy steppes with rare isolated standing trees distributed from the plateau of Mato Grosso to the llanos (as the flat spaces are called here) of Venezuela and the grasslands of the pampas, the treeless steppes. In the harsh regions of the high Andes, we encounter a zone of dry puna, and in the altitudinal zones of the highlands of equatorial and subequatorial latitudes, wet paramos or swamps abound in outlandish plants. There are also real deserts in South America, for example, the coastal deserts of the Pacific coast.

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    Animals South America is inhabited by animals that are found only here and nowhere else. These are the so-called endemics. And there are a lot of birds here. No wonder South America is called the "bird continent". Approximately a quarter of all known bird species live here.

    Selva is formed on vast lowland areas of land in conditions of constant freshwater moisture, as a result of which the soil of the selva is extremely poor in minerals washed out by tropical rains. Severe swampiness often occurs in the selva. The flora and fauna are distinguished by a riot of colors and a variety of species of plants, birds and mammals.

    The Argentine pampas are the meadow steppes of the mainland. They have fertile reddish-black soils, the vegetation is dominated by grasses. They serve as a wintering ground for North American birds. Plants Fescue bearded vultureFescue Animals Opossum (marsupial rat) Pampas deer and cat Llama

    Patagonia is a mountainous country that stretches for 1770 kilometers along the Pacific coast of South America from south to north, starting from the Strait of Magellan. It occupies the arid southeastern part of South America, lying within Argentina. Patagonia is a land of glaciers, lakes, tiny and large islands, canals, fjords, mountain rivers, virgin thousand-year-old forests. The landscapes of Patagonia are unforgettable in their beauty and color. Plants Xerophytic shrubs Low-growing cacti Grasses Animals Armadillo Rodents (nutria and viscacha) Cougar

    The driest place in the world, average annual rainfall

    Plants Up to 3 km - mountain forests Above - alpine meadows 4.5 km - bare rocks Above 5 km - glaciers Animals The lower tier corresponds to a flat natural zone Spectacled bear Maned wolfLama Guanaco Chinchilla Condor bird - the largest flying bird of the plaaneta

    Mount Corcovado is even more famous not in itself, but as the world's largest pedestal for a huge sculpture - the statue of Jesus Christ in Rio. But Corcovado itself is a landmark. Her name means "hunchback" in Portuguese. A green asymmetrical block in the middle of the capital attracts attention. But Corcovado itself is a landmark. Her name means "hunchback" in Portuguese. A green asymmetrical block in the middle of the capital attracts attention. A train with tourists walks along the gently curved “back” of the hunchback, and numerous rock climbing routes are laid along the sheer granite “belly”.

    Guanabara Bay Guanabara Bay is an intricate alternation of islets, hills and waters of the bay. But the most amazing and exotic of all is the Sugar Loaf, behind which the beaches of Rio de Janeiro begin. Sugarloaf Sugarloaf is not very high - only 396 meters - but its walls are completely sheer, almost devoid of vegetation. Therefore, the conquest of the Sugarloaf is not an easy task.

    Queimada Grande is the official name of this island, but it is much more widely known as Serpentine. What they say about him is like a cheap horror. Queimada Grande is the official name of this island, but it is much more widely known as Serpentine. What they say about him is like a cheap horror. On this island near southwestern On the Brazilian coast, it is forbidden for a person to set foot - it is forbidden in his own interests. Snakes settled here (the island boatrps is one of the most poisonous snakes). This is an unprecedented case - reptiles survived entirely from the island of man. This is an unprecedented case - reptiles survived entirely from the island of man.

    One of the wonders of Brazilian nature is located here - an amazing area that combines dunes up to 40 meters high from the whitest sand on the planet and framing them the brightest freshwater lakes on Earth. This is a real living illustration of the fact that everything in the world is short-lived and unique. This is a real living illustration of the fact that everything in the world is short-lived and unique. The landscape has an area of ​​​​more than 1550 km² and extends deep into the mainland for 270 km

    This glacier is one of Argentina's most important tourist attractions, comprising 250 km² of ice that is fed by the Andean ice. The Perito Moreno Icefield is the third largest reservoir of fresh water. The Perito Moreno Icefield is the third largest reservoir of fresh water. Its ice rises to a height of 74 meters above sea level, and the depth of the ice is 170 meters.

    A completely white desert seems at first glance to be snowy. But this is a misleading impression - the heat here can rise to 45 0 C. This desert is salty. It occupies 8900 km². This desert is salty. It occupies 8900 km². People use this territory only for the extraction of minerals. Chloride and sulfate of soda, potash and borax crystallize here right on a hard white crust. It remains only to scrape them off.

    Chimborazo is an extinct volcano, which at one time was so rampant that it became the main bulge of the planet, more precisely, an ice edge. The height of this mountain is 6384 meters, but it is still far from the Himalayas. The height of this mountain is 6384 meters, but it is still far from the Himalayas. Being the most distant from the center of the planet, she was helped by the fact that the Earth is not a perfect ball, and Chimborazo was lucky that she was located in a good place. - the farthest point from the center of the planet

    Perhaps they were already known to the ancient Incas, but their official discovery was made by Bishop Frey Thomas de Berlanga of Panama. In 1535, he set foot on the land of these islands and christened them - the Enchanted Islands: they only briefly appeared from dense clouds of fog. In 1535, he set foot on the land of these islands and christened them - the Enchanted Islands: they only briefly appeared from dense clouds of fog. To date, scientists have counted almost 60 bird species and 875 plant species here, and 228 of them are found nowhere else but this archipelago. The variety of species under the sea surface is also amazing: in addition to well-fed sharks, whales, puffers, fur seals and sea lions live in huge colonies on some shores. The variety of species under the sea surface is also amazing: in addition to well-fed sharks, whales, puffers, fur seals and sea lions live in huge colonies on some shores.

    summary of presentations

    south america relief

    Slides: 20 Words: 320 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

    Integrated lesson. Geography and mathematics. Lesson topic. Relief Features of South America. Finding coordinates through the solution of linear equations. Goals: Tasks: Physical map of South America. Relief of South America. Mountain West Plain East. Brazilian plateau. Amazon lowland. Angel Falls. Tasks. Minerals of South America. Oil production. Career. Gold mining. "... Aconcagua... Andes... Lullaillaco... east... gold...". South America profile. - South America relief.ppt

    Relief of South America

    Slides: 6 Words: 118 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

    Relief and minerals of South America. How was the modern relief of the mainland formed? By the nature of the structure of the surface of South America. East Plains and highlands dominate. West The Andes mountains stretch. Large low plains. Amazon. La - Platskaya. Orinokskaya. Correspond to platform deflections. Active volcanoes in South America. Rice. San Pedro. The highest peaks of South America. EXERCISE. San Valentin. Aconcagua. city ​​of Ilyampu. Huascaran. Chimborazo. Roraima. Bandeira. - Relief of South America.ppt

    Landform in South America

    Slides: 26 Words: 296 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Relief of South America. Plan for describing the relief of the mainland: The general nature of the surface. How landforms are located on the mainland. What are the prevailing heights, the highest height. Working with a contour map. mountain West. flat East. Mountain ranges. Highlands. Volcanoes. Lowlands. Plateau. Orographic scheme of the Andes. Journey to the Andes. Work in pairs. In what direction does it stretch? What are the dimensions? What are the prevailing heights, the highest height? What is the origin? Amazon lowland. Brazilian plateau. Orinok lowland. Guiana Plateau. La Plata lowland. - Relief in South America.ppt

    Zones of South America

    Slides: 32 Words: 362 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

    Natural areas of South America. Purpose: to study the flora and fauna natural areas South America. natural areas. South America is the wettest continent. Therefore, forests are widespread here, and deserts and semi-deserts are relatively few. EQUATORIAL FORESTS of South America - selva. Feature mainland - the presence of impenetrable evergreen equatorial forests. The equatorial forests of the Amazon are one of the first places in the world in terms of length. . Selva-equatorial forests. Amazon lowland. Geographical position. Flora of equatorial forests. Ceiba - a tree reaching a height of 80 m. - Zones of South America.ppt

    Lessons South America

    Slides: 15 Words: 392 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Multimedia textbook. Contents Handbook Tests Practice Online. The content of the multimedia textbook. Natural wealth (announcer, text, map, video). Lesson stages: Lesson objectives: Studying the natural areas of South America. To form an idea of ​​the flora and fauna of South America. Systematization of knowledge and skills, skills of working with the Internet browser. Using Internet technologies to study the topic. Development of methods of algorithmic and logical thinking. Lesson Objectives: Geographic location research-13 min. Useful links on the Internet. Practical task - 10 min. - Lessons South America.ppt

    Nature of South America

    Slides: 5 Words: 373 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Features of the nature of South America. Huge mainland. South America is a huge continent. Climate. Nature. Animals. And there are a lot of birds here. No wonder South America is called the "bird continent". Approximately a quarter of all known bird species live here. - Nature of South America.ppt

    Natural areas of America

    Slides: 10 Words: 282 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

    Grade 7 South America Natural areas. "Business card" of the mainland. South America is the most interesting continent of the Earth. Features of natural areas: Selva is wetter than African forests, richer in plant and animal species. natural areas. Read the text carefully. Crocodile living in South America. 11, Rubber tree. 12. Typical representatives of the selva flora. The variety of flora and fauna of the South American evergreen forests is amazing. The flora and fauna of the Andes is unique. Remember what is called altitudinal zonation? Changing the nature of the mainland under the influence of man. Why do we say so. - Natural areas of America.ppt

    Life in South America

    Slides: 25 Words: 458 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

    Life on the Mainland: South America. Victoria Regia. Everyone saw the water lily, or water lily, which blooms in June in central Russia. Victoria regia belongs to the group of aquatic flowering plants. A petiole is attached to the middle of the leaf, extending deep into the water. Victoria regia flowers. The flowers of Victoria regia are unusually beautiful and are located on the surface of the water. The giant water lily flower is very unusual - it changes color like a chameleon. After two or three days, the flower is immersed in water. . Butterflies. Butterflies are one of the largest groups of insects, with over 137,000 species. - Life in South America.pptx

    Wildlife of South America

    Slides: 13 Words: 1237 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Mainland geographical records. South America. Tropical forests of South America. Amazon river. Mountains of South America. Lakes of South America. Beautiful river. Waterfalls of South America. Cocoa. Corn. Animal world of South America. Anaconda. Jaguar. - Wildlife of South America.ppt

    Natural areas in South America

    Slides: 10 Words: 495 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

    Natural areas of South America. Map of the natural zones of South America. equatorial forests. Selva is wetter than African forests, richer in plant and animal species. The dominant soils are red-yellow ferralitic. Selva plants. Cinchona. Brazil. Ceiba. Hevea. Ceiba animals. Sloth. Hummingbird. Piranha. Tapir. Anaconda. Jaguar. Savannah. Quebracho. Gallery forests grow along the banks of the rivers. most famous bird is a rhea ostrich. Mimosa. bottle tree. Savannah animals. Puma. Nandu ostrich. Battleship. Giant anteater. The Pampas are the steppes of South America. To the south of the savannas is a zone of steppes, called pampas in South America. - Natural areas in South America.ppt

    Map of natural areas of South America

    Slides: 14 Words: 306 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

    Natural areas of South America. Placement of zones on the map. Define rivers. equatorial forests. Vegetable world. Hevea. Animal world of the Selva. Tapirs. Savannah. Flora and fauna of the savannas. Subtropical steppes. Semi-deserts of South America. Animal world of the Andes. material used. - Map of natural areas of South America.ppt

    Test "Natural areas of South America"

    Slides: 49 Words: 1817 Sounds: 0 Effects: 271

    population of South America. Natural areas of South America. Testing. natural areas. Moist equatorial forests. Variable-moist forests. Savannahs and woodlands. Natural area. Steppes. Savannah. Altitudinal zonation. The soils are infertile. The zone is located in the subtropical and temperate climatic zones. Semi-deserts. Steppes. It's called pampa. Mistakes 2. Mistakes 3. Mistakes 4. Equatorial forests. Mistakes 1. C) moist equatorial forests. C) humid equatorial forests. C) humid equatorial forests. Mistakes 5. Called patagonia. C) humid equatorial forests. C) humid equatorial forests. - Test "Natural areas of South America".ppt

    Characteristics of the natural zones of South America

    Slides: 11 Words: 469 Sounds: 0 Effects: 19

    Climate of South America

    Slides: 12 Words: 99 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

    Climate of South America. The purpose of the lesson: the formation of knowledge about the climate of South America. Climatic zones of South America. Subquat. Moderate. Subtropical tropical Equator. Map of winds and currents. Table "Characteristics of the climatic zones of South America." CLIMATOGRAM Assignment. Learn the elements of a climatogram. Back. Wind and current map of South America. - Climate of South America.ppt

    "Climate of South America" ​​Grade 7

    Slides: 21 Words: 375 Sounds: 0 Effects: 87

    Climate of South America. climatic zones. Features of the climate of South America. Basic concepts. Multi-year weather pattern. Phenomena and conditions affecting the climate. An area with special temperature regime. climate records. climate factors. Factors affecting the climate of South America. Solar radiation. Atmospheric circulation. Underlayment surface. Peruvian cold current. Coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Andes. Eastern territories of the mainland. Areas with high rainfall. 19. Climatic zones of South America. Homework. - "Climate of South America" ​​Grade 7.ppt

    Climate map of South America

    Slides: 12 Words: 358 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

    Forests of South America

    Slides: 14 Words: 606 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

    Neotropical region. The neotropical region has a number characteristic differences and corresponds to the Neogean kingdom. The neotropical region is subdivided into the following subregions: Guiano-Brazilian subregion. Mountains occupy a relatively small part. The steppes are poorly represented, mainly in the south of the land. Among mammals there are a number of endemic groups. Sloth. Ant-eater. Patagono-Andean subregion. occupies the southern and northwestern parts of South America. Altitude zonality is characteristic of mountainous regions. Beech forests. Bats are few. The reptile fauna is poorer. Of the amphibians, the frog rhinoderma is interesting, bearing juveniles in the throat pouch, etc. - Forests of South America.pptx

    neotropical region

    Slides: 11 Words: 815 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Neotropical region. Geographical position. The northern border of the region coincides with the border of the whole kingdom. Climate. The climate of the region is varied: humid tropical - in Central America. The total area of ​​South American guiles exceeds 5 million square kilometers. km. Afternoon showers in the hylaea are a common occurrence. In the southern part of the mainland - periodically arid, hot, subtropical and even desert. Flora. Among mammals, an endemic detachment of edentulous (anteaters, armadillos and sloths) is distinguished. Primates, without exception, belong to the superfamily of broad-nosed monkeys. Of the artiodactyls, only tapirs are found. - Neotropical area.pptx

    Animals of South America

    Slides: 40 Words: 2055 Sounds: 0 Effects: 86

    Animals of South America. Blue morpho. Piranhas. Dart frogs. Woodworker representative. Snake. Rattlesnakes. Marine iguana. Turtle. Scarlet ibis. Birds with a beautiful tail. Arakanga. Sides of the head. Plumage coloration. Stone cockerel. Yakany. Blue-footed booby. Galapagos penguin. Nandu. Condor. Ocelot. Battleships. Vicuna. Viscacha. Giant anteater. Guara. Tree porcupines. Capybara. Chupacabra. Members of the camelid family. Sloths. Dwarf marmosets. Spectacled bear. Patagonian mara. Spider monkeys. Red howlers. Tamarin. Tapirs. Chinchilla. Jaguar. - Animals of South America.ppt

    Fauna of South America

    Slides: 15 Words: 605 Sounds: 0 Effects: 37

    South America. South America is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Animal world of South America. The fauna of South America is distinguished by exceptional richness and variety of forms. Uakari are small monkeys. They almost never come down to the ground. The ocelot is a feline predator. A very rare animal, listed in the Red Book. Lives on the forest slopes of the Andes, at an altitude of up to 4 km. Found at the very edge of the snow. The capybara is the largest rodent in the world. There are swimming membranes on the fingers: the capybara swims and dives perfectly. Lives along the banks of rivers, where there is tall grass. -