Dynamic, efficient, informative: how to make your own commercial. How to create advertising on the Internet: step by step instructions How to make advertising interesting

You have a product or the ability to provide paid services, but not enough customers. It does not matter where your business is located - in real life or you are going to trade online. You have calculated the cost of traditional advertising and decided to turn to the most technologically advanced and least expensive way to attract a buyer - through the Internet. But how to use the advertising resources of the virtual space? How to attract customers to your website or online store? How to spend as little as possible and get the maximum return in the form of customers who want to view your offers and even take advantage of them. There is no single answer to the question of how to advertise on the Internet. There are many ways to promote a product online. Consider the main ones, with their advantages and disadvantages.

How to advertise online for free - an overview

"Free" - this word attracts beginners like a magnet: not to pay a penny, but to benefit. However, there are opportunities on the Internet. Arm yourself with patience and curiosity. Here are the most common ways:

  • Free message boards like Avito.
  • Social networks.
  • City and thematic forums.
  • Online store catalogs.

Practice mailing promotional offers by e-mail or SMS, participation in online auctions, creating blogs on various free sites, posting photos of the company's team in photo galleries and other tricks. Remember: how to make advertising on the Internet for free, you will learn over time. But the process itself will take a lot of time and effort.

Place ads about goods on a free bulletin board. The main thing is to make simple and accessible descriptions, write in the first person. Look at other people's ads. Which of them affected you more than others that advertise the same products? Look for a chip to grab the attention of the client.

In contact or Odnoklassniki (you can use both social networks), create a group for the store. Post photos of products, descriptions and start actively building relationships with potential buyers. You join other people's groups, offer to join your own. This is where communication skills are needed.

On thematic forums, the main task is to find target audience and, on occasion, unobtrusively throw a link to a "very high-quality and inexpensive product." Such communication is a good training for those who really want to learn how to advertise on the Internet for free on their own.

Register in catalogs for free, post information about your company. Choose among several of the most famous: Yandex.Catalog, Tor100, mail.ru, Rambler and others. Clients don't often look at directories, but there will be a link back to your site. It means something to search engines.

Doing advertising on the Internet for free is not the best choice

Opportunities for free advertising on the Internet are limited. You will attract a certain number of customers, but you should not count on mass visits to the site or calls from buyers. It is not for nothing that paid advertising industries are actively developing in the network. professional. And in this case, with a successful choice of a team of specialists, the profit from visiting the site will be proportional to the investment in its content and promotion.

One of the usual options for advertising for money is the placement of banners on frequently visited pages. Experts say: the chances that someone will click on the banner - 0.5%. However, a potential buyer will subconsciously remember the information from the banner and respond to your trademark with great respect in the future. Today, contextual advertising is recognized as more and more effective. And anyone who wants to know how to advertise an online store cannot do without it.

How to advertise an online store - for those who have serious goals

Contextual advertising attracts customers who are most interested in buying your group's products. It appears on the pages with the results of user queries in search engines. The most famous contextual advertising services are Yandex Direct or Google Adwords.

Someone searches for “buy eau de toilette”, and on the first page of results, a link to your site selling perfume appears. This is contextual advertising for a given keyword or a combination of words that gives an answer to the question of how to make online store advertising the most effective.

In systems that provide contextual advertising, each click on a link is paid. The cost of a click is up to $ 0.3, but the effectiveness of contextual advertising, according to statistics, is up to 20% of visits to the site with proper ad design. Sometimes up to 30%.

How to make online advertising permanent

Contextual advertising and banner placement require costs for the period of each promotion. But there is also a technique that will bring your online store to the top positions in search queries using one-time financial investments. This is site optimization - a whole range of measures that will make your page on the network moreover useful and interesting for users.

Optimization (SEO - website promotion) - strategy. And it is necessary to attract professionals to its implementation. Promotion requires more than just money and time. An online store should become saturated with high-quality content, photos, and have easy navigation. As a result, after thorough work, the site will invariably take top places when searching in Google or Yandex for key queries. And this increased attention of customers and potential buyers.

Beginners should use the tips on how to advertise on the Internet. The choice of priorities is a task that is conditioned by the goals, the availability of money, the scale with which you are going to do business. But those who have eaten the dog on online advertising advise: use different methods, but always think through marketing strategy advertising company. Everything here is like in real life. Then both money and efforts will not be wasted.

Video: How to create effective free online advertisements?

Video: How to advertise in Yandex Direct?

Video: How to advertise in contact?

Before determining the place for delivering motivating information, you need to figure out how to make advertising sell more efficiently. Below we will talk about proven methods that allow entrepreneurs to get maximum results. Let me just say that I am not advertising genius and did not come up with anything myself, these methods have long been invented and have already proven their efficiency!

What are advertisements for?

Advertising as such has been around for hundreds of years. Even in ancient times, people used advertising to attract potential customers, for example, sellers at fairs composed sonorous and funny rhymes to attract the attention of the buyer.

Advertising created for the purpose of demonstration should attract the attention of the client, accustom him to the appearance and sound trademark so that the buyer has an image in his head desired product. This is what the advertising campaigns of most major brands are focused on.

Motivating advertising is aimed at a direct response of the buyer. That is, after watching the video or reading the text, the recipient should have a desire to call and order a product or use a service, etc. It directly depends on the effectiveness of advertising, so do not neglect such a powerful development tool.

What is the difference between bad and good advertising text

At first glance, it seems that writing advertising texts is as easy as shelling pears. But in reality, not everything is so rosy. Take a look around: our world is filled with advertising. Wherever you turn your eyes, you will find examples of advertising texts: on the street, in public transport, in in social networks etc. At the same time, some ads are striking with a juicy headline, while others you didn’t even pay attention to, not to mention the desire to buy something. This is the difference between a good advertising text and a bad and ineffective one.

Bad ads convey dry information about a product or service to you.

For example, « Farming"40 years without a harvest" offers high quality products: meat, dairy products, sausages. There are discounts. Delivery across the city is possible. Phone for inquiries 5-555-555.

This is how almost most commercial ads look like. Agree, not a very attractive offer, despite the fact that there are no doubts about the high quality of the products. This text is rather pale and is lost among the general mass of such ads.

And if you try to slightly change the flow of information?

“Missed the juicy skewers of fresh meat? Wanted a real village milk, like a grandmother? Farm "40 years without a crop" will deliver products highest quality straight to your home! All you have to do is call 5-555-555!”

Well, how? Sounds much better, doesn't it? This ad is sure to grab attention. potential buyer. And if he is not going to immediately dial the number of the company, then at least he will remember its name and when he needs these products, most likely the choice will be in their favor.

In any case, practice is needed and over time you will learn how to write the best advertising texts that will cause the buyer to immediately desire to purchase a product or use a service.

The structure of the selling text

Remember how in school we all wrote essays following a strict plan for constructing a text? Here it is exactly the same, although the structure of the advertising text is somewhat different from the school essay.

Any selling text consists of simple elements:

  • A slogan that can be both at the beginning and at the end of the text;
  • Title (a capacious phrase that attracts attention);
  • Main text (the main element of the text);
  • Echo phrase (the final element of the text).

When writing any text, try to structure it, i.e. break into logical paragraphs, and if necessary, highlight subheadings. All this is necessary to facilitate reading. Agree, because no one is interested in reading huge, boring sentences, the length of a whole paragraph.

When forming sentences into paragraphs, try not to make them too long either. The optimal paragraph size is between 30 and 50 words. Less is not worth it, more is not needed. Approximately every 3-5 paragraphs can be separated by subheadings so as not to tire the reader.

It will not be superfluous to use lists in the text (it can be numbered, or it can be marked). Highlighting information in a list makes it easier to assimilate the information.

Imagine that all the information that you want to present in the text looks like a pyramid. You should give it out, starting from the base, that is, from the most important, gradually moving to the secondary.

Be sure to indicate the company's contacts in the ad, starting with the address and phone number, since they are the main ones (people do not always have the opportunity to use the Internet). It is advisable to leave all contacts and Additional information: email, website address, driving and public transport directions, office hours.

In essence, there is nothing complicated in the structure. The main thing is to choose the right words, because, as you know, the word has tremendous power, and can both hurt and cure.

How to write an advertising text and make it selling

In order to answer the question of how to write sales texts, you need to understand why and for whom you are writing them. And for advertising texts to become really effective, you need to write them correctly. Of course, not everything will work out right away, but with a certain diligence and training, after a while you will be able to write worthy and effective texts. In the meantime, you can use the following algorithm:

Step 1: Decide where to publish the text

Where you are going to place your ad will depend on its size, style, presence or absence of images and videos. Tailor your text to your chosen ad space:

  • As a rule, ads on social networks are limited to one or two sentences, so learn to formulate clear and concise phrases;
  • In a newspaper format, you will most likely already have a paragraph or even a column;
  • For a web page, the volume of texts becomes quite impressive and already amounts to several thousand printed characters.

Be that as it may, any format requires clearly formulated thoughts, specific information and a minimum of unnecessary words.

Step 2: Adjust to the target audience

Think about who your main customers will be. Of course, ideally, write such a text that after reading it, any person would immediately want to buy your product.

However, in real life, it is almost impossible to write a text that would equally attract the attention of both, say, an informal teenager and a literary critic. Since these categories of the population differ in habits, behavior, manner and style of communication, they will be attracted by completely different texts.

Any text can be attributed to one of five styles: scientific, business, journalistic, artistic and colloquial. When writing an advertisement, you should not use the first two, since their effectiveness will be zero. Most texts are written in a colloquial style.

And, conversely, when writing a text for young people, it is worth using a conversational style that is more informal, understandable and enjoyable for children and adolescents.

Step 3: Formulate the title

This stage can be the most difficult in writing advertising text, because an attention-grabbing headline is already half the battle. If the title of your promotional article is vague or uninteresting, the reader will simply pass by without being interested in the product.

Therefore, it is very important to formulate a short and at the same time capacious name. As research in the field of marketing shows, names that have an emotionally negative connotation are more attractive. With this little trick, you can create great headlines and grab the attention of potential customers.

Avoid obvious questions in the title like: “Do you want a new fur coat? ....”. There are millions of such questions in the advertising world, and they are already quite tired of the consumer. Try to come up with intriguing, emotional headlines that will be difficult to pass by.

And so that your shocking, cryptic headline does not look like a lie, it is immediately followed by a sentence-bundle with the main text, which will contain the whole essence of your product or company. This bundle is needed to keep the attention of the buyer, so that he wants to read the text to the end.

Step 4: Make the customer want to buy the product

Here you will need to manipulate the consumer, making him want to buy your product. Make a person think that he will be much better off by getting your product or using your service.

And here, again, you can play on human emotions. Feelings of nostalgia for childhood (“… pancakes like a granny’s…”) or concern for the health of the client (“… it’s easy to quit smoking with our help…”), etc. will serve as excellent tools.

Step 5: Formulate small sentences and capacious phrases

This is how the quality of an advertising article is determined. By framing small, easy-to-understand sentences, arranging them into small paragraphs and paragraphs, you create effective, easy-to-read text. Try to avoid cumbersome compound sentences. After all, if the client loses interest at the very beginning of the message, then the effect of such a text will be zero.

Step 6: Focus on Benefits, Not Comparisons

Many copywriters make a similar mistake: in their advertising texts, they compare a product or service with a similar product of a competitor. It's not exactly efficient. It will be much more useful to talk about the direct benefit that the client acquires by ordering the goods from you.

Step 7: Use feedback from other customers about your products or services

Often a very powerful incentive to buy a product is someone's positive feedback. Therefore, when writing advertising texts, feel free to use this tool to attract customers.

Step 8: Attract Attention With Small Time-limited Bonuses

"Free" bonuses are an integral part of any advertising that has a powerful psychological impact on the consumer. We are all very pleased to receive gifts and bonuses.

Therefore, if your product costs more than 1000 rubles, try to accompany it with free bonuses or small gifts. But only these bonuses should be limited in time. The word "now" has an effect similar to that of a sale, and encourages the customer to purchase a product or service.

As a bonus, you can use something that is not too expensive for you, but useful for the client.

Step 9: Simplified Ordering Procedure

The sequence of actions should be extremely simple and clear: "Make a call right now ..." or "Fill out simple form order...". For a quick order, everything should be as clear and easy as possible.

Models for compiling advertising text

ODP model

It is obviously popular and is suitable for short selling ads of 3-4 sentences.

If the text of your ad is limited and you can't write out the whole offer, then this model will be an effective alternative. This model is ideal for contextual advertising, on bulletin boards, flyers, business cards and so on.

It stands for: restriction / call to action / offer.

offer or offer- it's something profitable proposition which is done to the client. Ideally, it should stand out from competitors' ads, for example, in terms of product features, customer benefits, and unique selling proposition.

Ad example: “Product with a 53% discount”; "3 for the price of 2" and so on.

These are the messages that create instant value for the customer.

Choose your offer that will be most attractive to customers, and also find effective method his reports.

Here are some working examples: “first lesson is free”; "installation is free" and so on.

Deadline or restriction on the purchase of an offer. If its goal is to attract attention, then the restriction motivates the client to buy right now. In other words, its goal is to make sure that a person does not postpone the purchase "for later", but purchases a product, uses the service right now.

The time limit of 2-3 days works very well.

Example: chairs for 99 rubles, only 2 days!

On the Internet, it is much easier to change dates. For offline advertising, this is a bit more complicated, so promotions are often extended to several weeks.

Call to action is an explanation to the client what he needs to do right now to get the result he needs (to buy your product).

Example: buy and get a discount!

Nowadays, due to the large flow of information, a person needs to explain the procedure step by step. You may have noticed how effectively command tone works in communication.

By ordering "come here", "do this", and you will see that people willingly obey, because they do not need to fill their heads with a bunch of secondary things. They will gladly shift the responsibility of making the decision to you.

Advertising is exactly the case when the client absolutely does not care. He needs a solution to some problem, and you must provide it, explain what needs to be done to get it. Make it easy for your customers, tell them how easy it will be to cooperate with you.

AIDA Model

If you have a need to write a sales text or letter, then use this model. This is a way of writing a selling advertising text, based on certain test criteria that affect potential client.

Attraction - attracting attention, must be implemented in the first part of the text. Your goal is to "hook" the attention of the client. the best way will become a flashy headline, a catchily formulated offer.

Examples: secret ways…; what they are silent about ... and so on.

In the first paragraph, you motivate to continue reading the text, revealing some secrets, creating a kind of “trailer” to the text. So do many media.

Interest - interest. You need to generate an interest in your product in a potential client. Well describe the prospects for using your products and Negative consequences in the event that he tries to do without it.

Be sure to describe the benefits of buying your products in this part of the text. It is known that people do not shop for a drill, they need even holes. Describe the possibilities and prospects of the client if he will make holes in the wall with your drills!

Deadline - deadline. We have already noted that this is a limitation. You artificially create a lack of supply, a buying rush for your products. Most often this is a time limit or a quantity of goods.

Since you have the opportunity to write a detailed text, describe the reasons for the restrictions. Tell the customer why there is a shortage of goods, why time is so limited, and so on.

Action - action. What does a person need to do to buy your product right now or get the result in the same minute?

It's great if you give customers a choice.

According to this model, your actions should follow the following sequence:

  1. drawing attention to your product;
  2. arousing interest, desire to buy your product;
  3. setting restrictions at the peak of desire so that a person wants to make a purchase now;
  4. explaining to the potential customer what he needs to do to get the product right now.

A striking example of the work of such a model is the TV show "Shop on the couch."

This model will become effective for online stores, websites, etc.

CEVD model

It involves the impact on the emotional component of a potential client. This model will work both on paper and verbally.

According to this model, you will need to sell to the right side of the potential buyer's brain. Such advertising is good because emotions are determined by the right hemisphere of the brain, which you will influence.

Let's decipher the abbreviation TsEVD.

The goal is a preparatory stage. You choose what goal you are pursuing, what you will describe to a potential client, formulate the final result to which you are trying to lead the client. Formulate a clear goal for yourself, what you want, what result you want to achieve, what the client should do, etc.

Emotions are preparation. You must determine the emotion that will sell the product. Emotionally describe all the benefits that the client will receive, be sure to tell about the process of manufacturing and using the product.

It must be understood that the number of basic emotions is extremely limited. Focus on fear, love, superiority, power, greed, pride.

After setting a goal, establishing the desired emotion and describing your benefits, you can move on to the next, practical, stage.

Visualization. At this stage, you need to draw a certain picture that will evoke the required emotion and at its peak you will only have to complete the transaction.

In the picture you create, the world of a potential client should be comfortable, warm from your offer (goods, services). Convince the person that he will get all the benefits that the product provides.

The next paragraph will be final. It's about action. At the peak of emotions, you give a person specific instructions, that is, his strategy for acquiring a product right now.

This model is similar to the AIDA model. It differs only in the bias towards emotions and the appeal to them.

The sequence of your actions when using this model:

  1. goal setting (headline and first paragraph setting the goal);
  2. determination of the desired emotion (the key emotion is described);
  3. visualization (describes the benefits of the product);
  4. action (describes the actions of the client to purchase a product or service).

Model PPHS

This model was known even in the time of Socrates. It is relevant and effective today. This method of advertising is especially good when a potential client hesitates for a long time and cannot make a decision. Experts say that PPHS will be more understandable for start-up entrepreneurs who decide to realize themselves in the field of buying / selling.

Consider the features of using this model.

"Pain" or pain. You will need to describe in all colors the trouble, the problem of a potential client, which your product will allow you to get rid of.

"Pain More" or more "pain". You amplify the problem, that is, you tell what will happen if this problem is not eliminated right now.

Nore or hope. At the peak of the described problem, you need to give a potential client a solution - your product (service).

"Solve" or solution. Now you must sell the solution to the problem, specifically describe the benefits, pluses of the offer, as well as how to acquire it.

So do many sites selling something for weight loss.

Writing sales messages is an exciting, creative process that can be improved endlessly. Creating a special reality, working with emotions and associations, motivation - all these are just some of the features of the advertising text that a skilled author uses to achieve a certain result.

Use only reliable information. Using unverified or deliberately false information, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation, so check your texts carefully every time.

More specifics, less water. Using general phrases in the text, you scare off a potential client, because he does not have a feeling of the veracity of the information. It is best to use specific numbers and data - such a text will cause more consumer confidence.

Use personal information. Often the consumer identifies himself with the hero of advertising. This technique has been quite actively used for a long time, which led to a glut of the advertising sector with the same ads in the first person.

Decorate texts with adjectives and adverbs. There is a fairly widespread opinion that when choosing a product, the consumer is guided only by logic. This is not true. People are very emotional creatures. Emotions influence our behavior and actions. And the success or failure of an advertising campaign will depend on what emotions a person experiences while reading your advertising text.

To begin with, you can create a rational core of the text, and then breathe into it emotions and colorful descriptions of the buyer's life with your beautiful product. Try to use bright emotions to attract the attention of the buyer and make him buy your product. Use living language, not just dry presentation of information.

An indispensable guarantee of product quality. Any customer who has doubts about the purchase will become much more confident if he has at least a hypothetical possibility of returning the goods. By guaranteeing the quality of your product, you dispel the fears and doubts of your client, thereby gaining his trust.


  • The advertising text should be bright, clear, bold, filled with emotions and attractive to the consumer;
  • It should not contain unnecessary information and, moreover, lies;
  • It should have clear goals (motivation to buy a product, use a service, watch a movie, etc.);
  • The text should be as informative as possible, as well as beautiful and understandable for the target audience.

You can find examples of selling texts anywhere - just open several online shopping sites, or better. What texts caught your attention and why? What is special about them? What did you like and what not? By answering the questions and reading this article, you will get a little closer to answering the question of how to write advertising texts that will help in.

In conclusion, I want to say that these models of writing an advertising text are not a panacea, you can come up with something of your own, add, mix, but the main thing is not to overdo it. But the main thing is to know that the above has already been tested on many and shows good results! And one last piece of advice… Check your texts before launching them to the masses. Let your colleagues, friends, acquaintances, etc. read them. If they are interested in your product or service after reading, then the text is more likely to succeed. Something like that.

Ask your questions in the comments, share your ideas and let's discuss! And most importantly, provide your services with high quality and sell only the necessary and high-quality goods, then it will be much easier to sell.

There are no budgets, but you need to sell somehow - a typical situation for beginner Internet entrepreneurs. At one time I lived without money for a very long time, so I was forced to master all the wisdom of free advertising. And here I will show you 5 options for how you can advertise on the Internet for free yourself. The good news is it's actually real.

#1 – Basic Free Online Advertising Option

I can tell you from my own experience that nothing is completely free in this world. In any case, we will pay for everything we want to receive. The only question is, what exactly are we going to pay - money or something else?

I already somehow gave my “alchemical formula” for creating resources. And here I will repeat it again.

We have only 3 main resources:

  1. Time
  2. Money

And absolutely each of us has limited these resources (even Rockefeller's granddaughter, and even Apple). To get any of the resources listed above, we will have to add together the remaining two and invest with them.

That is, if you do not have money (and you want to have it), then you will have to pay for it with your time and effort. And it's the same with online advertising.

A scary word with the letter C ....

There are several basic ways to advertise something for free on the Internet. The first and main option is simple SPAM.

If we talk about SPAM, then it also happens different types. You can send mailings to email databases, or spam links to your resources in the comments of promoted blogs, or do the same in numerous VKontakte groups.

One of the definitions of SPAM is that you stick your ads where they don't ask you to. That is, the moderators of these sites will make every effort to remove all your links, and ban you yourself.

Personally, I do not blame you, because, to be honest, we all spam at least once in our lives. I even detailed it here (opens in a new tab). But people who even see your sponsored links and follow them to your sites will convert very poorly.

That is, you will need at least 10-20 times more traffic to earn the same money than if you worked through, say, regular legal advertising sources. And this, accordingly, leads to the fact that you will have to go even more to sites and VKontakte groups, posting your links.

Or create another hundred fake VKontakte pages and send invitations and offers from them.

Semi-legal spam method through VKontakte

By the way, at the expense of mailing VKontakte. Now such a free advertising option as “friending” is still working. This is when you design your VKontakte page for the sale of some product or service, and then just start adding friends to everyone in a row.

Your new “friends” will go to your page to find out who sent them an application and (what the hell is not joking) one of them may someday buy your product. This lesson is also very laborious, given all the restrictions and protection mechanisms that VKontakte introduced.

I remember doing this kind of black friending in 2009, when I was just starting to make money on the Internet. Life was easier then, VKontakte was younger and kinder, but still, it took a lot of strength.

I have to say that these free self-advertising methods…really work. Bad, crooked, difficult, long, but they work. Therefore, if your budgets are not very good yet, spam is a good option (let's not be such moralists).

And now let me tell you a terrible secret - how today young businesses and entrepreneurs without money become super-mega popular literally overnight.

#2 - How do businesses “shoot” without money today

There is one interesting way to quickly and for free advertise on the Internet so that absolutely everyone knows about you (and loves you). This method will also require some investment of time and effort from you. And again, we are essentially talking about friending.

Only this is a completely different frending. It goes something like this - you make friends with someone who is already known and popular in your market, and then after a while he promotes you through his resources.

That is, we are talking about the so-called networking. Personally, I never liked or knew how to do such things, but you may well succeed. For such networking, you need to have a certain set of qualities - sociability, willingness to please and admire, the ability to constantly gently remind yourself of yourself, and others.

How to meet VIPs

Of course, all famous and popular people are under constant pressure in the form of requests to give money for some ingenious product, or to become a partner in some project that will make it rich in the future. If you write to someone famous with a request “don’t teach me how to live, it’s better to help financially,” then you will simply be ignored.

You must first get acquainted with the chosen object, then make friends with him, and only then after a while it will come to partnerships. BUT big man it is worth saying only one word, at least briefly mentioning you somewhere in an article or in an interview - and you will already take off from dirt to riches.

I would recommend that you first praise the services or goods of some famous person. It may seem strange to you, but they really really like it when they are praised and when they are thanked (if you knew how much dirt and criticism pours on them every day). Therefore, your video review or thank-you article about them will probably be reprinted on their resources.

And then - develop success. Find how you could be useful to a person with a name, never ask him for anything, give him the opportunity to talk with you about what he is interested in. Well, it's not for me to teach you how to win friends and influence people.

And after some time, your new big friend will offer you some partnership options. And then you are on a horse. The only disadvantage of this method of free advertising is the instability of your position. It is enough for a well-known partner to say one word to elevate you, and one word will also be enough to “drop” you.

Therefore, you will always have to be very careful not to offend him in any way, and so that no one more nimble comes to your place. All this will severely limit your freedom. That's why I never used these methods.

Moreover, there is another option - completely free, absolutely legal, and 100% reliable.

#3 - Most Effective Free Online Advertising Method

If we continue talking about recommendations, then there are two authorities in Runet that can give you a lot of constant and hot traffic to your sales pages. These guys are called Yasha and Gosha (i.e. Yandex and Google). They compare favorably with other authorities in that they recommend you for specific merits, and not for the ability to “make acquaintances”.

To get their recommendations, you just need to make a website and fill it with useful content on the topic of your product. Then the search engines will bring your articles to the TOP, and you will begin to receive a stream of visitors every day, who will then become your customers.

Of course, in words it sounds easier than in reality. But in fact, there is nothing complicated here. The trick is to constantly give people useful and interesting content. The promotion of a young site takes from 6 months of pure time. A good promotion can take 2-3 years.

Yes, as you can see, here you also need to invest time and effort (everything is according to our “alchemical formula”). But unlike other free methods, this advertising option will certainly work. And it's also nice that this is a constant source of traffic (as opposed to the same SPAM, for example, which you have to deal with every day).

Personally, I like this option the most. But suddenly you do not like to write articles, or are you naturally so lazy that you want both for free and to do nothing yourself? Congratulations, there is a way.

#4 - Free Third Party Advertising

Imagine how great it would be if hundreds of people in all corners of the Internet were promoting your products and services every day, and at that time you would calmly lie on the couch and drink cocktails.

Surprisingly, but it is really possible to organize work in this way. It's called simply "affiliate program". Of course, no one will promote you for free, but you will pay your partners only upon the fact of the sales made.

No sales, no money. Someone brought you a client - you pay him an honest percentage of the purchase amount. This promotion option is very indicated for all novice Internet entrepreneurs (and not beginners either).

In Runet there are many half-starved specialists in various areas of marketing - contextual advertising, target vkontakte, SEO, youtube and others. They are half-starved because they do not have their own products to sell. And they are constantly on the lookout for some really good affiliate program where they can direct their traffic.

And if you give them one affiliate program, then they will love you, and will make a lot of efforts to ensure that you are happy.

This method also has its own difficulties, of course. The first difficulty is that you need to build . Partners, of course, are ready to drive traffic to you, but only if sales are made from it (and they make money). If there are no sales, they will quickly forget about you and switch to others.

The second difficulty is the need to motivate partners to work all the time. People they are knowledgeable and able, but a little lazy. They need to be constantly given some kind of incentive. For example, to hold contests, distribute prizes to the best partners, set higher commissions for those who sell more.

Yes, and the affiliate program itself also needs to be promoted somehow, so that more and more people with new traffic come to you. As an option, you can make a two-level affiliate program. This is when partners advertise your own affiliate program, and then receive commissions not only from their sales, but also from the sales of those partners whom they attracted “for themselves”.

Technically, you can organize an affiliate program through various services. For example, I use the service because it is best suited for electronic products.

And finally, let's talk about how to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars.

#5 – How to do online advertising for free for a million dollars

In the end, I want to reveal the most terrible "secret secret" about advertising on the Internet. If you want to make money online, then the main thing is not to make ads for free. The main thing is to make sure that your advertising is profitable.

Tell me, is spending a million dollars on advertising expensive or not? You just don't say it. The question is whether this advertising will be profitable or not. Spending a hundred rubles and earning zero is unprofitable, and therefore too expensive. And spending a million and earning ten is profitable, which means it’s completely inexpensive.

And you, too, can spend any money you want, only if you have it set up (by the way, the same requirement applies to the previous paragraph about affiliate programs).

I hope this article was helpful to you. Bookmark it and share it with your friends. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

An advertising product is created in several stages. At the first stage, the idea of ​​the message is thought over and formed. At the second stage, compositional selection takes place (in other words, all variants of the message are considered). The third stage involves determining the content, shape, color, structure, background and manufacturing technology of the product.

Stages of creating an advertisement

  • Choice of key idea.
  • Composition of the text.
  • Search for visual means and creation of the original layout.

Each stage of this process deserves separate consideration. So, let's start by looking for an idea.

How to find advertising ideas

At the heart of the creativity of the team of advertisers are quite prosaic, precisely formulated proposals. They are formed on the basis of market research and are directly related to technical specifications product. These suggestions are necessary for the creative team to choose from a variety of ideas the one that will perfectly match the needs.

The challenge for advertisers at this stage is to shape the unique selling proposition, or USP, into the right shape. USP is addressed to the consumer. It is designed to interest him and cause a desire to purchase a product. Ideally, the USP contains information about the benefits of the product and a strong case for buying it. Its content and form should in no way resemble competitors' advertisements. To correctly formulate a USP, you need not only to study the product, but also to find out what consumers think about it. The formulation of the USP and the search for the idea behind advertising are, in fact, the same thing.

After analyzing all the technical information, the creative team proceeds to develop the ideological content. Here's how it goes:

  • Numerous variants of the main idea are considered.
  • Of these, the brightest and most adequate is selected.
  • An idea develops by modifying it and combining it with others.

There are several ways to organize the work of a creative team. Each of them is based on a certain concept of thinking. Among these concepts, the most popular are:

  1. 1. heuristic. An advertising specialist sets himself a certain task and determines the most significant product characteristics for solving it. Most often, a situation is modeled that requires the use of a particular product. The advertiser focuses on the benefits of its use and pays due attention to the characters of the advertising message.
  2. 2. Brainstorming concept. It is used in a creative group consisting of several specialists. A unique feature of brainstorming is that during the development of an idea, none of the creative proposals is criticized. The ideas put forward are not evaluated from the standpoint of logic and common sense. Brainstorm allows you to get a large number of different ideas in a short time.
  3. 3. synectic concept. In this case, advertisers discuss and improve a single idea that meets all the requirements for it.

Drafting of advertising text

The text of the advertising message includes the most important arguments that encourage the consumer to make a purchase / use the service. The script of the video is based on the advertising text (if we are talking about radio or television). Sometimes write long advertising text much easier than short and expressive. The amount of text depends on the purpose of the particular advertisement and the characteristics of the product to be mentioned. So, if the advertised product is a complex mechanism (for example, a car), the text can be quite long and informative.

To compose effective ad, the creative team thoroughly studies the features of the product to be promoted, analyzes previous advertising campaigns dedicated to it, and collects consumer feedback.

  • Do not overload its content.
  • Use facts and details, avoid abstractions.
  • Point out the advantages and unique features of the product.
  • Provide several options for implementing the idea.
  • Trademark reference.
  • Listing of benefits.
  • Call to action (purchase).

The ad is required to be informative. All advertising campaign should be solved in the same style.

Creating an original layout

Experts pay special attention to drawing up the original layout, because it combines all the functional details of the message. Graphic content (illustrations and photos) is combined with the text. There is a choice of fonts and colors. The more organically connected with each other all the elements, the more expressive the final result.

An important role in the advertising message is played by the visual component. It is based on illustrations and photos, which are complemented by fonts and color. Composition is just as important. Competently constructed, it contributes to the expressiveness of the finished “picture”.

It is known that in terms of its impact on the consumer, color advertising does not differ from black and white. The choice of color scheme is dictated by the style of a particular advertising campaign.

The video or ad must necessarily feature products of a certain brand (more precisely, their images). Attributes of the manufacturing company, on the contrary, are not always shown. However, if the ad uses a related product strategy, the manufacturer is mentioned.

It is important to understand that the consumer expects maximum accessibility and unambiguity from the advertising message. No matter how creative and original it may be, it is always based on the characteristics and benefits of a particular product.

How to make advertising so that it arouses interest? How to create the most effective advertising for your product or service? It is important to understand that "working" advertising always consists of the same elements, the presence of which is a guarantee of the success of advertising.

No matter how creative you are, if the required key elements are not used when creating an advertisement, the advertisement will be ineffective.

1. Title.
2. "Buttons".
3. Pictures.
4. The value of the service.
5. Availability.

"Buttons". A button is what causes a desired reaction in a person. For example, quite often on product packaging you can see the inscriptions “Does not contain preservatives and dyes!” or "100% quality!".

To find out the "buttons", you can conduct a survey among the buyers of your products (services), in order to find out what they are not satisfied with in similar products from other manufacturers, or, on the contrary, what they would like to see most in these products.

In other words, it is necessary to find out both the negative factors that impede sales, and the positive ones that "cling" the client to the quick and increase demand. Both positive and negative factors can be effectively used in advertising. It is only important to think in advance: what kind of reaction do you want to get from your advertising? Do you want to hurt the client for a "sore spot" or, on the contrary, cause him a slight euphoria with a reminder of his innermost dream?

For example, it may be the disagreement of buyers with the fact that, in general, the products on store shelves are not natural. Or, if we advertise holidays in hot countries, then the reaction may be such that a person wants to “turn off and get into a fairy tale for at least a week.”

The main thing is that the “buttons” should be located as close as possible to the heading, that is, be at the beginning of the advertisement in order to immediately catch the eye.

The quickest and easiest way to identify "buttons" is to survey a few dozen of your customers. For example, you are going to produce sausage. Questions will sound like this:

1. What quality of sausage do you value the most?
2. What do you dislike the most about the purchased sausage?
3. What would you pay attention to first of all when choosing a sausage?

Pictures. Surprisingly, but all people love pictures, regardless of age. It is no coincidence that there is a saying: “It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.” It is easier for a person to form an idea about an object when he sees it than when he reads about how this object looks. If the picture is used in conjunction with the "button", then the "button" itself will work twice as powerful.

Image selection is difficult. marketing work when each picture conveys a certain idea, message, causes a reaction, emotion and works in harmony with all other elements.

Service value. At this stage, we are faced with the goal of showing the client all the possible value of the product / service. And here it is important to talk about what will really make sense for your client (surveys will also help with this). This point shows the client what he will get if he buys, how his life will change after that, what benefits he will gain, and in general how important it is to buy your product / service after all.

Here you must show that your company offers a "solution to his problems." Note that in the buttons you could show that the client has problems in some area, but here you show that you have solutions to these problems.

You can also use catchy phrases and pictures to convey to the client the full value of the proposed product. If we consider the example of the promotion of sausage on the market, then opposite the advantages of the advertised sausage - "Without the addition of dyes, flavors and harmful preservatives" and "Nutritious for the whole family", we could place a picture of a happy family with children having lunch.

Attention! To show the value of your services, it is imperative to constantly collect and then demonstrate in advertising companies testimonials from satisfied customers, testimonials and letters of recommendation.

Availability product or service. Up to this point, the customer should already WANT TO BUY. Therefore, at this stage, you must show how easy it is for the customer to purchase your product.

These can be addresses that show that the product is sold in any store in the network, or that you just need to make a phone call and the goods will be delivered. If the price of a good (service) is also publicly available, then it is worth highlighting it.

This could be a location map to your office, an indication that orders can be placed around the clock, or a note about free shipping products to any part of the city. Here, your main goal is to show the customer that the product is EASY to get.

In conclusion, we can only repeat that effective advertising should include not a couple of the listed elements, but all five - only then it will give the expected result.