How to assemble a snake from a fixed price. Fix Price Kite Sport&Fun. The best toys from the Fix Price store

The Chinese have long believed that a kite soaring in the sky takes away all illnesses, hardships and worries. In addition, kite launching is always a spectacular and fairly simple activity. The main thing is to choose the right place and take into account some of the nuances.

What kid doesn't dream of flying a colorful kite? What could be stronger than the delight with which children watch a toy soaring in the sky? "Daddy, let's make a snake!" - says the beloved child. And the father scratches the top of his head in concern, because assembling a kite and flying it seems to be something especially difficult. But it's not like that at all.

Theoretical minimum

Before you fly a kite, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

A rail is a thread with which a flying toy is controlled;

The bridle is a strong thread woven together, thanks to which the kite is attached to the lifeline;

Bearing area - the size of the projection of the kite on a horizontal surface;

Bearing capacity is the lifting force of one unit of bearing area;

The center of pressure is the center of the bearing area.

How to make a toy fly?

How to make a kite so that it soars? To do this, its surface should not be flat, but should bend upwards under the pressure of the air flow. That is why, when making a kite, it is not recommended to stretch the material (paper, oilcloth, fabric) too tightly. Sometimes it is enough to fix only the corners. The center of gravity must be shifted towards the tail, otherwise a long hover cannot be achieved.

The leading edge of the kite must be carefully taped or reinforced to avoid eddies. For those who do not yet know how to fly a kite, it is better to give preference to flying models that have a long tail - it gives the correct balance to the whole structure.

Another important element is the bridle, which should consist of two threads. But such a kite is quite difficult to manage, so it is better for beginners to use a triple bridle.

Home workshop - manufacturing steps

1. To assemble the simplest type of kite, you need to take two thin pine, bamboo or plastic slats 30 and 50 cm long. Measure 15 cm from the end of the longer slat and fasten a small slat at a right angle with strong threads. Thus, a crosspiece for a flying toy is obtained.

2. At the ends of the planks, you need to make round notches into which a thin, strong thread is pulled. You should get a quadrangular frame.

3. Then you need to take thin paper or oilcloth and fit the existing workpiece. To do this, the resulting frame is placed on a sheet of prepared material and circled with a pencil or marker, adding a small distance to the allowances for fastening.

4. The pattern is cut out, after which the frame is well smeared with glue and attached to the material. You can decorate a kite with felt-tip pens, drawing cartoon characters on it (which will please your children), or depict the slender legs of your beloved woman on it (which will please you).

5. Now you can start attaching the bridle. For this, a spool of fishing line is taken, which is attached to the left corner of the workpiece. Then it must be stretched to the nose of the snake, and from there to the right corner to determine the length of the bridle. Cut the thread and attach the tip to the right corner of the snake (it turns out a long thread from one end to the other). Now we take the spool again, fix the fishing line in the bow of the structure, measure the distance to the left corner of the kite, add another ten centimeters, cut it off and tie it to the middle of the first thread.

6. The tail of the snake can be made from a thin cord or a strong nylon thread, measuring 3.5-4 meters. The tail can be decorated with paper bows.

7. Launching a kite is impossible without a leer. To do this, a long strong thread is attached to the bridle, at the end of which you can tie a small stick for ease of control.

Flat flying structures

Such kites are the simplest and most famous. The frame is made of pine or any other light wood. Sheathing is made of film or paper. Paper does not provide structural stability, so it must be durable (mica, cigarette or rice paper). If a film is used, then it should stretch poorly, but at the same time stick well to the frame (it is best to buy acrylic).

What does a monk serpent look like?

Such a flying layout got its name due to its similarity with the hood of a monastic cassock. Such a kite is perfectly centered, so a two-lead bridle is enough to launch it. The tail is used as a balancer, it should be light and thin. The material for such a kite is better to choose dense, because under the gusts of wind it is too easily crushed and falls.

Archery flying structure

This is one of the varieties of flat kite. The frame is built from a pair of rails, which ensures lightness. In this case, the front rail gives rigidity to the entire structure, but there is a greater sensitivity to the wind. Beginners are not always able to master the first time flying this type of kite.

box design

This type of homemade snake looks pretty solid, but it is quite simple to perform. He doesn't need a tail. Moreover, such snakes can lift small loads, so they can fit a small digital camera, after turning it on for video recording or continuous shooting. In this way, you can get completely unique shots from a bird's eye view. But the box-shaped design keeps well in the air only in strong winds.

How to fly a kite: choose a place

So that nothing interferes with the flight process, you should choose open areas without any obstacles. Trees, kiosks, buildings located nearby interfere with the direct passage of air currents and create unnecessary turbulence. The sea coast with its breeze is perfect (unless, of course, you have to jump over the bodies of vacationers at the same time). Better stay away from highways, airfields and power lines.

How to fly a kite (instruction)

First you need to determine the direction of the wind by simply drooling on your finger. Now the kite is solemnly handed over to a friend (girlfriend, child, wife). You need to stand in front of your assistant, who should hold the kite above his head, perpendicular to the ground. The wind should blow at your back, the reel with the lifeline should be in your hands.

So how do you fly a kite? First you need to slowly move away from a friend at a distance of about 20 meters, while unwinding the leash. Having given the command: “Let go!”, sharply pull the rail towards you. With a good wind force, the kite will soar in the air itself, and all that remains is to enthusiastically watch its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run around the field a little more until the structure catches the air flow.

How to fly a kite in different wind strengths? If it flies only when the person driving it is running, then the wind is too weak. With fairly strong air currents, the flying structure soars in the air with ease, and no additional effort is required. The optimal wind speed for launching a paper layout should be 3-6 m/s.

If the tension of the thread-leash is too strong, then it should be unwound a little. If the wind subsides, then the snake is pulled to itself. To return the structure to the ground, it is necessary to gradually wind up the rail and go home with a sense of accomplishment.


Basic elements of a snake

Frame - depending on the model, it may consist of two or more rails. The mutual arrangement of which depends on the specific model. Serves for structural rigidity during flight.

Cloths - light fabric, cellophane or paper, which is covered with a snake frame. Due to this, there is an obstacle for the wind that creates lift. The canvas is placed in relation to the wind in front of the frame.

Tail - usually made in the form of one or more ribbons, and even with bows. Serves not only as a decoration, but also to smooth out imperfections during the flight. The tail is not found in all models.

Bridle - for attaching a thread (leera) to a kite. They are of several types, depending on the number of attachment points:

with one - does not require adjustment, the tail does all the work

with two or more - there is usually a regulating part (ring) here to adjust the angle of attack by the wind.

with a keel - a single piece connected to the canvas of the same material, instead of a bridle with two fasteners. Does not require adjustment, usually a tail is hung for this purpose

Leer (thread, rope) - with its help they control the flight. It should be light and strong, preferably with the ability to unhook from the snake. For this purpose, they put carbines for the tail, by the way, too.

Coil - for winding thread (handle). Facilitates use and less risk of tangling the rope.

Consider the possible options:

1. If you have a rail (twig) and a bridle, a reel, a tail in the kit.

Take the frame of the snake, insert the bridle from the front side into the holes on the snake. (for an example, see the picture above) - Turn the kite over and thread the rail into the holes (loops) at the ends of the bridle. - Next, find the special slots for the slats on the kite. They (grooves for the rail) should be located along the edges either from top to bottom or left to right. behind the canvas during the flight. - We turn the kite over to ourselves with the front side of the kite and tie the thread to the bridle. - If there is also a tail, find a hole at the bottom of the snake and fix the tail.

2. If there is no rail, but there is a bridle, a spool of thread, a tail is not a mandatory attribute. - Then just look for holes on the snake and fix it (bridle). - Next, attach the thread to the bridle. The fastener of the thread to the bridle should be on the front side. - We fasten the tail, if it goes separately. It may not exist at all.

3. Perhaps in the kit there will be only one spool of thread without a bridle but with a rail and a tail. Your model with a keel is a one-piece piece connected to the main web of the snake. - The keel should have a hole for tying a thread, or some other device - a carabiner, etc. For clarity, consider an example. in our case, it is necessary to thread the thread into the hole on the keel. We fix the thread by tying a knot. - On the reverse side, turning the kite over, insert the rail. As described above, the rail is inserted into the special. recesses along the edges of the snake (bottom-top, right-left, or, if two slats, both). - Such models are also equipped with a tail, which also comes separately, attach it, there should be holes for attaching the tail from below. in our case, it is a metal hook with a loop.

4. For models with two rails or more, the assembly principle is similar. Depending on the number of additional rails included. They are inserted into recesses on the snake. Location may vary. How to be perpendicular to each other, intersect, be parallel.

Kites originated in ancient China in the 2nd century AD. People have learned to design various original types of kites: simple and controllable, flat and voluminous, with and without a frame, in the form of a dragon, a wing, a heart, a parachute. Today, kites are used not only as toys for children, but also for sports competitions and other useful purposes. The article contains master classes on creating kites with your own hands.

From the package

Materials and tools:

  • cellophane bags - 4 pieces;
  • thin light sticks (reed, pine slats);
  • thick fishing line;
  • permanent marker;
  • scotch;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • Super glue.

Master Class:


Materials and tools:

  • bamboo, carbon or reed rods with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • plastic bag;
  • spool of thick thread;
  • Super glue;
  • scotch.

Master Class:

  • According to the scheme, cut the film and sticks.
  • Fasten all the twigs according to the scheme between themselves with thick threads and pour glue for strength.
  • Attach the resulting frame to the film and connect them with adhesive tape.
  • Tie a handrail to the finished snake.


Materials and tools:

  • lime, bamboo or pine sticks with a diameter of 10 millimeters;
  • polyethylene film;
  • spool of strong thread;
  • Super glue;
  • scotch;
  • fishing line.

Master Class:

  1. Following the scheme, prepare pieces of film and cut the required number of sticks.
  2. Tie the sticks together with fishing line and pour glue for strength.
  3. Stretch a string of fishing line between the two wings of the kite.
  4. Use adhesive tape to attach the film to the frame.
  5. For the tail, handrail and bridle, use a thick thread.

monk serpent

Materials and tools:

  • a sheet of thick paper 20 by 20 centimeters;
  • thick thread with a spool;
  • cotton tape;
  • thread with a needle;
  • iron;
  • scissors.

Master Class:

  1. According to scheme 1 in the picture, bend the sheet in the middle, connecting points B and D, and iron the fold well (diagram 2).
  2. Without straightening the sheet, bend corner B so that the sides AC and BC are aligned.
  3. Turn the sheet over, bend corner D, aligning sides AC and DC (diagram 3).
  4. Bend corners with vertices B and D.
  5. Fold sides EB and E*D together with sides AE and AE*.
  6. Iron the folds with an iron and carefully unfold the product.
  7. According to scheme 6, make holes on the wings at points F, F * and C (tail).
  8. Tie a thread with a length equal to half the height of the AK (image 6 in diagram 1) through points F and F * (puts).
  9. At point C, attach a cotton tail 2 centimeters wide and 5xAC long. To do this, you need to pass the segment through the hole, attach it to the main tail and flash it (Scheme 2).
  10. Exactly in the middle of the fetters, tie a rail of thick thread with a spool.


Materials and tools:

  • willow, bamboo or reed branches;
  • cellophane film or thick paper;
  • cotton ribbon 2 centimeters wide;
  • thread;
  • joiner's glue.

Master Class:

3D Potter Diamond Box Kite

Materials and tools:

  • 4 rails with a length of 1060 millimeters and a section of 10 by 10 millimeters (spars);
  • 2 slats with a length of 990 millimeters and a cross section of 8 by 8 millimeters (spacer);
  • 2 slats with a length of 660 millimeters and a cross section of 8 by 8 millimeters (small spacers);
  • fabric or thick paper;
  • thick threads;
  • scissors;
  • drying oil;
  • wood glue.

Master Class:

Kiting sail

Materials and tools:

  • film or thin fabric;
  • pine slats 75 centimeters long and 6 millimeters in diameter;
  • thick threads;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Master Class:

Indian rhombic

Materials and tools:

  • film or thin fabric;
  • pine lath 56 centimeters long, 2 millimeters in diameter;
  • pine lath 82.5 centimeters long, 2 millimeters in diameter;
  • 2 pine slats 10 centimeters each, 2 millimeters in diameter;
  • strong threads 80 centimeters long;
  • scotch;
  • fabric tape.

Master Class:

Who didn't fly a kite as a child! For many of us, this was a favorite fun, which was not difficult to make with our own hands. We made the simplest paper kites and rejoiced at how our creations flew into the wind. Now in stores you can find a variety of models of kites, from small children's kites to huge professional ones. And now we, having already become parents ourselves, go with interest to the sports department to buy this bright toy for our children. Let's remember together how to assemble a kite, and in what ways it can be raised into the sky.

Assembling a kite

Regardless of the level of difficulty, all kites consist of standard set accessories. The most important thing in any kite is a strong frame that holds the shape of the structure during flight. It can be made from two or more rails. A fabric made of lightweight material is stretched over the frame, which creates an obstacle to the wind and allows the kite to soar in the air. It is important to know that when launching the kite, you need to position it in such a way that the canvas is in front of the frame, and the wind hits it. In some models of kites, a tail is attached to the canvas, made in the form of beautiful ribbons, which is designed to smooth out gusts of wind and stabilize the kite in the air.

The kite is controlled from the ground with a rope or thread, which is also called a lifeline. It must be very strong, but light enough not to impede flight.

The thread is wound on a special convenient spool. Often, kite makers make lifelines on carabiners so that people can unhook them. The junction of the thread with the kite is called the bridle. Depending on the number of attachment points, this can be:

  • a bridle with one fastening that does not require adjustment in the air. The kite is corrected only by the tail.
  • a bridle with a keel, made in the form of a single piece from a canvas of the same material. Also does not require adjustment during flight
  • a bridle with two or more fasteners, which involves controlling a kite. To do this, it has a ring that allows you to adjust the angle of flight.

How to fly a kite

Flying a kite is easy, the main thing is to choose appropriate place and catch the wind. To do this, we find a large open piece of land, preferably on a hill, where air currents move from bottom to top. If you are surrounded by trees and houses, it will be more difficult for the snake to rise due to uneven wind, and it will only be able to stabilize at a height of about 50 meters.

Important to remember:

  • In no case should you fly a kite under power lines, near highways and airports, as well as during a storm with thunder and lightning. Even if the place seems perfectly flat and spacious to you, and the wind in a thunderstorm is just perfect for kite flying, such games can be life-threatening.
  • Never fly heavy kites over people or animals. If you lose control, this whole structure with a rigid frame at high speed can fly at a person and cripple him. If you want to play with the kids on the beach by the sea, this is a lightweight paper kite that won't hurt anyone.
  • When flying a kite in sunny weather, use sunglasses. If you get carried away with the game and stare at the sky, you may not notice how the bright sun will harm your eyes.
  • Be sure to protect your hands. Use gloves and reel. In no case do not wind the handrail around your hands. A strong gust of wind can lift the kite up, and the rapidly unwinding thread will burn your skin.

Before sending your kite into the sky, we place it facing us, stand with our backs to the wind and pull the threads. Flying a kite is largely dependent on wind speed. If the wind is strong enough, the kite can be launched directly from the hands, placing it with its nose into the wind and slowly unwinding the rope. If the wind is not very strong, you may need help. Unwind the coil 15-20 meters, pull the thread and ask someone to throw the kite up. It happens that the wind is weak near the ground, but strong enough above. This is evidenced by the swaying tops of the trees. In this case, the kite will fly only at a certain height. But in order to raise it to this height, you will have to run a little against the wind.

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Running for discounts!

If you are not yet familiar with the Fix Price store and its assortment, then it's time to do it! And it’s worth starting with our review - the 20 best toys for children.

The best toys from the Fix Price store

This is a device for storing and accumulating coins, made in the form of a car. The size is small. Great gift for a boy.

Product price: 55 rubles.

Made from wood and polyester. Designed for children from 10 years old who love to collect structures.

Boat size 10 cm.

Product price: 50 rubles.

Boat with an inflatable bottom. Starts mechanically, runs on water. Any kid will be happy with such a gift.

Product price: 55 rubles.

With it, children can create and create whatever they want.

Product price: 50 rubles.

Amazing figurine with movable joints. Aurora can not only move, but even dance!

Product price: 99 rubles.

It will be pleasant to kids who are attracted by something unusual.

It literally flies around the room.

Product price: 50 rubles.

Makes a pleasant sound. It will be interesting for younger children.

Product price: 50 rubles.

What can be more pleasant than to go on a journey on a fun train?

Product price: 99 rubles.

Dreaming of a device that promotes the development of your child's legs? Then the ball pool will be the best option.

Product price: 199 rubles.

One touch is enough and it flies, and also glows at the same time.

A good gift for children of all ages.

Product price: 199 rubles.

Suitable for those who like to play "shops". Young "sellers" and "buyers" will appreciate such a gift.

Product price: 199 rubles.

Perfect for boys who love to play shooters and war games. Now there are no bullets and other small elements that caused concern among parents.

Product price: 199 rubles.

Designed for medium sized dolls. An indispensable thing for playing "daughters-mothers". Any girl will be crazy about such a gift.

Product price: 199 rubles.

Don't know how to entertain your kids on vacation? A water gun will help cheer up any child. It is harmless and not dangerous, so it can be used anywhere.

Product price: 199 rubles.

The perfect gift for toddlers who are just beginning to react to sounds. Great for distracting a crying baby.

It produces a melodic sound, which creates a favorable atmosphere.

Product price: 199 rubles.

The toy can swim, glows underwater. Will be a good gift for kids. They will have something to do while swimming.

Product price: 99 rubles.

Good day!

I recently read a review from the author irecommend about a kite from Aliexpress and I really wanted to fly one with a child, because in my childhood there was no such fun. And just a couple of days later we saw in retail kite in the store fix price in St. Petersburg, without hesitation purchased.

I must say right away that to launch a kite need wind outside. In calm, it doesn’t even make sense to go out with him for a walk.

It is not recommended to fly kites in strong, gusty winds.

Name of product:

    Sport&Fun kite from the store fix price

the size 135*65cm; rope length 30 meters

Price - 99 rubles

Producing country: China

Design options: in the Fix Price store in St. Petersburg I saw lion, bird, plane and dolphin. Daughter loved the lion.

Compound: dacron (190T), fiberglass, polypropylene.

In the characteristics of the snake there is no detailed description how to launch and assemble it, but it is written that shelf-life Unlimited. I laughed at this moment, because even after one run a hole appeared on the snake (the quality is Chinese and that says it all).

In a rustling transparent package, the kite is very reminiscent of an umbrella.

And inside is directly canvas snake with tail and skeleton;

Thread spool and thread itself (leer), in this case fishing line.

The reel is made of cheap plastic, but special cuts are made on it so that the fishing line can be fixed and it does not unwind. It's comfortable!

The fishing line is tied to a special hole on the snake's canvas.

And on the other side of the canvas in special plastic grooves ...

inserted flexible plastic black stick She also comes with the kit.

The kite is assembled. You can run. This does not require special skills, everything is quite simple.

We go out into the open area (in some field).

Handy when flying a kite 2 persons, one initially holds it above his head, and then releases it on a signal, the second person unwinds the fishing line and held the kite in the sky, catches and feels the direction of the wind.

You don’t need to run with a kite, but my daughter really liked this activity, so he didn’t fly with her for long.

Since the fishing line in the set is 30 meters, the kite will be able to climb high enough with a good wind.

Lion superman in yellow pantyhose caused a storm of positive emotions in a child passing by adults, and it was also very interesting for me and my husband to watch how he flies over our heads.

The Chinese believe that soaring in the sky the kite takes away all diseases and hardships with it.